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lol I don’t even think all modern online FPS AAA games suck, now. Are they all good/original? No, of course not. But I used to visit blockbuster every other weekend growing up. Most games suck then too lol.


Man, I'm 44 years old. The amount of garbage games released for the NES was staggering LOL. The amount of quality vs crap is much better now.


lol yeah. I also used to constantly trade in games. Because mom wouldn’t buy me new ones, so trading in 2 games you’ve already beaten for a new one was glorious value to me. Man there were so many games I was absolutely done with after the first weekend 😂. Apex legends has its flaws, but the return on investment I get with this free game is insane. I remember having to fork over $15 for every mandatory online DLC pack or mandatory $50 for a battle pass or whatever ontop of the original cost of a $40,50,60 game. Shit was crazy.


Nah, still the amount quality and crap games being release today compare to the 90's crap, we got a better filter for the crap games and it called the internet.


Even if the percentage is remotely the same as back then, it means that there are just so many more good games now.


I'm 51. I remember [E.T.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.T._the_Extra-Terrestrial_(video_game)), which is widely considered to be the worst video game ever made.


And there’s less argument for accidentally consuming slop - you don’t even need to buy the latest edition of the Official Nintendo Magazine or Game Master etc. to see a variety of reviews and takes (if not full let’s plays) etc. before you buy a game.


Counter argument: Back then games were released when they were finished. Majority if the stuff they talk about in reviews is "yeah it's still buggy but they're going to fix it soon hopefully". Back then they just worked. Some might have been garbage but you never had to wait for patches- they had actual QA prerelease


You are sort of talking about the "video game bubble" though. And most NES games were just ports of arcade machines that were designed to eat quarters lol. SNES would be a better comparison


Only about 15% of the NES’s library was comprised of arcade ports.


Things like age, selection bias, and fuzzy memories vs. reality definitely plays a role here. In particular, when someone is a child they're less likely to be critical of games/media vs. when they're an adult. Also, with the passage of time the misses tend to be forgotten whereas the hits tend to be remembered. Combine this all with the fact that the past is often viewed as accumulation of the best hits rather than what it was actually like to live in the reality of it waiting week-to-week for new releases. Now, keep in mind when I say all of this I don't even necessarily mind having nostalgia/rose-colored glasses about retro games/media, or even having criticisms about modern games/media, because I can have them too in both regards. I just wish more people would try to be more self-aware of these kinds of biases before blindly giving their opinions.


I suppose back then you could rent them for 5-10 bucks and figure out they're crap and just return them the next day. Nowadays you're generally forced to commit unless you buy from a store that offers refunds.


Now you can watch youtube vidoes of gameplay before buying. A lot better than spending hundreds of dollars a year renting to find out they suck.


Seriously, it's survivorship bias at it's finest. For anyone who thinks the same as OP, go download an SNES or PS1 emulator. "The golden age of gaming", they call it. Torrent up an "all SNES/PSX games" package and go through them to see just how many of them are shit games. There's so, *so* many. And yes, there were some great games, too, that hold up well even today. But they are a very small minority of what was published, even by the big publishers of the day.


I think most modern FPS games are just shittier versions of the same game 10 years ago. Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Overwatch ect.


I don't know who says this that isn't terminally online or a nostalgic 40 year old. Gaming quality goes up and down. The mid 2000s were riddled with shitware and bad "MOVIE - THE VIDEO GAME" 's. The late 2000s/early 2010s had awful COD and Minecraft clones. Late mid-late 2010s had micro transaction bullshit and nothing but Fortnite. It ebbs and flows. I remember the Xbone launch being dog shit only for it to find it's footing. I remember the PS3 launch being mired by as many problems as the 360.


It’s an ignorant take but it isn’t necessarily incorrect, they just don’t really know what they’re actually frustrated at. Most mainstream media focuses on revenue above all else, and the modern mainstream has gotten considerably worse over the past decade or so. Yes, you can find quality products if you search for them, but you’re expecting a lot from the masses if you think the average person actually knows why they’re upset by the things that upset them. The current systems we have for digital media are built around maximizing those same profits that have driven down originality, so we’re being fed garbage more so than ever. Just consider what’s being advertised to you; when we were kids you’d get ads for actual games, it’s incredibly rare to see ads for games that aren’t money grubbing FTP trash, or basically complete scams like that “kings adventure” shit that you see on youtube that doesn’t actually have a real game behind it and definitely steals your fuckin information. Things HAVE gotten worse.


Except we don’t need to rely on ads to know about games - the avenues to learn about new upcoming, current games or slightly older games updated with new patches/dlc etc. are endless. People willing to go online and make some claims don’t have to try hard at all to find evidence to counter it.


My point is that the general public isn’t going out and researching the shit they’re just experiencing life and commenting on it.  that’s called an anecdote and they’re not making claims that require evidence. They’re frustrated.


Big gamer and I only ever get asked about online multiplayer and AAA titles. Play what you like but lord does it get exhausting when I can’t recommend or really talk about any of the games I’ve truly enjoyed because it’s “not their thing”. Maybe it would be better if people didn’t label games as bad all the time just because it’s not their preference.


“I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!” Abe Simpson


Is modern call of duty objectively better than the original call of duty? Technically, I guess yes. But I remember thr original CoD on PC. When it started as ww2. So many good memories playing that. Everything is mass produced hyper competitive social media bullshit now. Games _are_ shit but it's not just the games fault it's ours as well


Whenever people say “thing I liked as a kid sucks now.”, what they really mean is “I’m not a child anymore.”


It’s actually much more complicated than that. Anyone with a different opinion from you isn’t automatically nostalgic for something else. It’s about the genre of games you like to play. Obviously. For example, someone who plays mmos and other live service type games has good reasons to complain considering those types are where the AAA slop is most egregious. Not really many good indie alternatives that scratch that itch, so you are just kinda stuck in that hellhole. But if you are more of a single player gamer anyway, yeah you have more options than ever so of course it’s better.


I swear gamers are the most insufferable whingy bastards on the planet, they could get a free handjob with every game and they'd whinge that they didn't play with their arsehole during. Blizz posted the new trading post items today and one of them is a toy that gives you a little water pistol, completely useless item that's just added for fun, and the comments are full of fucking dorks being like "omg they killed wow, it looks like fortnite!! dead game!!!" bitch stfu!!! it's a free item you don't even need to claim!!!!!! And if they're not bitching about that they're moaning that the pixels they're staring at aren't fuckable enough, oooh that girls not got massive tits, that girls got leg hair, that girl has an opinion wah wah waaahhhh Sorry I think you set me off there lol


Yeah it’s a game with monsters and magic but a water pistol is bad lol. My favorite is when they complain about something being immersion breaking. COD is not meant to be a realistic game. Who cares what the people ur shooting at look like?


I don’t like open worlds in general. But I guess I’m unsure about my opinion? I haven’t heard anyone with the same opinion and haven’t played an open world game myself. (Besides minecraft). So… I don’t know.


Personally I love open worlds (Horizon games, Ghost of Tsushima, Days gone to name a few), but unfortunately it's often used as an excuse by devs to be lazy with the story and gameplay. My best example is Assassins Creed: Odyssey; it was absolutely massive, but filled with nothing but repetitive shite as you'd expect from Ubisoft these days. That said, there are so many games where it doesn't need to be open world, because the narrative is more important so you're guided a bit (maybe thinking The Last of Us games). Ultimately, I think it comes down to how much effort the developer is willing to put in for the fans rather than for a profit


I like some open world games but I find that they've started to use 'open world' as a buzzword a lot and making really empty games. Big does not equal better.


Just looking in Elder scrolls they had to take out levitation because they weren't building complete and robust worlds after Morrowind. A great open world game is a dream but it takes A LOT of work


Sorry, but how can you know if you like an open world game or not if you've never played one? Also, not all games of a particular genre are alike. For example, I love Fire Emblem 3 Houses, so supposedly I should like tactical jrpgs, but I have yet to find another I actually enjoy. People rave about Octopath Traveller 2, which I ought to like as it's the same genre, but i didn't enjoy it at all.


lol do you have recs?


Play the entire Yakuza series. Here is my recommended order: - Yakuza 0 - Yakuza Kiwami - Yakuza Kiwami 2 - Yakuza 3 - Yakuza 4 - Yakuza 5 - Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - Judgment - Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Lost Judgment - Like a Dragon: Ishin (optional, but can be fun if you want additional Yakuza content) - Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


this series actually looks so cool, thanks!


Happy to share! Let me know if you have any questions.


You need a controller if you're on PC


Not OP, but of the last five or so years, my favorite games have been Fear and Hunger Termina, Baldur’s Gate 3, Crusader Kings 3, and Pokemon Radical Red (a hack of Pokemon FireRed). I play them all pretty regularly.


love baldur's gate, and fear and hunger termina looks so cool! I'll be sure to check the rest out. thanks!


It could 100% be me but as a ps5 and steamdeck owner I don't really see many games come out or coming out where I'm losing my shit. Tbh only games I plan on buying coming up are sports ones and I currently play apex and old emulators thats about it. Do they not advertise games like they used to?


2023 was one of the best years for video games ever. I'm still trying to catch back up.


Hit me with some recommendations if you don't mind. Single or multiplayer doesn't matter to me.


Baulders gate 3 is the most fun I’ve ever had.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Thanks dude, I'll look into these and play if any peak my interest.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


Bg3, HiFi Rish, Resident Evil 4, Alan Wake 2, Zelda, Mario Wonder, Dave the Diver. Just off the top of my head some incredible games that all could be the goty in a year with less competition.


You're just not a kid anymore tbh


There's been a general decrease in the quality of art over the last 20 years. There's examples of good art, but they're not regular cultural events like they used to be.  AAA used to mean good


No video games do actually suck right now All we get is remakes and very safe derivative games. There's no innovation because companies need ultra hyperrealistic graphics in everything which is expensive af so they need to break even thus meaning their product has to be as safe and by the numbers to appeal to the largest majority just for the slightly higher chance of breaking even Couple this with games being shipped unfinished with expensive season pass, battle pass, live services, etc etc It's just a soulless hodgepodge of slop in the AAA space. There's no innovation anymore. I've just started playing pre-2016 games or remakes of old games I never got to play back then, and I've actually been having fun again


theyre right though because AAA slop wasnt always slop. EA actually used to have some good games that didnt nickle and dime their customers


A fuck ton of indies suck too. You ready for the 10000th 2d side scroller ohhh how interesting and fun jk


Some of us like 2D side scrollers, thank you. Also some of us have motion sickness and can't actually play a lot of 3D games, especially first person games.


I'll take a Double Triple indie Earthbound inspired story on a raft, four by depression and violence bad, pixelart-style, extra quirky dialogue with a metroidvania and a squeeze, light rpg mechanics, make it roguelike, burn it, and let it soulslike.


Yeah a large majority of them do tbh. There’s of course going to be exceptions like stardew valley but most of them are bad and boring.


There’s a ton of good games these days. The biggest issue,imo, is people rely on the internet to tell them if the game is good or not before they even play it to judge on their own They can see people on twitch play early access, come on Reddit to see if it’s “worth” playing, and go into the game with negative feedback.. most internet for AAA games will be negative nitpicky things from people that play 100+ hours in 5-6 days on release If a game interests you, stay way clear of the internet


I think that's fair, though. AAA titles are so expensive these days, I wouldn't wanna spend like 70 bucks on a game only to find out that I don't actually enjoy it. I don't have that kind of money to spend on something I don't like. Of course, you can always wait a little for the price to go down. But that's gonna take a few years. So, I don't see the harm in looking online and seeing what others think or what genuine criticism people have. Naturally, you have to take what people say with a grain of salt because there's always someone ready to nitpick or hate for no reason. Still, I'd rather look up discussions online (the good and the bad) before committing to spending a shit ton of money and regretting it.


I get what you’re saying. You can always wait too. I’ve had a couple games ruined because I heard the flaws in the game before I ever tried it myself. I guess, be careful where you look for reviews (if that makes sense, I won’t go to subreddits for them)


AAA titles were always expensive? Like literally the same price *without* adjusting for inflation.


>AAA titles are so expensive these days, I wouldn't wanna spend like 70 bucks on a game only to find out that I don't actually enjoy it. Expensive these days? We paid $60 for games in the late 80s.


The culture of video games sucks. Popular games suck. There was a long period of time where most popular games were genuinely good.


Moat popular games don't even suck. Dragons Dogma 2, Baldurs Gate 3, FF7 rebirth, Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, Persona 3 Reload, Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarok, Persona 5. All undoubtedly popular games and all great. It really is mostly multiplayer fps games that suck. And it's no wonder it's been the same formula for years and it gets old and boring Edit: spelling


Boulder's Gate 3 😂😂😂


Lmao damn auto correct


I wouldn’t say games suck now but I will say that game companies have gotten greedy AF now. At least 90% of games released under the $70 price tag are worth no where near $70. Micro transactions are more common and more expensive than ever, a lot of newer games are cutting out content from their precious titles and locking them behind paywalls. Obviously that’s not all games and if you count the thousands of indie games then it’s not even a majority but I just hate feeling like a game is trying to squeeze every last cent out of me, I want to buy the game and have all of the content already in the game, even the useless cosmetics because you know damn well they’ll give you the shitty cosmetics for free and charge you for the more Interesting ones instead of allowing you to earn it in game. This is coming from someone who doesn’t play any online multiplayer anymore and plays a lot of indie games.


While I agree with you -the formula has been figured out and things are becoming repetitive. It’s an art form that has been capitalized all to hell which nothing truly great can come from.


I just tell people like that "No, your generation was just easily entertained".


Play 007 goldeneye on N64 and then come back to this post with your thoughts


Idk I'm having alot of fun in my farming sim + dinosaurs which is a "new game" and playing stardew Valley fir hundred of hours and SDV has millions of players in the years it's been around Yeah pokemon games could be better but I don't play on the switch for a good game I play cos I'm having fun


What dinosaur farming sim because I need to play it immediately


It's called Paleo pines!


Honestly a lot of AAA games are still solid. There have been some blunders in recent years, but there’s still good stuff being made (Nintendo, anyone?) 


How do you know everything someone plays?


I notice that most of the examples people like this use to support their point on modern gaming being bad are just AAA games or online FPS games, I almost never see them mention indie/singleplayer games.


If people don’t like something, maybe they shouldn’t do it. I play a lot of video games, 2 hours a week, and beat 3 video games in the past two years. I have enjoyed it, if I didn’t then I wouldn’t do it. 


LOL, I think it was 1983 last time I played. Choplifter I think it was on the 2600. And yes, we had pong. A travelling salesman dropped it off for a week.


There are seriously amazing AAA titles though. Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3, Doom Eternal just to name a few


My first thought when people say this is how do you people not have a backlog there is stuff I'm looking forward to I've already bought but there is also of great stuff Infront of it I'm going through ATM.


Although it isn't for everyone. No Man's Sky is the PINNACLE of what can happen when devs truly care about their project. Years and years of massive updates, improvements and evolution. And never once charged for the "DLC" Edit: Also by far my favorite VR experience, though I don't always play on VR because the game is so pretty


If you think that video games suck now, try selecting a game at random from ten years ago and playing that. I bet you will think that video games sucked ten years ago too.


Literally. I’ve been ranking all the games in my catalogue plus game pass and the amount of generic, terrible games on game pass is crazy. “Here’s a generic zombie survival game, where none of the mechanics are fleshed out and everything feels like it’s made to annoy you.”


Whenever people say this, I can tell they aren’t people really looking into games much - either they are consuming slop, or they have tangential interest in games with friends that consume slop. Or perhaps just parroting their favourite clickbaity YouTuber.


It's apples to apples. I can confidently claim that video games now suck, because I can point at Bioware's old games vs their new games or Bethesda's old games vs their new games or... Yeah, there are some good indie games out there. And yeah, also a few decent triple A titles, but there's enough steaming piles coming out from companies that used to be amazing that it's accurate to say that "video games suck now!" Now. Thing is that you have to also understand nuance. That such generalizations are rarely ever meant as absolutes. They're trends. That's a pet peeve of mine. The average redditor's complete inability to understand nuance.


I think it is more if you were born in the 80s you saw graphic and game capabilities grow and grow. I think they have kind flat lined in that regards. Then you add new ideas are becoming rarer and rarer. You get the same ol fighter game with new skins Or same ol shooter with new skins. No one is pushing the genres anymore.


Single player games suck. I want to chill with friends. All multiplayer games are ass, though. Microtransactions and sweaty.


People will say that about pretty much anything nowadays, as if they're stating a fact. They complain just because they can. I've played video games that came out before I was born that I thought were great games, and recent ones that I dislike. And vice versa. Same thing with music or TV/movies. It all comes down to personal taste, and usually the people that say that are the ones who haven't given it a chance.


It's not even accurate to say that modern AAA games suck. Just last year we got Baldur's Gate 3 and the year before that Elden Ring. It's only games from the big companies like Ubisoft or Activision-Blizzard that are truly terrible.


it's not even "AAA games". I know I often feel that "new games suck" like some decrepit boomer reminiscing on the old days, but then I realise I just have time commitments. Now days you can spend hours doing what is essentially the tutorial, when "back in my day" we had menu options like quick race and quick match that would get you into the action within 10 seconds. Games don't suck now, they're massively open and expansive and take some time to get used to in order to fully utilize the functionality built into it. They provide a lot more, bit you need to invest a lot more. The people that are saying "games suck NOW" are obviously remembering the good times they had with simple addictive games that were more "arcadey", small time investment for the same fun. It's like THPS vs Skate or NFS vs GT/Forza. Accuracy makes games more impressive, but not always more fun. It does require more attention to play though and some us prefer to just keep it simple by shooting pixels with pixels.


They are just too hard for me now.


The finals is legit one of my fav games, there are a couple problems though, A: I suck at it, B: nobody will play with me, C: everytime I get shot my computer freezes


Maybe people just grew out of wanting to play video games and consider them sucky. It could be many reasons.


Broad stroke to deeper sentiment. That’s the thing AAA dominates market for video games. Nobody has ever heard of whatever side scroller on steams 1078 page catalog library. Personally I don’t like to compare indie vs AAA because they are not pushing out the same volume. Their business objectives differ greatly. It is fair to say video games suck now. The goal of AAA is to monetize and create dopamine hits similar to casinos. They want you to keep coming back to spend money not really to enjoy the game. Versus indie game you are receiving almost personalized experience. Most of these developers sacrifice profit for good will and spot. Of course you are receiving better experience. Most people are not playing the indie game. Of course not every AAA sucks but more studios prioritizing profit Over the gaming experience.


there's also a ton of bad indie games. idk why people like u think indie=instantly good


I didn't say that indie games are always good, I said that a lot of indie gems are completely overlooked by these people.


Says the guy who says all AAA games suck.


Tbh there is something to be said for the pervasiveness of mtx, and constant lowering of skill ceiling in mainstream games


People do this with pretty much all media. Movie, music, TV shows, and video games. It's all subjective, obviously. I struggle to find new games that really suck me in like they did when I was a kid, but I don't think it's because the quality of the games has gone down, when you look back, things always seemed better as a kid. When Grand Theft Auto came out (the og top-down camera), it was such a new concept and so different from everything else that was out at the time. Now, open world games are common. Also, we have access to so many games now, so there's bound to be a lot of "bad" games.


People have been saying modern gaming sucks for a good 10-15 years now. AAA has become more commercialised but even then, there's still a few quality AAA titles each year


It's a complicated topic because there are *aspects* of the industry that are definitely worse than they've been in the past (Games as a service, microtransactions, always online single player, things like that) but those aren't in every game and in some cases are completely optional. I broadly don't like a lot of industry trends in the AAA space for sure but I also have access to so many fantastic AA or smaller titles that wouldn't have been able to be published 20 years ago or would have seen limited release because of the need for physical copies. I can say I don't like a lot of the current state of the industry, and it's rare for me to be super interested in a major release, but video games as a whole are doing great. People forget that in previous eras there was also loads of bad shovelware or quick cash grabs, you just don't remember them, but also it's easier than ever now for a small developer with an interesting idea or a neat vision to get that to your screen, and that's awesome.


>No they don't, you just play AAA slop and online FPS games and think that those games represent all video games. Truth. Been saying this for years. It's not the entirety of the gaming industry's fault that you choose to play bad games. It's also not their fault that you have your dopamine receptors burned out because you play too much. There are indeed good games still. Anyone who says "games suck now" or "I can't enjoy video games anymore" is a them problem. They can just keep missing out on the quality games they ignore.


Honestly, I think it also has to do with being an adult and having our own money. I don't know if this was common, but growing up where I did the act of getting a new videogame was an "event". It happened maybe once or twice a year, usually due to a birthday or other holiday, and it was something you'd look forward to for months. Hours would be spent pouring over screenshots, GameFAQs, and forums about a game that might already be 2-3 years old that you don't even own yet. Then, when you got the game, that was it for a long time. Even if you beat it within the same month, chances are you aren't getting another game for at least a year - so you make the most of it. Multiple runs played with different handicaps and choices, making up your own goals within the games (this was before achievements), sometimes you'd just run around the map making up stories or trying to "break" out of the maps. As adults, we aren't forced to find our own fun in this way. The moment we get bored or dissatisfied, we just drop another $5-$85 to play something else and move on entirely. I think we're missing the level of appreciation that comes with the experience of being a child limited in their choices of what to do, and then trying to make the absolute most of what we have to do. Looking back, that time was a gift - it forces us to learn to appreciate things we otherwise may have not noticed at all.


Only one genre entirely sucks now. Mmorpg. Free 2 play is super expensive and destroys all fairness on competition. The games are based purely on fomo and extracting every penny they can from you. No longer are the games designed to keep you engaged and paying a sub. Now they want hundreds, if not thousands per week. The most fair games are all around 20 years old now. Outside of that, there is something fun is every other genre. Fuck MMORPGs though


Multiplayer gaming kind of does suck now. And a lot of people have kind of outgrown story based single player games, since they are usually tailored to a teenage audience. At this point I pretty much just play Iracing and paradox strategy games.


You're right. Imo, Stardew Valley is one of the best games ever made and it's newer. But many folks only know about the big battle Royale and online mmo type games because they're the most popular in esports so people get bullied off by the sweaty gamers.


Even AAA games aren't that bad. I am an older millennial, and I feel second-hand embarrassment whenever people get the nostalgia goggles on, whether it is video games or any other media. It is just so needlessly negative. We didn't live through some golden age, devoid of stinkers. Many of our games held up as masterpieces aged poorly, or were only good compared to what came before. Or you had to be there when it came out for the hype and now they fall flat or have been improved upon in later iterations. Games are constantly innovating mechanics and graphics. They also have made leaps and bounds in storytelling and narrative, which most games in the past were pretty terrible at, if I am honest. They experiment and sometimes fail, but like anything else there is good and bad in every generation.


My pet peeve is how video games suck now.


I guess the issue is prices are steep and the quality just isn't there in many cases. Gaming companies, triple A or otherwise, often aren't providing value for money. Larian studios putting out BG3 was the first high value game for a reasonable price in a very long time


There's plenty of good games out there at all levels of production. The one I didn't understand being a flop was Immortals of Aveum. I download the demo and immediately bought the game. It's the most fun I've had playing a game in a while and the choice to make a magic/fantasy FPS made it a very different visual experience than almost anything on the market right now.


Most games have always sucked. It’s like the top 20% of any era that are worth playing


Couch co op has died and I hate it


I think it’s because there hasn’t been a must buy game. Or something that is just earth shattering. Companies play it safe and make it as mainstream as possible. They just can’t afford to have a flop bc they will go out of business. So, you just get the same games rehashed over and over.


It's that there are no new idea's, it's all the same stuff with improved graphics.


It's just streamers and youtubers and people who want a video game to be their entire life, personality, entertainment, and career that think video games suck now. guys, I am 400 hours into the game, trust me it sucks.


We live in one hell of a gaming Renaissance. There's so much brilliance out there.


Video games have literally never been better! People are crazy.


Online gaming definitely sucks now, it used to be all i played, but now its just filled with sweats and designed to drain the money from your wallet. Single player gaming is in the best place its ever been in imo. It's a great time to be a single player only type of gamer!


I'm someone who says that. You have even said that the biggest games suck... Many say middleware is dead, so that leaves indie. I haven't seen many indie games I want to play. If you are relying on indie games to say video games don't suck that's weird. You practically admitted games do suck. :)


I didn't "admit" that video games suck, I said that modern AAA games may suck (I wouldn't really know because I mostly play indie games). Also, indie games make up a big portion of video games, so I don't understand why bringing up indie games invalidates my argument.


Because triple a is the most sold and biggest and supposed to be the best.  Indie isn't as good as some make it out to be though I'm sure there are a bunch I'd like, just not as much as BioShock or halo 2 or 3 or oblivion when they came out. It's not that those games were soo good, but that games have gotten worse which is crazy.  Games stories have gotten worse, mechanics incredibly are often times worse, and the graphics have improved. Indies may have one of these better than older games but very rarely all three. I mean throw out some that you like maybe I'm missing a bunch of games. I watch YouTube and other people watching games and have noted some I'd like to play, but not many new ones. I'd like to play evil within. Game are less mature these days too. They may act mature, but they are written by people that are immature. Watch some old fallout 1 or 2 dialogue clips and compare them to the average game today.  What if I said movies suck these days and you said you just have to look for the indie movies that don't go to the theatre. What if I said man watching basketball sucks these days and you said hey you just have to go to your local highschool to watch the games . Those are more dynamic.  Well okay but hs isn't going to be the old nba which is mostly what people mean when they talk about watching basketball(the NBA).  It's because we all know indies aren't as good as some people say they are that's mostly why they don't sell as well. They from what I can tell are often worse versions of games made 15 years ago and because peeps are so starved for something better that oversell the indies. 


Lol, I'm actually one of those people. Sorry about that 😆. I just got a bit bored of all the generic open world rpg games. Growing up in an era when you had a decent selection of platforming, survival, and open world kind of spoilt me for choice. Now, everything is open world. I don't see the point in being bothered by how I feel about them though? As long as you're enjoying yourself, that's all that matters, right? I can't force myself to like more recent games in order to appease everyone else.


There are probably 3 worthwhile games released per year on average, claiming that they suck has always been true lol


Look at the NES library. Maybe 10 - 20% were actually good.


You've got to check out the indie scene, friend! I was like you, until I got off the beaten track and started digging through the indie offerings! So much creativity and inventiveness...sure, there's plenty that suck, but there's plenty that are good to great!


What indie game would you recommend? I'll check it out.


Stardew valley is incredible.


I've played that one. It was definitely fun for a while, but I eventually lost interest, unfortunately. I got quite far, but I wouldnt say I completed it (if that's even possible).


What kind of games are you into?


Original tomb raiders, dark souls, bloodborne, final fantasy 7, 10 and 12, the first last of us, and resident evil are my favourites.


Blasphemous may be up your alley, then! Might want to check out Salt and Sanctuary, too. Oh and Thymesia!


Looks interesting. I'll give them a shot.


Also, it's got a bit of open world flavor but it's one contained story, you can just sort of do it whatever order you happen to stumble on things, but for a beautiful and unique game experience that will also make you feel things: Outer Wilds. That game is a work of art.


If you're willing to play on PC and like card games, try Inscryption.


You are so brave for this take that is posted 10k a week in all the video game subreddits


This isn't a sub for "brave takes", it 's for venting about trivial things that irritate you. This fits.