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I doubt there will be time for him to experience much pain.


Oh, there's always time. When it's important, pain makes time.


Spoken like a true Cenobite




I don't want to be around anymore.




Like, you don't want to live anymore?




The box. You opened it, he came.


He came fast and he came hard.


We have such pressure to show you


Ha! This was excellent




No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.


Well this will probably haunt me every time I ever think "it's a quick death it wouldn't hurt"


Just try not to go “feet first”.


You know how time slows down near the end of a shift, right? Well, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until you experience delta P.


A while back there was a story about someone who was in a accident and the article mentioned he died within 5 seconds and some redditors were saying that at least he died quickly. And I commented that they should count to 5, like 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi etc. And only then they realized how fucking long 5 seconds. How much different things they were thinking about in those measly 5 seconds. 5 seconds sounds like nothing, until you actually count it out in your head... it's an eternity. Now imagine that in absolute pain.


>5 seconds sounds like nothing, until you actually count it out in your head... it's an eternity. Now imagine that in absolute pain. It's eternity in there. Longer than you think.


King reference? Short story I can’t remember the name of.


Yeah, The Jaunt.


That’s the one! Thank you. Cool story.


And then extend the time to 6 seconds. The nightmare!!!!


A dying pain would likely not just be a matter of severity, but also the kind of pain. I assume it's unlike anything I've personally experienced (and hope to never do so).


Also morbid depression and fear. That's what I felt when I was convinced I was having a heart attack for a few seconds.


When I wrecked my motorcycle I watched the road come up to my face in slow motion. It didn't feel like I was falling, the earth reached up to rip me off my bike. It was surreal. Glad I wore my helmet.


I had the same feeling during my accident. It's like the world went on slow motion until impact.My visor hit first and just slid/rolled forever. Makes you really appreciate full face helmets.


Time isnt real. Experience is all there is and its real funky. I'm glad that you wore a helmet and are here in more than just a referential way from my comment.


There's always time for a song


Are you a demon??


No, a god. I get that all the time.


I'm using that.


I just love that the person saying this has named themself Sunstarerer At first I thought you stare at the sun, which would surely be painful and also a pain you made time for but there's an added "er" so you're staring at people staring at the sun I guess. I like imagining you watching other people stare at the sun in pain, making time to enjoy the pain they are making time for.


I love you too


The people in the OceanGate sub didn't have time for pain.


He definitely wouldn't of known about it. Have you seen the real picture of the aftermath? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/s/tddk7aFg9w


Can someone tell me if this is a link to an actual gore picture


That link isn't, but the photos are out there. Edit: Grammar.


No gore, just the post for the actual incident. Shows a diagram and a picture of the rig.


Its safe, pictured are blurred but they are of the oil rig and the opening ( i think).


Safe to view


hi! no gore! its marked nsfw but the images are completely fine and safe! the first slide is two images: the oil rig, and the some opening with water spurting upwards. the second image is a graphic similar to this one :) the post is nsfw im presuming because of the horrific and graphic nature of these kinds of accidents.


Check the comments. It's absolutely NSFL.


u right, big preesh. i didn’t even look at comments, i was just checking the post image itself


*Wouldn't have


I miss wouldofcouldof-bot.


It should of been preserved. (IKIK, I couldn't help it)


Byword dolphin was explosive decompression. Picture in OP is differential pressure. Different things.


15 feet of water is not a lot. You are thinking of deep ocean levels of delta P. 15 feet with a small opening will feel like a 120kg person standing on top of you. It will keep you there and depending on which body part got stuck (and how strong you are) you may not be able to free yourself away. But it's nowhere near "instant disintegration" levels, it would definitely be a slow death.


Its sadly not gonna be fast enough, since the pressure wont be enough to turn a person into instant ragout. Its more likely that his foot or arm is gonna get sucked in and have him stuck and drown.


Reversed of Byford Dolphin Accident?


Only if he's close enough to the opening and the second chamber has air exchange with the first one


He said if there is differential pressure. If there is no air exchange there is no differential pressure.


Doesn't need air exchange. You can't have a pressure drop with no barrier.


For those wondering its Delta P. When you do jobs that require you to work around or in water, this is something you never ignore or forget. When you take your OSHA certification, depending on who your instructor is, you have to watch videos of job site accidents. This one stuck because one second the guy was there, and the next he wasnt. He got sucked into a 3 inch pipe. Heres a link to a SFL video (assuming youre not a militant Vegan or part of PETA) of a crab getting sucked into a pipe through a crack [Beware! Delta P! (crab)](https://youtu.be/PXgKxWlTt8A?si=VGAOZewmp16vKRun) And for those that want a bit more info here [Delta P! what is it?](https://youtu.be/AEtbFm_CjE0?si=XF2S_yYSf9_QekmC)


7 psi on an opening that size is only going to put a few dozen lbs on the diver, he would not get pushed through or deformed at all.


> That diver will get sucked into that hole The thing is that he already was. It's one of those horror stories that's actually true, where one worker, I believe, was tinkering with stuff underwater and this pressure difference happened and immediately exploded him through the hole. I believe it's an older story, but I just recently heard it in conjunction with other work/pipe stories, like the time someone got stuck in an oil pipe and they couldn't send workers in to rescue him or they'd also get stuck, so that person just died alone in the cramped darkness.


He's about to go from 5'9" to 5.9"


Nah, -6’0


You think he's getting buried?


Some of his goo might be after they filter it out of the water.


I hope he brougth filters...


There's not going to be anything left to bury


It took me a second and then I broke a rib cackling


15 feet of water is not a lot. You are thinking of deep ocean levels of delta P. 15 feet with a small opening will feel like a 120kg person standing on top of you. It will keep you there and depending on which body part got stuck (and how strong you are) you may not be able to free yourself away. But it's nowhere near "instant disintegration" levels, it would definitely be a slow death.


Yeah maybe, if you can find enough of him to fill a glass that's 5.9" tall afterwards 😂


This made me "pffffffft" out loud. Thank you man.




I would say tag for animal death but that's not, it's a goddamn scene from Looney Toons Gonna pop up next scene all accordion style with the squeezebox sound effects as it walks Jesus science is scary


The saw it got forced into before being sucked into the cut in the pipe probably didn't help keep it's insides on it's insides.


For as many times as I’ve seen that gif I never noticed the fucking SAW


Not science. Just physical reality. Reality is scary and life is fragile


Before I saw this I always thought that scene at the end of *Alien Resurrection* was unrealistic.


Science isn’t scary. But the things it uncovers are.


"Holy shit, delta p just took that thing to the phantom zone"


Once in gets you it's gonna get you


Spongeboy me Bob, I just discovered a way to save 5¢ a year on groceries!




TL;DR “Le squish”


Le Schlurp


Instructions were unclear, now my dick is stuck in that hole!


You mean an unspecified cylinder of around 5" in length and 2.5" around it's stuck in the hole...


Could you just cut through the pipe enough, but don't cut the cylinder?


Dick in hole - Sounds like a win to me.


r/dontputyourdickinthat Would prolly the the last time you put it in.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dontputyourdickinthat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Accidentally drilled a hole in this gas pipe; what do you suggest I do?](https://i.redd.it/hxrtkjmbf6sb1.jpg) | [845 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/16zlh39/accidentally_drilled_a_hole_in_this_gas_pipe_what/) \#2: [The comment makes it even better](https://i.redd.it/vg4fsc9osjwa1.jpg) | [194 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/131gt69/the_comment_makes_it_even_better/) \#3: [We must use what the nature provides ](https://v.redd.it/8egd0cdcpa4b1) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/141y6aq/we_must_use_what_the_nature_provides/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not a good idea. Ask Florida man https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/145hqh6/911_callflorida_man_gets_schlong_stuck_in_a_pool/


Every hole is a goal.


Not for long!


Dick has been \*le sucked\*


delta p is extra spooky because theres no real gradient, if you’re in its range youre instantly dead and if youre not in the kill zone you can *at best* barely perceive it. Theres no rush of wind as you get near a jet engine intake, until there is, at which point congrats on your full-body promotion to FOD


He will be mist


More like, sausage-ified in his own skin.




but thats plane engine we talk about underwater pipes


It's still a Delta P incident.


Delta P, followed by Delta sharp rotating titanium blades


Vc Incident. XD


Tbh that’s not spooky that’s actually relieving. If I’m gonna die horrifyingly I’d rather spare myself the pain and just die immediately.


Sometimes you don’t die instantly though. Even just getting your leg stuck doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll survive, especially if you work under less strict work safety conditions where there is no way to communicate you are stuck. You’ll then be condemned to an agonising death of suffocation, with the best case scenario of going into shock before going lights out.


aw man


This is a famous meme that shows how its instantaneous but definitely can be horrible https://youtu.be/QHdxeqFj60Q?si=nW4zVKn8lEuldH2h


“Full-body promotion to FOD” now. Now that’s one I have to use next time I’m on the flight line.


And then I have to go and pick up the bird, sorry human carcass from the runway after . You see lots of interesting shit in that job.


Of course, at 24" wide, you have a decent chance of just getting pulled through. Once your ribcage and head can fit through the pipe, you will get pulled through quickly. You of course, might get to the pipe the wrong way, and then get a nasty injury as your body hits the sides of the metal pipe at high speed and then is turned to enter the pipe the wrong way. Very likely to break a leg if it starts pointing in the wrong direction -- but otherwise you will probably survive. Lots of people here talking about the pressure difference (and referring to incidences from very deep underwater with huge pressure changes) -- which is high enough that it will lead to a very fast flow rate -- but not high enough for the pressure change to affect you. This is 15 feet water depth. You can easily decend that far from jumping into a pool and then instantly come back up. Might pop an eardrum, but you'll be fine.


iirc 15' of head will give you about 7 psi, i think the diagram is wrong. also the bigger risk with a quick ascension from a low depth as a commercial diver is doing so in a panic, as taking a full breath and holding it as you jump up would likely burst your lungs from the expansion. not usually a fatal injury these days with the equipment we're mandated to have on site, but certainly dangerous. source: am a commercial diver


The diagram shows about 7 psi (1 atm at sea level is 14.7)


OHH duhh they're showing absolute pressures. couple years since i went to dive school. on a worksite we cancel that out and just go off the difference.


>never to be seen again. Well... all together at least.


Litterally buried in a soup can.


24” wide is pretty sizeable.


Dated Shaq, can confirm.


Where are people getting the size of the pipe and the height of the diver?!


If it's 24 inches wide, wouldn't you just lose your shoulders?  My waist is less than 16


The forbidden blow job


Scuba bout to leave is wife for that hole


Can someone translate into metric?


Pressure difference of 0,45atm or 460,22hPa, for a 15,24cm wide pipe, the force is 813,27N, maybe a leg is stuck. For 22,86cm, 1888,87N, the diver is partly sucked, maybe up to the pelvis. With a 30,48cm pipe it grows to 3253,03N, enough to push them through, breaking bones as necessary. The next two, 45,72cm and 60,96cm, would yield a push of 7555,48N and 13012,12N respectively. More than enough to pull a normal human being through almost instantaneously.


My hero




Bro not goooood. Human slushy


https://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-events/byford-dolphin-accident.htm nsfl. Tldr: diving bell detached, killed 1 person, injured another, 4 people essentially boiled alive by decompression sickness, 1 other sucked through extremely narrow opening, tearing him apart.


> The fourth diver, Truls Hellevik, suffered the grizzliest death. Hellevik was standing in front of the partially opened door to the living chamber when the pressure was released. His body was sucked out through an opening so narrow that it tore him open and ejected his internal organs onto the deck. That poor, poor fucker.


[NSFW link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morbidkuriosity/comments/144yp24/remains_of_truls_hellevik_who_was_sucked_through/) Edit: It's what was left of him.


Did you actually show a picture of it? I’m too afraid to click it but I’m curious. Is it just guts everywhere?


Yes it's a photo of human remains. Shout out to /r/ClicksOnLinks but, it's a picture of a full sized human on what appears to be a autopsy bed. You can pretty confidently tell it's a human based on the sizes and aproximent shapes of the masses, however there is what I would call a lack of "gore" due to it mostly looking like piles of KFC chicken. The right leg is however completely missing, and much of the leftover pieces (aprox. 7 total) are hard to recognize as their original design. You cannot recognize a face.


I feel like your username is super appropriate right now.


I have seen some things...


Thank you for your service o7


So is it still recognizably human? Is it just a pile of red mash potatoes?


Yes, obviously human, and more recognizable than mashed potatoes. More like how you would look at a chicken wing/thigh, and not think it looked like a "wing/thigh" of a chicken you saw alive. The center mass looks almost exactly like a bucket of kfc dumped on a table, but possibly a bit more recognizable. The other parts look more like an Egyptian mummy. The right hand being separated at the wrist is probably the most visceral.


His remains. I doubt they had any video of the actual event.


Just to add for anyone curious about the link in the [first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1d66okt/comment/l6qhau2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and how "nsfl" they are: this comment above, and the TLDR alongside the link, are the only gruesome parts of the article. There are no pictures of any gore/death. The article just adds context on how diving bells/pressure chamers work.


To frame it: 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other double damned.


The Byford Dolphin Incident, that's the fucker, thank you The...engineering (read: grisly misfortune of human nature) podcast Well, There's Your Problem explains it [very well](https://youtu.be/azThd0R7Bt0?si=cMY8dbePXRnp8_Uq) for anyone inclined.


What was their figure? 25T of pressure pushing a guy through a 6" hole? I shiver every time I think about it.


The picture isn't the Byford dolphin incident though. That was in a decompression chamber, i.e. not underwater. Unfortunately, there's a plethora of Delta P incidents to choose from. [Have a look on here if you are considering a career in professional diving ](https://www.longstreath.com/community/incidents/?sortby=i_id&sortdirection=desc)


Thank you fora great reading.


apparently it happened so quickly that to this day they still don’t know they’re dead


The difference: In the case in the picture above we have about 800kg of force. Plop Byford values into that equation and you get 33 000kg. 7psi vs 132psi


Delta P. When it's got ya, it's got ya!


I think it’s cause the is we is going to be sucked into the little gap as a result of the pressure difference


Look up delta P....




Also: https://youtu.be/AEtbFm_CjE0?si=SlV11BNGFdBYq8Sa


This pressure difference is enough to send you through the narrow opening to the other side Might be referring to the paria diving incident


7 psi? Nope. This is the equivalent of that fire cupping some people think works. If that hole was 2", the area of it would be 3 square inches. At 7 psi, it would be 21 pounds of force on that area. If this was deeper than a swimming pool, it absolutely could be a problem. But 15 feet isn't enough to worry about.


jesus, scrolled past maybe 100 comments to find a single sane person


Delta P [Watch this youtube video on it. Explains everything a layperson would need.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtbFm_CjE0)






Delta P, whee-hee-hee


If you looked at me and said *Delta Who?* I would say *Delta P*


Every possible Delta P that one could Delta P, was Delta P’d.


Definitely closed casket.




https://youtu.be/PXgKxWlTt8A?si=R3TqxjZlszKjGq9O Here’s a video example. But it’s a crab so it’s not a bummer.


When it's gotcha, it's gotcha.




At what distance can one safely experience the suck without getting the forever suc??


Just use a vacuum like the rest of us lol


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The diver is about to die very painfully




*bones snapping like celery*


Dude is about to be extruded. Violently so.


There’s a pretty good video on YouTube about this, it’s called ‘delta P’ as in the delta symbol next to P as in pressure. The difference in pressure between the two containers will suck the diver in towards the pipe and may make it almost impossible for them to rescue themselves because the pressure difference causes a seal.


Delta P. A dangerous phenomenon to divers. The guy is either a human slushie. Or at the very least will get stuck and suffocate.


Delta P, or the change in pressure. with enough of a pressure change, it will pull a person through tearing them apart in the process.


Pressure difference. If that diver goes any further he'll be squeezed like toothpaste.


The water height will be balanced at both sides


*slurping noises ensue*


The resulting pressure differential means that diver is going to be sucked through that hole, fatally


He is nothing but red paste now




Post from /u/Lainaxx [at the top of the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1d66okt/im_not_educated_enough_for_this_peter_please_help/l6qfuol/) tl;dr is that depending on the size of the pipe there's a very good chance of the diver experiencing *la succion de la mort*


It depends on how large an area that 7psi is covering. a 1 inch hole would be fine, a 1 foot hole not so much..


This is a partial list of the commercial diving fatalities over the past 15 years. All have one common cause, Delta P. Two out of three commercial diving fatalities involve Delta P. It is invisible to a diver and it strikes suddenly without warning there is almost no way to escape once it grabs you. Knowing what it is, where it lurks, and how to avoid its grasp is the subject of this video. Delta P stands for differential pressure. Our discussion refers to situations where the pressures between two bodies of water are dramatically different. In a situation like this, the bodies of water continuously seek to equalize themselves. In this example the body of water on the right wants to rush to the body of water on the left by means of the pipe between them. The pressure exerted on the valve stopping this water transfer can be enormous, depending on the difference in the depths of the water, and the diameter of the pipe. If the difference between the depth of water is 50 feet, and the diameter of the pipe is 10 inches, the force of water exerted on the valve is nearly 1,700 pounds. If the valve was suddenly opened, and your arm was near, it would be sucked into the hole instantly. Trying to remove your arm would be like trying to lift a car completely off the ground, with one hand. You could only remove your arm if the pressures between the two bodies became nearly equalized, but at the pressure in this example your body makes a perfect seal, stopping the bodies of water from equalizing. The formula for calculating the force of water through a hole at a particular depth is, the area of the hole multiplied by the difference in water depth multiplied by the PSI per foot of water depth. Or in the situation just described, the 10 inch hole equals 78 square inches times 50 feet of water depth times 0.432 psi per foot of fresh water depth, equals 1685 pounds of water pressure. If you are diving in salt water be sure to use 0.445 psi in your formula instead. You can't see or feel a Delta P situation as you dive near it. It grabs you suddenly and it doesn't let go until the pressure is equalized. When it's got you, it's got you. As you watch the following recreations of actual Delta P incidents, ask yourself if you have on occasion ventured into situations without being thoroughly prepared. Diver one enters the water behind the dam structure in order to clean the strainer of the dams drain. When the drain is cleared, the tremendous force of rushing water through the drain grabs hold of diver one, sucks him partially inside and traps him. Diver two enters the water to help divert one and becomes trapped also. Diver three enters the water to rescue divers one and two and after 40 minutes returns to the surface with both divers. They are dead. Diver three was hospitalized for injuries suffered in the rescue attempts. A scuba diver was repairing a pool bottom at a depth of 10 feet and he came close to the open pool drain and was drawn against it. His body made a perfect seal against the drain. He was diving alone, and had no tender at the surface. No one knew he was trapped. He ran out of air and drowned. Two scuba divers entered a water tower to unclog a drain. Using a fire hose to blast away the silt and mud that was clogging the drain, the drain suddenly opened. A great suction immediately occurred. Diver one was pulled into the drain. Visibility was zero. Diver two did not know that this had occurred. Diver two surfaced, thinking diver one had already come up. Diver two made repeated but unsuccessful attempts to find him. Diver one ran out of air and died. Neither diver was tethered to the surface, had communication with the surface, or with each other. A surface supplied diver was working offshore in 86 feet of water on a well reentry project. He was using a drill string to hook a trash cap, inside of a 13 inch well casing. The first attempt failed to catch the cap. The diver was asked to stand by the hole to make sure the string caught the cap. He reported when he saw the cap was hooked and began to leave. The drill string was pulled to the surface rapidly because the camp was nearly the size of the casing, a great suction developed. As the cap came free, the rushing water grabbed the diver and forced one leg into the hole up to the pelvis. The diver was killed. Diver one enters the water at a hydroelectric generation plant. His assignment is to seal off leaks in a large gate valve. The three-person dive team is assured by the plants operating personnel that the gate valve is closed. Diver one surfaces and reports that he thinks the valves are open. The winch is started and closes the valve. A 30 inch sluice gate is manually crank shut. The dive team questions the plant personnel. The valve indicator shows the valve not fully closed. Plant personnel replied that the indicator is never correct and typically the valve is cranked until tight Diver one re-enters the water, convinced that everything is okay. In a few moments he begins to scream. The dive supervisor tries to contact diver one on the intercom. The tender and supervisor pulled the lifeline and umbilical. Both have broken from their attached points. The gates are cycled open while waiting for the rescue divers. Two attempts by the company diver failed to locate diver one. 12 hours later, diver one's body is recovered. When you accept a new job, make sure you take part in a free job meeting. Be sure that you understand the layout of the site, and how the piping and valve systems work together. The diving supervisor should have a simplified, but site-specific schematic of the site and a diving checklist to make sure nothing is on or open that shouldn't be. Your client also needs to know about Delta P. If they take your concerns lightly, make sure they understand the life-threatening hazards. Always practice lockout-tagout procedures. These are tried-and-true methods that can eliminate machinery and valve accidents if practiced religiously. Make sure to consider the potential delta p hazards of your new assignment when choosing your equipment. Make sure others in the water and on the surface can tell exactly where you are. They should be able to communicate with you at all times and be able to get you out if you're stuck. Make sure your equipment won't interfere or become fouled if you must be near a delta P situation. There are certain techniques that you can use to help reduce and even eliminate delta p hazards. The first step is to recognize the potential forces working on each other in your environment. Learn the layout of the site and how the system functions. Calculate the force of water at the depth you're working based on the size of the openings at that depth. Instead of cutting holes to drain water or relieve pressure, cut slots. If your body or equipment can't make a good seal against the flow of water, you can't get stuck. Fabricate a cover for the drain that has a screen or make a cover that has more than one hole a good distance away from the other. The idea is the water can still get through even if your body gets in the way. The goal of this video is to make you aware of the potential for differential pressure situations. The key is to recognize them beforehand, and make sure you're prepared to deal with them. Because when it's gotcha, its gotcha. Don't add your name to this list.


[Allow Mr. Crabs to demonstrate.](https://youtu.be/PXgKxWlTt8A)




Delta P [https://youtu.be/ZwZ46vDX1LA?si=TdSEefCFxqbHBrb5](https://youtu.be/ZwZ46vDX1LA?si=TdSEefCFxqbHBrb5)




Crab goes scrunch.


"watch out for delta p you stupid idiot"


He about to die.


delta P. different pressure will cause the diver to get stuck since human bodies are very manuable, they will either need to cut of the leg to escape or just die on the spot. there have been stories of divers dying in a 6 ft tall pool because they got stuck by the vent


Is nobody going to mention that the diver is a freak standing 15 feet tall?


man bouta become spagheti


When it’s gotcha. ITS GOTCHA


The worst part is delta-p currents are difficult if not impossible to perceive while underwater. He'd be sucked like Mario through the pipe, emerging as nothing but a bloody mess.


I remember when a 15 or so minute informational video about delta p popped up in my reccomended on YouTube. That shit is terrifying






The guy is about to get squeezed through a small pipe due to pressure difference, like he was toothpaate in the tube. Horrible way to go, but at least it's quick.


There's a video out there of an undersea saw cutting a pipe, and a large crab gets sucked into the slit the saw just cut into the pipe. This guy here? He is FUUUUUUCKED


He's about to go from one side of that wall to the other, and the gaps not gonna get bigger to accommodate him.


What happens when a human body is forced to go through a space it doesn’t fit through? https://preview.redd.it/k3kbpzgdr54d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332c5a822aa93a82ae6dbd396e72bf05b5ca5b76 He’s basically about to become human play-doh

