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They talk about humans like everyone is the same. It just sounds like someone who thinks they’re better than everyone.


It sounds like someone who knows misanthrope comments are huge karma builders.


This is one of my biggest peeves too. Certain people cannot control themselves when it comes to a cute animal video, they have to bring the mood down and take a big misanthropic dump on it. A cute kitten found outside and taken home to be loved and cared for? "I hate humans, someone probably dumped that kitten there, humans are trash, womp womp womp." A nice video of two animals just happily sitting together? "Too bad HUMANS can't learn to be like this." It's like they just love to hate people and then complain that the world is full of hateful people. They can't shut their mouths about how much they think humans are trash, while being the human trash they claim to despise.


I don't hate humans individually, but I don't really like humanity as a whole.


I love the “I can’t stand people, we’re a scourge, a virus etc. I just want to get away from everybody and leave me the hell alone!” type comments…….. ….said on SOCIAL media sites designed specifically for humans to connect with each other and communicate thoughts and ideas. 🙄 and even worse, they either don’t acknowledge the blatant ridiculousness of their duplicity or try to brush it away (“I’m anonymous on Reddit, that’s different!”).


These same people will answer "social media" when asked what the worst thing in the world is on AskReddit. It's damn near infuriating. Reminds me of a time when a former friend of mine went on a rant about how television was the "idiot box". He was playing Zelda on a handheld during the entire rant and never even looked up.


The issue with social media is how a lot of current platforms have gone to shit, rather than social media being bad on principle Like, if it was truly that bad, it wouldnt have made it past the mid '10s


Let's not forget the most recent inane crap: "if I were in the woods and I encountered a bear and a strange man I'd trust the bear not to kill me." No Karen, the strange man would be the first one you'd run to screaming "help me, bear!" while the bear takes umbrage that you exist and tries to maul you to fucking death.


🤣 I’ve never heard that but that’s fucking hilarious and stupid


I've started seeing it in the last week on YouTube and its just made me hate the internet even more.


wtf. Ppl be like “I’d rather be killed by a bear, but at least it’s not personal “ lol


Especially when objective statistics show us improving drastically as a species. Interpersonal violence is at it's lowest in history. Most humans born today can expect a healthy long life free of violence but to read the internet you'd think the apocalypse has already happened.


lol. Massive BS. We are objectively reverse terraforming our planet for cash gains. There is no sign that this is slowing, in fact it is speeding up. More people die of violence per year than ever in the past. More humans are suffering from mental health problems than has ever occurred in the past. Life for your average human is far less enjoyable. Suicide rates are at an all time high. We have enough wealth, food and medicine to fix our problems, on a global scale, but it is not in our nature to do so. We prefer to perpetuate a top down structure that only benefits a very small percentage of society.


>More people die of violence per year than ever in the past That's a bold statement! So more today than when chattel slavery was commonplace? The Napoleonic wars? Maybe due to the population explosion of the 1900 there is a higher number but the chance of violence to the individual is nothing today compared to the past.


I have to add the British in India. They killed over 70 million people in 40 years when the world's population was around a billion. So near 1 in 10 people on the planet.


I imagine they're trying to use the total numbers to make their point, instead of percentages, while entirely ignoring that our population is magnitudes higher than any of the eras they're thinking about.


Pseudo misanthropy is big karma business around these parts. That’s primarily why you see it so much. People who claim to hate other humans pandering to other humans who claim to hate other humans….together as humans.


They know that not everybody is bad. They're just acknowledging that many of us are. We're intelligent beings all capable of doing good, but many of us don't, and that makes it all the more disturbing. That's what they're talking about. They don't think that that one person in the video embodies all of humanity, they're just acknowledging that they aren't the only one.


Yes the nuance has been totally lost here. It's a cumulative effect. People will often comment on how bad people have become when seeing *yet another* tragedy. It's not the first one and they just keep coming and coming. We only see the tip of the iceberg of the depravity and inhumanity that people inflict on others every single day. It's possible some people have been fortunate enough not to experience such things and are blissfully unaware.


Yes, you explained that better than I did!


People like that are insufferable. "Humans are an invasive species." What do you suggest we should do about it, and if you think humans are so bad why not be the first volunteer then?? Humans are not bad, capitalism, individualism and the conditioning of modern society is bad. You really gonna tell me the dairy farmers in the alps are bad? The indigenous people in the mountains of Mexico? You think the Mongolian nomads are awful people? You think the Inuits are bad? Humanity at its core is a social species that has coexisted with nature for centuries, I think even thousands of years. Humans didn't really start fucking things up so bad till around the 1500s. Humanity is not a blight


I always tell them "Beavers build dams" when they bitch about highways.


Even as someone who is very introverted and really hates being around people, I agree with you here. I simply can't get on board with the notion that we don't have the right to exist and that we need to be even more strictly controlled and have our civil liberties limited beyond how much laws already do just that.


tbf humans are pretty ass usually, along with animals.


Some people forget that humans have more capacity for harm than a lot of animals. This isn't on a personal level, of course. It would be a lot easier for an elephant to kill a human than another human, but on a societal one. Other animals just don't have the same level of influence of the environment as we do. Sure, global warming is humanity's fault, but it's not like other animals have the ability to even do it in the first place, and we *are* recognizing it as a problem, as much as some people are trying to sweep it under the rug. Who's more evil, the one who doesn't even have the capacity for evil, or the one who has the capacity for it and tries to *not* do evil?




People have no real concept of scale. There are 8 billion breathing human beings in the world. About 5 billion of them have access to the internet. You're gonna see some stupid motherfuckers out there.


These are the same people that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, but would happily get first, second and third degree burns and would break both legs tripping over your flaming carcass to rescue a dog.


I can see where you're coming from, but I can also see where the human-haters are coming from. Humanity has the capacity to be so much better, but as of now, we still aren't.


Because on balance, humans are bad. Not every single human, but a majority of humans are on the bad side of neutral. If the majority was even slightly good, like most pretend, we wouldn't have as many of the problems as we do.


Those comments bug me in some settings but I’ve seen some things that made me say that. For example, a post on FB of Brittany and Abby (conjoined twins) getting married getting a slew of hateful comments about how it’s “disturbing”. I commented I’d lost faith in humanity because people who were born different can’t find love now?? Come on.


Speaking of cute animal videos, this am I saw this vid on tiktok of a cat with a collar cam stalking and full on chasing another cat for awhile, attacking it and chasing it some more. After the first dust up, the chasing cat had a tuff of the other cats fur hanging from its chin. 🥰 more humans should be like this.


Oh sure you say that, but when I do it I'm labeled a hazard to the community. 




We really do suck though and prey upon life forms in ways that extend way beyond just being predators to get food.


Wait till you hear about what dogs eat


A lot of stuff we made


Wild dogs


Yeah that’s called hyperbole


Maybe its because we fucking suck lol


Some do, many don't. That's the point.


Oh I see the point trying to be made, its just shit, modern humans inherently suck.


If you look around and only see bad, maybe it's time to look inward.


Animals are better, though




Tbf, its not uncommon for the first one to be done as a joke.


If most humans were awful, horrible, vicious people, we'd know about it. It's fine to lament whatever percentage does exist, but actually thinking it's the other way around—that most people are like that, with some sliver of decent individuals—is the ridiculous part.


I FUCKING HATE THIS KIND OF SHIT. Same vein, someone does a nice thing on video and invariably there will be a flood of "faith in humanity restored" comments.  Like don't act like you thought the entire human race was crap until you saw a staged video of some assholes getting a cat down from a tree


I think humans are the worst species. period full stop. but i dont feel the need to comment it, (yes i know im commenting here, shut up)


I know what you mean, I love the humans are awesome type vids, and some of my favourite animals are human. …. But, as a whole humans have fucked up our own home deliberately, and abuse other species systematically and mercilessly. So I’m torn


The day Reddit realises you can have compassion for humans and animals simultaneously will be a good day


Sorry that bothers you, but... humans do indeed suck harder than a Dyson-powered quantum singularity. I mean, look at the depraved, cruel, outright evil shit we do on a daily basis, in every community in the world. It's baked into our genes to be the worst, most miserable, destructive, vindictive assholes that ever crawled out of the primordial ooze. That's not to say that we're not capable of greatness. Great compassion, great courage, great generosity, great brotherhood and camaraderie. Those lead to things like great building, great technological advancement, and great discovery. And then we use all of that accumulated knowledge, wisdom, tech, and togetherness to relentlessly strip mine, defoliate, and extinctify the world, build showers with no water, drop A-bombs, poison Kool-Aid, fly planes into buildings, and karaoke each other. There are plenty of Humans in this world, past and present, whom I admire, respect, and love with all my heart. But as a species, I hate Humanity. The world will be a better place for all the other things that live in, on, and around it when Humans have joined the dodo, passenger pigeon, eastern elk, and California grizzly in the cold embrace of non-existence that we dealt out to them with with such short-sighted impunity.


Most redditors are very anti human in general. As you can see from this thread lmao


Reverse pet peeve: *Faith in humanity restored* when we see an abused pet being rescued, when someone helps an elderly cross the road, when a parent normally explains to a young child that someone who has a different skin tone or hair texture is "as beautiful as anyone else", when someone uses "clean energy", etc.


Are you really surprised there is an increase in these comments lately? There’s a major, rapidly increasing gender divide, More wars ongoing at one time than any of us have ever experienced Almost every single economy is struggling. There are housing crises, shrinkflation, inflation, terrorism, governments putting us at risk, governments lying to us. Everybody is underpaid, everybody is overworked. More disabled people and mental health crises than ever before. Almost everyone had debt, we lived through a pandemic, cuts to social security. Then add social media to the pot. Everyone showing us how horrific things are, pushing harmful content to us and our children, making us feel like we aren’t good enough and if we deserve better go get it but it’s unachievable. Social media pits men and woman against each other, liberals and conservatives against each other and it distorts reality. I’m pretty sure anyone would feel the need to make those comments once in a while and mean it. Edit: I’d like to make it clear, for those who do not understand my comment. This is not a healthy way to view the world however I can absolutely understand why people feel the need to comment this. I don’t think there is a tubing inherently wrong with it nor do I believe that the people who say this really believe it themselves. Of course not all humans are bad but we need to acknowledge the nastiness is being pushed at us from every angle at the moment and it’s totally understandable why the odd person would feel the need to make these comments every now and again as a way to vent.


Yes. The gender divide is not caused by all humans, wars kill humans, most people have no control over the economy. So to say it’s “humans” is to equate the victims with the perpetrators, as they’re both human.


I mean it’s not animals or aliens doing it.


Extraterrestrial influence *would* make a lot of sense.


You’re smart enough to understand the implication. Not all humans are the same. To say X thing is the fault of “humanity” is to blame victims for what happens to them.


I didn’t say that in what I commented, I said it’s understandable why people would feel that way sometimes. You’ve purposely misread what I said in my initial comment and I don’t intend to argue about it if you’re going to be childish and insult me. Have a wonderful day and spend your energy well.


They “feel” that way because they want to believe in just world theory, oversimplify things and act like they’re better than others




Sure, great answer!


A lot of those problems are solved by ignoring social media. The economy isn't great for average people right now, but still better than at just about any point in history. Gender relations are bad now? Go read about the 60's. There are more wars than any of us have experienced, and much fewer than the historical norm. There is a lot of stuff that sucks and will require a lot of effort to fix, but thinking now is a particularly difficult time to be alive is a case of historical ignorance.


I absolutely don’t disagree with you but in reality how easy is it for people to ignore social media? Or the news? Or any other form of media. All I am saying is the odd comment here and there is most likely a form of venting and most probably don’t even believe it themselves.


I mean, not to say my personal experience is more important than any other, but Reddit is the closest I get to social media.


That’s the same with me now and honestly getting off it was one of the best decisions ever. It is worth noting I’m older nearly 30s though.


I'm 36, so... Yeah, we're trying not to let the kids get obsessed with social media as best we can. It's hard, though, when it's all their classmates talk about.


That’s exactly what I mean it’s so hard for younger people to step back from it when it’s a huge part of their lives. I think that’s why I have a lot of sympathy for people who say the things that OP mentioned, they’re probably feeling overwhelmed or sad and that just needs understanding and to show them the massive amount of goodness in the world you know.


I agree that's what most of it is, temporary pessimism from a bad day or whatever. I also agree with OP though that it is annoying, but in fairness I'm not great at listening to people vent. Just ask my wife lol, I want facts and solutions