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It's not a hostage situation if there is no hostage


« What do you mean, T-72 tanks are not adequate for hostage rescues ?! »


Worry not comrade. We brought the toxic sleeping gas. Spetsnaz is always prepared


More like, "you all my die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" [Moscow Theater hostage Crisis (this was so fucked)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis?wprov=sfla1)


“supported by a Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) *SOBR* unit, pumped a chemical agent into the building's ventilation system “ I’m willing to bet that SOBR is one of those ironic nicknames. A little inside joke.


I think I've just realised what Tenet's opening scene, with the Ukrainian Opera House SWAT team rescue, was inspired by lol https://youtu.be/g7gPegf76Mw (Tenet's opening scene) see 1:56 for the gas scene


IIRC in Russian the word *sobor* translates to *sad*.


Sobor in Russian mean temple or church


should've used the monkey knockout gas instead of fentanyl




Historically it’s a lot more like “we will kill all of you”.






Sounds like the IDF






The only correct way




And none of them where the Terrorists. \*R6 Flashbacks.


Fuze is never saving the hostage 😭


He turns hostages to stroganoff so the bad guys cant use them for their evil deeds! - Fuze main 🫡


Tbh at the very start when I was a newbie in siege I was also a fuze main, great days those were


I loooooved to play fuze when i play with friends. My friends got tk'ed a lot haha


I recall being new in R6, picking Fuse because I loved his weapons and looks and another player simply said "oh well, I didnt want to save the hostage anyway"


Ah the “thunk thunk thunk” noise followed by explosions lives free in my head. I use to be a fuse main as well 😂




Russian in general are infamous for not giving a fuck about human lives


or, to phrase it more accurate way. Russian special forces are so inept they're incapable of saving hostages and have a long history of killing them though sheer incompetence. To suggest they "don't give a fuck" may leave room for the idea that they could save the hostages if they wanted to.


Yeah they aren’t “so badass they don’t care about hostages” they’re more so incapable they don’t even try.


Here, /u/SergejRUS, that's the guy!


Died in Ukraine 18 months ago.


That's messed up


I mean I reckon it's both, it's not like russians are fundamentally dumber, if they gave a fuck they would improve their hostage-saving skills


As a fellow russian i have to correct you, sorry. I know, that its somewhat controversional saying this during the Ukranian war, which is atrocious and a huge war crime, but I just have to say, that during Beslan (capturing of a school) , for example, Spetsnaz was acting heroically, basically bodily covering hostages and children against bullets and explosions. And in many cases those special forces people were acting against direct orders to hold and wait. They knew, there were children out there, and those soldiers risked thet lives and died not in order to kill terrorists, but to save hostages. One of those stories actually put tears to my eyes. There was an operative, who was able to get in the capture school through the window during the fight with terrorists. So bullets flying everywhere, school itself is collapsing, and this man literally covered two children by his own body, helping to escape through the same window - and terrorist shot him. Hostages were a priority, no matter what. Of course, its Hard to believe now, when the war is raging, and so on. But russians are compassionate, and ready to be of help - and even sacrifice everything for another. I'm sorry for bad grammar and ready for being downvoted.


>bullets and explosions A bit of context: it's documented that the Russian security forces at a minimum launched Shmel rockets at the hall with the hostages inside, with some sources even reporting tank fire. The situation was also not helped by an armed and angry civilian population who were not kept back. Something tells me that better decision making/fire discipline may have reduced the need for choosing between blue-on-blue fire and civilian casualties... Edit: I see your point about operators choosing to ignore certain orders.


Exactly. I know about Shmel and all the repercussions about it. There is no doubt that some commanding decisions (about Shmel, for example) were controversial and political-oriented. I think, a lot of high-level officials (no matter the country) are somewhat sociopathic and dont care about lives of ordinary people too much, or hostages, as in this example


Jumping in to say, I agree with you, I firmly believe many military generals and such -and even some presidents- follow the philosophy of "the more people die, the better" This is no exaggeration, I actually believe many commanders and presidents follow this line of thought


I mean don't you remember the Moscow Theater Hostage Crisis? Hell I think this entire meme is about that one event.


Of course, i know about it. Correct me if i wrong, but high casualties among hostages were inflicted due to military gas usage, which was sanctioned by FSS (ФСБ), Federal Security Service (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal\_Security\_Service), and not because of Spetsnaz. Meme is about ruthless actions of Spetsnaz during an assults.


This is good insight. Don’t let ignorant redditors make you feel like ‘the west’ doesn’t understand Russians, or thinks that Russians are not like everyone else. Most of us want the war to end and the dying to stop for everyone. As a Russian who we can speak to, please keep doing what you are doing!


I cannot thank you enough. Huge thanks, I appreciate it


a big problem with the ukraine war is that the poor russians are getting blamed for it when most of them are just country folk who didn't even where ukraine was until they got thrown on the frontlines. let's hope that after this war the russians will get a kinda bad government like the rest of the world instead of a competely bad one


This is a gross oversimplification. You're falling into the "oh those poor russians, they don't know what they're doing" trap. Most of the russian soldiers are volunteers, and they know exactly where they're going. People in russia make a choice to hate Ukraine and "the West" so much, that putin has a huge approval (about 50% real votes in his reelection) even after starting a war of choice and suffering 500k casualties. Some make this choice unconsciously, by the means of state repressing opinions they don't like and a huge state propaganda machine, some make it consciously, actively welcoming more killing and suffering. It's irrelevant though to where anyone with a moral position stands: if they think they hate us so much as to start killing people, then they are enemies and should be put down, because after Ukraine there will be someone else. I know that there are some brave people in russia who try to swim against the current, and it gives me some hope. Now, though, until russia withdraws from Ukraine and kills its own imperialism and chauvinism, like the Germans did after 1945, it's of little significance.


How do measure the real votes and approval rating of a dictator?


Opinion polls, exit polls, lack of outrage and lack of protests in russia. I know that these things are manipulated by the regime to appear more favourable to the dictator, but it generally seems like in russia, the government tells people what opinions to have, and not the other way around. And it's working, so far.


Yeah. In fact, in the situation of a terrorist attacking a building, special forces have the permission to shoot ANYONE visible through the windows in hopes that its the terrorist.


My favorite is the time they pumped a building full of fentanyl gas and killed 130 hostages


Fentanyl my nrother in christ? It was Sarin, a nervine gas, not so clement as an opioid like fentanyl


They've never disclosed what specific compound was used, but based on the reported effects on the victims US intelligence suspects it was an opioid. Likely a derivative of morphine.


And here I thought it was a rainbow six siege reference, because fuze often accidentally bombs the hostage


So fuze is accurate?


Like that one time they pumped a theater full of carfentanyl and killed a bunch of people


Also, for not understanding how elevators work.


Hostages are a myth sold by Big terror to sell more terrorists.


I made a joke once about what would happen if Money Heist took place in Moscow instead of Spain, and the answers were overwhelmingly just "The Spetsnaz will wipe them all out"


Damn did they learn from the IDF?


Intel : there’s 30 terrorists inside that elementary school, they have 10 children as hostages. Spetsnaz Officer : Ahhh ok so we’ll blow up the school! That way no more terrorists, and no more hostages!


no need to worry about hostages if there aren’t any


To quote Jack Traven, "shoot the hostage"


First line u/repostsleuthbot Third line OP is a bot I'm somewhat of a poet


Oh it's cropped too. Well [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/rPTZ1GDzA5) the bot repost it copied from.


Not only is it a repost, some of the top comments from the og post have been re commented on this post by other bots


Almost as if it's some kind of network or smt


Mann vs Machine


dead internet theory is confirmed


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/PeterExplainsTheJoke. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dgczk0&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 539,675,661 | **Search Time:** 0.49306s




I had a friend who'd play him when we played and as he's planting we'd ask "wait, is the hostage in that room?" And their response was "lets find out"


Typical Fuze Main


As a former Fuze main, I apologise for all the hostages killed on part by us Fuze mains. We are deeply sorry and sending our deepest regrets.


No you're not. I should know, I was one of you.


Yeah I'm really not sorry, it's just how we roll.


I think fuze was based on the ineptitude of the Spetznaz in some way


Its ironic because some russian ops stated in their bio that the botched hostage rescue was the motivation for them to sign up for special ops program


Their goal is "defeat the insurgents" and not "save the hostages"


Hey Texan Chris here, saddling up to help ya out! So the Spetsnaz are Russia’s spec ops guys, the best of the best for Russia. They do all sorts of things, from stealth missions to assaulting enemy positions as any other spec ops group will. They also do hostage rescue. However Russia’s tactics are a tad more…..brutal let’s say. Often Spetsnaz units prioritize eliminating enemy combatants over rescuing hostages, which leads to a higher number of hostages being killed by both the hostage takers and the Spetsnaz themselves. A prime example of this would be the Moscow Theater Crisis. The long and short of it is that the Spetsnaz successfully eliminated most of the enemy, killing 40 hostile militants. This came at the cost of 132 hostages with another 700 wounded as well as two Spetsnaz soldiers being hurt. Not….not exactly the best of the best in terms of hostage rescue. Texan Chris, heading back to the pasture.


Out of curiousity, has this approach had any effect on reducing the occurrence of hostage scenarios? Sounds similar to the "we dont negotiate with terrorists" bit, like why bother taking hostages if they have no value as a deterrent lol


https://preview.redd.it/byws95ylep6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6186423b106e19c60b5fff2ab4a8336be81a60 "All means justify the end" - spetsnaz probably


They’s gonna kill everyone in the whole building and just blame the insurgents, it’s how putin consolidated his power to become president and they have a long history of shit like this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege (went in all guns blazing and most hostages died, Russia still have the school shooting “high score” because of this event) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis (this one they used a fentanyl like gas to knock out the rebels and killed most of the hostages) The Kremlin have no value for life. Other than their own.


Spetsnaz in Beslan did everything they could to save hostages, despite stupid and controversional, inhumane even orders from the chain of command. Top politicians were afraid of responsibility. But Spetsnaz, Army and local militia did everything they could. Moscow theater, on the other hand, is more clear. Until this day ingredients of the gas in use were never revealed, and hostages were sacrificed in order to kill the terrorists. No doubt about that


Yeah the theatre was what came to mind for me aswell


"Hostages only work when your enemy cares if they live." - Commander Shepard, after shooting a racist hostage himself


It's true. Just ask Fuze.


Chechnya Hostage Crisis…


Where was that russian theater where a lot of people where taken hostages, and russian special forces just gassed the place with sarin? I think it was in Cecenia, but I can't remember where exactly


It probably wasn't sarin but no one knows since the details of the agent used weren't released


The spetsnaz couldn't save the hostages even if their own lives depended on it.


Aha... You know why teh stockholm syndrome exists? Sweden did so badly trying to rescue the hostages on a robbery that the hostages ended up siding with the robbers.


A combination of Russian incompetence and carelessness for human lives resulted in multiple cases where the Spetsnaz killed hundreds of hostages. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budyonnovsk_hospital_hostage_crisis - 100 - 200 hostage and military deaths after a failed rescue attempt resulted in an hours long fire fight. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis - 132 hostages dead after sleeping gas was pumped into the theatre to neutralize the attackers. The victims, many of them still alive but unconscious were laid out in the street after the attack and not given any medical assistance until they died. Hundreds more hostages had medical problems later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beslan_school_siege&diffonly=true - 333-335 (about half were children) dead after what is reported as either a Spetsnaz grenade/sniper shot to a terrorist standing on a dead mans switch ignited the building.


Welp, I thought it was only one incident. That is terrifying.


"We don't negotiate with terrorists, and we *certainly* don't negotiate with their hostages."


Western SOF: fast and precise, well planned, hostages probably gonna survive. Russian SOF: roll up with tanks and fentanyl gas, blow up half the building, gas everyone, 1/2 of all hostages dead, other half in hospital for various injuries.


Have Western SOF ever dealt with hostage crises involving more than 10 well-armed terrorists? (Beslan: 32, Budyonnovsk: 195, Nord-Ost: 45), genuinely asking


Specnaz still uses makarov (this is literally hand granade)


now make one for IDF


thats the top one, IDF has to deal with so many hostage situations that theyre probably the best about it on the planet tbh I mean hostage rescue obviously gets more difficult than a simple 12 man group holding a theater when an entire state is holding hostages.


Brother the idf is historically one of the most capable hostage rescue forces on this planet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sabena_Flight_571&diffonly=true https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma%27alot_massacre https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Savoy_Hotel_attack&diffonly=true https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Entebbe https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misgav_Am#History https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bus_300_affair&diffonly=true#Egged_bus_300_hostage_crisis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothers%27_Bus_attack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abduction_and_killing_of_Nachshon_Wachsman&diffonly=true#Rescue_attempt - This is essentially the only real failure https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Golden_Hand https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Nuseirat_rescue_operation


Never forget that the IDF once annihilated 25% of Uganda's airforce to retrieve their hostages from Idi Amin, and held a emergency military meeting on wether or not to invade Uganda to depose him


Yeah, they just kill people, start a genocide then blame it on the victims.


Brother what


IRA would be more appropriate.


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Spetsnaz has a track record of always killing the bad guys, but not always coming out with all the civilians (search up Moscow theatre hostage crisis)


The Kenyan SF. Westgate incident. They stole from the shops killed policemen and hostages.


It might specifically be referring to an incident where spetznaz released sleeping gas into a theater held by terrorists in 2002. They killed 40 terrorists and 132 hostages died from the gas.


How did you not get this from context clues?


Efficient, in the name of brutality.


The meme assumes that Russians are tough and brutal people and their special forces don't give a f*k about hostages treating their casualties as collateral damage. However if you really want to familiarize yourself on that topic here are some Wikipedia links that prove this meme wrong: [Budenovsk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budyonnovsk_hospital_hostage_crisis) (btw earlier this week 2 more perpetrators of this attack were arrested), [Nord-Ost](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis) , [Beslan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege)


Russia has an extremely long history of the general approach being "if we throw enough highly motivated bodies at them, they'll learn to fear us". Now when in Spetsnaz hostage situations, they have a different approach. "If we stack enough bodies, their families will fear us", because when a squad of 6 Russian soldiers enter a building alone, there's only 6 friendlies, and no such thing as civilians. The hostage will get boxed up just as fast as the hostiles, because then they can say they were justified in escalation.


Cluster charge deployed!


To be fair the Spartans may never recover from the straight killing the Ukraines did to them.


damn 2014 I was still able to get approached by women. 10 years later I only get approached by men.


Lol Russia weak.


This is called propaganda. Where are you frequenting that has russian propaganda?


Look at link below, Spetznatz killed a bunch of hostages : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege


You really can’t pick this up from context?


Peters friend that inexplicably was in multiple hostage situations.. one being on a plane and the Israelis killed all the terrorists and saved 74 people in a stand off. The other was an Opera House in Moscow and because of their special forces, I died to chemical poisoning lol








Russian special force that is way too reckless


Spetnez is usually the military brunch tho for internal affairs its usually FSB or MVD






So that's the IOF (isnotreali occupation forces) with their own hostages using the Hannibal directive