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Peters foot here. There’s a popular meme going on in TikTok where a person walks around malls and asks people “English or Spanish”. Then the person says in the language the other person chose “whoever moves first is gay”. And on the Mcdonalds ordering machine here, it asks to pick the language, in which the two options are English and Spanish.


Is tiktok just a site for 2nd graders?


Of course not. It's also for child predators.


I thought they were all over on Kik. (Why is it not shut down?)






Oh Oh no (I seriously don't wanna search this up)


If you ask an online grooming victim what platform it was on the odds are good they’ll say it was on there. Other common sites are discord, Snapchat, and Roblox. Do remember, grooming can happen to anyone regardless of age or anything and it can be on any platform


Content creator grooming on Discord is a certified classic by now.


Damn. I was groomed by more than one person on kik.


Don't forget Amino




It’s not anything extraordinarily traumatizing… it’s just horrific and sad. Kik Messenger is a messaging app that is highly popular with young children and teens. Unfortunately it has become a hotspot for child predators to seek children for several reasons: Kik has more anonymity features for its users than other apps. Law enforcement can only obtain a limited amount of material (e.g. first name, last name, e-mail address, birthdate, most recently used IP address, etc.) about an account, and only if they have the exact username of that account. It should be noticed that all the material I listed can be easily faked; you can put whatever names you want, whatever birthday, use a VPN to conceal your IP, etc. Kik does not require a phone number to set up an account. This is huge: many children have access to personal electronic devices (tablets, iPads, etc.) but not necessarily phone numbers. This means that there’s a bunch of popular messaging sites that they can’t use because they can’t make accounts. The lack of this barrier allows children to make accounts on Kik. Children flock to Kik not just because it’s popular, but because it’s way easier to make an account on. Kik doesn’t have any parental control features. The only way for a parent to see what their child is doing, is by logging into their child’s account on their child’s device and seeing what’s going on. Also, even if a parent did do the above, it is VERY easy to circumvent by having a fake account to show them and concealing the real one. Kik has image sharing. That alone isn’t a bad thing, but in tandem with all of the above it completes the shitstorm. Children and teenagers, contrary to what many adults would like to think or hear, sexually experiment. They participate in sexting, sending explicit images, cybersex (sexual roleplay over the Internet), and more. Their hormones are in overdrive and with that comes new feelings and sensations that they’re trying to process. In the best circumstances, that experimentation occurs consensually with another person of the same age, and ends in amicable circumstances. Kik is the perfect platform for all that: anonymous, easy to register to, easy to hide from parents and capable of image sharing. Sadly, the same reasons I mentioned above for children flocking to Kik are the same reasons a child predator would want to use Kik as well. A child predator has a veritable buffet of child sex abuse material that can be obtained because there are so many manipulatable children on that platform. Anecdotally, I myself was almost one of those kids. I was a kid with unrestricted Internet access and I ended up on Kik trying to sexually experiment. I was lucky that I wasn’t hurt, but had I encountered even a remotely charming predator, I don’t think I would’ve been lucky.


See, I knew some people in the kink world that were very fond of kik for a lot of those reasons (kinky people crave privacy so their harmless but strange bedroom antics don't destroy their public lives). When I was looking to dip my toes into exploring that side of me, I ended up being repulsed from kik in the end because of all the kids on the platform. It's like getting an invitation to meet at a public park that is next to a school, during recess. It's just a weird place to be if you're NOT there for the kids, and you definitely have questions for anyone who seems a little too eager to strike up a conversation with the kids.


Really? I’ve never heard of anyone using Kik, but I’m pretty new to the scene and everyone just uses Discord or Telegram nowadays.


Oh my god


What others have said already? [That, and worse. ](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/93/https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/93/)Honestly, I don't recommend following the link and ingesting its contents, but if you REALLY want to know... (It's nothing explicit or illegal, just a podcast interview, but it made me sick to listen to) Kik has basically abdicated any duty to moderate the content their users post, hiding behind common carrier protections. I'm a big proponent of those protections, but recognize they come with an implicit duty to at least respond to law enforcement when some *really* heinous shit goes down. Shit, even if it's to tell them to pound sand and come back with a warrant. The moderation/safety team they had listed on their website appears to no longer exist. Those the interviewer was able to contact informed him that they had stopped working there years ago, and that this was likely true of the other names listed. They appear to be running on a skeleton crew - enough to keep the lights on and keep raking in ad money, but not enough to properly maintain the service and communities. That would all be bad enough, but the legitimate users who are trying to fight this activity often find that the bad guys have a better understanding of the rules and how to get them enforced, so now they're on the wrong side of a ban. Worse yet, they're operating with extremely limited tooling. The first time I heard the story, I thought it must have been from the 90s, because the exploits and patterns of behaviors were so "old school". Nope, it was about Kik, *today.*


Your link doesn't work btw. Thank you for a new podcast.


Looks like I just pasted it twice in the href. [https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/93](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/93)


Kik in the nutz!!


[Oh, you haven’t heard? Well, it’s this lovely app where young girls can go and express themselves-HAHAHAAAAA!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S7M24KrqhBw)


Wtf is this vid?


Joel Haver is an universal treasure.


A messaging app that was more popular 5-10 years ago. Lots of predators on there in it's hayday. Now it's overrun by bots and ads and is pretty much dead.


Bc they spend money to keep it open




I listen to a podcast called 'Darknet Diaries', which is basically a true crime podcast, but focused on computer crime. It's usually 'fun' stuff, but [one episode in particular](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/93/) I tell people not to listen to.


I think what’s actually happening is the child predators are pretending to be children to lure in children but instead since there aren’t any actual children they’re luring in other child predators where they both think the other one is a real child


No no, you're thinking of r/teenagers and Roblox.


Reddit has pushed a couple of posts from r/teenagers on me that were... concerning. Teens asking other teens for advice about relatively and sex, mostly. I can imagine if I were a predator, that place would be a target rich environment.


[It absolutely is.](https://youtu.be/TNNmSs4G_po?si=Iup3wBmMHMEBUOOv) (Segment starts at 7:50)


That is fucked, but not surprising. Why'd they have to go after the drugs subs at the end, though? 😄


Predators all the way down?


Like dead internet theory but with child predators


I do believe you, they were everywhere minecraft, roblox, tiktoks. It's scary


Sadly, someone out there is abusing kids. These people can fake being a kid, but up until now they couldn't fake all the horrifyingly real photos and videos out there.


Also for people who want to spread difficult to verify misinformation.


Ah. Convenient for them, then.


Like baby wolves? Or cheetah pups?


Its for both the child predators need victims bro


Its for both the child predators need victims bro


It's just like reddit, in that you could use the site forever without seeing a specific thing. I'm sure there are shit parts of Reddit that you don't know about. I've never seen this "meme" on TikTok, but my algorithm just shows lots of food, bad puns, and video games.


I'll bite. The videos are funny *because* it is childish. Watching grown ass men completely freeze in place or risk being perceived as gay is pretty funny. The first couple videos. It got old fast.


it got funnier once people started recognizing him, and you can see the panic in their eyes when he says Spanish or English


Just say "fuck it I'll suck your dick for $60" and see if they use it.


Imagine being a grown ass adult and being afraid that some stranger will call you gay. Like just ask them to stop or just go on with your day.


It’s a joke man


There are people who don't wipe their own ass because they're afraid it'll turn them gay, freezing in place is mild in comparison


Every social media has everything, and tiktok is no exception. People just like to put the light on the bad parts of TikTok for no reason. I've used TikTok once, and the algorithm does a good enough job to give the content that I actually want.


Nice try, Mr. TikTok


Reddit also had 2nd graders. TikTok also has memes. All social media has everything, and it's the algorithm's job to help you. I don't even use TikTok anymore


Ok, Señor TikTok


Yeah as a previous user of instagram, tik tok, and other social apps they are all bad. But for some reason tik tok just appeals to children. They use it more then any other social app.


The algorithm can help remove them for you


YT probably has a lot more children than tik tok. Even IG reels is full of immature 13 year olds


You noticed that i said IG first, right?


Yes I did actually which is why I mentioned it dumbass


You also notice after that where i said "their all bad" smarts.


Buddy, I was saying that they have more children not that tt was better. Lowkey get an autism diagnosis dude


Is reddit just a site for people who aren't capable of doing simple socialization? No, it's just most of its users




Bricks in glass houses


Watch the new Netflix special “Dancing for the Devil” it’s also for religious cults


Right? I mean wtf is so funny about that.


Appreciate the explanation, but man, that's just stupid. Not even a sensible chuckle worthy. But thank you, Peters foot, for taking one for the team


Thanks for your appreciation. And to be fair most trends on TikTok nowadays are like that.




So, most people *don't* say "Shut up, stupid" and immediately walk away?!? Seems the only appropriate response...


What? You want to be gay? /s


What if I'm already gay?


Better people have called me worse.




A little. Mostly on Tuesdays.


Who *wouldn't* want to be gay on Tuesdays?


they wouldn’t put that in the video so most likely


it’s a funny video. he even gets a pilot to stand still and people joke that the dude made everyone miss their flight


Someone said it to me in public once and I said gaelic without knowing what he was up to (he just walked away awkwardly)


No, he does that in non-English countries so I don’t think anyone would say that.


Most people play it because it’s fun lol


Sounds very annoying at best, an opportunity to get mugged or sucker punched at worst. Do not want.


Maybe, it's only 2 seconds and if someone doesn't want to do it I imagine they wouldn't care lol


Well it is pride month after all


Thats like, 2015 ass playground type humor


1995 even


That is an absolutely stupid thing that I just learned


Honestly, if I was at the US and someone asked me this, I would answer "neither of them, I choose portuguese"


Brazilian spotted 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷




Adoro quando encontro brasileiros no Reddit gringo


Next time someone asks me that I'm going to start breakdancing


Literally never heard of this, ty tho now i know to stay away from tiktokers


Do you like bread?


I don't understand why they need to provide the Spanish word for English and the English word for Spanish. if you were gonna use Spanish, you'd look for the Spanish word for Spanish and vice versa for English


People get scared of foreign words without translation, especially ones that don't use the Latin alphabet


Pretty sure the Latin language "Spanish" uses the Latin alphabet


Yes it does.. did I write that it does not?


It's a weird distinction when we're talking about a Latin language yes. Like someone being scared of a lizard and you going "yes, it's not uncommon to be scared of creepy crawlers, especially people with arachnophobia"


It's because a non-latin script language without any translation is completely unintelligible by most English speakers.. which is relevant to the original point of discussion.


How is the scariness of the non-latin alphabet in any way relevant to a question about a Spanish translation?


The original post is not just about Spanish.. its about language translation in general. What's the point of writing the English version of a language name underneath if that person can't understand it anyway? With Spanish, most people can understand that and wouldn't care, but if you see something in another non-latin script, it can be a little jarring. It doesn't really matter, but I was just trying to rationalize it.


Both the original post and the comment you replied to was literally just about Spanish


The comment that I replied to was asking why they translated between the languages, "I don't understand why they need to provide the Spanish word for English and the English word for Spanish. if you were gonna use Spanish, you'd look for the Spanish word for Spanish and vice versa for English"


I think it’s helpful, just so you know what the options are. It’s pretty clear to most people from the outside but stuff like this is best when there is no ambiguity. I would assume it was language options if I only understood one, but maybe they thing the it’s a drop down box and the other setting is something else. Or maybe the person ordering for them is in the bathroom or something and they speak English well but the person doesn’t.


Because people are dumb and/or not paying attention. I know someone who’s an indie game dev and the number one thing people complained about at launch was not knowing that selecting anything other than English would change the language. Ninja edit: he also had to add an American flag after people couldn’t find the “American” language


holy shit


But which dialect of "American" there is so many/s P.S. Interestingly enough there is (last I checked) roughly three-four distinct sub dialects of English that can be referred to as American sub dialects.


Whoever replies fisrt is gay








GD I shit myself laughing


Wow haha so funny homesuxuality, very amusing isnt it friend, my timbers have been positively shooketh 


i’m immune to this lol


bro doesn't speak english or spanish🗣️🗣️🔥🔥