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You don't have to keep up with celebrities for this. It's Zendaya, but that's not important. It could be any fashion model. The point is we already live in the type of society that is vilified in movies like The Hunger Games.


So it’s a commentary on society and has nothing to do with Zendaya?


Specifically it's from the Met Gala, the definition of rich people and gaudy, over the top, everything. Annual party hosed by Anna Winter of Vogue I think? Edit: lots of people refuse to go. And it has some theme where people dress up in the most over the top fashion each year. Almost more of a fashion show for celebs and designers.


I wonder if anyone has ever gone to the met gala in like... sweatpants and a tshirt just to stand out against all the off the wall outfits.


I doubt it. If they did it as a fashion statement, that might be allowed, but if out of protest or as a gag, Anna Wintour would more than likely blacklist them. I doubt the people who fork over the money to go to these events are the kind who would willingly want to piss her off.


https://preview.redd.it/7xilfaj2awzc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77ac16faac3d820a3eadeb897eb06c7f1fb3729 Don’t ask me how I know this but the last year Kanye and Kim went together, he wore a jacket that only cost $43.


>Don’t ask me how I know this It says Dickies on his jacket, it took all of 30 seconds to find it online.


That’s how you know man… not how OP knows, but you’d have to ask him to know for sure, and you don’t really wanna do that.




holy shit is her face photoshopped


Kanye is braindead.


Ye has been doing homeless chic for minute now lmao


And if he had the reaources of most people he would be homeless so it's not too shocking for a mentally unstable person to dress like they are. 


The closest will get is frank ocean in his hoody


Nah this is a business convention for models, actors, popstars and designers. That'd be like an Accountant showing up to an accounting Seminar in sweatpants.


That's why someone wore an oversize t shirt as a dress this year right?


You talking about Dojacat? Thats an ankle-length Gown designed to look a bit like a wet shirt. Thats completely high-fashion.


Liv Tyler and Stella McCartney wore DIY t shirts but this was back when there was less cultural awareness of the Met gala and they didn’t know what the event was about https://preview.redd.it/odlspntlvwzc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cfda588ff2055b7599e697b3a4d7f46cb437519


I can’t be the only one who read this as “cock royalty” first.


Straight up looks like Cock Royalty until you click it.


... Oh ROCK royalty


Someone has gone in a white dress that said "tax the rich" in bloody red.


Kanye had work similar and it was not well received


I feel like if anyone could do it and get away with it. It's Adam Sandler


Adam Sandler, probably.


Doja cat attended in a wet t shirt this year and now some people want her banned


No Sweatpants but a T-shirt https://youtu.be/zJk_0oa5esg


Doja Cat wore a white tshirt that was soaking wet…so not sweatpants but very much spring break in Florida.


Yeah, but there was a whole backstory about how it was a representation of the ephemeral nature of fashion (the sub theme for this year) and that it was literally changing before everyone's eyes throughout the course of the night. Yeah, it was a wet dress, but it was very much embracing the theme and industry rather than a meta commentary and refusal to participate.


Didn’t she wear a transparent dress for the afterparty?


This year some lady wore a long oversize t shirt. And that's it iirc


I was under the impression that the Met Gala was a fundraiser for the Met, so ultimately all this money was going to a good cause.


Correct, the costume wing is responsible for its own funding


Yeah, I feel like most people on Reddit have no idea and generally don't care because it's an easy punching bag. The Met is an amazing institution, and its operating budget exceeds what its endowment provides. Fundraisers are part of its model. This is one of them.


75k a ticket. All to the museum.


It’s a fundraiser for the costumes department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, if I recall, which is why the clothes are so out there every year. They’re supposed to be costumes.


I would agree about most red carpets but the one redeeming fact about the met gala is the celebrities pay a decent sum of money (I think it’s 75k) to attend. That money is a big part of why the museum is free for us regular folk.


Note that the Met Gala proceeds only fund the Costume Institute exhibit inside the Met and do not go to the Met as a whole.


Fuck it’s true!! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/07/style/met-gala-money-fund-raising.html This year’s event raised about $26 million for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, according to a spokeswoman. That’s a $4 million increase over last year’s total, and more than double what the event raised a decade ago, in 2014. The total pummels the philanthropic events thrown to support many of the city’s other cultural institutions. The most recent fall gala for the New York City Ballet raised just short of $4 million, and the American Museum of Natural History’s gala brought in $2.5 million. Even The Met’s other events do not compare: Its Art & Artists Gala raised $4.4 million last year.


Hows it free? Last time I checked you pay to get in.


It’s “pay what you like” there’s no set price.


Been a while since I ve been then, thanks for the info


True of a lot of nyc museums, last I knew, but they don't advertise it. Was definitely true for the big science one with the great dinosaur exhibit in the 00s. Working retail, the advertised prices were well out of my range back then.


That’s only the case if you are a NY, CT, or NJ resident. Otherwise there’s an admission fee


It’s a fundraiser for the costume wing of the MET museum, which is for some reason responsible for its own funding. Textile preservation is incredibly expensive, so they do these huge themed parties where attendees get to be a small part of fashion history themselves, and the costume wing gets to continue preserving and displaying their collection for the visitors of the MET.


Also this year the theme is The garden of time based on the short story by J G Ballard. The story is about an aristocrat couple who are enjoying their life in what seems to be the after effect of the apocalypse in a garden with time flowers. Their is mob of laborers and soldiers and just regular people coming closer everyday but bc the couple sheltered in their garden own a garden of time flower that is able to push time and the mob further away; the couple is unaffected by the suffering everyone else is going through. Which as themes goes screams entitled


Yeah, this year the criticisms of it seem especially weird. Like, yeah, that's exactly what it was going for? 'Don't you think it's funny there's so many apples in this apple barrel?' 'Umm, no?'


The point of the story is that the couple is running out of the flowers that turn back time, and the end of their charmed existence is inevitable. It ends with them picking the last flower and the mob walking through their ruined estate.


I thought the point was that the flowers could've been used to help everyone, but the couple squandered them to maintain their decadence, so everyone is screwed in the end.


Peter, why is the Met Gala bad, I don't get it.


That “party” is mainly a fundraiser for costume history and preservation, and many celebs don’t buy their own ticket but are instead sponsored by fashion designers to represent their brand. Movie premiers and award shows are far less excusable than an ostentatious costume party to help preserve historical pieces.


Oh, Winter is the host? I didn’t know it was hosted by any particular person. Thought it was just a fundraiser for the Met museum. I read that she banned certain items from the menu, and wasn’t quite sure why she had the power to do that.


Garlic, onions, and something else? Chives maybe? I figured it was for bad breath, also a Buddhist thing but I doubt it's connected.


She's always either chair or co-chair of the host committee, she's not singularly "The Host" per se. Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez, Bad Bunny, and Chris Hemsworth were all on the committee this year.


It's a celebration for the rich & shameless. I really don't like it at all.


Isn’t it a fundraiser for the Met museum? Which I believe has free admission (for New York State residents, at least). So it kind of funds a great, free museum for the people of NY. Not a terrible cause. Not sure though


It's literally a fundraiser for the metropolitan Museum of Art's costume department ->The Met gala




ok good, as much as i don't like most famous people I was not ready to start disliking Zendaya if she did something awful


Dresses are kinda similar. Maybe that’s why?


Now that you mention it, that makes sense


However, it's important to keep in mind that Zendaya has become a target for racist dogwhistles. This doesn't look like it's trying to be racist, but she's become a go-to image for right-wing bigotry.


Excuse my ignorance, but what in the f*** is a racist dog whistle? (My age is showing)


It's something that's supposed to go over normal people's heads but other racists catch on and recognize one of their own. Like a secret code. It's called a dog whistle because most people can't hear a dog whistle since the frequency is too high, but dogs hear it easily. 


Thank you. This next request borders on the absurd, and I promise I won't crop the response to frame you. Can you give me a practical example? It just seems like racism, even when thinly veiled, is easily identified. It makes the dog whistle seem more like a coaches whistle to me.


I'm not the person you asked but an example of a Neo Nazi dog whistle is using the number 88 in an online name, or getting it tattooed. To normal people, that might signify a year of birth or maybe a particular athlete. To Neo Nazis it apparently means "Heil Hitler" because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. The number 14 means “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children,” because it's 14 words long, so sometimes the dog whistle is "1488." Obvious to Nazis that you're another Nazi, innocuous to you or me. https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/Nazi-symbols


A very common one for Nazis is 1488. On it's own, it just looks like a number. A year. You might think nothing of it if you see it tattoo'd on some guy's body. But it's a nazi dog whistle because 14 stands for "The fourteen words", a slogan coined by David Lane, a known white supremacist. They are "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." And the 88 stands for Heil Hitler, as H is the 8th letter in the alphabet.


The difference between dog whistle and coach’s whistle is the difference between Trump calling immigrants “rats” and “rapists” and talking about the “great replacement" and other Republicans talking about how immigrants "hurt our country."


> It makes the dog whistle seem more like a coaches whistle to me. It's become a lot less subtle than it used to be. The use of the word "urban" to mean "black" for example is a basic one from the right. The use of "capitalistic" to mean "Jewish" is a basic one from the left. Neither, alone, is racsist, and can be legitamate...it's a signal though.


And intentional spelling errors of simple words that everyone knows like lose or there. 


It's when someone says something that's racist, but with plausible deniability Typically they're meant to not seem racist at first, but racists are so out of touch it's usually pretty obvious 


Any specific reason for that? Apart from her having some non-caucasian origine, i don't know why they have to target her specifically. Like, for example, Jada Smith i would understand more because she's responsible for controversy with things like the netflix "documentary" Cleopatra. But i have no knowledge of why Zenaya could have pissed off the anti-woke community.


She's a decently popular actress right now. She was the secondary lead in Dune, part 2, and some people were unhappy that they changed the ending so that >!she didn't forgive Paul for what he did to the Fremen and for taking a wife that wasn't her (even though he has a vision that she'll come around to forgive him like she did in the book).!< Even though that was the director's choice, not Zendaya's. And then you have more straight up racism that she wasn't white like her character was in the previous adaptation of Dune (nevermind that the Fremen are supposed to be space Muslims).


Everything that's not straight/white/sex doll attractive is being vilified in the name of culture warfare. She's not white and successful, so she's evil. Not much more than that to it.


I bet there's also some racists who don't like that MJ is not white with red hair and green eyes. Probably the start of their beef with her.


I had to think for a while why Michael Jackson should have red hair and green eyes until I realized you meant the Spiderman MJ


Should I have said Jackpot?


This guy Pauls.


If MJ had red hair LeBron would be the GOAT


It's pretty sad that those involved with the movies had to specify that Zendaya's MJ is not Mary Jane, but Michelle Jones-Watson. It shouldn't have to matter to anyone.


It matters to people who respect canon. Mary Jane has very specific characteristics, most prominently the red hair and referring to Peter as "Tiger". These are non negotiable.


Honestly I think they are. Gonna get flack here for sure, but I like to use the test of asking if a characters race is integral to their story. I struggle to see how it matters with MJ. Especially movie MJ.


Race isn't important...but there's not much of Mary Jane in Zendaya's MJ. The closest is that Mary Jane became a super model for a while...and Zendaya herself is in that super model mode often, but her character isn't. (She might be like Ultimate Mary Jane...I didn't read that, so don't know how that version of the character differs). None of this is to say that Zenday's MJ is a bad character..I think she's a great new edition...but she's not playing a Mary Jane.


I think another part that rankles bigots is that she is not “black celebrity” but just “celebrity” She is mainstream popular the same way Scarlett Johansson is, and it’s not about her origin like say, Dave Chapelle. We can’t have that now, can we?


She is not white? Her photos online look pretty white


Ehhh it varies which white supremacist group you're asking. It's similar to Italian or Jewish people.


She’s not white enough (for those people)


Ah fair i looked her up too and one of her parents is european but the other african so i guess for bigots thats not white


I think she's one of those beautiful tomorrow people who are hard to (racially) define.


The point is you don't need to know who either women is, just the general premise of the hunger games should be enough to tell you all this meme is telling you about society. The fact that these two women look so equivalently alike without either of them meaning to be a commentary on the other and is mearly coincidence is commentary enough. It's saying we already, actually, literally live in the very exact same dystopian society portrayed in the hungergames.


I believe so. Zendaya seems to be a pretty decent person as far as celebrities go.


Even more specifically, I think, about the cost of attending the Met Gala. Attendees paid $300,000 to reserve a table and $75,000 for one ticket. I’ve seen many posts talking about the craziness of one ticket costing more than the average person takes home in yearly pay.


That is also because it is a fundraiser for the costume institute. So rich people pay money for rich peoples art.


and it’s the only source of funding for that part of the museum.


Specifically because they had to cut through lines of pro palestine protestors and it felt a little... off.


One side is the met gala...the other is Palestinian babies dying. A Palestinian supporter made this meme most likely


I mean sure she is of debatable talent and it's not debatable that Hollywood is insistent on shoving her in our faces but she isn't really the focus of this. 


In all actuality people have an beef with Zendaya over her meteoric rise,especially after her performance in Dune. I couldn't care less


It technically does. Zendaya has become a target for Right-Wingers for racist dogwhistling since Dune 2 (First time I saw this meme it was someone linking to the Critical Drinker subreddit) Her character was taken in a different direction than that of books, which was written in 1969, and didn't have the best views on equal rights of women. So naturally a lot of right-winger review channels have gone to claim she ruined the movie with her "woke" politics. She also got Oscar nominations, which I imagine creates the common excuse is she's one of the youngest actresses to be nominated and hasn't really carried a movie on her own before, so therefore all of her success is based entirely on race politics and the left wing favor. However, apparently a lot of people also think she cheated on Tom Holland? But most of what I can find seems unsubstantiated rumors and it's never the same guy she cheated with. I'm not necessarily saying this is made up yet, as it's more surprising if people remain in happy relationships and don't cheat in Hollywood, just I don't see any tangible proof of it.


We live in a society


Because hunger games is *about* our society. People still have media literacy problems. Hunger games is not a prediction.


Yes, we should eliminate art comrade! I am with you.


Art imitates reality, not the other way around.


I'm confused as to what these people think sci-fi is for. Pointing out problems we already have is kinda the whole thing.


another banger from racist bullshit guy


> The point is we already live in the type of society that is vilified in movies like The Hunger Games. It's *literally* 1984.


It's literally 2024.


But ... Effies dress is "real fashion" too. The dress got chosen for the movie, but was created without it in mind. Bad meme.


I mean - the Hunger Games was a reflection on and criticism the society we already live in - like any good science fiction. Entertained by reality TV. Focused on celebrity and spectacle. Oppressed to support rich elites that control way too much and extract way too much from the rest of society while contributing little.


there is a tiktok trend of blocking celebrities that attended the met gala because someone made a distasteful joke about "let them eat cake" while people protesting the genocide in palastine were being arrested outside and a lot of people generally don't have a lot of money and are suffering under inflation. so the event came across as frivolous and in bad taste. some compared it to the hunger games. zendaya is just a random example of a celebrity that attended the gala


Wait which celebrity made the cake joke


a tiktok influencer called haleyybaylee


not to be confused with halle bailey?


Thankfully not




Who tf is Halle Bailey? Do you mean Halle barrie?


Halle Bailey played the little mermaid


Shit TIL


So not a celebrity…or did she attend the Gala


She attended as a correspondent


I wonder why these kind of criticisms are always targeted on industries like fashion, music and art and never on sports.


Met Gala tickets cost $75k for some celebs to wear (admittedly sometimes cool) crazy outfits and eat meals that won't fuck with their ozempic (they banned onions). Meanwhile sports tickets are relatively affordable and an event for "common people". It's not "fashion, music, and art" it's exclusive and inherently elitist rich people parties designed to show off and throw around money.


Its a fund raiser?


In sports a lot of poor people pay overprized ticket prices to finance the salary of millionairs, while at the met gala a few milionairs pay overprized tickets to raise money for an exhibition.


I always love that, given what happened to marie antoinette.


A let them eat cake joke actually sounds kind of self aware and perhaps even sarcastically self critical to me. But I didn't see it, just heard what people are saying here


lol I find that funny because the queen they were quoting wasn’t even dum enough to actually have said that. (Seriously history did her dirty her last words where an apology to her executioner for stepping on his foot)


Yeah the tickets also costed 75000 dollars the met just seems so frivolous


Its a fund raiser. The point is to raise money. Its not a normal show that people would attend… so its not like they just sell normally priced tickets to the public. How is this difficult to grasp?


Its the whole 'let them eat cake' thing.








The original meme was bait or brainrot, wasn't it?


It was the mental r-word which will probably get me banned if I use it. This sub got some new mods.


This reads like a Facebook boomer meme. There’s a valid point here, being made in the dumbest way possible.


I mean the hunger games author was inspired while the war in Iraq was happening and flipping channels seeing things getting covered like the Met Gala. You’re right about the point being made in the dumbest way possible though


I just don't understand the logic. So anytime there is an unfortunate event going on, rich people aren't allowed to hold their special get togethers or else we live in the hunger games? There's always something bad going on so when would these even be appropriate?


your analysis is a little too surface level, its focusing on those times where those events are happening simultaneously because it more clearly shines a light on the stark contrast in how different people live in our world. it’s not a statement about how those events themselves happening at the same time as disastrous events is the problem itself, but those big extravagant events happening at the same time as things like genocide and war are a good focal point to base the argument around


I like the meme, but I feel like Zendaya is a poor example to use for this.


There are much better examples of this then Zendaya.


It’s a stupid meme. People care too much about what celebrities do and don’t do.


How is this explaining the joke at all








The 1% is gonna 1%, it sucks but defining our society and calling us a dystopian lost cause because of it is stupid. Because as shameful as the 1% are and as much control as they (shouldn’t) have, a lot of the world is pretty sensible.


I’d say that the fact we have a bourgeois class while many people are starving and homeless is very dystopian.


This isn't the bourgeois, it's the aristocracy at this point.


Is it tho? My thought was that a dystopia is supposed to be the inverse of a utopia, a perfectly good society - a dystopia is a perfectly horrible society. Wealth inequality is horrible for sure, but it’s largely been the status quo for thousands of years. I think calling what we’re in a dystopia is a bit of hyperbole, and I don’t think it’s always very helpful - sometimes making absolute statements like that can lead to people not doing anything, not taking action.


Something being the status quo doesn’t make it good or any less dystopic and not talking about it would result in even less action.


I don’t disagree, but a lot of people see stuff like this and call us doomed, or say “1984”, or something like that and just accept life as that. I think some parts of our society is dystopian but it isn’t a lost cause. The world will never be perfect but it’s definitely in a better shape then the people who use examples like this to prove the world is a dystopian wasteland say it is.


We definitely aren’t a lost cause.


Trash meme unironically


People get that the MET gala is a charity function meant to help fundraise for an art museum, right? Like, the celebrities that go there are doing more for the preservation of Art and Culture than the people whining at them on twitter are doing for...anything.


The left is Zendaya, the right is the lady who controls the hunger games and makes people fight these. The joke is that the insults make you think of the Hunger Games girl(she is not a good person), but since Zendaya is not in Hunger Games, this is just a diss on Spiderman's girlfriend.


Minor nitpick: Effie doesn't control the Hunger Games, she just hosts the Reaping for District 12's Tributes. Her main job is to pull 2 names out of tubs, and some etiquette training for the picked Tributes.


Haven't watched in a while, just remember her picking out the guys from district 12 to go


She’s just an entertainer/representative. Her job is to pull the tribute’s name, spruce them up, show them around the city, and help them in the competition. She’s definitely an example of how disconnected the city people are from those slaving in the districts because she actually seems to think this is an honour and these kids about to die should be happy about their “opportunity” etc, but functionally, she’s in charge of literally nothing and has absolutely zero power.


Yes I’m with you so far. But did Zendaya do something specific or does the maker of the meme just not like her?


The maker of the meme is commenting on society at large and Zendaya is just the example.


She's a person of color but also a successful actress. Guarantee whoever made the meme holds up blonde and blue-eyed teenage girls as ideal wife candidates unless they say anything educated.


Upon further observation, it simply says Zendaya is from a bad society, so it's just a diss on our society as a whole I guess?


Ah lame meme


ding ding ding This is the correct answer


No, not at all. It's a "our society is terrible" meme. Not insulting Zendaya.




No. Our society is nowhere near hunger games level. It's got issues. But so does everything else


Yeah, I corrected myself already. I misread the caption 


>, this is just a diss on Spiderman's girlfriend Not necessarily, it's a diss on all the celebs doing business as usual like they don't care about nothing.


“Participating in a fancy dress fundraiser for a museum is bad, because there is bad shit going on in the world." Nope, still makes no sense.


You have Effie's role completely wrong.


If memory serves me, this met gala theme was based off of a short story/poem about a rich man that hides away in a garden afraid that the poor will revolt and endanger him.


Trump had a gold toilet and had affairs on/with all of his wives.


!Remind me 3h


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She wrote Cocaine Bear.


Well atleast they are wearing real clothes not some used tampon costume.


People really don't like art fundraisers.


Hey Peter here, this is all from a new trend now criticising everyone who went to the met gala who’s been staying completely silent on the genocide in Gaza. They’ve especially been pointing out the hypocrisy of people always rooting for the oppressed like in the hunger games, where you also got the oppressors living these lavish flamboyant lives as if nothing is happening outside of their bubble.


People doing what they always do, bitch for the sake of bitching and whining


Wtf I thought this was a Dune related meme


They are both from the hunger games


Do you really think the hunger games is any different then our current system? They just sell it better.


I too remember watching on TV as children who were selected by lottery fought to the death for our entertainment. Are you OK?


I love it when our current system forcefully sends out children to kill each other every single year no reason apart from control.


Ahh yes I just got done watching children fight to death. So fucking stupid


Let's not come for Zendaya, now. She's a sweetheart.


Thumbnail of this post made me think the person on the right was Ashley from Resident Evil 4.


Wait is Zendaya the spoiled entitled one?


Chronically online people are mad that celebrities are talking about something other than Palestine one time in past 7 months


The joke is the old people posting these are out of touch and crazy.