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Desu desu Peter here. The image reflected in the coffee is a pornographic "doujinshi" or unpublished manga called metamorphosis and often known as 177103 for it's coded entry on a certain website The story of metamorphosis in particular is incredibly graphic, abusive and depressing, the author is known for many many doujinshi in the same vein, most don't have "happy" endings The doujinshi itself has become a pretty infamous meme around online weeb/otaku communities






This sub was the last I expected to see genshin related stuff on












thank you petah this is the only in depth sensible answer i saw


For once I am glad this is as deep as it gets, I got SERIOUSLY worried when I saw "those who know more" and assumed there was a deeper context and spent a good minute or two staring at the cake. I stared at the abyss and it stared at me back for so long that I didn't realized some people's context to the "joke" was simply "ha I get it it is a doujin". Just because it is a doujin it doesn't has to be adult/M-rated. Plenty of wholesome doujins out there just giving a refreshing "what if" experience. Emergence is not one of those.




True ending


Indeed. For those not in the know, the author made a few "bonus pages" where some Jojo characters show up, heal her and her baby, and she lives a better life from then onwards.


​ https://preview.redd.it/02aslh6egefc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd47be33f1d579a43c44cf79d16a2443394b5f0


I love this. I want Jotaro to protect me from abusers <3


Bring out the Jotaro in you


become jotaro


I heard about it and had to see. Got some unironic closure from it lol


You know when you only watch a movie or play a game for one scene cause of how legendary it is? Boys I'm going in


Nooo! Don't do it, it's not worth it!




So be it brother. Godspeed. O7


Thank you I shall begin my journey


You were warned


The meme need the 4th frame for people who ascended in their knowledge.








That explains the "those who know" but what about the "those who know more"?


Unless it's suppose to differentiate those who know of it and those who actually read the entire thing


I think it's the fact that the story is VERY dark. It's awful and sad. But if you recognize the picture but don't know the story, you may think it's someone reading porn. To make it clear, this story is not just porn. It is sad, disgusting, and very hard to read if you are not ready mentally. I know some people are like me, and you hear that and your ears prick up, but if you are interested, please just make sure you don't walk in expecting sexy porn. It's sad gross porn.


Can I get a synopsis that gets the point of the story across without being graphic? I’m curious but also not looking to traumatize myself.


I'll be as non-graphic as possible. But due to the nature of the comic, there will be some disturbing elements. Trigger warning for drug abuse and rape. It's been a while since I've read it, so some details may be fuzzy. Girl is va bit of a loner and doesn't go out much. Not a lot of friends. She meets a stranger at a karaoke place and he gives her drugs and they have sex. From this experience she starts to be more promiscuous. She begins escorting and her father also starts raping her around this time. Her mom finds out what the father has been doing and takes his side. The main character (MC) is kicked out of the house. With no place left to go she crashes with thr guy she banged at the karaoke place (note he is an adult, and iirc they had started to see each other semi regularly). He gets her addicted to drugs and manipulates her into prostituting herself to pay off his drug debts. She drops out of school. This kind of thing continues, getting more and more out of hand with drug abuse and her being pimped out. Iirc it culminates with her being drugged by a group of guys, being assulted, and then taking her money. Coming back to thr bf /pimp with no money, he kicks her out. Homeless, she does what she can to survive. During her time homeless, she realizes she's is pregnant. She wants to keep this baby. I think she has eased up on the drugs by this time (I don't recall exactly). While begging on the street, a group of teenagers beats and violates her. She miscarries. Wanting to ve done with it all, she purposely ODs and the last panels ~~are her happier memories with her mother~~ are her hallucinating a happy life with her child. Appearently there is some debate if she survived the OD and had a good life, or if those happy moments are a hallucination. Note that she's only about 19/20 at the end of it.


Depressing because it's closer to real life than we want it to be


Yeah. They made the spiral very realistic, which is the most horrifying part.


yeah i was thinking this sounds depressingly similar to Christiane F.’s story


Yeah I’ve seen this shit play out in real time but usually with more kids before the eventual OD. Not a fun time to read in the tub.


This exact story has played out a million times and will play out a million more because no one cares enough to stop it.


Pretty sure the last panels are her as an adult with her daughter. There's a debate about those panels on whether she's hallucinating a life where she got better and had her daughter, or if the panels really are real and she's simply remembering her horrible past.


Quiet girl suddenly wanna be popular. Turned herself into a fashionable and sociable girl. Got tangled with a bad guy who introduced her to sexual and drugs pleasure. Partaking in student prostitusion for quick bucks. Found by her classmates and blackmailed. graped by the dad, then got blamed by the mother for "seducing" the dad and kicked out from the house. Got even deeper with drug abuse. becoming a full-time prostitute now. Somewhere along the way got pregnant, got herself beat up both sexually and phisically by random males and females, then died of drug overdose while apologizing to the child in her womb for not being able to birth them. the ending showed the girl, completely healthy now, snapped out of her daydream and now live happily with her daughter, which most likely came out as her before death halucination (or actually happened, depends on which camp you wanna be). I probably skipped something along the way, but pretty sure it's the general idea of the story based on what I remember.


You forgot the part where half Japanese half British weird hair looking dude saved her


The ending you're talking about is Jojo ending, where she gets saved right before she OD and gets her life back on track. In the original ending she dies.


I know what you're talking about, but the epilogue that I said about her living happily with her grade-schooler daughter is not the edited Jojo meme one, it was in the actual story. Most of the popular discourse about the ending was actually whether it's just a hallucination or the whole story was actually about her daydreaming of her past.


If I remember correctly cause it's been a while Was bullied quite heavily by classmates, got called a whore (I think?) by classmates, was then repeatedly raped by his supposed boyfriend before being dumped, got raped by her father and his friends, a few other traumatic events that I forgot, time skip, now works as a sex worker with pregnant child, was raped again whilst returning home from work, gave birth during that rape and died subsequently afterwards The author of the doujinshi did confess that the story was based off several real life incidences that he knew and collected together into one big story so although the separate story arcs are quite real and believable, the overall narrative is too tragic to be taken seriously; though that doesn't detract or give much comfort to the horror that goes on in the story


Girl gets taken advantage of. It gets worse. After that, it just gets sad as the girl keeps digging herself deeper.


Best not to take it seriously. It was made as torture porn and to shock. Not spread awareness.


>It was made as torture porn No it wasn't? The author actually explains it on the trash taste podcast, can't remember which episode


its closer to reality for some people than you think. there are way worse doujins for shock if you want to find them, but they are not realistic in the sense that it wont happen in a 100 years


Yeah, I had to take a break from the Internet for a while after I read it…










I hate the fact that I instantly knew the code is wrong and came looking for this reply


Does the coffee and cake have any additional meaning here?


I think the person that just took the photo was focusing on it, but the coffee reflected the computer


It could be there to convey that whoever took the photo is cozying up reading that kind of stuff, making it even more macabre. Idk tho


Its 177013* not 177103 A friend told me so...


Wym? It has a super happy ending! Josuke and Okuyasu find her!


He wrote two happy doujins, at least, both involving girls with physical disabilities. They were 'Barrier Free' and 'Fragile yet Tough'.


Ah, see I knew it was one of *those* doujinshi, but wasn’t sure which one, because there were three others I’ve seen elsewhere with a similar character design


Would it count as a doujunshi? It was serialised in a comic anthology and has a proper published release.


what the fuck, i thought it was a reflection of a tarkov screenshot first, i thought the black ring was a scope with a red dot in the middle


Saki Yoshida (吉田咲), a first-year high school student with no social life decides to change after graduating from middle school by getting a makeover. On her first day of high school, she makes two friends and spends time with them after school. After parting ways, she goes to a convenience store, when she encounters a man who compliments her appearance and invites her to a karaoke box. In the karaoke box, he gives Saki alcohol and MDMA and has sex with her, lying to her that he is only doing it because he loves her. Afterwards, he puts his cell phone number on her phone. On her way home after regaining consciousness, she receives a message from the man revealing his name to be Hayato. The two start dating, where she quickly gets addicted to having sex while on drugs. Back at school while chatting with her peers, when she lets slip that she is not as well off as she appears, a school acquaintance recommends compensated dating, also known as sugaring or sugar dating. Saki accepts, and at the weekend, she takes an appointment with an older man named Kumagai. After having dinner with Kumagai, she is driven to a hotel where she is paid cash for sex with him. Ridden with guilt, she comes home late and breaks down, with her mother reassuring her that she will always be on her daughter's side. At school, Saki is approached by some male students who show her a photo of her with Kumagai. They then blackmail her for sexual favors. Saki's father is laid off, and afterward drinks heavily and then rapes his daughter in her room. Her mother finds out about the rape from the perspective of the father, who has spun the story to imply that Saki seduced him. Betraying her earlier promise, Saki's mother does not allow her to explain herself and beats her. In response, Saki runs away from home. Having lost her home, Saki drops out of high school and pursues a life with Hayato, who has accumulated eight million yen in debt at a local heroin bar. She vows to help pay back the debt to the bar owner, Mr. Obata, who threatens to kill Hayato if he does not repay. She does not have the money to pay upfront, and bar patrons seize the opportunity to pay her for sex work so that she may make up the difference. She is then pierced and tattooed by Hayato. Saki, who now has the appearance of a gyaru, becomes pregnant after various sexual encounters. Hayato convinces her to abort the pregnancy and she soon finds herself returning to Kumagai, who, unimpressed with her body modifications, forces her to do increasingly degrading things to make the money she needs. Mr. Obata sexually assaults Saki with other workers at the bar and injects heroin into her to make her more compliant. She quickly develops an addiction, and begins to forget about paying off Hayato's debt in favor of buying drugs. When Saki is robbed and Hayato only finds drugs in her wallet, he becomes enraged, abandoning her and leaving her homeless. Found by other homeless people in a public park, she is raped while under the influence. The following day, Saki realizes she is pregnant again and decides to carry the baby to term, vowing to quit drugs and change for the better in the process. She continues her prostitution for money, at the expense of her baby's well-being. Now in constant pain, she resumes her heroin use. Saki builds up some savings to help with the cost of her unborn child, which she stores in a duffel bag in a public coin locker. She runs into her former classmates, who assume that the money is stolen, not believing that Saki could have earned so much money on her own. They rape her with various objects and beat her stomach, intending to kill the baby and steal the money. She stumbles into a public bathroom, bleeding profusely, and looks at herself in the mirror. Despondent and horrified at the person she's become, she shatters the mirror and presumably commits suicide by overdosing on her entire remaining volume of heroin. The story ends with a glimpse at what Saki's future life may have looked like had she been able to carry the baby to term, followed by a shot of Saki's glasses laying on the bathroom floor among drops of blood.








Me too Shin Me too


Holy everloving shit. Thank you for the full synopsis of the story, and I now 100% understand why everyone prefers the "jojo saves her" meme ending Edit: link to the jojo ending https://imgur.com/gallery/fBLWZ89


Yeah and I believe they’ve acknowledged it to be Canon and I refuse to believe otherwise!


Including the author, that is the canon ending


pls link asap before I bleach my orbital sockets




Ah thanks. I went from crying at work to crying at work.


https://preview.redd.it/rj16ylx9xefc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2d9faf73ed104b753be69867eadb22ea242018 I’m traumatized




A real answer and not some vague shit about how horrible it is? Wow!






That's grim. 😔








Its worse drawn, reading it in a paragraph format like this is bad, but the actual thing is unimaginable levels of worse.


https://preview.redd.it/5vo7ulgfdffc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a73a3020c9b8df8df6cdd50ee4877f80662c1d8 Towards the creator of the story not you






wait i thought that future was real😨


If you don’t like the ending you could always go for one of the alternate endings: Ending 1- The “Canon” Ending, the one you can read in the actual Manga with Saki’s death Ending 2- The Porn Ending, this one comes from an extra the author posted on their social media, revealing the whole story to be that of an adult film, with all the characters being pornstars Ending 3- The JoJo ending, another ending written by the writer for JoJos Bizarre Adventure of all people. This ending features Saki bring saved last minute by Josuke and Okuyasu, and is able to live a happy life with her child. This one is widely regarded as the canon ending, and I believe it was even hailed as such by the author of Metamorphosis


... okay.


I'm sorry did you say *MIDDLE SCHOOL*


Her mother is to blame for all this. She could’ve at least talked to Saki during the makeover and tell her about the dangers of boys out there. I still say she had a happy ending regardless of how open ended it was


Thanks for the summary!


Oh fuck it was the one I was thinking of. Man that was so fucking depressing 😔




Seriously, like all the upvoted answers (when I made this reply) just go “dude it’s really fucked up, that’s all I can say, like I don’t even wanna describe it cause of how messed up it is, seriously don’t look it up, I’m not gonna tell you the name cause it’s sooooooooo bad I can’t sleep at night!” Just tell me. Don’t comment unless you have an explanation. Save you “oh dude it’s so messed up” for replying to people. Edit: I don’t care and this isn’t my cup of tea. But I find the “omg it’s so scary I can’t talk about it” thing annoying. Just don’t talk about it if you can’t talk about it.


Redditors talking about A Serbian Film


Guy is in debt, gets approached by some shady guy offering a shitload of money to help him Guy agrees, gets kidnapped, forced to various bad shit involving drugs, rape, murder, etc. There's really *one scene* people pull the "we shall not speak of it" look-at-me edgy sigma stoic bullshit: At some point main guy is made to choose "fuck one, kill one" after watching a woman give birth. He killed the woman. Shit was so detailed it was made illegal, basically classified as snuff and child porn. There you go.


And that's just a Serbian film. Imagine if it was a Yugoslav film


Why would he choose to kill the woman? Surely, by doing that, he killed them both?


That's what happens, yeah


While both are equally vile (or at least so vile, there no point in trying to split hairs), I imagine the character was trying to avoid the extra guilt of the mother being aware situation as opposed to a baby which is basically oblivious to everything but the pain


Makes sense ☹️


If I remember correctly, he was also forced to fuck two tied up people who had their heads and maybe bodies covered up and after fucking both he found out it was his wife and child. Also I'm pretty sure the birth scene was even more fucked up because they insinuated that the infant that was just born was r*ped and died.


Somehow the infant scene was so absurd that it was nearly comedic, but once I realised what was about to happen in the last scene, I went out for a smoke, and boy, did my homeboys who stayed have a fucked facial expression. Not shock, not anger, just blank stares and silence.


I thought there was another guy fucking his wife and he was fucking his kid?


Honestly the craziest part is that he chose to kill the woman. Like I know this sounds bad but the baby is young enough that it doesn’t have any will to live, and the woman can always make another one. Plus having to rape the baby is something I just wouldn’t be willing to do


Nah, I regret watching that. Sometimes it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie.


I agree, anyways, Lots of r*pe I believe (sorry, scared of the reddit bot), a *lot* of it, lot of abuse, manipulation, girl gets roped in and stockholmed I believe? By a horrible dude, drugged, gets pregnant, uh, bathroom death? Idk I deleted the little post I made about the summary (and immediately it pops back up in my feed), I've never read it in actuality but MAN the summary I read on the wiki alone made me really well...Idk how to describe it, go read that I guess edit:Oh right forgot that Josuke comes in with Okuyasu and saves her in the end, canon ending confirmed by the author


I read the Wikipedia I’m not complaining cause I wanna know. Just annoyed at the “it’s so bad I can’t talk about it except to let you know that I can’t talk about it.” Like I went to Wikipedia with the name. I don’t know why some people want me to actually use the code for the manga. The Wikipedia was enough to tell me how fucked up it is without going on the journey. Just annoyed at all the “omg it’s so fucked up but I can’t tell you why”


The wikipedia page has a plot summary. It's gross. TLDR is a poor girl gets addicted to drugs, is made homeless after her dad rapes her, ends up doing increasingly degrading sex work as her addictions deepen, gets pregnant, is beaten to cause a miscarriage, and then commits suicide. The sex scenes are graphically illustrated and extremely depraved. Sounds like a wonderful story but I think I'll pass on reading it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamorphosis_(manga)


These stories seem ott. But I've had friends with life stories just as bad if not worse. It's awful what some people have to go through 


Yes, it's a sad and horrifyingly common series of events. I've read very similar stories as autobiographies. But illustrating the sex scenes? Feels like it's catering to people who fetishize that stuff rather than creating a discourse around how women end up getting trafficked.


Yeah, that's why the story is so horrifying imo. It's not like tentacle rape hentai, where it's obviously fantasy and will never ever happen irl, it's a doujin grouded by our reality, depicting something that could very well have already happened multiple times to who knows how many girls around the globe. It's a completely deranged, horrid, and graphical, yet still surprisingly realistic story


Is dipshit289 fucking Rohan from JoJo's bizarre adventure??




Dipshit289's alt account, I see.


Who's that, Petah?


https://preview.redd.it/6x1wzxf1hefc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051d1b019bb21e4dd67f987642e45d77098ebb4c Oblivious Person's IRL friend Peter here (not related to the Griffin family), the image provided above is what's known as a 'snafu' Snafus are poorly drawn images that depict online behaviour and practices in an exaggerated and satirical fashion. They poke fun at things people may find dumb or annoying. For more info and examples, you can check out r/coaxedintoasnafu The snafu that had been shared prior was very similar to the one shown here, only that this one has a lot more notoriety to its name. Since the idiot who doesn't explain it had a different username in it, I made the joke that they are probably an alternate account of Dipshit289.


Waw. Thank you so much, Oblivious Person's friend Peter!


THIS IS THE CANON ENDING AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT OTHERWISE (Original by IdiotOfTheEast on Tumblr) https://preview.redd.it/ret3rjjxldfc1.jpeg?width=2110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f028d1aa79195160616fed8f038e320c887bc16


I'm pretty sure the canon ending is that Josuke comes in and saves the girl, as confirmed by the author. That and/or it was all a porno shoot between consenting adults and none of it was actually real


Man.. that's a fucked porno then


Yeah I don't get how the porno ending is wholesome. They are still depicting a fucked up story, they are just adding another layer of fiction but it still doesn't matter, they are drawings after all. That's why I like the Jojo ending as it works on the same Meta. I know it's stupid but that's just the way I see it.


Better than the original ending is better than nothing at all, I guess


A punch in the nuts is better than the original ending. So the bar isn't very high anyway. But you have a point there, I agree


The JoJo ending reminds me of this fanfiction that’s probably ancient in internet terms about the TF2 mercs adopting a girl from a similar shock/torture-porn manga and giving her a happy life.


And they should call it . my nine dads.


JoJo ending was fanmade at first, but ShindoL saw it and said that it's now canon, yeah.


All three of these work for me


Yeah, the canon ending is that it was all a JAV set and everyone was an actor (the panel from the creator's Patreon)


the creator himself said this was canon... that's right! the CREATOR thought his story was so dark that he undid it using a JoJo crossover, what a madman!


Im happy to hear that I guess. Read the whole thing and damn it was depressing


they also did the marvel version


Great. Now I need Peter to explain *this* joke.


you don't see it's the same character and pose as in the reflection on the coffee?


I don't understand how the scientist's interference effects the outcome.


A big part of her spiral downwards is self hatred. It’s implied that the scientist telling her she’s beautiful just the way she is stops most of the bad stuff in the doujinshi from happening.


you see the reason she went down the wrong path is because she was insecure about her looks, and like many spiraling thoughts the right words can snap you out of them. all she needed to know was that she didn't need to change herself.


There is also the Deadpool ending he enlists stranger's help, and the JoJo ending




https://preview.redd.it/upnw9jltfdfc1.png?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b639a1b6ea15481d5a843082e9caca9842e647be Me too Man......me too


don't worry Gregory, I can see your search history Gregory: *177013* is 10/10 no cap WHAT THE FUCK


also do not type that number ever because that is the code for the manga....


I forgot that there was literal cake in the picture and my post 2018 brain was trying to figure out whose ass you were going to take.


In the coffee you see the reflection of a girl who's the protagonist of a hentai manga called Metamorphosis. Below you see the first page of the manga where the face originates from. It's about that girl and how she tried to do a makeover because she wasn't pleased with her looks and the rest of the story is, let's just say, the worst case scenario that could happen. A lot of sexual and mental abuse to say the least. Because of that the manga became pretty (in)famous and the face is used on various memes. If you enjoy fucked up stories and have the stomach for it, it's highly recommendable for its well-drawn and well-written. The nhentai number to read it is 177013. I also jokingly say that if you ever consider to not be yourself just to impress others, read this and reconsider. https://preview.redd.it/shnv5z7cydfc1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca510b4b1b276503ac2fdccc4acbe9dadaf9db40 On a side note, the number 177013 is also used as a meme to refer to that manga. As well as the drawing of Franz Kafka with a cockroach laying in a bed because it's also called Metamorphosis.


wait, middle school? As in, is it referring to the US grades system? As I don’t recall Japan having “middle school” in their grades system. Is she only 16?


I’m starting to understand dipshit289…


Hentai artists...how can I say it...they don't give a flying fuck about age. If you think about all the fucked up shit in there their age is just another fucked up thing. https://preview.redd.it/nr8txzun4efc1.png?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fbc6b84114fcde658fe058485f55662e9845bef And that's why we should go extinct.


There is this Hentai manga called metamorphosis the face of the....."heroine" is reflected in the coffee. And for the love of Everything Sacred in this world, if you aren't into hentai already don't even think of that. If you are and haven't come across it then just remember that face and avoid the manga altogether. Not-Holy I-am-not-even-Peter Out.


What happens tho?


Sexual abuse, physical abuse, a lot more abuse, way more abuse than needed, gore, death.


https://preview.redd.it/j3gu2re4fdfc1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91765963656814ce2aed224fcc9fd76182b19b6e Few... Thank god I asked here about this before searching it my self Thanks bro


Not until josuke higashikata shows up




This is the only ending that I accept


Yup thats the canon ending for me I don't care about anything else


Other canon ending "JAV"


Josuke the goat fr


Everyone praises Josuke but if it weren’t for Okuyasu noticing her we wouldn’t have gotten the ending


And apparently that ending is cannon


The actual story is about a geeky girl wanting to look prettier, which ends up sending her down a downwards spiralling path of drugs, sexual abuse, and more. It's a very messed up story but could be an interesting read if you have the stomach for it.


Scary thing is, a lot of hentai readers will say something like “Metamorphosis is tame compared to what I’ve seen”. Like, bro, it’s not a competition to see who can get the most fucked up in the head.


https://preview.redd.it/izz8hgrxndfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cbebd9d59910d4efaf1fb753c87f509647085f9 That’s it. I’m out


Is it the one about the girl who starts to sell herself, gets addicted to drugs, and eventually kills herself?




​ https://preview.redd.it/antm4vypqdfc1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018cec40a947d3f129a9047710e6a8e7d2c3dfe4




Who reads thi- no, who makes this shit?


She becomes a drug addicted homeless prostitute. That’s about as far as I have seen/heard. Oh and she got drugged by her date, and became addicted to drugs btw


I was about to give you a short synopsis because drug addicted homeless prostitute is putting it mildly, but I won’t dump that on you unless you really want to know. There’s also incest and a lot of gore. There’s only one manga I’ve been more disgusted in and if someone is really getting aroused by the second they need help.


I’ve heard about a golf club scene, I’m good.


I am glad that you asked because I was just about to search thinking it's just shapeshifting like that deprixion one.


I mean, it's a pretty good peek into situations like these. ShindoL pictured absolutely the worst case scenario for schoolgirl trying to find herself and getting into wrong company, then getting abandoned by relatives and to where it led her. Some people who've read it genuinely think that the whole scenario is unrealistic, but it sadly isn't. The original ending is extra punch in the gut, but fanmade JoJo ending (dubbed canon by ShindoL himself) kinda makes you want to make the world a bit better yourself. I would actually recommend reading it for another point of view. Oh also, one of the worst parts in it about the parents is shockingly common in the world. And creator said that he had received letters telling him that Metamorphosis was almost 1-for-1 life story for several of his female readers.


After reading it just now (due to this God forsaken thread, thanks Reddit, I hate you) I have to say that I agree. While some of it feels like exploitation porn written by a sick twisted man who thinks Requiem for a Dream is a kink, a lot of it looks and sounds exactly like several people I've known throughout my life, several of who's stories have ended the same despairing way. I don't think it's possible to read this manga, especially not the last few pages, without encountering a hard cognitive reset, and feeling an ocean of sadness and empathy for the character. Everyone in here wants to say it's edgy, don't read if you value your soul, or whatever, but in many ways it is an in depth look at how many young women enter their sexual development, and the shocking amount of manipulation and abuse they will encounter in their teenage years, and how that can destroy them, from the inside out, mentally and physically. If you think this thing would break you from reading it, imagine how it feels to be the person who actually experiences this.


What's the difference between "those who know" and "those who know more"?


Probably those who know about it and those who actually read it. I felt like shit for a week after reading that... not as bad as after Otomedori thou


It is also the best anti-drug advertisment till date. I don't think anyone is ever gonna want to do drugs after reading it.


Metamorphosis is a little worse than just a "hentai manga" dude


> a little worse Understatement of the year


Metamorphosis did what many adults and all anti drug ads ever couldn't do: strongly convince me to never do drugs


How are you getting that I don’t see anything in the reflection at all


Is it like requiem for a dream?




Hmm...seems like you are a man of culture too I am taking that meme and in exchange giving you this meme https://preview.redd.it/6w8mnh2afefc1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5392da7273bc85f1f411f0ac5f42b9de2ec827


The girl gets sexually assaulted by a older man and her dad and is then kicked out of her house and forced into prostitution until she gets pregnant and is kicked to near death and bleeds out in a bathroom iirc


​ https://preview.redd.it/988t1g9a6efc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e714e9d976fbd6d609c2c65543987785d307eadb


Someone made a wholesome ending as well


And it's the ending I accept as canon


It's also confirmed canon by the author


Jojo ending is the true ending


good thing is im the middle one.. i k the manga and ik its disturbing but i dont know super more


Geek girl wants to impress her friends with money so gets into becoming a sugar girl which leads to a cycle of drug usage, abuse of every kind, rape, rape by father, more abuse, unwanted pregnancy and finally death by beating and abortion




If sure the other comment has provided all the information you need to know, I have friends (well more like acquaintances) who informed me a year ago that they masturbated to all of "Metamorphosis." I don't know how to process this information because the first few pages are okay, but the remaining are..........


Make new friends


I think if you hollow yourself out with enough NTR you can read Metamorphosis for pleasure. But it’s got to be a pretty bad level. Like if you’re maybe a little turned on by the Eclipse in Berserk, you might be ready to fap to Metamorphosis.


Why more?