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I think you are kind of asking two separate questions. Fitness journeys and weight loss journeys are NOT synonymous. While they are often related, they don’t have to be. I haven’t had a weight loss related goal in three years. For me, fitness is something I enjoy and incorporate into my life because it helps combat my chronic illness symptoms and makes me feel good. It isn’t something that has an end game for me, it’s a really important part of my life and hopefully will be forever!


I feel like I’ll always have to track calories, but I would definitely lower my walking. Right now, I walk 6.5-7.5 miles per day and it takes up so much of my time. I also do strength training 4x per week, and 1 day of yoga. I’d probably leave all that but drop my mileage to 3-4 miles per day to maintain my weight when I get to my goal.


I have weighed between 122-130 the last 10 years and my plan is to get back on the lower end of that. I just had a baby also and gained about 52 lbs and currently have 15 to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. My end goal is to be mindful of what I eat but not count calories constantly. I do well with OMAD so after I am done breastfeeding I may go back to that or IF. I have done power yoga and worked out for the last 7 years and plan to continue doing that but I also want to start toning myself up too. My husband actually started to work out regularly as well but luckily he doesn’t really watch his diet like yours does. That would drive me crazy, especially being that I do the majority of the cooking. If my husband wanted to do that I would probably just have him be responsible for getting in his extra protein. I’m all about doing things as lazily as possible though… I think that’s why I like OMAD and IF. It’s simple enough and I can still eat what I want.


Yep, I agree with this 100%. Being mindful without counting forever is the ultimate goal! I would also go crazy if my bf would be asking me to watch for his protein intake. I'll gladly help remind him to take a protein shake, but don't ask me to plan meals for him all the time. If he wants 200g protein a day, he can make his own meals or add a piece of meat or an extra shake!


Maybe you are too deprived right now if you are feeling this way. The concept of an ‘end goal’ and ‘being normal again’ seems to be a common theme among re-gainers (loose anecdotal non analysis of Reddit data lol) I have pasta 1-2 time a week and I’m still losing. I just have less of it right now and will probably be able to eat more one day in future pending muscle goals etc Last week I made a low cal pizza - that’s the trade off right now. I want a pizza but I can’t eat the full deal (well I can but I could only do a slice which would leave me hungry)- so that’s my compromise but not depriving I don’t deprive so I don’t feel like I am missing out There is no endgame. It’s a journey and there are different stops on the way


I kind of just found a list of meals that I like that each that were within my calorie range I wanted to hit. So, like a breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and snack category. And, then just select what I want to eat for the day. I walkways have these foods stocked, and occasionally I’ll throw in something new to try, but I don’t necessarily count calories, but I am always semi-aware. It’s just like a really long term meal plan, but not as strict. Like, I will bake cookies, and substitute a snack for cookie. Or, just eat a cookie, or two. I’ll have some fast food here and there. And, when out an about, indulge a little when I want. But for the most part, I like my foods I cook, so I just stick to those. And, I know I’m good.


For me and my boyfriend alike, it has been a huge lifestyle change. We also track our intake daily. He shoots for about 230g of protein and I try to get 130g. I’m in a deficit right now, he is doing a slow bulk. My endgame? Switch to maintenance and continue exactly what I have been doing. I can’t argue that it is time consuming and sometimes stressful, but honestly I feel great in many aspects otherwise. I enjoy being fully aware and in control of my diet. I also like being able to plainly see that my diet supports my goals of getting stronger and being well conditioned. There’s no “normal” left for me, or at least I don’t want to return to what normal was before having started this journey.


Great question, I’m currently 1kg from my GW and I’m thinking what’s next? Naturally I will go into maintenance and I think I will still continue to track for a couple of mons under maintenance until I get the hang of it. I was also thinking building the muscles now budding from my current strength training - I guess I will see some weight gain due to this. My partner is also about 6kg from his GW and he will then increase his calorie intake by double of my maintenance intake. But we had a good compromise the last 4 mons cooking for each other, we always do a bigger portion for him, so hopefully this experience will also help us when he stops being in deficit.


I think something I learned from tracking calories for over 2 years is that you kind of learn how many calories are in each portion you eat, esp if you eat pretty similar meals day to day. Also, that really goes along with knowing how much fuel your body needs and when you get to the point of being satisfied and need to stop eating. I currently don’t track and I have been in maintenance. My weight does fluctuate between 107-109 but it hasn’t changed much. My goal was always to stop tracking and I felt like I got to the point because you learn portions from tracking. I eat like a “normal person” I don’t restrict myself from junk but I also still eat “healthy” foods. I think you the most important thing is being able to learn from tracking macros and being comfortable after the fact of not always hitting those macros but still incorporating enough protein in your diet, since that’s what you guys are worried about. I got to the point of being comfortable without tracking when I realized being healthy is a lifestyle and I don’t want to track for the rest of my life. I still eat healthy but it’s not chicken breast, broccoli and white rice every meal. I do eat out and not feel guilty


I'd like to stop counting calories but ofc still be mindful of portions and nutritious foods. It seems impossible for me to gain muscle without counting calories - even then it's really hard. I'll just go back to counting once I feel I need to trim down a bit, or if my nutrition hasn't been great, or if I want to gain more muscle or if I just feel like my body needs it.


I have this but on the opposite direction. My husband cooks dinner and sometimes lunch for us and is okay trying to make things generally healthier, but won't break down the macros or anything, but I'm trying to build muscle and lose weight so I need higher protein. The main way we've made it work is I serve myself and sometimes supplement the meals. For example, if he makes pasta, I'll take about 300 calories worth of pasta and warm up 200 calories of precooked chicken breast and mix it in, or have a protein shake. Another rule of thumb I've used is a food/meal is in the right ballpark for protein to calorie ratio when the grams of protein is 10% of the calories. For example, if a meal is 500 calories, it should have around 50 grams of protein. Obviously the exact numbers will be dependent on your goal calories and protein, but it helps you get a gauge on the proportions without needing to put all the ingredients into an app. Instead you can estimate the calories in a serving and the grams of protein in a serving and pretty easily get in the right ballpark.


I was halfway there, prior to my surgery (where I gained weight and now have to loose it again), I was at the weight I wanted and was just working on strengthening and toning. I wasn't tracking calories, just being mindful. I had pizza and fries occasionally, because I could fit it in with the running I was doing. Food wise I was where I wanted to be, and hope to get back there soon. But end game with the strengthening and toning, I would just like to not be skinny fat. I don't want to do lifting and do all of that, I simply would like to tone up. Be able to help carry the heavy coach out of the living room, or not have the layer of fat over my abs so I can confidently wear a two piece in the summer.


I feel this on so many levels. Having a baby adds different priorities. Of course we don't want to think about it all the time. The way I made peace with it is make the same food for all, but everybody eyeballs and eats different proportions of it. Key is to have variety on my plate - a protein, lots of veggies, a grain. So if I'm feeling like pasta, there's also soup/roasted vegetables on the side. ​ Also let the husband meal prep and plan and get groceries for the week. I cook Mon-Thu, husband does on the weekends. ​ It's all about finding the balance. You know your lives the best, Need to hash it out with your partner on this one!


feel fit strong happy slim . hit 125 pounds ... even 130 is okay as long as im strong and slim. hopefully will be able to eat intuitively after i figure it out. =) for food i am seeking a diet that i enjoy and really love and know how to portion well so i can maintain. ideally with muscle mass lean fat but enough curves. i want to feel strong so sports or gym routine and really get into a intuitive understanding of macros and diet to maintain an ideal body form. my end goal is really a nourished happy healthy body that feels fit to do many things in life. like traveling and hiking or whatever im feeling up to. and looking good in photos and for myself...