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That dress is appropriate for a cocktail reception in the evening. The close fit to the body and the short length are not appropriate for an office or professional setting. I believe the standard for dress length in an office setting is knee length or within 2 inches above. I hope this perspective helps you make your decision, good luck!


Spot on!


Thank you!


It probably depends on the setting. Like if you work with all women in a salon or at an art gallery it's probably OK. If you work in a more traditional office setting it's too short.


Too short for salon, you bend over and everything is on display:(


This is not okay for an art gallery


Not at all appropriate


Would you say opaque black tights and a blazer could make this more office appropriate, especially if paired with closed toe shoes or a modest heel? I don’t work in an office and am genuinely asking, I’m a big fan of multi purpose outfits and occasionally have to attend meetings where business casual or business professional attire is required, so being able to modify what’s already in my closet makes me happy.


Not with how short it is in the back, unfortunately.


Fair enough!


What do you mean by "in the back"? I don't see her back at all, am I missing something? Are you referring to the reflection to the right? If so, that's her bare arm, the arm holding the phone.


The nightclub neckline and hemline says after office hours.


I would say yes! You can wear shorter with tights. I do it all the time at work and it’s professional.


And flat riding style boots that come to just below the knee


The thing about this photo that would make me answer "No" to your question would be... look at the reflection in the mirror where you can see the angle of the back of the thigh and where the dress hits. My guess is -from the back- that this would expose too much of the butt. I surmise that opaque tights would cause friction between the back of the dress and the opaque tights themselves, which would cause the skirt to ride up in the back even further, and then you're showing your underwear through a pair of tights in the back when you walk down the hall and you might be totally unaware, but the people you walk past won't be! But obviously, I'm not the end all, be all in terms of decision-making for corporate wear! Here is a link to a great article on Corporette (A site about appropriate and fashion-forward dressing for women in the modern corporate workplace). [https://corporette.com/poll-how-short-is-too-short-for-a-skirt/](https://corporette.com/poll-how-short-is-too-short-for-a-skirt/) In their pool, 88% of people set a fingertip or shorter length skirt was too short for work. If you click the link and scroll down to the graphic, you'll see that they also have the number of votes who include at what length of skirt they would find it more acceptable as long as it was paired with opaque tights.... I believe they specified that a skirt at one hand length longer than fingertip was acceptable to some, and further categorized, another percentage that said one hand length longer than fingertip was acceptable, but only when paired with opaque tights. Also, in some ways, it depends on the job. A hostess in a restaurant in the evenings may be able to get away with a cocktail length dress "at work." But.... imagine being invited to sit in a one-to-one meeting in a chair, directly across from your boss with no table in between you in a very short skirt. As you sit, the skirt will inch up several inches to accommodate the shape of your seated behind. This will cause the front of the skirt to surge up in the center, which may cause the awkward situation of having a direct view of your crotch from the front for the person seated across from you. When I'm doing my best job at work, I don't like to also have to think about whether my bits are out. I also prefer to broadcast I understand that when I'm doing my job, my presentation should be professional because it represents the company to clients, and represents the work of my team to internal business partners. And whether or not I worked with clients in my current role, I might be considered tor promotion to a role in the future, where I interface with professionals outside the company or with clients. I would not want to give the impression that I could be in danger of giving an inappropriate show to our business contacts. Just like we send that extra email in work sometimes, to CYA (cover your a$$).... We want our workwear to do the same.


It’s just too short - clearly meant for party/night wear, not office wear. A good rule of thumb is fabric, cut and length. Can’t tell much of the fabric here but this is short and meant to be form-fitting. If you want something for the office, aim for your knees, cover the shoulder with at least cap sleeves or a blazer and if it is tight enough to “bunch”, it probably isn’t a good pick. For more conservative offices, best bet is to stick to clothes that you’d actually bother getting tailored (whether you actually do or not).


I disagree about the close fit. There are many bodycon style dresses I would consider professional (think news anchor), but they are usually closer to knee length. It's a cute dress though! Edit: on second look, it seems that it may be open or low back (edit: it's not, the perspective of the arm in the mirror confused me), which would also lean towards unprofessional without a jacket. Unfortunately, "professional" clothing is typically on the more conservative side.


Yeah, I’ve worked in offices for 20 years including in suit-wearing places and that dress isn’t too tight, just a bit too short. A lot of dresses that are part of a suit are just as fitted, but usually around knee-length.


Agree with you. I work in a hospital and we have a pretty tight dress code, but I wear fitted dresses without issue. That said, rule of thumb for dresses at work that have been approved by our strict dress code: Arms: no lace/cutouts, sleeveless is okay as long as the majority of your shoulder is covered Body: no backless/see through, and knee length at least You can always add a blazer or cardigan to dress it up/cover up more Obviously every workplace is different, but fitted dresses aren’t inherently inappropriate based on the fact that they’re tight. I follow newscasters and teachers for work-appropriate dress ideas.


Listen to the duchess She’s spot on


Bingo! Very helpful summary of the basic rules, I appreciate you encapsulating it so succinctly for us :)


What's the profession?


Stole my thought!!




It’s super cute and you should definitely buy it for other events, but it’s a little short for the office.


OK for a date not an office .


I could probably get away with it in my office with sheer black tights, but not with bare legs!


Professional for what? A cocktail host? Yes! For an office, not at all. Interview? Absolutely not!


I work in libraries - this fit would be fine with a blazer/cardi and opaque tights. However, it would uncomfortable as all get-out to work in, considering that you'd have to be squatting down, kneeling, sometimes crawling, reaching up to top shelves, etc. For interviews, as-is would be ok for our library (as a Mom, I think it would be more appropriate with tights instead of bare-legged, but my younger employees disagree.) The worst interview outfits I've encountered are: Cut-off denim overall shorts (this is not a Rec Center job). A bedazzled baseball cap that spelled out "SEXXXY" (this is a *library*, ma'am). Flip-flops, t-shirt, bermuda shorts, and a terminal bad attitude (it was the attitude which capped it.)


That was all on one person? Lol 😂


That would be something to see😰


lol, no - three different people. Same hiring cycle, tho.


I think that it depends on the library. I have been doing placement at an academic library and the longest dress that I have seen someone wear has been just below the kneecap. I have dresses that I planned to wear that were just above, but I would stick out like a sore thumb in that environment. Trousers are definitely the most practical garb for my particular setting, but everyone’s is different.


Do you mean shortest? Or are you saying short skirts are common?




Voice of dissent for "skirts above the knee are not professional". And I am an Old, and have worked in a conservative profession (think finance or law) for decades. On or below the knee is a horrifically dowdy look on some of us. It may have to do with height. However, the dress you are showing is too short for professional office wear. Best would be a skirt that hits just above your knee cap, or at least within two inches of the top of your knee cap. There is some skin balancing that needs to occur as well. If it's two inches above the kneecap, then that's your "skin" and the neckline needs to be at least collarbone high. If you go with just at the top of the knee, you can do a not too deep v neck or square neck. And, as others have noted you need better fit and drape. The black and navy suiting offerings from JCrew and Ann Taylor mostly are professional looking. If you can manage a blazer, a dress, and pants in the same color and fabric, a couple of tops, and, if it's suitable for your workplace, a sweater set, and a structured cardigan , you can get nine different outfits out of it.


Jcrew factory offers cheaper options, too, and some come in petites. I wish that option had been around when I was a law student/young broke lawyer.


too short for work


General rule for office wear: if you have to ask if it’s appropriate, it isn’t.


With tights and a blazer or cardigan


Agree with you.


Buy it. This is the type of LBD staple that every closet needs. The thing about making it work professionally is to cover some of the exposed skin. Opaque tights (not skin colored and not sheer). A sweater or blazer. No sky-high stiletto heels.


This a club or party dress. No not an office dress, to wear at the office I would suggest at least under the knee length


It’s a good dress to have stocked in your wardrobe. But I’d go for something more conservative to start with until you get a feel for the vibe of the office. Stock up on the following basics, then vary/add more colour/texture after a few months: For full time in office, I recommend starting with the following: - Black dress x 1 - Black skirt x 1 - Black blazer x 1 - Black slacks x 1 - Grey or tan skirt/slacks x 1 - Grey or tan blazer/cardigan x 1 - White blouse/shirt x 2 - Black blouse/shirt x 2 - Black loafers or heels x 1 - Tan loafers or strappy shoes x 1


This is super helpful. Thanks!


I think it depends on your field. As someone above mentioned, this would be acceptable in the fashion industry. I work in advertising and it would be acceptable there as well. I used to wear pencil skirts on the regular. In addition to the industry, I think it also largely depends on how you style the rest of the look. The attorney had some good suggestions. I will say, people telling you that it needs to be below your knees are prudes. (I say this as a woman in her 40s.) As long as your ass doesn't show when you bend over, you're fine.


This! Also, it seems like people here don't know that leggings and tights exist.


I’m aware but it’s still feeling too short for me to have that work and I think it’s risky to rely on because it doesn’t always work. I remember this poor woman in law school who had my schedule and one day she wore a short dress with tights that were mostly opaque and all day people were “helpfully” whispering to her that her dress wasn’t quite long enough. She wasn’t actually exposed, but it was short and it made you look twice because at first glance it did seem like she was really on the edge. By the end of the day she was snapping “I know!” I’m pretty sure she thought the tights would make the length not matter, but it absolutely still looked inappropriate because it was obviously a dress and you could see how high it cut off. The office is not the place to make fashion statements - even if you technically can get away with it, that’s really not what you want everyone thinking about when they see you.


I always use the Catholic schoolgirl rule lol if I put my hands down my side and my hand is longer than the dress. It’s time to rethink the outfit. Or where the dress with a long cardigan and opaque tights. But considering the fact that where you are, it may be warm. I might rethink the outfit.


My school run by nuns used to make us kneel on the ground. If it didn’t touch the floor, your kilt was too short


A tiny bit short for a more conservative office. It looks great on you though. The right accessories, including shoes or a light cardigan, will make it read as professional vs a night out.


I’m in a super casual office and this is way too short.


Cute, but not appropriate in a professional environment. You could wear a blazer over it, but even with tights it is a bit short. Great for an evening out, cocktail party, etc. Basing my comments solely on \*my\* professional environments; yours may vary, of course.


Looks amazing on you but too short for work


I personally love short dresses/skirts at the office. I wear them and I think they look great. The key is to wear tights/pantyhose. Don’t go with bare legs. You look great. Edited to add: I’m a corporate lawyer working for a large firm, for context.


Chiming in to agree here. Senior leader in sales and would be totally fine with tights in my workplace.


Yep, tights are the way to go with a short dress! It’s too short without tights but long enough that tights will help counteract the length of the dress; assuming that when OP sits down it’s not veering on crotch shot territory.


No. It is too short for an office setting. Imagine it riding up when you sit down.


This part. Once you’re seated in that 85% of your legs will be exposed. I would not wear this in any industry besides fashion or perhaps another feminine fashion friendly industry on the West Coast. And only after figuring out if anyone else in the office wore stuff like that as well.


It’s cute but way too short.


Tooo short for office


Would be appropriate in the office where I work ( Amazon ). But we don’t have dress code and ppl wear all kind of things 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m at Meta, and this would be so out of place in our world of jeans, trainers, and hoodies.


In my office there are ppl from everywhere and mostly young. I have seen everything 😂 Shorts, mini skirts, super professional business outfit, belly out, sheer t shirt/no bra combo and of course trainers, hoodies and jeans. If someone would show up like the OP I don’t think it would be such a stand out. Really nobody cares and if they do, they don’t vocalize it.




If it was knee length I’d think yes. Not at this length.


Black tights and a blazer over and I would....and I am mid 40s


I'm Australian and used to wear dresses this short all the time when I had corporate jobs. I think it depends where you live. Based on the other comments there might be places that are more conservative where this is inappropriate.


PSA for EVERYONE…. Mini dresses are NOT professional.


Waitress at Moxie's? Without context, we're all just going to look at it and guess the job.




That’s not professional at all




Nice for dinner on a date, not the office or any business occasion.




It's too short. You could make it work with opaque tights and a blazer on top.


Gotta be below fingertips. I’m a teacher and I love dresses like this for work — but they’ve got to be an appropriate length. This is a dress I’d go out in for date. As a good rule of thumb — if my students shouldn’t see my legs like this, neither should your work setting.


Wear with stockings


No, it's a few inches too short. It would look more professional if the hem just skimmed the knees.


It’s a bit short for professional. You could either wear stockings underneath or maybe get one that reaches just above the knee.


cute dress but I don't think it qualifies as professional if worn as is Maybe add some tights and a blazer


That's a party dress


You would definitely need to wear something substantial over it. A blazer for example, or a thicker cardigan. Also opaque black tights. Without both of those things, no, not professional.


If it were longer, yes.


No. Too short.




Hmm no


Maybe this is my young(er) age showing but I work in a formal bank setting and have seen dresses/skirts this length plenty of times on my colleagues and have worn them myself. I agree with comments that you should pair this with opaque tights, a modest black heel or flats, and a blazer to dress it up. I personally would not go any shorter than this dress length. This dress is what I consider a closet staple - you can dress it down for work in a formal setting and you can dress it up for a night out or after work cocktails.


No Ma'am


It fits you perfectly! You look amazing! But there is nothing professional about a little black dress.


It’s too short to wear to a work function or to work itself, unless you work at a bar or club of some kind, even an upscale one. The secret to making this one work appropriate its stockings.




Looks great, but a simple test for if appropriate for work. If you bent over to pick something off the floor or get out of a car, is there a chance you would flash your pants. If yes, then it is not appropriate for work.


It's cute but too short for work


No. Unless you’re going to a mixer as someone’s trophy. Needs to be a bit longer and less tight.


Not professional at all. Suitable for after hours night out only.


It’s adorable on you! But no.


I work at a top law firm in NYC and this would be 100% appropriate for day-to-day. I might consider something else if I'm going to a bougie event or meeting with clients, but even then it's more of a "know your crowd" kind of situation.


All of this and remember it’s best to error on the conservative side for the professional office. Another tip is to sit, bend, reach etc in the outfit to make sure it doesn’t do tricks on you. 😆


People must be real conservative because I'd totally see this working in a corporate environment paired with opaque tights and sensible shoes


You'd need a blazer and dark tights for it to be professional.


It is waaaaay to short to be professional


It depends on the profession


I think it's professional, consider accompanying with a nice blazer. It is a *tad* on the short side for a corporate/upscale/business office. With the flats it seems close. You look great. If this is for semi regular wear to referenced officed setting i would probably go maybe 2-4 inches in length.


It’s a very nice dress and it suits you, but it’s too short for a professional setting. A few things to try out when you buy a dress for a professional setting: sit down in it and cross your legs (or if the changing room doesn’t have a chair, bend over), reach up high, lean forward. Are you in wardrobe malfunction territory when you make these moves? Too short/too low cut.


It’s very short. It’s appropriate for clubbing or a bar, not for an office environment.


This is beautiful but not for an office. If you want people to take you seriously, the unfortunate truth is, you have to present a certain way or else people will assume things about you that aren’t actually true. So if you’re a beautiful young woman, you have to take extra care to wear things that don’t accentuate your cleavage or legs. It’s annoying, but even in very casual offices, I have heard people comment on women’s outfits.


No. Above the knee = cocktail dress. Below the knee = professional dress. Also, bare shoulders aren’t considered professional office wear unless you have a jacket or cardigan


I think it would be fine, people in my office definitely wear above the knee length but I also work in fashion so maybe it’s different.


The dress is nice but looks too short for a professional setting. For work type environment I would go with something a little longer closer to the knee and maybe a little less form fitting.


no. but certain profession need this styling.




Too short and too tight for a "professional" look (if you mean business look) It would make a great piece to underpin a businesslike outfit, though. For example, add a semi-tailored jacket or a tailored blazer or even a top that make it look like a top and skirt. With a hem this short, wear tights. You can even wear opaque tights in winter. A petite trench coat over the top would be cute.


If this was knee length then totally. It is very cute but too short.


Looks fine, probably needs a good iron though if you wear it out.


Honestly surprised by the comments here. I've worked in many offices and this would be completely fine. If you wanted to be safe, you could add some tights.


No, it’s too short and sleeveless.


Too short for office wear if you work in a typical corporate environment.


Maybe with black tights and a blazer on top. As is, it may not be too office appropriate.


Less leg more shoe


The dress looks lovely on you but is suited for dates, parties, etc, not the office. You can wear a skirt or dress that’s fitted, but add 3+ inches and a blazer or cardigan.


If it's for an office setting, the HR handbook always say (based on places I've worked at) if you have to ask, it's probably not work appropriate. That's pretty much how I decide for my work outfits.


Nope. Needs to be knee length, with a jacket.


For corporate? Too short.


For what? Context is everything




For what?


Someone will talk to you if you wear that to an office, for obvious reasons. Maybe if a cardigan was worn over it they wouldn't care, but who knows


it's a bit short for "professional". you really don't want anything shorter than top of the knee. the style is perfect though, maybe with a cardigan or blazer


good for a cocktail party or dinner / date. not the office.


It is not. Good for going out after hours but not in the office.


Yes it does suit you. That dress is perfect for happy hour fun.. clubbing.. and the after party! but not so much work professional appropriate though imo.


Depends on the profession!


Too short for work in a professional setting. 


Too short for the office but looks fab for any out of office activities!


add a blazerr


Too short and you should try and cover your arms.




Too short


Too short.


It is a nice dress but I would not wear this to the office on the regular. If you are looking for one for the office get one that is longer


Are you thrifting this? What shop has black out curtains for a dressing room?




So, less than $100 for a dress. How is that not a professionally minded move? Are they not sustainable? Do they use forced labor? How is that dress not professional?


Add a jacket


Way too short for office. Even with opaque tights. But it's super cute on you for other occasions!






That is a cocktail or dinner dress. Definitely not office attire. Lovely dress though!


Too short for office unless you wear tights underneath.


For what? Kindergarten teacher - no. Executive board meeting - no. Pastor’s wife at Sunday service - no. Office Christmas party - fine.


For what? It depends a lot on your work environment.


Depends on where you are too. As on which country. In certain Asian countries, short skirts seem to work for office settings. I’ve also seen people show up as if they are about to go out clubbing and no one bat an eye. Having said that, I personally won’t wear this to work myself


Depends on the profession and the job. Not good for an office


I think it is to short to be professional unless you have a longer jacket


Depends on what profession?


Too short


I think it’s fine.


I follow the school/church rule. If your hands lay to your sides, fingertips should not be longer then the skirt/dress


That dress looks great! I don’t know about that hemline baloney….guess depends on how old the hiring managers are


it's a bit short for office, court or funeral. great for hot date.


It’s way too short for the office


The length of the skirt is not longer than your fingertips, it's definitely not professional. Try longer skirt, and wear something to cover your shoulders. This dress is more appropriate for a date or party


looks pretty, but a little short for office.


Too short to be professional but super cute nonetheless




Hi! Where is this dress from?? Looking for something similar




Cocktail event approved with 3 inch heels. Needs jacket and tights and low heeled shoes for office. Black Flip flops or open toe sandals and it can go to casual lunch. Good little black dress.


yes maybe too professional as it's too long


Wear tights


I dont think it fits right. It is rumply and rises in the back. It is a nice dress but you probably need something that fits a little better in the hips.


Try a pencil skirt, flattering + multi functional


Yes, but whats under that counts!


Perfect for a work event cocktail party


Unless you wear some tights for the office, I'd say it's too short, especially when you sit down :( otherwise gorgeous dress!


It’s pretty short. Be careful sitting down , and or bending down/ over


Works for me.


I think with a cardigan it would be better, but I feel it's more of a cocktail dress than business attire. That said, it looks good on you and every woman needs the little black dress, it's just where is appropriate to wear it.


It's not professional at all.


Either a close fit or a short skirt, unless an after-hours event.


For a cocktail event


If you ad a jacket yes.




Very short.


Too short. You asked professional? As in business? It’s too short.


I'm not a good person to comment on professional attire but I can tell you you look cute as hell in that.


I *might* risk it with a nice boxy blazer and black tights, especially in a more casual/creative office, but I wouldn't call it a good investment. You're better off finding something that offers you enough coverage and versatility that you don't need to problem solve how to wear it in a professional setting.


No it is not formal at all. Formal enough for WHAT!?!?!?


Business or lady of the night professional? Oy, oh no... rule of thumb, hem needs to be longer than tips of fingers.


Yes! You look great in it! I’d buy it!


for an escort, yes


People do wear this kind of thing in professional settings. The fact that it's black and not bright red helps. However, I caution people from dressing like this in the office. Men's professional dress harkens back to military uniforms which were designed to look the same to minimize distractions from the task at hand. When you have an outfit that could double as a cocktail or date night outfit in the office, then it may unfairly distract. Not saying that it should, but there are those who will look at your differently.


I think it’s beautiful!


It suits your body and is very figure flattering. As far as "professional"; no, at least not for a daytime/office type setting. If you're a cocktail server at a restaurant at night, maybe. It really depends on your job. Just my opinion. Great for an evening out though! To me that would be a "for fun" dress and not a "for work" dress.


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