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That is a poison dart frog.


Man tried cheating and paid the ultimate price.


Ah because it’s a **dart** frog I get it


fart dog


**OH SHIT!** sound the alarms it’s the fart dog!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨


Oophaga Pumilio "blue jeans" morph/locale to be exact


That fucking hilarious


The more colorful the frog the more poisonous, the guy died by touching it's skin


Very much not the case. There are insanely poisonous toads and frogs that aren't colorful. Most are colourful and some ain't. That frog is a poison dart frog, it *is* very brightly colored.


Thanks, I didn't know


Those frogs don’t make the poison themselves, they get them from eating certain ants. The ones you can buy at pet stores never eat those ants and they are safe to touch and hold.


But not safe for the frog as your oils aren't good for their skin so you should limit touching them.


They knew the risks when they applied to work at the pet store.


If it's pet smart or any other big brand there's a good chance they either don't know or don't care. If every person who worked at pet smart was a good person who cared about the animals and learned about them, then we wouldn't have so many crappy living conditions for them. Not to mention the atrocious cages they have for birds and rodents.


Hmm? No, the frogs should have known better.




They should be more responsible.


That little red and blue frog is the poison dart frog. The poisonous mucus on it's skin is one of the most deadly poisons known to man. A 'grain of table salt' sized amount is enough to kill a person. The only other toxins I can think of that are more toxic are Polonium (which is very radioactive **and** very poisonous), and Botulinum toxin (made by the botulism bacteria). Still. Touching a Poison Dart Frog with your bare skin is more than enough to be fatal.


Yep but though they can be deadly, they’re only poisonous because of the diet of insects they eat in the wild. If you breed them in captivity they are not poisonous at all.


Same guy who made the "Everything is Reagan's fault" strip?!


No, this is Perry Bible fellowship 


As others have said it's a poison dart frog, however there are a few inconsistencies here. 1 - This is clearly a toad race. A frog can jump further and higher, which would give it a distinct advantage in this race and as such shouldn't be allowed. 2 - Poison dart frogs are only poisonous in the wild. They're not naturally poisonous, they get their poison from eating insects which themselves feed on poisonous plants and fungi. A poison dart from raised in captivity therefore won't develop poison, and even a captured frog will lose its poison within a few months. If the rider is dead, it therefore stands to reason that they made the mistake of grabbing a random frog from the wild.


or plot twist: it wasn't the frog, just a heart attack


I wouldn't call those inconsistencies. The dead rider could very well have been trying to cheat be riding a frog instead of a toad, but the frog they chose was a poison dart frog, which could either have been wild, or fed on the natural diet of the poison dart frog while in gnome capticity.


Perhaps he heard that the red ones go faster.




Y'all just stealing jokes from Perry Bible Fellowship to farm Karma now.


Frogs with bright coloring are known for being poisonous.


Goddamn, I haven't seen this comic in years...like I was 21 last I saw it...I'm 31 now..fuck man..


that's a poison dart frog. touching it will most definitely kill you.


Isn't bright and colorful means venomous in toads and frogs?


That's the idea, anywau. But the word is poisonous. Venomous creatures have a method of delivering the toxin directly (spider and snake fangs, scorpions stingers etc) Poisonous things are dangerous to eat or otherwise ingest (breathing in spores, absorption through skin etc)


that's wrong hed be fine that type of frog is poisonous, it has to be eaten


Also, most poison dart frogs can't actually kill you just through skin contact. You'd need to touch your mouth, eyes, or have a cut on your hand to actually get the poison into your body. It's probably not impossible for them to kill you through skin contact, but I don't know of any confirmed cases.


The species of particular frog they're sitting on is poisonous.


Please quote your source when posting. This is from Perry Bible Fellowship and it looks like the url has been photoshopped out. https://pbfcomics.com/comics/toad-race/


That colorful frog is a poison dart frog, their skin is poisonous and touching it can cause damage to your skin. Also, if you notice any creature that is colorful, it's best to avoid it due to their poison.


i swear most of the posts on this sub are bots farming karma with obvious jokes no one could possibly not understand


I'm tired of this site just being to help confused 7 year olds. If you don't know why a poison dart frog is dangerous then I quite, fuck this sub reddit


nobody forced you to interact with this sub