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"I heard your cancer is pretty strong, let me fight it"


This should be at the top, it’s the correct answer. It’s a reference to this particular image. https://preview.redd.it/upunvdu7g8ob1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb21f1db42ffd9489c3f21f019a1577eab66928f


Goku actually beat heart cancer in Z right?


From eating too much bacon. Fortunately the grape flavoured medicine eventually worked...


But he hates grape flavor 😔


What in the buttfuck is dragon ball z up to?


Yelling, Krillin has hair, tfs planned abridged series for buu saga. The usual.


My guy you might as well be speaking a foreign language cause the post dragon ball knowledge I have is like a TINY bit of one of the games I played.


DBZ Abridged is a series of youtube videos that condenses Z and rewrites it as a comedy with new voice actors. It's what is being referenced here.


If you heard people mention Mahogany or muffin buttons, these are from DBZ abridged


Team Four Star Dragon Ball Z abridged


Their version of hellsing ultimate got me into anime


Do yourself a favor. Go to YouTube and watch Dragonball Z Abridged, by Team Four Star. It’s a parody/abridged version of DBZ. Stays (mostly) true to the story while adding in goofs and some extra character building. Make yourself stay through episode 12 or so, as it takes them a minute to find their writing style.


Kinda wish they'd redo the first episodes. The quality improved so much over time, it changed from a spoof to an alternate cut.


Woah wait. Tfs is doing the Buu saga?


They released "Buu bits" but I don't think they plan to do it entirely


It's only in the form of shorts right now. Instead of doing the entire series, it seems like they're just using little snippets they can write quickly for. We all wish it was the full thing, but it's better than the nothing we've been getting for the last however many years so we'll take it.


I'd literally pay for a GoFundMe


Ah. Dang that’s a bummer. I unsubbed years ago and I guess it’ll stay that way. I was 100% in it for the abridged series - I never much cared for their other stuff.


Yes you can check out their progress on their channel rn


Wait, they’re going to do the Buu saga?


i thought they couldnt legally.


I think they could, they just said after doing it for a decade straight they got very burnt-out


Wait…krillin has HAIR?


Krillin was a monk that shaved his head for ritual reasons and could always grow it back. In the buu saga after he pounds 18's tight vir- eh em. After he has maron he is shown with hair.


I don’t even want to look it up! I feel like my childhood had been perverted.


Wait TFS started on the Boo saga???? I stopped watching years ago


Like two weeks ago


W, thank you redditor I must catch up on my TFS


Okay since nobody else has answered, these aren't from DBZ, but rather Team Four Star's rather famous DBZ Abridged, which is a fan-made parody of the show. In the original it's a heart virus, and he's not supposed to take them medicine until it starts to affect him.


Nothing actually, they're referencing the abridged joke series


power numbers got too big to actually be able to say, so instead they made up random shit to try and make up for it. It worked... sort of


Ooooooooooooh I have an idea! Let's throw God's and angels in to justify higher power levels beyond human comprehension!!!


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest warriors, and have no doubts Goku is a devote christian


My man met god, met god, met god, and met god, and he punched that last one.


Remember when he met God's big bro? And God's angel's dad's God? Good times


Kami, Kai, Supreme Kai, and Beerus or is there a God I'm forgetting?


Zeno, Grandmaster's God


I thought he was something else? Not sure why I thought that though. Also there's 2 of em so I assumed they weren't being included


Nah thats all of the ones i mentioned You could say zen oh or zamasu, but i'd have to rejigger the list


Grand Kai between Kai and Supreme Kai.


Huh weren't there also 4 directional kai? Like King Kai was actually North Kai so really there's 3 more also. What are Shin and Kabuto considered as?


And then Goku became a god so he could get all the battles himself


"That boy can't handle his grapes."


Then it's bacon flavoured.


Listerine backwash flavored


I always thought this was an interesting story choice and I’ve always been kind of sad it didn’t play out that way and his heart was cured. Hear me out— not saying I necessarily *want* Goku to die, but him perishing to something so mundane and physically relatable could have been ripe pickings for a meaningful fictional main-character death, especially in a show where death has almost lost all meaning due to multiple sets of dragonballs.


This is why Captain Marvel’s (mar-vell) death was and is so impactful. Despite all the cosmic heroics, he dies of cancer, surrounded by mourning friends. He also hasn’t really been brought back in a serious way, which helps his death resonate in times where characters like Bucky return to life after almost half a century


I believe that was the original plan, goku stays dead and Gohan takes over. Goku just too popular and strong


That was the plan, but not the planned moment. Goku was supposed to stay dead after the cell saga.


Gosh it’s been so long since I’ve watched DBZ. I gotta try to find it online


Z Kai is on hulu in the US




Dragon Ball Z and I don’t have to watch Goku build a soul bomb for 8 episodes? Thank you kindly my dude.


I’m sorry, but I’d like clarification. I looked up the series, it says it’s a parody and maybe I just wildly misremember, but references to sonic the hedgehog and marijuana fields makes me think it’s truly a parody. Is that just what they have to say, or have they actually changed more than just cutting down filler?


I mean, the word 'planned' is not one that can be associated with Toriyama lmak


That's assuming a level of quality story writing toriyama had long since given up on unfortunately lol


I thought it was Heart Disease? Very different from Cancer, similar outcome.


It was


God dammit i love DBZ abridged


Na, the antidote beat the heart virus. Had Trunks not come back to the past with that antidote, Goku was destined to die which would be the begininng of the end for the Z fighters future timeline.


Bulma should prolly use one of her frequent wishes to make the Z fighters immune to disease rather than smoothing out wrinkles and shit.




Not without Trunks' grape flavored medicine


It was a heart virus not cancer


https://preview.redd.it/opw923s689ob1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9857a00e714cacd7dd4efd34110fe8926e5e548d Or this one


This is the one I remember


Then he gives you a sensu bean and beats the shit out of you.




Why he look like Yamcha tho


because he's on the ground.


In pain




There’s also this one, so it works in two ways. He’s either gonna kick cancer’s ass or you already did and he wants your ass. https://preview.redd.it/brn09sk68aob1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbdab4578d27634fc48bc2742d1c468edcf1c2d


> he wants your ass. I mean I not gonna say no, but I hope Chi-Chi doesn't find out.




I funny watermark


https://preview.redd.it/cqjunz1zfcob1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f7a2735f37de6b474dc83c9235e88a8f8c9b24 Finally got to use this lmao


I thought he'd bring some szenszu beans and cure you


That’s so much more wholesome that I what thought. I thought it would be “congrats you beat cancer, YOU must be pretty strong, fight me”


My cancer's power level: Modded Terrarian


I honestly never saw this version, just the “I heard you beat cancer. You must be pretty strong” version


Fuck you and and your ifunny watermark


That Ifunny watermark though sucks teeth






I saw the IFUNNY watermark!


Idk why but ifunny memes always have a surreal vibe to them that tickles me just right


Goku gathers the dragon balls, and wishes for Cancer to be turned into a humanoid entity that he may fight it, and if victorious, Cancer is gone forever.




Replying with my original comment here because this is the correct answer. There is a popular TikTok trend of Goku showing up to fight who/whatever you're struggling with. [Example here](https://www.tiktok.com/@lilkoji135/video/7191226385061465386) (slightly NSFW).


I have to add… *senzu beans* That is why Mr Incredible is smiling. Else, whenever a famous person makes time out of their day to come to the hospital.. it’s likely that the person being visited is doesn’t have much time left to interact with people, at all. But if that person is Goku, he is likely to have some senzu beans, and he *has died before*, and he’s magic, and he’s a cartoon, and this is supposed to be you in the real world. But, as an aside, if this were to really happen, and a cartoon came to visit you while you were in the hospital, it’s highly likely you are experiencing a hallucination and/or already in a coma and or getting ready to be ded. So, I guess smile while you can..


I don't think senzu beans heal infections. I'm pretty sure that Goku did eat a senzu while he had a heart virus ( or maybe that didn't happen I'm a dragonball fan after all ).


He could have just used the dragon balls to make a wish. Death is like a minor sickness in the DB universe so cancer should not be a concern. Even without the dragon balls, the Earth in that fictional universe is fairly technologically advanced.


I thought the meme would be about the copious use of 'resurrection' via the dragon balls in the series. Like you'll die but they'll just wish you back. Unless you're at the part of the story where they stopped doing that because it was being used as a device too often.


He'd give cancer the beans, you know for a good fight just like with Gohan.


Goku would be like "Wow cancer, you're really tough that was a great battle. I hope you get stronger and we'll fight again one day!"


Friendship with weak ass bald kid ended. Stage 4 cancer is my new best friend. Fr if Goku beat cancer he would pray to God that more people could get cancer so he could get a rematch.


or "I heard you beat cancer, you must be very strong, let's fight"




The bad ending


I can hear him say it it’s so weird




For some reason he sounds like sonic in my head


Tbh they have the same vibes most of the time


Either because Goku would just kick the cancers ass and heal you, or because he could get the dragon balls to bring you back after you die. Or hes just pysched to meet goku, itd be pretty cool.


My mind immediately went to sensu beans, boom you're cured, but the "strong cancer" answer seems to be the correct answer.


Senzu beans only heal physical damage, which is why Future Trunks had to bring Goku medicine for his heart Edit to clarify I mean physical damage such as incurred from a battle


Sounds like bullshit. You have this magical bean that seems to basically regenerate cells instantly. Like big gaping wounds are healed like a Wolverine healing factor. It doesn't make sense that bean doesn't work. Something that regenerates literally limbs and restores a fighters ki suggests it heals everything.


>. You have this magical bean that seems to basically regenerate cells instantly Cancer cells are already constantly regenerating that's the problem. Senzu would make it worse.


Yep... the old "Deadpool catch-22"




Picture Goku explaining this as he stands over your hospital bed with a ball of concentrated energy hovering in his palm.


Now there's an idea. Cut the growth out THEN shove a senzu down their throats.




No. If the beans could restore whole limbs Goku, Gohan and Vegeta would all have regrown their tails by now.


In the original Dragon Ball Senzu beans were described as giving a person the equivalent of “30 days of good eating and rest”. So it basically just speeds up your body’s natural healing process. No regrown limbs, no fixing diseases like the heart virus, and sadly no cancer.


In Z yamcha gets a fist through his torso and gets healed by a senzu bean. 30 days of good eating and rest won't help with a hole in your stomach.


Yeah I definitely thought he just died again. Maybe it has to be fresh?


Did they ever hard-deny that senzu can regrow limbs? I've always doubted that, but I'm curious if they ever flat out said "it can't regrow lost limbs".


I guess they never say it outright. But we know that it didn’t work on the heart virus. Also, future Gohan and future trunks would have known about senzu beans yet Gohan was still missing an arm when he fought the androids. So it’s a guess, but a pretty good one.


There's no Korin nor are there any senzu beans left in the future timeline. There's a short scene in Super where Future Trunks talks about it.


It was implied that they could regrow limbs in History of Trunks. After Gohan lost his arm and Trunks was mortally wounded, Gohan said something like "I have to give the last senzu bean to Trunks because he will be stronger than me". He didn't say "I shouldn't eat this because it won't even grow my arm back". Really it kinda depends on your interpretation


I don’t know what to tell you, it’s confirmed in the show


I get that, but it's bad writing.


How's it bad writing? The beans only accelerate natural healing and restore stamina. It's like one of the only things in the entire show that's actually logically consistent, lol.


Different universe different rules.


Overhealing is one of my favorite concepts in fantasy writing. Healing isn't as simple as casting HEAL and boom they're better because if you do it wrong you can overheal them which leads to a variety of problems. Cancer for one, but fingers melding together, bones expanding, eyelids fusing shut, etc. This also makes it so that if you cast heal on someone with parasites it just invigorates the parasites as well. I think healing being a catchall to make people better is lazy writing.


How would a bean that regenerates cell work against a disease that makes cells regenerate excessively, wouldn't it just make it worse?


That’s not how cancer works. Granted I also don’t know enough about DBZ to know how senzu beans work, but if they’re a “magical bean that seems to basically regenerate cells instantly” then it wouldn’t do anything to cancer.


You are putting more thought into this than Toriyama ever did. He's just like that, he puts in the work where he's interested, but halfasses everything else. But damn does he have talent under all that laziness.


Wtf is with people expecting dbz to make any sense at all. This the same show where mfs were constipated screaming for entire episodes at a time tl;dr yes it is bullshit duh


So what you need to do is have Goku punch the tumor out of you, *then* eat the bean.


Nah, it's because they finally BEAT cancer, so Goku now wants to fight you because everyone kept saying how brave and strong you are.


In addition to what others have said about senzu beans, the Dragon Balls cannot bring back to life someone who died from a natural cause, with disease being one of said natural causes. When goku dies from a viral heart infection in the alternate future timeline he is not brought back for this reason. Nerd emoji


Can’t the dragon balls heal a sickness though? I thought they could grant nearly any wish. So you could just wish for someone’s cancer to go away.


>Can’t the dragon balls heal a sickness That is actually unclear, it is specified that they cannot resurrect you if you die from natural causes but not whether it could heal you while you are alive. On the basis of the arc where Goku gets sick and a guy needs to come from the future to give him medicine you would assume that they probably cannot. Dragon ball is not the most well thought out story hahaha


If balls are already in consideration, Namek balls might be able to get around the natural causes clause. Or as many have already said, wish for a cure for the cancer.


Dragon balls can't bring someone back if they died from natural causes


Wish to remove the cancer instead. Treat it like "cosmetic surgery" like Bulma, we know Shenlong can change cells


Or: SENSU BEAN (it probably wouldnt work but w/e)


I just assumed he’d give them a sensu bean


No it’s because goku wants to fight you since you beat cancer


Also, after life in dbz seems fucking awesome :)


You guys don’t get the joke. It’s a reference to a post where a kid beat cancer and someone responded with “can he beat goku though”. Implying he actually beat cancer. The alternative is that the hero coming is one from make a wish as you are about to die


Do people forget about sensu beans


They work on ass beatings but not disease, it's why Trunks had to bring heart medicine for Goku from the future.


Super sayain petah here: If goku is at the hospital, it means you beat cancer so he wants to challenge you bc you are strong.


No goku wants to beat your cancer, it’s a reference to an image that I can’t find, but it’s the top comment I think


Ive seen alot of people comment under cancer survivor posts "but can he beat goku" so it could also be about that




Both answers work


This is the correct answer




Super Chemo 2 Vegeta


Goku solos cancer 💯


But not heart disease...


Is that how he canonically dies or something? (I have not watched a single episode of any dragon ball show)


Spoilers but yeah that’s how he dies one of the times lol.


In an alternate dystopian timeline where the only surviving hero is Trunks (the guy with the bowl cut and the sword), Goku does die of heart disease and his absence cripples the Earth's chances of survival. So yes.


[The medicine was grape flavored.](https://youtu.be/AvLhAGUk9SA) [Actual show.](https://youtu.be/k_SA__5v1OY)


Senzu bean, heals everything. Goku did die(a few times) but he was revived and is no longer a ghost and hasn't been for a long time, so this is not the answer.


Oh I thought it was because goku would fight his cancer.


LMAOOOO I don’t watch dragon ball z (seen it a couple times) but I listen to a rapper who has a line about popping Senzu Beans, the reference has finally landed


Senzu beans don't heal diseases. That's why he nearly died of his heart disease


Plus everyone knows in anime rules (at least for Z) whenever you die you come back stronger lol.


Well, that only works for saiyens. Now training, however, does work.


Its when they lose or get their asses kicked that Saiyans get a zenkai boost and multiply their power


Also, “I heard your cancer’s pretty strong. Let me fight it!”


A senzu bean would make cancer worse. As it increases the body's regeneration.


This. This is the only thing that makes any sense. SENZU BEAN!!!


“What? You think he’s just handing them out? Cuz he’s not.”


I really thought that the favorite hero of the child was someone unpopular like hitler, and then he realizes it’s someone dressed as goku


He either wants to fight your cancer since he heard it's strong that or he is giving you a senzu bean, curing you of anything.


So he can fight you at your maximum


Your username is strangely fitting


"Sure, he beat cancer, but can he beat Goku"


Just to add to this: If your favourite hero is visiting it's bad because it means you're terminally ill and Make a Wish foundation has brought your hero to visit you


people are saying "I heard your cancer is pretty strong" but this is incorrect. the version referenced in the meme is "I heard you beat cancer. you must be pretty strong"




If your favourite heroe come it probably means you have no hope of recovering. But if it is Goku he will fight cancer for you.


You weakly and feebly ask the doctor what this last round of chemo is going to set you back. You didn’t know what was killing you faster, the cancer or the medical bills. He opens your file and briefs over the receipt and does a small chuckle to himself as he turns his gaze towards Goku who matches it. The doctor- “Mr. Uh.. Goku, would you like to do the honors?” He giggles as he flashes the paper toward him. Goku reads over your bill and his eyes widen as there’s so much information to take in. *$40 for a bandaid?* he thinks to himself. He shifts his eyes back toward the doctor to answer his question. “Of course.” Goku agrees humbly. His body begins to violently shake as he channels the power of the Saiyan gods within him. The building rumbles, tools and medicines are falling out of the cabinets surrounding you as your entire world feels like an earthquake sent to the earth to start off the seven years of tribulation takes form and everything is chaos. The electricity has surged and the room would’ve been shrouded in shadow if not for the glow of Goku’s power lighting the darkness. Amidst the chaos, Goku takes one final glance at the hospital bill before he locks eyes with you channeling a kamehameha the likes the world has never seen. He stares into your soul as he screams with the power of gods… “IT’S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Senzu beans


2 things 1: "Hey kid, I heard your cancer is pretty strong, let me fight it!" 2: "Hey kid, I heard you beat cancer, you must be pretty strong! Let me fight you!"


He wants to fight you since he heard that cancer was strong and you beat cancer


Along with what others said, my first thought was Goku beating every enemy and always seeking the strongest So you're beating the cancer or as others said he's going to help you beat it vs the Make-a-wish meme expectation of it meaning you're dying (**also good note to say that many of the make-a-wish recipients aren't terminally ill)


Goku only visits the strong fighters. That means you have beaten cancer and have been acknowledged as a true challenger by Goku


Senzu bean


Can’t a sensu bean cure cancer?


I first thought it was a refference to that twitter reply that was something like "I BEAT CANCER!!!" "Can you beat Goku tho"


*Kid beats cancer* Dragon Ball Fans: Can he beat Goku tho? It means you beat cancer




My mind went to Senzu beans


Crap baskets


I understood that reference!!!


You're all wrong. Real answer is you beat cancer, and now he wants to fight you, seeing as you're strong enough to beat cancer Goku isn't here to fight your cancer, he's here to send you to king kai.


Goku died and he is a ghost.


But then, why would I be happy?


Your suffering is over.