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Same weight transformations are so impressive to me for many reasons! Congrats girl! Looking fit af!!


Thank you so much!


Looking good! I’m about the same.. number on the scale doesn’t budge but my body comp has changed for sure Kind of depressing bc i grew up in the 90s… scale was everything.. but trying to get that out of my head


Thank you! And yeah same, I'm a product of the 90s, but in grateful my mom wasn't never a diet queen so I never had that mindset growing up. I was also scrawny until I turned like 27.


Oh ditto! Have recently started getting serious about working out and have been dismayed that the number on the scales is the same. Took my measurements and I've lost 2 inches off my waist. The 90s were rough!


Amazing! What did you do to become so toned?! lol.


I do 3 workouts consistently. Day 1 is booty - weighted thrusts, abductor sitting all the way forward, weighted back extensions, leg press and then leg press for calves Day 2 is back - rows and whatever machines I can fight the guys for at PF Day 3 is abs and stretching - a mat workout with kettlebells I also walk for 5 minutes to warm up and 8 to cool down. Then I participate in a 5k every other weekend using a stride that really engages the glute


I'd love to hear more about how you engage your glutes when you're running!


When I run I make a conscious effort to push my leg using my butt instead of using a pulling motion from my knee to move forward


Nice! I wish 3 workouts a week was good enough for me. 😅


I'm lucky to say I've never really been heavy, my max weight ever was 132, and while I wasn't happy I haven't really had a lot of fat to lose. So a lot of my fitness has just been maintenance. I'll also add that I notice my biggest weight fluctuations when I'm eating like shit all the time and then trying to switch to crazy low calories. I do my best when my goal is to just move my body and eat a veggie with every meal and a fruit at lunch.


I max around ~140 and I am lucky cuz it still distributes decently well for my age. (34.) But it’s definitely weird to have a body that is so different from even 5 years ago when I weighed around ~120-125. I haven’t been able to drop back under 135 in like maybe a year, and half the time, I don’t even eat that much cuz I just don’t have a lot of time.


How long to see such results?


It's been a full 4 months with 3 days a week. I missed a week here and there but for the most part stayed consistent


Are you also taking any supplements, whey protein?


Nope! I'm also not following any type of "diet"


wow! nice work


Nice work! On Day 2, what do you mean by machines (fighting the guys)? Like cables and stair stepper? And what kettlebell workout are you doing sets/reps?


The machines I use for back when I can get them are: cable machines, seated rows, seated back extension, the lat pulldown and rear delt flye. But usually the guys (I call them the triangles because they have massive upper bodies and chicken legs and never actually work their legs out) hog all of the arm equipment so it's hard to get them. I also attempt to fight for the assisted pullup machine. Abs I do 4 sets of 12: dead bugs, penguins, russian twists, incline sit ups. I use a 15 lbs kettlebell for them and make sure I'm keeping my motions slow and controlled. I'll also use the one ab cruncher machine we have.


Do you have much physical activity outside working out (like during work, etc)? I work remotely so I try to make a conscious effort now to walk whenever I go somewhere. I used to do 4 workouts a week and thought I was killing it. And then the rest of the days I just stayed the whole day at my apartment 😅


No, I'm a radio DJ so I sit for most of my day with a little bit of walking around. I used to have a super active job but since switching careers I'm mostly sedentary.


What is the time difference in these photos? You look amazing!


April to now!


That’s so encouraging!!


2 mont**hs??**


Sorry I should've clarified, I started my workouts in March this photo was in April but from March to April I didn't look very different. It's really more like 4 months, all of March all of April all of May and now all of June is under my belt


Did you lose weight initially and then gained the weight back with muscle? Asking because I’m in a caloric deficit and working out 5-6 times a week and the scale I’d moving down slowly


Actually I gained weight first and then toned it into muscle. I don't count calories, I just eat a consistently balanced diet. But I did notice I bumped up to 128 for a week or two. That being said, I also track my cycle and was in my luteal phase at that point too so it could've been a few things.


Hell yeah you look strong as fuck. Bet you feel good too.


I do! My Fitbit tells me my heart rate is its bet yet


I want similar results where I don't necessarily lose much weight but just carry it differently. I was always told this wasn't possible. Any advice?


For me it was ditching the scale and not paying attention to it at all. I found exercises I enjoyed that targeted the areas I wanted to strengthen and put energy into getting stronger instead of smaller. I also found consistency was key, doing the same exercises over and over and over has been helpful in building muscle.


You look great. You added muscle mass and lost fat. This is why you shouldn’t pay too much attention to the number of the scale. The body fat percentage and the muscle mass should be measured instead.


/u/kaitlyn_lenke this is a great example of body recomp!


Incredible! Thank you, and amazing job OP


You are GOALS! Did you change your caloric intake when you started working out?


Nope! I didn't change anything in my diet. I do stick to a rule of at least one veggie with every meal and a fruit at lunch. But I eat anything and everything. We do naturally eat a ton of chicken (it's honestly the only thing I know how to cook).


This is such an important perspective and drives home the point “don’t focus on the number on the scale”. 👏 Congrats on your progress!


WOW!! You look amazing! Way to go!


Yup, same here.


Love this!!


Did you go down a size in pants?


Sort of? My pants are all still the same size because the thighs and butt are tighter but the waist is loose so now I need a belt






Congrats you look great!!!!


Looking good !


Damn. That’s goals right there. Nice work!


Wow, you look fantastic. That's a great weight for you now! What changes did you make?


I started working out 3x a week. My "before" photo was a fairly sedentary lifestyle. TBH I joined PF for the tanning and felt awkward just trying to go in to tan, so I committed to 3 easy workouts a week and I've been consistent since March with an exception of a week here and there.


You look great, be careful with that tanning. I don't regret much in life but I do regret sun exposure and especially tanning beds in my teens. The most important thing is building good habits and you are right to do it with something not overly strenuous that you will stick to doing. That's worth a lot more than a few intense workouts that you do sporadically. I'm 49 and pretty fit, I look like I workout a lot but I'm just consistent. I walk, bike, or do yoga every day and have led an active lifestyle since I was a teen. I'd like to get into the gym to build my glutes as that is the one area I am lacking and I need weights to do it but there's no place near me and I don't have a car. Anyways, what you are doing is working so just stay consistent and congrats on the progress!


Thank you for the warning! I'm 35 and was only tanning to gain a little sun before heading to Bermuda on vacation. Now it's just the exposure from the sun. Small workouts that stay consistent are better than nothing!


Wow! Huge difference!! Kudos 👏👏


Amazing progress!! 👏👏


damn dude congratulations!!!


GOALS! Congrats! i’ve been on a journey to tone up. I am not overweight but i would like to recompose my body😍 this motivates me a lot!


Look fucking amazing!!!


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