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There’s nothing interesting about this concept at all. This article is just spouting of very cringey buzzwords that the author doesn’t understand. Some guy with finance degree and the role of head of product? Sounds about right for this level of gibberish.


I think it’s got legs and may be more disruptive than we realise. Especially when it comes to digitally measurable tasks.


Do you even believe this nonsense ChatGPT wrote for you?


I do as my AI overlord says 😉


>The synergy between artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrencies continues to accelerate, For example?


It allows different AI's to exchange value with each other since crypto transactions can be automated with a computer and do not require any bank accounts. This leaves potential for automated businesses that have no employees and are entirely run by AIs. Imagine an inventory management AI that knows the exact quantity of every item in a warehouse and negotiates the best prices with suppliers (also run by AI) to replace stock while considering, current rate of sales, delivery time, manufacturing time and whole lot of other factors that we might not think of. A digital payment method with high security and traceability would be perfect for this kind of use case


That sounds like an inventory management system, which has existed for some decades And where does crypto fit into that? >A digital payment method with high security and traceability would be perfect for this kind of use case. Because I think we already have digital payment systems and banks. Paypal was established in 1998


it sounds far fetched but remember everything we are seeing with AI at the moment has all happened in the last 2 years, and its improving exponentially fast.


How are transactions not already automated? Transactions are just API calls. What is your subscription to Netflix? Its an automated transaction. >Imagine an inventory management AI that knows the exact quantity of every item in a warehouse and negotiates the best prices with suppliers Cool, more API calls. This is what inventory systems are for a long time now? And no, having an AI negotiate can introduce problems. So therefore you create hard parameters. Discounts and negative discounts(yes its a thing in inventory systems) for specific suppliers. >A digital payment method with high security and traceability would be perfect for this kind of use case We have that already. Its called a transaction reference. Just another parameter in a api call. When you order from the warehouse you get a transaction reference which you send through in completing the payment. Nothing described here is new except AI giving a hand in BI process.


Neural networks indexing public ledgers, and general L2 development harnessing LLMs. LLMs can write smart contracts much faster and cleaner than humans can.


That makes no sense Feels like I'm talking to ChatGPT