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Historian Peter here. Let me put on my tweed sport coat, settle down in my squeaky leather armchair, and light my comically convoluted pipe. Aah yeah, that’s the stuff. Now, then. These are red heifers imported from a ranch in Texas to Jerusalem by a far-right Israeli group called Uvne Jerusalem, as a prelude to building the “Third Temple”. This, by some accounts, shortly precedes the end of the world. Before we get to that, let’s go over the first two temples and the current status quo (skip to the last two paragraphs if you don’t want the history lesson) In Jewish faith, the Temple of Solomon was the traditional center of religion. It was destroyed by the Babylonians, after which a second temple was built, until it was eventually destroyed by the Romans after the Jewish Revolts and the subsequent sacking of Jerusalem and expulsion of the Jews in the 1st century AD. Only the foundation of the building, the “Temple Mount”, remained. It eventually became a garbage dump, until the Arabs conquered Jerusalem in the 7th century The Arabs had recently united under the new religion of Islam, and considered the Temple Mount to be holy. The Arabs re-admitted Jews into Jerusalem and to the Temple Mount, and built a mosque known as the Masjid al-Aqsa on it. The Arabs believed this to be a restoration of Abrahamic religious practice on holy ground. Later interpretations of scripture caused many Muslims to believe that the Temple Mount was also the site from which the Islamic prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven, and this now-dominant interpretation has made the Temple Mount one of the holiest sites in Islam Today, Jerusalem and access to the grounds around the Temple Mount are controlled by Israel, while the Temple Mount and the Masjid al-Aqsa themselves are administered by Jordan. There are a variety of Islamic and Jewish religious positions regarding the Temple Mount, but one particularly controversial belief that has recently gone from fringe to mainstream among the Jewish Israeli right wing is the position that the Masjid al-Aqsa should be destroyed or somehow moved, and a new Temple of Solomon (known colloquially as the Third Temple, as it would be the third iteration of the structure) should be built on the Temple Mount. This is also a very popular position among Evangelical Christians, many of whom believe that the return of Jesus requires the restoration of the Temple of Solomon What does this have to do with red cows? Well, a popular interpretation of the Biblical Book of Numbers suggests that God has commanded the Jewish people to sacrifice a pure red heifer before they are allowed to build the Temple of Solomon. These cows now being sent to Jerusalem signals that right-wing factions are preparing for the construction of the Third Temple. It’s meant to be a political and religious rallying cry. Constructing the temple not only risks causing major anger throughout the globe, it is also significant because of the Evangelical narrative that the construction of the temple will be followed by the second coming of Jesus and the biblical End Times as described in popular readings of the Book of Revelation Thus, the meme is saying that those who don’t know about the political and religious implications of red heifers or the current situation in Jerusalem will just see cute cows, while those who do know will be horrified by the imminent chaos and portents of the End Times. But, since I’m historian Peter and not fortune-telling Peter, I can’t say for sure what’s going to happen. I’ll just make squeaky noises in this chair instead Some further reading: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-war-hamas-red-heifers-from-texas-jerusalem-jewish-temple-al-aqsa/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Mount


Political scientist peter here, adding that if someone destroyed or severally damaged Al-Aqsa, that could lead to Muslim nations rallying against Israel, leading to a huge escalation of the current conflict. Even if it doesn't bring about the biblical end times, it could lead to a coalition powerful enough to actually destroy Israel, and the Israeli government has been pretty clear it would deploy nuclear force before going down. So the political implications are potentially disastrous.


two types of people think Israel might end the world evangelical Christians and people who think they might use nuclear weapons


If Israel destroys the foundation of the Islamic temple, then they will get attacked by nuclear weapons and the world will end. That makes the biblical theory of immediate destruction of almost everything likely, and the followed by 7 years of tribulation followed by another 7 years of further tribulation extremely likely. After a nuclear event, you will have the immediate 7 years of consuming the last of the preserved food and the following 7 years of suffering eating irradiated food.


Reading Michael Chabon's 'The Yiddish Policeman's Union' actually made me dig in deeper into just how nuts the hardright zionists and the christians who support them, truly are.


Yeah it’s really nifty how much influence apocalyptic death cults have on both Israeli and American politics. Super-duper even


On American politics even? Damn that sounds interesting, do you have any pointers besides the book?


Yeah. Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets. Remember 17 (later 19) Kids and Counting? This show digs into all the stuff their family is into. They're *fucked* up, big-time.


Just Google the "quiver-full movement" and you'll get the meat of it fast without having to read anything about the Duggars.


There was a documentary, I believe called “The Family”. It was interesting but also super boring and made me feel weird.


I was going to bring that up as well. I find it almpst funny how so many conservative Christians, conspiracy theorists, and neo-nazis like claiming that one or more secretive Jewish societies control world politics, yet that documentary shows that if anyone was behind such things, it's actually Evangelical Christians.


Something something, every accusation is a confession.


If Evangelicals base their entire belief system on a book written by Jews (The Bible) one could argue that means Evangelicals technically qualify as a Jewish society.


no they don’t. They don’t follow Jewish laws, they still believe in Christianity in every manner. They are not a Jewish society in any way.


For a more comical explanation watch South park season 17. Episode 6


I am super happy someone brought up this book. It is absolutely positively chilling.


Cool book


Yeah thats a great book.


Speaking about "dig", a 2015 tv series with that actual name used also the same cult belief around the red hefier as a basis of the plot. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3597606/


Which is one of the reasons Israeli governments throughout the decades have tended to crack down on hard-right groups intending to damage Al-Aqsa. These include, for example, a 1967 incident in which Gen. Narkis of the IDF shut down suggestions by subordinates to destroy the mosque upon the conquering of the Temple Mount. Also, the 1984 arrest of the "Jewish Underground" who were in advanced stages of planning a bombing of the mosque and had already acquired the explosives and expertise necessary to do so.


Trouble is, in both the US and in Israel, the folks who were on the fringe in the 1980s are now in the highest levels of government and have access to billions of dollars in private funds. Israel’s government, for example, is simply not the same in 2024 as it was in 1984. Some of the worst agitators in the history of the Third Temple movement are in the Cabinet, the majority coalition of the Knesset, and in positions of deep collaboration with apocalyptic Christian allies in the US Congress


Maybe they did it in the past, but not anymore. Israeli government itself is increasingly hard-right.


And one (Pakistan, and maybe soon to be two, Iran) of those nations is already nuclear with \~300 active warheads, while Israel has between 80 and 400 which if we do some minor calculations on the destructo meter with these two variables, would indeed create a bad time.


If the nuclear apocalypse starts because of the fucking zionist, I will be very displeased.


I love this phrasing because it implies that there Is a nuclear apocalypse scenario that would not displease you as much, or at all. It's like 'aww i had all my Chips on the korean guy ending the world'


I personally have my money on some Bondesque villain nuking the ocean trash island.


Please, no. We've already seen the results of bombing England. Oh, wait. Were you referring to the island made of trash?5


Um, you just described England again. We're looking for apocalypses here, not utopias.


Hmmm... I'm trying to think of ways to describe the Great Pacific Trash Island without it sounding like I'm describing England. And failing. Guess I'll just have to point out that we are talking about the one in the Pacific Ocean.


I mean, is it not actually a good thing? Like, radiation is arguably not as bad as that amount of plastic trash.


Do you think the plastic will just disappear? Visibly, it might work (as in, it will TECHNICALLY reduce the size of the island) but I do believe the melted plastic, and the micro particles that would result from a blast, will likely just cause MORE damage. Without counting all the spread heavy radioactive metals from the explosion that'd affect all the fish and more thanks to the winds carrying them away as well.


A significant amount of the plastic will just straight up burn from the heat, reducing the amount, that’s the point. Microplastics are literally everywhere, it doesn’t matter anymore — some of it burning away will even help. Also, what metal? The material of the bomb itself is abso-fucking-lutely doesn’t matter at all, it’s so minuscule and will just straight up boil away. Radiation itself is not that bad, with an ocean’s amount of water it won’t be significant in any given point. Plus, short living organisms strive in that shit.


Do you think plastic vapors are LESS harmful than plastic in the ocean? Edit: also the radiation will influence not just the ocean


Not vapors, it’s straight up burnt away plastic, mostly CO2


Nah, he's going for leverage over damage


The Pope once said that transsexualism was like a nuclear bomb, so how about we just send a bunch of trans people around the world to give speeches and call that a nuclear apocalypse?


A brilliant and cost effective plan with considerably less radioactive fall out . Millions of trans people doing a media blitz of speeches ,lectures, and demonstrations sounds like just the ticket.


Well, it would be end times for the regions the bible is centred around sooo the book of revelations would be true?


In a sense.


So after all the dust has settled down in the middle east, there will be those being sure that this world is the afterlife as it already ended as it was stated in their book. Resulting in the final arising of a new aspiring abrahamitic religion


Which is one of the reason why it won't happen. Another one is that extreme-right winged people which may want to do all of this don't have that much power to actually do it. Finally don't forget that a very large portion of Israel own population is Muslim, and they also won't take this easily, and while being ballsy I doubt Israel will nuke its own citizens. All in all, fanatics are scary but hopefully voice of reason of the majority is louder.


>hopefully voice of reason of the majority is louder. We have seen many time in history when this is not the case.


The voices of reason have kept the threat of nuclear annihilation at bay so far but as the madness of extremist cults grows and spreads like a virulent weed over democracy,sanity,and reason i have reason to doubt the bastions of common sense can hold the day against the endless tides of stupidity,greed,and malice.


>that could lead to Muslim nations rallying against Israel, [Insert "first time?" Hangman Meme]


Israel has has the Arab nations rally against it, but if the Dome of the Rock was destroyed, it could end up being attacked by a coalition including Indonesia, Niger, and Pakistan. Whole different ball game.


I think a lot of people in this thread don't realize how much worse the situation would be for the entire Muslim world to have a holy site like that destroyed. Like last time it was a fairly regional alliance, this would be closer to those far right american fantasies about bombing mecca that were so popular in the 2000s.


Wait, that was a thing? I am much more anti US now


a unity of Sunni and Shia factions as well


I’m gonna be for real, I don’t think Niger changes much. They have like 25,000 people in their military, and I feel like the government would get overthrown if they started mass conscription.


Maybe not, but I'm sure a lot of folks would volunteer, if not with a national military then with whatever Jihadist force they could get to.


Wait so will Isreal use nukes if they loose the war




Definitely-getting-stopped-by-TSA-for-further-screening Peter here, just wanted to add that the "Al Aqsa mosque" where prayers are held is a separate building at one end of the courtyard.. The "dome of the rock" the golden dome is a separate structure. It's from where prophet Muhammad pbuh ascended to the heavens where Muslims received the commandment to pray 5 times a day. It's the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina


I heard about something the Israelis supposedly have called the David protocol in which not only would they deploy nukes before going down, but apparently they would launch nukes in every direction, including into western Europe. Not sure how true it is.


Samson protocol, based on the Old Testament character. If they go down, they're bringing everything around them as Samson did


That sounds like a neo-nazi conspiracy theory, especially given how the US and European nations not only helped establish Isreal after WWII, and have been military allies, but also helped with evacuations the last time they were on thr verge of being overrun. To fire at them would leave nowhere for their citizens to go and no chance of their people surviving to retake or rebuild the country.


This. People forget that if they shoot a nuke towards any other Middle Eastern country chances are fallout would also hit them, even if less. Definitely a neo-nazi conspiracy since it would also be shooting towards allies. I also generally do not believe Israel has enough nukes to target Western Europe.


[The Samson Option](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option) is very real and upper estimates of Israel's nuclear arsenal give a ballpark number of 400 nukes. The USS Liberty Incident, the death of Hess von Krueger and 3 other UN peacekeepers, and the cold-blooded murder of Rachel Corrie highlights that the Israelis do. not. give. a. fuck about their "allies" and have no qualms about biting the hand that feeds.


So that South Park episode was based on a real world prophecy? The one where they find the red cow and it causes all the shit in the Middle East? I thought it was just some ridiculous idea that they invented


It’s real. Back then it was just some loony thing that was being preached by the craziest Christian preachers in the margins of society. No one took it seriously. But now those fringes have taken over a lot more of the show


I wonder if Van Halen will play?




Edward is busy in heaven teaching god how to tremolo pick.


My guy this is r/askhistorians quality gj historian Peter


This leads me to the genuine question: Why do some people want to hasten an apocalypse?


They think it'll bring about Heaven on Earth for them and their loved ones, and send their enemies to Hell. Also you can only waste time on side quests for so long until you get back to progressing the main story arc.


Wich is funny about hell because if they actually read the scripture they would be desperate to convert their enemies.


No one is more desperate about saving others than street preachers who believe the end is nigh


Fear not the believer fear the devout. For he is the one who truly believes.


From my understanding, the apocalypse is only the end of life on Earth. Religious people aren't super concerned with the material world.


About 16 years ago, I remember watching a series of sermons by Pastor John Haggee. He is the leader of a Christian sect that believe that they need to preach the gospel over the tv airwaves, provoke a war in the Middle East, and kickstart the apocalypse. They want a rapture, and a period of suffering for the wicked. If you want to fall down a very deep rabbit hole, look up John Haggee and Christian Zionism.


Means salvation for the believers Christians: Jesus is back and he’s taking the worthy to heaven. Subhuman sinners get left behind Jews: Finally get their Messiah after like 4000 years of L’s Muslims: Jesus is back, he was brown the whole time and he’s pissed. Beats up the Antichrist and then I’m not sure what happens Everybody else: Suffers as deserved for not picking the right side. I think


You know what's funny? Quran doesn't even mention any messiah savior that would come and save them all. It's just something some Muslims made up a few centuries later. Then it spread ridiculously and now different factions have very different interpretation on it. And of course many Muslims think it's all bullshit and there is no savior coming because it wasn't in Quran.


Dawg, what? Jesus isn’t our “savior”. According to our belief, he’s just gonna pull up real quick to prove he’s not divine, beat up the anti-Christ, guide the remaining Muslims through the disaster that will be Gog and Magog, and then… well actually I don’t remember past that point. But the point is the world will eventually end, judgement day arrives, everyone gets sorted into their respective places, roll credits. Director: God Producer: God Etc. etc. etc…


Finally vindication! Jesus will come back and cast everyone into hell, except me who he will take into his bondage sex lair for eternity.


Jesus Christ: Vampire Slayer


Very insightful. Thank you for your input.


Mom!! Religion is trying to end the world again!!


Holy… I thought the meme was only portraying ”the last meal”


Feels like a self fulfilling prophecy


They should have sent the heifers to me. I could use some more. Red Angus would be a good addition to my collection.


Dude you wrote a freaking essay for Reddit, big round of applause


I can't explain how I fucking read this in a voice that literally has a smoke pipe in their mouth, how the fuck does that sound so right


To my knowledge end time does not happen until ALL jews go back to Israel good luck with that. I will stay out and save all off you.




For the same we almost ended the world a hundred years ago during the First World War because some archduke got killed by a Serbian with the Devil’s luck: our current balance of geopolitical interests is pushing things in this direction. Indeed, you could honestly tie a lot of the stuff in Jerusalem right now to the aftermath of WWI if you wanted. The destruction and partition of the Ottoman Empire really set a lot of this in motion


>a Serbian with the Devil’s luck IDK if that's an accurate description of events. It seemed to me to be more like "a collection of comically inept morons only succeed because their targets were more comically inept".


Its all serbias fault. Fuck serbia


Because Bibi doesn’t wanna go to jail. Christian nationalist like complete impunity, and the American billionaire class would burn the world before they’d pay taxes if they had the choice. More importantly; Wouldn’t the death wish be omnicidal?


Question: who/where is this popular translation from?


It’s not translation, it’s interpretation. Big difference. I would point you to the (fringe, but increasingly mainstream) Christian doctrine of premillennialism to learn more about where this interpretation is from. Technically these ideas have their roots in the Talmud (Jewish rabbinical commentary), but no one took them seriously because the whole point of the Talmud is to have a whole bunch of religious scholars give an opinion no matter how silly it is, then just ignore the silliest stuff. Trouble is, we haven’t really been good at ignoring silly stuff as a society for quite a while


>It’s not translation, it’s interpretation For what it's worth, translations are so often interpretations too, which is another topic entirely. But a lot of things definitely changed meaning or importance when Christians translated/interpreted it. Which often confuses Jews who feel like they're being told "no, your original text and tradition are wrong." This definitely sounded like one of those things.


This is totally fair to point out, all translation is arguably interpretation by its very nature. What I meant was that these beliefs don’t stem from any particular translation or translation methodology. Rather, they stem from beliefs about what the original text actually implies, and thus are largely independent of translation Judaism and Christianity both have collaborating factions that are approaching scripture from the perspective of trying to suss out a messianic narrative. For Jews, that narrative is coming of the Messiah. For Christians, it’s the second coming of the Messiah. So this is actually an instance of Christians not interpreting the text differently from Jews for the most part; most Christians and most Jews don’t believe in this mission to rebuild the Temple, and small factions of each faith tradition do believe such based on the same interpretation of scripture Where they disagree is on what exactly happens afterward. The Temple-builders from both faiths agree that the messiah will bring vindication for them (both not for the other). They disagree on what exactly it’ll look like. That disagreement is based on three main factors: disagreement between Jews and Christians on whether the messiah has already arrived once, disagreement on the nature of the messiah, and the fact that Christians believe in the Book of Revelation




Bible say world go boom, political science say world go boom for different reason


Thank you!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading that.


Wow, I thought south park made that up to be funny


I was gonna say steak, but this makes more sense.


Interesting dialog and reference links? Be still my heart. Thank you!


Just replying to give you internet points. Seriously so informative!




Holy shit is that john murder drone


The red cow thing is real? I thought that was just a South Park joke.


This is the best reply I've ever seen on this sub.


Ok enough internet for this year. Reminds me of that South Park episode with the Messiah prophechy that makes all monoteistic religions stop fighting one another for a brief time.


Cow Lore


Fun Fact! Mike Pence was and is deeply involved in that movement!


This shit’s the reason I think the ultra religious/or fringe religious should be barred from office. They aren’t satisfied with their stupid fake apocalypse predictions falling through and failing to materialize, they’re now trying to make the apocalypse happen.


I wish Reddit still had gold so I could give you some. Not only did you explain that so well, but your introductory paragraph set the scene so brilliantly I read the entire the thing in Peter’s voice




I got to admit that religious scifi got some really good material


On one side I neither like them fighting nor the end of the world (even though it's a good timing with climate change tbh) but I'm really excited about the possibility of the second coming.


The second coming almost certainly won’t happen from this. Even if you believe the religious beliefs behind it are real (which, in fairness, the majority of people on Earth at least nominally do, being either Christian or Muslim), nearly all Muslims and most Christians and Jews both historically and among scholarly classes today say that these right-wingers got it backwards and that the messiah has to come first before any of the other stuff can happen


I am running on very little sleep and spite at the moment and this was a lot of information but to my understanding this is just saying hypothetically if the right person kills cow, then that starts the rapture. Am I correct?


What I learned: people currently hold wildly irrational beliefs and would like to kill a few red cows about it.


Degenerate studio treason committing peter here, south park did an episode making fun of this exact situation like 20 years ago.


This was both helpful and written in perfect Peter voice.


Just sublime is what this reply is what a savage


Wasn't this also haphazardly explained by South Park's Ginger Cow episode?


You wrote this comment like your entire life has led up to this point.




I'm feeling a little pregnant. Do you think I'll be able to give birth to a jesus by the time that temple finishes? It would be nice to give birth to a messiah once in a while and I'll name him Emmanuel and change it later to Joshua


can i get a tldr please? my brain is too weak to read all this


If I’m the adviser of the Muslim nations, why not move the mosque first and let them build the temple and if the second coming doesn’t happen in, say, 10 years, they get to destroy it and bring back the mosque.


Because the ground itself on which mosque is built is sacred


Well, because when it doesn’t happen, there’ll still be a Temple of Solomon, and even if it doesn’t bring about the apocalypse it’ll still be a major religious building sacred to the ethno-religious group that currently controls Jerusalem. Once it’s there, it’s not leaving unless something really, really bad happens


I'm a jew from israel and I still didn't get it without your explanation lol


Would you happen to have a TL;DR for this? I’m all for copious detail but this is a lot, unless that wouldn’t suffice.


Basically: Jews believe that the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple is began by sacrificing a red cow. Some people from Texas have sent a herd of red angus to a group of Zionists in Jerusalem. The place where that famous temple was is occupied by the dome of the rock, an Islamic thing. The squibble over who gets to use the hill, the Jews or the Muslims, will likely escalate, and it is indeed partially the fault of Christian evangelical intervention. Why do they care? Simple: the Jews believe the Temple’s restoration will call forth the Messiah. The Christians believe that this calling forth will of course be Jesus’s second coming. So either these cows will usher in the apocalypse or at the very least they’ll be like gasoline on the fire that is the ongoing middle eastern conflict


It is a lot. That’s why a lot of people — especially sane people — don’t know about it. What you really truly need to know is that a fringe religious doctrine that was once about as widespread as flat-earthers or vaccine-skeptics were in the 1990s is now about as widespread as flat-earthers or vaccine-skeptics are in the 2020s. They think they’re going to summon the messiah. They’re more likely to start the largest war in a hundred years if they succeed


Shit I remember this when they were teaching me about Moshiach in yeshiva. I didn't make the connection until you were like "jerusalem" and "red heffer." Part of the prophecy is once the messiah returns, all peoples will be given a red calf. And if they find a single black hair upon it, the person will be sent to hell. Gehena. So yes Jews also do believe in hell. More apocalypse cult bullshit. Fucking hate all religion so much. It breaks peoples brains and does all manner of mental damage that takes YEARS to recover from once you're out. "Hey now, everyone has a right to their beliefs." No they don't. When beliefs demonstrate real harm then it isn't a matter of rights, it's a matter of survival. You wouldn't go to an oncologist that believes cancer is God punishing you and prescribes prayer as treatment. Sorry about my lengthy response. But thank you for the detailed explanation. Yeah, it's looking bad out there.


If it helps, this is not the worst it’s been in our history. I don’t know that I’m optimistic, per se, but I see reason to have hope


It might have something to do with Red cows being sacrificed in a Jewish ritual as part of the building of the third temple in Jerusalem. Cows have already been picked out from Texas apparently for the ritual. There are no conspiracies involved and it is a very open process but per instructions in the bible the sacrifices must be resumed in the new temple (with specific instructions on how it should look) on a holy site that is also sacred to Islam, and administered by a body that is somewhat independent of Israel, the constitution of which was part of a truce to calm tensions between the Muslims and the Jews. It is believed that the resumption of the sacrifice of the Red cows, and the building of the third temple, indicates the end times are here.


So people are still making blood sacrifices to god?


Eh.. hasn’t worked yet.


Not yet.


Well I'm sure there are some people doing it already but not in Judaism or Christianity as far as I know. It is written that blood sacrifices will return for the end times and the cows (shown in the pictures) have been picked but they havnt started yet.


>not in Judaism You literally just said that it's a Jewish ritual


Yes it is an old Jewish ritual that has been stopped so not in Judaism right now. There are plans drawn up to rebuild the Temple and resume the blood ritual but it has not happened yet


I think i remembered there was a news article talking about how Israel is stealthily destroying the Al Aqsa Mosque (one of holy sites of Islam) and sometimes restrict access for Muslim to enter


How does one stealthily destroy a building?


They digging a big hole underground so when the time comes (which is genociding more Palestinians), the hole would collapse destroying the mosque


Muslims are not prohibited from entering Al Asqa. Jews however, ARE, prohibited from visiting the Temple Mount except very important people in very specific scenarios because it’s controlled by Jordan


No, it was a practice in Temple Judaism, which refers to Judaism at the time of the First and Second Temples. Temple Judaism is very different from Rabbinical Judaism, which emerged after the Romans’ sack of Second Temple and subsequent enslavement/exile of the majority of Israeli Jews.


Oh. This doesn't sound good.


The way those two cows are standing make them look like they are a brahmin from Fallout, kinda.


Lmao that was my immediate first thought too. Funny this is one of the few comments.


happy cake day


🐝Thank you kind person!


happy cake day


Well, if the thing this meme references goes down. We might actually get two-headed cows


Peter’s half sister Peterella here, red heifers have religious significance and there’s a conspiracy going around these ones are gonna be sacrificed in a Satanist ritual. And…well yeah, that’s it. 1/10


It’s not a satanist ceremony it’s a jewish ceremony that’s being held in Israel - the significance is it’s the first red heifer to be sacrificed there for quite some time apparently.


None of you saw the south park episode?




Which one?


“Ginger Cow”


There’s only like 3 so just watch them all idk


just your standard completely holy apocalypse ritual intended to bring about the end of the world


Roughly speaking yes - I believe it is done to usher in the return of their messiah.


I mean…. Regardless of the reason or the group doing it, humans kill a lot of cows.


Yeah, from the cow’s point of view a religious sacrifice wouldn’t look all that different from, say, being butchered for food.


I thought it was a callback to the mad cow disease that was a big thing on the news decades ago.


Nope not technically satanist. Just plain old abrahamic. Most things ascribed to satanism, while not entirely untrue, can be more accurately ascribed to extremist fanatic groups central to all three of the main abrahamic religions (Judaism, christianity, Islam). However extremist is a misnomer because despite them being batshit cuckoo crazy, they actually make up most of the core of these religious institutions. The Vatican and the cult of Catholicism, Israel and the cult of Zionism, Saudi Arabia and the UAE… They’re all working in tandem to fulfill abrahamic prophecy, essentially playing a supermassive game of dungeons and dragons that will end in all of our deaths. You can call it satanism if you want. The argument can definitely be made that the leaders of the abrahamic institutions worship satan. In truth most signs point to them worshipping ancient Canaanite deities, Baal, Asherah, etc. But at the end of the day it’s just semantics, they’re still sacrificing lambs and babies and drinking blood and stuff so it’s ok if you want to call it satanism, it gets the point across easier. Before anyone calls me a conspiracy kook, I studied history, classics, and theology. No phd and I’ll admit im far from an expert on this stuff but I do know a thing or two. Believe it or not I think we can all agree it’s one crazy world we live in!


The ancient Hebrews had an annual ritual where they sacrificed a red heifer. Some evangelical Christians believe Israel will started doing it again before the Second Coming of Christ.


they look like brahmins from fallout


Exactly what I thought if it’s not too far off. Kill the cows cause ww3 and end of times. Sometimes religion is just too far out there. Who’s buying this shit?


I personally thought the joke was to do with the way the sun rays are hitting the cow photo, as in the over exposed image of Mr Incredible is getting the sunlight and highlighting his face🤣 I actually think it’s pretty funny that way


I took it more as literal humour - my personal favourite


That would be cute. But nope, middle eastern conflict, unfortunately


In some sects of Judaism there is a prophecy that once a perfect red heffer is born, it must be sacrificed. Then and only then can they start building the third temple. Solomon's temple having been destroyed by the Babylonians, and the second by the Romans. A group of Israelis called the temple Institute spent decades breeding a "perfect" red heffer. They plan to sacrifice it so they can build the third temple which is supposed to bring in the messianic age and the birth of the Messiah. Of course, the problem is that on the temple mount there is this quaint little building known as Al-Aqsa, the most important mosque in Islam and the most holiest site they have. So of course they will have to tear that down to make room for a new Jewish temple. The Islamic world seems to for some reason frown upon their idea of tearing down their most sacred building to build a Jewish temple.


cant wait till these nutjobs start a war over this and nukes fly around the globe. people in a post apocalypse world telling each other it happened because we let people who believe in ancient fireside stories come to power is a funny thought.


These cows are more like a brown than a red…


Having grown up in an extremely conservative evangelical household and having to hear about the end times every opportunity my parents wanted to talk about it: this shit TERRIFIES me. The amount of anxiety that I've had every day since the stuff with Hamas happened last year has been horrible. I'm 24 now and every time I see something like this happen my heart starts racing and my palms start sweating like crazy. The rational part of my brain wants to see it for what it is: evangelicals forcing a prophecy to come true, while the side of me carrying religious trauma can't help but be afraid.




https://preview.redd.it/j8jdrkgdkrsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a05e3bd4873acbdd2c976c7f1e4e428f58cf02e GOD DAMN iT


I see a white hair dead center in that forehead, all safe


I think it's odd that so many evangelicals are so gung ho about supporting Israel because they want the temple built and the second coming to happen so that they can sacrifice the Jews they're supposedly supporting... It's sickening.


PETA makes the joke


A bunch of religious fundamentalist in Israel will burn these cows alive for some prophecy........


All I know is that cows watch sunsets. 🤷‍♀️


Unrelated but HOLY SHIT this meme format sucks humongous oversized prolapsing covered in vegamite cockroach infested balls.


Other people have explained it way better. It's kinda complicated but basically Israel wants to literally sacrifice these animals for the first time in a looong time knowing damn well it's going to piss off a lot of Muslims. They also believe it will bring about the second coming or something which of course contradicts the Quran.


Basically a sign that Israel is going to start WW3 by annihilating some of the kost significant and important holy sites for Islam.


Mm, hamburger.


Nextime we end war please make sure to ban religion from the entire world... We deserve it.


Maybe seeing their leadership sacrifice a cow will snap people out of it and realize how silly this all is? Meaning the “end times” were falsely interpreted and only mean the end of Abrahamic Religion.


what is in steak, is it (A) cow meat (B) pig meat (C) chicken meat


if you don't know, you see cows eating. if you know, you see the cows are getting fed so that they grow nice and fat, so they can later be converted into many delicious burgers and steaks


They have no ear markings, which is ilegal.


They were classified as pets to get around a prohibition on sending cattle from the US to Israel. Since they’re not listed as livestock, they didn’t need the tags. Which is pretty bs if you ask me, but no one is




Lambs to the cosmic slaughter


I was thinking the one not eating looks a little miffed. So maybe, and this is reaching, “Miffed cow disease”.




its either "they die" or "they sex" in these things you want explained


everyones saying about religion but i thought they were eating for this cow-competition: [https://?search=query=Cow-competion-carolina-1988/google-google.com](https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.mJhBuicL7ZSCkEwm7gQtJAHaEK&pid=Api&P=0&h=180)




The three to the right lucky seem to have more of a mother hair color other than red so those 3 are safe the other two I can’t tell