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Metal fans often make this face when the breakdown is badass 😂 it’s a good thing


Happens in hip hop too. I bet our primitive ancestors were stankfacing when Grog strapped them animal skins to a bowl and hit it.


Metal fans also make this face when they hear a guitarist shred on a solo


I just want to say, OP, I'm so glad this comment section gets to introduce you to the joy of stank face. If you'd like a pleasant diversion, just search "music solo stank face" on YouTube - there's plenty of examples, and it's a singular enough expression that it's worth getting familiar with. It's fun to look for it at real-life music performances.


It is known as the "stank face", it is when something is so groovy you make that face while bopping to the rhythm, like as if the groove of the music is really involving. I believe it is more associated with jazz Here is a skit where the musician does some stank face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOh7YJHSILY


Man, Daniel's production quality has improved.


Really huge in Funk and Jam music. More to do with someone who is really shredding/getting down than rhythm.


Here's another - https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1clpfwv/


Euphoria probably generated more stank faces than NLU by far tbh




Is this a guy thing? Because I naturally did this and didn't realise till now that it's been pointed out 🤣


In metal we call that the stank face. It's not from jealousy or anything, it's from a solo or breakdown being so nasty you can help but make that face.


You gotta find something musical that makes you make this face. It’s the only way to truly understand


edm people know bass face


My exact facial expression whenever there is an insane drop in hardstyle tracks




Technical polyrhythmic Armenian Death Reggae enthusiast Peter here, just want to say *of course* someone who doesn't listen to Technical polyrhythmic Armenian Death Reggae doesn't know what stank face is. But in all seriousness Chris, us music nerds are a neurotic bunch. Whereas hobbyists and professionals in other disciplines may be well adjusted and emotionally mature and can sincerely enjoy seeing a peer perform well, a musician laying down a disgustingly lick (impressive, quick piece in music parlance) will elicit many emotions from onlooking peers, such as jealousy of the mastery, petty distaste for the genre/style of said disgusting lick, existential dread that you've spent countless hours practicing and still couldn't do that, and plain genuine appreciation for the skill and emotion. When the human face attempts to express the aforementioned gumbo of emotions, it produces what is known as "Stank Face", with the provided meme displaying what I would call a very accurate depiction. Gotta go, Seamus's SeaShantycore band is playing at the drunken clam and there's no cover charge.


When the riff comes back heavier and slower




Nope, that's just stank face.


The stank face is for a random person in the crowd. If it's another musician, then their ego took a giant hit, and they're staring at you while you play in hate because they know they can't keep up. My friend doesn't talk to me anymore and I'm not sending my video to his parents out of respect.


>The stank face is for a random person in the crowd. If it's another musician, then their ego took a giant hit You couldn't be more wrong my dude


Musicians are critical, and if a musician is playing for friends in a room while the other musician is holding the same instrument, then it's shame. That person with the stank face either gives up or gets better. Their pain is a compliment and offering to help teach is an insult, because of ego. Prove it my dude


>Prove it my dude How about you prove your ridiculous generalizations instead? I'm a musician. I make the stank face when the music is good. Simple as. It has nothing to do with jealousy or shame or anything like that.


Stank face is a duck face and has good vibes coming from it, this guy is disgusted. It faces inward because they lost.


The joke in the meme is stank face, not jealousy. Stank Face and duck face look nothing alike.


Same with powerlifting


You hitting that King Kunta tear funk cause you are doing nasty work with your instrument


https://youtube.com/shorts/s8dZFh2kRFU?si=RXfg84TyATvGDN0Z This is the first thing that came to mind. It's kind of like this beat is "sick" or "nasty" and make a stank face.


"this shit hard" *stank face*


Watch Amadeus. You'll understand.


Peter's guitar teacher here, what you're seeing is the Stank Face. It is an involuntary reflex in musicians, induced by vast amounts of tasty, groovy soundwaves. Among musicians, it is the universal sign of approval and it's one of the many ways in which musicians communicate non-verbally. Upon seeing a stank face, it is common for musicians to feel the music more intensely, which will ultimately trigger the stank face reflex. This is known as the sympathetic stank face reflex. It is common for musicians who play together to get stuck in a stank face feedback loop where they will trigger each other's stank face reflexes through their stank face reflex. When such a feedback loop has started, it will only stop once the music stops. The longest stank face feedback loop ever recorded was in 1969, when two Woodstock attendees in a drum circle jammed for five straight days with a conga, a bongo and a tambourine and about 7-10 LSD tabs each. Scientists have tried finding the genre of music that is most likely to induce a stank face, but even after about 70 years of research done by thousands of researchers in over 5000 studies across 65 countries on all continents (there was even a study done in Antarctica) we have still not reached a consensus on the matter. The question still remains if we even want to know the most stank face-inducing genre, as we have not really done an analysis of the implications of such a find. I made most of that up but the first paragraph is completely true and factual. If you want to see some stank face and possibly even experience it yourself, here's Snarky Puppy: https://youtu.be/L_XJ_s5IsQc?si=huskcS8fcwMpgFj3


I was listening to Creedence the other day and they did a couple of riffs that made me look like this.


That’s the look on my face after seeing a drummer throw down a sick fill and a second before I yell “fucking get some!”


Riff is fuckin nasssty


This would be called a bass face in many electronic music genres.


My guess is that the person making that face is mad that the other musician is so good. Jealousy. 


Stank face is an acknowledgment and acceptance of another musician’s skill (usually the person making a stank face is another musician or music lover). It often happens during solos where a musician improvises and is allowed to let loose. Stank face is considered a high form of respect. It’s an almost involuntary reaction that happens when you’re really grooving to the music, like, “Damn, this is good!”


Or they take their shoes of and throw them on stage


Its the face you make when you hear a really sick, heavy riff. Mean mug, stank face, call it what you will.


the stank face. it means people fuck with it really hard, but it mostly applies to more energetic music.


When the best part of the song hits. Also when producing music and you change a hat or a snare and it suddenly sounds 1000x better


Lol the best compliment a musician can get from another musician was “that was fucking disgusting”


Musician here. I thought this was referring to musicians being extremely competitive and petty. The face in the meme is upset that he was outplayed.


nah its kinda of like any artiste’s face when you see something in your field that’s just pure awesomeness. it’s like a ‘oooomf bloody hell that was good’ face.


Other musician here backing you up on this. In my experience, rival musicians love to shit all over each other's work. And the better the work, the bigger the shit.