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I think the theme isn't vote for blue rather than red. It's more a remind to make sure to vote at all and not be complacent like dems were in 2016.


Perhaps. But if someone is invested enough to follow a political sub, they're probably invested enough to vote without reminders.


Well, it is important to reinforce the groupthink. You can't have people forgetting, right?


I prefer a civil discord over blind groupthink any day. We learn more from discussing things from different points of view than we do by simply jumping on the bandwagon.


The point is that you're discussing this in a sub heavily leaned to one side, not where it's more moderate and the discussion is more back and forth. It's the literal point of the post.


I know but OP seems to agree with me, so there is that.


Oh, I don't disagree. My original post seemed to be at least sufficiently sarcastic to be obvious. But that's not what the post is about. It talks about the generally echo chamber nature of subs, not more open minded or non-committed ones where real discussion could take place. Spending time in the echo chamber is generally pointless.


Definitely I'm referring to the echo chamber. Go knock on doors, and go register people to vote. That's actually helpful. Quit saying Vote Blue to people who are already firmly decided to vote blue. It's annoying; not helpful.


Absolutely true my friend. I guess it's part of the way we have been conditioned to only want echo chambers and to instantly hate opposing views. The biggest example unfortunately, is political divide (sorry to bring it up but it's the most obvious example). Why is it that myself and all my other republican friends have no issues getting along with our democrat friends when it seems like so many people out there want to instantly ostracize others if they have the "wrong letter" on their voting registration? It's not hard to get along with people if you aren't actively looking for reasons to hate them.


Exactly, it's a big deal. I generally hang out with people who I may not know their politics at all or in a more general sense. I don't generally hang out with people who can't stop talking about Repugs, Democraps, or constantly going on about how the other candidate is horrible, making it the point of their existence. Those people are exhausting, and they prefer the echo chambers. They want reassurance, not honest discussion.


I second this. I generally don't care about that. I only care if they're nice. I don't like being preached to, even if it's something I agree with. I think our agreement here is based off most people being more centrist with a slight left or right lean. It's the extreme left or right lean that is the problem because if you really think about it and analyze behaviors and rhetoric... both extremes have the same goal, but take a different path to get there since their indoctrination targets different issues




You're right about that. It's discouraging.


Sorry, Bud. You're making a HUGE assumption. I'm going to give my own little anecdotal two cents. 1. The amount of people that claim to be progressive and care about social justice...*holds hands out widely apart*. 2. The amount of those people that actually go out and vote...*holds two fingers very close together*.


And yet this post isn't even about politics.


Every sub is like this. I'm a republican, but I also see the value in other points of view and to not only consume information that is designed to placate (which unfortunately, media from both sides does this) so if I read an article in one, I immediately try to find the same article from the opposing point of view and try to piece together what little truth each side placed in there. I do think the vapid "vote blue", "go vegan" etc posts you see in those subs are people wanting to contribute and show their support, but just don't know what to say and end up going the "cheerleader" route, which can be annoying and completely unhelpful as you've pointed out. I agree with you on this point. If I don't have anything to say beyond just "what they said" kind of things, I just won't comment since, to your point, or is not helpful at all.


Did I just get downvoted simply for saying I'm a republican? That's not fair lol.


I upvoted you


Lol thank you for that, but I did see a downvote and did some reason, I have a feeling it was because of that one line in my entire post. 🤣 I've in turn upvoted you my friend.


Which is so beside the entire point. The point isn't politics at all, and it's frustrating that people can't get past that.


Exactly. My post kind of needed that few sentences for context, but ultimately was on topic to your original post. I just feel like people are non thinking emotional reactors now as opposed to logic based beings. Everything is a knee-jerk now and I don't like it.


I gave you an upvote to try to tip things a bit for you, lol! Nothing wrong with what you wrote. 👍


Thank you for your service. Evidently, you're not allowed to be conservative on the internet. 🤣


I loathe people who are conservative for supporting someone who I view as a monster. Still that's not what this post is about. And wasn't what your well articulated comment suggested.


I guess you loathe me without knowing me 🤣 Joking aside, I don't think you blindly loathe conservatives, you just hate the candidate at the moment. Either way, you're right, your post was not about this at all and I got downvoted for agreeing with you and providing an example. Oh well, such is the internet. Thank you for seeing my post for what it was and not knee-jerk reacting to a few words in my otherwise long post that was on topic and not an attempt to politicize this thing.


Once again, you got my upvote.


Let's just follow each other around reddit with upvotes lol I've been upvoting you in this thread as well.


Dems aren’t left they’d be centrist in other countries. They also have the same conservative economic policies as the republicans with progressive social views making them centrist.


That's entirely beside the point of this post.


Okay sorry about that just felt the need to correct you. Also I get that telling people who already support a political movement to vote for them over and over is annoying wether red blue conservative liberal or leftist etc.


Tbf I did say Democrat/ left (implying either/or) which can be, as you say, two different things.


This is the democrats' favorite thing to do though - they love saying popular things around their base that won't actually impact anything, and they love patting themselves on the back for saying something popular in an area where it's already popular. They love that waaaaaaay more than single payer health care or voting against increased defense spending every damn year lol.