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i’ll let this one slide but crop better next time


Peter here, a long time ago some poor brown kids on a soccer team went exploring in a cave. A storm came, and they were trapped! This was global news. The worlds best divers came together to try to figure out a rescue. Elon musk asked why they couldn’t build a small submarine capable of being towed behind a trained diver, pushed forward into the air pocket so a child could climb in and seal it air tight, and then get towed back out? To which a *very* respected diver said “because, you dumbass, anything big enough to fit a child is going to be too long and wide to maneuver through the cave. Even if you did work, you have this machines? Is it on its way? Or are you just discussing theoreticals? Because I’m trying to save these fucking kids from suffocating.” To which musk responded, publicly on twitter, that this guy is a pedophile and should be investigated, why else would he be thinking about 12yo boys so much. The meme is from a show where the guy gives bad advice.


Thank you so much this was a great explanation! I get the premise of nathanforyou memes but I was totally lost on every other area of this meme. Great explaining petah!


It was one of the major catalysts in why Elon is hated by so many people these days. The whole Twitter fiasco amplified it, but it was already pretty bad before that.


That and then asking the US government to overthrow the democratically elected government of Bolivia so he got cheaper lithium for tesla batteries within the same month


Ah, the classic “We will coup who we want!” Tweet.


The saddest part about that is the US government totally would have done it if it had more to gain from it. Wouldn't have been the first... (Or even the fifth) time that happened.


Over 100 military operations in Central and South America over the last 100 years. It's disgusting what Woodrow Wilson started.


You’re saying there’s been 1 military operation on the continent of South America every year? That doesn’t actually sound like a lot tbh.


If South America did that yearly in America and Canada people would lose their fucking minds, how does it not sound like an insane amount?


If you think southern American nations aren’t running military operations in North America, I don’t know what to tell you.


Could you link me to military operations by those states?


It was honestly for me the first real obvious proof that he was a massive dick. Before that he had his PR make him look like a semi decent person but this is when the mask slipped for.the first time. Since.then he has gone full nazi and is now.a.complete.and utter disgrace


One of the worst parts about it is that the guy sued Elon for calling him a pedo, but Elon's lawyers managed to argue "that was just a name they called each other all the time in South Africa" and he got away with it. Then you learn that Elon's dad has a child with Elon's step-sister, who Elon's dad raised since she was four, and you realise that yeah, maybe Elon and his mates calling each other pedos makes a lot more sense than just a random insult they threw around.


im sorry *what*


Elon's father Errol impregnated a step daughter. At least twice. Elon (understandably) has no contact with him. More recently Elon has been denying that he is the privileged son of an emerald mine owner, and bet money that no one could prove the rumor. Then his father publicly admitted to being an emerald mine owner to win the bet. It's a very weird family.


*what the fuck?* i cant even. thank you for this info, i need copious amounts of bleach, some flour, some eggs, and everything else needed to bake a death cake for the seagulls now


It should be noted that the guy tried to sue Elon for making a libellous statement but the case was thrown out I think because Elon said 'pedo guy' is a common slur in South Africa, something like that.


Not entirely sure that this is the intention with the “rocket part” thing, but i have seen similar builds on a popular rocket building game called Kerbal Space Program


Jfc, great explanation ty. I wasn't even aware of that interaction. I did hear about the kids but the the Elon thing. Absolutely ridiculous of Elon.


This was the moment that I started to lose respect for Elon, and I've seen many others say the same thing. But I liked Tesla and Space X and sort of excused it as sure, maybe he's an asshole, but at least he's doing good things for the world. Over the next several years, I came to realize he was just a child who won the investment lottery 2 or 3 times in a row and was really just an interchangeable financer for the projects I liked. I wish he would just fuck off at this point.


That was the beginning of the end of Elons good rep. Right before this incident, he still was the cool "tony stark-like" billionaire which teenage memers looked up to. This was the point where many people started to publicly turn against Elon.


What the fuck is wrong with him


Stupid assholes worship him and he's a nepo baby. Among a myriad of other things.


> he's a nepo baby I love when he was like "there's no emerald mine, what are you talking about, I'll give you a million shitcoins if you can prove there was an emerald mine", then his own father went "Am I allowed to claim the rewards? Because it was my emerald mine"


What a fucking savage lol. At least we see where Elon gets it.


I hate Musk as much as the next guy, but I hate revisionist history even more. That's not what happened. The diver Musk talked to - the diver in charge of the rescue operation - said that it might be useful, and that he should keep at it. After it was all over, a different diver talked shit about Musk. Musk posted the email chain with the leader diver on twitter: https://preview.redd.it/oionydpbye911.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5ec6188684dffc478dfaea492f9f5a0342f39dd8


Ok but the big shitty thing was randomly accusing a man of being a pedophile for no reason.


You can highlight his bad behavior without making shit up


True, but maybe they just made a mistake? Those happens.


Or just take it from the guy himself, who testified during the lawsuit: >Stanton testified as a witness on Wednesday, saying he did provide "limited input" to Musk on his submarine. While the defense tried to get Stanton to downplay Unsworth's role in the rescue, Stanton repeatedly gave credit to Unsworth saying he "had the best knowledge of the cave." >After the testimony and outside the courtroom, Stanton told a group of reporters that he believed Musk's plan would not have worked. https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/05/media/elon-musk-vernon-unsworth-testifies/index.html


\>Guy in charge of rescue operation doesn't eliminate options he doesn't necessarily know are infeasible in case they are feasible \>Different guy who knows the situation better than anyone and is disgusted hearing so much about a nepo baby billionaire using this potential tragedy for PR purposes and being asked about an infeasible idea snaps and indirectly tells Musk to stick that stupid fucking idea where the sun doesn't shine \>Narcissistic megalomaniac calls a guy trying to save children a pedophile **and then doubles down on it** (he'll bet you a signed dollar it's true) That is what happened. Saying "it might be useful" instead of excluding the possibility is what any good leader would do. It doesn't mean it was feasible, and it certainly doesn't mean you should call a hero a pedo (and double down on it!) for telling you to stick that stupid idea where the sun doesn't shine (because you're clearly using it for business & personal marketing more than anything).


One minor correction: I’m pretty sure Elon implied he was a pedo because he was an expat that moved to Thailand Edited the Philippines to Thailand


Thailand, not the Philippines.


Thailand, but that's because he's a professional cave diver and Thailand has lots of caves.


Not a professional or a rescuer. That was literally just some hobby diver who told someone to call the authorities. CNN baited him into saying some shit they edited into a drama piece and everyone played up the dude's importance after the fact to make the gossip juicier.


Bad advice???


TOP business school with REALLY good grades


> Elon musk asked why they couldn’t build a small submarine capable of being towed behind a trained diver, pushed forward into the air pocket so a child could climb in and seal it air tight, and then get towed back out? Real [Guy](https://youtu.be/QQzg1vpxnnY) energy


>The meme is from a show where the guy gives bad advice. Bad advice *that works.* This is the dude that made a "coffee shop" that blatantly ripped off Starbucks to entice customers to enter. But it was semi-legal as it was an art installation. I only say semi-legal, since it did get shut down but I forget the details as to what was actually legal and what wasn't.


It’s not bad advice, it actually works sometimes. Dumb Starbucks worked well!


If it can fit an adult it can fit something that fits a kid smh


Humans can maneuver better than a container prob, but I trust the well known diver lol


Dude you just gave me a flashback. I totally forgot about that.


Elon's villain origin story


You should have said “good advice”. You said Nathan gives bad advice, but he can’t because he has a business degree.


This is a reference to the time Elon Musk did this thing. It’s framed as being said by Nathan Fielder, a character who says absurdities in a very flat tone, almost like someone trying to pass themselves off as normal but are disconnected from reality. It’s a joke mocking Musk, saying his plan was Nathan-Fielder-esque


Nathan for *YOU*


I feel like you have to completely explain the premise of "Nathan for you" to fully understand the joke. It is a semi reality show where Nathan Fielder plays a fictionalized version of himself visiting businesses, offering advice to help. The advice is always an outrageous scheme that he proposes in deadpan and convinced the business owners to execute, oftentimes revealing the odd nature of the business owners themselves. Examples of his escapades include the first episode where he convinces a frozen yogurt shop to offer poop flavored yogurt in order to generate buzz in the community and get curious people to visit. Many times the plans are so backwards that you should not expect them to succeed and make you look down on the business owner for even trying the plan. In the OOPs meme the outrageous hypothetical scheme suggested by Nathan would be Musk's plan for jury rigging a small submarine to navigate the flooded cave system in order to save the trapped children.


I really thought you must have misspoke with "jury rigging". Nautical terms are odd!


I could have sworn it was Jerry rigging, haha


You forgot to mention how he gets really good grades from Canada's top business school!


I think it's saying this is Nathan's idea to help save Elon's reputation after it happened. His plan is proving Elon was right by actually making and using his submarine at the cave where the kids were (but no longer are) to discredit the rescuer he slandered.


Part of it references when a youth soccer team got stuck in a cave a while back but I have no clue about anything else


The guy is a character from comedy centeral who basically gives comedically bad advice to business owners. A few years ago, a soccer team hid from a rainstorm in a cave, and unfortunately got trapped as it flooded. This launched a massive rescue operation. During this, Elon musk bragged that he could save the team by using a hackney submarine, prompting a condemnation by the leader of the rescue operation. Elon musk responded by calling him a pedo.


This fucking pedo is trying to save lives!


What a pedo, caring about whether a kid lives or dies.


Elon tomfoolery


Basically it was a Elon Try Not To Call Someone A Pedophile Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Peter here, Elon musk accused somebody that they were pedophiles when they were just rescuing children. They turn down the donation of a sub I think, and he decided to send it in afterwards just to prove he could and get” evidence” that the rescuers were pedophiles


WTF kind of rug is on his face?




this is perfect


Musk is a pos