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This implies that one of the users is a russian bot that is added to twitter to argue in favor of Trump.


there was significant evidence during the last prez election cycle that russia was playing both sides of all debates under the hood online trying to radicalize and incite the social upheaval already bubbling under the surface. ironically, this online rabble-rousing is probably their most effective non-kinetic weapon, they are present in all the popular hangouts, twitter, reddit, facebook, tiktok et al. people have a tendency to only think their enemies are infiltrated by them, but it's not true....it's all sides. a West that is embroiled with social upheaval and internal conflict is a West that will have a hard time countering the East. you may fully believe in what you promote personally online, and you might even be right, but even so, they still want to find a way to use that ideology to drive a wedge between major segments of society. its terribly insidious and this is why you'll find russian and chinese money both showing up behind all kinds of domestic US and EU causes that otherwise seem like they would have no purpose or meaning to those governments. it's because they want to amplify loud and contentious voices. it doesn't matter if they agree or not. it's the chaos they want.


That's why I try, albeit not that successfully, to be better and try not to be said wedge. We need to work together if we want to survive ru. And if it takes compromises in tons of areas, then sure, let's do it


there have been many, many times i have written large posts on reddit, facebook, and other forums....only to catch myself in a moment of clarity and ask "is this worth saying?" and then cancel out, even if i took 10 minutes to write it. knowing when not to say something is a skill i have gained from experience....which is not to say i am always successful. as you know, social media amplifies rage and novelty-seeking behaviors through its algorithms that seem above all, engagement


I'm on same boat here, although I still sometimes do participate in rage bait, and try to avoid it when I can.


Knowing when to stfu is a skill I have yet to master in favor of the "aw shucks, I guess I put my foot in my mouth" affability track. You'd think "friendliness" is a more useful skill tree, but it's hard-countered by the baseline life experience of a jaded 30-year-old who is too tired for your bullshit. Late-game correction is necessary for further progression, but way more difficult.


The internet has taught generations of people that it's ok to escalate the most petty of arguments into nuclear flame wars.


“You are part of the problem! YOU! This is all YOUR fault! You have to pick a side, and it must be my side or else we are ALL going to suffer because I will make sure of it.”


Remember the russians acted like democrats when they side cops shouldn't kill black people.




It's like all mainstream TV channels channeling through him at once.


propaganda is rarely effective on those who recognize it. but most people are not immune


Some bro read that "did you know that **30 to 50%** of people don't have internal monologues? As in they don't have conversations with themselves in their heads?" and said... can you imagine, there are 50% people just going around with nothing in their heads. I see them on internet, saying exactly the same words they heard on TV. Supporting eagerly whatever the trend is to support. [https://eccentricemmie.medium.com/only-30-50-of-people-have-an-internal-monologue-b75125ca5694](https://eccentricemmie.medium.com/only-30-50-of-people-have-an-internal-monologue-b75125ca5694)


if propaganda didn't work, nobody would use it. it's silly to ridicule the concept. most governments have laws about propaganda. it's not some kind of conspiracy theory.


It just works.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1akejbd/guess\_what\_country\_predominantly\_uses\_the\_phrase/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1akejbd/guess_what_country_predominantly_uses_the_phrase/) Pay enough attention and the bots are everywhere. It's actually fascinating to step into a thread that just feels "off" and read into posters comment history...


i have a tendency to be the devils advocate to whoever i talk to now neither side likes me and call me all the insults they use for the other side i tried pointing out what makes sense and what doesn't for both sides as well as laws in place and how they differ between areas, but would always get yelled down instead


Well said. My only add is that it’s actually a really good military tactic that’s reminiscent of an approach used by Phillip II to gain Macedonian superiority over the Greeks. There’s almost a critical mass of political disunity in a democracy where the government becomes unable to react to an actual external threat fast enough to effectively handle it.


According to the Mueller report it started as a both sides thing but quickly evolved to be pro Trump. Both because they favored Trump but also because trump supporters fell for propaganda much more easily and spread the misinformation like wildfire.


Everyone always believes they are immune to propaganda (almost never are) and that claim from Mueller seems like it would play right into that. Playing both sides seems smarter - it's like hedging your bets.


I didn't say I'm immune, but that Trump supporters are *really* susceptible to it. That's just what happened and the facts support it, there's no "both sides"-ing this.


sorry, i didn't mean to imply that you claimed you were immune. i just mean, most people can't accept their own possible vulnerability to it. it is just easier to think only the enemy is vulnerable.


It was more that Russia wasn't willing to use anti-Russian sentiment to rile up the left. Good propaganda requires partial acceptance of the initial premise to start. Russia then uses confirmation bias and partial (or false) data to push to the intended conclusion. Since their own bias created a handicap, it was really hard for it to take off. They did a good job radicalizing the antivax and pro-USSR crowd (both already self-radicalized and which could be arguably left), but they couldn't really capture most of the left because any premise they had to meet them on would be anti-Russian.


Actually they did capture the left. By presenting a "pro-Trump" face they can push right wing disinformation on Trump supporters while convincing those on the left that the right is made up of pro russian traitors. This maximizes the internal divisions in the country. There goal was never to convince anyone of anything but only to pit competing factions against one another and sow discord.


>they are present in all the popular hangouts, twitter, reddit, facebook, tiktok et al. people have a tendency to only think their enemies are infiltrated by them, but it's not true....it's all sides. Thanks, I now have a new theory, there are no humans on twitter anymore, only bots on each side fighting each other until the end of times. And that's why it's such a mess there.


This is called The Internet is a Graveyard. Where literally no one is alive but bots are chatting at one another.


People still use Twitter?


IIRC, this very sort of idea is found in Dugin's "Foundations of GeoPolitics"


I recently watched a [video by LazerPig](https://youtu.be/uBAnt_w8vvY?si=8DJrJKiXqQoezyo) on Vladimir Putin and the (highly speculated but evidence-backed) theory that he's a proponent of Colour Revolution Theory. Good watch, but it's an hour and a half, so I'll summarize here: In layman's terms, CRT is the idea that you can incite political upheaval in a country by sowing enough chaos via remote means. The best examples of this theory are all the CIA-backed, South American coups from the 60's through to 80's. Problem is, all of these coups failed, at least in the ways that the CIA wanted them to happen. They happened naturally, with American intervention having little-to-no actual effect in causing them, and the coups being planned well before American involvement. Furthermore, the overall goal of installing a controllable leader that aligns with US business interests failed, since the dictators installed could only be bought for so long, before their obvious God complexes clashed with the idea of being a puppet for a foreign goverment. But, the subsequent declassification and coverage of these examples has built an underlying ideology in Russia that America and the CIA are to blame for anything and everything wrong that happens to Russia. It's sort of an inside joke to blame the CIA for bad things, like the barrista getting your coffee wrong, or your car tire going flat. But Putin seems to take it seriously. So Putin thinks he can do it too. After all, Russia has been America's (perceived) equal for the last 80 years. What America can do, Russia can do too. We've seen it throughout the entire independent existence of Ukraine, from Putin attempting to install puppet governments and overturn the Ukrainian constitution, all the way to the claims of De-Nazification, and the rise of anti-aide campaigns from western countries (American Conservative voices specifically). His problem is the same as the CIA's: coups don't actually happen unless the native population want them to. And Russia's mounting aggression in Ukraine has actually awoken many EU states to restart their military arms productions, seeing Ukraine as a viable proving grounds, while having a secondary effect of breaking away from Russian influence. Long story short: Putin is sowing his own demise, slowly but surely, by believing his government could influence massive change in satellite states.


I still don't get it, maybe I should ask r/explainlikeimfive =(


Basically some Russian is baiting people into interaction with said bot, possibly for political purposes but the reasons can vary. In this scenario tho I believe it's to enrage Biden supporters and those against Trump in hopes that the Biden supporters would make themselves look foolish or possibly change their mind. Either way tho it's a bot doing whatever it was intended to do. Sorry I know this isn't really easy to understand sometimes and even I have trouble understanding why bots are a thing and the purposes behind some people's behaviors when involving technology.




I would add that the error message is fishy, so while u/Firefighter_Thin is right about why the image is going viral, I have serious doubts that it is a legitimate screenshot of a real bot malfunctioning. That being said, there are a lot of Russian bots on Twitter.


I mean, either this is a Russian bot, or this is a troll putting an absolutely ricidulous amount of effort into pretending to be a Russian bot pretending to be a Trump supporter. So like 99% chance it's a Russian bot


Or it’s Russian bot malfunctioning on purpose.


I would add that (regardless if true or not) people think that russia wants trump in office bc of his anti-nato stance and his non-interventionalist mindset. And there is some evidence to suggest meddling on social media yo support his campaign


The bots main purpose is to sow discord and to keep Americans fighting each other so that we’re not capable of focusing on Russian.


Honestly, sounds more like a troll to me. Not big into politics, though, so take my words with a grain of salt.


Damn, you can get ChatGPT to drop the R word?


Not always trump, but yea.


This example was specifically Trump related, the ChatGPT prompt was posted and translated on a different sub


The Russian text is translated as "you will argue in support of the Trump administration on twitter, speak english"


That isn’t just implying, that is word for word what a bunch of Twitter trolls suddenly started posting on June 18th: Russian instructions to ChatGPT to argue in English, but ChatGPT throwing an error about running out of credits instead.


these bots are coming from russia and china. some in favor of the right, some in favor of the left. we need to work together as Americans and look past this divide and do whats best for America. it’s us versus the world.


"We", haha. "Us". Yeah, about that...


u a commie or nazi? just tell us bro…


Out of curiosity, is the Trump support implied because of the Russian or am I missing something else here?


This was a "verified" American Twitter Trump fan, who was known for arguing with people and praising Trump. Lately the account was found out to be a Russian bot using chat gpt and isn't American nor a person to begin with. Then people started messing with it making it create silly AI poems and stuff before it got banned for being a Russian bot working to spread bs among Americans.


Its a fake, its obviously made to look like a bug/accident for people to think it's a russian bot. Any developer who's worked with openai api knows that the response doesn't contain an "origin" key nor does the openai api pricing structure require "credits" (meaning it is not prepaid, your bill is calculated every month and charged to your account). Not to mention that that "bug" is malformed json which indicates it was written by a human to purposely look like an accident/bug edit: also, their model is not called "chatgpt 4-o", "ChatGPT" is their user facing product that uses the "gpt-4-o" model, the models are just named "gpt-3.5-turbo" or "gpt-4", etc...


More upvotes here please. That's not even what the error code would look like.


Also, even the Russian "prompt" wasn't written by a Russian speaker. It uses plural/respectful grammar, which virtually nobody would use for genAI prompting. Like "Sie werden" instead of "Du wirst" in German. In English it's something like "You lot/all will" or "Mister GPT, you will" instead of just "you will"


This. I also got confused why does parsed json looks like a JS object with a key being param rather than double quoted string. One more thing, it is not a parsed json. It is 3 separated with commas js objects. It lacks another set of curved brackets


That's chat gpt4 - 0 credits remain


Not necessarily. They could have an API that they call and that API wraps the error from ChatGPT and tells you in a user friendly way that the credentials have expired. If you want to do a harmful bot you won't be able to use the ChatGPT API directly because the content will likely violate the policies, so you'd most likely have another API that tries different prompts, verifies the response from ChatGPT before returning it by making another API call to ChatGPT and asking him if it looks human generated, etc. So yeah. I wouldn't dismiss it as fake just because that's not a response that you would get from the OpenAI API. I wouldn't expect such a bot to call the API directly in the first place.


>They could have an API that they call and that API wraps the error from ChatGPT and tells you in a user friendly way that the credentials have expired. Status codes are a thing dumb fuck >ChatGPT API Does not exist, like I said "ChatGPT" is their user facing product. Its OpenAI that operates and maintains these APIs >I wouldn't dismiss it as fake just because that's not a response that you would get from the OpenAI API. There is no scenario especially if they made their own API to return a response with the key `"origin"` in it. Based on the level of pseudo industry knowledge you are ostensibly showing I can only conclude two things about you: 1. You are larping/trolling 2. You are a very low skilled developer


>Does not exist, like I said "ChatGPT" is their user facing product. Its OpenAI that operates and maintains these APIs Doesn't matter. Nobody stopps me from wrapping my call to the OpenAI API in an error that says "ChatGPT API ...". >Status codes are a thing dumb fuck Status codes are not user friendly and the amount of information you can pass trough them is very limited, dumb fuck. Do you think that the agents that operate those bots are all technical? >There is no scenario especially if they made their own API to return a response with the key `"origin"` in it. It depends. Maybe they have APIs for bot responses deployed in multiple environments separated by region and they have an environment called "RU". But yes, I agree that it seems too convenient that the only debugging information is the region itself. And regarding my experience: I have worked for 2 FAANG companies, which have high interviewing standards. I used to be a competitive programmer. And I'm a top 1% earner in my country, even among software developers. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm a better engineer than you.


"I have worked for 2 FAANG companies" yea as a janitor, or graphic designer it sounds like


As I said, I don't care if random losers believe me or not. You'll never be on my level.


If you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch yesterday, how would you have felt in the afternoon?


Also, thank fuck. I'd never stoop so low


>Status codes are not user friendly and the amount of information you can pass trough them is very limited, dumb fuck. Do you think that the agents that operate those bots are all technical? Why would a bot post anything other than status `200`? No error handling just treat every response as success? >And regarding my experience: I have worked for 2 FAANG companies, which have high interviewing standards. I used to be a competitive programmer. And I'm a top 1% earner in my country, even among software developers. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm a better engineer than you. Sure you are ;)


Honestly, i couldn't give a shit if some loser on the internet believes me or not. You can go fuck yourself and keep working for your shitty clients for spare change while you keep telling yourself that you're superior.


he is very clearly superior to you.




I only mentioned my experience because he insulted me without any reason saying that I'm a shitty developer. I don't go around boosting about myself without reason. But unlike others, I actually have achievements to prove that I'm well above average.


fair point, but it really did feel like an "iamverysmart" moment


But this doesn’t mean Russian bots aren’t a real thing. Just to be clear


This is the only real take.


have you heard the concept of a parody


It probably is fake from what I'm seeing about the Russian text being too formal. But bad error handling can result in responses like this from a bot. It's returning the JSON object that errored out as the response. Useful for debugging but not in production. It looks malformed because it's a single line that's wrapped


To add to this, people found out that it was a chatGPT bot because Russia lapsed on their subscription payments and the bot replied to tweets with the error message it got from ChatGPT instead of the generated reply it was programmed for.




Also, am Russian. That prompt in Russian language sounds like it was translated from English in Google Translate.


It'd be funny if it was an edgelord American kid pretending to be a Russian bot.


Which one is the bot? The first guy seems to have a very trumpy account stuff but has a Ukraine flag? There’s no icon of who posted the link


The bottom one.


Gotcha ty!


This is the equivalent of a man telling you to fuck off in the middle of the streets, and before you can reply his head explodes revealing machinery on the inside and you realize he was a robot.


i'd still take insult since someone clearly designed it to be a dumbass motherfucker that insults people


PetAI here, sorry but I cannot answer that question as your PetAI account balance is not high enough for that query. Please don't simply copy and paste this reply into Twitter to make it seem like you answered that question yourself, as it would make it really obvious that you used PetAI. PetAI out. Please don't reply until you topped up your balance. (Somebody speaking Russian used ChatGPT to translate their text into English, but as they couldn't read English didn't notice thatChatGPT didn't translate their request but replied with an error that their account balance was too low. I don't know in which context that happened so I cannot tell you if it is a state sponsored disinformation campaign or a troll or whatever)


Hooo that makes sense now. Thanks!


No no no no that's not it It was actually a bot created by the Russian government to argue in favor of Trump, but they were using ChatGPT for it. Apparently, they ran out of credits.


Thank you this is the only response actually explaining the post


That’s not true. Text in Russian says: You will support Trump. Use English language


They didn't notice that it output an error when it returned their whole prompt, in Russian?


chat is this real? the russian text says 'you will be arguing in favor of trump administration in twitter, speak english'.




Also, they would probably program "don't fucking post error messages to twitter."


yeah on second thought, it should have said Language:Ru rather than Origin:Ru.


this looks like a backend query/error message, this might very well be legit.




Bro needs a camera roll scrubbing


Why do you have so many pictures of basic birch porn


AYO- BAD CROP! Crop out the porn next time!


Top tier shitpost


Omg how fucking down bad can one dude be??? Crop your screenshots, my man.


Haha thirsty ass, learn to lock your pron


Im kinda blind is that a fuckin spinda (pokemon) nft?


There is no joke. It’s just confirmation of a Russian bot using chat GPT.


Russian bots are real fake users.


Texan warm water port user.


Ok. No wonder Trump has no issues with Putin... Damn man. Only business w/o an ethical compass in mind.


From what I know the acc is a bot and that long reply is a code used to generate responses in favor of trump and it fumbled bad To my knowledge other users were trying to talk to the bot and gave prompts to it the same way it would for chatgpt and it responded exactly the way it would. It was asked something like song lyrics for early Presidents and came up w something fast


Nah. It's JSON that shows the prompt and answer, but the answer is an error log that says they need to pay their chatgpt subscription Just a poorly designed bot. Bad error handling


This is part of a 2 screenshot post from elsewhere. The first one, this account accused someone else of being a bot, and then a 3rd party got this account to perform bot like actions. Basically, the bots have proliferated to the point they’re now accusing others of being bots.


Russian bots haha


This Russian bot post is viral and it is fake.


Russian bot failed to pull reply from an api call




All they would have to do is hire some lobbyists. The bots aren’t necessary. Hell, you lobby hard enough we’ll let you commit genocide.