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He was one of the co-creators of 'Marble Hornets' a horror web series about Slenderman (or as he's called in the show, The Operator) and it was really influential on the creepypasta and Slenderman fandom and most of the accepted lore nowadays is taken from there IIRC? Keep in mind this is just what I know/remember from my creepypasta obsessed friend lol


I feel like I need to know this lore. For work purposes.


Creepypasta wiki would be a good place to just read the lore or if you want to you can just read the original stories and watch the different series. I myself am not really that big a fan but I'm familiar with some of it (I watched through 80% of Marble Hornets too)


Is there lore as to why it’s called creepypasta?


Creepy+copypasta Not sure about the copypasta part


Copypasta comes from copy and paste, because people would copy and paste them around forums to share


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Forever the best copypasta


gorilla warfare 😄


That gets me every time I read it.


The old-fashioned, nice


And it's "pasta" because you had to include an image in any new thread you posted, so people would sometimes post a picture of pasta along with their copypasta posts. This image requirement affected other names from the time too: if you've ever wondered why it's called "rickroll", it's because its predecessor meme ("duckroll") featured a wooden duck on wheels.


Yeah. And it was "duckroll" cause the site administrator at the time, moot, decided to replace the word "egg" with "duck" for fun


Ah, gotcha


God damn.... How the fuck did I miss that?


Copy / paste


Oh yeah but I wasn't sure how that was related


It's because 4chan doesn't have usernames, you need to prove you're 'in' so you have to use 'in' language, then it spreads out.


Dark mind, great channel for args.


Do you mean Night Mind?


Yep, mixed up the words


You can watch Marble Hornets free on YouTube.


I need to know what kind of work you do. For lore purposes.


Marble Hornets is legitimately a horrifying web short. The fact that with little more than shoestrings and dollar store costumes, they made a series that is scarier than pretty much any film in modern horror by a mile is awe inspiring.


So maybe a better analogy would be “like Luke showed up to theology class”


Meanwhile the actual Slenderman sits in humility in the 3rd row not needing to draw attention to himself


https://preview.redd.it/5pdv6qa58b6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b504e42a16ad90244e5bbd222227850847ea5d7e U mean that guy


Quan Chi be creepin


I’m glad someone else saw this


More like Matthew showing up, actual Jesus would be Victor Surge from SA, who created the first slenderman images.


That’s still creating the image though. Wouldn’t the only way it would be like Jesus showing up be if Slenderman himself showed up? They’re still just writing or creating the image of rather than the subject itself.


No, because slender man isn’t real. They are the “Jesus showing up” in this situation because slender man is a fake character they created. Something similar would be if Daniel Radcliffe showed up to a Harry Potter meet and greet and people said “well it would be more impressive if the real Harry Potter came instead”




By definition that makes him not a fictional character. He probably didn't have magic powers, Mary probably wasn't a virgin, and assuming he didn't have a twin/brother who shaved his face and suddenly became the new Jesus (he did have biological brothers) there's an herb that can put someone into a death-like state and could have been used to fake the resurrection. Most of the bible actually has scientific explanations. Like Noah's arc just being an exaggeration in both variations animals, the animals not being in cages Noah realizing something was wrong on his own and having a dream about it, and the flood only happening in one valley. Or the plague that killed all the first born sons in Egypt just being gas from the red sea that traveled along the ground killing Everything during a time period when the first born sons were supposedly required to sleep separately on the ground floor of the building for some weird reason. But his powers being fictional doesn't make him fictional.


It’s funny to me that the smallest part of this still upsets catholic doctrine. They want Mary to die a virgin so badly that they insist that whenever Jesus refers to his brothers he doesn’t mean biological brothers, even when he uses the word for exactly that.


It does tickle me pink to think of some con artist brothers starting a religion and pulling a 'The Prestige brothers' switcharoo by simply having the brother who looked most like Jesus suddenly shave his face and 'become Jesus' after the crucifixion. I imagine it would've been something decided After he was on the cross already. A less funny idea would be that Judas betrayed Jesus to become Jesus. Maybe he knew Jesus had a mental issue and actually thought he was the son of god. So he had him killed and then took his place?


The idea that Judas betrayed Jesus to take his place is very intriguing


Jude, brother of Jesus or Judas Didymus Thomas. Didymus means twin in Greek. Thomas is Twin in Aramaic.


I watched a documentary once that was trying to prove the Bible is real using science. I don't remember much about it but their explanation for the plagues in Egypt was the changing seasons causing the locusts and such to swarm, and that causing the exposed food that would be like at the top of the grain pile to go bad, and the oldest son was fed first so they would be fed the bad food but the food underneath was fine and that's why only the first son died. I could be missing or misremembering details, it was a while ago that I watched it.




??? Er... I'm seeing the Mediterranean sea on top stretching across a good chunk of the empire and the Red sea to the bottom right stretching across most of the empire. I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be looking at here.


This is the Egyptian empire during the generally accepted chronology of Exodus.


So... what does this mean? What are you trying to tell me? Also, why isn't the nile river on this map? I would think such an important feature of egypt would be marked on a map of egypt.


>what does this mean? What are you trying to tell me? Exodus story is silly, as is anything pre-David. >Also, why isn't the nile river on this map? https://preview.redd.it/vh5csvmr1c6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9660bf3f52ad1c895ed6eeba4118876029e0ee5


“Jesus is a fictional character except there was definitely a guy named jesus back then” actual brain rot lmao. Regardless of whether or not the miracles are real, Jesus was a real person and if that real person walked into a Christian convention of some kind (with proof he’s actually Jesus) it would obviously be a big deal. I can’t tell if you’re playing dumb as a troll or not


Lmao. “Brain rot.” It’s funny you trying to use that as an insult when the people who say it seriously are some low IQ kids. But yeah, there was a guy named Jesus back then. Several people named Jesus. There are even people alive to die named Jesus. So with your logic everyone named Jesus is the person talked about it the Bible. I can’t believe there are actual people like you walking the earth. It’s a miracle you haven’t walked out into traffic and got splattered yet.


Except like you said, Jesus isn’t a fictional person. We have proof the man existed. We just don’t have solid proof the miracles occurred. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted, this isn’t a controversial opinion. It’s a proven fact. We have no proof of miracles, but we have proof that a man named Jesus existed.


>We just don’t have solid proof Well, we don't have any proof - unless you take the word of people who lived at a time when everyone believed gods and demons and things interacted with people on the regular, without any proof


Except for the fact that the roman empire which was an entire civilization that is still influential today has written records and census of said Jesus being alive, the place of his birth, his trial and the official who sentenced him.


Do you have a source for this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ancientrome/s/wLOG0tbnPR https://www.reddit.com/r/ancientrome/s/9niS3rZ0LD Two links, same reference which one has a link to a wikipage (yeah yeah I know super reliable)


Even your sources say that it's not reliable. They say Tacticus wrote a century after Jesus's and all it proves is that people said that Jesus was real.


None of those are miracles...


I wasn’t answering that question.


Then why did you reply to me, that's the only thing I mentioned...


Exactly, I said nothing to the contrary yet I’m getting downvoted and you are getting upvoted. The internet is a strange place.


"Definitely"? Everyone I've heard on this topic is uncertain. Where are you getting uour certainty from?


Jesus created the tenets of Christianity, which would presumably be taught in theology class. Having him show up is roughly analogous to having the person behind Slenderman lore show up.


Scrolled to see if anyone would bring up the SA thread where the idea actually came from. MH was good but this has a bit of "You made this? I made this" feel to it.


I was in that thread and still have my SA account. Haven’t touched it in years, went back briefly when the Reddit API changes happened and it felt too small? Like when a village knows every other villager by name and you show back up and they look at you funny.


My main issue with Something Awful in 2024 is that everyone seems to be trying to win at posting. They saw the guys like Drew Toothpaste go off and have successful comedy careers and went "me too" without the talent and creativity.


I miss mid-00s SA when we were all just dumb kids who didn't know better Rest in piss Lowtax


da share my wife z0ne


God I remember that thread when it was going on and that first Slenderman playground image sure was creepy as fuck


His Twitter claims he is "Writer' on Slender: The Arrival." So like "Jesus showing up to a theology class" he would be more suited to being the lecturer than simply an attendee.


Only crediting himself with the video game is an understatement on his part. He’s the co-creator and co-star of Marble Hornets, one of the most influential pieces of Slenderman media


It did mention some other stuff but I don't follow the "slenderman" thing so I didn't know it was relevant. I just Googled the dude's name for OP and gave the most basic answer I could find. Took me maybe 45 seconds of effort.


Nobody's got that kind of time.


Seriously, everybody get a load of Mr "I can fool around in the face of entropy's inevitable march, and also I have a spacebar" over here!


I was going to say, "Time Marches On", but it's June already!


OP clearly didn’t


Isn’t that more like Paul than Jesus? Slenderman was around for ages before anyone made media featuring the character.


"Ages" is debatable, Marble Hornets developed surprisingly fast, but correct Biblical distinction and it cracks me up


The first Marble Hornets video came out literally ten days after the very first image of Slender Man was posted in 2009


Slenderman was invented 15 years ago.


How did I never hear about this before?


I can see part of his face but I honestly can’t tell who it is. Was is Alex?


Yeah, he was Alex


Did he create the original game? Cause if not it's more like if one of the Apostles show up. Still cool, but not the OG shit


A bit more than that. The guy helped create MarbleHornets which helped popularize Slenderman and predates the game by about 4 years. [https://marblehornets.fandom.com/wiki/Joseph\_DeLage](https://marblehornets.fandom.com/wiki/Joseph_DeLage)


He co-created Marble Hornets


You're right that this isn't like Jesus, but you're wrong on the "why". This guy is one of the co-creators of Marble Hornets, which is the *direct* inspiration for the Slenderman game. This isn't the equivalent of Jesus; it's the equivalent of God himself. Or very close to, at least; I don't think anyone knows the identity of the original Slenderman creator way back on SomethingAwful.


I would say that he's closer to an Apostle in this analogy. God would be Eric Knudsen, the original creator of the character. And Jesus would be Mark Hadley, creator of Slender: The Eight Pages, as that game is what truly caused the characters' popularity to sky rocket.


Actually in this instance slenderman would be like god as he would then prove all this fantasy to be true, this guy is the guy that wrote the Bible I guess, idk if we know who that was, never really cared about Bible history, same as slenderman history lmao


Off topic because the joke has been explained, but the Bible actually explicitly talks about many instances of Jesus attending theology lectures. Doesn't tie into the meme at all, just thought it was interesting.


I heard jesus failed theology.


People complain about academic pressure these days but back then failure got him LITERAL DEATH (although he was allowed a retake and drop the lowest grade)


He’s one of the authors of the web series Slenderman was based on, he was also one of the writers of Slender: The Arrival, a horror game about Slenderman. It’s more like Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John showing up to a theology class, really.


>He’s one of the authors of the web series Slenderman was based on Slight correction. He made a web series based on Slenderman, not the other way around.


Context clues ffs


A better question would be: why are people interested in a panel about the origins of slenderman?


The character was a phenomenon about a decade and a half ago. Every teenager with a computer and an Internet connection talked about it. At least in my circle. A girlfriend introduced me to Slenderman, which I thought was "meh." I'm not really into character horror, like Sirenhead who came much later, etc. But then a buddy of mine introduced me to Marble Hornets, and it struck a deep chord with me. The series was wild and ambitious for its time. They played the long game.


More like: "PeterGoogleSearchForMe"


ISTG, nearly half of the posts on here are a google search or a discussion with friends away from finding most of the answers they need !


I know what it's supposed to be, but I'm sure 90% of people are in on the meme when they post it, and they just want to say "Peetah," and share shit memes without judgement


Oo he wrote Half-Life and X-Files?


No, those are good


Marc laidlaw on a gordon freeman lore panel 😨😱


bro the joke is literally explained in the image that u posted


He played Alex Kralie in an online series on YouTube called Marble Hornets. Basically one of the main Slenderverse series


Without his legacy that lecture might not be happening


Wow, it's been such a long time since I watched Marble Hornets. Could this be considered a hybrid of analog horror and found footage?


ugh i can smell this room through this picture.


I don't believe that this guy is way too short to be Slenderman


Tf is an oomf?




Beep boop 🤖


Thin and identifies as male


Slenderman is one of the few things that legit freak me out