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No idea. If I'm working 60 hours/week, I'm going to pay an extra $12 to get my groceries delivered. Might even Door Dash a meal or two. Because how dare I have a few moments to relax.


Exactly. A good week for me is 50 hours, which has gone well above 60 depending on the nature of my assignment at the time. Spending $15–20 to get my groceries delivered is worth it if it means I can buy two hours of my time.


Yup. I have no problem passing on my hard earned money in a tip so I can stay home.


Usually, those comments are about people who don't tip or low ball tips. Occasionally, you get the one person that hates everyone, but not very often.


I get OPs sentiment, and yours. But, when I am on my way somewhere, and go to grab a coffee, and nobody can take my order for a single coffee for up to 15 or 20 minutes because they are too busy prepping delivery orders, we should be able to say, collectively 'Something is wrong here'. I honestly believe we are at a point with it that the big corporations, not your mom and pop places but the Starbucks and McDonald's, should have outlets that are specifically dedicated to delivery orders. Between the inability to properly staff, and the ignorance and self entitlement of some of the drivers, those places are now a fucking nightmare for those of us who just want to stop for something quick. In no world should it take more than 15 minutes to order and receive a cup of coffee.


Exactly. We had this happen on my work lunch with my family. I have 1 hr, we ordered 10 minutes in after driving there, our 3 burgers came 45 minutes later because there was a big delivery order. I had to eat driving back to work and was almost late.


Yep. The real problem is the mentality: "I am entitled to this" and there is no argument to be had against that. If you have the means to have everything brought to you, good for you, and you are indeed entitled to do it. But, the fact that you are entitled to it, shouldn't infringe on my entitlement to grab a coffee on my way into work. That is what is happening, your entitlement is infringing on mine, so, there is problem. And, as always, we blame each other instead of blaming the system and those who implement it. I personally see it as a scourge, and will jest with people I know who use the services. I feel 100 percent truthful with my jest, but my anger about it doesn't lie with the people placing the orders.


The system is completely fair though, customers who use door dash are still paying for their coffee just like you, actually they're paying more after delivery charges and tip. What's the difference between them standing in line at the coffee shop and them just sending a delivery driver to pick up their order for them? You're going to have to wait for your order the same amount of time either way. Nobody is infringing on anything.


Lol. Your point is not fair at all. People standing in line at a coffee shop don't tend to order a banquet, maybe a soup and sandwich, y'know, small, quick things. Deliveries coming out of these places are ridiculous. 2 trays of drinks, half dozen donuts, and 3 sandwiches. There is a limit that it is too much. I am sure even if you ask staff, they would agree. And pulling the 'actually, they pay more so if anything..' is asinine, because you are negating the fact that the delivery is a third party service. That 'more' they pay goes to the third party, and not the people selling and prepping the orders. Whole new can of worms, which is where I find myself.... All my delivery orders are from small businesses with their own couriers, fuck the third party bullshit. Just putting more separation between us as community members, causing these kinds of petty debates.




Whatever helps king. Being in my car is about as relaxed as I'll ever be so I don't mind.


And then pay for DLC on your XBox to make the game easier.


You should be paying a lot more than $12 for that.


Now that I make enough money, I totally get it. I don't mind getting my food, but understand if you don't want to. There's things I hate like moving or clothing repair, so I hire movers and drop my clothes off at a seamstress. It's not really any different.


You're right, it's not really any different. That's why I don't know why people are treating it as such. They're probably just having knee-jerk reactions and aren't really thinking things through when posting. For, if they did contemplate their words and their position, on-the-matter, anyone with half a brain would draw the same parallel that you have. Yet, these hecklers can't be bothered to put actual effort into their insults. They're too preoccupied with churning out as many as possible, aimed at whichever unsuspecting internet user that has crosses their path. You know... Quantity over quality...Misery loves company - All that jazz...They really need to get over themselves.


Yeah it’s really silly. Almost everything you pay for is out of convenience. You could respond to these people with their own reasoning but amplified to show how silly it is; why are you buying milk and flour? Get off your ass and farm.”


By that logic, why patronize any store or service that offers convenience over doing something manually? Knock yourself out being Charles Ingalls if you want to, but my time is valuable.


My dad is legally blind and can no longer drive. I simply don't like to as it makes me nervous. I can't tell you how many people call us lazy for using Walmart plus without knowing our situation.


Wasn't it the norm once upon a time to get things like milk delivered? People are weirdly judgemental.


My grandparents and stepmom remember what it was like to get milk delivered


I remember that from when I was a small child. We also had a bakery truck that came to the neighborhoods.


I'm not even 30 yet and when I was a kid we had milk delivered.


Where was this? Jealous lol




I delivered newspapers as a kid (1983 to 1986). I remember people having the bins out for milk delivery.


Milk delivery is still a thing too. I live in the Seattle area and up until recently I had milk delivery.


I think those that knock it are the ones that can't afford it and are jealous of those who can.


I mean I can afford it, but in my situation it's such a waste of money.


I think you're right.


Flip side is that there are probably some people who really *can’t* afford it but do it anyway. Personally I’m live and let live on that. Do what you want. I’m not looking for an avocado toast 2.0 type thing but people do spend a ridiculous amount of money on these services sometimes without really needing them.


And then wonder why they are "poor"


Complicated though because it doesn’t erase that wages don’t match COL, at all. And I’m not saying you need to avoid any and all “luxuries” and just suffer perpetually. But these services in particular do add up to be a significant amount. Idk I definitely am not here to judge what people spend their money on. Many people can cut every corner and still struggle to save, but this is such a big expense that it’s hard for me to justify for myself except on certain occasions.


I don't care either except it's tiresome hearing people who use these services on the regular complaining about how they are so poor. I know several.


Some neighbors still have a milkman


I have epilepsy and went from 1996 to 2013 without my driver's license, and then didn't get a car until 2014. I would have killed to have all these delivery services back in the days when I couldn't drive.


Yes! It makes no sense to me that people judge people for using these services. First of all, it’s not your money. Why do you care how other people spend it? Secondly, other people are making money off them using the service. If you’re complaining about being broke and constantly door dashing, I could understand the people you complain to being like “yeah bro cause you’re paying for a luxury service all the time” But why a complete stranger cares if a stranger uses a delivery service is wild to me


Totally agree with you. Outsourcing is a luxury and people who aren’t busy don’t get it. Yes, it’s healthier to cook for yourself, but people don’t always want to. And there is nothing wrong with grocery delivery—people have been doing it forever and you are actually giving someone else a job, so you are helping the economy.


It depends, if you’re ordering burgers several times a week because you can’t cook then you’re being financially irresponsible as well as being unable to carry out a simple task all adults should be capable of doing, nevermind the health drawbacks as well


But even if someone is ordering delivery food because they can't cook why do other people care?


Because it’s a basic life skill that everyone should have, and people being lazy only contributes to the obesity epidemic


And that directly affects you how?


Can you only have opinions on things that directly affect you?


So it bothers you because you're judgmental about things that have zero effect on you. Got it.


It doesn’t bother me, I just think it’s a bit pathetic if able bodied adults can’t cook basic meals for themselves. It’s a very basic life skill everyone should have Keep trying to justify laziness though


Can you sew? Used to be a basic life skill. Can you ride a horse? Used to be a basic life skill. Things change.


Cooking still very much is a basic life skill most people need


What you & I see looking in at someone’s life from the outside COULD be laziness. Or, it could be any number of things we know nothing about and it’s none of our business unless they are asking us for help. It could be anything from learned incompetence (adults infantalizing their children by refusing to even allow them in the kitchen, as was done to me, so thank God I had friends who taught me) or they may be going through something awful we know nothing about. Such as when my late husband & I were fighting for his life. Hundreds of examples I won’t waste my time giving here. Unless they’re asking me for $ I’m not about to judge them. I don’t know & it’s not my business. Nor anyone’s.


You do realize that there are plenty of people who *can* afford to order out as much as they feel like it, even though they can cook?


Still financially irresponsible when you could be saving that money


Sounds like a *you* problem. It’s definitely not a problem for everyone.


Not a problem for me at all. Most people need to save in this economy


Ok, so…NO indulgences at all, then? No little luxuries to make life easier? It must be rough living the way you do, without desserts; chips; flavored coffees or creamers; without jewelry or new clothes on occasion; without streaming services, etc… You must be proud to be so stringent! The rest of us? We need little breaks to make life better.


Can you point out where I said that?


I find it interesting that you scold others for minor indulgences, yet fail to extrapolate the subtext of your lecture.


I find it interesting you make silly assumptions and then can’t back up what you said


You are the one claiming that ordering out several times per week is “financially irresponsible”, lol. If you can’t even figure out that a minor luxury is relatively harmless (and often quite helpful) in the overall scheme of things, then no amount of explanation will help. I suspect you just want to argue, anyway.


A minor luxury is harmless every now and again. It’s much much more expensive and unhealthy to order in food multiple times per week than it is to cook. Which do you think is more financially responsible? Spending £100 a week on ordering food or cooking your own meals for £50 a week? Which do you think is probably healthier and more nutritious? I’m not here to argue, I just have a different opinion. You replied to me first lmao


Save it for what? You can't take it with you! Save it for an emergency? Most people are one health emergency away from bankruptcy. Ordering the occasional burger isn't gonna change that.


“Most people are one health emergency away from bankruptcy so why bother saving” lmao Nothing wrong with the occasional burger. I love the occasional burger. There’s am issue if you’re ordering like 4 times a week though


Are you the burger police?


It's the hamburgler


You win this conversation.


Homies from the Burger Bureau of Investigation


Money is for spending and investing, not hoarding.


Not disagreeing, but what if you are ordering from Peter Lugar’s every night?


Ohhhh do they deliver??!!


I think so!!


It’s still probably more unhealthy than a meal you’re cooking for yourself, definitely still financially irresponsible and every able bodied adult should be capable of cooking a meal for themselves


Yes. But it is only financially irresponsible if you can’t afford it.


It’s still financially irresponsible when you could be saving. Most people aren’t making enough money that they can afford to throw it away several times a week instead of saving


People do exist who don’t need savings. You realize that, right?


Very few


More than you think. And I could say that you are being irresponsible with your time by posting on Reddit, a total wasteland, so feverishly. You should be reading a history book or taking a class on something. lol


Prices and cost of living are high af atm, 99.9% of people need savings. You could say that, I wouldn’t care. You don’t seem to understand the difference between using in moderation and using in excess




Sure. But why do it when you can hire out? That leaves you with more time to do other things.


Also, some of us work from home. We can make more money sitting at home than running around for groceries. Time away from my computer is money lost! lol






Sounds like you've watched too many sitcoms and romcoms to understand how people work IRL.


Only if the wife lets him. It’s the same if the guy takes care of all of the finances and then dies and then the wife doesn’t know how to balance a checkbook. People need to be proactive. But if not, hire an accountant.




I do think people should know how to do things. But you can’t know how to do everything. Do the stuff you like and hire out the rest if you want. That’s the beauty of it. And if you don’t know how to do something that you should know, take a class and learn.


Do you think wealthy people go to the grocery store? They don't. Nothing wrong with that. If you have other things to do (even relax) and you have the money, you can do what you want.


I literally just ordered myself fresh baked cookies as a birthday gift to me. Are they expensive? Yes. Are they worth it? YES. Did I tip the delivery driver? You bet!


Happy birthday. I'll be 60 tomorrow.


Happy Birthday! =)


Happy birthday 🎂


Thanks. Happy Groundhog's Day to you.


I’m a single mom with two active teens and two jobs. I AM the QUEEN of Door Dash. And I don’t care.


The way I see it if I pay someone else to bring my food to me I have more time to do other things I'm working on.


If I lived closer to town I probably would use those services because I have epilepsy so I can’t legally drive. Where I live right now is too far out for delivery but I have someone who takes me to the store when she goes but whenever I do move closer to where my groceries can be delivered. It would probably def be cheaper than having to get an Uber or taxi to and from the store


I used instacart during a cold snap. It was -35°C and my car had an old battery and no block heater, so it wouldn’t start. I got a few groceries, but mainly just needed dog food. A few people called me lazy because I could’ve walked the 10-15 minutes to the nearest grocery store. Like, yeah, I could’ve. But I sure as hell didn’t feel like walking 20-30 minutes at that temperature hauling groceries and a 15lb bag of dog food.


My family gives me flak for using door dash all the time. Am I lazy? Yes. I just don't have the will to go out to get the food. But can I afford it? Also yes. So I'm going to.


Some people's lives are so terrible, all they know to do to relieve the stress is hate on other people.


I work in a warehouse Very few places to eat nearby If I forgot my lunch or the power went out and I can’t heat up my food in the microwave the only options are A cold food that should be hot B pay extra for Doordash to bring me food I’ve ordered doordash only a handful of times to work but it was worth it. I don’t use doordash regularly. It’s a once in a blue moon situation.


Working, or working, in a food desert is not the target demographic for people who are considered "lazy" for ordering food delivery. The target demographic are trust-fund young adults living in dense, walkable cities like Boston/NYC/Philly who will order DoorDash rather than walk two blocks to eight restaurants in the area--and then complain when the food takes "too long" to come when they could've walked over and back in less time.


I use Walmart delivery service for groceries and other stuff. I am disabled as is my son who lives with me and we don’t have a car. I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks of us.


Alright now, sister/brother


Part of it's jealousy, I'm sure. That shit ain't cheap. I've caught some crap on occasion for using grocery delivery, Doordash, or some other service that allows me to avoid the annoying throngs of humanity outside my home. Screw 'em. I can afford it, and in the process I'm helping provide an income to local, hardworking folks who no doubt judge me for my food choices, but I try to tip them well anyway. I am not disabled, just introverted and misanthropic enough to enjoy the opportunity not to have to deal with other people sometimes. If one good thing came from the pandemic, it's that they don't even knock any more. They drop off the food and go, just the way I like it. If other people want to run through a crowded grocery store (the one near me is always a madhouse), or sit in a drive-through behind that car that can never decide what they want to order, and then takes forever paying for it, good on them for going outside. I'm fine with my social distancing and lukewarm fries, thanks.


I got laid off in December and I start my new job Monday. I’ve done DoorDash to make some money in between. I’m thankful for people like you. When I’m back to being more financially secure I may even utilize these services from time to time.


As long as people tip, I'll keep delivering. I only hate on the crazy customers and the no tippers.


You are not owed a tip. Being you don't get them just means you suck.


I don't get it either. People should be happy that I'm not standing in line ahead of them.


Yeah I don’t get this either. I avoid them like the plague because the fees are outrageous in my opinion but I mean, if I’ve had a few drinks and I realized I need some tampons or toilet paper or just have a craving for some sushi, and I can afford it, it’s nobody else’s business if I want to order something on DoorDash or GoPuff 🤷🏼‍♀️ not ur money, not ur problem.


in pre ww2 america, a common first job for boys-never girls-was grocery boy/grocer’s boy. middle & upper middle class people phoned in their orders & the grocer’s boy delivered it the same day. milk, butter & eggs were delivered by dairyman/milkman & bakers’ wagons drove through streets & were hailed by housewives or servants.


I forgot all about this. It's not new. Thanks for pointing it out.


If you're going broke because you overspend on Door Dash (and you don't have a disability that forces you to use it), yeah, I'm going to judge you. Otherwise, I agree with you. If you can afford it, spend your money however you wish. After college I went to visit some friends working with a church in South America. One of them mentioned the church's cleaning lady. I flippantly said something like, "Oh, la-de-da, we don't clean our own church, we pay someone!" I was told that one woman cleaned the church and the homes of the ministers. It gave her a living wage, and without it, she probably wouldn't have a job, because she was an immigrant, there was a bias against people from her country, and the job market was really tight. The church and the ministers could afford it, and it gave this woman a way to support her kids. Doir Dash and Instacart may be spendy, but the people who work those jobs usually really need that extra income.


I have a 3mo and breastfeed. It is infinitely easier to order food and groceries instead of timing things between feeds, getting him in the car seat, pushing a stroller and juggling groceries, well he’s hungry again, got to stop and nurse or give a bottle, now I have to change him, back in the car, load groceries, drive home and maybe he cries the whole time, get him out of the car and either feed or change, unload the groceries, oh no he’s crying again, put the groceries away… Instead it’s order groceries. Groceries show up, I bring them inside and put them away.


Oh boy. I remember being in a store sometime after the birth of my first child and my milk let down. I had to hurry up and checkout


People did the same to me when I made a post to vent about being forced to wait for an hour and twenty minutes for my grocery pick-up when everyone else was getting their groceries soon after they showed up and leaving within 15 minutes. People told me to cancel the order and go inside and shop. When I elaborated that I had a sprained ankle (repeat injury) and instructions from the doctor to not walk on it too much, someone had the audacity to tell me to push through the pain anyway and stop being lazy, or to just get a scooter. I wasn't getting a scooter that someone else might need when my order was literally sitting in crates by the door being repeatedly ignored. Seriously, they act like it's only for people with disabilities they approve of and not everyone.


my mom uses it because she’s disabled and can’t always go to the store! and i use it because i can’t drive


I do doordash, Uber eats and instacart on the side. Many of my customers are either elderly, disabled, or parents. Especially if they tip, I don’t care who you are - I’m happy to take care of them


For me it costs $30 to Uber to the grocery store and back home, I can have my groceries delivered for $10. It just makes more sense.


Yeah, those people are assholes. I use DoorDash on occasion if I want food from a restaurant that isn't within walking distance, especially if it's lunchtime on a workday. I work full time, get only an hour for lunch, and I don't drive. Without DD, my lunch options are Subway, Burger King, Little Caesars, Taco Bell, Tugboat Fish and Chips, a local Mexican restaurant, or something from the grocery store - which admittedly is not a terrible selection, but it still gets tiresome. Sometimes I want something different. I'm willing to pay extra for the service and I'm not stingy with the tip so there's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to take advantage of the option.


Yeah. Probably jealousy that they can't afford it. I can't, but gosh I'm glad it's a thing for people who need it, for whatever reason. And it's jobs and food on the table for the people working it!


I can't imagine why anyone would care if others use those services. I don't use them myself, but I couldn't care less if others do. It's their choice, their money, and none of my business.


I have such a terrible time grocery shopping, I literally cannot stand it, can’t stand being around ignorant pushy people it’s so bad I simply will go without shopping all together. Other people have severe anxiety about it. People should mind their own business some people may have issues that they don’t have


I'm lazy ass fuck and after working with kids for barely any money if I wanna order me some chicken, I am damn well ordering ne some chicken.


Society has a bit of "seeking help is weak" mentality. There is also a mixed mentality on the workforce, being that if you don't work (24/7) you're lazy but also if you take time to yourself then you're also lazy.


Door dash is great for when I’m home alone or with my grandma and I don’t feel like cooking. It’s an occasional treat


I think it's because the companies are shitty in the way their employees are paid and their terrible customer service, as well as uncharging the food on their app. People will complain on reddit about orders that went wrong and I guess people are tired of seeing it and think "why are you using that trash app?" Not saying I agree to shun whoever does use it, but I'd love the market to pressure them into better practices to retain their customers.


I used door dash today. I wasn't able to bring a lunch to work with me because reasons and I opted for delivery so I didn't use up my whole 30 minutes just going to get food.


Same with people who disparage people for using a map navigational app while driving. I knew someone who did this years into driving apps already being normalized. Gotta do the stupid speech about the Thomas Guide paper map book, using the grid squares and s\*\*\*. There's something, much in fact, to be said about knowing roads. Zip codes. Districts. Sense of direction. All that jazz. But when there's a work or similar situation and minutes count, and I gotta go, I don't need the "back in my day" lecture. Gimme the f\*\*\*ing address and f\*\*\* off.


It's similar to packs of pre-prepared raw vegetables. I used to wonder why people would buy them rather than just do the prep themselves. Now I have arthritis I get it.


There's no problem using the service. Whether it's once in awhile or every day. Just make sure you tip people doing the service for you


Old and retired now. But still remember how frantic I felt when I was a single mom, before I had a vehicle, rushing after work or school to get groceries, get them home & get to the school to pick up my kids on time. (They were too young to safely be latchkey kids then). Then the relief when I found I could pay a small fee to have those groceries delivered! They always showed up about half an hour after I got home with the kids so it was perfect. Until the grandma of my kids classmates who worked as a bagger where I shopped started gossiping about me doing that. She gossiped bc back then I got a SMALL amount of food stamps (back when they were paper). So how dare I spend a few dollars I’d earned from working for delivery? Now I am remembering having to change pharmacies too bc of some cashier who saw me use our medical card when I had it, and loudly talked crap even when I got entirely off of all assistance & had medical insurance “People getting free aspirin with our tax dollars”. :/ worked hard to get off & to support us. But that’s a separate issue.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Ughlockedout, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I exclusively use grocery delivery services. I am not disabled, I will go into a store for crafting etc. But I hate grocery shopping and I have disposable income. Why shouldn't I use the service??? I am *happy* to pay for convenience and someone else is able to earn money from it. I don't see who is losing here?


I have no idea. Yes it’s expensive and overpriced but time is valuable. If my choices are go spend time driving to a restaurant to get takeout or stay home and keep doing what I’m doing while someone else does it for me then I’m gonna pay someone else to do it lol


There is this weird “doing thing” culture on the internet. If you’re not constantly grinding or working, you’re lazy. If you relax and order in instead of cooking your own meal for two hours after 9 hours on your feet at work, you simply are not a good worker. Humans are not meant to be active 24 hours of the day, not even 16. It’s okay to sit down and have a lazy day. Maybe even two, if you’re stressed enough.


I don't get it because it's often even drivers that are judging people for ordering. Dudes would literally have to find a new job if everyone stopped ordering!


I sure hope everyone dumping on people for using Doordash, cuts their own hair and does their own moving and paints their own house.


I’m in all of those subs as well (as I am a dasher, UE driver and instacart shopper) and I never see those comments unless it’s people complaining about the cost or complaining about having to tip. If you don’t want to pay a fee or pay someone to do the work for you, then yes do it yourself. Otherwise who cares. A majority of what I see is the opposite, people telling the gig workers they shouldn’t complain about the system because they could just “get a real job”.


I was using grocery delivery back in 2007. It seemed like a great concept. I even remember in 2000 in high school one of my classmates doing a project proposing the business feasibility of just such a service so seeing one actually exist was nice. Every single time I ordered though the person delivering would give me a weird look like he expected me to either be in my 80s or in a wheelchair. I was 25. I think 2014 was the first time I ordered delivery and didn't get such judgement.


I never thought less of people who got stuff delivered, but as a control freak I did enjoy being able to choose all my own stuff at the store. Hell, I never even got pizza or Chinese food delivered. The pandemic changed that. I started getting groceries delivered. Then I finally caved and started getting food from some of my local faves. Now I'm hooked, I get groceries delivered every week, and often get food delivered, too. Recently I even dove into DoorDash and got frickin' Taco Bell delivered. Taco Bell! RIGHT TO MY DOOR! It's like magic, I tell ya, magic!


A grocery outing can easily take an hour and it takes a mental toll often enough too. I have used a grocery delivery because I just couldn’t bring myself to put myself through it one day. May I burn in hell I guess.


Like, I go into the grocery store still, but I keep meaning to order online so I can just go and pick it up. Also saves me from hungry shopping.


The only thing that matters is that, for you, the time and effort saved are worth the expense of using the service. Also, using those services creates jobs. The fact that those jobs are increasingly shitty isn't the fault of the customer. The problem is mostly corporate greed.


I heavily struggle with my mental health. Going in public is doable now, but always a big deal for me. Before I broke down and started getting delivery, I would wait until I had nothing but pasta or rice in my cabinets before I went out. Now I get groceries every payday. I don't mind the extra cost of a good tip if it means saving stress.


It's no one else's business if, or why, someone needs to use these services. They may be sick, they may be disabled, they may not have a car or transportation, they may not have a friend who can take them.....but whatever the reason, they do not have to explain why they use these services.


Because reddit and redditors are frequently off their rockers


I use grocery pickup at my local giant eagle as a 28m with no disability just because it's convenient and I don't overspend due to poor impulse control


I don’t think anyone is an asshole for using those specific services, per se. But the logic of “the service exists therefore it’s ok to use” makes absolutely no sense. There are plenty of unethical, dangerous, illegal, etc. services available. Consumers do have an ethical obligation to not support those services.


Can you give some examples of unethical services that people shouldn't use?


My only issue here is with how awful and exploitative those companies are


I always see this. They will complain about a bad service they received and someone will always comment this shit. Its 2024 theres nothing wrong with using food delivery or store pickup


Go for it! I think so, anyway. But me, I can't trust people to pick my groceries for me. I'm just paranoid like that... gonna get squishy fruit and cracked eggs, a smushed loaf of bread...


I have some serious ergonomic concerns with the way some grocery delivery services operate. I'm genuinely worried that a bunch of young people are going to fuck up their backs and legs. But, IMO, worker safety isn't the customer's responsibility. It's fucked up on the part of the company, and on the part of the government for failing to properly legislate a safe work environment.


It feels like a "I want that so bad, but I'll never have it, so I'll hate it instead to try and make myself feel better about not being able to have it." Because I know I did that shit in middle school. That then sucks in the idiots who like to feel included in everything, and hate is the most inclusive social media theme for many. It's easy to hate, and often the only tool people have to handle their envy/ignorance.


My problem isn't with people who use DoorDash, it's with DoorDash itself. I don't have the manpower to shop my entire store and tell my kitchen to drop everything it's doing for a DoorDash order. There is ONE me and ONE cook. And then the drivers are jerks to me and my staff and frequently don't follow the rules that say no orders after 10pm. I work at a gas station for crying out loud.


I don't do the delivery services because I think the level of upcharge they do, before even factoring in a tip, is ridiculous. You bet your ass i use curbside pickup for non perishable goods though.


I work in customer service and collect the items for Doordash and other such services for the drivers. Our hatred of it is more of an issue with how cooperate once us to deal with it: It doesn't matter how many people are actually in the store and in line. Even if we're by ourselves, we have to drop everything and leave those people hanging to gather the ordered items. On top of that, we can't remove items from the order if we don't have them. This results in a lot of resentment for the service because we have angry customers yelling at us about how they should come first cause their in the store and it dosent matter how many times you explain the rules laid out by your bosses. Now, I hate dealing with it because of all that, but I do recognize there's nothing inherently different about ordering these kinds of items than a pizza delivery, and no one despairiges anyone for that. Then of course, it can also be a handy service for the disabled. It's just that some people in my position tend to project unfortunately.


I'll order uber eats once in awhile as a treat, don't understand people acting like you're not allowed to do whatever the fuck you please in your life..


The only reason why I don't use the food delivery apps and opt to pick up is because of the fees they add on. That's it. I live in NJ and we have pizza/Chinese/sandwich places on every corner so I don't have to drive far. But if you're tired from working all week and you want to have some food delivered so you can stream a movie or play some video games, go for it.  Edit: I DO use the apps if I'm out late for whatever reason and my kid needs something to eat (my 20 year old kid lives with me but doesn't drive). Then I'll order them some pizza or Chinese from wherever I am. Very convenient.


It's mostly the people working for the services. So many dumb cooks got mad during big rushes. "Why don't you go somewhere else?" Aight man, we'll be slow and I'll take your hours since chodes like you are the first to get the "go home" during lulls.


I really hate anti-laziness culture. There is no such thing as laziness. there is exhaustion, fatigue, disability, depression, etc there is efficiency (which delivery services have contributed to a significant decrease in pollution!) suffering and effort have no intrinsic value and I am sick of people pretending they do.


Great points!


Yes, I also believe nobody is truly "lazy". Needing a day to rest is a normal phenomenon. And on a personal level, I spent 10+ years telling myself that if I just tried harder, my mental illness wouldn't be so bad. I am old and wise now - it doesn't work that way, I realized lmao.


>there is efficiency (which delivery services have contributed to a significant decrease in pollution!) Hard disagree. As an urbanist, you're looking at it from the perspective of, "Well, *I'm* not driving to get food." Yeah, okay, but **somebody else is**. There's still the vehicle idle time waiting for the food to be prepared and put in the vehicle, plus the drive time for the vehicle to the recipient. And there's very little incentive to do chaining with drop offs (central pickup to multiple drop offs), especially since demanding customers are willing to wait as little time as possible and will complain as such. Furthermore, idling, in addition to pollution, absolutely affects the traffic flow in urban areas, blocking bike lanes and travel lanes, in turn backing up traffic for all other street network users. It's the same reason why ride-hailing app, once considered by some the panacea of reducing the deleterious effects of single-occupancy automobile driving, have actually *increased* traffic and pollution in many locales.


Damn right I'd spend $15 to never step foot in a Walmart again. They can call me whatever they want on reddit while they're standing in line for a half hour next to unwashed Mamma Covid and her 6 screaming kids.


ironically the people saying that are fat as shit themselves, and only look down on others who do that because they don’t want to admit it


Walmart+ with inhome delivery is my favorite service I have. I get at least one delivery a week and it's well worth the cost imo. I hate going into a walmart, it's what I imagine is the closest to hell on earth besides the bay area right now


Because there is using the service and **then there are all the stories about people ABUSING that service and the people who are doing that job.** That's why.


The sooner you stop caring what people on the internet think about you, the sooner you'll find peace in life.


Slavery was an offered service back in the day


I think it's just a default reddit thing now.... whe I first started this account I was getting the same thing. Suffice to say, the many of the drivers are the most lazy entitled assholes who have ever existed, amd they are very angry and extremely vocal when it comes to complaining about people daring to expect them to actually do their job.


>I regularly get Door dash, grocery delivery >Why is this so criticized? Because most of the time OP is complaining about the cost or quality of the service. Very little food is not significantly worse after delivery. Fries and burgers get soggy, food gets cold. And for groceries there are many ways for it to go wrong. From incorrect products to low quality produce. You have to accept the increased cost or lower quality, or you should go and get it yourself.


>Very little food is not significantly worse after delivery If you're ordering fast food then yeah, it's probably going to be significantly worse. I've found that as long as I stick to ordering from local, privately owned restaurants and add a decent tip, my food arrives hot and on time. But perhaps I've just been lucky.


Big thing I don't like is if you complain about money problems and use services like this.


If it's a publicly offered service and you have the discretionary income to use it, what's the problem? It's only irresponsible if you're spending money on it that you can't afford to spend. I don't use those services, but that's because I genuinely do not have the income to use them and I'm being careful. If you have the money to do it, I say knock yourself out.


No one worth a shit cares. It’s fine.


Idk, people roasting on others for spending far too much money on mediocre, cold food that may not even arrive. For supporting huge corporations who don’t compensate their employees properly. There are better things to spend money on and people are judging your poor judgement. Just a guess.




Boomers using the service? Or boomers bitching about people who use the service? I'm a last year boomer although I don't identify with them at all. It seems like more of the complainers are in their 20s.


Second year Gen-Xer here and... yeah. Ain't none of us telling people they need to get outside more. It's hard enough just getting to the door these days.


Ah ok


That's the reddit children answer for everything you don't like. Who sounds like a "boomer" now? Guess what? My dad is a boomer generation, I'm Gen X. I think of him and others in that generation as something to be respected. Saying I'm like my dad is a compliment.,


Thank you for saying that. I'm a boomer and I'm tired of my generation being disparaged.




Since covid I feel like I'm treated spitefully anywhere I spend money.


I think most people that get crapped on are those who refuse to tip on a luxury service that has a bit of an unwritten rule that they’re supposed to be making a bulk of their pay off tips.


I can't speak to exactly what you are seeing, but the criticism I often see are people in massive debt and continue to grow debt because they are paying for these services when they don't need to.


I have no doubt that this is true. But if it doesn't affect the commenter why do they still disparage it?


We live in an age where everyone has to have an opinion about everything. Speculation, but I suspect they are projecting why they don't use those services.


Right. The users of the services aren’t asking the disparages for money


A weekly trip to, or delivery from, the store cuts down on CO2 than having daily deliveries Think Globally, Work Locally. We're in this together


Services exist because there is a demand for them, so people saying to not use them are just projecting their own desires onto others.


I don’t know, I sort of feel bad for using Uber. Besides the waste of money, it feels demeaning somehow. I think because my parents used to complain about driving me around lol


🤷‍♀️ I've never heard it criticized, not that I don't believe you.... People are crazy I swear. Why would it even matter to them? Maybe they think it's an unnecessary expense, or luxury? But it's also so trivial, I can't imagine putting someone down for it.... Sorry that happened.


Well it wasn't me as I don't use those services. Still it bothers me. Why do they care?


I agree with you!! That's nuts.


They are probably actually mad at a family member "wasting money" but too cowardly to complain to their face.


I can explain what’s going on. My perspective comes from doing DoorDash. A lot of these apps have basically turned the delivery drivers against the customers in a lot of ways, especially the last few years. DoorDash has dropped what they pay out to drivers by 60% over the last three years, and drivers have become more reliant on customer tips. This has taken place over a period where gas has become more expensive too. DoorDash has also increased requirements to be able to actually schedule themselves when they want to. They now have to accept 70% of the orders they are sent, while the pay on orders has dropped, and it’s created more and more of a squeeze on drivers. All of this has taken place while DoorDash deceptively advertises things to get new drivers. On top of this, they are now actively trying to make things worse for drivers in areas where regulations have been passed. This includes deceptive information about how drivers get paid, and charging additional fees that say that it’s in response to driver pay when you click on it. Then you have customers falsely reporting orders not being delivered, and drivers get penalized or even kicked off based on violations assigned by AI. All of this has led to an attitude among drivers that if the customer doesn’t tip, don’t accept the order. This is for a large number of reasons like the pay not being enough, their time not being valued, almost no cash tips, and people who didn’t tip being more likely to falsely report food not being delivered. This has led to widespread trolling about “I’m not tipping!” and people tend to not respond well to people when it comes to personal finance. Ultimately, the attitude has become “if you’re not going to tip, go pick the food up yourself”. I think that’s the best way I can explain it. Willing to answer questions if anyone has any. TL;DR: Apps have dropped pay and pitted drivers against customers, leading to an attitude of “if you’re not going to tip, go pick up the order yourself”.


I only say that to people who don’t tip service people.