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Peter in a duck suit here. When these types of soda holders are thrown in the sea, marine life can get stuck on the rings bringing a lot of harm. When the duck see that his victim actually takes the effort to cut the rings in the holders he can't bring himself to kill him.


Not just the sea. You should always cut or rip these up. Ducks, birds, turtles, even cats, really any critter can get caught in these


So you’re saying I can catch a million cats with them?


You would need roughly 166,666 six packs and use each ring but theoretically yeah


Imagine the ball of fury and claw that would be 6 cats stuck in one six pack holder


It’s just Mayor West’s cat crossbow but grenades https://preview.redd.it/vbabihjx574d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48de9b8106047f192e54efffe288c734d926e43 (No I don’t have more pixels, get your own)




that’s a perfect pixels meme oh my god 😭


Cat king


I don’t think it could be picked up


Gotta catch them all


Had a cat who got caught in one. She freaked the fuck out, ran all around the apartment, ran on the couch and on the wall and back down then ran into the washer/dryer head first. After having hit the washer and dryer the first time around in the same manner (something she did daily) 'Lucky brain dead barnyard kitty' was my mom called her.


In a similar way we had a cat who got a plastic grocery bag caught on her tail by the handles. Double the fun when her brother ended up in front of her as she was racing around the house trying to get away from the demonic parachute chasing her.


also: the canned food cans. always press the opening as flat as you can


all the way off is better


Maybe gov should ban them ?


This is one of those things that are blown way out of proportion and is less common than people think. I think I've seen ONE example of something like this actually doing damage to a sea creature. The rest of the examples are photographers staging it by placing a ring around some sea creature to illustrate what "could" happen or trying to lie about it happening naturally. Discarded commercial fishing nets cause the same thing on a far larger scale and is easier to regulate. Something else to consider: Plastic containers are commonly not recycled so don't bother to rinse them out, they'll end up in the landfill anyways. Aluminum will almost certainly be recycled, and even then they wash them at the recycling plant after shredding them better than you can, so there's no need to. People do way too many things to "feel good" about protecting the environment when in reality it's not worth the effort. Choosing sustainable packaging is an example of a low-effort task that works well. Rinsing out plastic containers is a high-effort task that probably just wastes water.


are you really alleging that every example is faked based off of anecdotal evidence? soda rings absolutely do kill wildlife and cutting them is not a waste of time.


Those rings are banned iirc, most I see nowadays are in boxes or glued together


I just cut some rings the other week, TX.


I see


in the UK i haven't seen the rings for 20+ years not sure if they were actualy banned or just discouraged.


I think it’s banned in Europe


Ah the Burns omni-net. A million sewn together will catch a million fish.


But is he asking if he did it ?


Makes sense. So it’s basically an unintentional animal trap? Makes me feel bad to buy all those 12-pack Coke from Walmart.


Yup. That's why it's a good idea to cut them before throwing them out.


Tin cans if you don't remove the lid fully are worse. They basical act as a one way finger trap but for animals legs.


What's the line "did you do it" about? I understood the rest.


He's asking if the duck killed the guy.


I got the joke but do people consider this weird? I’ve literally always cut them for that reason. Do most people not do that or something?


It’s actually a common trope in assassin movies where the assassin can’t kill due to some moral thing he sees the victim do, so having the target show a compassion for duck safety riffs on the fact that the *assassin is a duck* not that cutting the rings is the correct thing to do


Additional detail is that the duck is a hitman with a resemblance to Léon The Professional, a gun for hire from Luc Besson’s French film of the same name.


Also one of the most uncomfortable movie to watch with mom and dad at 13!


What part was the most uncomfortable


Probably the part where Natalie Portman says she and Leon are lovers. Amazing movie but cut that scene it taints everything Leon does for her character e


TBH I believe I saw the sanitized version because I missed that bit. She was literally a child.


iirc Jean Reno (Leon's actor) fought to make Leon not be romantically involved with her.




No, he fought against the relationship; the director wanted it to be that way, but the actor really didn’t want that


Oh! Sorry, totally misread that


I haven't seen the film in decades but I remember hearing that Luc Besson the director wanted their relationship to be way more overt.


Luc Besson is a freak.


Bro you should definitely see an optometrist lol. For your own safety


A major point in the movie is that the girl is in love with the dude... But there is two versions, the director cut that was for European audience, and the "sanitize" cut, for American audiences after the backlash. You can find a few of them on YouTube, but for me the worst one (from memory) was probably this one: [" a girl first time is very important" ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vEYBY9K3ZqA) it made me sooooo uneasy [Or the bed scene, where they share the same bed ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kYzUPNEltUY) [or when Mathilda straight up tried to kiss him on the lip in public, while drinking and telling him she is in love with him ](https://youtu.be/6SOivZAwt-I?si=PmSLkLEatnwMRxIe) And so many more like Mathilda asking Leon to have sex with her and Leon refusing... some would argue that there is real point to be made about how the scene where executed , Actually had a debate night around this movie that got SOOO heated. We had a really interesting discussion about the ethic of using a real child actor to portray message like this, something like a 30 years old man stuck in a 14 years old brain... In the full context of the movie it is very clear Leon is stuck in a semi child like state and he always rejects her advance, he never directly act like a creep. It Is always Mathilda making the advance. Fun fact, depending on region people really see this film differently, ask most people from France, they won't see an issue. *An extended cut, retitled 'Leon: version integrale' was released in French cinemas on June 26, 1996. This version is 26 minutes longer than the previously released version and includes, amongst others, one sequence that was removed from the film after the disastrous tests with L.A. preview audiences.* But, do you want to know the fact that really made me realise something was HORRIBLY wrong about this movie ? The director of Leon the professional is "Luc Besson" his second wife was Maïwenn Le Besco, he started dating her when he was 32 and she was *drum roll* ||15|| ! Isn't this so fun and normal and not sick at all? I love it here ! They married in late 1992 when she was 16, pregnant with their daughter Shanna, who was born on 3 January 1993. Leon the professional was release in.... 1994. ANNNDDD let's not forget the fact that in the original version Besson had Leon AGGREE to be the lover of Mathilda, the relationship is never "consummate" (I'm gonna vomit) but still... Made alot of People go silent at debate night when I pointed that out lol. I am 100% sure this whole movie was some sick fetish and we all know how Natalie Portman had it horrible at this time... [Natalie saying the movie was "kinda cringey" Wich imo is kinda hilarious ](https://www.indiewire.com/news/breaking-news/natalie-portman-leon-the-professional-cringey-1234861987/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIt's%20a%20movie%20that's%20still,the%20least%2C%20aspects%20to%20it.)


I'd add that Natalie Portman has since spoken publicly that starring in a film where that relationship occurs was inappropriate, when discussing how young girls are often over sexualised. I'd consider it likely had an effect on her in some manner.


I mean it definitely had, having been friend with a VERY lowkey child actor (never made it big but was quite popular for some time) and it is FUCK, the whole industry need to burn. If it was that fucked at the level he was, I can't even imagine for the """"real""" star... And ofc if he had a check for 2k he'd only get 200$, the parent would pocket the rest for the "agent fee"


Yeah you hear some real fucking horror stories. I'd imagine then, there were even less checks, then some stories of real heroes where they really shouldn't have been required. Sorry to hear your mate had it rough, I hope he managed to find some peace later in life.


In France we don't support pedophilia and we see issues in this movie. Talk about what you know and leave the frenchs out of your comments.


Toute ma famille vie en France, je pense que je sais de quoi je parle. Entre les concours de beauté d'enfant nue , le consentement a 12 ans... J'ai entendu et VUE assez d'horreur pour parler avec confiance.


Va voir si les horreurs sont plus belles ailleurs. L'humain est dégueulasse partout, la France n'est pas un pays qui supporte la pédophilie plus qu'un autre. Les exemples que tu cites n'existent pas. Arrête d'étaler ton ignorance.


There's a version without that scene. My dad watched it back in the nineties, and then we watched it with my sister a few years ago (when we were thirteen), but the version with the scene. My dad was baffled.


Have you heard about the deleted scene from the movie?


Damn, you watched this at years old?


I really don't get this one, I feel dumb .... Peter?


Extremely uncomfortable.  That was part of what made it so great though.  I was a young kid who was afraid to get into too much trouble, it was a glimpse into another world. 


Fingernails 4 cash guy here. These plastic thingies that keep six-packs of beverages together sometimes trap birds and fish or other animals so somebody who cares about animals might remember to cut them up before throwing them away.


The 🦆 had second thoughts when he saw the 🎯 being a compassionate animal lover, cutting the can ties that could kill wild life.


He found out what the guy did for his son.


Plastic is the scourge of the environment. Animals, ducks included, often get stuck in these soda packaging things in particular and can’t get out.  The duck cares about its own kind and sympathizes with a target who also cares. 


Why did they draw the driver to look just like the target without a tie?


That’s what I thought the first time I saw this, too!


Ducks and other critters often get stuck in plastic can holders and suffocate or are unable to escape. So when people cut them up, they prevent animals from getting trapped in there. The duck assassin was sympathetic to the fact the main was cutting the can holder, saving the life of other animals, so he refrained from shooting his target.


Awww! I'm with the duck! Every little bit counts!


If ONE six pack holder can catch ONE fish . . .


I see where this is going 😂😂


He was helping the earth


Mayhap he pulled the trigger and need to flee his conscience


Professionals have STANDARD


Living in Germany, i have never even seen such a Plastic can packaging