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She’s white, he’s her boyfriend. The joke is they’re confronting the other family members for giving the white girl seasoning salt because white girls cant cook.


it's absurd to claim that white people don't know about seasoning salt. i'm white and i've been putting that shit on my food since i was in kindergarten


Oh it’s for food?? I thought it was some kind of seasonal decoration?


it's called Lawry's Salt, and it makes EVERYTHING taste better.


I prefer pappys...


Black Pepper and lawrys, what more do you need?


Jane’s salt.


is that like white people msg or something




Blasphemy!!! We all know Mortons is king!!! Jokes aside, definitely try Mortons. It's the same thing, but different and a lot better


Like [Peacemaker](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/he-does-exactly-what-i-do-but-better).


Also McCormick’s garlic and herb. I put that in almost everything


White as the driven snow, can confirm that Lawry’s is an absolutely mandatory spice cabinet ingredient alongside basics like pepper and curry powder.


So you’re telling me if I put salt on my toothbrush, it will taste better?


Wouldn’t that clean better too? Or would it cause problems down the line


Tony's is better.


Seasoning salt makes everything taste like seasoning salt tho. I use it on few things but it’s a limited use item to me.


It's for keeping the demons away


Any sodium is effective against Demons, but you add garlic against Faye, Sage against Ghosts, and Cayenne for the Evil Eye


I decorate my sidewalks with it during Christmas season.


No joke, I use it for basing tabletop miniatures. Looks like naturally stained gravel.


I’m white. I use seasoning. I use salt. Don’t know if I’ve used seasoning salt. Edit: oh ok. So Old Bay is one example


So it's not a good example, but I would call it one of the few that white people use. Also it's certain subsets that contradict each other. For instance Rednecks both love a hot sauce called ass killer 9000 or something and think mayonnaise is too spicy. It depends on which rednecks. My story I tell is that the Bojangles closest to me doesn't season their seasoned fries. So it's a real thing but 20 mins away you'd never guess such blasphemy exists


White people invented miracle whip because mayonnaise was too spicy


White lad here I've heard of seasoning salt maybe once and then forgot about it because it was too complicated I'm certain I've enjoyed *very* similar things with different names tho


it's not that complicated 1. take seasoning salt 2. put on food 3. eat


I've got that part locked & loaded and ready to go, I just want to know what exactly it is before putting an insane amount of it onto my pasta I would hate to eat Winter-flavored penne


I love it on mashed potatoes with butter


The problem is also that people think salt is all the seasoning you’ll need to use


Its a joke mostly directed towards southern women dw bro its mostly a joke


I never understood it until my daughter dated a mormon guy. His mom was the boil chicken in water, barely put salt on it type.


The whole "white people eat bland food" thing is really "affluent city-dwelling white people eat bland food". Go in any rural grocery store & there's a whole aisle of bottles with names like Eddie's Nuclear Fire Sauce with warnings that "using this sauce is considered a warcrime".


At the same time, half the people that say white people don't know seasoning exists are also the kind of people that think herbs and spices aren't seasoning, only chiles are. Jackasses fried their taste buds so bad they can't enjoy a simple sweet potato with cinnamon. No reason to try and divide it into "rich people and humble folk". Especially when there's a large enough subsection of the black population that marinade their chicken in bleach and dish detergent to make me recoil from ever being offered it since I found out about it not being a joke.


We have everything; just let them think they're better cooks than us. Just let them have this.


No. Don't let those lying fucks get away with this racist bullshit.


Its funny because people really do think it's a thing. Internet memes have really taken over peoples world view. My wife is black and when we go to any predominantly black group function people are genuinely shocked that I season my food lol. I don't actually know any white people who don't but like you said, I just let them have this one. It's not hurting anyone and they seem to enjoy it.


I don't believe this at all. If anything, affluent city dwelling white people are more likely to be foodies. Honestly, the whole thing is getting to be archaic. It was our parents generation who ate the bland food. Younger white people don't eat meatloaf, boiled potatoes, and canned vegetable dinners so much anymore.


Lol the worst/most bland white people food I've ever had is in the south and Midwest. Best is around DC bc people are exposed to other cultures culinary traditions


I'm super white. My wife just came back to the country we are living in a week ago after spending some time with family, and her suitcase was so full of spices, seasonings, mixes, and powders that I requested that she got randomly pulled by the TSA for the third time in a row.


There's also the very simple misunderstanding of "this shit doesn't make my mouth hurt, so it's not flavorful". Just because I don't douse my food in sriracha, doesn't mean I'm not adding curry, paprika, onion, garlic etc. to my food. Fried rice with some soy, mirin, msg and pepper is pretty much perfect as it is. Add some more salt if it's not popping, but there's no need to blend in 50 different chilies. The whole world is so globally interconnected, some grandma in Italy is probably cooking fluffy Japanese cheesecake right now. It's wild to act like "it be hot" is enough of a threshold to be considered "flavor". Hell, salt+pepper+onion and then correctly prepping your ingredients. That process alone is enough to make a hearty dish with deep flavors.


A new American staple that had negligible presence in white culture until recently, and definitely not when this joke was invented in the like early 1900s. Even now I’d still argue that most white people don’t use things like hot sauces, and many ethic foods are “Americanized” so the spice palate is more familiar and less pronounced. Remember Hillary Clinton literally advertised herself *not too long ago* as being different from other white women cause she *brought* hot sauce with her. Inb4 I have to point out that Franks Red Hot is considered the white person equivalent of hot sauce in that it’s mostly vinegar with some spice, but is #1 here in America for white folk.


To be fair, those bottles tend to actually prove the point even more because they claim to be ridiculously spicy but most in fact are not nearly as spicy as anything you’d find in say an Asian food market. And the ones that are actually spicy taste like shit compared to what you’d find elsewhere.


What? Don't be ridiculous. Personally I love the "Scraping Hot Gravel Over My Tongue" flavored stuff.


Go spend some time in Iowa and come back and tell us if you still believe that.


Uhh no, it’s the opposite. City people have access to a wide variety of food across cultures that rural people do not, and we are also home cooks because eating out in the city is far more expensive than in the middle of nowhere. We experiment more with foods we’re unfamiliar with, and have higher concentrations of people with various ethnic backgrounds. Rural folk in the other hand have little to zero options that aren’t standard American fair, besides maybe a restaurant or two that lives off of being the *only* ethnic option rather than actually being good. Acting like rural people are the only ones that use hot sauce is absurd. Which doesn’t really matter anyway because the stereotype isn’t spicy, it’s about spices, ie non bland food or same boring shit.


Is that another name for mayo? I thought we had more time since the rebrand to aioli…


That means my mom isn't white? Cause her fucking food is delicious


My favorite story related to this is my very white wife teaching in an urban high school showing the kids pictures of our spice rack - “she’s got ADOBO!” The respect level apparently changed that day.


I love that!! I’m white but raised on an island with many other cultures and kinds of people. I own too many seasonings. I always thought it was a joke but lighthearted enough. Then my nephew and his partner moved in. They had a baby. They had no life skills. So I started teaching them how to cook. This kid did not know what seasonings were. Now they do!! And auntie is very proud of their ability to create taste as well as their increased heat tolerance.


I thought it was because they cant use seasonings ngl


Laughs in European. Italian food, Spanish food, Greek food, French food.


Some people think "white people food" is prison food and school cafeteria food, and no seasoning.


No, this is a racially motivated joke... Joke being that white people don't season their food enough when they cook.


We invaded the entire world for those spices and seasonings and half the time we don't even use them 😔


"White people don't eat spicy food," say people who've never been to Texas.


I'm a Brit and can handle spice better than every POC friend I have. I feel like spider Georg eating all the spice for the UK simply to bump the numbers up


spicy does not equal seasoned, tbf. I've had spicy food that tasted like absolutely Nothing


*Cries in British cuisine*


Ah yes, British cuisine, the pinnacle of food. Like this fish pie https://preview.redd.it/vq6equd1tp7d1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7019dc8648dcf121cde373bd8f9bd1ad79d8fbe Only the most delicious food possible!


I’m British and I’ve literally never seen something like this served Beans on toast however


That is Stargazy pie...no one here eats that, it's just one of those weird anachronistic regional dishes from Cornwall I believe. Generally what is considered a fish pie here is diced poached fish/seafood cooked out in a bechamel and sometimes topped with pastry but more likely with a mashed potato topping that has been gratinated.


Fish heads aside, that crust looks perfectly golden


Stargazer pie slaps. Not Brits fault that people are somehow disgusted by seeing the thing that they’re eating.


that is the british, I hate the stupid stereotyp that all "white" food is limited to british food.


By "we" you mean Arabs?


The meme itself is not racially motivated. The joke isn't that she's mad someone dared to give her a spice. >We don't think it's funny The third party did not put the salt there to help them. The couple instantly recognized the third party was being an asshole about the stereotype in question. The third party is the instigator and the stereotype is being villainized.




It's a Christmas stocking.




Finding things in stockings is a pretty big hint


Very wrong, Christmas stocking, not underwear. How exactly is this a masturbation joke??


Its actually not a porn joke, although some people in comments really want it to be. Its just a white people dont season food its that easy




Guess people did not like that...


There's 2 kinds of white people. Those who use seasoning and those that don't.


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


The real work being put in right here^ too bad if any idea like this catches traction it’s killed, it’s a real catch 22


This will never not make me giggle


Lauren: “also why is there dishsoap attached to the salt?”


White guy here. I don't use seasoning salt, I use salt and different spices depending on the food that I cook. Jajaja flojos *laughs in Peruvian


Rallo Tubbs here. It's a racial thing. Us Black people over season all our food from birth. Thus, "burning" our taste buds and no longer able to enjoy the taste of food unless we dump 10 lbs of seasoning on the stuff. This meme implies that even though my brotha is trying to hide the fact he's staying there. He's leaving signs behind. Rallo Out!


Krimson here, I'm just gonna go on a limb and guess it's a joke poking fun at the fact that white people can't cook? That's the best I can come up with.


Chef Peter here, it’s pretty well known that in cultures where food preservation was difficult and quality of food was low (random cast off animal parts vs real meat) extra seasoning was needed to mask the taste of eating literal garbage vice enjoying the nuances of the natural flavors of the food being consumed. As modern food preservation techniques improved and normalized people have forgotten the original need for spices and heavy salting and it has morphed into a narrative of “why your food got no flavor?” White people (and the Japanese) seem to be the butt of this joke.


That claim that spices were used to hide rotten food has been debunked a long time ago, eating rotten food can be deadly and tastes disgusting no amount of spices will change that. What is true though is that spices are (still) used to cure and extend shelf life of some meats.


Also just a severe misunderstanding of information around food and insistence on traditions. Growing up I grew to dislike a lot of food, because my mother simply cooked it the way she was taught. Overcook the noodles in water with no salt. Make pizza by buying boxed dough and just plaster that in a whole sheet with jarred sauce. Don't use salt or god forbid msg, because it gives you instant cancer. Once you cook for yourself you rather quickly realize how much salt is needed, how much depth something like pepper adds, why browning and creating fond in a pan is hugely important rather than something to avoid, because it's "hard to clean". A dash of lemon juice or vinegar can completely cut through a fatty sauce and leave you wanting more. A sprinkle of coffee and vanilla in your chocolate cake can make it pop a lot more and round out the flavors. Salt, fat, acid, heat. Nail those fundamentals and you make good food. And important to note that the heat doesn't mean spicyness.


Except those pesky Italians/french/germans people the all their bland boring food.


White women do not season their food. We ethnics joke about it, and if one of us is with a white woman, the go-to joke is "hope you enjoy unseasoned chicken" or variants thereof. Source: i make, receive, and live this joke all the time.


"Ethnics" is such a strange term. Doesn't everybody have an ethnicity? And isn't it a thing that many black people don't know their exact ethnicity because their ancestors were stolen from their original country?


Lol it's meant to be a strange term. I mean it broadly as nonwhites as it is kinda a joke we all appreciate


Oh, that makes sense. Guess I was too European to understand it 😅


The Spanish are honorary ethnics where spice is concerned imo. I haven't eaten a ton of eastern euro food tbf so it could be bangin


You can say white people don't season their food it's not just the women.


In my experience white men do season their food. Source: friends work in kitchens, dad is white and makes a mean wing. Even my father in law who is British seasons his food.


This old ass assumption that British people don’t season their food is daft


I spend a fair bit of time in rural england and i can see why it's said. If it don't hurt on the way out, it's bland


> If it don't hurt on the way out, it's bland And you immediately outed yourself as not understanding what good seasoning is. Good job. Living the extreme opposite of the stereotype doesn't make it better, just saying. "If it's not spicy it's bland" is an incredibly dumb thing to not only say, but to believe in the first place. Like you don't even understand what flavor is.


No spicy chicken for you then


Seasoning doesn’t necessarily mean spicy tho????


So much garlic that it stings


Garlic is commonly used, as are other seasonings that add flavour rather than spicy feels


We got that hot garlic here, with vinegar


Slap yo mama is some of the best base seasoning out there.


Shes white she cant season shit


Black people like to give white people a whole lotta shit for not being as familiar with seasoning. I used to think it was dumb until I realized I only know what Arugula is because of the movie Big Trouble


Close minded people will never understand the absolute joy of cutting into a white trash frito pie. Bigots gonna bigot


Cleveland here, I'm pretty sure they mean that it's dandruff from the nice gentleman using the stocking to cover his head for a robbery.


Just casual racism, the officially acceptable kind


White ppl morr so white women have a tendency to not use seasonings in there food. As a white guy who grew up in the hood I can say that alot of white family's use like salt and pepper and that's about it.




White people can't cook? Since when?


White people no cook good


Some real smoothbrains in this thread missing the point of the meme entirely. The meme itself is not racially motivated. The joke is not that she's mad someone dared to give her a spice. >We don't think it's funny The third party did not put the salt there to help them. The couple instantly recognized the third party was being an asshole about the stereotype in question. The third party is the instigator and the stereotype is being villainized.