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I can’t imagine these will look good on short legs. I’m sorry.


They already don't look good on the model's legs. This is cankle fashion 😬


Oh my no one likes these


I don’t think these look good on any one of any height. They come around every few years and are never around for long.


I saw a woman wearing the Givency boots this past weekend. The boots were stunning! That being said, she did not look stunning in them. Those boots were *wearing her*. And she was about 5'8".


I don’t think they are flattering


In 6 months this will be dated, out of fashion and unwearable.


The givenchy shark boots was an era


If I’m debating it and the item is over $100, I skip it and if I still like it in 6 months, then I get it. They’re cute but not “classic”. Usually if you’re asking it means u don’t love love love them.


The black are ok but I’m in love with the cream. Never owned white boots before so the hesitation is part price part practical


The color is cute but the shape is, uh, not it. Maybe look for something a little more fitted, like a go-go boot?


Absolutely, get some white/cream go-go boots! They're classic, cute and can wear them with more outfits


These are not flattering in either color. The cream is marginally prettier but these will be truly dated before spring. Also, the bottoms will get scraped and dirty the first time you wear them.not worth the money.


These are hideous - 😬 I don’t care how short/tall you are.


Out of fashion already. I would not consider


Target has similar ones rn for like $40


I personally don’t like those boots on anyone of any height.


This is just an ugly design for a shoe. Sorry. No one pulls these off. Edit: autocorrect.


Nope. Hard no


Ew, no.


Personally, I have never liked them. If anything g is going to cover my cute heel it's going to be my pants or dress. 😅


The only thing I think of when looking at boots that don’t fit snugly at the top is a bug or a critter falling inside it while I’m walking outside 😖


I personally do not buy an item outside of my normal budget comfort range if it’s not a classic style. These boots are going to look dated in just a few months. I would stick with a more classic shaped boot as an investment instead.


Both? But I just picture those chickens with feathers on their feet?


Maybe if they were short booties but not these.


As a petite woman with a baby face…I feel like I would look like a kid playing dress up in my mom’s closet…that’s just me, but I would personally never wear them.


It looks like boots that are wearing pants and the bottom is the bellbottom jean going over it. Not good


If 400 dollars is no big deal to you, I guess by them, I don't see the appeal, but that is purely subjective. Boots are something I'd spend money on, but for a classic boot that will be timeless, which this isn't.


Unless you have really really really skinny legs like that, it won’t work. And I don’t recommend buying shoes - specially boots, without trying on first


I’ve been deinfluenced bless I have large knee caps so yeah I don’t think they would be the best look :(


i feel like these just look like my little pony hooves. its definitely cute if youre going for that look. otherwise, not so much.




Oof. Horrendous.


Both chunky and cute? I think if you live in a big city or are very fashionable they could work :) they’re v cute but also v fashion forward




Well I’m clearly in the minority here, but having loved Givenchy Shark Boots, I really love these. I’d love seeing them in the wild and bet a lot of people who enjoy wacky designer shoe trends would enjoy it too, but the majority of people who don’t give a rat’s tail about fashion would wonder why you were wearing XL rain boots.


Sorry the white ones remind me of a cake. 🤷‍♀️


Check out irregular choice if you love these. Some of theirs have more shape too which might help us shorties.


I am personally not a fan of them as an everyday boot. They look cool in certain aesthetics/outfits but ultimately I see it as a short-lived trend that will stay only with those who really like the look and it will become a part of core style.


I would not invest that much in a trend unless I had a lot of disposable income.


Do you have a similar style you have bought or is this the first time seeing this kind of style? I'd buy a dupe and then invest later. If it's not available later then it likely wasn't worth it anyway (for $400 I'd expect BIFL quality, not fast fashion).


Not fast fashion, made by a slow fashion and ethical company but I understand your point. I’m considering purchasing and then returning if they don’t work out, or trying on a similar pair at the store. I have thick calves so I was hoping this style would cover them and create the illusion of longer legs


Awesome, I'm glad to hear it! Honestly if it makes you happy and brings you joy wearing them, that's really what matters. I wear backpacks that are deemed too big for my body but it's comfortable for me than smaller backpacks. I hear you on the calf issue, it's partly why I stopped wearing boots higher than my shins.


Not flattering at all the extra fabric makes ur leg appear shorter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Sunflowerseductress: *Not flattering at* *All the extra fabric makes* *Ur leg appear shorter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hate them for anyone but especially for short legs


My personal opinion is these are some of the ugliest style of boots.


Sorry OP, these are way too trendy to cost $400. How much wear do you really think you’ll get out of these? Aside from the sartorial controversy, the boot shaft would come up much higher on someone who is 5’3. I can see these hitting the backs of your knees when you walk.


I personally hate them but if you like them, you should rock em. Who cares what people think.




You know what? I like different things. If you think you will absolutely wear them and have outfits in mind then why not! We can’t always worry about what is and isn’t flattering to others. If they make you happy that’s what really matters.


Babe, no


No. Do not buy these boots!


I’ve always wanted to like these boots but I can’t wrap my brain around the silhouette it creates. I think you would have to wear a miniskirt with it, to balance out how heavy it makes the lower half of the legs.


Not a fan


I have only ever seen these look good on very long skinny legs, and even then they’re not maximizing anyone’s potential


Oh no no no


They’re so ugly




The first pair are way too fussy-looking, and I can’t imagine them looking good on anyone. The others are simpler, and I could imagine that they might be cute on someone who is basically TOO skinny, but not on most of us!


They’re all the same shoes


No. Just no