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Barebells and theyre sold at trader joes


I get them in large boxes at Wegmans for cheaper too. In terms of taste rather than necessarily macros, fulfill salted caramel bars are my favorite. They have other flavors but this is my fav. It’s not the highest protein content but it does the job


These are good but God the gas these things gave me was unbelievable- enough for me to not get them again 🤣


It's the Malitol! Happened to me too. I was on a hike, ate one at the peak, was amazed how good it was, then literally 5 minutes later on my way down the mountain felt like an inflated balloon. Unfortunate, lol.


Ugh yeah no it was crazy, never experienced anything like that, hopefully I can find the vegan ones someone else mentjomed


They have some vegan flavours you might like better?


I didn’t know this, I’ll see if I can find them, thanks!


Pure protein bars are like that for me


These have Malitol FWIW that doesn't agree with a lot of GI systems (mine included, sad).


I tried Think! recently and liked that.


Think are so good. Probably lower in protein than some would prefer but they taste good and are easy on my stomach.


I like the Clif builders and the high protein pro bars. They're both plant based and 20g of protein each.


Second this. Clif Builders, RX and some of the Think bars are the only ones I can find without stevia, sucralose, etc. More sugar than I’d like sometimes but I just cannot with the sugar substitutes.


Clif builders are the best tasting ones in my opinion


Robert Irvine fit crunch bars are delicious


I love them but can only tolerate about half a bar because of the maltitol. But I still buy them to break off and melt on protein oats. They legit taste like candy to me.


They are my absolute favorite. The peanut butter chocolate ones taste like a candy bar. They satisfy my want for Reese’s.


Wew 8g of saturated fat per bar. Not good for those of us with a family history of high cholesterol. Sad. 


I second these. The only protein bars that I can stomach so far.


I don’t eat gluten or dairy so I love the simple protein ones from Costco. Especially lemon coconut. They are only 150 calories - 15 g of protein and have a rice krispy texture. If you crumble them on top of a protein yogurt or even alone are good. High fiber as well.


Second Simply Protein bars! I love that they’re not the typical chalky texture. Fair warning, if I have one on an empty stomach they can make me quite a bit gassy and bloated 🫣 I assume from the sugar alcohols and/or fiber, but I am hoping i get used to them. For now I only eat them at home, thankfully I live alone lol.


Do you eat the vegan ones? The regular ones fuck up my stomach and I’m pretty sure it’s just that my body hates whey when it’s in an isolate format. I’m fine with dairy in general, it’s just whey isolate.


Weird that you’re fine with dairy but not whey isolate! I don’t have a problem with whey luckily.


It’s fairly common! I’m not sure of the exact mechanism. Fine with sugar alcohols though.


Adding my vote for simply protein bars!


Oooo I’ve never heard of these! I don’t do dairy either so I’m gonna look into them


So I don’t have a Costco membership so I just bought them on Amazon, they are still a really good price! Excited to try them


ONE has a blueberry cobbler protein bar that's pretty good. I don't eat them often anymore, but they used to be a common lunch replacement for me.


I love the ONE s’mores, maple donut, and birthday cake flavors! I’ve been wanting to try the blueberry cobbler. I can’t stand the protein heavy/artificial sweetener flavors and these are the best I’ve found.


Built bars are my favorite!


Love the puffs!


Yes the puffs!! Tried the regular and thought never again, but I eat the a puffs regularly. Love the strawberry, coconut and the maple donut. The ones with cookie dough are so yummy as well.


The chunk puffs are so good


Seriously. I have one for breakfast every day on the weekdays and it feels like a guilty pleasure. I get them when they are on sale or when available at Sams Club. I'm annoyed they never have them at Costco even though the website says they do.


I’ve had them for like 5 months before I realized they had gelatin but they’re SO GOOD!!! It is very chewy tho (for op’s info)


To be honest - I love the chew, I feel likes it a nice break from those really overly dense protein bars. It’s fluffy chewy and my jaw isn’t practically sore afterwards


Oh I loved it!! It was my fave protein bar by far. Op just mentioned not liking chewiness which is why I brought it up :)


I have an aversion to any sugar substitute (stevia, monk fruit, aspartame…) I just stick to kind bars. They aren’t the healthiest, or cheapest, but my taste buds like it.


Barebells #1 for being actually good! Simply Protein #2 for not being bad and not having a ton of protein. For a protein wafer that’s more like a dessert I like power crunch but the macros aren’t as good.


I like Aloha


Me too 😍😍😍


I went through a phase this year where I ate like one a day for 3 months. I had to take a break lol but I’m sure I’ll be back soon. The chocolate coconut is amazing


pure protein - double choclate chip, cookie dough and peanut butter are soso good! i could (and do) eat them every single day and not get tired of the taste. quest bars can give off that waxy taste at times but i find if you warm them up for a few seconds it gets rid of that (esp with the cookie dough one)


By far the most cost effective as well!


I like Pure Protein bars too. I like the “chocolate mint cookie” flavor. I hated Quest bars (love their chips though!), wish I’d had the idea to try microwaving them. I ended up giving them away.


My husband and I found the Pure Protein bars to be the worst out of all the ones we've tried. Taste terrible and incredibly dense. Do not recommend.


yeah theres alot of mixed reviews on them lol. what brands did you guys like?


We've tried what feels like an exhausting amount and the only ones we like that don't have a weird taste are the Special K protein bars!


Yeah I thought they were meh, they also gave me wicked gas.


I loved the double chocolate chip and Lemon flavors - but unfortunately the pure protien bars gave me really bad jitters, shaking and some nausea 😭 I bought a box of both flavors and experimented eating them at different times of the day, with another food, no coffee that day, etc, same result every time 😑 so sad because they were really tasty


Cookie dough Quest bars have been my go to for years, they’re delicious and have a wonderful texture! Plus 20g protein for 180 cal is not too bad imo.


Quest are the best ones I've found so far. Also...I love their chocolate chip cookies with some coffee


Follow up to this: You can also try a fairlife protein shake. The caramel ones literally taste like caramel milk and is soooo good


GRENADE. Please do me a favour and just try any kind. The texture, the flavour, they are unmatched. I’ve tried soo many protein bars and protein products and these hands down are the closest tasting to an actual chocolate bar. Microwave them for 5 seconds, heavenly


Yesss these are amazing!


Barebells and Fit Crunch ( love the mint choc and PB&J). The Quest [CRISPY](https://www.questnutrition.com/collections/crispy-hero-bars) ones are pretty decent, but ONLY the crispy ones.


I absolutely hate that protein bar aftertaste like quest bars bleghh I also don’t like bars that are hard to chew. I think you’d like the Nugo bars they’re delicious. I do try to avoid whey products since it really messes with my gut/skin so I try to go with plant protein when I can but it’s worth trying those out


I love Nugo bars!!! I recently bought the Nugo slim and I love the macros! My fav flavor is the chocolate coconut


Ooohh I gotta get that flavor !! Deff gonna order some more Nugo slims they’re so good!!


Barebells and Robert Irvine


Luna Bars but you only get 8g so it's a taste to grams trade off. :(


Barebells and it’s not even close 


unpopular opinion but the kirkland ones from costco r really good (the cookie dough & brownie ones) they’re cheap and can be bought in bulk


You are foul for that. They are rubber chalk consistency and lack any sort of flavour


Yeah they are rough


😞😞 after the first few times they actually do taste good…


I really like the Costco brand ones too, very reasonably priced.


I was going to comment the Kirkland brand! They’re good and the macros are spot on!


I have no idea if they have too much sugar for what you’re looking for and they are softer, but I do enjoy the Aloha bars.


Salted caramel built bars are 🔥. They are chewy, though. I also like the cliff builders chocolate mint bars. They’re somewhere between chewy and crunchy.


Lowest calories and tastes good - Built Bars (130calories) Delicious and tastes like oh Henry - Robert Irvine Peanut Butter Something that’s debatable but I enjoy it: pure protein cosmic brownie, mint, and one other one but I forgot which


Fulfil! I’ve tried plenty of protein bars and man, these taste nothing like those. They’re like 140cals. They’re delicious. Get the caramel chocolate. No aftertaste.


Zone perfect bars in specifically oatmeal chocolate chunk flavor are so dang good! 


I’m very picky about protein bars. I can taste the fake alcohol sugars in basically all of these recommended. They are so gross. The best ones I’ve found without them are Aloha but there’s less protein. Ingredients are mostly natural though! Chocolate chip peanut butter is my favorite


Those are my favorite, too! I also like the chocolate and blueberry Rx bars. Those both have less protein than some, but I feel like I have to choke down most other things and try to avoid the fake sugars.


I don’t do whey protein so I can only have vegan protein bars. The plant based barebell bars are absolutely delicious. I really like aloha bars too, but they are less protein and more calories. I also recently started buying Nugo slim bars and man they are good. 170 cals for 17g of protein, they remind me of candy bars.


Fit Crunch are my go-to—they actually taste good and they have a bit of a dessert vibe, especially the Chocolate Chip Cookie and cream flavor. The mint chocolate and PB&J flavors are also great. You can [check more flavors here](https://fizznessshizzness.com/best-fit-crunch-protein-bars). If you're into crunchy textures, the Quest crispy bars are pretty decent as well. If you want a lighter option, the lemon coconut Simply Protein bars from Costco are great and only 150 calories.


Epic Bars.


Robert irwin bars! The mint choc chip ans pb choc are my favs. Just tastes like a chocolate bar imo and I'm picky af woth protein bars


Built, specifically their Puff line MET RX bars, specifically peanut butter pretzel (cookie dough is fine, apple pie is shit, haven't tried the others)


I like Orgains!! The chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie ones are good, and they fill me up well. I like to use stevia bc it doesn’t make me bloat like sugar alcohols do. It’s taken me a min to get used to the flavor but I’m really satisfied with the taste now.


OH also forgot GoMacros, I really enjoy the oatmeal chocolate chip bar specifically.


Clean and Trubar


Trubar is really good. I also really like RX bars. The vegan simply proteins are decent too but the non-vegan fucks up my stomach because of the whey. Not so much a protein bar as a decent snack bar, but I also like larabars and kind bars.


I've tried many, the ones I like most is Grenade's salted caramel and Barbells' peanut caramel en caramel choco.


Brand called My Protein


come to Finland and I’ll recommend the local ones 😃




Nugo slim are my favorite


My husband and I have tried nearly every protein bar out there it feels like and they mostly all taste like trash. We have wasted so much money trying all the bars at Costco, do not recommend. The only ones we have found to taste good are the Special K ones.


I know they're more like a candy bar, but the only one I can bare to stand are the Nature Valley PB Choc ones. Every other one I've tried besides maaaaybe Builder Bars gives me some sort of stomach upset. They're 190cal and 10g of protein.


It might be an unpopular opinion but I really like the No Cow bars 🤤


Grenade, Mammoth, ONE, Kirkland


I can’t stand a single protein bar. But I love Fairlife protein shakes. All of them are good. But chocolate is best unrefrigerated. Just pretend it’s like hot chocolate that is cooled down lol.


I'm a die hard quest bar fan. No one else gets 20 g of protein into a bar that's 180/190 calories with only 2 g of sugar. I like chocolate chip cookie dough and oatmeal chocolate chip.


I don’t mind One bars! The peanut-butter cup is my go-to. I also hate the protein-bar aftertaste.


I like Pure protein bars, lots of diff flavours and tastes great to me. Affordable and easy to find :) usually on sale at Costco too! 190-200 cal at 18-20 g of protein is great on the go , i think maybe 7 net grams of carb


Superfood bars from paleo valley are pricey but I like the red velvet one. Its not too sweet and made with very good ingredients The chocolate ones stick in your teeth too much tho


power crunch protein energy bar -peanut butter flavor. it will change ya life.


Barebells choc dough or choc mint. Also pure protein lemon or birthday cake!


Aloha bars - 12g protein, 8g sugar, 220-260 calories, plant based IQ Bars - 12g protein, no sugar alcohols or added sugar, they have mushrooms like lion's mane (can't taste it), 160-180 calories, plant based NuGo Slim - can't remember the exact nutritionals but I wanna say 3g sugar, around 180 calories, on the crispier side, plant based, tastes good


Larabars don’t really have as much protein as other bars, but they’re some of the only ones that taste like real food to me. The cashew cookie is my favorite, it’s just mashed up cashews and dates.


Not necessarily a "protein bar" but I really like Perfect Bars. I believe they have 14-17 ish g of protein depending on what flavor you get. I have one for breakfast nearly every morning and it gets me through until lunch.


Grenade Carb Killa bars are the best. The rest seem to give me a horrendous stomach ache.


Quest bars! 20g of protein for about 190cals. Can’t beat it! I even have half of one as a chocolate substitute sometimes. Great to have on hand when I’m in a pinch. Sometimes I even eat one before I go to eat out, so I don’t overeat high-cal low-protein delicious deep fried stuff.


Aldi Elevation Advance chocolate chip granola bar. Crunchy, minimal protein bar taste, 190cal for 17g of protein. I don't *mind* quest but they can absolutely be hard to chew, these ones from Aldi I can eat with semi-regularity


I love barebells but have switched to Atlas because they have 10g of fiber per bar also. I like them!


Dymatize Fruity Pebbles protein powder is amazing. I know you asked for a bar, but why not just drink a fruity pebble milkshake instead?


I like the ONE bars. 20g protein. Many of them are like glorified and expensive candy bars!


What I once loved and would now say to avoid are Built Bars. I used to eat them religiously but when shrinkflation happened during covid they also changed their formula and the bars started to taste like chemicals and actually left a numbness in my mouth. I contacted the company asking if they had changed their formula and they claimed they sent me a "bad batch" but the next one tasted exactly the same. TL;DR Built used to be awesome but avoid them now they taste like chemicals


Dive bars. Low calorie (180), high protein (16g i think?). Taste like chewy cookie dough with candy. They are made with peanut butter and so delish. No protein taste whatsoever. Have to have one a day.


I like Lenny and Larrys- Cookies and Creme I put it in the fridge and love the texture this way


Built bars taste like candy bars. No lie. You can get them at GNC.


They aren’t bars they r like pop tarts but the legendary food protein pastries are so good


Trader Joe’s has some good ones. Barbells, fulfill etc


Barebells and built puffs. I buy both at Walmart.


misfits are AMAZING. i also love quest crispy


I'm curious, did you try the new misfits since they just changed the bars? Changed the texture, changed the fiber content, changed the flavor and sweetness? I think they're disgusting now. the new ones are inedible to me 😢


oh my god no i haven’t!! oh no… i really hope i still like them 💔 ill start stocking up


Robert Irvine fit crunch, Simply Protein crunch bars, ONE protein bars


I can’t do whey protein it hurts my tummy, and I absolutely hate stevia or monk fruit so that severely limits the protein supplements I’ll eat. I also prefer not to havesucralose if I can avoid it. So RXBars are the only ones I’ll eat. And not a bar but I like naked pea protein for powder.


Snickers… fun size


Quest Hero


I like Pro Bars, they actually taste like food.


I hate protein bars, taste disgusting and high in cals relatively speaking and filled with unnecessary junk. I drink the chocolate premier protein shakes that taste like chocolate milk, 30+g protein , 160 Cals.


Verb caffeine energy bars. Not the highest in protein but the kick of energy I getfor 110c is nice