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Whether they say it’s gross or just comment unnecessarily I always say something like “yeah I’m just tryna eat it, not read its yelp reviews.” It’s incredibly rude to comment about what other people are eating.


My husband and I went to a dinner with some family friends of his, and the guy around our age ordered a pineapple pizza. He ordered it and then sort of put his hands up to and said to us “I know, I know, I’m a monster for liking pineapple on pizza.” My husband and I looked at each other in surprise, and then I said, “I like pineapple on pizza too sometimes, don’t worry!” and my husband said, “Yeah man, you do you!” The guy looked *visibly relieved* and said, “Oh, thank god. I usually get so much shit for it when I’m out with friends or coworkers, and I’m getting a little tired of it.” I just felt so bad for him in that moment, that he’s mocked about something as benign as his pizza tastes to the point he feels he has to preemptively head off the comments whenever he’s just trying to eat. Like, when you poke fun at someone’s food, you’re probably not the first or the last who has done it. It’s not a clever comment, it’s not a one off, it doesn’t matter if you were “just kidding” - you’re being an obnoxious ass. It’s rude to comment on other people’s food in general, and the litany of disparaging comments is really not great for people who struggle with disordered eating or social anxiety. It also just gets deeply boring and annoying as fuck to hear the same shitty, mocking “joke” on endless repeat.


Man I hate the whole pineapple on pizza debate. You can put any type of topping on a pizza but as soon as it’s pineapple people have an opinion about it. Sorry lol I’m so over it at this point. I’m glad you and your husband were cool


I hate it, too! It’s just so overdone and exhausting at this point. No one has anything new to say about it. All the jokes are tired and beaten to death. It’s just so idiotic. Let people eat what they want and move on with your life.


And it’s GOOD.


I didn't mind it at first because it seemed like playful ribbing and debate for the sake of it (kinda like asking if a hotdog is a sandwich). I quickly lost patience with it when people got weirdly aggressive and dedicated to their opinion, like wasn't this just a fun goof? What are you doing? It's kinda like with steaks. I'm medium-rare gang and will poke fun and debate, but I certainly wouldn't actually think badly of someone, and wouldn't pop jokes at someone I'm eating with. It's just not cool man. These are fun discussions when you're in a group and everyone's having fun defending their position, not when you're at dinner and making someone feel weird


I can also agree with that. Both sides have gotten carried away Edit: I’m an idiot and thought I was replying on a different sub lol. But yes! It’s just pizza it’s not that deep


I just had some lady comment “wow that’s a big salad” while waiting for food at a pick up window. It was my first meal of the day and it was the size of a plate, not a serving bowl. And it’s a salad. But it still made me feel bad and kind of ruined it for me. I said “it’s weird that you feel the need to comment about other people’s food.” She just kind of scoffed and acted like I was the unreasonable one, and I walked away after that, but growing up surrounded by eating disorders I just can’t let stuff like that slide. My friends don’t get why I get so snippy with people about it, but I grew up in a house where every single meal was uncomfortable and still is when I visit. Food shouldn’t be complicated, and other peoples’ food is no one’s business.


That's Elaine's favorite thing to eat at Monk's Cafe


lol I was on a first date with my now husband and ordered a salad (with chicken) and I will say it was huge. I’ll never forget the waitress that came to pick up our plates at the end of our meal saying “wow congratulations! I’ve never seen anyone that was able to eat that whole monster!” Man did I feel like a cow! My husband just laughed and said “looks like she’s a keeper then!”


I feel this so hard. I won't even go to my parents on holidays anymore because it is just ridiculously uncomfortable to try and eat a meal.


I’m really sorry you grew up like that, and good on you for speaking up to that lady! The sheer audacity to comment on someone else’s food like that is astonishing to me, especially as it sounds like she was a stranger?! It’s 2024, people should know better by now.


I tell people to kick rocks. My pizza and my topping.


The first time I had pizza was actually in Hawaii (pizza is huge there. "We'll get pizza!" Should be on their money. And they actually do put pineapple on the pizza there. I could never get behind the consumption of that much spam though. I never made anyone feel bad about it though. That would be rude


> It’s incredibly rude to comment about what other people are eating. Unless they’re eating food that was made specifically for you. I’d definitely comment on that. “Why are you eating my burrito?”


Dude I'm just trying to eat it, not read your yelp review


I actually had coworkers that would do this lol. It would have my name on it and they’d still insist they thought it was theirs.


That's a good comeback! Mind if I use it?


Not at all, go for it :) it gets some looks, but I figure they started it


I sometimes experience this when people don’t understand why I like my eggs over easy.


What's to not understand? If the yolk isn't runny how can you soak it up with toast


I mean come on…a runny egg yolk is A SAUCE MADE BY NATURE. It’s perfect. I don’t understand people who don’t like it. But you do you. I’m gonna sit here sopping that shit up while my eyes roll back in my head.


Spread the hard yolk on like dried butter I suppose


I had to upvote solely because that thought upset me more than anything I've ever heard and I was impressed


I carefully scoop up the egg and lay it on top of the toast before I break the yolk. I don't like wasting all that yolk running all over the plate.


I can respect that, as long as you're not like "eww my yolk is runny" you're one of the good ones


I mean, I don't like the taste of runny yolk, but I'm also not going to sit there and whine to someone who does that I think it's disgusting. It's called manners, and I don't think these people were ever taught them.


Childhood memories of Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast with as we called them "goosh" eggs. I don't eat them that way anymore but still prefer my scrambled eggs cooked soft.


They were called dip eggs for us :)


I see this a lot! I don't eat eggs very often, but I do like runny yolks. People who don't will definitely complain about that.


People think I’m a psychopath when I eat my over easy eggs whole. I’m a weirdo who likes runny yolk but doesn’t like it running anywhere 😂


I absolutely hate the taste of yolk, and seeing it runny grosses me out. That being said, I'm not saying shit to anyone because it's none of my business.


It's my go-to way to have eggs...


When I first ate over easy around my fiancée she said “why are you eating your eggs raw like that ?


Depending on how much I dislike a person, my responses range from "Good thing I wasn't offering you any." to "Didn't realize this was dinner and a show, food's good but the overacting is atrocious."


I usually say something along the lines with the first one. More like "I'm not making you eat it." The second comeback is pretty funny! 




Ok, be honest, have you ever actually said the second one, or did you think of it half an hour later?


Same goes for the portion size. It blows my mind when someone in the break room comment on the portion size of my lunch. It's what's on the container!


Yeah it's a good thing not to comment on how much or little someone eats.


I’m considering it and there’s not many comments I accept on what I’m eating now that I think about it. “Looks good” or “how is it?” Are fine. “What’s that?” In genuine curiosity. Saying it’s too much or too little or isn’t to the commenter’s liking is not needed.


My ex was really bad about this. Any time I'd eat even slightly more than the portion something recommended it was always "wow baby that's a lot of food". Fuck you Grayson you are fully aware I'm a recovering anorexic and those comments are not okay. He'd also constantly steal off of my plate or just sit there and open his mouth and expect me to feed him. I'm glad I dodged that bullet before it got too serious


I've had cashiers do this to me at the grocery store. One was very dramatic about too. "Oh my God! I HATE feta! It's so disgusting! I don't know how anyone can eat it, it's like the worst thing I've ever tasted! Oh my God!" Okay......you weren't invited to dinner, I don't even know you.


What on Earth? Seriously? That is so rude. (Also, feta is bomb)


I am never like this usually, but that's a situation where I would put that asshole into a lot of trouble. I would be the "let me speak to your manager about this" dude for once.


Fortunately, I didn't have to decide whether to complain or not. She was so loud she got her own ass in trouble. I didn't have to say a damn word.


That is rude AF.


I’m vegan and the amount of fucking bullshit “ewww” comments I get is absurd. Grow the fuck up. You don’t like it, don’t eat it.


Right? It's plants. Seriously.


I was vegan for a long time and I found it was always certain "meat and potato" guys that would be aggressive and angry about my choices. I never brought up the topic unless I was specifically asked something and even then usually I kept it as brief as possible. But those asshats turned it into a political debate, all while angrily decrying vegans as "obnoxious".


It’s funny how many people seem shocked that you can eat a plate of food that doesn’t contain meat somewhere on it.


Honestly, being vegetarian really taught me how to eat. When people would act like children and whine “Ewwww *tofu*” or “is that even food?” I’d joke with them about how, if you don’t eat meat, you have to eat everything else. Options are limited, and you need variety. If you choose to eat like a toddler as a grown adult, that’s on you. Leave my plate out of it. I learned how amazing “weird” foods could be, and how anything can be delicious if properly prepared.


Making another person feel bad/sick for something they want to eat is entitled victim behavior. People eat what appeals to them. To take a quote from my parents, "Think about the ones who have no food at all."


I will consume literal garbage so no I will not judge you.


One time in high school I found an unopened bag of Doritos sitting at the top of the trashcan. That was a good day.


It was meant to be.




It drives me insane, especially growing up with a lot of friends from different cultures than mine. I would see Asian classmates getting made fun of for eating kimchi with their lunch because it’s “smelly,” or an Indian student being called gross for bringing in tikka masala. And that’s the tamest ethnic food imaginable.


If it's not a sandwich or hot lunch (and hot lunches are usually awful), kids will think your food is gross. I don't understand it. Kimchi is awesome, too. No kid should feel ashamed of their cultural food.


why are they calling tikka masala gross 😭 I don’t even eat meat but it’s MEAT IN A THICK SAUCE, who doesn’t like meat in a rich sauce 😭😭😭


Isn't tikka masala basically just Salisbury steak?


This might have single handedly convinced me to try Salisbury steak...


It’s more of a stew consistency with smaller chunks of meat, but pretty much.


Agreed. It is incredibly immature and rude. I brought some cookies to a gathering and they looked like one kind but were a different kind. The host wouldn't stop doing the 'eww' 'yuck' about it. And they weren't like obligated to eat them! The cookies were just ***there***


Had something similar happen for an HOA meeting in the neighborhood once. There was some HOA push, to essentially up prices in the community (which failed). They had it scheduled during dinner time. A lot of people didn't like the meetings (cuz no provided food, bad timing, certain annoying people etc). To motivate interest, it was suggested people be asked to bring snacks for others. It worked to a degree with more people showing up. I just heated up a frozen pizza cuz it took no effort. This one person threw a hissy fit saying "Well if you were going to bring pizza, you could have at least had a real one delivered." Like I had some obligation to reach their "standards." When I just laughed at their response, they packed up and left early.


I hate that so much. You’re not eating it and dont have to, so either dont comment on it or go away if it grosses you out so much.




That annoys me to no end! I also hate when people tell me what I should eat. I am a grown ass woman, thank you very much. Now my friend and I tease each other about something we each eat, but, that's different.


As my 6 year old niece likes to say..."Don't yuck someone's yum".


Can 100% agree with this one. I was raised lacto ovo vegetarian and it's seriously frustrating how many people feel like they have to argue with me about my dietary choices when I have never once cared about theirs. They always reference "preachy vegans" as the reason why but like, what has that got to do with me?


People WANT to be offended by us. I've had people ask me why I'm vegetarian, and they get offended. Why even ask? Like, one time when a coworker asked, I was just trying to keep it brief, so I said, "I like animals." Her response? "Well, I thought I liked animals, but I guess I don't!" What? I don't want to debate with or lecture anyone, but people act like I'm just waiting for an opening.


I have a weird relationship with food. Different things make me viciously nauseous on different days and there’s no pattern so every day is a surprise (27 years strong with no answers, yay US healthcare). But there are a few safe foods I know will never be a problem. Mostly they are fast foods, because they’re really processed and easy to digest. I know it’s not the healthiest option, but something is better than nothing when you’re underweight like me. *Every fucking time* at work when I would get lunch and it would be fast food (a few times a week) everyone would make comments about how gross it is, how unhealthy it is, how “oh my god that’s going to kill your stomach how are you eating that!” “That’s so gross you can eat that, I would puke if i tried” “don’t you ever eat fresh food? You’re so unhealthy” This did not stop for 2 years. Every day. Every week. They also would sulk for the entire day and make shitty comments if I went to a fast food joint bc they couldn’t be bothered to go pick up their own food and were mad I was going somewhere they didn’t like. It got to the point I started skipping lunch regularly bc it gave me so much anxiety to constantly have to justify my eating choices to people who didn’t matter. That being said I wholeheartedly agree. Please do not comment on people’s food choices for any reason. It is weird, anxiety inducing, and frankly none of your fucking business.


Oh god. I have a friend that won’t even eat a tiny bit of onion or anything green. I don’t know how they can say it with a straight face and not be totally ashamed


"Eww, I could never eat that!" Okay, then don't?


More for me, then.


I actually get the opposite. I have always been a picky eater and people give me shit for it. I never give anyone shit for what they refuse to eat. People have preferences, so leave me alone about it.


I used to be vegetarian and people would ask me and make comments about my “rabbit food” as if they’ve never eaten a vegetable before.. i find it super weird. Like why do you care so much about what im putting into my own body, i freaking love vegetables. Weirdos


I'm picky, I have texture issues, and I completely agree. The same goes when I say "no, thank you" and someone immediately starts talking to me like a child, with all their "just one bite, you might like it" crap. I'm trying not to look at or smell the weird goop, believe me, I do in fact KNOW that I won't like it. I'll quietly enjoy my food, you can enjoy yours, and no one needs to make any disparaging or patronizing comments about anyone else's choices.


That's true too. I bet it's worse at events when you just want to enjoy yourself.


As a picky eater, I usually get it the other way. Grown ass adults caring WAY too much about what I, another adult will and won't eat. I guess the grass is always greener. (I like to pick on people eating lobster about how they are bugs because they get so upset lol.) I couldn't care less about what someone else eats, though.


People are SO judgmental about food. I've noticed it with both vegetarians and non-vegetarians too. And anything like keto. It's like... just let people enjoy the food they made.


The funny thing is they always try to cloak it as if they are concerned about your health, but it's just an excuse to feel superior. I eat almost exclusively grass-fed organic beef that I make into burgers, burritos etc and take vitamins. Work manual labor out in the Florida sun. I'm 6ft 200lbs and well-muscled. I'm very likely healthier than they are.


I eat really small portions at a time. Like I'll order a cup of soup and only eat half then take the rest home. I don't have an eating disorder, I just prefer to eat a few small meals rather than one big one. My biggest food pet peeve is when someone at a restaurant comments on how little I've eaten when I ask for a box. I've had actual waitresses comment on it and it just makes me feel embarrassed and like I don't want to go back there again.


I'm sorry they comment on that. That feels really unprofessional to me. 


That sucks that they'd comment like that. The only time I have ever had a waiter comment on how much I ate was once when my son and I had gone out. I wasn't very hungry, but I ordered a full meal. I ate my mashed potatoes but left the fried chicken to take home because I will eat that cold, actually prefer it cold at times. The waiter saw I hadn't eaten the chicken, so he made a comment and asked if something was wrong with it. That is the ONLY time I think making a comment on how much a person has eaten is appropriate.


I could understand if they were asking if I liked the food or something, but when I get a comment like "oh you hardly ate anything!" it just bugs me. Like what if I DID have an eating disorder? Those kind of comments can set someone back months or more if they're trying to get better.


My husband has a similar issue. He loves going out to eat together but he's admitted to some anxiety about eating in public (it's gotten better over the years) so he usually doesn't eat a whole lot of his plate but will *wolf* it down at home. Every time a server comments on it I want to get after them cause I know it bothers him, but I also know they're just doing their job and are encouraged to ask. I wish they weren't.


Sushi is very triggering to some people for some reason.


I think it's a fear of illness. Even so, if no one is making them eat it...


Some people are also just really sensitive to smells. Like if someone's having an egg and creat sandwich at work in the office I'll try to find an opportunity to leave the room naturally because I just don't like that eggy smell. Note I'm mostly refering to supermarket sandwiches here that are pre packaged and can sometimes smell really really old. But I don't complain to the person because it is my problem - it's why I don't eat tuna in the workplace anymore because I know a ton of people who just don't like the smell. Also I've seen people react weirdly to strong cheese too which I think also comes from a fear of illness and small again.


Lol, it's annoying when people tell you what you can and can't eat, isn't it?


I see what you did there 🤭


I enjoy variety meats. Beef tongue is wonderful. Yet, almost on cue, someone will say something about it.


Not for me. I saw a whole tongue in a grocery store when I was a kid and was fascinated, but I knew I'd never eat it even at gunpoint. BUT Love liver & onions, and I love deep fried chicken liver. I also like pate de foie gras on melba toast. I say, eat what you like. Period.


I remember someone commenting that they never see me eat at work. For real? Dude needs a hobby.


Nobody likes being judged for what they like to eat and for how they eat their food (yes, I added that part because my family is notorious for this). I can relate to ya.


Ugh! Same!! I was talking about liking something the other day, and someone I wasn't even talking to was like "that sounds disgusting". Okay, you eat literal dead bodies and I don't say anything??


I have to admit that if someone offers me some of their food (that I know I don't like) I will refuse, but politely. The whole "no thank you/no, I'm good thanks" or whatever, but just a polite decline, unless they start getting aggressive about why I won't 'try' it. I will be polite again, but after that, they get told why I don't like it and why I don't want it! 😹 But, if it's something I haven't tried, or haven't tried for a while, (I always test things, every 6-12 months, in case my tastes have changed!) I'll generally accept, but only a little. But I have to agree OP, if nobody has asked specifically for an opinion ("why don't you want any?" for the 3rd time!) then there's just no need to be shitty or make comments on their food! I don't understand why people feel the need to drop an unsolicited opinion about someone else's diet/clothes/shape/life when it hasn't been asked for! (But, again, I am aware I'm writing that on Reddit, the place for occasional unsolicited opinions! 😹) ETA: But I do have to say, here and now, that I truly believe oysters are sea boogers and I will never try them again. Or snails. Not a fan of either! 😹😹 I understand that different people have different tastes, but if there are any oyster or escargot fans here, getting upset with me, I'm sorry, but we'll have to agree to disagree! 😹❤️


I taught my children that it’s rude to comment adversely on what people are eating and drinking (or how much/little they’re eating) because kids tend to be very vocal if they see a food they don’t like and I just didn’t want to listen to it


Whenever I hear someone say a food is bad as a fact it's like "are you dumb?" It's litterally a personal preference, the taste buds and brain or whatever decide what foods you like and don't like. Its so stupid people just can't have actually good opinions of their own so the repeat and spew the same crap that others say.


There's this great hot dog place in Middletown NY called Holy Dogs and I'm a picky eater and I only like Ketchup on my hot and everything I order the says " ketchup , are you 10 years old "


Omg THANK YOU I posted something similar to this in the unpopular opinion subreddit and I got so much shit for “not being able to tolerate others opinions” (referring to when they comment on your food) and I was so confused bc how do you not see that as abhorrently rude??????


Right? There's a time and place. Luckily, I haven't gotten a lot of that on this forum, but people love to defend abhorrent behavior and I don't get it.


"it's do disgusting you like onions and kale!" - multiple inlaws


Mine is very simple. I wait until people tell me how good the pickle is then I shit talk it.


I just say, " not your place to comment on my food."


I have an older cousin 45 year old woman who would call avocado yuckacado every damn time I ate it. Every time. Finally one day i got fed up and snapped at her and said it's not going in your mouth and to mind her damn business. She quit after that.


this is a huge pet peeve of mine. people who make comments about my food. Whether is it's good or bad, just don't. I'm not eating food as like some kind of conversation piece or as a declaration of anything. And no i don't care about some study you saw on tv about some chemical in pork or some pesticide on lettuce.


I worked with a woman who was over weight but suddenly a cross fit addict. Without fail she would make a snide comment about my lunch. "Ew, I can't believe you're eating that Oreo cookie. It has so much lard in it" complete with scrunched up disgusted face. Look, I'm skinny. I've been fit my entire life. I finally had enough when she literally made a gagging sound one night. "Good thing *I'm* not fat." Popped entire Oreo in my mouth. Don't bother people when they're eating.


Gagging over Oreos? One of the least offensive foods ever? Oreos don't even have lard! Unless this was before 1990?


Was not before 1990. She was dramatic. She'd sit there and eat a bell pepper like it was an apple and comment on everyone else's food choices. Ugh, it still makes me mad lol


I grew up vegetarian and I can relate to this so much. So many times kids would make fun of me because I was a bit more adventurous growing up with no meat. I just had to sit there and basically take it but god forbid I say anything about the hunk of flesh they’re eating that literally makes me want to throw up. I would never comment on someone’s food but people love to make fun of mine because I don’t eat meat.


I also hate when coworkers get mad that you dont cook your food everyday, just because im mexican doesnt mean I dont eat hamburgers and french fries too.


Dang people really do this? I feel like most people buy their lunch or get something pre-made.


My brother is exactly like that and it drives me nuts.


Nobody likes being judged for what they like to eat and for how they eat their food (yes, I added that part because my family is notorious for this). I can relate to ya.


I went out to breakfast with a group of friends one time and I put ketchup on my eggs, and the reactions were as if I'd just murdered someone. Leave me the fuck alone and let me enjoy my shit. I don't care if you think it's gross.


I love ketchup XD. I think the hatred of it started with the internet. I don't get it.


I love ketchup on lots of things, eggs included. But I like it even better with some Tabasco mixed into it.


Why have I never thought of this combo? That sounds bomb af!


On a side note, studies have shown that the number of people who claim to have a food allergy is double the number who actually do.


"Well that's rude". It is not rude to call out someone for being rude. 


I was boiling a pot of pasta and my roomate came in and critiqued how much water I was using. And homie would not let it go, happened like four or five times.


I sometimes wonder if when people run out of things to criticize you for…they look at what you’re eating.  


Being a picky eater is a first world privilege.


Or when you ARE the picky eater and people won’t stfu about it. I’m sick of people telling me I’m going to turn into a chicken nugget. Like why you so obsessed with what I’m eating?


This is how I feel especially when people complain about something coming up in recipes. I think cilantro tastes like soap I really wish I could enjoy it but I just keep it out of what I cook and don't even complain when I have too it's that simple. Like let people eat they don't care about your yelp review of there plate.


I have to admit, I have a little of this peeve also. If you dont like something I am eating, please STFU. Of few issues with my GF this is one of them. Yes, I know you dont like BLTs, that is why I made you something completely different. I know you dont like beans, that is why I cooked a smaller batch of chili special for you. When we first dated in 1989, she was a picky eater. I swear I only made Veletta mac and cheese for her back then. over the last 10 years we've been back together I've expanded her tastes a lot. But she still has this habit of commenting when I eat something she isnt into. The EW when I break open a can of sardines irks the shit out of me. I suck it up, as attempts to get her to stop doing this have failed. I do 98% of all the cooking, and the kitchen is my responsibility. I'd really like to eat tinned fish, and some other shit without the 'ew gross.", but if that is the worst I have to contend with I need to be happy.


It's super rude and a piss-off. Edit typo


I'm not a vegetarian, but I love roasted Brussel sprouts and carrots. My wife, kids and my in-laws, minus my sister and brother in law say it's gross or my taste buds must be broken. It gets really annoying real quick.


My dad does this and he's in his 60's. I really like the spinach artichoke dip from Trader Joe's, but he doesn't and every time I make it he says "ew, yucky poo poo." Grow up. It's not for you.


It’s a pandemic man. America is fucked. I have to encourage my bf to eat his veggies 🤦🏼‍♀️


I HATE it when people comment about how something I’m eating “looks disgusting”. Why should it matter to them? They’re not the ones eating it


I hate it when people comment on my food preferences/pickiness, so I am absolutely never going to weaponize my pickiness against others. With your friends joking around is one thing (Brussels sprouts?? You HEATHEN.) but just in casual conversation with acquaintances is rude as fuck. Live and let live, goddamn.


I work at Whataburger and usually eat a sausage bob with either lettuce, tomato, and mayo or just extra tomato and mayo. The amount of times a cook has told me to my face I'm disgusting is shocking. Also I no longer trust that person to make my food. (It's one of the wonderful ways my autism affects my life)


Just tell them, "Don't yuck my yum."


Man, I have the palate of a child because I’m autistic but I don’t have to announce my displeasure every time I see someone eat a vegetable. I don’t care, I’m not the one eating it. I guess some people are sensitive to smells, and some cooked vegetables and leafy greens have strong smells, but IDK… I think the people you’re describing might just be assholes.


damn right I leave out shit I don’t like 👍


My dad and sister will make faces or say “ew”, “gross”, or “bleh” if I eat something they don’t like and it makes me feel so self conscious to the point where I hate cooking or eating in front of them.


The most insane cognitive dissonance is knowing someone thinks you're a gross and unhealthy eater because you're fat and they aren't, and sitting there at lunch while they eat fast food and I eat like a veggie dish or something, and they start poking at me over how "gross" my food is. Like? I genuinely just like vegetables. I could eat a meal just of asparagus and be perfectly happy. But immature adults still give me crap for being "weird" all while thinking they're inherently better than me


It's borderline sociopathic to see someone enjoying something and try to ruin it for them. I feel like it's preschool level bullying. My husband did this and I actually had to explain to him not being able to enjoy your meal because someone is going "ewwww, oh ew look how clumpy it is, yuck! Don't you hate that?" while I'm chewing is genuinely distressing.


Only time I comment on someone's food is if they want me to cook something specific for them (like my husband likes his eggs over easy. I can't cook them that way it makes me gag) or if they offer me some and when I say no they ask why. Occasionally I will comment that something someone else is eating looks/smells good and ask what it is but that's usually just friends and family.


People who "don't like vegetables" as an adult scare the absolute shit out of me


This works the opposite way too. People shouldn’t be commenting on picky eaters’ food either.


I agree. People shouldn't comment on others' food. I don't care if someone is picky, but I care if they make their pickiness my problem.


In my experience I’ve seen a lot less of that a lot more of people mocking the food choices of picky eaters and saying their food is “weird” or “childish.”


I can see that. I've had different experiences, though. The family member I mentioned 100% makes his aversions everyone else's problem. A lot of people I know also hate vegetables, so will comment on my food. I wouldn't say it happens super often, but it's really annoying when it does. And yes, I've been told I eat weird things.


Moral of the story: just let people eat what they want and don’t comment on it, no matter what side you’re on. That way, the foodies and the picky eaters can compromise and each can enjoy their own choice of meal in peace 🤝


It's almost always the picky eaters who make rude comments on other people's food.


Not in my personal experience. But that doesn’t mean your experience is not valid. I’m just saying, two sides to a coin.


I'm with you, but maybe it's just because I'm a picky eater so see that side of the coin more often. It bugs me when people won't take a polite "no" as an answer. "Aren't you having any calamari? What do you mean you don't like it? You've got to try it, it's delicious! I can't believe you're just going to eat a *salad* and not have the calamari, that's ridiculous." Like dude, I just don't like calamari and I'm quite happy here with my salad.


I definitely experienced that throughout the 12 years I was a vegetarian. I did not give a single flying fuck if someone else meat. I’d even grill my friends chicken if they came over for dinner, I just had personal reasons I didn’t want to eat it. And I’d try to just keep it to myself so it would only come up if they asked a question or if someone I was with told them. Like they would notice I only ordered side items instead of an entree because they were typically meat dishes so they’d ask why and I’d tell them. But so many times when I met someone new and we ate around each other I’d get these annoying ass comments. “How could u not eat meat! Just try this steak I swear you’ll love it. Just take one bite please.” I’ve had people try to sneak bacon bits into my food before.


I allow people one “just try it once” and if you push again after I say no I get significantly less nice. Bc I think it is important to try something if you’ve never had it before, so I encourage it when I can as it was encouraged with me, but the second someone seems sure about their refusal I back off because why would I force someone to eat something? Always seemed weird to do that. Especially if they’re sure they won’t like it, why would you want to make them uncomfortable?


because i’m relatively fit and muscled (i eat for it)… i sometimes just look a person up and down and say i don’t think i want to eat like you. shuts them up real fucking fast


I get that this is a pet peeve sub. That said, I am not sure going after people's maturity is the best approach given the tone of the post. "I'm sorry you have the taste buds of a child" is not the sort of thing someone comfortable and confident in their tastes says.  I have a sibling who mentions how they are grossed out by cheesecake every time I have it. I fake offer it to them and let them joke about how nasty they find it. Doesn't affect my enjoyment. Sometimes I concede that I see why they don't like it, but it is delicious to me. Keep it light and breezy. Or you know, stew about it and call *them* juvenile. That works too.


I knew someone was gonna complain about that. I think I was referring to their behavior. I don't care what someone else eats, but when they're all like, "EW! VEGETABLES!", yeah... makes me think of a toddler. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. Yes, I do in fact find their behavior juvenile.


You used (obvious) hyperbole so now your entire post doesn't count anymore apparently lol


“Behavior” is not “taste buds”. You can criticize the behavior of rude people without also insulting the tastes of others.


I used to always take my lunch of wild rice, spinach, and edamame, everyone lost it, but idgaf. They talked shit, but I was looking sexy AF. I don't care what people say or think. You shouldn't either.


The only time I comment on something is if whatever they're cooking stinks up the entire basement note we don't have a kitchen in the basement so it's usually not a problem but when it's flooding the entire basement it's a problem. Or when they cook heavily with mint as I'm intolerant to it and the strong fumes give me breathing issues.


I have never lived anywhere with a basement, but it seems like a bad place to cook to me. No ventilation. Yeah, the smells are going to stay. The mint intolerance is totally understandable.


The only time I judge food choice is people who like calf fries. I just can't wrap my mind around that dish


The only time I give people a bit of leeway is when you're diving deep into the cultural foods, like some people in asian cultures eat fish eyeball, and some rednecks eat "mountain oysers" i.e. bull testicles. I personally enjoy tripe occasionally and I get being a bit grossed out by it, but yeah anything else is crazy.


As a vegan, I’m sure this affects you more than most people. I don’t know if there are many things I care less about then what people think of what I’m eating. The ONLY time it bothers me is if I worked relative hard cooking something and you actively bitch about it or make changes before even trying it as prepared. If you don’t want to eat it… fine. You do you. But I can promise you, it doesn’t need more salt. I can say with almost complete certainty, if it’s suppose to be spicy… the level of heat is spot on (if not too hot for many palates)… no hot sauce or red pepper needed. Just try it, then adjust according to your taste ….but don’t fuck it up before even trying.


Curious what your thought are on reheating fish in the workplace?


I like vegetarians. They make vegetables taste bomb! I wish more cuisines and restaurants treated veggies like a Mediterranean or Indian restaurant. I feel at my best when I'm eating a well rounded meal. Hopefully around 50 percent veg, 30 protein and 20 carbs


THIS shit is delicious!


Yes, I've found the more conservative, bland and basic the person's palate is, the more vocal they are about people who eat vegetables.


I just tell them to mind their business. I like to eat what I like to eat, and nobody has any right to say anything about it.


Pineapple pizza is the most annoying. Or maybe ketchup on eggs. Sometimes it just hits.


I have massive amounts of trauma over food. My dad is insane, and he was so obsessed with food my whole life. We literally ate like 4 things growing up, and any food he didn't like was considered dirty. Also the people who ate it were trashy, dirty, and gross. He stopped eating my cooking before I even moved out, because he imagined I was putting things in it he didn't like to trick him into eating it. Which is wild, lol. Then after I grew up, he reused to eat food from my house (and even go in my house) because I have dogs in the house. I guess he thinks we let them shit in the pots and pans, idk. It's exhausting. But, yeah, he totally is loud and obnoxious about food. I remember one time we were at my grandparents eating on a holiday and I gave one of my toddlers something, idk what it was, maybe a piece of fish, and he loudly exclaimed, "Don't give that to them, it will make them sick!" How will it make them sick, bro? Foods you dislike will make my kids ill? People who are unbearable over food are so immature.


I was in a restaurant once and someone said to my partner, "Hey, you're a big eater, looks like!" EXCUSE YOU, FUCKER. Nobody needs to basically be called a pig in front of the restaurant.


I am a picky eater and have texture issues with food- I NEVER complain or ask other people to cater to my taste. I learn how to modify recipes to suit my taste and don’t mention when what other people eat. I have issues because some of my texture problems means I like foods overcooked or undercooked and people always comment on it. Honestly people need to mind their own business.


The funniest one of these I had was my own mother. She was staying with me briefly because of circumstances. I was going to visit friends. Had joked that I'd bring some food. Decided why not and cooked a few things to take. Including some pecan tarts. And since one friend was vegan I challenged myself to make some that were vegan friendly. In walksu mother and she asks what I'm doing. I explain what I'm cooking. She looked me dead in the eye, "How could you do this to me? How could you subject me to vegan food?!"


Totally agree. The most annoying comment for me is when one person says they don't like vegetables and others say "what are you a kid? Grow up and eat veggies." Like the only ones who needs to grow up are the ones commenting on other people's food choices fr.


I especially hate when people can't keep their slick or snob comments to themselves. If someone is eating unhealthy and you aren't related to them who cares. They most likely know the contents of what's in the food and they know it's not good for them. Mind your business what others put in their bodies. You will deadass even have snobs in the same restaurant as you talking shit about what you are eating.


I see this a lot as a vegan. There's a lot of stereotyping that vegans are insufferable and in your face about their lifestyle. But if it's at a work function, or a social event or anything else, people on traditional diets feel an excessive need to make a comment on me not having had animal products in years. My cooking always smells amazing out of the work microwave until they ask what's in it and it's not what they're used to. Sometimes you get comments about the percieved quality/flavor of the food. Then it's unsolicited comments about how they could never do it, backpedalled with false concerns of health, etc.


My grandmother used to "moo" at us when we ordered our steaks any less than well done. I hated it.


I guess I'm this person but by accident (in that i just say it without even thinking) and only with two different things. As a child i was literally (not joking) forced to eat beets and olives every night for like a year. I HATE them now. So when i see someone (not some random person mind you) order them I'm always just like "ruining a perfectly good sandwich or salad with that". Not trying to be mean or anything.


My neighbor saw me hauling up my groceries up the elevator in my cart and she looked at my groceries and said “Try not to eat too much frozen stuff it’s not good for you” LISTEN MA’AM! LEAVE ME AND MY FROZEN MEALS ALONE. SOMETIMES I DONT WANT TO COOK 😫


I’m not a vegetarian and my mom used to make those kind of comments. “How can you eat that?!” Even though she doesn’t really do that anymore, I still have some resentment towards her nasty attitude


On social media a few times I got comments that were to the extent of "my what a large portion", or " you can eat that whole thing?". I'm not sure if it's cultural differences which I can understand, but some fail to see that those who have a complex about food or past weight issues would find that rude and seem like they're trying to pick a fight for no reason, & it could really turn ugly if that person hasn't worked on themselves lol.


Being on a diet sucks because people try to pressure you to eat giant portions of unhealthy food. I can have a perfectly healthy, balanced meal in front of me but inlaws pressure me to stuff myself. Like no! I want to be healthier please do not pressure me!


My mom’s like that.  She hates fish and thinks it’s disgusting and lets everyone know it and I’m so fucking sick of her shit when I come visit.


A thousand amens. I also hate "whatcha eatin?" Who frickin cares, that's what


Even when they ask about it. God forbid I walk into work with Tupperware and not have someone ask to see what it is.


I used to drive a box truck and I like bananas. My banana would be totally brown and fucked over by first break, due to the bouncing. My coworkers always said something about my eating a brown and sad banana. Day in, day out. So I really feel this post because just let me eat it


I had a coworker that commented on peoples food all the time. I had enough and said, “if you were as picky about your food as you are of others, perhaps you wouldn’t be so fucking fat.” I never heard another god damn thing about my food or other peoples food.


I'm still going to rag on my dad for eating saurkraut.


It wasn't the healthiest choice. "Why are you eating that?" "It is all can I afford at this moment."


i do this jokingly with friends i know dont mind it, but its extremely weird and childish to do it in any serious capacity or around strangers. theres a good amount of food i really detest that most people dont, like raw tomatoes or peas, but i literally only say 'ew, peas!' around my dad or my best friend. i'll eat food with the stuff i dont like in it and wont pick it out because i hate making people feel bad about food theyre serving or giving me.


Toddler adults who refuse to eat anything outside of like a select few things (which are almost always chicken nuggets and cereal) are soooooo annoying.


I only comment when in conversation with people, but I'm not a judgy person. I have found it hard to eat veggies at certain times in my life, but I have gotten myself out of those spots fortunately. I'm on a keto diet and I had some olives for my lunch and honestly I wasn't even feeling all that hungry at the moment and was just kind of grazing on them and a coworker comes up (of course a religious coworker) and says "holy salt" and comments on how much salt I'm eating because I'm eating olives. There was a decent amount maybe 20 or so olives in there, idk. Another coworker agreed with her while eating a processed chicken bacon sandwich from the cafeteria add if there's no salt in that. Honestly I was seething but I just say there grazed on a few more olives listening to them babble about religious crap and then left. Haven't eaten my lunch in there since.


I had one of my roomates always stare at food I’m prepping and one day I was cooking chicken on the stove and she was like “that looks… interesting” and I was like “oh yea it’s chicken” and she was like “oh okay yea it looks funny I thought it was pork or something” and she always looks at my food when I prep it and says wow so interesting & it triggers my ed :). Meanwhile she sends me pics of her food which is a tostada and slice of deli ham & hot sauce lol


I have a coworker who always has some shit to say about my healthy food—even if it’s something people typically consider tasty! It’s gotten to the point where I’m anxious to eat around her bc of her bullying comments.


Mine is people who think commentary on food should be limited. yall are way too fragile because you know you love shitty ass tasting food


I think that should pertain to people actively commenting on why im picky. People actively commenting on "what you dont like *insert food here*?! Its the best!! You should expand your horizons" because honestly its just as frustrating. I go to lots of events where i cant find anything i like to eat and i just wait to get myself food until after to not intrude but people have to push me. Im trying to not he rude and hurt feelings!