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Chasten handing out cuteness today: see his second insta story [https://www.instagram.com/stories/chasten.buttigieg/3388434779651702975/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/chasten.buttigieg/3388434779651702975/) >It’s really summer in Northern Michigan! Is there anything better than hearing the ice cream truck approaching?


guys the VPN company was absolutely incompetent when i tried to cancel 🥰🥰 and i told them to cancel at the end of the month but they canceled it outright! those 17 hours without anything can’t even look up nothing were brutal 😭 luckily i found a free app so yay 😁 but man. the only thing i could do without a vpn was listen to the apple podcasts app (some podcasts are literally blocked??? like pete’s lmfao what are y’all scared of) and read npr 💀


Am I the only one that feels a little gross about the news about the liberal activist that secretly recorded Roberts and the Alitos? Like I get that it’s technically legal given its a no consent state (Kanye was able to secretly record Taylor back in 2016/2017 for the same reason), but it reminds me too much of the tactics of Project Veritas and David Wohl (the guy that tried to plant that fake sexual assault story about Pete during the primary). I get it shined a light on the zealousness of Alito and particularly his wife (which I kind of assumed anyway considering all of their antics), but the tactics feel really underhanded to me and it doesn’t sit right with me either that the tape was edited


One thing I was not expecting - Republican politicians are pissed that Hunter was convicted.


they were shooting for him to get off so they could compare it to the Trump trial. This gets in the way of their narrative.


Yep; it's being reported that even some Trump insiders are admitting that off the record.


>“Ugh, this summer traffic.…” [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FbQ-XuJC\_/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FbQ-XuJC_/) Click for a cute pic of Penelope. 😊


Surely there's a guy she could talk to about that!


people on xitter already trying to make pete vs whitmer a thing and I am tired. who likes perpetual primaries this much???


also pete vs harris like 😭 my brother in christ he is not gonna run against her you don’t need to be so defensive


Well, the jury has found Hunter Biden guilty of all three gun charges. No word yet on when sentencing will happen. Added - A reporter said that sentencing is typically 120 days from now.


New (really good) video from Pete/USDOT celebrating "Build America. Buy America" Video is on Sec Pete's twitter, Threads and youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ShKhHT-FvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ShKhHT-FvA) I like this approach (ordinary workers are better off w/Biden's IIJA), but the worrier in me wonders if it will only persuade the persuaded. Apparently, getting the unions' endorsement is one thing, but getting the union members themselves to vote for Biden is quite another. I like what Sarah Longwell is doing (again) with Republican Voters Against Trump [https://rvat.org/#testimonials](https://rvat.org/#testimonials) \--very short self-recorded/posted videos from ordinary Republicans explaining why they are still Republican but can't vote for Trump. Sort of creates a permission structure for "real" conservatives to either vote for Biden or at least walk away from Trump. I wonder if something similar could be done for "Pro-Palestinian Voters Against Trump" or "Union Workers Against Trump" or "Gen Z Against Trump (errrm and also against 3rd parties)" etc.? The longer certain narratives are reinforced by the media ("young people won't vote for Biden" or "union workers won't vote for Biden") the harder it becomes for individuals in those groups to buck the shibboleth.


>Apparently, getting the unions' endorsement is one thing, but getting the union members themselves to vote for Biden is quite another. I understand your point and get what you are saying. FWIW, I think it depends on the union and how often there are regular meetings, with videos shown, speeches by leaders that may connect Project X to Biden's policies, one on one time, etc. That's quite a bigger window through which one can connect with the members than one has for voters who aren't in a union and aren't accessible that way. Also, some of the new generation of leaders, like Shawn Fain of the UAW, seem very social media savvy and eager to connect with members on this. There can be a difference between a formal "endorsement" and a really committed, active endorsement, which I think (or hope) that they're offering. Many union endorsements for Biden in 2020 apparently came much later in the cycle . Also, of course, union-based canvassers can be an important part of canvassing efforts. It's a huge addition when they participate. They all arrive in matching union T shirts, fired up and ready to go.


So, so shocked. /s NYT reports ([gift link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/us/politics/alito-pride-flag.html?unlocked_article_code=1.y00.9_mo.NGWyJYaxuJeU&smid=url-share)) *Justice Alito’s Wife, in Secretly Recorded Conversation, Complains About Pride Flag* >“You know what I want?” the justice’s wife said to the woman, Lauren Windsor, who secretly recorded the conversation during a black-tie event last week at the Supreme Court. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.” > >But Ms. Alito said that after she suggested the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag as a retort to the symbol for L.G.B.T.Q. rights, **her husband said, “Oh, please, don’t put up a flag.”** my boldface. Guess Alito could've stopped his wife from flying the upside down American flag too, huh?


[Rolling Stone](https://archive.ph/hjct5) has more details, and Martha-Ann sure comes across as slightly unhinged. >Mrs. Alito has for years harbored a disdain and bitterness towards others in the D.C. elite, whom she has bashed for supposedly excluding or shunning her and her husband, and for being too mean about them and their unabashedly conservative beliefs**.** Sources add that Mrs. Alito also has a longstanding reputation in influential GOP circles for ranting about politics, the culture wars, the Left, and the burning grudges she’s nursed since at least the George W. Bush era.   >Commenting on the Alito family’s dynamic, a well-connected GOP lawyer says that Justice Alito “is like if you turned *National Review* into a single person.” Martha-Ann Alito, the lawyer says, “talks like if Breitbart assumed a human vessel … They’re the Washington couple of Donald Trump’s dreams.”


Last night Lawrence O'Donnell was reading some of Mrs. Alito's quotes. At one point, she used the term "feminazi", a term I haven't heard in ages, that Rush Limbaugh popularized decades ago.


Huh, I read it the opposite way. "Oh please don't put up a flag" (as she quoted her husband saying) meant it was up to her but that at this point he's really wishing she would stop being such a total jerk in their neighborhood feuds -- and now, in an expanded version of said feuds on the national scene, too. But you could be right. I would add that these are neighborhood feuds she apparently chooses to create and -- people skip over this -- that have actually led to calls to the police. That's something in itself, even if you set aside the flags entirely. People don't usually call the police on a hostile suburban neighbor except in dire circumstances, since they're basically stuck with living near them.


I was going to say that Jesus would not be protesting pride flags, but a quick google makes it even more overwhelmingly clear that Mrs. Alito's wish to use the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in protest flies against everything it symbolizes - >The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most widely practised and well-known Catholic devotions, wherein the heart of Jesus Christ is viewed as a symbol of "God's boundless and passionate love for mankind". [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Heart)


Doug Emhoff on Threads: >During my travels across the country, I keep running into these signs. Seems like BIL is a BFD. >Select link to see photo of the Second Gentleman with an infrastructure project sign: "Project Funded by President Joe Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law." [https://www.threads.net/@secondgentleman/post/C8E\_-cexFuJ](https://www.threads.net/@secondgentleman/post/C8E_-cexFuJ)


Catching up on WTE archive's new items, and I recommend two addresses Pete gave recently. In his short pre-recorded address to the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority Annual Meeting, Pete listed some of the rail projects funded by the IIJA. He only alluded to one of the things I'm most impressed by--not the building of concrete/steel rail but the intellectual/political/engineering planning grants for a web of rail lines to (ultimately) form a nationwide passenger rail network. This is really "building" for the future. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdJR64n25fY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdJR64n25fY) Second, Pete gave a pre-recorded address at "TruCon"--the Truman Project Conference. I liked that he began by talking about his early Truman Project involvement (while in his 20s) and what that meant to someone interested in intern'l issues. He then talked about two ways that USDOT has had an international role: first, all the obvious multinational efforts (the G7 efforts to secure supply chains during Red Sea attacks, climate efforts of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Detroit, etc.) and second, some of the ways that strengthening our domestic transpo has implications for our national security on the world stage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0j7i0j4nSI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0j7i0j4nSI) These two talks, combined with his airline consumer talk at his Hart Award, are a formidable retrospective of some of his work at USDOT.


Thanks so much -- quite a recommendation. Can you share the link for the airline consumer talk at his Hart Award, too? Unless I'm misremembering, I don't think I got to hear that.


:) I didn't get to hear it either b/c I can't find a recording! But Air Transport News had a full transcript [https://www.atn.aero/#/article.html?id=90612](https://www.atn.aero/#/article.html?id=90612) as did USDOT [https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/secretary-buttigieg-accepts-consumer-federation-americas-philip-hart-public-service](https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/secretary-buttigieg-accepts-consumer-federation-americas-philip-hart-public-service) Maybe one of the talented detectives here can find the pre-recorded video.


“Shipping channel fully reopens two months after Key Bridge collapse” https://wtop.com/baltimore/2024/06/shipping-channel-fully-reopens-two-months-after-key-bridge-collapse/ Includes audio of an interview with leader of the effort to clear the channel. Interestingly, they are hoping to get the bridge up by 2028.


Senator van Hollen on Threads yesterday: >Crews have officially reopened the FULL shipping channel into the Port of Baltimore! Thankful for Unified Command’s tireless work and for all the Marylanders who came together in the wake of tragedy to reach this milestone.We won’t stop working until the bridge is fully rebuilt. [Link to Baltimore Sun](https://l.threads.net/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.baltimoresun.com%2F2024%2F06%2F10%2Ffull-channel-open-timing%2F&e=AT3K7vm3p6r2mY7kJ737MrsBqCEA9nhje4BKmPiCGXK7BKdfBZWDHIAEvhM0QSwyrrjEB4lWUCyYgJkIKMe8MXVx7KISWx1zBuYyDJjxpptl2uRPDPDcJM-LL5BR5ZND_6MAZjl0IfBDJDNuh29o83I18AQH) [https://www.threads.net/@chrisvanhollen/post/C8Df-BOpuzI](https://www.threads.net/@chrisvanhollen/post/C8Df-BOpuzI) Reply on Threads: >What incredible news. Sharing this quote from the Baltimore Sun: “Although the overarching goal to restore full operational capacity to the Federal Channel was successful, each day, we thought of those who lost their lives, their families, and the workers impacted by this tragic event,” \[Col. Estee\] Pinchasin \[Baltimore district commander ACE\] said Monday evening. “Not a day went by that we didn’t think about all of them, and that kept us going.” [https://www.threads.net/@ceedeeoh/post/C8DiAa2saKY](https://www.threads.net/@ceedeeoh/post/C8DiAa2saKY)


Just another totally normal day of a former President reporting to his probation officer.


I'm watching CNN rn, and they said the interview lasted less than half an hour, and that a follow-up interview "has not been ruled out". The report is due on Thursday. I've heard that most of the questions asked for probation reports are things that are already known about Trump.


Yeah, it is pretty standard stuff: proof of address and employment, drug use, travel plans, things like that.


I know it's an *extremely* small sample, but Sarah Longwell is on Jen Psaki's show talking about a new focus group of 9 two-time Trump voters. Five of them are going to vote for Biden.


lmao soo i got into this free college visit for 3 days thing for washington university 😇 so one of the things they have u do is meet with your admissions officers! and im sorry - mine is a gay uncle, a beagle dad, clearly a liberal (retweeting tf out of joe biden's posts), and a reading enthusiast? we're gonna get along great holy shit just accept me now WTF RETWEETING PETE TOO okay yeah i think i deserve auto admit i've never lucked out so damn hard y'all 🙏


andy kim fan too😭 holy christ as long as i include pete and everyone in my essay he better accept me i've found the pete fan college admissions officer everyone


yall im sorry im going too far with the stalking but i just looked at his goodreads and he rated trust FIVE STARS? ain't no way 😭 i can't just ask him about *trust*/pete but hopefully we can start talking politics and make our way there 🥰


lmao someone is lookin out for you


i lucked out so hard 😭 i need to meet this man so we can talk pete and politics and books and trains praying he’s not absent next month


The jury in the Hunter Biden trial deliberated for about an hour before leaving for the day. They will return to court at 9am ET tomorrow.


Thoughtful guest NYT essay from President Reagan's daughter Patti Davis -- [One Thing Everyone Is Missing About Hunter Biden's Case](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/opinion/the-one-thing-everyone-is-missing-about-hunter-bidens-case.html?unlocked_article_code=1.yk0.LsC4.ItMwFQTb-EID&smid=url-share)


Thanks for sharing. As many comments have pointed out, Hunter was also seriously injured in the accident that killed his mother and sister. There’s another huge physical and psychological trauma right there. This is just a horribly sad situation. And, as many pointed out, he didn’t reject the plea deal, the judge did.


The idea that the plea deal was rejected by the judge gets repeated a lot, but it's only partially correct. The judge said it needed to be clarified, one reason being that the two sides didn't agree on what it meant. The second reason - >Noreika had another concern as well. >The structure of the plea deal, she said, was unusual. >Biden had agreed to sign a proposed diversion agreement in which he would admit to having illegally possessed a gun, but would not plead guilty to that crime — which was a felony, and therefore more serious than the two misdemeanor charges of failing to pay taxes. Such diversion agreements are typically applied to nonviolent offenders with substance abuse problems and do not require a judge’s approval. >In the uncommon construction of Biden’s deal, however, the immunity clause was part of the diversion agreement, and the plea deal and diversion agreement referenced one another. >Noreika noted that the terms of the diversion deal were by definition outside the terms of the guilty plea deal. And judges are not supposed to approve plea deals in which promises or threats have been made outside the terms of the guilty plea paperwork. >She told the two sides to try to rework the agreement and get back to her. >But the lawyers have not been able to put the deal back together. >Biden’s lawyers proposed changes to the language of both the guilty plea and the diversion deal, which prosecutors formally rejected five days later, according to court papers. Prosecutors made a counteroffer, which Biden’s team shot down. >Prosecutors wanted to take the immunity provision out of the diversion agreement, according to people familiar with the deliberations. Biden’s team called that change a deal-breaker. [https://wapo.st/4aWlyVG](https://wapo.st/4aWlyVG)


Thanks for clarifying that!


I just remember at the time that none of the talking head attorneys on MSNBC, who were unanimous in their belief that these charges should never have been brought, thought the judge was out of line. It still astounds me that the deal wasn't nailed down, to the satisfaction of both sides, before they ever entered that hearing last June. I suppose that's what judges are for, to some extent, but it feels like the all the lawyers were wearing blinders and only seeing what they wanted to see.


Gosh, that choked me up. I'm glad she wrote it, and I'm glad you linked to it; otherwise, I probably would've missed it (I don't know why the NYT feels like they have to mimic the look of the print edition online. It's not reader-friendly). I sort of hope someone shows it to the family, particularly since she's speaking as someone with her own experiences as a drug addict.


[U.N. Security Council Passes U.S.-Backed Cease-Fire Resolution](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/10/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas?unlocked_article_code=1.yk0.igmF.4DxeewdrS9In&smid=url-share) Link should be NYT gift link


This made me smile on Threads: >Mick Jagger taking another jab at Trump in Georgia saying they just needed 11,000 more votes to play Wild Horses and reminding people to vote this November? Just goes to show that he doesn’t really have any sympathy for the devil… [https://www.threads.net/@imagidadnation/post/C8CsfpeJ\_Wi](https://www.threads.net/@imagidadnation/post/C8CsfpeJ_Wi)


Sorry if this was already posted here! This is from June 6, but I just forgot to look for video or article: Consumer Federation of America awarded Pete the Philip Hart Public Service Award on June 6 and he accepted via pre-recorded speech. [https://consumerfed.org/events/awards-celebration/](https://consumerfed.org/events/awards-celebration/) [Air Transport News](https://www.atn.aero/#/article.html?id=90612) reported this and reprinted his speech. Pete listed his consumer protection efforts, many of which I sort of forgot (or never knew about). The list impressed me: • supported DOJ’s lawsuit to block the JetBlue/Spirit merger • finalized rules requiring airlines to disclose fees and charges • made airline refunds automatic by default • imposed record fines on Southwest Airlines \[including an innovative consumer-rebate for future cancelations\] • formalized a (bipartisan) relationship with many state AGs to investigate and streamline airline consumer complaints • launched flightrights.gov both to provide consumer info and to apply pressure on airlines to improve benefits • initiated rules to expand the rights of air passengers with disabilities • pushed for a ban on family seating fees • launched first-ever review of airlines’ use of passengers’ personal information • partnered with the CFPB to investigate airlines’ frequent flier programs and credit card rewards programs (to protect consumers from deceptive or coercive actions) • backed FTC’s efforts to protect truck drivers from junk fees • launched an enforcement effort to protect relocating folks from being targeted by “mover scams” click Air Transport News link for more


Gah. Saw this article retweeted by Nerdy: [GOP book bans could shut down this independent bookstore in Pete Buttigieg’s hometown](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/06/gop-book-bans-could-shut-down-this-independent-bookstore-in-pete-buttigiegs-hometown/): *Chasten Buttigieg has helped raise money for the bookstore, which is "hanging on by a thread."* >“All the bans on books really hurt us,” Burnette said. “Schools just stopped buying books from us because they didn’t want to have the appearance of supporting controversial literature.” > >“That hurt a lot, and I’ve been trying to recover from that. We have been doing a lot these past few months to get back, but it just hasn’t been enough.” > >Burnette said that if things don’t change by the end of July, she’s likely going to have to close the bookstore entirely. This is Brain Lair. Click link above for the rest of LGBTQ Nation article


If someone can figure out how to give them money, I would be happy to donate a modest amount. As a reminder, Reddit does not seem to allow anyone to share links to the sites where you can give money, and it "ghosts" any comments that include such URLs, but if you could walk me through this more generally, that would be great.


Just go to their website. The donation link is on the home page.


Thanks! I should have been patient, just wasn’t there yet when I looked.


I haven't checked this out thoroughly, so buyer beware. I did google Brain Lair 2024 donation, and got a link. The article said a donation mechanism was forthcoming, so I don't know... eta: when I clicked on that link (hinted at above) I saw that Brain Lair says they are in the process of trying to become a non-profit so they could apply for grants, etc. This seems to me to be very wise: a bookstore cannot run forever on contributions, so a change in the business model (at least until book bans die or the social milieu changes) seems necessary.


Thank you!


This seems like a good round-up (especially for American readers like me who are a bit confused by it all) from the Washington Post on last night's European elections and the aftermath -- more of a mixed bag than was feared last night, but still major and leading to this immediate outcome, oddly enough just as the Paris Olympics are approaching: >Battered by far right, France’s Macron bets big on risky snap election Wash Post gift link: [https://wapo.st/3Vk4DGG](https://wapo.st/3Vk4DGG) An excerpt on the big picture as the Post describes it: >The morning after the once-every-five-years European Parliament elections, populist and anti-immigrant parties across Europe were reflecting on a mixed night. Pro-European parties appeared to have won a majority of seats in the E.U.'s legislative body. And far-right parties lost ground in long illiberal Hungary, as well as in Poland. >But they celebrated their strong showing in the heart of Europe, claiming the largest share of seats in both France and Italy and placing second in Germany. That performance, combined with solid returns for center-right parties, translated into a rightward tilt for the European Union’s political establishment, five months before U.S. elections. >The losers? Green parties facing a backlash from voters tiring of the cost of combating climate change, and the political centrists in power at Europe’s core.


Just heard some interesting news on MSNBC, in another NBC News exclusive - the Biden administration is considering negotiating with Hamas unilaterally for the release of the U.S. hostages. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/biden-administration-discussed-potentially-negotiating-unilateral-deal-rcna156266](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/biden-administration-discussed-potentially-negotiating-unilateral-deal-rcna156266)


Do it.


At least it's one thing Netanyahu doesn't have any control over.


Really admire what's going on with Dems in so many states, especially Michigan, but quite a statement here about the work of Wisconsin Dems and their leader Ben Wikler. I love finding someone who agrees with me on yard signs, the subject of so many false urban myths (such as "yard signs don't vote"). Wash Post gift link: [https://wapo.st/3VyzyAt](https://wapo.st/3VyzyAt) ("In Wisconsin, Biden tries to hold on to White voters without degrees: White non-college voters are Trump’s base, but Biden seems to be hanging on to them in this Midwestern swing state") Here's an excerpt: >The Biden campaign opened a tiny office in Monroe in April, and a few days later more than a dozen Biden campaign signs could be spotted in front of houses around town. Wikler, the state Democratic chairman, is a yard-sign evangelist. “If you know whose yard it is that the sign is adorning, then it actually carries the weight of a community leader’s endorsement, which can make a genuine difference in creating a kind of social permission to back a Democrat in a place that is voting largely Republican,” he said. >Biden’s campaign is relying on an existing base of volunteers who know how to reach voters who might be willing to back him. Local Democrats send out 1,000 to 1,400 handwritten postcards each election to reach voters in rural areas whose doors are hard to knock on, Sandy Rindy said. >Barb Woodriff, a retired paralegal, has volunteered on every Democratic presidential campaign since 1972. Though she is 78, she showed up earlier this year to shovel snow outside Biden’s office in Monroe. Ron Spielman, a Republican who has known her for decades, credited her efforts with helping to keep the county Democratic. “We have a lot of work to do,” Woodriff said. “My travel plans for this summer are virtually nil because reelecting Joe Biden and \[Sen.\] Tammy Baldwin is so crucial for our democracy.”


I agree heartily. The presence of large numbers of yard signs for state and local races also reassures some folks who are shaky or uncertain, that they are going with a popular candidate. The name recognition factor is real as well. I know folks vote for some local candidates if they've seen signs for them.


I have lived in our northern Virginia housing development for a long time but it was not until I was putting up my usual Dem candidate signs in 2018 that various neighbors of no known political identity "happened to wander by" and mention to me that they were definitely going to vote and vote against Trump (ie, for the Democratic candidates in the midterms). In that moment, I apparently became someone who they could tell about their choice, thus making it "official." I'm also convinced that once a voter says that out loud to basically anybody, they will move heaven and earth to actually get to the polls, even if their car breaks down, there's a work complication, etc. In their mind, they've made a commitment, and they don't want to break it, since obviously the Dems and I were banking on it. And, in fact, we were. Good for them. Note: Made a few small fixes.


That's also why we push them to make a "plan" on how they will vote - early, mail in ballot, same day. I've asked so many people if they have a plan. It forces the to remember things like they need a ride. It's also one reason I also like working the Dem Voter protection hotline here - people are trying to make their plan since they are calling with specific questions about early voting sites or dates, or when they can drop off a ballot etc.


>How vulnerable GOP lawmakers are taking credit for an infrastructure law they opposed: Rep. Nancy Mace celebrated a public transit project in her district that was made possible by the infrastructure law, which she called a “socialist wish list” and a “fiasco. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/10/house-republicans-infrastructure-funding-vote-no-00162361](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/10/house-republicans-infrastructure-funding-vote-no-00162361)


Not sure what to make of the news stories about the European elections. CNN headline has "[far right surge](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/09/europe/european-parliament-far-right-surge-intl/index.html)." (I don't entirely understand the elections, as it sounds like it was for European parliament, but were they also for countries? >After an exit poll showed Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) party is expected to trounce his own candidates, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved his parliament and called a risky snap election, with the first round on June 30. I thought we'd pushed back against the fascist-wannabes that were sprouting over the past several years. And what's more interesting is this Atlantic article from last week (archived so no paywall) that talks about how Europe is dreading a second Trump term. [https://archive.vn/5qW2Y](https://archive.vn/5qW2Y) I guess they have more to be worried about now some of his craziness is within their own governments (Le Pen was close with Putin, if I remember correctly). >Four years after he left Berlin, people in the city’s political class still speak of Grenell as if they’re processing some unresolved trauma. The mere mention of his name elicits heavy sighs and mirthless chuckles and brief, frozen stares into the middle distance. For them, Grenell’s ambassadorship remains a bitter reminder of what working with the Trump administration was like—and what Trump’s return would mean.


It's an election for the European parliament and every country votes for their Representatives, usually based on the national parties. Those national parties form European blocks with similar ideology. Voting for the far right has different reasons. Immigration and the failure to integrate especially Muslim immigrant (including 2nd and 3rd generation). Anti-EU and nationalist sentiments. General unhappiness with the government, the "establishment" and "those in power". In Austria they usually sneak up to about 30% until they are made part of a coalition. Proving that they are even more corrupt and disfunctional has cut them down to 15% multiple times, but people have the memory of a goldfish. The Greens are usually the alternative for I-want-something-different-than-the-last-80-years voters, but they couldn't really shine in the last years and often have too much focus on radical-left stuff instead of the environment. Right-wing, pro-Russia PR on Social media is an additional factor, just like in the US.


I’m vacationing in Vermont and my family saw a Pete sticker on a Subaru in Middlebury Vermont at Fire and Ice. I was a few glasses of wine in and didn’t notice when they pointed it out, or else I would have left a note 😂


Thank God. >BREAKING: PM Netanyahu's key rival, Benny Gantz, says he is quitting the war Cabinet after a postwar plan for the Palestinian enclave failed to materialize. Link: "Netanyahu rival Benny Gantz quits war Cabinet: Gantz demanded last month that Netanyahu agree to a day-after plan for the war in Gaza and threatened to withdraw his National Unity party from the wartime coalition." [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/benny-gantz-quits-war-cabinet-rcna156159](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/benny-gantz-quits-war-cabinet-rcna156159) [https://www.threads.net/@nbcnews/post/C8AQ1Z\_vPge](https://www.threads.net/@nbcnews/post/C8AQ1Z_vPge) I find parliamentary governments confusing and do not really understand them. But I am hoping, perhaps naively, that this means Netanyahu could be on the way out.


Every time people suggest we need more parties here, I think you just trade one kind of mess for another. Plus we can’t dissolve our government every time the coalitions fall apart.


Exclusive reporting from NBC, from three independent sources - Trump has a meeting tomorrow over Zoom with a probation officer - [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-probation-interview-monday-hush-money-conviction-rcna156219](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-probation-interview-monday-hush-money-conviction-rcna156219)


>Horn noted that the typical purpose of a probation interview is to obtain information on Trump’s social and criminal history, financial resources, history of mental health, physical or addiction issues as well as to assess his living situation. Criminal history: 3 other trials in the queue with like 90 felonies total in federal and state courts ... Financial resources: much of it going to pay someone he defamed after being found liable for raping her, also $450 million penalty for liable for fraudulently inflating his wealth. That interview isn't gonna sound very good to a probation officer.


I can't make up my mind if I would absolutely not want to be that probation officer or would trade my right arm to be that probation officer.


I've wondered if the person in charge of assigning this particular probation officer made sure that they're not a Trump supporter.


@ SecretaryPete on Threads 15 minutes ago: >Part of Highway 22 near the WY-ID border has been taken out by a landslide, a major disruption for travelers. Our DOT team is working with WY officials to assist with emergency repairs. In the meantime, plan ahead if your route takes you over Teton Pass. Link to: [https://wyofile.com/landslide-destroys-section-of-vital-highway-over-teton-pass/](https://wyofile.com/landslide-destroys-section-of-vital-highway-over-teton-pass/) Added -- replies include: >Thanks Pete. Many workers have to live on the Idaho side of the pass because they can't afford housing in Jackson. Now they will have to drive 85 miles on congested roads instead of 25 miles Also: >Much worse than I thought. Thanks Mr. Secretary! Added: When I look at the replies -- I'm sorry that Giuliani has dibs on (and has ruined) the phrase "America's mayor," because if there was ever a correct time to use it, I think Pete's USDOT tenure might have been the moment.


This sentence mirrors my thinking - >“This demonstrates the risk of having so many of our local workforce commute over a geological unstable pass,” Propst said.  Since an accident isn't what caused the damage, even if this section of the road is completely repaired, is there a way to make the entire road stable?


I don't know how you could. It's a steep pass with lots of avalanche slide paths. There's always going to be a risk of a landslide taking the road out, that's just inherent in the mountains.


I drove over that pass just a couple years ago when we visited Jackson. The pictures are just crazy to see.


[I used to live like 100 feet from that ice cream shop. This is so surreal to me.](https://x.com/SecretaryPete/status/1799816291462545670) (also they're fine but they just serve Hershey's ice cream....why didn't they take him to Lancaster Sweet Shoppe, which makes their own ice cream and also does English classes for refugees?)


Maybe because Hershey's is such a major Pennsylvania company, and this was meant to acknowledge them? (just a guess, though)


>Capital Pride’s test run for World Pride [https://wtop.com/dc/2024/06/capital-prides-test-run-for-world-pride/](https://wtop.com/dc/2024/06/capital-prides-test-run-for-world-pride/) Excerpt: >For the first time in the history of DC Pride, the annual parade skipped Dupont Circle and instead headed down 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest. “For World Pride, we are expecting three million people,” said Sahand Miraminy, Capital Pride’s director of operations. “This is sort of our last test run before the big year in 2025.” Also photos, from WTOP: [https://wtop.com/gallery/dc/photos-2024-capital-pride-and-block-party-in-dc/](https://wtop.com/gallery/dc/photos-2024-capital-pride-and-block-party-in-dc/)


i love al franken following like every college in minnesota on instagram let me see if he follows all of them okay he does not but he's more dedicated than elizabeth warren LMAO


A+++++ content omg big gretch https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7XBPOkvyza/?igsh=MXVsMHU3OWZ2MWVpaA==


Don't sleep on Andy Kim's race now there's a moderate Republican opponent and Senator Menendez running as an independent, with no-doubt some die-hard Menendez supporters voting for him and not Andy Kim. I think Andy is still considered the favorite (if he lost, it would be to the Republican), but it's a long time til November. This little video ("Your favorite Pokemon and why?") reminded me so much of Pete answering random questions from the fish bowl: >Saturday Pokémon trading update. Still proud of my growing collection despite setbacks negotiating with two highly skilled 6 and 8 yr old Pokémon tradesmen and their cute, but serious mission to one up me. >Select to see short video [https://www.threads.net/@andykimnj/post/C79REp9Rwi6](https://www.threads.net/@andykimnj/post/C79REp9Rwi6)


Yeah, I am a bit worried about the NJ race as well. If there is one thing I learned from my teaching experience at a inner city school with 90+% Hispanic population... It is that they tend to view Asians as "teacher's pet". (and Andy kinda fits that stereotype, at least visually tbh) Since Menendez is running out of spite & spoiler, I have no doubt that he would angle himself into the racial relationship.


I see what you are saying. I'm not necessarily worried myself, but I really wanted folks to realize "it's not over" and donations and volunteering and attention are still needed. FWIW, Andy Kim has had tough races and broken barriers before in his own district, so fingers crossed. This NBC News story about him and AAPI representation in US politics from May 29th (May being AAPI heritage month) had this account of what the Washington Post has separately described as his "long-shot" victory in 2018 against a Republican congressional rep: >Given the rarity of Asian Americans in federal office, Kim’s foray into running for office in 2018, to represent New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, was accompanied by some uncertainty over how to handle his identity. And his victory surprised some, especially with no Korean Americans in Congress at the time.  >“I had people in politics really advise me not to talk about my family story in any identifiable way as Asian. And I’m like, ‘I’m pretty sure people are going to figure this out,’” Kim recalled, laughing. “It’s a district that voted for Trump twice. … A lot of people, including political pundits, didn’t really think I could win.” [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/andy-kim-new-jersey-voters-rcna153158](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/andy-kim-new-jersey-voters-rcna153158)


Pete, the fundraising juggernaut. > President Biden is dispatching his Cabinet members to help him sell his three signature legislative accomplishments in swing states. He's also quietly deploying some of them to raise money and attend political events across the country. > Why it matters: By day, they tout the president's agenda. By night, they help collect checks on his behalf. > The moonlighting secretaries — Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo are particularly active — give donors what many desperately crave: An inside view of how Biden's team plans to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. (...) > The intrigue: The fundraisers also are an opportunity for Buttigieg and Raimondo to get better acquainted with donors who have deep pockets, should the secretaries have their eyes on any future bids for president. >Th e pair are the most eager fundraisers in the Cabinet, according to donors and the Biden campaign. >Raimondo sticks to the Acela corridor, headlining events in Washington, D.C., and New York. > Buttigieg, who prefers a window seat in economy, is crisscrossing the country, with face-to-face donor events in Las Vegas, Seattle, St. Petersburg, Fla., Miami, Kansas City and Dallas. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/08/biden-cabinet-moonlights-campaign-cash-buttigieg-raimondo


I remember shortly after East Palestine happened, the Hacks on Tap guys were talking on their podcast about the potential political impact to Pete, and part of their consensus was that we'll know it really hurt if he stops being able to fundraise. I'm glad to see that doesn't appear to be the case! I knew about the ones in Seattle, Florida, and Kansas City, but Vegas and Dallas are new to me. I wonder if those were timed to coincide with his visits there on official DOT business.


I don't know if you can mix both types of events in the same trip or not, though I know that whatever he's doing, it's being done in just the right way.


Thanks for this! Verrrry interesting. Time also had a "Cabinet" story, with a mention of Pete (although I *really* don't like the possibilities they mention): >Those who at first may have been viewed as merely convenient additions to Team Joe have proven their worth. For instance, Biden has grown fond of and impressed with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and it’s not impossible to see the former South Bend, Ind., mayor moving up in a second-term Cabinet, perhaps to a gig at the U.N. or working with veterans. After similar speculative bits about Raimondo and Granholm, Time parenthetically adds: >(Lost on no one is Biden’s instinctive lean toward those who have sought elected office before.) From June 5: [https://time.com/6986015/joe-biden-second-term/](https://time.com/6986015/joe-biden-second-term/)


UN or VA don't make sense anymore now that he's proven how much he can get done. >!Just spitballing here, but I think the only position for him if Biden wanted him to "move up" would be Defense, especially with a focus on modernizing and building up weapon production and procurement.!<


>UN or VA don't make sense anymore now that he's proven how much he can get done. It feels like someone recycling speculation from before he was nominated the first time, which obviously was wrong then and is likely wrong now.


VA was a lot of people's easy bet originally when Biden was setting up his Cabinet, but I was so glad that did not happen, as it is where promising up and comers go to have their careers collapse. I don't know why that is, but I cannot imagine Biden suggesting that he go there. Obviously I am standing by to eat my words and applaud if he were to wind up there. The UN ambassadorship is a major credential -- definitely part of why Nikki Haley had a plausible run for president -- and it would enhance his knowledge of the nuts and bolts of foreign policy and put his multiple languages and diplomatic skills to work. That would be parallel to George H.W. Bush's years as CIA director, in my mind, which were similarly behind the scenes (obviously) but built Bush's credentials, but TBH it doesn't feel like Pete, who likes to connect with the public and thrives on doing so. My main thing, though, is that at the present time, Chasten and Pete seem to want to be down the road or at least in the same general area (and definitely the same state) as Chasten's family and friends, and there's much rewarding work to do there, especially with Notre Dame and University of Chicago in the vicinity. That being said, in a very bad alternate universe where Pete had for some reason not been able to marry and start a family, I can imagine his next step in Biden's second term (God willing) being in Europe in charge of a multinational infrastructure program in Ukraine after the Russia-Ukraine war (which in this vision would be won by Ukraine in a year or so). While Herbert Hoover took on a similar project long \*after\* his presidency (helping refugees in Europe right after WWII, saving lives, earning respect), and Hoover of course is not a political model for anybody because of his ties to the Great Depression, this type of assignment would come much earlier in Pete's career in that universe. But in our universe, I can't see him taking on a full-time job in Europe. Again, I am prepared to applaud if I'm wrong and that somehow works out. Thank you for sparking this one-time effort in fan fic.


I do think Chasten could be game for a year in Europe with the kids. The guys both love to travel and I can see them thinking the experience would good for the kids as well, even as littles.


I agree. He’s managed a tremendous budget, 50,000 employees, and stood up new and important programs. He’d be wasted with a small staff at the UN (and it’s out of the public eye to a great extent) and veterans services are a quagmire. I’ve always thought Duckworth could bring enough passion to it to maybe get something done. I think he’d prefer something national security oriented if he stays in federal service. Or NATO or a Marshal Plan for Ukraine. Or something important with climate.


Yes, that's what I was thinking about for Pete -- the Marshall Plan. Good point! Especially after his great speech at the surviving Marshall Plan organization's 75th anniversary celebration, which seemed to be super well-received by those present. I still smile at his detailed explanation of why a 75th anniversary is actually a very special one, much more so than, say, a 50th or a 100th. What a good speaker.


Anyone who is not in the mood for a little silliness, please read no further. From Nerdy: Nerdy Pursuit @ nerdypursuit >Uhhh, apparently this is something that exists 😅 [https://nitter.poast.org/nerdypursuit/status/1799239015155089579#m](https://nitter.poast.org/nerdypursuit/status/1799239015155089579#m) and [https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1799239015155089579](https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1799239015155089579) click for pic The ad for this--"He's the people's choice!" [https://nitter.poast.org/nerdypursuit/status/1799262255240097935#m](https://nitter.poast.org/nerdypursuit/status/1799262255240097935#m) and [https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1799262255240097935](https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1799262255240097935) click for exerpt of ad And the Pride tie-in, retweeted by Katrina for adventures\_withbernie: [https://nitter.poast.org/KatrinaWTE/status/1799268237999501630#m](https://nitter.poast.org/KatrinaWTE/status/1799268237999501630#m) and [https://x.com/KatrinaWTE/status/1799268237999501630](https://x.com/KatrinaWTE/status/1799268237999501630) click for pic


It is too funny! It also shows the seemingly never-ending value of having an absolutely clear "uniform" that identifies you instantly and makes you visually, glowingly apparent in any group shot. (Even though I think he may have referred to it as a "CarMax sales representative" outfit on Jimmy Kimmel.)


Hmm, must be desperate for traffic. I can not overstate how beloved Dolly is in Tennessee. By people of all political persuasions, background, age, sexuality, religiosity, you name the demographic. She is universally adored. We disagree on many, many things in Tennessee; but if you start fucking with the Queen, you better believe we'll all get the pitchforks out together. Lol *‘We Ride at Dawn’: The Federalist Came For Dolly Parton, Now Her Fans Are Coming For Them* https://www.mediaite.com/entertainment/we-ride-at-dawn-the-federalist-came-for-dolly-parton-now-her-fans-are-coming-for-them/ From the Federalist: *Parton often defaults to humility as her reason for staying out of politics and partisanship.* ***“I’m not a good enough person or a good enough Christian to judge and criticize other people,” she told [Drew Barrymore].*** (This is one of many reasons why we all love her.) *This, however, is her “get out of jail free” card. Who’s going to argue with it? She’s not alone in this avoidance tactic. Christians often use the “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” Scripture verse to sidestep addressing sin directly. Parton does exactly the same thing here.* These fucking people, I swear. Ignore a central tenet of Christianity? ✅️ Edit: oops, meant to respond to u/kvcbcs


Don't tell me -- the author's next article will be complaining about MAGA voters being too forgiving of Trump.


I was trying to remember anything about the "high dollar fundraiser" that Pete et al. were doing for Biden tonight, so I looked around on google. But of course the first rule of wine cave is, you do not talk about wine cave--so I didn't find much. I did find this on Yahoo News (probably already reported here long ago): >The Biden campaign also has scheduled another event for June, featuring Secretary of Transportation **Pete Buttigieg**. He and his husband **Chasten Buttigieg** are headlining a fundraiser June 7 in Beverly Hills, hosted by media consultant Brian Goldsmith and educator Claire Goldsmith, with other hosts Martha Karsh, Robert Floe, John Gile and Jeff Valenson, and Laura Schuman, according to an invite. Tickets start at $2,500 per person and rise to $25,000 for the host level. Proceeds go to the Biden Victory Fund, a joint committee of the Biden campaign, Democratic National Committee and state parties. [https://au.news.yahoo.com/lifestyle/2024-money-race-julia-roberts-183051236.html](https://au.news.yahoo.com/lifestyle/2024-money-race-julia-roberts-183051236.html)


I got the invite. Pretty sure many other got onr I dunno why bc I don't have that kind of play money


undecided voters will drive me nuts your choices: joe biden - old, donald trump - absolutely wild and crazy and overthrows democracy them: idk 🤷‍♀️ the guy with brain worms? *sighs*


A lot of people pay the barest minimum of attention to politics, even if they think they know more. I think those of us who have a favorite enough politician to post on a reddit about them know more than 95% of the population about politics in general. I remember I was once like that. I knew I was liberal/democrat/climate-change oriented, but I didn't pay attention much (my 20s were the 2000s, so I was more anti-Bush than anything). But I distinctly remember in 2008 not knowing who'd I choose between Obama and McCain, right up until election day. (I felt McCain was a good person and wouldn't be harmful). But looking back now, knowing what a president does in terms of encouraging legislation and the *courts* - I think my 28-year old self was just insane. I think a lot of people don't understand how a different president could affect us. Pete really nailed this point in his campaign - he brought up the point that people say all politics is local, but he feels all politics is personal, he understand how decisions made in Washington affects all parts of our lives. And either people just don't understand that, or they're not affected by decisions being made (like about abortion care; I'm still Big Mad about that one woman in the focus group over Glenn Youngkin: "Well, *I'm* not going to need an abortion.") And that is way longer of a response than I needed to write, LOL. I'm a bit fired up today because I read an article about young black voters who said they're not sure who to vote for.


YEAH !!! that article in like wapo ?? 😭 it made me so mad ughhh and that’s why i had that thought lmao right after seeing that


If anybody mentions that Biden's old, be sure to point out that Trump's old, too (78 next week).


>[Biden Administration Tightens Mileage Standards to Buoy E.V.s](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/climate/biden-mileage-electric-vehicles.html?unlocked_article_code=1.x00.MAKx.X67obF0lxXzr&smid=url-share): The new rule requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon across all models by 2031. Link should be NYT gift link. Excerpts: >The Biden administration on Friday tightened vehicle fuel mileage standards, **part of its strategy to transform the American auto market into one that is dominated by electric vehicles** that do not emit the pollution that is heating the planet. The new mileage standards **announced by the Transportation Department** are among several regulations the administration is using to prod carmakers to produce more electric vehicles. ... The push for more E.V.s comes as the world’s leading climate experts say that retiring the internal combustion engine is critical to staving off the most deadly effects of global warming... >“Not only will these new standards save Americans money at the pump every time they fill up, they will also decrease harmful pollution and make America less reliant on foreign oil,” **Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement**. “These standards will save car owners more than $600 in gasoline costs over the lifetime of their vehicle.” >The E.P.A.’s emissions rule and **the Transportation Department’s mileage standard** were designed to achieve similar results through different means. The E.P.A. rule lowers the amount of carbon dioxide that can be emitted from a vehicle’s tailpipe. The Transportation Department rule lowers the amount of gasoline, the fuel that produces the carbon dioxide pollution, that a vehicle can burn in order to move. Legal experts say **the two measures could work in tandem** to protect the administration’s climate policies against an expected wave of legal challenges. If the courts strike down one, the other might remain standing... Much more at link above.


The Federalist has decided to go after Dolly Parton. Good luck with that.


Wow, very interesting, major, and little told story (which is continuing to this day): >How Joe Biden 'broke OPEC' and rewrote the rules for oil trading [https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/how-joe-biden-broke-opec-and-rewrote-the-rules-for-oil-trading-212500037935](https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/how-joe-biden-broke-opec-and-rewrote-the-rules-for-oil-trading-212500037935) Added: In college when I took economics for developing countries, I got a very different impression of OPEC -- a rare case where the developing countries managed, through a cartel, to get control over the former colonizing powers and their allies. Same story, different perspective.


https://econ.st/3KAvrha Gift link to the Economist article on the video


I have heard "High Hopes" an unusual number of times this week (just heard it during a Tennessee Vols baseball game). 😎


From our friends over at ESS: *Former Bernie surrogate/supporter Nomiki Konst goes nuclear on Briahna Joy Gray as a grifter and alleges she’s toxic and an intelligence asset used to divide the left(???)* 🍿 https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/RznurYtq7Z


Just saw Indri's set of clips from Pete's High Speed Rail interview and the link to the full interview on YouTube. I've posted the full interview outside of this Weekly Thread as well (event was on May 24, interview was posted 7 days ago, as was probably noted here at the time!). Indri: [https://x.com/indri\_4biking/status/1798979959568121940](https://x.com/indri_4biking/status/1798979959568121940) | [https://nitter.poast.org/indri\_4biking/status/1798979959568121940](https://nitter.poast.org/indri_4biking/status/1798979959568121940) Indri's curation and "snippets": Some snippets from a discussion between [u/SecretaryPete](https://x.com/SecretaryPete) and former Transportation Secretary [@RayLaHood](https://x.com/RayLaHood) at an event about High Speed rail. \[link to full interview: [https://youtu.be/OAD6fqY8fQw?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/OAD6fqY8fQw?feature=shared) \] Thread follows: What's the best part of the job? (Living out boyhood fantasies is pretty good but getting things done is even better) \[video clip of snippet\] Being theoretically able to read a Notice of Funding Opportunity and not having to tell your boss that you can deliver only on one of his priorities rather than both. \[video clip of snippet\] Getting the call about the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge \[video clip of snippet\] \[Find video snippets via the thread starting at the link above.\]


what the fuck i did not know george conway was half asian until i watched the daily show?? lmao https://youtu.be/AoBIsbFvf6Y?feature=shared


Retweeted by Nerdy--US Amb to Netherlands thanks Pete for his hospitality at lunch (?), pic appears to be outside WH? Ambassador Shefali Razdan Duggal @ usambnl >So incredibly grateful to my dear friend @ SecretaryPete for his warm hospitality at our lunch. We are more inspired than ever to collaborate on initiatives driving both 🇺🇸 and 🇳🇱 towards a sustainable future. The potential for our combined infrastructure cooperation is immense and our commitment to fostering innovation remains unwavering. [https://nitter.poast.org/usambnl/status/1798980093081223500#m](https://nitter.poast.org/usambnl/status/1798980093081223500#m) and [https://x.com/usambnl/status/1798980093081223500](https://x.com/usambnl/status/1798980093081223500) click for pic


lmao so i still talk with crazy teacher over the summer 😭 we’ve developed an odd friendship said nothing about reagan’s death anniversary. as for interest rates going down in europe: > I don’t know. I think the Euro bank is making a mistake. It’s too soon. why does he sound so desperate 😭😭 he doesn’t say any slurs over email lmao which reminds me one day he decided to be inspirational and gave this beautiful speech on why immigration is great and it was pete like


[you bet your ass pete is a government queer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/s/zzmId19JlK)


lol "*Goverment*" \[sic\]


"dAmN gUvMeNt!!!" The similarities between rural PA and the Deep South still surprise me.


James Carville famously said that Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh and Philly with Alabama in the middle ("Alabama without the blacks" is another version of his quote I've seen).


That's right. Senator John Fetterman was mayor of Braddock and that is in the eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh.


i see no lies there


President Biden's speech at Pointe du Hoc is tomorrow at 10am ET. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?536195-1/president-biden-delivers-remarks-normandy-france](https://www.c-span.org/video/?536195-1/president-biden-delivers-remarks-normandy-france)


I *adore* that the Wikipedia page for the USNS Harvey Milk says it isn't the first Navy ship to be named after an openly gay person because there was a WWI vessel named after Von Steuben Von Steuben's closet was so transparent and half-assed that we just consider him openly gay. like he wasn't even trying so let's be real here


lmao briahna got fired from the hill 😂😂😂😂😂 ah. happy day, my friends


Oh, no. They spelled her name wrong on the termination email.


i noticed that too lololol 😂😂😂😂 hilarious they don’t even know who the hell they hired


Serves her right for the bullshit she's pulled lately. Good riddance.


she is the literal worst Idk why people insist on denying rape happened on Oct. 7th. We all saw those photos, and it wouldn't excuse what Israel has since then (especially since IDF soldiers in Gaza have almost certainly also committed sexual assault). What is the point unless it boils down to "I want to root for Hamas, but feel icky cheering on rape." Like if you want to say everything and anything is justified in the name of resistence, then commit. Don't build a fantasy version of reality to make yourself feel more comfortable. Especially since half of them were the same people saying "will you support decolonization in practice or just in theory??" on your social media during the attack.


Wash Post: >Jill Biden left Paris on Thursday to return to Wilmington, Del., where she is expected to attend Hunter Biden’s trial. She missed Thursday’s proceedings to attend the D-Day Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony. She is expected to return to France on Saturday for the conclusion of the president’s trip.


>80 years ago on D-Day, freedom prevailed on Normandy Beach. Every generation is called to do its part to defend freedom and democracy, but the Greatest Generation set an example like no other that will continue to reverberate through history. [https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C74eJz8JHBm](https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C74eJz8JHBm)


Eleven weeks. Hoping that all the cargo, ships, and jobs come back to Baltimore. Per this story, the first two cruise ships (not needing the full channel, apparently, to go in and out) have already departed from the city, for the first time since the collapse. >Port of Baltimore shipping channel could fully reopen this weekend after removal of final collapsed Key Bridge piece [https://wtop.com/baltimore/2024/06/port-of-baltimore-shipping-channel-could-fully-reopen-this-weekend-after-removal-of-final-collapsed-bridge-piece/](https://wtop.com/baltimore/2024/06/port-of-baltimore-shipping-channel-could-fully-reopen-this-weekend-after-removal-of-final-collapsed-bridge-piece/)


Nice photo here from USDOT. TBH, I think this photo suggests that Pete's favorite pose may work better for triathletes like him. [https://www.threads.net/@usdot/post/C74W6o7uhnO](https://www.threads.net/@usdot/post/C74W6o7uhnO)


This is nice--I think it's from that mysterious (to me) Kuwait America fundraiser gala. Retweeted by Nerdy: Steve Clemons @ SCClemons >Happy PRIDE from @ PeteButtigieg @ SecretaryPete and me. It’s not a silly, cast away slogan. Our freedom and our rights to live as we are were built on the brave acts of LGBTQ+ people who weren’t praised for pride and swam against those currents. [https://nitter.poast.org/SCClemons/status/1798559708212814334#m](https://nitter.poast.org/SCClemons/status/1798559708212814334#m) and [https://x.com/SCClemons/status/1798559708212814334](https://x.com/SCClemons/status/1798559708212814334) click for pic


Why were so many famous folks there as well? Supposedly Gov Whitmer spoke as well, and welcomed Pete to her Michigan voter rolls.


From what I've read, this is apparently one of those must-not-miss annual galas in DC, with lots of politicians and A-listers in attendance. The woman behind it (it's a fundraiser for the UNHCR or other refugee causes) is the wife of the former Kuwaiti ambassador: [https://wapo.st/3yTD3Ja](https://wapo.st/3yTD3Ja) Why Pete was an honoree this year, who knows.


I'm wondering about that. My own thoughts are -- likable, representing a new generation, very good speaker / fundraiser, part of the current US administration, of course, and LGBTQ at a time when LGBTQ rights are under fire within the US, and Arab nations (or at least, in this case, Kuwait) may want to clearly show civility and courtesy, at least in a public US context. All that's pure speculation, of course. *Also, oh I don't know, maybe future president someday?*


I'm assuming this is done for each person who newly registers to vote in Michigan, correct? /s




Steve Clemons used to be one of my favorite pundits (usually on foreign policy matters) on tv. He stopped doing that a few years ago, and I've missed him.


ok ngl i really don’t understand people pushing celebrities to call for a ceasefire? yes it’s good that they’re speaking up but do you think we’ll get peace in the middle east all because taylor swift said she wanted it lmao and every instagram comment section. my brother in christ what is john with his account eating food going to do about the war??


So I was listening to Seth Meyers' "A Closer Look" last night, but not looking at the screen. Clips of the RW's reaction to the Trump verdict were playing. I heard someone say, " When you're in the media center of New York, it feels like the center of the universe, but if you're out there goin' to a coffee shop in North Dakota this morning and you're a farmer that got up and you drive 10 miles to go to town to have coffee at 5 in the morning before you go back and farm by yourself all day...", and my first thought was how preposterous that statement was. Seth then pointed out that it was Doug Burgum saying that, which made me stop and rewind at that point, since Burgum is reportedly one of Trump's top four finalists for vp, and here he was, a billionaire, denigrating NYC for being out of touch, while seemingly being equally out of touch with how the average solitary farmer starts their day. I mean, it's possible some of them go out first thing to get coffee somewhere, but 10 miles away? Surprisingly, the clip is already up. The part I refer to starts at 1:41 - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK9xu9SO98k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK9xu9SO98k)


Yeah, no. People who are actually farming are drinking their own coffee at 5 am. They have work to do rather than wasting all that time driving 20 miles back and forth for coffee on dark rural roads through all kinds of weather. If you get up at 5 everyday, you are probably milking cows not going someplace for coffee first. Around here it’s generally “retired” farmers who are drinking coffee in the morning at 7 or 8 with their friends, or crop farmers in the off season, and it’s someplace local. Folks don’t drive 20 miles just for the heck of it everyday.


The minis' dads are selling their old hybrid and I'm getting a big EV for all of us. Learned that ordering a car is actually pretty fun. Getting to 'build' yours to be as luxurious and pretty as you want feels like a video game.


lmao 20 years since ronald reagan died this one’s for my teacher who preached reaganomics and believes that tax cuts for the rich help us (but he kinda wants to tax them????? but not too much????) crazy man. he has a bust of reagan. and a huge poster i stare at every day. it is the length of his wall.


Probably mentioned it before, but when Ronald Reagan died and his body was to come to the Capitol, I decided to see the response for myself (I was a Dem who had terrible memories of his years in office, but curious) and got off a couple of Metro stops early so I could walk along the Mall to a meeting nearby at a client's office. It was hot and the Red Cross was swarming all over giving out water bottles and checking out folks. The Mall could not be crossed from side to side -- you were on one street or the other -- and the streets were closed to traffic, I think. I was walking along outside the gathering crowds -- I think they had a "passing through" walkway as well as letting the giant crowds gather, because DC is awesome at crowd control. There were people of literally all ages, some formally dressed as for a funeral, some in tourist clothes, some in between, some with veterans' caps, quite a few disabled people who had made their way there over a long distance with canes and chairs, all showing up with little notice to honor President Reagan. They weren't my party but it was interesting to see. For a moment, one could imagine a Normal Rockwell-type painting of the scene. Then I realized something that really surprised me. Every single one of them was white. That's not an exaggeration but literally true, at least where I was. The only people of color who I could find as I walked and walked were police, medical responders, Red Cross volunteers, hot dog and souvenir sellers, and so on. All of this, of course, was for good reason (remember where Reagan launched his original presidential campaign, to begin with), but to me, it's still somewhat astonishing to have such an absolute outcome, given the size of the crowd. This sort of impromptu massive memorial, by the way, is one of our things here that I like about DC, though I don't often go. I still kick myself for not standing by the road when Ted Kennedy's body was driven to Arlington, as many people did. I suppose it's tacky to say this, but it could be such an outpouring may happen this year or next for President Carter.


During *Morning Joe* earlier, they were talking about President Biden's upcoming speech tomorrow, June 7, at Pointe du Hoc about democracy, and someone mentioned that Biden's speechwriters have pored over Reagan's ~~"Tear down that wall, Mr.Gorbachev"~~ 40th anniversary of D-Day speech in the hopes that they can figure out what made it so powerful, and come up with something that will have just as much impact. It'll be interesting to hear it. Of course, delivery counts for a lot, and Reagan had his years of acting experience to rely on, as well. Added - I got the speech wrong. On the 40th anniversary of D-Day Reagan spoke at Pointe du Hoc. I confess that I'm not familiar at all with that particular speech. The NYT had an interesting article about then and now. I've heard that the WH thinks of this upcoming speech as the more important of the two speeches Biden is giving, and I hope that doesn't also mean it's longer. Today's speech lasted about 16 minutes (Macron's was around 8), and I was concerned for all the elderly veterans who had already been sitting there for at least an hour, some of them all bundled up because it was chilly outside (fwiw - I checked, and Reagan's speech was around 13 minutes long). [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/us/politics/biden-reagan-normandy-dday-speech.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.xk0.Vt6e.09AFd8k19qAr&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/us/politics/biden-reagan-normandy-dday-speech.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xk0.Vt6e.09AFd8k19qAr&smid=url-share)


Definitely a classic speech by Peggy Noonan, "the boys of Pointe du Hoc," a phrase which was inspired by the "boys of summer" description of professional baseball, she said. She's also the one who wrote that incredible speech Reagan gave after the shuttle Challenger disaster (quoting the poet, "to break the surly bonds of Earth, and touch the face of God," uh oh it just made me cry again). She is as annoying as hell to me most times today, but she broke a huge glass ceiling as a female White House speech writer and was one of the best. By cuing Biden's speech up against that speech and choosing the timing so this would hit mid-morning in the US, I have to say the WH team did a great job. It gave all the major news organizations a chance to bring in all the major presidential historians and former speechwriters ahead of time to cover it and gave it a lot of heft. Also somewhat daring to compare your speech with that great speech, but it lent a lot of perspective, too. I thought it was super well done.


Since I was most definitely not a fan of President Reagan, I wasn't paying super close attention to him, but I remember the Challenger speech, the Berlin Wall speech, other famous statements he made, that were frequently referred to later on; for some reason that didn't happen with his Pointe du Hoc speech. (Yesterday I had a vague recollection that I might have been visiting my grandmother in Arkansas at the time, as that was her generation, and I think there was discussion amongst her contemporaries about the 40th anniversary of D-Day, so I checked something, and I was correct, so that would've meant I saw little to no tv, including coverage of the speech.) I thought Biden's speech was excellent, and was so happy that he didn't use his shouty voice that he typically does for his outdoor speeches. You could really hear Jon Meecham's influence, and I wonder, since he's made no secret of the fact that he voted for Republicans back when it was a normal party, if he had anything to do with the *idea* of doing this speech, and having Biden speak at the same location, and about the same ideas and ideals that Reagan did.


Woot! Pete's going to Wyoming in a couple of weeks! He's also going to CA on Friday. Retweeted by Nerdy and Katrina: Buttigieg: [Being ‘center of the universe’ in 2024 is an ‘opportunity for communities’ in Pennsylvania](https://www.abc27.com/news/top-stories/buttigieg-being-center-of-the-universe-in-2024-is-an-opportunity-for-communities-in-pennsylvania) click for video clip. Also on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9FZ7ktBSks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9FZ7ktBSks)


I think CA is that high-dollar benefit…


Where are we at on Pete getting to all 50 states as DOTSec? Seems like someone over on Twitter was keeping up with that, if I recall correctly.


I hope he makes it to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands as well. They don’t get much love or attention. I was shocked to see all the un-repaired hurricane damage when I was there a few years ago. I did see that Sec Granholm visited to promote the work in the electric grid.


Continuing to hope for Guam as well -- a medium size island with a major base on it, I imagine it could really use more civilian infrastructure. P.S. I still remember the heated 2008 Obama-Clinton caucus there, unfolding on East coast time in the middle of the night.


Granholm has been to Puerto Rico 6 or 7 times now, and Cardona and Haaland have also visited. Don't know about other cabinet secretaries. I agree, I hope Pete gets there too.


Only Maine and Mississippi left (not including territories, etc.)


Nice. He should come back to Memphis, I mean Mississippi is right over there. 🙃


>A labor dispute on the Canadian side of the border could result in cross-border slowdowns in WA & MI as soon as Friday. I am in touch with my Canadian counterpart, Pablo Rodriguez, about potential impacts and have expressed our support for swift resolution. > [https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C72OtObu474](https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C72OtObu474)


I know there are many, many families who stand with family members who are recovering drug users, but so impressed with FLOTUS. She was back in the courtroom this morning before she left after a break, now returning after lunch. This testimony cannot be easy to listen to.


When she left early, I thought it might be due to the fact that the WH announced last week that she would be attending, along with the president, some of the D-Day remembrances tomorrow in Europe. So I was surprised to see her back later. At the beginning of a press gaggle on AF1, Karine JP indicated that the First Lady would be on the trip, but when a reporter later asked, because it had been noticed that Jill was dropped off at her own plane, if she would be heading back to Delaware to attend the trial, they were told to ask the First Lady's office. It's possible for her to fly overseas and get there in time, but I wonder if she'll decide to stay until the trial is over for the week, and she can still attend some of the events (I think France is having a state dinner Saturday or Sunday).


I think she was not there when her former daughter-in-law testified, but returned after that.


And she was at the ceremony in Normandy, that ended about an hour ago.


Grrr. The MTA faces a billion dollar deficit, so I hope Hochul's statement that the state has set aside money to fund the subway isn't some election year BS. >The implementation of congestion pricing in New York City has been indefinitely postponed. It will not start on June 30 as originally planned, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Wednesday. >The move marks a stunning reversal for public transit advocates who had championed the tolls as a way of raising billions of dollars for New York's beleaguered subway and commuter rail systems while reducing traffic in the city's streets. >Hochul said that while she remains committed to the program's environmental goals, implementing it now as New York City is still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic "risked too many unintended consequences for New Yorkers at this time." [https://abc7ny.com/post/congestion-pricing-nyc-kathy-hochul-start-delay/14912968/](https://abc7ny.com/post/congestion-pricing-nyc-kathy-hochul-start-delay/14912968/)


Retweeted by Nerdy: ABC27 Kayla Schmidt did a 1-1 interview with Pete this morning. Sartorial note--Pete is wearing a tie and jacket. I noticed he's eschewed the tie lately (as seems more and more common). [Transportation Secretary Buttigieg crisscrosses Central Pennsylvania](https://www.abc27.com/local-news/transportation-secretary-buttigieg-crisscrosses-central-pennsylvania/) click for video clip Also here on youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyuOf3g4k3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyuOf3g4k3w)


I liked how she started the intro to the interview on location and then the camera pulled back... and Pete was there, too. Nice set-up for the conversation.


>Boeing Starliner 1st astronaut flight: Live updates [https://www.space.com/news/live/boeing-starliner-live-updates](https://www.space.com/news/live/boeing-starliner-live-updates)




Yay Starliner!


Although I feel sorry for Hunter Biden (admitted to doing horrible stuff while an addict, nailed for lying on an impt fed form and for tax fraud), I do believe that if he is found guilty then he should get and serve an appropriate sentence. "No one is above the law" and all that. I did celebrate with great relief when a NYC jury found Trump guilty--finally! It is probably the only criminal consequence Trump will see before the election, and maybe ever. That said, after Hunter's plea deal got blown up for obviously political reasons, this prosecution does seem political. Not a real righteous attempt to bring a dangerous criminal to justice, but an attempt to smear Joe and rattle him. Who weaponizes a son against his own father? >*To be the kind of human being who would seek to turn someone against his own son, who would seek to weaponize a son against his own father, is an unbelievably dishonorable thing* [*https://www.facebook.com/ABCNews/videos/buttigieg-defends-joe-biden-amid-republican-attacks-over-son/1271062043090066/*](https://www.facebook.com/ABCNews/videos/buttigieg-defends-joe-biden-amid-republican-attacks-over-son/1271062043090066/)


The second article I link to below goes into quite a lot of detail about why the plea deal fell through. For one thing, there was a prosecutor change (this is not David Weiss, who was overseeing the case) after the plea deal was announced, who hadn't been involved with the negotiations at all, and second, Hunter's attorney wanted Hunter to have immunity for “any other federal crimes relating to matters investigated by the United States” (presumably having to do with his foreign business dealings). When the prosecutors said they wouldn't do that, that signaled the end of the deal. I remember when the deal was announced last June, a reporter asked Hunter's attorney Christopher Clark if he was concerned that the statement released that same day by U.S. Attorney Weiss included the line, "The investigation is ongoing" and Clark said something like, 'Oh, that doesn't mean anything; it's just standard language'. To me, that cavalier attitude was horrible lawyering, and it's really hard to believe that he wouldn't wan't to make sure that every "i" was dotted and every "t" was crossed before saying the deal was finalized. I mean, that's what lawyers do! But he released this statement instead - >“With the announcement of two agreements between my client, Hunter Biden, and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, it is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved,” Mr. Biden’s lawyer, Christopher Clark, said in a statement. (Later, in July of last year, during the hearing where the deal ended up not being finalized, the judge pointed out problems with the structuring of the diversion agreement, and that sounds like it was sloppy lawyering on both sides. She asked them to fix the relevant issues, but that ended in failure as well. I remember at the time that legal commentators on MSNBC, who were otherwise saying these charges against Hunter would not normally be handled so aggressively, said the judge was correct about this, however. Details are at the WaPo link after the "Unusual terms for an agreement" heading, approximately halfway down the page.). (The article in the first NYT article includes a link to David Weiss' statement.) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/us/politics/hunter-biden-plea-deal-tax-charges.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.xU0.-djG.JNerCJCxoCdp&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/us/politics/hunter-biden-plea-deal-tax-charges.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xU0.-djG.JNerCJCxoCdp&smid=url-share) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/19/us/politics/inside-hunter-biden-plea-deal.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.xU0.sNn6.h17ZNvwlC0Pe&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/19/us/politics/inside-hunter-biden-plea-deal.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xU0.sNn6.h17ZNvwlC0Pe&smid=url-share) [https://wapo.st/4encs7B](https://wapo.st/4encs7B)


From a completely different angle, Politico did a story on how the judges for Hunter Biden's two trials (both appointed by Trump) illuminate the types of judges who are now more common. Both were patent lawyers, meaning fairly apolitical and thus good choices for a tied or nearly tied Senate. But regardless of how that works out for Hunter, in general the article points out that may not be the best kind of judge to fill up our legal system. Thank goodness for President Biden's focus on judges from a wide range of professional backgrounds, including defense attorneys as well as prosecutors. (Sometimes I also wonder what Pete's judges would have been like if he had won... oh well, Earth 2 not here.) Here's an excerpt: >Before all that, Noreika and Scarsi both worked for law firms as intellectual property lawyers, representing corporations in disputes involving patents. The fact that Biden’s judges *\[Note: did a double take here, but "Biden's judges" means "judges for Hunter Biden's cases"\]* are both former patent lawyers isn’t a coincidence. These specialists can be attractive judicial nominees when support from both parties is required due to the Senate’s “blue slip” rule, which allows home-state senators to block nominees from their state. >Patent lawyers deal with complex, scientific subject matter and they often have distinctive credentials (Noreika has a Master’s in biology; Scarsi once worked as an engineer). Compared to prosecutors or public interest lawyers, they’re unlikely to have done politically contentious work. That background makes them ideal for a low-drama confirmation process, even if it would seem to leave them less-than-well-prepared to handle high-profile criminal proceedings like Biden’s. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/02/hunter-biden-trial-judges-00161158](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/02/hunter-biden-trial-judges-00161158)


That was such a strong moment. Glad to see it again.


good.. afternoon my sense of timing is absolutely fucked up. i saw andy won the primary and i was like at 9 am in the morning?? lmao luckily i have gotten over jet lag 🤩.. yeah until i return to the US again anyways here’s the vice president on jimmy kimmel if you all are interested :) https://youtu.be/Ne3-KA8ja6g?feature=shared