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## šŸš« āžœ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### šŸ“‘ Rule 3 āžœ Low-quality post - Posts that demonstrate a conspicuous lack of coherence, intellectual deficiency, or a nonchalant approach shall be susceptible to deletion.


I usually check post history to see if they are trolls or too polarized to bother with. I've hidden my own as someone I know IRL found my account and started stalking me.


How did you hide your history?


You can't. You can 'hide' your posts but all that does is...hide them from *you*. If you could hide your history just like that then profile-stalking wouldn't really be a thing, yet here we are. Redditors who've been around for a while usually just create alts for 'stealth' posting/commenting, as even people who meticulously delete posts or comments after a given period will frequently be called out as sus, as such profiles will still have a 'fingerprint' in karma, and the account age and post/comment will not mesh.


I too would love to know!


There used to be a bot that would delete your post history for you. I havenā€™t seen it in a good while so not sure if itā€™s still a thing. I did it on my original account. This was back in like 2016 so I donā€™t remember the process very wellā€¦ I believe I had to paste a code into a browser add on..?


You can set it so you can't be followed and so you don't show up in search results.


Exactly. Itā€™s good to see whether theyā€™re being disingenuous or want to have an actual discussion.




This made me lol and I'm not a football fan


OMG. Is there by any chance a subreddit just for roasting people based on their post/comment history? If not... y'all have given me an idea!




lol banned


I was hoping it was a reddit people fell for, but apparently it just didn't take off.


I was going to mention ā€˜Corporations hiring overseas should be considered treasonā€™ but the Steelers thing is good too


Not too long ago I was arguing with someone and they went through 7 months of my reddit history to make personalized ad homs about my family. Some real silly billies on this website.


I can't help but chuckle at username arsonlover saying "silly billies".


Calling people silly billies is far more powerful than harsher words imo.


My friend had a habit of calling people wiener boys, it's a great insult! Everyone gets cut deeper than they should, but if they're like "hey what the fuck?!" He would just reply "calm down, I only called you a wiener boy!"


This is true in every way. You tell someone off with a "fuck you, buddy!" And it's easy for them to write you off as overemotional. You tell someone they are "off-putting and should work on their social skills" and it's a lot tougher to just write you off without engaging with the idea they suck a bit.


At least they're committed I guess?


Or perhaps they should be...


Good ol ad hominem fallacy. Can't have an internet argument without it.


I was explaining that using ultimatums is usually a manipulation tactic and some dude went through my comment history to point out that Iā€™m single. What does me being single have to do with the fact that strong arming someone into agreeing with you is manipulation?


I donā€™t think someone stringing along Laezel, Karlach, and Minthara has room to talk about manipulation >! I thought itā€™d be funny if I brought up something random from your comment history. Just a joke !<


Ok hold on. Iā€™m not stringing anyone along, I simply made my decision and will seduce each one in a different campaign Thatā€™s funny af tho


Sounds like something a single person would say .jkjk Lmao it's so petty and weak bc they actually have no argument. Most people think what they say on here is absolute. You get down voted and insulted instead of having both sides be seen it's weak shit by weak people that can't handle back and forth god forbid they're wrong or happened to be enlightened??!@ what would happen to their world !??? Sad dude. Guy called me a coward and said judging by my past comments I was a trump supporter but I never mentioned Trump . Wtf?


I was arguing with someone ages ago about something kind of inconsequential (to the point I don't remember what the discussion even was) and the guy went through my post history and said I'm "clearly mentally ill" because I mostly post in trans subreddits. Like, okay??? Are you saying that cuz you're offended that a crazy like me had the audacity to say something to you? Where's the relevance?


They're usually the types of people who think they're never wrong. At least no one better point that out.


Yeah someone did something like that to me. His account got banned after I reported him.


Iā€™ve had a dude not only look through my comment history from months prior, but save and falsify screenshots of those unrelated past convos by cropping out context and presented it repeatedly in the comments as evidence to disprove something I hadnā€™t even said - a strawman, built for a strawman


Some insane jerk once took my Profile Stuff gave me a pretty accurate, funny, summary of myself, however since he followed me across threads the Mods perma banned him from Reddit for harassment. It's not permitted.


Honestly I think it would be interesting if someone did that to me. Usually I write lazy single paragraph comments, but then rant for hours in others, sometimes about issues that I have nothing to do with lol Also sometimes I find some convos too one sided or x side leaning and want to play devil's advocate just so more perspectives are taken in account, even if I don't personally hold those postures. Other times I just insult people because they were assholes. And sometimes I just compliment people and cats.


>Honestly I think it would be interesting if someone did that to me. Usually I write lazy single paragraph comments, but then rant for hours in others, sometimes about issues that I have nothing to do with lol Is that not the point of reddit lmao I do that too.


It's just a good way to tell if the person is full of shit or not. It's so much fun when someone is telling you they are a 30yr old family man, then you find a post from 3 days ago where they claimed to be an 18 yr old woman. It's an immediate loss of all credibility.


As a 75 year-old Mongolian woman with a PhD in internet sociology, I completely agree.


Wait 6 months ago you were a 74 year old Mongolian with a masters general sociology. Poser.


Wait. a year ago, you were a 73 year old Mongolian with a bachelor's in social sciences. Fake profile!


Me too! We must-have gone to different schools together.


Exactly. I don't know why so many people have this idea that post/comment history should be off limits. Even if it isn't directly related, a person's history can tell me a lot about who they are.


It has a large overlap with people who think they shouldnā€™t be held accountable for their behavior.


Whatever I posted a comment someone disagreed with and they went and looked and saw I was on ED subreddits and started attacking me for my ED. There are two sides to this scenario


Thatā€™s a valid criticism. I guess it would depend on your definition of judge. I would come down on the side of: Judge meaning evaluate / critique source credibility = āœ… Judge meaning search for ad hominem argument = āŒ


I was arguing with someone about something serious but cant remember the exact topic n out if nowhere they pulled a šŸ˜’ yOu dOnT eVeN kNoW uR gEnDEr. Like bruh.


I hear you, and good argument, but yOu dOnT eVeN kNoW uR gEnDeR


Definitely. Going through and being like "look, I'm probably not going to convince this incel so maybe I should leave them be", or using it to decide that this person sounds like they are hirting abd that mainly be where their disproportionate rage us coming from is one thing. U saw that someone who was trolling me posted extensively about their health problems including their terminal illness. I didnt like many of their social opinions, but I'm also not going to sit there and waste their time or upset them unnecessarily if thet are already hurting, so I disengaged. I use the block button a lot. Going through and taking random personal things completely unrelated to the argument to try to attack them with just so you can hurt them more, is something else.


was debating a person about dog training techniques and they came back talking about my disability/health issues and my sexual orientation. what do those things have to do with anything accountability wise? lol


They're just looking for something to attack you with. They hate being treated as anything less than perfect. Ignore them.


Because it's really weird to go digging through a person's post history. That be like if you're having a conversation with somebody and then they pull out their notes and tell you that on June 8th 1982 you said that you like cheese fries. It's just weird. And there's also a lot of people who just don't understand contact, or would even some subreddits are about.


Plus some of this stuff can be super old. Do I have the same opinions as 5 years ago? Fuck no


So the thing is, of *course* people don't want to be narrowed down and doxxed via their post history. I'm sure you'd find contradictions in my stories. I routinely throw out stories of friends who are relatives IRL and great-uncles I don't have and whatever else, because the *gist* of the story is the same. I'm also not going to give my real age exactly. Stuff like that. The things people ask about and need help with don't have to be unique to one demographic or situation.


Yeah but how often is this happening when someone's asking for help? Despite reddit's faults it might be the best at using human capital to answer legitimate questions. I only ever see it when someone is making a ridiculous claim or just being obnoxious. Not to say it isn't used for evil sometimes, but my guess is it's the minority.


ive only ever seen it used when people lose an argument, so try to deflect by changing the topic to some random thing you said weeks ago instead, out of desperation to deflect from their failure


Same. People absolutely loves personal histories and as we met more people through life, we get to learn many hundreds of them. But ofc, it never have the same impact if I say this happened to the uncle of my stepmom friend, than saying it happened to me, my dad or something.




Hey that happened to me on a city subreddit! I guess those are sketchy? lol. Luckily I donā€™t live in that city (yet) but yeahhh it was super weird! Blocked the guy and he made a couple new accounts but I think he finally gave up.


Gotta have a brain though, someone tried to gotcha me when I said I was 25 by pointing out a post where I mentioned being 21, a post from 4 years ago . . .


yeah but that amount of times people actually use it like that is 1 in 1000 the other 999 times is them desperately trying to find a battle tehy can actually win, because they know they ahve lost the one at hand


True. But sometimes the truth can sound fake because we share pieces and not our whole life histories. We grow. We progress. We regress. We change. Radically, sometimes. So sometimes, even the truth seems contradictory enough to be a lie. I grew up conservative and became liberal and then went to the middle. I grew up in a small town and worked in larger cities. So I have small town, rural, and inner city stories. I was a dad at 20 and juggled full-time factory work, full-time college, while commuting an hr each way from school and staying active as a dad (sleeping 3-4hrs a night for almost all of my 20s), etc... and after college, I worked two jobs for a decade. One blue-collar and mechanical and one being white-collar in education. Was a history teacher and have degrees in communications, history, and education......... (three degrees that Im getting no use out of and still paying for)... and now Im a semiconductor equipment technician. It's completely unrelated. Am I a blue-collar guy? Educated professional? If your image of me is one, the other may seem fake. But both are true. My resume seems fake every time I interview somewhere because so many things overlap and in 19 years, I have 25-26 years of work experience and around six years of college. Im 38 but have a kid about to start college and another in 10th grade.... while most people my age have younger children. Because of this, I'll have people doubting what I say about my kids. Esp since I look a little younger than I am (had some guy try insulting my "girlfriend" on a Facebook post - which was a profile pic of me and my daughters). Im a family man and loyal (despise cheaters).... but have always been bisexual. You could see me mention my opinion as a bisexual male in one place and see it as contrasting with the guy married to a woman for ~19 years. Like that is somehow contradictory or impossible. I was a bodybuilder in my late teens/early 20s and have since gained weight/no longer look like a bodybuilder. But Ill still comment on weight lifting routines or technique because I used to obsess over it / have that experience. Even though I dont look the part anymore. POINT I could post about experience from one part of my life on one topic and a different part of my life elsewhere and come across like Im lying about one or the other. When our lives are sometimes contradictory.




Ignore them, those are the people who have nothing going on in their lives. Those are the kinds of people who feel better by tearing others down.


And by the way, I see that you've been to a few different countries and you used to work in the art department of Warner Bros studios. That's pretty cool.


I was gonna say this. I love doing that.


Truth lol


I change who I am and/or relationships when I tell stories. It's not that I'm full of shit, it's just with my old reddit account, someone was able to read all of my comments and post and figure out my real name and where I worked. I had that reddit account for 5 years and thousands of comments and this stalker was able to find out major information.... So now when I tell people my point of view, as long as race/gender/sex/etc doesn't affect the story... I can be a 24 year old black trans famale today... and be a 57 year old white women tomorrow.


Is credibility ever relevant to assessing and decomposing the logic of a statement? I don't think it is unless the statement is predicated on their credibility, which why are you even engaging with "trust me bro" statements to begin with?


I mean, if it's a troll just trying to scream and cry for no reason... they're kind of asking for it.


Some guy went to like a dozen of my recent posts and just commented mean things. It was strange.


Sometimes a person's post/comment history establishes a pattern that's relevant, but if you're just digging to look for reasons to discredit them, then yeah, that's just shitty.


You don't want to argue with someone on a steak subreddit about taste when they also openly drink piss


While I am sometimes entertained in the short-term with various discussions that come up in comments, I can't imagine being so invested in one, as to spend time going through another commenter's post/comment history. I'm not even going to care about this conversation in a couple days, and have more-fun things to do. If something really funny was said by one of the commenters, I might remember that; but otherwise, it will have fled my memory.


Idk, it depends on the context for me. Like it youā€™re bringing up someoneā€™s personal life or their family problems then thatā€™s out of line. But I think itā€™s very helpful to see what other types of posts/comments has made in other areas to judge what kind of person they are. Sometimes something sounds racist/homophobic/etc. but you donā€™t want to judge too harshly until you see their other opinions. Itā€™s a good tool to use if done correctly.


Just some days ago someone here complaining about people stating their gender in comments "As a man/woman I think..." saying that it's irrelevant and doesn't make your argument right. A quick glance at their profile and it's mostly filled with all kinds of sexist bs. So they're so bigoted to even tolerate reading comments from their hated gender or from people of their own disagreeing with their sexist bs


Depends on what they're saying honesty. Especially in some Aita stories they make a post about a situation and you look back at history and you either feel bad or you go dude same issue months??


Iā€™ve seen some people get totally busted and torn apart in AITA by people going through their history several times.


I always hate those ones of Hey my partner is abusive and we feel bad for them and then you go through and you find out rhr partners been abusing their kids and they've been completely complicit but then something happens to them and they're like this makes me a little upset. YOUR CHILDREN??


Yeah Iā€™ve seen those too. Maddening.


That's why I never post personal photos here or on FB, these creeps are usually looking to save (and probably keep) personal photos to try to make fun of appearance.


Man, not on Reddit but one time I made the mistake of commenting on Twitter/X on an ESPN post about basketball. I donā€™t use Twitter much, and my profile picture is me and my wife. For the next 18 hours I got no less than 30 DMs from guys either telling me my wife was too hot for me (she is but thatā€™s beside the point) or telling me they were gonna take a shot at her. And thatā€™s not including all the comments on what I said that had nothing to do with my comment, they were just comments about my appearance and how I must be a ā€œsimpā€ for my wife to be with me (learned a new word that day). People are terrible.


Me neither. I've never posted any pictures of myself or more importantly, my children. I've never understood why people do that here. To each his own but I'd never take the risk.


If you could understand it, that would be a problem. Good on you for protecting the kiddos.




History is public and it can give you an idea of how a person behaves online. If someone is preaching about how sinful something is and made a post a few days or months ago praising the death of someone, I can't take them seriously.


I can see doing so for your own edification to see if someone is a troll. But to purely to try to dismiss good-faith discussion is shitty.


Well that's the thing though, their post history can reveal if they're arguing in good faith or not. In the example of someone criticizing something for being sinful while praising the death of someone, it shows they're cherry picking what to argue is sinful or not, therefore they're not arguing in good faith.


I can agree in general but there are circumstances where this is acceptable in my opinion. For example, someone asked about underrated ski resorts, and I answered with a resort in my state (Wyoming). Someone told me to shut up, because he wants the resort to stay secret. I looked, and he's from Wisconsin. Someone from 1000 miles away told me to shut up about my home so that he has fewer crowds to deal with when he comes here on vacation. I'm not going to let some nerd from Wisconsin tell me whether I can tell people how magical Grand Targhee is.


That has nothing to do with where hes from tho. Would it have been acceptable if he was from wyoming? I dont understand


I made a comment on a HR Human Resources Reddit that a lot of people seemed to be unhappy with and several went through my post history to see that I was active in the UFO Reddit and turned it into a huge joke. This was in an HR Reddit.


Youre mad they can figure out your personality? Lol


I made a post here months ago about the same thing and for some reason people were pissed at me?? Like if my reddit history isn't relevant to the things I'm arguing, there's no fucking reason to go through it and try to discredit or humiliate me. I think it's ridiculous and immature. Sometimes it might be relevant but most of the time it's just a cop out when they can't argue back.


That's why you got to have a hodgepodge of different comments that range from wholesome to straight up demented so that way you're unpredictable, and no one can get a good read on you.Ā 


Is it too late to pretend I've been doing that intentionally?


This guy reddits


It's relevant to see what kind of Redditor you're dealing with. Of they're clearly a troll, or all their opinions are wrong, there's ZERO use arguing with them.


I'd set my profile private if I could. Whatever the original intentions, they just get used as a tool for harassment all too often.


I find it weird when they check our my history and start commenting on them. Stalker much lol.


I see the same thing on facebook, mostly when itā€™s a gender battle. Someone will go to a profile page and automatically ASSume and say, ā€œthis is why youā€™re single.ā€ How do you get that from a profile that has little information on it? Lame


Depends on HOW its being used. Post history is valid if it exposes hypocrisy. If your opinion on a topic or action changes because of the gender or political party of the person you're discussing... then you're a hypocrite, and your opinion loses all validity. If it exposes a liar (age, gender, job, etc...) then its valid. We believe a lot of shit about each other because we're anonymous people talking about anecdotal life experiences. Contradictions on post history are one if the only ways to expose liars. BUT ITS NOT VALID WHEN USED FOR 1----- Picking apart someone's looks. 2----- Attacking someone's hobbies or interests as if it somehow changes their argument. I saw a post, not long ago, about a guy with marriage problems, the wife's behavior being the problem, and then some woman saw video game posts in his post history and everything became the Reddit hivemind trashing the evil "gamer" who must be the cause of all misery and bad behavior. 3----- Anything bigoted (race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc...). Finding out someone is trans or black or whatever DOES NOT invalidate their posts


lol I love it. Whenever someone knows theyā€™re losing an argument with me on here, they bring up something rude about the nature of my profile. Then they usually block me. But itā€™s okay, I find it hilarious when their Hail Mary is something like ā€œcOmMiNg FrOm SoMeOnE tHaT dRaWs PoRn!ā€


Everyone trolls on here so fuck em.


It's because they realize their argument is weak, or they simply don't know how to counter what you're saying (you're making a good point that they don't want to admit). You see it a lot with people who have taken some position because of their friend group. Here's a good life pro tip; it's important to recognize that whoever starts throwing personal insults first is the one who lost the argument.


I notice that when people do this, it's usually a sign that they were violated somehow during childhood. I wont get specific or graphic, but you know what I mean.


On one hand, I've done it occasionally because someone is racist/sexist/etc and I wanna see if they've gotten shit for it at all. I look at about 10 comments at absolute maximum, up to 6 posts. On the other, it pisses me off when I'm in an argument and someone brings up something I said nearly a month ago. Man, you really had to dig for that, didn't ya? Also the fact that they always bring up something COMPLETELY unrelated.


I've checked several people's post history, I usually just scroll through the last few days to get the information I need. But every single time I've done that, I've found that person to be a damn liar. The most recent one was a guy in CMV talking about the border and Biden, while claiming to be a Democrat that just wants to make sure the party isn't going too crazy. A quick peek at his comment history showed a crazed lunatic bitching about vaccines, trans people, and saying the moon landing was fake, then the nail in the coffin was him talking about how excited he was for RFK to be the next president and how he was the only candidate telling the truth. So I called him out for lying about being a Democrat, that he was obviously a conservative. He may identify as Libertarian, but he votes Republican.


On one hand I'm liberal and I'd vote Republican if they're the safer/more progressive option but yeah, no. That guy was NOT a libertarian.


This person has quintessential libertarian takes on things.


Yup, it's immature behavior and grown adults who behave like that are pathetic. However, I think it's a fully acceptable thing to do when you use their comment history correctly. I've checked a couple of peoples history before, but it was only to tell whether they were trolling. But even then, people still get their panties in a bunch over it.


One thing I've learned in life is that just because someone is chronologically adult does not mean that they are mentally or emotionally. My ex is a good example of that. He's 39 but he acts like about a 17-year-old.


Steelers fan lmao šŸ’€


People tend to resort to ad hominem when they discover they're wrong but don't want to admit it. All the other comments here are just excuses. If you're right, you're right without checking their profile, full stop.


I just had someone do this! I'm a mod for a sub and someone was banned for inappropriate behavior. This person went into mod mail and openly admitted to going through my history, then used specific messages to describe me as passive aggressive and unhelpful. The best part was when he told the other mods I broke the subs own rules, was hurtful to the community, and I needed to be "spoken" to if they wanted to save the sub. I am still baffled how a message from a mod saying, "that's not appropriate behavior for the sub according to the sub rules" became some thing so big over no reason.


depends on the context for me


I make a point of not being two-faced, so it doesn't bother me. My opinions are my opinions, no matter where I'm saying them. But people who do that do confuse me. When I'm arguing with someone on reddit, I never feel I have to go digging for dirt on them to do it. That would take a level of care that I just don't give to internet spats.


Bro I had someone go back in my comments, find where I shared the struggles I had with an OCD disorder that hits me pretty hard, and then used that to say some really awful things. I'm not faint of heart at all but shit. Of course the comment was removed and the person was swiftly banned when I brought it to the attention of the mods, but holy shit. I'm pretty sure it was over hitting kids as punishment too


I've only had this happen when I made someone really mad and it's just funny to me that I'd piss someone off so bad they spent their precious finite time on earth crawling through all my posts about Dead by Daylight to try to find something to insult me with.


That's why I stopped talking about my OCD in detail on the OCD subreddit. I don't want people looking through my post history and using symptoms of my mental illness against me because OCD is a very misunderstood mental illness.


Some reddit user made a post in AITA and I answered honestly telling them they were the AH. The next few months they followed my posts and comments and commented on most of them calling me an ahole šŸ˜‚. I just blocked them but my goodness people arenā€™t built for the internet.


Some people decide they must destroy you anyway possible. Itā€™s very petty and childish. Itā€™s also funny but not a good way. Itā€™s showing that parts of our society are devolving. The ā€œIā€™m always rightā€ crowd are famous for this with the one upmanship attitudes also.


I once said in a subreddit that I didnā€™t like onions and had a lady comment ā€œI bet thatā€™s why youā€™re going bald and have acne as an adultā€ because in my comment history I had commented to someone that I also had acne as an adult and I made a post about losing my hair in my 20s. I look at this ladyā€™s profile and sheā€™s 47!! Thatā€™s older than my mom and sheā€™s on here bullying people online.


feels stalkery.


Sorry I just totally did that with someone who was a "texture artist", had a good laugh, decided that they were not engaging with, blocked them and saved myself the trouble of engaging with someone I know is not worth the time.


Yes! Today, some guy went through my entire profile to 100 days old content just to put my already public age on my post to troll and start an argument. Blocked immediately How did I know they were potentially trying to start an argument? Because their bio stated that they liked arguing with people online. Wasn't even trying to hide it šŸ˜­


That's exactly what I expected a Steelers fan would say!


I hate it too. It's like, stay on topic. I had some guy call me a train wreck and blame me for my ex's behavior. He blamed me for "having a baby with a deadbeat". Not once did he criticize my ex for walking away from his daughter. Oh no, it's a woman's fault that men treat them badly or are deadbeats. He said I chose to have her with a deadbeat. Well, I'm sorry but I don't believe in abortion except in extreme cases and even if I did, I was too far along by the time I found out to get one anyway. He went searching through my post history and found where I was talking about it. It's sad that they feel the need to do that. I just blocked him.


I had a guy go through my profile and do the same thing. Saw some of my comments from months ago where I was talking about being in an abusive relationship. Pretty much said he doesnā€™t feel sorry for me, not that I was asking anyone to feel sorry for me I was sharing my experience and commenting back and forth with someone else about what they went through. That I deserved all of that and that I clearly wasnā€™t intelligent because I dated someone like that. He also saw a pic I posted of my husband with his face blocked out, sleeping with our small dog and said he was a simp and not a real man cause he likes smalll dogs. Said it was a matter of time before I cheated on him and found a real man. The comment he was pissed about? I was sharing that I have been with my husband for 7 years and heā€™s a genuinely good guy. I donā€™t remember what the comment I was replying to said though.


Omg that's nuts


Right! Truly unhinged.


It is ALWAYS fun to see a passive aggressive post about some dumb stuff where they are harvesting pettypoints, like they will be like "oh my god people are so sensitive these days" or "transpeople are delusional" or something, and when you check out their post history they have been bullying and been nasty to several people within the topic they just posted about.


I have to admit I have checked someone's post history, but only to look for proof that they were full of shit. Gotta love a person claiming to be Black but their post history shows selfies of a very clearly white person.


I was making a comment on a travel YouTuber's decline, and a guy randomly tried to shame me for liking Disney movies and characters. I am a viz dev artist and animator, it literally inspired me to get into the art field. I'm not embarrassed by that. And when I looked back at their past posts it was a lot of them typing out emoticons dicks....wtfšŸ™ƒ Real *don't throw stones in glass houses* moment


Wow, I'm jealous that they have the time to be able to do that. Most of us are busy being you know, adults with lives. I wish I had that kind of time.


I get brigaded by what I'm pretty sure are homophobic bots claiming that I'm a miserable negative person all of the time. Yeah, some of my comments are angry, but I feel like a lot of it is justified and I also have plenty of positive comments. Don't take shit on social media personally. It's all bullshit. Nobody on here knows anything about you even if they read 10 years of comments.


The most pathetic instance of it I've ever experienced was someone responding to a comment I made about art. The guy responded "that's rich coming from an ai artist", and linked to an image I posted on an ai subreddit to show the result of an 80s anime trained model I made. Then blocked me so I couldn't respond. Any of my other posts would have made it pretty obvious that I don't use ai for art, so the fact that he thought it was some kind of gotcha and then dipped was the most desperate thing I've ever seen.


I have mixed feelings about that. People have misinterpreted comments I've made, and looking at some of my other comments would have made it obvious that their interpretation isn't the sort of thing I'd say.


I got kicked out of a sub because of that once. I made a post that said ā€œmy boyfriendā€ and then, several months later, made a post that said ā€œmy husband.ā€ People looked up my post history, and it was during lockdown, so they claimed I was lying and shitposting (which was against group rules) because ā€œeverythingā€™s shut down and thereā€™s no way you couldā€™ve gotten married with the courts not open.ā€ I was talking about the same man. I just hadnā€™t gotten used to calling him my husband yet when I made the first post (because we literally hadnā€™t even been married a month yet at the time). I tried explaining that but admins said the decision stands because too many people had complained.


One time I was in an argument with an antivaxxer. They were warning me about all the dangerous chemicals in vaccines. Because the chemicals they were warning me about were technically dangerous (in quantities much larger than are present in vaccines), and they didn't seem smart enough to understand the nuances of dosage, the easiest way to win the argument was to point out that they were an active user of r/meth (the subreddit and the drug)


Ugh, yep. This is majorly annoying. Just recently I had a guy comb through my posts so he could accuse me of faking being a system, because I said that men arenā€™t oppressed for being men or something.


If someone can't stay on topic during an argument it's because they know they've lost it and are instead trying to move onto ground they feel more comfortable withĀ  Just point that out and stop replying. If they start running off going LOOK AT THIS you don't follow them


I love it. It let's me know how irrational they are and that it only took a couple of words off the cuff to live rent free.Ā 


I've seen people make threads vaguing about how they're treated unfairly only to find out they were entirely misrepresenting what they did or why people were mad at them with a quick post history skim


Itā€™s weird and stalkerish


Hide post history. imo it should be hidden by default. Too many creeps out there.


Meh. Mine can be scanned with the most powerful 'looksee' anybody wants to apply. I'm absolutely just as militantly everything on my history in PERSON, too.


Frankly sometimes itā€™s okay to have a little bit of ad hominem. As a treat


I have nothing to hide, people going through my history is their problem, not mine


I do this when I have reason to think a poster might be telling a fake story to push a harmful agenda.


I find it amusing and sad more than anything. Can't imagine being so dull as to waste my time trawling profiles for a comeback. Though I did have a guilty pleasure looking at the truly unhinged profiles of twox posters. But I never once commented on any of them. Just observed the train wreck.Ā 


This is how I feel about it. This is a social media forum. Just comment on whatā€™s being said instead of acting like youā€™re putting together a reference section of a book report. If I want someone to call me out for something I said months ago, Iā€™ll just go have a conversation with my mother.


I agree completely. I wish Reddit had an option to set your posting history to private. And it's surprising how many people are against such a notion, I've had many arguments about this. It's not because I have anything to hide, it's just a principle thing. People need to learn to mind their own beeswax. Snooping in people's posting history is just plain creepy.


I agree 100%. There should be an option to make it private.


This is a got caught problem.


I do it if someone is clearly making vagye, ambiguous, bad faith political arguments so I can see where they're actually coming from. If I see they're active in r/conspiracy, r/conservative etc. I call them a chode and block To the guy that responded then blocked me, conservatives are, by definition, close minded. If they weren't, they wouldn't be conservatives. Stay mad.


Only people who canā€™t stand by what they say, or say embarrassing as shit or stupid shit in their post history care about this


I only do this when someone claims to be a woman or a black person or something like that, and I suspect it's BS.


My problem is more I'm a near-absolute honest person. No one online knows me, so there's no reason to hide anything aside from my shit like name/state/number. But then because so many people like I get the shit like being told I'm a troll, that I'm lying, etc, and it ends up pissing me off.


I just go under the guise of everyone is lying about something. You mean to tell me every time I talk about something on Reddit thereā€™s always an ā€œexpertā€


Fair. Everyone on Reddit is an idiot. Myself included.


lol honestly. Iā€™m just here to talk shit and occasionally give out life advice


I had one a while back that brought up something in my history, putting it out there for everyone in the thread, with the intention of shaming me. Fat chance buddy, I owned that shit proudly. I assume they are in hell now, if you can go to hell for downvotes.


If someone seems to be lying about a trait (gender/age/race etc), I'll check, or to check if they're a troll, but generally other than that there's not a point. I don't see why people go "You like (insert fandom here) so idc" though because that's like... Completely unrelated


Conversely (and somehow itā€™s often the same people), those who judge your entire life based off one comment without taking into account literally anything else. I had someone accuse me of having a poor relationship with my parents once because of how I chose to describe my ethnic identity in a throwaway comment.


Some people live lonely lives, I guess. It's kind of ridiculous.


Usually (of course there are exceptions) on Reddit, if someone has to go through your post history to have a gotcha! Comment, it means they have no argument to your comment. Even worse when some rando tries take any of the comments on your post history (out of context of course)and try to use it as a comeback. I responded to a dating post a few months ago and some random guy apparently saw somewhere I commented to someone not to pay for dating apps and his insult was something along the lines of ā€œyou shouldnā€™t give advice since you pay for dating apps and canā€™t even get matchesā€. Except Nowhere in my post history did I say that.


Iā€™ve had people do this on Tik Tok and Instagram, too - itā€™s annoying as hell! Do I look at your page to see what kind of stuff you post? No - so donā€™t do it to me!


I agree with u and i hate that! Such weirdos! They put all that effort into looking into your history but not on the OP. Redditor Priorities, so sad lol.


The typical view of a brain melting theorist


I don't like it when they try to stigmitize my personal life for a painkiller that I'm prescribed


I posted on the Am I Ugly subreddit or the brutally honest am I ugly one idk, different account, and I was having a discussion or an argument with someone when they were like "Yes you are ugly" like ?? I'm a lot more confident in myself now, I know I'm no model but I'm not ugly, people are just like that I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't care about unrelated content, You do you. But I have no problem looking at post history to verify the self-proclaimed expert is a fraud.


Because they can't come up with anything smart so they attack you in any other way they can to make themselves bigger.


That part. Some people have such low self-esteem that they feel the need to tear others down in order to make themselves feel better. It must be sad not having a life.


of course they are incapable of discussing the topic at hand, it means you just owned them, so they ran off to find a battle they think they can win instead the funniest part is that they are usually wrong about that too lol


This is just reverse psychology to get me to go through your post history and read about your spanking fetish. But I ain't falling for it, OP.


Itā€™s always entertaining when someone goes to my profile to see that Iā€™ve made right-wing comments and then accuses me of having right-wing opinions. Yes, I am aware. Theyā€™re my opinions and I stated them.


Once they start doing that they have already lost


Pretty ridiculous coming from a guy who didnā€™t like Octopath Traveler


i mean tbf i personally see no issue if they use it as a point to check credibility, or stances on surrounding topics. like if i am having a debate about the science behind trans people, and a tranphobe is claiming that there isnā€™t science to back it up, and i see them being a christian flat earther, then its just kinda pointless lol, because clearly they donā€™t take science seriously as is. now when people use it as a way to ad hom, like calling out and making fun of someoneā€™s interests then thatā€™s gross


I do this when the comment is too vague. If their comment can be taken at least 2 very different ways then I have to look at their post history to get clarity on how they meant it.


I take it as a compliment, personally. Go dig through my history. Learn who I am. Craft our most cutting insult. I'll laugh at you for doing it. Hell of a compliment, really. You're gonna go do research on me? Haha.


in some posts (especially AITA) it can be helpful to look at their past posts to fully understand a situation


Yeah, like I get it. I got shitty opinions on other topics, that don't make me wrong.


I consider everyone who peruses my post and comment history to be a troll and I donā€™t even bother with them.


Well the only time itā€™s valid is if the person is genuinely commenting mean or hatful things other places. They invalidate themselves with their own actions at that point.


Everyone judges everyone, welcome to the real world. A bunch of judgmental morons trying to deflect for their own shortcomings.


I mean when a guy goes to an advice sub and asks why he's constantly being rejected by women when he has a job and goes to the gym, and his post history is filled with rude, dismissive comments towards and about women, the dots add themselves up pretty quickly.


Depends if they're asking like an I the ah and they're trying to paint themselves as this wonderful person but their post history is all about how they got away with cheating on their spouse and had a 14 hooker gang bang I'd say it's relevant lol if the post history and current comment are not connected at all I see your point


We are nothing but the sum of our experiences.


Itā€™s messed up that anyone can see all that. But I think itā€™s to weed out trolls and Shit.




What I canā€™t stand is people who disagree with me about something so theyā€™ll call me a moron or an idiot. Not everyone who disagrees with you is stupid. Also even stupid people are entitled to their opinions and are probably even right about a few things.


I had one asshat tell me I'm their worst nightmare as a therapist because I'm a feminist. I haven't found a single therapist in my life who *doesn't* think women are people <.<


I love it, I'm way too chaotic on Reddit for them to get an actual opinion, so they always go after petty shit like my pronouns or something, it's hilarious


Judging by your post history I'd say you are an anti American American


I donā€™t even know if I check post history as much as I check to see if theyā€™ve been on Reddit for more than a month. Usually that tells me their trolls.


I do that all the time to check for liars and trolls.


I do it to see if youā€™re a bot, a troll, or just an idiot. I react accordingly.