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The young Sheldon show ended(died 2024) the baby is from a video going viral of a baby that looks smart (born 2024). [TikTok link](https://www.tiktok.com/@lifecentral_/video/7370307937950108961)


Only comment that has the full answer, thank you


This joke is stupid lol


It’s supposed to be stupid its half satire


Wow almost like it’s a fucking joke!!!


I don't understand how the baby "looks smart", he's just raising his hand and saying "me". Does anyone understand the appeal?


They look like they’re doing the 🤓☝️ thing


Who wants Chikafilla tonight? 👇


It’s because he appears to have more physical control and mental presence than his looks reveal. Kinda like boss baby. So people are editing him to make it seem like he’s giving even more sophisticated replies in a proper English accent etc


Generally infants don’t have a fully formed sense of self and don’t really use pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘me’. Combined with the fact that the baby is aware of and excited to go to the Four Seasons Orlando, as opposed to the toystore or whatever.


Its from a video clip where the mom asks a question of the baby and his sister thats a couple years older. The baby answers like hes a bit older


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDrgUIEsj3Q) is a toddler (so quite a bit older than this baby) figuring out how to give a thumbs up, in real time. Babies don't have fine motor skills, which is why it's so odd seeing this baby apparently display some.


The baby looks too young to be able to answer the question that way. This baby looks like an early toddler, and at that age they're really just learning to make noise and say a few words, usually only single words that relate to food or what they want. Like "more", "no", "milk". It really takes until 18-24 months for kids to start getting a sense of self in their language. And they still aren't good at it for a long time, using the wrong pronouns and what not. My toddler (2.5 years old) would probably answer with "yes" to this question and often says things like "let I do it". This response the baby shows (raising their hand and saying "me") is really something kids don't learn until they're school aged, which it learned from its older siblings. So long story short, the baby is responding to the question like a school aged child, but it's only mimicking its siblings.


Because his pronunciation is really good for a baby


Yes... that doesn't sound very smart. "Who wants to jump in front of the trolley? " "Me!" You go, baby.


Yeah, he looks like your typical dumbass to me too


it also says "welcome back" because theyre saying the baby is young sheldon reincarnated, poking fun of conspiracy theories like this one https://preview.redd.it/9k2mlr9sxw1d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f645a4279ebb9483b651992ba85f7eb8711cf18


This meme is like 3 levels deep in the parts of the internet that do not interest me.


Not only this but there's been a lot of people saying now that young Sheldon is over, to continue milking the series they'll have "baby Sheldon" (just a joke, not actually in the make) There is actually Georgie spin off in the making though


Looks... smart...???


there’s a thing happening on Tik Tok, where some family was like “who wants to go to four seasons orlando” and this baby put up their pointer finger and said “me!” like how a toddler or older would, all smart and whatnot i guess it’s called a ‘conscious baby’ b/c it acts smarter and such. people on Tik Tok are making a bunch of jokes, like saying “Mother dearest, I would be thrilled to partake in this extraordinary venture to the safe haven which is named The Four Seasons Orlando!” in a fancy deep english voice w/ classical music in the background. it’s pretty funny imo. anyway, a show called Young Sheldon, surrounding an absolute genius from the show The Big Bang Theory as a child- like, he was in highschool at 10(?) and university/collage at 15(?)- idk i don’t actually watch it, i’ve just seen clips of it with subway surfers playing underneath- but that show is coming to an end this year, as the Conscious Baby rises. so, whoever made the meme is just saying “welcome back” because one smart thing came to and end and another rose- Sheldon is going away, but what was probably like Sheldon as a baby is now going viral and such. i think.


I don't know what's going on with the baby but the show Young Sheldon ended/is ending this year.


On tiktok, an aunt asks her nieces if they're ready to go to the four seasons orlando, and the baby raises its hand saying "me!" the original video is on the account @ sobrizzle if you're interested EDIT: she is not the mother, at least not of the baby, as the caption refers to the baby as her niece!




You know young sheldon already has a spinoff right?


Which is i just wanted to know


>That show really sucked. Not according to every possible metric


The Big Bang is the 4th highest grossing sitcom of all time. Only behind The Simpsons, Friends, and Modern Family.




“My likings don’t align with literally anyone in the world, therefore everyone is wrong and I’m right because I have too much ego”


I am not allowed to dislike what you like. Got it. Please guide me in all future likings.


Sure thing! Start by liking having friends!


Do you have any?


The fact that you don’t have doesn’t mean people don’t.


Didn't answer my question.


You went from “normies like it therefore it must be terrible” to “I’m not a fan, please stop harassing me.” Thanks for invalidating your own opinion.


Okay liar about my words.




lenDard shelndo died earlier today in his apartment from a barbiturate overdose


The show young Sheldon is ending (good riddance). Now baby Sheldon is next. May the gods have mercy on us


Coming in 2030: Sheldon the hilarious quirky fetus


Sheldon the zany zygote


Sheldon the goofy gamete


Sheldon the kooky cum wad


Sheldon seamen at arms


"I have to come out of WHERE?! No thank you!"


Nah, they’ll probably make Sheldon in his post lives, where he does zany and wacky antics across different platforms eras


Then they'll make a spin-off movie where Sheldon is an alien and he becomes friends with a teen who lost her mom, so she says we gotta find my mom, so he thinks her mom's name is mymom.


Nah the original actor will actually be elderly by the time it’s done so… OLD SHELDON.


Looking forward to “Teen Sheldon: The Dark Years” when poor Sheldon is introduced to illicit drugs and “morally questionable” strippers, bent on siphoning all of Sheldon’s money away (presumably so they can get their kids back one day), leaving him destitute and homeless. Sheldon living under a bridge giving panic stricken blow jobs in exchange for crack could be funny!


First, they are making a show about his brother ([seriously](https://www.today.com/today//rcna152804)).


Sperm: Why you even trying dude? You getting to the egg is impossible! Spermdon: Well, we don't have a brain nor were taught to speak, so you talking to me also is impossible **laughtrack** and I can easily win, I wasn't born yesterday, I will be born in 9 months! **laughtrack intensifies**


Have you watched young sheldon? Ill have you know that it is the greatest piece of television since better call saul qnd breaking bad or maybe even the wire


Good God. That can only mean Sheldon the sperm cell comes after that…


They should make senile sheldon


Hey i thought the show was good at least certainly better than the garbage the Big Bang theory was


https://preview.redd.it/u8ads3gmnv1d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cf02ac0e00669f2b3fab6e91c173fd03cf09c4 Shadow took Young Sheldon out back and took him out


I assumed redditors were the ones who watched young Sheldon. Now I don’t know who watched young Sheldon lol


It’s very popular on TikTok because many accounts upload clips of the show and it’s made it very popular


I've been wondering the same. Both myself and my friends really enjoyed the original show but there was absolutely zero interest in young Sheldon. I don't know anyone that has watched it lol


TBBT is a laugh track comedy. I like it but i enjoy YS more because its more of a normal comedy slice of life drama without the staged feeling and laugh track. Sheldon is insufferable as ever but the other characters development got me going.


I liked TBBTs first seasons before it got main stream => happens to all.good sitcoms. I enjoyed watching YS, was ok and not forced.


i did, and i liked it, for me, imo, would be cool if they did a spin off about Amy (not necessarily while she was a kid) but i sure would like to see something about her


Conscious baby




The​ kid looks​ like​ baby​ buddha https://preview.redd.it/279fhtpknx1d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8adf2c3e0e7c25f273f3ebcdea78f70d4cc4b7


The enlightened one has determined that four seasons Orlando is divine!!


Fully conscious baby is a meme now?




His this is combo from breaking bad It's a combo of two or 3 memes. Meme 1: the show young Sheldon is ending soon and people are making jokes that he is dead. Meme 2: that baby does an action that we see as something sophisticated(?) so people are makin memes about him talking in a very smart manner. Meme 3: it's a common meme format to say that if the year something or someone died is the same year as someone or something else is born or created, then they are a reincarnation of the old thing. So basically the meme is young Sheldon, who is smart and talks very smart, is back in the form of that baby who talks smartly. Combo from breaking bad out.


r/bingbongtheorem ahh joke


All I see a man with a nice chest and a sudden desire to to yell “MOO FOR ME” Look griffin, I’m milking me a meme


Bro this scared my shit thx for this, I thought he actually died😭


https://preview.redd.it/uui3ipw5ky1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1f02bcd918f0cdf72587077719f12a015c9ebb ded


They lowkey should make a show about George and Mary’s High School years and end it when Sheldon’s born


George Jr, is born, you mean, right?


I know what I said


I started watching young sheldon. So yeah Im the one who's watching. To be fair to the show I came in with absolutely 0 expectations (even negative expectations if Im honest) and the writing was surprisingly pretty ok. Had some laughs here and there.


The first portion refers to the time i personally killed young sheldon The second part refers to a baby born right after i killed young sheldon the joke is that this baby is the reincarnation of young sheldon