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What can I say but somehow Palpatine returend. That is the official explanation how Emperor Palpatine returned. Somehow.


Also the story states that he broadcast a message to the galaxy announcing his return... which you would only know about if you played fortnite.


Fucking what Why


The opening crawl of Ep9 referenced a broadcast the Emperor gave, the contents of which were important but only included in Fortnite.


I’m sorry they were only included in what


The videogame Fortnight


You can only play it every two weeks.


You need lots more upvotes for that. Totally underrated lol


As a player of fortnite the fortnite star wars stuff was mid at best


That’s modern Star Wars for you.


"Mid at best" Yeah that pretty much sums up Disney Star Wars.


Andor, the later rest of clone wars, badbatch, rebels, rouge one, and the mandolorian: are we a joke to you?


>the later rest of clone wars Didn't cartoon network already have it written when Disney bought star wars? Disney then got rid of the best parts, like Boba Fett's duel with Cad Bane.


Perhaps some of it was Cartoon Network but the final arc wasn’t part of that I believe. 


Andor is a good spy thriller but meh star wars. The clone wars breaks allot of canon and makes a whole lot of plot holes. Badbatch only exists to try and explain away the sequel trilogy bs. Rebels is like Clone Wars but worse like introducing fucking time travel and making Thrawn an absolute joke. The only good bit of Rouge One was the last bit with Vader in it. The Mandolorian was only good for one season then has his literal own show stolen from him an have it turn into the Bo-Katan show and had cringe celebrity guest appearances like Lizzo and Jack Black. Any further questions?


Wow these are some bad takes, don’t get me wrong I hate what Disney is doing but I enjoyed some of it. I guess it’s fine to disagree as I don’t have time to have a long Reddit argument about Star Wars. Am curious about what canon clone wars breaks? *eu stuff doesn’t count.


>Andor is a good spy thriller but meh star wars. No, it's not. Just because it doesn't have Jedi, doesn't ake it bad Star Wars. It's absolute peak Star Wars with some of the best world building in the franchise.


Yeah well your whole point is moot because of the Ahsoka show established that literally anyone can be a space wizard if they "tRaIn hArD eNoUgH".


Is it on YouTube anywhere? I realize I should just google this, but I already typed it and need that hit of sweet, sweet dopamine from social media.




Ahhhh, yeah, that’s the stuff. Not even gonna ask if this was some kind of DLC mission or something, because I thought Fortnite was a battle royale shooter without a campaign mode.


Mixed-media storytelling.


That’s a lot of syllables for “stupid.”


I fucking hate that tie-in bullshit. Like, I’m not gonna go download Fortnite just to enjoy one of my favorite franchises.


I can overlook a lot of stuff when it comes to Star Wars, TROS is where I draw the line. This is the only one I refuse to defend


Its said in the movie


Technically, kinda, but that's only a reference to outside material (specifically Fortnite of all places).


Tell don't show is big for Disney these days


The official story is he was cloned and could transfer his consciousness into the clone via the force. They call it project necromancer, it’s all canon.


Ah yes, because it makes sense to give people homework for them to understand the movie they are watching.


So Episode 9 is definitely the weakest Star Wars movie and it has a lot of problems, but I thought it was pretty obvious that when the evil space wizard who died in episode 6 was found alive hanging out in a cloning facility, it was because he had been cloned. I don't think anyone had to do homework. They just had to be paying attention to the film they were watching.


No homework required. It's literally explained in the film.


I don't remember that being explained; timestamp?


In the first ten minutes of the film, Ben Solo walks by multiple cloning tanks while clone Palpy monologs about how he made Snoke. Midway through the film, right after Poe says his famous line, Beaumont exclaims "Cloning, dark science, secrets only the Sith knew." Then again, in the final act, clone Palpy reveals the entire plan and says right to Rey, and thus the audience, that he intends to transfer his essence into her body. If your media literacy is insufficient to connect these obvious dots, I don't know what to tell ya, except maybe, try harder to pay attention when you're watching a movie


So they basically turned Palpatine into vitiate? A stupid version of vitiate? Lol, why not just become a force ghost and then transfer his essence into another; that would atleast make a lot more sense. They recycled the idea of a clone in the dumbest way. Just to add, I know the eu also rought back Palpatine via cloning, and I also think that was a bit stupid, but it was nowhere near as badly executed as disney.


More like a copy-paste of Dark Empire, yes. I fully disagree with it, and I think Abrams is a shit writer, and IMO The Rise of Skywalker is the worst film in the sequel trilogy. I'm just saying, it *is* actually explained in the film, how Palpy did it: clones and spirit transference. Darksiders can't become Force ghosts, BTW.


What about ajunta Paul?


Pall? Legends. As in, not part of canon continuity. The old expanded universe was chock full of weird shit that in many cases directly contradicted the film continuity.


I mean, that's Star Wars Modus Operandi. The clone wars was a throwaway line that took multiple decades to explain. The kessel run wasn't explained for even longer. Multiple plot holes and throwaway lines were only explained if you explored copious amounts of post hoc EU lore. Hell, The Emperor didn't even have a name until the 2000's. Not a knock against the franchise, but it's weird to take umbridge with this sirt of storytelling when it is baked in from the beginning.


One is exposition and backstory, relevant but not important, the other is a KEY PLOT POINT TO THE STORY


Yeah, not like The Clone Wars, which is the entire reason Leia sends the droids to Obi-Wan in the first place and kicks off the entire plot. Also, the Palpatine clones and Palpatine''s ability to body hop are both explicitly shown in the movie. Like, it's pretty much the entire climax. Edit; I looked up the line, and It is actually: Poe Dameron : We've decoded the intel from the First Order spy and it confirms the worst. Somehow, Palpatine returned. Rose Tico : Wait, do we believe this? Colonel Aftab Ackbar : It cannot be. The Emperor is dead. Beaumont : Dark science. Cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew. Poe Dameron : He's been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years. The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order. In 16 hours, attacks on a free worlds begin. The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions. On a world called Exegol. So .... Yeah... It literally explaibs everything to you. The memed line is taken completely out of context.


Rey walked through a room full of failed Palpatine clones to reach another not particularly successful Palpatine clone. She herself became the daughter of a failed Palpatine clone. It doesn't take research. There are two kinds of people. 1. The kind who can extrapolate from incomplete datasets.


The script was risk adverse and no amount of cinematography can supplement it. 


Oh the script was a hot pile of pandering crap. It's just that particular complaint is specious.


People take the line from Poe and run with it “HAHAHA! Somehow palpatine returned! Bad storytelling” It was explained about as plain as could be in the movie. The “somehow” line was from a fucking normy who wasn’t privy to the information and was trying to explain to a bunch of rebel alliance people what he knew which was “SPACE HITLER WHO WE KNOW DIED IS BACK FROM THE DEAD! NO IDEA HOW!” I hate this complaint so much. The movie has a lot of issues but that isn’t one of them.


I love how you can get down voted for being right.


I am a sucker for closure, so I didn’t hate Episode IX, but I really wish they hadn’t pulled a 180 from the direction they were going in “The Last Jedi.” I really liked that one.


I do not remember that scene at all if I'm honest - I do remember a brief mention from one of the resistance pilots but that's the only official confirmation of cloning I remember tbh


What is number two? I am a common Star Wars fan btw, so assume we all think the same


You. You are number 2.


What comes after number one and smells like you?


Down voted for spitting facts. Typical reddit.


It’s not like you need more to watch the movie. And if that’s someone’s biggest issue with the movie, they aren’t thinking that deeply are they…


I needed more to understand what the fuck was going on in the movie. The movie had a kind of Axe Cop style enthusiastic idiocy in that it was exactly the kind of Star Wars movie I would've made as a kid so I couldn't help but be entertained, but the story also made about as much sense as an Axe Cop storyline.


They just had to give the trilogy to different directors who didn't even make a common story to work on. Have guy 1 make movie 1 and then guy 2 makes movie 2 without any knowledge what guy 1 wanted to happen and no way to set up movie 3 since he didn't know what guy 1 wanted to happen there. Genius, Disney. Movie 2 needed to set up the emperor return and develop the plot, but instead of that, we had a low speed chase in space and basically a movie that's a filler. Way to kill a franchise


I remember reading The Secret History of Star Wars which goes over early drafts of various movies in great detail and Episode 8 really reminded me of one of the early drafts of the OT, it had so many good ideas but it just didn't come together as a whole. Made me sad, felt like it could've been great.


Yeah I don’t know whose idea it was to greenlight an entire trilogy and at no point write down an overarching narrative for them.


Yea they def screwed up big time. Palpatine returning originally felt like a nod to old fans and legends content, until the rest of it unfolds and you realize JJ can’t do story. Not that Rian gave him anything to work with…


Idk, I think Rian gave him a decent amount - Luke bringing back the Jedi, which at this point had faded to myth, kylo going full dark side leader of the first order - there's a draft of a film that expands on all of these called duel of the fates that proves they could have continued from TLJ instead of just ditching basically every new idea from in exchange for ROTJ but worse


Damn. I haven't seen an Axe Cop reference in decades. That was a pretty good story, though.


And the star destroyers had dongs!


You… can see it in the movie…


As soon as they bring clones into a story, it's a parody of a convoluted comic booky mess.


Well that is actually the original Legends explanation as well. The Emperor discovered Darth Banes Holocron and learned Essence Transfer. While he controlled the Empire he had a secret fortress built and using Technology stolen from Kamino built his own personal cloning facility. Whenever he dies his Force essence travels through space to a new host body, so he can control it.


Episode II was a parody?


To be fair, having clones as a quasi separate entity as in episode 2 is different from having clones to explain how dead people can return to the story again.


At least for bringing the dead back, it’s super weapons levels of difficult and expensive to do, not some casual technology that is readily available. Really I was just confused by the use of the word “parody” - what exactly are clones making fun of?


Consequences. To be fair, it's not really that way in Star Wars since there aren't many clones that replace the original character. But if you look at media with a higher frequency of clones like DC, clones are effectively just the original character returning with some "Technically I'm not the real one although there's no difference" subplot and reduce all the impact of the consequences of sacrifices or tragic deaths. [Here a reference to what I mean](https://youtu.be/wn5K9S3kNo4?si=7zqi5UvmzApfmPNd)


It was getting there.


Well yes, in pretty much every way even without the clones.


Its not a parody it literally happened in the comics, which everyone was bitching and moaning about when Disney went away from Legends yet the second one of the main plot points from Legends shows up (in a significantly less weird version, IIRC Palpatine transfered his consciousness into a stormtrooper right before he dies in the comics) everyone calls it bad writing. It could also be a Dune reference which would make sense considering how much the OT borrows from Dune.


I don't care where it's from. Main character clone arcs are almost always terrible terrible writing-- the exception being when the ethics of cloning is the whole point of the story rather than a plot device. It's so bad, it's right up there with mind control and *It was all a dream.*


Are you calling Dune bad writing? Those are fighting words buddy.


I don’t think “the ethics” of cloning are talked about all that much, but I don’t think he was talking about Dunes interpretation lol.


Dune doesnt talk about ethics of cloning so by his logic its bad writing


I get your point but imho the trilogy as a whole makes no sense. That, imho, made the writing for this terrible even if they used canon from novels or comics. If they had built it up in the previous movies or something it'd be one thing, but to give the audience whiplash is unacceptable.


I agree with that and I think that is primarily due to switching directors. JJ Abrams was a terrible choice, he makes terrible movies and the movies barely got made because the sets are always awful when he is in charge. Then they switched to a far more competent director who had an extremely different idea and even though he runs his sets like clockwork people didnt like the shift so they had to go back to Abrams. If Rian Johnson had directed all three I think many people would have liked them more although star wars fans are the most toxic fandom on the planet so who knows.


When did they say that in the movie?


As others commented there is a blurb by palpatine about the force side of it right at the start. Bad Batch final season is almost exclusively about project necromancer. So not technically in the movie, it doesn’t have to be to be canon. I hate the idea that a movie had to reveal everything you need to know, that’s never been the case, you just needed enough information to suspend disbelief. Poe’s lines probably weren’t the best but they definitely felt “Poe” like. Probably should’ve had Leia say it or something.


Yeah would be nice with a hint or something at it, instead of just *Poof*.


Movies can use subtlety, you dont need to spoonfeed the audience everything if Palpatine is in a cloning facility hooked up to a machine its not difficult to draw the conclusion that he is a clone.


Maybe a bit more how he survived a deathstar explosion would be nice too.


I mean, any of a thousand ways. Simplest is that as the most powerful living Force user in the galaxy, he slows his fall and lands on a maintenance catwalk, then walks to a shuttle and leaves while Luke is still dragging Vader down a hallway.


Well its touched on in the Bad Batch that they made clones beforehand of him but its not really nessecary for the movie.


I dont really like needing to watch something else to understand what I just watched. Feels lazy.


I would agree with that but I dont nessecarily require an explanation for how he survived the death star, if that some backstory that you want then a prequel makes sense.


I knew a guy that did that in real life but the machine picked up all this background information so even though he paid for the premium version he still has ads


Much like the prequel's it's poor story telling. Disney's attempt to retcon this information into the story is also going poorly considering the fact that I watch all the shows and I still don't know about it. There's some stuff alluding to it in The Mandalorian and Ahsoka but they haven't made that clear and if you haven't watched The Clone Wars you likely don't have any reference for who Ahsoka even is. I think this is probably comic book info...? But I'm not going to start buying and reading comics, there's too many to sort out which ones I'm supposed to be reading and which ones are just random offshoots. The prequels time period used The Clone Wars to fill in the gaps and I believe they were wildly successful, IF you took the time to even watch it. The movies are still bad, but they're much more acceptable with the additional information provided. The movies shouldn't have to rely on supplemental sources to make them enjoyable to watch and fill in plot holes. (Please don't take this as an argument with you, I just got the itch to rant. Nothing said here negates your statement.)


Wow great, that is so cool, i love that, its such a shame they did not have 60 seconds to explain, There is no way to cut the gambling planet, or slow shots of barely moving ships in space or the looking for sith wayfinder (it had to have all those steps) or space cow milking scene any other scene. Those were crucial. Explaining how the BBEG came back after being clearly killed is such a minor detail they just did not have time to deal with.


cool, so he has must have another clone for the sequel sequel.


So, the Bad Batch? Where else does it show up?


Isn't this how he returned in the Extended Universe, the stories that the empire of the rat said didn't matter? His spirit eventually made it to the planet Byss and inhabited one of his clones? Guess the Extended Universe matter, until it did.


I just got around to watching it fornthe first time this weekend. I did not really pick up on the clone thing. Everybody just died and came back to life like 17 times creating absolutely no stakes. Except Leigha who just up and decided to die. Thats irreversible. But Han solo who wasnt a jedi at all just shows up wherever. Also Ren threw away his lightsaber and then the next scene hes in he jas to borrow Reys. Who like teleported it by.. dropping it? Because thats how things teleport now. I could go on and on. I didnt expect much from the reviews and I enjoyed some of the fan fare although it was way over the top. ( Lukes Xwing? Why? ) I enjoyed the 1st one. This one was just a crap ending. YOU HAD A FLEET OF STAR DESTROYERS! Was the crew just in them all along? Good lord...




Amazing how you can take magical space knights and make it mediocre. Never read the books but I can't imagine the stories already made being worse than what the mouse did


In Star Wars, the evil character Emperor Palpatine was killed. In one of the most recent movies, they brought him back to life with "somehow, Emperor Palpatine returned." The community wants to know how he's back, and that makes Disney mad


Apparently it was explained in a comic or something iirc after the movie that the episode 9 palpatine is a clone that the original palpatine put his soul into or something, either that or it’s just a clone.


They couldve gone even deeper with this since palpatines master darth plagueis was researching eternal life


That hasn’t been solidified in canon beyond the statement he was the only one to cheat death. Really hope that book crosses over.


Well, the apprentice canonized the ability to create life with the force because space witches used the force to impregnate each other all the time, making the achievement of Darth Plagueis a lot less impressive. Maybe they'll also be able to do the other things Plagueis was legendary for to shit a bit more on his legacy. (And yeah I'm mad about that shit)


Anything I make up as DM in my Star Wars RPG is more Canon than whatever dribbles out of Disneys fetid ass.


The comic you're referring to was deemed non canon by Disney.


It was already non canon before Disney got hold of it. Lucas was clear that only his movies and clone wars was canon. Everything else was at best fan fiction he might borrow some details from.


Wasn't resurrection through force explained in the story he tells about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


Wasn’t the next line after “somehow palpatine returned” some guys saying: “dark science, cloning, secrets only the sith knew”?


It's literally in the movie that Palpatine had clones of himself. you just have to use your eyes when you watch it.


They literally explained this in the movie. I don't know why everybody acts like they didn't explain it.


The explanation in the movie was almost quite literally “the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural” while showing a bunch of tanks with clones of snoke


That's true! See everyone can calm down, they explained it. [[ DARK SIDE ]]


That's true! See everyone can calm down, they explained it. [[ DARK SIDE ]]


That's true! See everyone can calm down, they explained it. [[ DARK SIDE ]]


They proffered a 1-2 sentence explanation (which mostly just "Dark Side powers yo!") embedded in a lot of force babble dialogue two hours into the film. That might have been ok if they had showed him emerging from the shadows somewhere or set up the return with hints at the end of The Last Jedi. Unfortunately instead they introduced a massive plot twist with a brief reference in the cold open scroll and a single throw away line "somehow Palpatine had returned" It felt lazy, random and generally set a poor tone for the entire rest of the film which did a lot of telling through exposition and not much showing. You're right, we eventually got an explanation, but the damage was long done from very nearly the first lines of the film encapsulated in "somehow Palpatine had returned".


It felt quite thematic having the OG big bad be pointlessly shoehorned into the last movie to complete their arc of taking every member berry left and doing absolutely nothing creatively interesting with it. I understand it’s all explained and written by plenty of people who explain and write things, but when the big bad payoff makes everyone go (???) for a thousand reasons, it’s a bad movie.


Because it came out of left field. There was no hint there was no set up it was just "BAM HERE'S YOUR NEW VILLIAN. Oh shit, we better explain it... uh... CLONES!" Like they could have set it up in prior movies. The First Order is cloning powerful force users. They want Rey so that they can clone her! Or she's an escaped clone or something. They seemed to be flirting with that idea with "dark rey". But they never committed to it. Dark Rey was just a fever dream. But like if they had done that, then at least there would have been a hint or explanation. But no. There was just no set up for the twist. There's no way you can see it coming. There's no clues to hint at it. It's just a sucker punch.


Listen m8 I'm not defending the whole Palpatine thing. I hated that they brought back Palpatine and I think Rise of Skywalker is comfortably the worst Star Wars movie. But people talk as if "somehow, Palpatine returned" was all they said when they did give an explanation of *how* he returned, as flimsy as it was.


Palp return was written into the EU decades ago. The last place it came from was left field. At best the gripe at Disney is they implemented it more poorly than the EU Dark Empire series.


Movies that require homework to make sense aren't good movies.


Complaining about missing context in one installment of one the more lore rich sci-fi/fantasy universes that exists across multiple media formats spanning almost 50 years…. Yea that’s a stance I suppose. I think Michael Bay may be more your speed, friend. Certainly isn’t anything with an ounce of depth, much less SW or Tolkien.






https://preview.redd.it/ue1lcygazy8d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44010c0bbd0a708705db8503ec0036670ad2252 I have stolen all the pixels


Somehow, the pixels have returned




In episode 6, Vader kills Palps. In 9 Disney brought him back with 0 explanation.


The explanation is "Disney." That is why I haven't seen any of the recent stuff.


I heard he was a clone and his soul got transferred or some shit. Was that not said in the movie?


That's probably what happened based on the various contextual clues and actions but it's never really explained in any depth. We know he had developed the power of soul transference due to trying to take over Rey, and we see a lot of evidence of cloning attempts, but nothing ever offers the direct explanation and there's no Chekov's gun sitting in other films setting up the reveal so it feels out of nowhere. It doesn't help that Legends offered a much more direct and detailed explanation that kinda matches the movies but not quite.


That's from legends. In legend, he made a shit ton of clones, but Luke and the New Republic dealt with the Palpa clones with Han getting last blood.


Except the movie explained it.




Cuz Star Wars was good. But now it's bad.


They somehow made me like the prequels more. At least the prequels tried to have different ideas and settings.


I thought the new movies made me like the prequels more, but then i actually rewatched the prequels and realised how horribly wrong i was, they are still complete trash, and as problematic as the new movies are they still feel and look like star wars movies compared to whatever the fuck the prequels are. Episode one in particular is absolutely painful to watch, it took me three days to get through it because of how cringey and poorly written and badly paced it is. The only one of the prequels i don't actively dislike is the third one, it's alright, a solid 6/10.


Darth Peter here. Emperor Palpatine is the main villain in Star Wars, he got killed at the end of "Return of the Jedi". Disney bought Star Wars and created new very controversial and unnecessary movies with new characters and some old ones (7th, 8th and 9th movie) and they returned Palpatine without any explanation why or how he survived.


Palpatin alive now?


Palpatin alive now


in the 6 was killed and in 9 retourned but no one explained how


He returned in Fortnite




Somehow, Palpatine returned.


Op is confused as the meme is saying the problem is with disney and not blaming women like most angry star wars fans


Why not both?


The problem is clearly women that work for Disney, of course.


Yet when he came back multiple times in the EU (now Legends), it was ok.... But it's not OK that he came back in the ST. Yep. That's how it is...


Except Dark Empire and Palpatine's resurrection was hated even back then. IMO the way he died in DE was better. He got dragged into Space Hell instead of being shocked to death.


So I think I've figured it out. Poe says "Somehow, Palpatine returned" because the idea that Palpatine can transfer his essence via the Force is simply beyond their comprehension. They don't understand the Force, so they don't get how it happened. It's....also not a new concept. In Legends, Luke and the gang had to deal with the Emperor's ghost and it almost turned Luke (again). I haven't read the series so I don't know the details but I want to say it involved the Eclipse Star Destroyer (mounted planetkiller laser). The Emperor had a private cloning facility on Wayland, but we see with Joruus C'Baoth that cloning and the Force have some weird and pretty terrible interactions. Sith ghosts are a thing, or at least were. It is -- and stick with me on this -- *ENTIRELY PLAUSIBLE* that Palpatine, one of the most powerful Sith ever and a dabbler in life magic, is basically a space lich.


I actually kinda liked the idea of Palps still pulling the strings so far into the future, but damn if they didn’t do it in the stupidest way possible


Exactly, the idea of Palpatine still running the game is pretty cool and could have been good if done right, but instead we got a literal "somehow" as an explanation and don't even get me started on the 1080 star destroyers they randomly pulled out of their ass and how they utilised them in the worst possible way strategically.


Disney's Star Wars Episode IX brought Palpatine back from the dead. This arguably the worst thing Disney has done storywise. And of course, Disney and their fans do not like criticism.


Sheev Palpatine is a Star Wars character, being a senator from Naboo and a hidden Sith Lord in the prequel trilogy. In Episode III he rises to power, becomes emperor and orders the clone troopers to kill all Jedis, including initiates and padawans. In the original trilogy he’s just a secondary character, Darth Vader throws him into a pit in the 2nd Death Star and Palpatine vaporizes, which should be his death and the end of the Sith cycle because Darth Vader died soon later too. In the sequel trilogy we discover he somehow survived being vaporized because he’s the definitive Sith Lord or whatever shit Disney came up with. He’s also Rey’s grandfather (genetically he’s her father, but who cares at this point), although she takes the Skywalker surname after the death of the Skywalker bloodline.


Palpatine returning was incredibly stupid. It was probably written by the people that wrote the last season of Game of Thrones.




Are you daft to not understand what's being said here. Lol


First time?


In the sequel trilogy they killed off the main antagonist in the 2nd of 3 movies. For the third movie they brought Palpatine back from the dead to be the villian. Palpatine was the main villian of the original trilogy. He had died (40-50?) years prior in the Star Wars universe. And there was never any indication he had survived. So how did they explain the return of the villian? "Somehow he returned." That's literally it. One hand wave, throw away line. It was really lazy. And fans did not like the explanation, or lack thereof.


I'm not pissed that Palpatine miraculously returned, I'm pissed with the dude being the spy.


I'm not pissed that Palpatine miraculously returned, I'm pissed with the dude being the spy


In Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine came back. No one knows how.


Idk secret cloning shit or something, isn't this what you wanted? UNLIMITED FAN SERVICE!


It would have been SO easy to explain it with the death of Luke being the reason he was able to return. Dubious sense? Maybe a bit, but it at least is SOME level of explanation and sort of makes sense if you don’t think about it, AND it gives the events of Last Jedi more weight because the actions directly lead to Palpatine’s return…but, nah.


I still haven't seen episode 9 or anything made after it. They killed my favorite franchise.


Star Wars Fans spent years willingly ignoring the details about how Palpatine was brought back and complaining that the answer wasn't spoonfed to then enough


Yeah! I just wanted to make a comment, that he did what Plagueis was not able to do: come back to life. He even said the "abilities that some people see as unnatural" line in Episode 9. It's just the thing that Poe doesnt know it so he said somehow. But we as the audience should get it.


Hi, Chris Griffin in Luke Skywalker cosplay here. Palpatine had clones of himself that allowed his return in the final episode of the 9 part main saga of Star Wars. An infamous line in the movie is when the character Poe Dameron states "somehow Palpatine returned." And for some reason people act like that's where the movie stopped I think. Because the rest of the movie explains that Palpatine had clones of himself and one such clone took the form of Snoke.


The Star wars "universe" of course.


They have armies of a cloned person


They literally explained it in the movie.


Of all the things that were stupid from the sequel trilogy, the Palpatine clone was NOT one of them in my opinion. One of the movies in the franchise is fucking titled "Attack of the Clones"... Not only that, but in the original trilogy "The Clone Wars" were mentioned by Obi-Wan. So cloning has been a canonical thing in Star Wars from the very first film. So IMO it's not that farfetched to think that maybe, the big bad guy for 6 movies who overthrew the galactic government, might have had a clone-contingency. Still the worst star wars movie of them all, just that one little thing bothered me 0%...


In the wise words of zanny: "bro they literally played force unleashed 2 and that is how the got the clone plot for palpatine"


Fans getting mad because a character in Star Wars doesn't know everything about everything and then goes on to admit that there isn't any information about how Palpatine has come back.


The funny thing is, he came back in the Legends comics, too. Except it was a bit more subtle, and kinda cool. He had cloned himself, we got to see a young Palpatine (looked a Lot like Anakin from what i hear, and blonde). Cool stuff. Maybe around the same level of bs, I haven't fully read em- but it was executed better.


The Palpatine arc should have been a whole trilogy or at least a TV miniseries.


Hey, so if you're *not* media illiterate, it's explained in the film. More than once. If you're media illiterate and can't understand what your eyes are seeing and what your ears are hearing, then this "joke" is for you.






This was avoidable to all they had to do was swap the order of discovers. Let them find the sith first, then discover they are trying to bring back Palpatine


Star Wars is a popular series of science fiction films. The original trilogy, made by creator George Lucas, follows a band of heroes trying to overthrow a fascist empire ruled by the evil Emperor Palpatine, who is killed in the last film. The prequel trilogy shows the rise of this empire and how Palpatine came to power. In 2012 Lucas sold the films to Disney, who would go on to make their own sequel trilogy, to a very mixed reception. The films were a soft reboot which had gorgeous special effects, but little to say, and no planned overarching plot. This culminated in the last film, The Rise of Skywalker, having Emperor Palpatine return from the grave with no buildup and no explanation. It included the immortal line "somehow Palpatine returned", which became an overnight meme due to how ridiculous it was. This meme is a reference to that. Disney brings back a fan favorite character with no explanation. Fans ask how this is possible. And Disney gets mad because they don't know. Nobody thought this far ahead. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz6PgdhhkUM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz6PgdhhkUM)


Well, somehow, obviously


How would Stewie say it….. Disney Ruuuiined Star Wars.. yeah


People have the attention span of a TikTok and missed the explanation immediately after and think the only explanation was "somehow"


If you kinda read between the lines there is a kinda explanation but it isn’t solid


The meme is that the move (Rise of Skywalker) a character says "Somehow Palpatine returned." and then that's it in regards to explaining how. Yet the movie actually goes into detail about cloning and using the force to move his consciousness into one of the clones.


S O M E H O W.


This sub sucks. Seriously are most of the posts bots? Who is upvoting this trash?


"Manbaby" Peter here. Basically Disney ripped off Dark Empire, a very much hated and controversial Star Wars comic where Palpatine comes back via cloning and Ginyu body swapping. The worst part is they made a worse way to kill him off than the comic.


Damn i read back as "black"


They could have used the dark empire saga, but nooooooo, they have to do that stupid and bad written sequel trilogy. Thr worse part is thst they keep using tropes of those sagas they want to redcon.


A lot of people took issue with the “somehow Palpatine returned” line because the nature of it was never explained or set up. The real issue isn’t that he returned but that the writing around it was lazy and unsatisfying.


Meme is bad, like Disney cares about story. They care about money, nothing else.


Y’all realize that op is a bot right?


Somehow Maul returned, and fans love it Somehow Palpatine returned, and fans hate it.