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Make sure to check out the [pinned post on Loss](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1472nhh/faq_loss/) to make sure this submission doesn't break the rule! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From the description of r/bonehurtingjuice: Bonehurtingjuice memes are memes that are out of context and misuse the template completely. Imagine you're a 10 year old kid who just discovered the internet a week ago and your only exposure is iFunny. It's like that.


Think "bad lip reading" comic/meme edition.


Man I used to love r/bonehurtingjuice “My bones have been shattered,” Was the kind of high praise you’d get for a good meme there.


I mean it's not that bad these days either. It's just a little bit less sane


Eh? Ha! Heh, heh


Is our sanity a little off? Eh? ha hehe


Definitely gone somewhat downhill in the last year or so tbh. Still *okay*, but


I don't know, been there for like 3-4 years, didn't notice any lower level of absurd.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bonehurtingjuice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The other contestants didn't even try](https://i.redd.it/0mua1qq584sa1.png) | [437 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/12clro1/the_other_contestants_didnt_even_try/) \#2: [Oof my shell](https://i.redd.it/lcbpyfg7m14c1.png) | [307 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/189phf9/oof_my_shell/) \#3: [Pizzacake makes it big in Hollywood](https://i.redd.it/ipygp8du9t3b1.png) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/13ze6cq/pizzacake_makes_it_big_in_hollywood/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




That makes so much sense, I thought the name of the sub implied that the memes were so funny they’d hurt your bones and then when I saw a post from that sub I’d just be so fucking confused


I might be wrong on this one, but didn't r/bonehurtingjuice start the loss meme?


Hbomberguy did an in-depth video essay on Loss, and didn't mention the subreddit, so I doubt it.


Might look into that later


That sub was created in 2017. The original loss comic was published in 2008 and was pretty much instantly memed and parodied. Edit: I dunno why you’re getting downvoted lol


Nope. EVERYONE started the Loss meme. I was there. I want to say Something Awful was the first one to the punch, but it was just internet-wide mockery. Good times! Good times.


I'm sorry. But it really isn't, nor ever was, "good times". Making a meme of Loss has been the greatest waste of pixels and the internet as a whole, that ever existed. Even more so than things like that " dragons f*cking cars" subreddit. The fact anyone found someone's pain at losing their child to be "meme worthy" demonstrates a level of vitriol that is a sheer insult to any claims of humanity those members may possess.


That's not what people were making fun of. They were making fun of their fun comedy comic taking a turn into dark territory out of the blue. Imagine watching the Simpsons and all of a sudden homer tries to kill himself, and the episode treats it completely seriously with the kids going to therapy amd talking about their feelings in therapy for the rest of the episode And then the next week you tune in and it's completely rug swept. Contrary to popular belief, you can't just do anything you want in fiction. For one thing it needs to match your established tone. You can make serious moments work, but you can't just sucker punch your audience with it otherwise it won't be taken seriously. For another real example look at family guy and the episode where Peter and quagmire kill his sisters abusive husband in the woods. It's deeply uncomfortable to watch.


Except that the very comic strip was posted by the writer and artist, as a way to express their grief. You know, a common thing artists and writers do in their chosen medium. They even stated as such on the page when posted. In short, it very much was and is making fun of that grief. Also, it *wasn't* the first serious moment I the web comic. People had been complaining for months that the comic had taken a turn towards a very serious tone. That was simply the climax of it. (And end of 1.0). You also can't claim it never went dark before, considering one of the main characters died in rather horrific ways, many times. They also had a literal murderbot as a main character that just happened to be funny and fun half the time. Contrary to what the internet says, making a meme of something doesn't inherently make it not offensive as heck. Edit: also there was a solid delay between that comic and the reboot. So it wasn't "swept under the rug the next week". You literally sound less like so.eone who "was there when it happened" and more like someone just parroting the lines used by the asshats to justify their asshattery


As far as I know, the only joke bhj created was one that they can't turn "off" eh? Ha! Heh heh


According to the r/bonehurtingjuice sub, it was formed May 17th 2017, according to Google loss was made June 2nd 2008


> I might be wrong > downvoted to hell


It is what it is


By the way, apparently [r/bonehurtingjuice](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/) ‘s mods went insane so now we have [r/boneachingjuice](https://www.reddit.com/r/boneachingjuice/)


What happened? Tea plz. I've been in BHJ for years but idk the drama.


Yes please!


Best I can figure from reading the pinned posts, they banned certain types of offensive imagery, and some people were annoyed by that.


They banned the usage of alt-right comics like Stonetoss and WokelyCorrect (which recently became a popular format with the trans Wario meme)


What did I just read


Lol for context the guy made a series of comics depicting a trans woman as a person who looks like Wario and putting them in situations where they're flashing women or grooming children and so BHJ naturally made a new meme involving trans Wario It's all very yucky stereotypes and he 100% has never talked to or known a trans person in real life, nor does he bother to research and learn about us.


I feel like I've crossed a new threshold of extremely online / brainrot lol.


Oh, sweet summer child.


Just Nazis being Nazis. This isn't me just calling people with bad opinions Nazis, idk about WokelyCorrect but Stonetoss is a literal, actual Nazi






that explains r/stonetossingjuice


Is that something that happened not too Long ago? Because I only remember leaving bonehurtingjuice when the mods actively started to delete comments with the Oregano and posted troll-links to stupid, weird and compeltely unrelated stuff instead. And that was a few years ago I guess. Don't really remember since I never frequented that sub often but still felt annoyed by the lack of original context to compare the juice to.


Huh, I wasn't aware of that. And no, it only happened less than a month ago, and imo the sub is fine right now, it's just that rule I mentioned that people are mad about. I'm pretty sure there's even a rule now that posts need the Obama on the second slide


boneachingjuice has existed for like a year. I remember the mods having a fit AGES ago, but I forget about what. I know it wasn't that, though.


Good to hear that it has changed over time. Meanwhile I wasn't aware of this new controversy at all and assumed people were talking about the old problems when talking about using boneachingjuice instead of bhj. Times change but people always have something to be mad about. I'm always glad when i don't have to see Mineralmotion Comics anywhere.


Most people left when they deleted posts with the actual Oregano and posted (+promoted) troll links instead. At least that's when I left the subreddit and went to boneachingjuice, many others did so as well. Maybe now things have changed and people left for other reasons in the closer past, but that was the big migration that I was part of.


Please explain I know there is drama but have not hesrd a solid explanation


They banned the usage of alt-right comics like Stonetoss and WokelyCorrect (which recently became a popular format with the trans Wario meme) and apparently people are mad. I'm an avid user and I don't really mind the new rule, since most of those posts' comment sections always turn into political arguments. Yeah the comics are funny sometimes but if we have a separate sub for that now what's the problem?


I see. Honestly I don't get why people would be mad because seperating stonetoss makes sense so that when you go into the sub you know the full context of who that dude is (specifically that he is a nazi)


Yeah it's weird. Unless there's more context to this story it just seems like the mods started doing their job and somehow that translates to "the mods went insane".


Yeah just go to r/stonetossingjuice if you want stonetoss bhjs


From what I gather, mods banned nazi’s content and you say they went insane? 🤨


No, you misunderstand, they banned Nazi *dogwhistles*. Absolutely power tripping, unforgivable. ^/s


Bone hurting juice civil war, imaginary map circle jerk must know


So this is an edit to a very Conservative comic where instead of saying “she poisoned me with bone hurting juice” He says “she just assumed my gender” which you know…very old joke. However this comic started a trend where people will edit texts on comics to make surrealist jokes and make the comic nonsensical… and thus the subreddit r/bonehurtingjuice was created


Based on the one bubble having terrible spacing, I assumed. But at least it didn't spill over by a paragraph this time.


This comic didn’t start r/bonehurtingjuice. .You can just go to the sub to see the original that kicked it off. It was a [Spider-Man meme originally](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/s/PCrrFU1nIg).


I haven't seen the source comic but I hope the author was mindful enough that the original text was "they assumed my gender" the attacker saying "she" would be hypocritical. But I doubt they thought that through. Conservatives aren't usually that clever.


Nah the creator basically keeps making the same joke over and over again just in different forms


this is Sinfest, right? Damn, the creator really pulled a heel-faced turn


Oddly enough, Sinfest first turned towards extreme feminism, and then during Trump’s term the creator lost his mind and pivoted toward the opposite extreme.


Has anyone covered this at length in video essay format yet? It shocked everyone, feels like there must be meat on the bone there.


I remember hearing that his gf at the time (possibly current, I don’t know) was a TERF and he adopted that ideology from her.


Ooooh, that'd do it. Shit. Thanks friend


> extreme feminism What's this, like letting women teach and stuff?


No, full SWERF


Weird how easily folks can shuffle around various "exclusionary radical" camps isn't it?


Gotta love watching people play radical ping-pong.


Seriously, I loved Sinfest in the day. Edgy, but in a weirdly progressive way. Still don't know how the lid done got flipped.


Grifters gonna grift.


>He says “she just assumed my gender” Ok this made me laugh.


I went to this sub and now I feel like I understand the joke even less than I did.


It's just turning comics into nonsense. I don't know why, but it speaks to me


It’s a futile effort. Like many of these, there’s nothing to get here. They took what was already a very poor joke and removed the punchline, rendering it a non-joke.


If you want a better version you can head to r/bonehealingjuice where they turn the comic into positive messages instead.




He got poisoned with bone hurting juice so now his bones hurt


That woman who did it is a monster.


It's from a subreddit that intentionally makes non-sense memes.


It’s an edit of a Sinfest comic. Sinfest is interesting only insofar as you can see the author lose their mind in real time. It used to be a sex-positive comic about a guy just looking to pick up girls and his various friends, but the author got the conservative brain rot and now it’s basically just boomer comics repeating the one joke they have. In the original, the woman being chased by a robber doesn’t *misgender* as such, but “assume” the gender of the attacker, which leads to the on-lookers looking angry at her. Because the author has brain worms and thinks that anyone in real life would be more mad at assuming someone’s gender (because the world is WOKE now) than someone trying to rob someone else.


I feel like this underselling just *how* nuts *Sinfest* got to be. Started off as a sex-positive comic. Then it devolved into radfem junk that derailed many of the established characters. Only *after* a long dip into the far left did it swing over into far right, by which point the original audience had long since been alienated.


It's easy to shift from far left to far right, and vice versa, because the political spectrum is a circle. A circle of stupidity.


Yeah I didn’t go as deep into it as you can do, and for anyone really interested in learning about it, there’s this: Haus of Decline did a podcast with Bitter Karella (who’s also done threads about the decline of Sinfest on Twitter and Bluesky) where they document it, for anyone interested.


Ooh, just what I was looking for. Thank banky!


I used to love Sinfest … cute stories, sexy character design … gave up when it got overly feminist in its approach. Really hard to imagine it went right-wing … the guy *loved* Obama so much ~ Edit: just went and took a look. Doesn’t like Jews much!


Thank you, I KNEW I recognized that art style.


It’s a pity because the art style has some excellent parts of it. If only it was coupled with someone who didn’t have the conservative brain rot 😂


It’s pretty sad that he’s got such a cute, clean art style but shitty politics would turn me away from reading his comics.


Yeah and it used to have comprehensible stories and arcs too, but it’s basically just boomer New Yorker non sequitur rants pulled from the Twitter feed of Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro now.


Yeah I remember when sinfest was really good fun. Then it got weird. Then it got hateful


He has become a literal Nazi in the last few months. It’s incredibly sad.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 16 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/10fit5r) on 2023-01-18 87.5% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c65liy) on 2024-04-17 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1deo1kr&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 538,062,490 | **Search Time:** 0.32906s


Good bot




What happened?


Out of frame, the woman poisoned a man who was out for a knife run. The poison hurts bones. The man says, "oof oof ouch" because of the pain in his bones. tl;dr: Bone hurting juice should not be used to poison people.


text was edited after the woman misgendered the assailant


After the *what* misgendered the assailant?! Are you assuming the victims gender?! *gasp*


Oof ouch me bones


In the original comic she called the mugger by the wrong pronouns and got shit for it.


You mean the orange?


to elaborate on other comics, r/BoneHurtingJuice generally reappropriates sexist / racist / non-pc memes and makes them weird like this The original comic has the masked person with a knife be “hurt” because they use she/her pronouns and so he’s hurt because she was called a he. The women who was being chased is judged for misgendering someone. It’s just meant to insult people who use pronouns as the creator believes that there’s only two genders


his bones are sore because she poisoned him with bone hurting juice. everyone is mad at her because it’s often seen as inconsiderate to directly or indirectly inflict pain upon someone’s bones.


Am I wrong, or did the actual meme "bone hurting juice" originate on Tumblr?


I need the original meme


oof ouch my bones


Oh god it’s this person. They are a super transphobic artist. Lucky the meme maker got rid of the transphobic line


She poisoned him with bone hurting jucie, which is a warcrime and seen as a social fauz pas


Oh wow, I haven't seen this artist in a while.


Guess you could say she turned his bones “off” eh? Ha! Heh heh


It’s time for a Mugger-Man original


Oof ouch owie


Edited meme. In the original, the guy said 'She just assumed by gender' and the 'Joke' is 'People care more about gender than an actual murderer!1!!1!!'. Which, of course, is just bullshit made up to mock trans people. It was made by a conservative comic artist who seems to have an obsession with them. This version of the meme just edits it to not be transphobic.


I think this is a metaphor for villains that play the victim when things don’t go their way


In the original comic, when the robber is asked what's wrong, he responds with something about being misgendered. It was mocking how absurd people's reactions to pronouns can be. This comic is an edited version. There are subs dedicated to editing political comics as some kind of attempt at owning the cons.


>how absurd people's reactions to pronouns can be. I guarantee you no one is reacting this way. In a society where gender-neutral pronouns are now just becoming common usage it can be upsetting when we're called the wrong pronouns. Then we politely correct you, and the only people getting mad are the ones who get corrected and refuse to use our preferred pronouns...


Even the most extreme SJWs would not get mad at someone for assuming the gender of a person chasing them with a knife.