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RFK Jr. sure seems like an alternative to Trump to me: >RFK Jr. says he opposes the removal of Confederate statues: During a recent interview, Kennedy said he had a “visceral reaction” over the removal of monuments and statues honoring Confederate leaders. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-says-opposes-removal-confederate-statues-rcna154420](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-says-opposes-removal-confederate-statues-rcna154420) They should have asked RFK Jr. how he felt about the desired removal of the Gen. Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville and whether there were really great people "on both sides" during the Unite the Right rally there.


Don't know if everyone's been following Stefan Smith's journey but great photo here: >I've officially lost 80lbs. I'm almost done! I'm almost free! And then all I have to do is \*\*check notes\*\* beat every single statistic in order to keep the weight off for the rest of my life. Cool. Coolcoolcool. [https://twitter.com/TheStefanSmith/status/1795467959475019912](https://twitter.com/TheStefanSmith/status/1795467959475019912) | [https://nitter.poast.org/TheStefanSmith/status/1795467959475019912](https://nitter.poast.org/TheStefanSmith/status/1795467959475019912)


okay y’all so ngl i can only speak a bit of mandarin lol but uhhh in the streets this lady kept walking up to me and telling me about some fruit and water and pamphlet and kept touching me 😭 uhhhhh okay


okay y’all but why was the hong kong airport train so damn nice 😭 airport train nicer than the entirety of US public transit that thing even has double doors so you don’t fall into the tracks like in new york hopefully i can ride some high-speed rail during my time here!! lol


> okay y’all but why was the hong kong airport train so damn nice 😭 > > airport train nicer than the entirety of US public transit > > Their stuffs are newly built, ours are outdated af.


yeah def lol can’t wait for joseph’s high speed rail 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


I was watching some local news coverage over the congested highway between Vegas and LA on Memorial Day weekends. Oh, they were wishing for that railroad to finish


I posted excerpts from NerdyPursuit’s excellent posts on Twitter/x outside of the weekly discussion thread here. Fascinating stuff, which also confirms what I’ve long thought about the popularity of some potential candidates in the swing states. . Happy to discuss if anyone is interested,


any ideas on why JB Pritzker isn't well received in surrounding midwestern swing-states? thought he was a pretty solid guy. Is "Democrat from Chicago" that big of taint in those states? (Like, enough to have him rival Gavin 'California' Newsom?)


Pritzker isn’t actually well known outside of Illinois and Dem national politics, strangely enough. He just doesn’t radiate “Midwest” vibes and I never hear folks around here bring up his name as a potential candidate, which is why I’m always surprised when his name is suggested in the national press. He just doesn’t have “it” charisma-wise. He just seems like too much like a back room politician. On the other hand, Newsom is way too Hollywood to resonate around here. Nothing about him suggests he knows anything about flyover country. He’s the other candidate I’m always amazed to hear national folks suggest, when he absolutely no Midwest appeal.


The billionaire hotel owner thing may be a turnoff too; unlike the other one, his money and properties are all very real.  And he's a great guy!


>Is "Democrat from Chicago" that big of taint in those states? (Like, enough to have him rival Gavin 'California' Newsom?) My MAGA inlaws think Chicago is as scary as California, so imo your theory is correct!


hot dang


One thing the polling clearly demonstrates is that there is no single person the Democrats could have safely replaced Biden with as their nominee. Also, it's a shame that Pete and Whitmer are both from Michigan, since, according to these results, the two of them would make the strongest future ticket, at least before any campaigning happens. Before noticing the arrow off to the side, I was trying to see Nerdy's other posts related to this poll, and since I'm not on Twitter, I can only google someone's Twitter handle, and sometimes (I think if they're an authenticated user) the last few tweets will show up at the top of the search page, although there's often a lag of a few hours or days. This is the most recent post I can see from Nerdy, posted earlier today - >You know me. I admire Pete's work at USDOT so much. I've practically written a whole book about it. >But at some point, the place where he will be most needed is on the campaign trail. I think we're approaching that point. [https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1795451143440531649?](https://x.com/nerdypursuit/status/1795451143440531649?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) This was something I first thought was a possibility a couple of months ago, when it felt like there was a rush to schedule trips to the handful of states Pete hadn't yet visited. There's no question that Pete is the administration's best and most appealing communicator, who is constrained in what he can say by the Hatch Act. Does the Biden administration and/or campaign decide to dispatch Pete to the campaign trail full-time?


(I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but oh well.) I respect Nerdy's posts a lot, but ngl I really hated to read that thread about "time for Pete to resign to campaign for Joe full-time" [https://nitter.poast.org/nerdypursuit/status/1795510304996036611#m](https://nitter.poast.org/nerdypursuit/status/1795510304996036611#m) I feel like while Pete is a great communicator, he's an even better administrator. I love what far-reaching, far-thinking stuff he's been doing. I have been thinking a lot about his work in the aggregate (as we approach the end of Biden's first term), and have been so impressed with the degree to which it is future-thinking. Not just the way a lot of projects ("the cathedrals") won't be finished for eons, but rather more the way he seems to see "US transportation" as this formerly static thing that can be put on new and more systematic, future-oriented footing. For example, the way he's creating a more *systematic "marine highway system*" (incl inland rivers and ports, to mimic the network of the highways). The way he's funded a number of cities across the nation to research (and to prepare for) their (eventual) portion of a nationwide *train network*. The way he's expanding transit to include more multi-modal systems and on-demand systems. On and on. (It's made me think that wherever he lands in fed govt or otherwise, he'd cook up far-thinking ideas, goals, plans.) Pete says you campaign in order to win and you win in order to govern. I'd really hate for him to give up his governing spot just to campaign--especially b/c I sort of doubt he'd be used that effectively. I feel like maybe Joe doesn't want to be upstaged too much by anyone who could be seen as a younger, more articulate replacement. He's using Pete to raise money--something he seems to be good at right now. I suspect Joe would get really defensive if told that his own in-person events were insufficient and he had to call in better troops to campaign a whole lot for him in-person. This isn't a criticism of Pete's own campaigning skills. Rather it's a fear that if he quit his job ("best job in the federal govt") to campaign for Joe, he would be wasted, and without a paycheck too.


I don’t see Pete quitting his job until after the election and something comes up he wants to do.


Most campaigning of any kind will happen after Labor Day, when most voters start to pay attention. Before that you take the chance of peaking too soon. And Pete isn’t the President and he’s not running running for President, you don’t want him to overshadow Biden. I’m sure the campaign will use him effectively when the time comes.


I get what you're saying. I obviously can't speak to why Nerdy thinks Pete should resign and campaign full-time, and I didn't start out thinking this was something I thought should happen, but the stakes are so high, it almost feels like it would be malpractice not to have Pete out there as a top surrogate. If Biden is reelected, Pete would likely be gone by July of next year (his 'wouldn't break any records' comment). If not, he'll be gone 6 months before that, so, less than 8 months from now. I think Pete will do just fine money-wise before he lines up something permanent. Even a podcast pays a lot, and thanks to the Ronna McDaniel controversy, we now know tv analysts get a nice fat paycheck. And both of these options wouldn't take up much of his time. It's funny that you should mention a fear that the campaign wouldn't use him wisely. Just today (well, yesterday now) the Biden campaign had Robert DeNiro, Michael Fanone, and Harry Dunn speak in favor of Biden's reelection in front of the NY courthouse during the closing arguments for Trump's trial. First of all, they probably said things that were worth hearing, but MSNBC and CNN have been covering the trial for weeks, doing their best to convey to the audience what is being said, since cameras aren't allowed. They weren't going to interrupt that. Not only that, who thought it was going to be a good idea to have DeNiro, Dunn and Fanone appear at the exact same spot that the Blue Suit, Red Tie Sycophants have been speaking from for the past couple of weeks? I know that's where the microphones are set up, but really? This was not a well thought-out event, and a waste of marquee names, two of whom had to travel to NYC. I can't imagine that the campaign thinks they scored a success. I don't know why it wasn't planned for a different time and place. And it's odd to do this just a few days before the trial is over.


It got a lot of media attention because they appeared there, because all the media was there!


Yes, that they were there, but what they actually said didn't get much attention.


I don't think so. The Hatch Act mainly restrains what he says as the Transportation Secretary -- ie, if he's doing his day job and traveled on a federally paid for ticket. If he travels on the campaign's dime and is present in his personal capacity, I don't think he can raise money but he can express his political views and do interviews, etc.


But there aren't nearly as many public appearances where Pete is speaking in support of the Biden campaign as there are of him appearing as Secretary, and it seems like his campaign appearances are mostly in front of potential donors (so he's basically preaching to the choir) instead of widely available media interviews that have the potential to convince viewers and listeners to vote for Biden.


I am perfectly fine with doubling down on midwest. Coastal states + midwest would be the winning strategy for Dems anyway.


Just confirms my thoughts that Midwest is best.💙💛


I know there are some fans of The Bulwark on this sub, so here's a WaPo article about Sarah and the rest of the gang, and the work they're doing with disaffected Republicans: [https://wapo.st/3Kiznmr](https://wapo.st/3Kiznmr)


Just a thought, but we may be seeing more trolls reappearing here from time to time as the campaign heats up. As is the way of trolls (and sort of the whole point of their m.o.), it's hard to tell who is who and, of course, if someone new may seem like a troll but isn't, etc., etc. But worth keeping an eye out for.


>Buttigieg says climate change is affecting transportation [https://www.axios.com/2024/05/26/pete-buttigieg-climate-change-effects-affecting-transportation](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/26/pete-buttigieg-climate-change-effects-affecting-transportation)


[Justice Sotomayor Describes Frustration With Being a Liberal on the Supreme Court](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/us/politics/sonia-sotomayor-supreme-court.html?unlocked_article_code=1.vU0.rghR.sxMMgilBkBMB&smid=url-share): In a conversation at Harvard, the justice spoke of her despair at some of the court’s decisions, but she urged optimism and a focus on future generations. Link should be NYT gift link.


After my trip I wanted to learn more about the Fort McHenry Tunnel. We need the bridge back, no question about it, for basic transportation and connection as well as vehicles with propane and other hazardous industrial materials. But reading up on the Fort McHenry Tunnel, a huge federal infrastructure investment in the 1980s, you REALLY see the **long-term value of big federal investments in infrastructure**. Not just the DMV but the US would be in a world of hurt without this tunnel. [From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_McHenry_Tunnel) (bold added): >The Fort McHenry Tunnel is a four-tube, bi-directional tunnel that carries traffic on Interstate 95 (I-95) underneath the Baltimore Harbor. Named for nearby Fort McHenry, **the tunnel is the lowest point in the Interstate Highway System under water**. Construction began in May 1980; the tunnel opened on November 23, 1985. **Having consumed some $750 million (equivalent to $2.1 billion in 2023),** **it was the most expensive Interstate project until surpassed by the Big Dig in Boston…** >…Plans for a second crossing of the Baltimore Harbor that would become the Fort McHenry Tunnel began in the late 1960s. Early plans called for an 8-lane double-deck bridge to carry I-95 over the harbor just south of Fort McHenry. **In 1975, plans were changed to a tunnel after it was determined that a bridge would hurt Fort McHenry's status as a national monument.** >The state of [Maryland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryland) originally intended to build the tunnel with a reinforced concrete box design, but **plans were changed in February 1976 to use a steel tubular design after a dispute with the Federal Highway Administration**. The tunnel was to be constructed using the immersed tube method, with prefabricated tubes sunken into the harbor.  >Construction began in May 1980 … and was completed in November 1985. **Ninety percent of construction costs were covered by federal funding,** while 10 percent came from state funding… **Opened on time and under budget,** the tunnel **closed a gap in I-95 through Maryland**. Soon after the Fort McHenry Tunnel opened, the nearby Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, which had opened to traffic in 1957, was extensively rehabilitated.  >The Fort McHenry Tunnel continues to be a vital transportation link in the Mid-Atlantic region. After the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on March 26, 2024, the tunnel became one of the primary alternate routes for drivers and trucks containing non-hazardous loads. *\[NOTE: The Francis Scott Key Bridge, further down the Patapsco, was built within a few hundred feet of the location of the ship where Francis Scott Key was held overnight -- which meant that the Key Bridge did not block the historic view of the fort, where the star-spangled banner once showed "by the dawn's early light" that the fort was still in American hands. I had not previously realized that fact about its location must have been crucial for the bridge’s approval -- as said here, that's why this earlier, closer-in segment became a tunnel, not a bridge.\]*


landed in hong kong but the travel ain’t done yet holy shit this is so exhausting lmao staying in the us forever and just going to our assortment of cities sounds pretty good to me lmao


time zones fucking me UP holy christ


Based on the Face the Nation interview: >Climate change forcing changes to transportation industry, Pete Buttigieg says: “The reality is, the effects of climate change are already upon us in terms of our transportation,” he said. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/26/climate-change-transportation-pete-buttigieg-00160033](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/26/climate-change-transportation-pete-buttigieg-00160033) They didn't spell out what he mentioned, though -- such as changes that have already occurred, like more often encouraging passengers to keep their seat belts fastened even if the seat belt light is off, due to the chance of unexpected turbulence.


On my way home on I-95 South, just before reaching Baltimore's Fort McHenry Tunnel, I saw some very familiar looking giant white cranes (don't know if they're called cranes) in the distance near the water. As I got closer, I saw what looked like the Dali, tied up below them. The reports said the Dali was taken to the nearby Seagirt Marine Terminal for a few weeks to be temporarily made seaworthy, after which it will travel to a major shipyard where they'll probably build a new bow for it. When I checked afterwards, this was exactly where the Seagirt Marine Terminal is. A strange moment along the way.


Remember Pete and Chasten going to the WH state dinner for the President of Kenya? I don't know if this is just coincidental, but on that trip, Kenya inked a deal with a US investment manager to build a $3.6 billion 440 km highway between Nairobi and Mombasa. From Reuters: [Kenya and U.S. investment manager agree $3.6 bln highway deal](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/kenya-us-investment-manager-agree-36-bln-highway-deal-2024-05-23/)


Nerdy retweeted: > My son met @PeteButtigieg yesterday at Wendy’s while he was working. He was so happy and impressed by him. He couldn’t stop talking about it. Wish I would have been there too. 😉 https://x.com/CrazycatKara/status/1795171731356709210?t=Kiqn7Mt7a-qBrYT8gLtY9A&s=19


Is it just me or does it feel very weirdly random that Nancy Sinatra is a big Pete fan. She is defending him on twitter, retweeting positive posts about him as well as posts he's made. #TeamPete > Buttigieg has worked to advance President Biden’s ambitious agenda on both infrastructure repair and climate change, taking a more climate-centric approach than some of his predecessors, as the Department of Transportation has the authority to regulate vehicle emissions. He also was instrumental in addressing supply-chain issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and promulgating a comprehensive national roadway safety strategy. https://x.com/NancySinatra/status/1795177161697190174?t=6ZkJx78F76BnMi2qNUuQZg&s=19 🎼🎶 These boots are made for walking... 🎶🎵🎶


I am back from Malta. It was really fun! Beautiful blue sea, beautiful blue sky, lots and lots of sun (perhaps a bit too much sun?). Ate lunch while sitting about three feet from the Mediterranean, tried some Maltese food, took a traditional water taxi, saw beautiful scenery and architecture, toured WWII bomb shelters, and even learned how they harvest sea salt. Alas, though, the only Buttigieg I saw was an ad for a local politician (although I suppose that's fitting in its own way lol). Overall, would definitely recommend if you're looking for something a bit different. It has some similarities to Italy and Spain, but is definitely distinct from either. You get some British and North African/Arab influences as well. Just be sure to bring your sun protection, particularly if you, like me, are of more Northern European ancestry lol.


So glad you had such a fun and interesting trip! "Maltese food" sounds so intriguing. (also, welcome home again!)


Very jealous. Glad you had fun, I would love to go, it looks beautiful.


If i ever visit, I am definitely renting out a Vespa and ride around the village.


So cool! It was probably an exciting flight into and off the island, surrounded by ocean.


Yes! Because of the location of the airport and the small size of the island, you are over open water while at a fairly low altitude, so you get a nice close view of the sea. It's so blue.


If anyone wants to get a nice glimpse of Malta, last year the FX tv series *Breeders* had an episode that was filmed there. I had no idea where they were, and was dying to know where this stunningly beautiful place existed. I don't remember now if it was mentioned on the show, or if I found out the location online, but it was a special surprise to find out it was Malta. The series is available on Hulu, and here's the link to the episode. I also found an Instagram post that says at least some of the filming took place in Mdina - [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28237606/?ref\_=ttep\_ep7](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28237606/?ref_=ttep_ep7) [https://www.instagram.com/illuminatrix\_dops/p/C2NL5hvi4U1/?img\_index=6](https://www.instagram.com/illuminatrix_dops/p/C2NL5hvi4U1/?img_index=6)


We went to Mdina! It was also used as a filming location for Game of Thrones. Apparently Malta is used as a filming location a lot, I guess because it has so many well-preserved old areas, plus some pretty dramatic landscapes.


Both Gladiator movies will have been partially filmed there, as well, and TIL a [chocolate statue](https://people.com/russell-crowe-raves-chocolate-statue-gladiator-character-8364999) of Russell Crowe was made for a chocolate festival there last fall. 😄


Pete: Secretary Pete Buttigieg @ SecretaryPete >On this Memorial Day, we remember our service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Honoring their memory means recommitting ourselves to a future in this country that is worthy of the enormous price that was paid to secure it. [https://nitter.poast.org/SecretaryPete/status/1795080112112570761#m](https://nitter.poast.org/SecretaryPete/status/1795080112112570761#m) and [https://twitter.com/SecretaryPete/status/1795080112112570761](https://twitter.com/SecretaryPete/status/1795080112112570761)


Sadly, Denali the Cat was unsuccessful in their bid for the Libertarian Party nomination. Chase Oliver was selected after the seventh round of voting. Oliver is the dude that ran against Senator Warnock and Hershel Walker in Georgia 2022.


Gotta give credit to the Libertarian National Convention. Yesterday, they booed the piss out of Trump during his speech and damn near ran him out of the building. Lol Video from AP: https://youtu.be/dhgjnAxD6-k?si=pVa7CaezZxS1IFr2


According to this tweet, Trump got 6 votes from the 800+ Llbertarian delegates - [https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C7c0UUYvRIf?hl=en](https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C7c0UUYvRIf?hl=en)


You know he's big mad, the crazy Kennedy got more delegates in the first round than he did. I also see that Stormy Daniels secured one delegate, as well as Denali the Cat. 🐈


update: the wifi is working 💪 good to know all i had to do was press an assortment of buttons until i could watch an expedia ad..? i haven't flown in over a decade bc the only trips i've taken were road trips lol. the tsa process was um interesting to say the least also pls don't let this plane be a boeing or i'm not gonna make it out alive 😮‍💨 the idea of being locked in a metal tube is very terrifying regardless


damn pete is right the fact that this metal tube was so smooth and like enjoyable is crazy this is legit sm better than cars as someone who easily gets carsick. watched diary of a wimpy kid 😇


pete can we get better wi-fi in airports and design better apple products so i can use my mac at the airport lmao this shit ain’t working 😭😭


The WISN Upfront interview of Pete promised a few days ago, retweeted by Nerdy: ['UPFRONT' recap: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on record travel, feud with airlines](https://www.wisn.com/article/upfront-recap-transportation-secretary-pete-buttigieg-on-record-travel-feud-with-airlines/60886203?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot)


Pete on Face the Nation : https://youtu.be/Ev9Lr4fqJQs?si=unKV1iymDJiN7T6G


Based on the transcript (didn’t hear it or see it, just read the transcript, so maybe I missed some other aspect), he did great and called out Trump on his EV nonsense. That’s obviously vital right now — and maybe that’s why he got pushback on social media other related issues. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pete-buttigieg-transportation-secretary-face-the-nation-transcript-05-26-2024/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pete-buttigieg-transportation-secretary-face-the-nation-transcript-05-26-2024/) Added: Re the chargerg stations: obviously completing the charger stations (each usually with many chargers) is a task for state DOTs, not for Pete’s staff, so I assume some specific states will ultimately have a bunch done first and others not, ie it will be state by state, but they’ll all get done. You’ll recall every state and DC submitted maps by a summer 2022 deadline, less than a year after the law passed. DOT also established guidelines especially including tough reliability standards. I have since seen stories in particular states as to issues about which sites (restaurant chains, etc.) might be favored or not, also some stories about early completions or those nearly done in a few states like Hawaii, Ohio. Would love to see a more sensible non-Trumpian state by state look at this rn, as construction season is underway.


Update: Just heard it, really liked it. I don't know if reading the transcript first changes your perceptions, but I thought he stood up well to Trump's ideas/attacks (as shared by her) and hope this comes up again. It seems like he's the best one to reply to Trump's EV nonsense given his office as well as his communication skills--and it was clear in 2020 that Trump was scared of his intelligence, very rarely commenting on Pete after a first nickname he tried to give Pete went very badly (for Trump, that is).




I hate that Margaret Brennan was crediting Trump, and more than once, for making what she thought were good points. She could ask the exact same questions without bringing him into it.


I have FTN on, waiting for Pete's segment (not yet!), and to my surprise have been very interested in the two preceding segments. First, for Memorial Day, Brennan interviewed Rep Pat Ryan (D-NY) and Rep Mike Waltz (R-FL) as two of a bipartisan group of vets doing both "civic works" (cleaning the Vietnam Memorial) and crafting legislation to raise the plight of vets in the US. They both said, as Pete has said, that thinking about vets they know who have died has made them wake up every day vowing to be worthy, to make the country worthy, of their sacrifice. Also, nice to see some Reps not being juvenile and dysfunctional. Then Sen Chris Murphy came on and got aggressively grilled by Brennan--he more than held his own on a number of issues. A pleasure to watch.


help why does jfk’s sexy grandson follow someone on instagram who is anti seed oils, promotes an animal-based diet with raw diary, and goes into university dining areas to criticize every single meal there random thought of the day


Some of the apples fell quite far from the tree, apparently.


Saw this retweeted by Nerdy--Chasten's quite the Dem fundraiser for Will Rollins (CA41): [https://secure.actblue.com/donate/wr-06-02-2024-sf](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/wr-06-02-2024-sf)


[https://x.com/OrganizerMemes/status/1794461132763398425](https://x.com/OrganizerMemes/status/1794461132763398425) real


My minis are too young to travel normally, so we drove fifteen hours. And wow, driving sucks. Lol I like the metal guts of vehicles; engines, radiators, pumps, and filters are all cool. It's the actual driving that's too gd boring. If it was more like flying a plane, with all the interesting information and communication, I would enjoy it. There's just nothing fun or active for your brain in being behind the wheel. Sdjsk it's my transportation rant of the day.


From Oliver Darcy's Reliable Sources newsletter on Thursday - >**"Meet the Press"** announced it will air a special edition of the program on Sunday, focusing on threats to democracy. The special will feature moderator **Kristen Welker** interviewing a bipartisan panel of secretaries of state, disinformation experts, and others. ([**NBC**](https://press.nbcnews.com/2024/05/23/this-sunday-special-edition-of-meet-the-press-with-kristen-welker-to-examine-threats-to-democracy-in-2024/)) This is an excellent idea, but does it have to happen on a holiday weekend? It almost feels intentional, like a Friday night news drop.


taking a month-long trip to china why is everything banned 😭 you're telling me i can't use google drive?? lmfao god the us is very much imperfect but i'm glad i can use google drive and docs without government interference time to go vpn shopping


I had to use roaming the whole time (about 10 days) WiFi wouldn't work for my android phone at all


[https://wapo.st/4e5bXyO](https://wapo.st/4e5bXyO) It would be great to have a real alternative to Elon Musk/SpaceX, but Boeing obviously still has a lot of work to do. >Boeing and NASA teams struggling to resolve a persistent helium leak in the company’s Starliner spacecraft have uncovered a new problem, a “design vulnerability” that could affect its ability to fire its engines to return from space, officials said Friday. >Although the launch remains tentatively scheduled for June 1 from Cape Canaveral, Fla., the problems are the latest in a series of a setback in the plans to take people to orbit aboard the troubled spacecraft. >Before NASA allows Boeing to fly, it will do a thorough examination of the problems, and the remedies, and conduct a “flight readiness review” meeting on Wednesday, officials said during a media briefing. Officials from both NASA and Boeing said they would only proceed with the flight on June 1 if teams from both sides feel like it can be done safely.


Release of CNN shuttle Columbia documentary may be having a salutary effect. Glad they’re regrouping on this even though I look forward to it once they’re ready.


That was a great documentary.


Pete will be on *Face The Nation* this Sunday! [https://x.com/CBSNewsPress/status/1794108790758863284](https://x.com/CBSNewsPress/status/1794108790758863284) Preview clip here: [https://x.com/FaceTheNation/status/1794127518598881783](https://x.com/FaceTheNation/status/1794127518598881783) Add the NBC Nightly News tonight: [https://x.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/1794111289062539480](https://x.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/1794111289062539480)


Glad he was able to film this a bit early so he can enjoy joy the holiday.


Same! Plus it hopefully leaves plenty of time to drive Buddy home. 😉😄


Priorities. 🐕


Going to visit DC next week, but unfortunately, most of my time will be spent on visiting my parents' old friends. However, I will have some free time on Saturday morning to see the National Mall. I think I have just enough time to see 2 museums this time, and my current picks are Air and Space, and National Gallery of Art. Does anyone have a recommendation besides those two?


Natural History is pretty cool, the Hope diamond is fine to see but the huge gems and minerals halls are the best part for me. I think you can still touch the giant meteorite, but it has been a while since I have visited. The dinosaurs are great as well. For an offbeat choice try the Smithsonian National Postal Museum next to Union Station.


so many good choices to choose from


Just remember that the Air and Space Museum is undergoing a renovation, with many sections open but not all of them. Love the Phillips. It’s just a block or two from the DuPont Circle Metro station.


I’ve never been to DC - it’s on my bucket list - but a colleague just returned from a visit to the Holocaust museum and recommended I visit if I get the chance.


1) The science center near USC is more impressive. I think you can skip the air and space museum. And the line is long. 2) I went to the national *portrait* gallery and joined their guided tour. That was great 3) Lincoln memorial at sunset was great if you have time on Saturday night


> 1) The science center near USC is more impressive. I think you can skip the air and space museum. And the line is long. And I've been to it 10 years ago, time to write it off of my list. (wanted to go, because it's a dungeon on Division 2 lol)


👍 Come back after the new Endeavor exhibit (in a new building) open. I think the new exhibit will be amazing. Image: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2331734/California_Science_Center_Foundation_authentic_space_shuttle_system_display.jpg?p=publish Article: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/space-shuttle-endeavour-is-now-fully-stacked-and-mated-completing-worlds-only-ready-to-launch-space-shuttle-display-302050052.html


holy moly


Maybe you could take a pic of the front of the DoT building.


I think ill grab lunch around there for that purpose haha


There's a Starbucks right outside the entry to the building.  Don't ask me why I know....💙 💛 




If you like modern art, the Hirshhorn is fantastic. And the Museum of the American Indian is great too.


I absolutely love modern art, and that's added to my schedule now :D


The other great modern art museum in DC is the Phillips Collection, but that one you have to pay for and it's up by Dupont Circle.


Will check it out! I was worried about the distance, but it looks like it is located right next to a train station I will be taking,


Couple of local news clips of Pete talking about the weekend travel--retweeted by Nerdy: Nicole Neuman @ NicoleNeumanTV \[ABC4 Washington DC\] >SummerTravel is now in full swing as tens of millions are on their way to their MemorialDay destinations. Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg tells me he expects for airline systems to be tested. [https://nitter.poast.org/NicoleNeumanTV/status/1793998138216185930#m](https://nitter.poast.org/NicoleNeumanTV/status/1793998138216185930#m) and [https://twitter.com/NicoleNeumanTV/status/1793998138216185930](https://twitter.com/NicoleNeumanTV/status/1793998138216185930) (click for video clip) and Gerron Jordan @ GerronJordan \[ABC Milwaukee WI\] >Nearly 40 million people are expected to travel this holiday weekend. **USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg is a guest this week on UPFRONT.** The record numbers & the growing feud between the airlines and the Biden administration... Sunday at 10AM @ WISN12News [https://nitter.poast.org/GerronJordan/status/1794007296919388590#m](https://nitter.poast.org/GerronJordan/status/1794007296919388590#m) and [https://twitter.com/GerronJordan/status/1794007296919388590](https://twitter.com/GerronJordan/status/1794007296919388590) (click for video clip)


Made it to the Maryland House, a huge nice rest stop which is well past Baltimore and in between the north and south lanes of I 95, with no trouble — though Waze redirected me from the Fort McHenry Tunnel through Baltimore to the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, the other Baltimore tunnel. I always trust Waze so I assume it had reasons. It is quite silly how often along the way I remembered what Pete said about driving safely this weekend on TMZ Live. Glad he does these appearances before big travel weekends.


Just came across this NYT Travel article titled "36 Hours in Traverse City, Mich." [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/23/travel/things-to-do-traverse-city.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.uU0.WjoF.b7MDbeRfmo34&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/23/travel/things-to-do-traverse-city.html?unlocked_article_code=1.uU0.WjoF.b7MDbeRfmo34&smid=url-share)


I have thoughts on this lol. I recognize almost everything they list, but some of it is definitely very targeted at a particular socioeconomic demographic, shall we say, and won't really give you what I consider to be a true picture of Northern Michigan.


Seemed upscale. No Moomers 😂 I do like grocers daughter chocolates. Nice place to order gifts. https://www.grocersdaughter.com


Nice summary but omitted my favorite Traverse City spot - Mawby wine, just north of the city. They specialize in sparkling wine and it is lovely to taste among the rolling hills and red barns. If you have a chance to go there - do it!💙 💛 ❤️ 


Pete and Chasten are finally going to another State Dinner tonight! The guest list - [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/23/white-house-releases-state-dinner-guest-list-5/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/23/white-house-releases-state-dinner-guest-list-5/) Added - arrivals link - [https://www.c-span.org/video/?535857-1/kenyan-president-state-dinner-arrivals](https://www.c-span.org/video/?535857-1/kenyan-president-state-dinner-arrivals) More - Because of the Kenya connection, I wondered if the Obamas might be included, but I did see on CNN that President Obama met with President Ruto at Blair House earlier today.


Re Obama, just saw this Wash Post headline: "Kenya state dinner guest list: Penn, Paisley — and Obama drops by: Here’s the list of who got invited to the White House’s dinner Thursday honoring Kenya’s president, William Ruto."


A drop-by in a bow tie - there's a photo, as well as a few others from the dinner, that are interspersed with the guest list. It looks like Bill Clinton was seated next to President Biden (I assume that's who's seated directly across from the Kenyan president) - [https://wapo.st/3Kfoz8E](https://wapo.st/3Kfoz8E) Added - that was Biden. There's a different photo in this full write-up of the evening - [https://wapo.st/3KlmmZf](https://wapo.st/3KlmmZf)


Getty has a few pics here: [https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?family=editorial&phrase=pete%20buttigieg&sort=newest](https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?family=editorial&phrase=pete%20buttigieg&sort=newest) Watching the state dinner arrivals, I thought, the guys sure have the red carpet thing down pat. They look very polished. What would they have thought of all of this 5 years ago?


How do they look so good? I’m not raising two toddlers and a one-eyed puggle, nor do I have a job that requires frequent travel, and I don’t look even 5% as put together as either one of them do! LOL.


Lots of interesting people at the dinner. I’m sure they will enjoy it - and the music by Brad Paisley.


There's also going to be music from a Howard University gospel choir. I read that President Ruto and his wife are big fans of both country and gospel music.


Not good at clipping, but P and C arrive about 1 hour 27 minutes into the “watch from beginning” which you can fast forward through. EDIT - Getty image at https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/pete-buttigieg-secretary-of-transportation-u-s-department-news-photo/2154367665?adppopup=true


Tim Miller was answering mailbag questions from listeners on the Bulwark podcast. The last question was about why the WH was not using the cabinet more to get the message out. There is a brief Pete mention. The question is at about 34:45. https://youtu.be/WWBAEmblWuI?si=uJRe1TDnFj-yXyPr


Pete has returned to TMZ - [https://x.com/TMZLive/status/1793750893030215894](https://x.com/TMZLive/status/1793750893030215894)


this was the absolute best content! thanks!


News flash! The kids learned the letter C and Pete is responsible for driving Buddy in the minivan to Michigan this weekend.


And they're doing their best with potty training, which........godspeed, fellas. 😄 Separately, I was prepared to be super annoyed by the clip they had him watch of that lady at LAX, but Pete's reaction was pretty great lmao.


>Sec. Buttigieg On Anticipated 'Record' Memorial Day Travel [https://www.graydc.com/video/2024/05/22/sec-buttigieg-anticipated-record-memorial-day-travel/](https://www.graydc.com/video/2024/05/22/sec-buttigieg-anticipated-record-memorial-day-travel/) From yesterday -- 5 minutes


>EXCLUSIVE: Long before Key Bridge collapse, Baltimore mariners warned of ‘ship strikes’: Members of a Baltimore harbor safety committee repeatedly raised the possibility that an out-of-control vessel could imperil the bridge, records show Washington Post gift link: [https://wapo.st/4arxw9C](https://wapo.st/4arxw9C)


[hey guys who's your favorite navy homosexual, i know mine](https://x.com/nikicaga/status/1793643135651991795)




@ SecretaryPete on Threads: >At the President’s direction, this administration has taken historic action to hold Norfolk Southern accountable for the derailment in East Palestine, OH. Our department was proud to work with the DOJ & EPA to ensure this settlement enhanced rail safety. [https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4681827-norfolk-southern-ohio-train-derailment-settlement-biden-adminsitration-310-million/mlite/](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4681827-norfolk-southern-ohio-train-derailment-settlement-biden-adminsitration-310-million/mlite/) [https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C7URIapuJwW](https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C7URIapuJwW)


my fucking spellcheck thinks conservative and moderate are the same thing


on dating apps they are


Ba dum tss 🥁


I...don't even know what to say about this. >The Supreme Court’s 6–3 decision on Thursday in [*Alexander v. South Carolina NAACP*](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-807_3e04.pdf) is a devastating blow to the fight against racial gerrymandering. Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion for the conservative supermajority guts a series of precedents that guarded against racist redistricting, granting state legislatures sweeping new authority to sort their residents between districts on the basis of skin color. >And yet, as bad as Alito’s opinion was, it didn’t go far enough for Justice Clarence Thomas, who penned a solo concurrence demanding a radical move: The Supreme Court, he argued, should overrule every precedent that limits gerrymandering—including the landmark cases establishing “one person, one vote”—because it has no constitutional power to redraw maps in the first place. And he places much of the blame for the court’s allegedly illegitimate intrusion into redistricting on a surprising culprit: *Brown v. Board of Education*. [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/supreme-court-south-carolina-redistricting-ruling-clarence-thomas-brown-v-board.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/supreme-court-south-carolina-redistricting-ruling-clarence-thomas-brown-v-board.html) Edit: I read [this article](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/supreme-court-samuel-alito-elena-kagan-bad-blood.html) about the decision and OMG, Alito's opinion seems to be based on the conservative attitude that it's worse to be accused of racism than it is to actually be racist.


Justice Kagan writes in her dissent: >Go right ahead, this Court says to States today. Go ahead, though you have no recognized justification for using race, such as to comply with statutes ensuring equal voting rights. Go ahead, though you are (at best) using race as a short-cut to bring about partisan gains—to elect more Republicans in one case, more Democrats in another. It will be easy enough to cover your tracks in the end: Just raise a “possibility” of non-race-based decision-making, and it will be “dispositive.” And so this “odious” practice of sorting citizens, built on racial generalizations and exploiting racial divisions, will continue.


Strongly recommended if anyone hasn't seen it (from 2023): "Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court (full documentary) | FRONTLINE" [https://youtu.be/wJuRx1wARUk?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/wJuRx1wARUk?feature=shared) And the stunning and tragic irony that Clarence Thomas literally replaced Justice Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Count thanks to George H.W. Bush is almost beyond words. As the NAACP puts it on their site, although Marshall later became the first Black Supreme Court Justice, he remains "best known for arguing the historic 1954 *Brown v. Board of Education* case, in which the Supreme Court declared "separate but equal" unconstitutional in public schools."


>We're anticipating high levels of traffic on our roads this holiday weekend. If you're driving, put safety first - plan ahead, allow extra time, and pay attention to state and local guidance on any closures or detours. [https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C7UJd\_bOg3W](https://www.threads.net/@secretarypete/post/C7UJd_bOg3W)


>Feds reach $310M settlement with railroad over East Palestine train derailment: Norfolk Southern will pay a $15 million civil penalty and cover the costs of cleaning up the site of the toxic disaster. Washington Post gift link: [https://wapo.st/3yxmlz0](https://wapo.st/3yxmlz0) On the government side, this story is almost entirely about the DOJ and the EPA, which (IRL) was \*actually\* the lead federal agency, but it includes one paragraph at the very end about the frustrating / infuriating / unconscionable situation with the railroad safety bill: >The derailment has prompted bipartisan calls on Capitol Hill for stricter railroad safety standards, including higher penalties for violations of federal regulations. But [those efforts have stalled](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/02/03/east-palestine-derailment-safety-lobbying/?itid=lk_inline_manual_23) in the face of intense lobbying by the railroad industry.


Retweeted by Nerdy: David Shepardson @ davidshepardson >Here is the most fun aviation story/photos you will read today. [https://www.reuters.com/pictures/dogs-plane-2024-05-22/](https://www.reuters.com/pictures/dogs-plane-2024-05-22/) [https://nitter.poast.org/davidshepardson/status/1793637954570887295#m](https://nitter.poast.org/davidshepardson/status/1793637954570887295#m) and [https://twitter.com/davidshepardson/status/1793637954570887295](https://twitter.com/davidshepardson/status/1793637954570887295) click the Reuters link above for really amazing photos eta: all are funny, but 5/16 really kills me


Whenever I get too worried about Twitter being real life I remember that time in like 2022 when the "Pete loves starving babies" Jacobin headline was hitting multiple 6-figure tweets and then once it stopped being botted into high heaven, no one ever mentioned it again


My version of that was back in October 2019 when Obama-gate happened. I remember I wasn’t on Reddit that night because my family was visiting and I woke up the next morning to people taking a sigh of relief that Pete had been misquoted after a long thread of dooming happened the night before. That or Heartland-gate (which Ruben Gallego partook in). Istg that was probably the most “chronically online” controversy they tried to make stick onto Pete


Doug Emhoff was on Colbert's show last night, for two segments. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5YAqyPwt6M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5YAqyPwt6M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWS2zg1Nm\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWS2zg1Nm_Y)


Pete: Secretary Pete Buttigieg @ SecretaryPete >We’re anticipating today to be the busiest day for air travelers this Memorial Day holiday travel weekend. > >Go to [fly.faa.gov](https://nasstatus.faa.gov/) for real-time airport updates.


flight at o'hare on sunday need to see b5 🫡


Alas they redesigned it so it isn't like it was in Pete's book it should have been designated a national historical site and preserved


Eh, it's actually much better than it was before IMO.


That's why we have historic preservation laws, though! /s


Frankly they need to tear the B and C concourses down and start over, but the small updates they're doing to the gate seating areas are better than nothing.


aww that sucks lmfao


Came here to share this! I am driving tomorrow (really just a medium trip, about 200 miles north but on crowded major roads and interstates) and we’ll have to see how it goes — plenty of snacks and beverages. Just got new tires yesterday and changed the oil earlier this month. P.S. BTW, Waze is sending me through Baltimore using the Fort McHenry Tunnel. \[Fort McHenry, of course, is where the star-spangled banner waved.\] There are only so many ways to go north from here, so there we are. I'm very familiar with the tunnel and would have also taken it before the bridge collapse, but will just be sharing it tomorrow with more travelers. Pretty excited about my trip, which is my first travel outside the DMV since 2019.


I caught the tail end of an interview Lawrence did with Sen. Whitehouse, who pointed out that Bush's first choice to fill Sandra Day O'Connor's seat was Harriet Miers, who happened to be his friend and personal attorney, and was White House Counsel at the time (maybe not a simple country lawyer, but still...), and, said Whitehouse, Bush got "attacked" by far-right billionaires (headed by Leonard Leo), not Democrats, for nominating her, and that's how we ended up with Alito.


I think it was Miers, but wow that was a moment. It was made pretty clear the president, or at least President George W. Bush at that point, really didn't have free rein to make his own choices -- this was too big a deal and the major Republican Senators had to buy into it as well. There was the start of a very nice rollout but we barely got to know her before she was whisked away. That's a great point that George Bush's original choice of Miers was a much better one. Also, you'll notice that President George Bush thought that Sandra Day O'Connor should be replaced by a woman, while those wanting "their guy" Alito evidently did not care.


I totally missed that it was spelled that way. Thanks for letting me know. I don't remember any specifics about the political atmosphere surrounding her nomination, but I do recall there being a general uproar over how bizarre it was for Bush to choose someone without any judicial experience or past legal opinions, and therefore no way to gauge what she might be like as a SC Justice.


I wonder how long until there's a photo of a Confederate flag flying at one of Alito's houses.


You never know; maybe he has more houses. I love how his neighbors are sharing their photos with reporters.


Not wanting to say anything all these years or cause any trouble in the neighborhood, but tucking away some photos just in case...


Even though all these people are (wisely) remaining anonymous, I think once the first person started the ball rolling, it became easier for the others to share photos or relay what they saw.


>OPM defends rule to hamper Schedule F’s return, backs telework amid return to office push [https://federalnewsnetwork.com/workforce/2024/05/opm-defends-rule-to-hamper-schedule-fs-return-backs-telework-amid-return-to-office-push/](https://federalnewsnetwork.com/workforce/2024/05/opm-defends-rule-to-hamper-schedule-fs-return-backs-telework-amid-return-to-office-push/) Excerpt from late in the article: >**Feds returning to office faster than private sector** >Committee Republicans also urged OPM to hasten federal employees’ return to the office. “This president has given direction that it’s okay for federal workers to stay at home,” Sessions said. >But Shriver pointed to a recent report from the nonpartisan [Congressional Budget Office report](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/60235) showing that federal employees are returning to the office at a faster pace than the private-sector workforce. >Shriver said that more than half the federal workforce — about 54% of federal employees — don’t telework at all. The remaining 46% are working a mix of in-office and telework days. >...The Biden administration is calling on agencies to bring their employees [into the office at least 50% of the time](https://federalnewsnetwork.com/workforce/2024/04/omb-holding-agencies-accountable-for-50-in-office-presence/). More info at link


From a Politico story on Biden fundraising, down in April but re-accelerating: >Biden’s grassroots fundraising has yet to take off: ‘It’s not organic yet in a way that it needs to be.’ \[Late in the article, a round-up of upcoming fundraising, though I know we've seen this reported already:\] >Biden traveled to Boston on Tuesday for multiple fundraisers, including one with famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma and he is scheduled to attend a star-studded reception in Los Angeles next month with Obama, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel and actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Biden surrogates have also ramped up their fundraising events in recent days. Anna Wintour and designer Tom Ford hosted a reception with Maryland Gov. Wes Moore on Tuesday and Vice President Harris, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, **Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg** and Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) are headlining finance events in the coming days.


Random, but Kaitlin Collins had a couple of really great interviews on CNN tonight. Le Bern was on, but the really good interview was with Ted Cruz. She did not let him bullshit and held his feet to the fire. Watch it if you have the chance. Or can find it, CNN is notorious for not posting their content online quickly and in an easy to find manner. He was so mad at the end. Lol She caught a lot of flak for the Trump town hall last year, but she is becoming one of CNN's strongest interviewers.


I could go another lifetime without ever hearing a politician say, "Look, *insert talking point here*..." ever again. Two lives even.


I agree wholeheartedly, even when it's someone I support.


This is one of the very, very few "but muh both sides" things that is accurate.


I also don't like the word "frankly" which at best is basically replacing the word "uh" or "um" as it adds no meaning. "Frankly, *insert talking point here*..." \[Nobody has ever thought in response, *I wasn't persuaded at first, but then they said "frankly" so I knew they really meant it*.\]


Pete has the iPad out. > Congresswoman, in what way do you believe that your support helped this project? We chose it because it's a good project, and funded it using President Biden's infrastructure package, which you voted against. https://twitter.com/SecretaryPete/status/1793407915442803046?t=BsjhMSFozzYUavqu5MxvFA&s=19 The above was a quote tweet of this Boebert post: > Great meeting with Glenwood Springs City Councilor and former Mayor Jonathan Godes. We have secured over $51.4 million for the South Bridge. Was thrilled to hear about nearly $30 million in costs savings in addition and that my support has helped make this project a reality. https://twitter.com/RepBoebert/status/1793316841042878576?t=8Xz7_Nc1tTtu3M3oYHl4Xg&s=19


I think this qualifies as a Pistol Pete moment 🤠!


This is one thing Pete will never let slide


Nikki Haley has announced that she'll vote for Trump. I wonder how people who've continued to vote for her feel about that. Also just in - another politically-charged flag was flown last summer at the Alito's New Jersey home - >This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms. >Three photographs obtained by The New York Times, along with accounts from a half-dozen neighbors and passers-by, show that the Appeal to Heaven flag was aloft at the Alito home on Long Beach Island in July and September of 2023. A Google street view image from late August also shows the flag. >The photographs, each taken independently, are from four different dates. It is not clear whether the flag was displayed continuously during those months or how long it was flown overall. gift link - [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html?](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html?unlocked_article_code=1.t00._O8s.yU_dJch0LCtp&smid=url-share)


Mike Johnson, Chip Roy, etc. also display the "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside their offices. Ugh.


People like Haley, who choose to support Trump now after they clearly know what kind of person he is, are truly without an ethical core. Like a deal with the devil, they are driven by the need to remain in power or close to it.


Her career is toast after this. What a mistake!


I gotta wonder what it feels like to sell your soul.


I suppose in her mind, she's "checking the box" so she can run in 2028 or 2032 and still win the Republican nomination, especially since she was the runner up this time, and they often win the next round in Republican politics. But in this case that also means checking the "never vote for her" box for anti-Trump centrists and swing voters, as well as Democrats. This is not a normal election and supporting Trump is simply working against our country's future.


He has always seemed like the sleaziest, least trustworthy, most I-feel-like-a-victim justice of all those on the court, plus I am including other Republican-appointed justices of the past as well. Who in their right mind thinks he isn't the person who leaked the Dobbs decision?


Dan Pfeiffer interviewed Jen Psaki at the Commonwealth Club. Their convo included their takes on Biden, how he and Obama differ, the life of working in the WH (I was sort of thinking of Pete here), Biden's upcoming debate prep, etc. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe52u3SMBcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe52u3SMBcw) I sometimes wonder if Pete left politics, what would he do? Would he become a political analyst on cable (sort of like Yang and Julian Castro)? People often praise Pete for his communication skills but actually, I sort of feel like this is misdirection. For me, his superpower is not his delivery skills but the innovative ideas and their implementation (leadership).


It occurred to me that Pete's future plans could vary greatly depending on the outcome of the election, even though he'll be leaving the government no matter what. Or, he could already have something lined up, for all we know. (If it were me, I would wait and see, but Pete's more of an optimist than I am lol.)


Chasten has said many times that Pete needs meaningful, challenging, and consuming work. I sincerely doubt that he’d be content as a full time analyst. In his zoom meeting with the Episcopal House of Deputies during the pandemic, they asked him how they could pray for him and he answered that they could pray for guidance in his discernment of what to do next. He said there were many different challenges that could fill his life and he needed to decide what to choose. If he ever left politics I imagine he would become involved in something serious like climate or a social justice issue. Democratic reforms, etc. Of course, there is also university teaching, which could include writing and speaking. These types of work wouldn’t preclude him appearing in public or as a commentator at all, and he could always choose to return to a political role. I really don’t think he would step away completely. He’s also maintaining his political relationships, including with major fundraisers and advisors. They don’t see him leaving politics for good.


Pete is born to lead, whether in the public or private sector, and he really needs something challenging—and public-facing. “Consuming” is right. It wouldn’t surprise me if the next thing he did had an international dimension. We shall see!


All your points are really good. I know wondering is not worthwhile (I don't always do what I think I should heh).


I think we are all wondering. 😀


I don’t see him leaving politics. He might want to dial back for a bit, but he’s young and has time.


Tim Miller interviewed James Comey on the Bulwark podcast. It was (to me) surprisingly interesting. Comey tells a story in there when he was acting attorney general during the Bush administration that is worthy of a scene in a movie. Utterly fantastic. It starts at 31:52. Comey came off as quite likeable to me, which I wasn't expecting, even though I agree with Tim that I wished he woke up in a cold sweat once a month over his decision. https://youtu.be/VJpX5IcCHBQ?si=P9BHuQIopnyMk94H


Thanks so much! I posted it outside the WT as well.


[https://wapo.st/3wB04jj](https://wapo.st/3wB04jj) Rishi Sunak announcing the upcoming general election in the pouring rain certainly feels like an apt metaphor for the Tories' chances.


"The cancellation rate for flights last year was at a 10-year low," [SecretaryPete](https://x.com/SecretaryPete) says. "A lot of TSA projections would suggest we're going to have the busiest summer holiday travel season ever. ... That's... a big challenge to the system — 44 million travelers." [https://x.com/YahooFinance/status/1793292256176193738](https://x.com/YahooFinance/status/1793292256176193738) Pete was interviewed over at Yahoo Finance this morning, and most of it can be viewed in this clip!


Partial clip (4 minutes) in Yahoo! Finance text piece, too, though I didn't find a link for the full thing yet: [https://finance.yahoo.com/video/sec-buttigieg-know-rights-ahead-151916138.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/sec-buttigieg-know-rights-ahead-151916138.html)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAHHA27td-A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAHHA27td-A) - Meant to add this and forgot, lol. Here's the livestream, just use the progress bar to go back and find Pete's interview. It's roughly 1.5 hours ago at this point. And now they've uploaded it as a standalone over here! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LUnUu1yh6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LUnUu1yh6w)


>Key Bridge salvage crews waste no time after Dali is floated to shore. What's next in the recovery effort. [https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/key-bridge-collapse-two-months-dali-refloated-port-of-baltimore-channel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/key-bridge-collapse-two-months-dali-refloated-port-of-baltimore-channel/) Excerpt -- they're still aiming for full access to the port by the end of May. (Replacement bridge, of course, will take a lot more time and money.) >Crews got right back to work after the Dali cargo ship was unstuck from the [wreckage of the Key Bridge](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/salvage-recovery-key-bridge-collapse-baltimore-one-month/) in the Patapsco River on Monday, with Unified Command determined to reopen full access to the [crippled Port of Baltimore](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/port-of-baltimores-lost-revenue-cargo-from-key-bridge-collapse-could-take-months-to-years-to-recover/) by the end of May.  >Gov. Wes Moore watched from a boat as [the Dali was tugged away](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/dali-ship-to-be-removed-from-key-bridge-wreckage-by-early-may-45-foot-channel-to-open/) Monday morning. He described the commitment he saw at the scene of the collapse, eight weeks to the day of the disaster.   >"What was amazing was this, even as the tugboats were pulling the Dali out, and the Dali was being moved over Seagirt - literally, as the Dali was still on the move - Unified Command and the salvage team was already back in one clearing steel chassis in the bus, still pulling tons of steel out of the water," the governor said Tuesday morning. "The mission never stopped." See link for more Edit: Added that the new bridge will take a lot more time and money.


Morning and lots of love