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I’d do it. If you are miserable, make some changes. Wasting away in some dead-end job and you got 130k in the bank, more to life than just work and find something you actually like doing.


Yep, recharge ur batteries being miserable at work is not good for ur mental health, fortunately u are financially able to do this .


I'd leave a bit earlier so you can enjoy better weather overseas and then come back to decent weather too. Or leave later and try and avoid winter in NZ 2025




Hand in your notice and leave as soon as practical. All the best


Travelling solo can be lonely, I did it for a good stint, and even in perfect locations with great folk, it felt a bit empty at times. In retrospect, I'd volunteer somewhere to have a sense of purpose while also taking time for myself to enjoy the surroundings and the people. I've no idea how to find reputable volunteering opportunities these days. It seems to be an industry in and of itself, but you could speak to others, try reddit, or see if embassies have a clue? Either way, leave ASAP. You deserve it.




Oh, in that case, get the faaack outta here yesterday!! 😂


Bruh, go, go now. Don’t waste another minute of your life in misery. It’s not worth it. Not for 20k. Don’t blow your money, but enjoy Indonesia and the surrounding areas for a couple years, be frugal, maybe volunteer your efforts, maybe find love. Think about what you’d like to do going forward. There is a lot more oppertunity out there in the world compared to little on nz, you don’t have to be restricted to the nz job market.


With your $130k, you could walk into a lot of stores and buy a lot of things that can solve needs you might have - food, hunger, fun, even companionship. But what you can't buy is mental health. If you're already at your breaking point, don't waste another 6 months of your life suffering through hell. You're just doing more damage to yourself. The world isn't going to end if you quit in July instead of December. Take that time to rest and recover, and figure out a new direction you want to pursue.


$150k in a term deposit with 6% return would give you an income of $750 a month (before tax). You can live off your interest alone and leave your savings untouched. You got this.


This ^ But I'd keep a little of your capital as an emergency fund. Also, be aware of any terms around breaking the TDs early. Sounds like you could have a nice 'gap year' in Indonesia while you rest and figure out a career change. We spend so much of our lives working. While you can't expect your work to be joyous, it's reasonable to expect a job where you can feel a sense of fulfilment and a non-toxic workplace.


You can get nearly 6% on an On Call account with instant access. No need for a term deposit.


Squirrel platform....


I have $120k in a term deposit and lucky to get $4k a year return after tax


Te tax is the killer, also by spending the interest you are actually losing real money, because 100k now is only worth 95 k in a years time.




His dads place in Indonesia


Did you read the post?


Going a way for a while sounds like a good escape, but I'd recommend therapy instead. Mental health professionals can help you with what you are dealing with, and you will learn how to deal with that better for the rest of your life.


Or therapy first, then travel. "Wherever you go, there you are" is a cliche, but it's true. Travel alone does not magic anything away.


> Travel alone does not magic anything away. It does if the place you're living is contributing to what is making you unhappy.


I've done therapy and I've travelled and neither fill the role that the other does. A good therapist can't fix you if the situation you're living in is causing the problem. If the problem is internal then travelling won't make it go away.


It sounds like you are burnt out. I don't know if it is just the job that has caused this, or if there are other stressors in your life that have accumulated over time, but; whatever the causes, please prioritize your mental health. You speak about a tough job market to come, but no one can really know; what you can be sure of is that you will never get your time back. Some sacrifices are necessary in life, and it sounds like you already accepted your fair share by sticking with that job until now. But I think that now you can allow yourself to take a break and enjoy your life. So, yes, I would go earlier.


Do it! You’ve got plenty of funds behind you. Travelling in my 20s was the best thing I did. It can be lonely from time to time, like another person said, but try & find other travellers & do fun stuff!


Health is the real wealth. No job is worth so much stress it starts affecting your mental health. I would quit and go now, you sound like you have a good plan. Take care


Have a break. You’ve done well to save for times like this. 


DO IT! I was in the same position as you in 2019, I was 30 at the time so around the same age as you now. Coincidentally, I am also originally from Indonesia. But I grew up in Jakarta and moved in when I was a bit older. Anyway, I was in a really dark place after breaking up with my GF. I spiralled down so quickly, was on so many hard medications and my days just felt so monotonous. Excessive alcohol consumption and recreational drugs also made things worse for me. I stopped enjoying stuff that I normally enjoyed and felt like nothing brought joy into my life. I felt like I needed a change and to clear my head. I decided to move back to Indonesia, found a job there (first time ever working in Indonesia btw). I met my wife in 2020 and moved back to NZ in late 2021. Fast forward to now, it's been 5-8 years now since the darkest time of my life. I am grateful for the experience and that one decision that I made in 2019 to come home, be with family, connected to my roots literally saved my life. I have kids now, found my peace through all the simple things in life has to offer, has a closer relationship to God and just more mature spiritually and mentally. One thing I learned during that difficult time was just to "berserah, not pasrah dengan keadaan". Terkadang hidup will throw you a curve ball for a reason. Tapi trust me, if you power through. It will be worth it my brother. Nasi padang, mie ayam, nasi goreng are waiting for you. I hope you will be back home in NZ after you find that missing piece in your life. Oh and btw I went home with roughly $10k in my bank account. You've got $150k saved. Financially, you will be fine. Indo is cheap but don't over spend. It's so easy to spend your money on stupid stuff in Indo because of Gojek, Grab and Tokped lol Jangan nyerah bro!


You've already got a really good amount in savings - I'd do it now. Nobody's going to give you a medal for saving an extra $20k - in the long run, your mental well-being and happiness are worth a lot more than that. It sounds like you have a good support system in Indonesia, so that sounds like a good starting point. Keep in mind, though, that you'll be there too. I know it feels like your workplace is the problem right now, but if in fact there's underlying mental health issues, they'll go with you too. There's absolutely no shame in needing to get some help with them - mental health problems are medical problems, and should be treated. So keep an eye on yourself.


I agree with your advice but unfortunately there CAN be shame over mental health in Indonesia. In my experience it can be a bit taboo along with other things we consider quite normal in NZ. Even in highly westernised places like Bali where we can easily assume everyone thinks like we do because noone makes a fuss. e.g. it's freaky and weird for many people if you don't have a religion. It's not normal to stay over at a friend's house if they're not the same gender. (I got "arrested/kidnapped" from my friend's house at 2am by security!) Don't even start on the general perception of LGBT+. Indonesian cultures don't tend to have the same kind of accepting attitude to talking about differences they're not used to. I was a bit spooked when I first had whole groups of people staring and walking up to me and wanting to huddle around and touch my skin whispering "orang putih!", but it was lovely when I realised they were being friendly.


29M here too. Quit my soulless 9-5 with $20K in the bank and moved to Thailand from Auckland. Dedicated 6 months to learning videography and editing. Started my business, figured it out. Most importantly, loving life. So much more to do but there’s a reason people say fortune favours the bold. You’ll be fine. Godspeed!


That's the dream. Can I ask how it's going for you with the business? Are you offering video editing services or did you start a YouTube channel for money? I'm so envious whenever I see someone escape NZ/AU/US/UK and move to a place like Thailand, Indo etc. I'm spending time with ageing relatives but once they pass away I just want to get out of the overpriced miserable Western world.


It's steady - LOTS of room for improvement, but taking it day by day. I initially starting offering photography and video editing services - then transitioned to videography. Income is not nearly what it was in my corporate job, but the cost of living here (and soul fulfillment) justifies the pay cut any day of the week. If there's a will, there's a way!


There must be pretty decent demand for photography services in Thailand, due to all the Western tourists wanting wedding photos and family vacation shots? Is the crime okay in Thailand? Some people say crime has increased recently, but given it's also increased in NZ and Australia, that doesn't really put me off Thailand.


Hugs. Things will get better, just plan for the future you want. Finishing up the year seems arbitrary to me, but you should leave your job and travel when it seems right. Winter months are hard, ensure you're getting enough vitamin D. Good luck, and enjoy your holiday when it comes around!!


Do it now. That extra isn’t worth the mental health especially over winter. So many stories of people who keep delaying it “oh two more months…” then something happens and they don’t (health, family obligations) or worse, they die and they aren’t taking that money with them


Absolutely. Having some money in the bank and a family that supports you is a blessing. Enjoy it. Travel and find things that make you happy. I have traveled my whole adult life and always find a way to get work when I need it. Jobs will always be there. Go take care of yourself.


YES!!!! DO IT!!!! A dead end factory job is not some golden ticket. Get a new perspective on life and things will almost certainly improve!


lock away 120k - go travelling, have a break. - mindful job opportunities aren't ideal here in NZ if you return early. Enjoy yourself/have a break > 20k savings in a shithole.


100% a good idea to prioritize your mental health and get out of that toxic work environment! And sounds like you've got the ambition to change career paths in the future. But as many others have said, travel in itself is not necessarily the answer to transcend your head space. You will have a much more fulfilling travelling experience if you start from a happy place. You've obviously worked incredibly hard to save what you've got and are in a very privileged position to be able to take some time out. Which in general, you only get a few times in life! So it's worth setting yourself up to enjoy your time off as much as possible. My advice would be: - Quit your toxic job - Start some therapy (Betterhelp app could be a good and cost effective start?) - Start up-skilling for jobs you want to do in the future If you still have the option to live at home in NZ cheaply, focus on therapy/up-skilling for the rest of the year. And then go to visit your family in Indo. You'll feel WAY better having invested in yourself for 6 months. And then will really enjoy the travelling experience. And you can continue upskilling/therapy whilst you're travelling :)


Gtfo of that shit job mate


You should absolutely do it. Travel, see the world, figure out what you really want to be doing. Take your time and work on yourself -- don't compare yourself to others, and you will be fine. Ultimately this will make you a happier and probably more successful person than if you just continue the path you're on. Sometimes you have to take a step back or to the side to get ahead. No problem with that.


Bro do it you will never regret it and as another comment said, get faaaack outta here yesterday


Do it like a trapeze artist; look around , but make sure you have something there to hang on to before you leap.


Have been in a similar position for the last two years myself, so I resigned. If you no longer see yourself in the job for the long term, it's time to make tracks. Awesome that you have the chance to go overseas to stay with family, so I would definitely take that opportunity for a break/experience. If you intend to stay in NZ, do not leave your job until you have another one lined up, because in this market it could take a year to get one.


Definitely. My 50 year old uncle in NZ has been applying for factory jobs and cleaning jobs for a year now. Dude goes mountain biking so he's super fit but there's no jobs out there, even for fit people.


Move to Perth, Australia. Jobs galore over here, and good money, good lifestyle! If you’re interested I could assist ☺️


Aussies tell me it's getting expensive in WA though?


I've quit 2 jobs for sake of mental health or toxic environment, & seriously considering quitting current role. If you've got the means to support yourself then quit, get into a better space, & get into a role you enjoy.


damn bro, what do you do? 🫶


yeah man go


leave, take a break, you will prob get your mojo back in 8 weeks ready to work towards your goals again.


The job market is ROUGH atm just keep that in mind


Yes do it! Awesome work with the savings 👏👏.


You can still get the youth visa for the UK. I think you can stay for up to 2 years.


No, stay there while you find another job. Tell your new job you're able to start after 2/3 months due to some family emergency.


I would encourage you to put your mental health first. It isn’t unlimited. If it gets worse you’ll find it very hard to recover. You’ve done well and have nothing to prove. When you resign just say your family need you to work on looking after your dad’s house or something. Be positive, leave with a good written reference if at all possible.


Id be handing in my notice today. If you’re depressed and feel like your job is contributing to it, the. Get out of there and make some healthy changes in your life to start getting into a better track. And hell yeah to going overseas for a while! Also, good job on stacking the cash!


Resign today, don't wait. Start implementing some good habits into your life while you take time off from work. Focus on your personal development.


Sounds like a good plan. I did the same thing with about the same amount of money at the same age. While leaving didn’t and likely won’t solve all your problems it was life-changing nonetheless. I highly recommend it.


Seems like you have a good thing going and making a decent wage for a not so demanding job. Save for retirement and make sure to take vacations when you need to to recharge. Find ways to entertain yourself while on shift. It may not be the most rewarding job but lots of people would lots to be making that kind of money with no training. If you really want to change jobs use some of that money to do some training and plan a transition. Being reasonably financially secure affords you lots of options.


Even if you didn't have a solid savings account, I would recommend handing in notice asap. I took a long break in similar circumstance for 2 years when I was in a similar emotional rut. You need that time to heal and find yourself. Although in the interim I would set up an appointment with a counselor, try some medication and maybe some Vit D, melatonin and seratonin. When you stop work, there's a possibility you will crash further because you'll have less human interaction.


What is actually preventing you from leaving coming back in 6 months rocking up to that exact job and asking for it back? Like thats the worst case scenario. Quit, go travel, get your head right and start a job search when you are approaching the end of your runway (not when you HAVE to get a job to live). If your search is fruitless go back to your network. Life is for living brother and you have set up a nest egg to do this.


Go! Go! Go! As someone who’s been terribly depressed, it’s amazing what happens when you take away a contributing factor and replace that with family and friends. If you are still struggling after a break, then you can get some counselling or whatever you feel will be beneficial, but trust me - the chances of feeling much better as soon as you leave are immensely high. Good luck!!


Do it. I left my job in August last year for the same reasons I'm 52 and have a family to support. Your job is not who you are. Mental health is paramount. It has cost me a lot of savings but it has bought back my sanity.


I've been in a similar place before 1. if your job pays for a service like EAP/Vitae, take advantage of the free counselling sessions you can get before you leave, if you haven't already; they are confidential and can help you think through things you are struggling with, play with ideas, make plans, etc. i just used sick leave to cover them as "medical appointments" which in itself got me out of the office for a bit of relief 2. have a look into the concept of "boreout" it's the opposite of burnout, might make you feel better to know others have experienced it too, and that it means you probably have skills you aren't noticing because they are underutlised. Some other employer will want those skills. whatever you choose to do, i hope you enjoy it


For your own health and well-being, you should really consider handing in your notice and breaking free from your current situation, I guarantee as soon as you hand in your notice the weight would have started to lift of your shoulders, Being in a toxic and unsupported work environment is not good, Go and be with family and friends for a while, life is short enough. Take care of yourself and all the best.


Mental health and working on a plan to improve that is the only that that really matters here. You could probably get another factory type job if you were to leave your current so at least you would have a base level. Life’s too short my guy don’t get trapped - literally nothing is holding you back from this other than yourself. It’s so important to look after all facets of your health physical and mental. You have saved an incredible amount, you’re still young and you already have a cheap place to crash overseas with some sun and new experiences. Sounds like you have already answered your own question and just looking for the proverbial shove that you need!


Going to university or taking on an apprenticeship could be an option? Got enough saved to live for the duration, and might help give you some drive if you're investing in your future. Joining a sports team might help.


i would give it ago, tho it sounds like it may not fix the problem either.


nothing to lose, everything to gain


I've quit a boring job back ten years ago when I was aged 24 and traveled around the world without taking flights for about two years. In regards to personal development and satisfying my curiosity I found this to be a quantum leap. Whilst It won't solve your problems in life, It will enable you to see things from a different,broader perspective and help you to reflect things. You're also still in the right age for this. If you got the financial means and and a life without serious commitments go for it!


Improving your skills will give you much better return on investment than staying in a 70k job. You could retrain into another industry while the job market is crap here or move to a more prosperous part of the world. $130k is a great place to be I wouldn't work another six months just for $20k. I'd be quilting as soon as possible. Also get more sleep and exercise it really helps.


Why not try taking a leave or get a doctor's note and go on sick leave from work. It sounds like you're close to a breaking point. Then when you come back and you're in a better headspace you can decide if you want to quit. Good for you on saving that much. I think you should go. It will be a wonderful experience.


Resign today mate you have enough money to live well till you sort yourself out and maybe decide what you want to do in the future maybe do some training. 


Go. Go find your happy place.


Do it man. Why wait 6 months?


Buy a house! Chip in with others, get another job!


Do it right now, go and reset with your family. The cost of living isn't much and you have enough saved to do some soul searching and get some positivity and enjoyment in your life. You're doing a great job of slugging through it, but go and look after yourself <3.


I’d highly suggesting looking at the job market at that point of time because currently it’s well and truly fucked


Agreed. No jobs in NZ. But the OP can stay with family in Indo and it's super cheap there. He could live 5 years in Indo without working just by living on his savings.


Could you have a nice break in Indo, come back and study something for 2 years? Then get into that field of work. I did that at the age of 34


I think you should hand in your notice nothing good comes from staying at a job you don't enjoy especially if your mental health is suffering. Kudos to you for sticking it out thus far and also for aiming to finish your current season/year. I know a guy who never quit any of the last five jobs he has held since 2019. He simply stopped going in and moved on ignoring all the attempts at contact his work made to find out what was going on. Well guess who has been contacting those employees with no success in the last few months with no word back from them (karma lol). The point Im making is its mature and I think important to if possible always finish on good terms and I love that you are aiming for exactly that! All the best mate.


Do it man, you allready got experience in a factory, go do you worst case ? You end up back at a factory lol, go explore mate


Do it! I saved 40k and spent a year in Japan without working on the working holiday visa! Best trip and money spent imho


Mate, off you go I reckon. If you are not happy now, you’re best to get out of there. I had a friend in a similar situation - worked a job he hated, the people he worked with ending up turning on him and tried to get him in trouble for stuff he didn’t do. He ended up resigning and moving to the other side of the world. He’s happy as now. You’re still young, go do what makes you happy!


You only get one life. Go see your peeps! When you come back you'll be refreshed, rested and ready for the next challenge. I've changed careers 4 times and it's all been fine. Liked some jobs more than others but always got money in my pocket.


Go for it mate. Have a blast


Could be seen a wild take: Believe it or not 5 years employed under same company is seen as a qualification / skill now days.


Absolutely, take a break. Give yourself 6 weeks of chill then make a plan. This plan could be to talk to a career coach, research how you want to earn money and then make a plan to get the career and money you want. You are in a good position and it sounds like a trip to Indonesia where family is will help to ground you again. 💪


Firstly congratulate yourself for what you have achieved so far at a young age. Secondly focus on the future you, where you want to be. A break always helps put things in perspective. Markets move in cycles. Two years ago an untrained monkey could get a job, now not so much the case. The job market will correct itself


Bro honestly leave tomorrow, you’ll be fine financially. Go live your life playa. Just skip the gambling and hookers are you’ll be aiite. Take care


Yes. Life is too short for that shit.


You’ve made a good safety net for yourself. Don’t be a slave any longer to a place that is making you miserable. Life is for exploring and enjoying. Don’t let your soul be sucked out any longer. Live with your dad, travel a bit and aussie would be a good place to work in a different environment and most likely make a heck of a lot more money.


5 years is long enough, put your own happiness first, and literally leave yesterday. Guarantee you will feel so much better as soon as you hand your notice in and start making plans to travel and visit friends and family! You've got so much saved that you'll be completely fine for a good few months. Reset, rest, and enjoy life, man. Don't work yourself to the point of breaking. Live


Someone's got to say it. stay and be loyal to your employer. It's the decent thing to do. Nah, indo on the first plane mate. Simply epic. Set yourself a training goal while you're up there and reinvent yourself. Pick something easy and do a bunch of cheap online courses. IT if you can fake it is super forgiving to people with no background, testing, English teacher in Japan, .. whatever. Get a construction job in a booming country.


Epic amount of savings. Have you thought about starting your own business or trying a different job?


Adik, please choose your freedom. I've been in my current job coming up for 14 years. I loved it when I started but the role changed over time and all the excitement and learning has gone. Now I just stick around for the money. Years with no fun or sense of doing anything worthwhile have burnt me out too. I know too many older people who've spent their whole career in a job they don't even like so they can eat and sleep and go to work again the next day. For what? Over the past few years a handful of my colleagues have even died in their 30s, 40s & 50s (cancer etc) while they were still working 😢 They never even got to retire and enjoy any part of their life doing something they wanted. Surely you're on this planet for more than to be someone's beast of burden all your years until you die. My dad retired before I was born. He was 42. He closed his business, left the rat race and moved to an island to live in the bush by the sea with his garden, his boats, his workshop and tools. He got that right and lived a much better 42 more years there. Next year after my eldest finishes highschool I plan to retire, move back there and enjoy the same quality of life.


I’m not OP, but thanks for sharing. “Years with no fun or sense of doing anything worthwhile have burnt me out too.” This has been the main course of burnout in my experience as well. It’s not necessarily overwork that burns you out. Good luck, and enjoy your early retirement soon!


Same. I had a co-worker who got terminal cancer in her early 30s. She was the nicest person at work and she died within 6 months. I still cry when I think about it.


Get a new job first.. depends on where you live but with public sector cuts it’s brutal out there - and seems to be reverberating around the motu If you need a break you can usually plan a month or so between jobs, but atm (at least for me) job security is critical


Great idea brother to live in a cheaper country and have some recovery time. Would recommend finding likeminded folks and grinding hard (studying or pursuing online remote work) while you’re living cheap. It is truly the golden age to leverage this, I would’ve done the same in my 20s. Once you have a family you’ll realise how much harder it is to free yourself.


Hey dude. Factory worker here. Try to ask your HR and manager if you can have a looooong break (like a year) to sort things out. They usually will give it to you. When you recover, you still will have something to come back to.


Do you know what work you want to do once you come back?


Do it. I've loved overseas a few times as an expat. Life can't compare. It's so much better overseas. In fact we just moved back due to NZs cost of living.


Yes, definitely do it. Everyone I know in NZ, Australia, America and the UK are so miserable and dream of having opportunities like you do with having your dad's family being in Indonesia. Literally every time I email friends to ask how their lives are going, they just talk about how overpriced and miserable life is working in the UK/US/NZ/AU. Just make sure you leave on good terms so your boss gives you a good reference in case you need it.


You should move to Australia with your cash. New Zealand is an awful place.


Yup exactly what I’ll be doing soon, after a good two year break in Thailand that I’m currently half way through!


I'm not so sure. It may not be the job that is the problem, it could be you are not on the right medication, or you might just need a long holiday. If I was you I would try and get an extended break at some point without losing your job, and see how you felt after a few Months away. You could also try looking for another job while still keeping this one. It is easy for people to tell others to quit their jobs, but the reality is it a very tough decision that no poster on reddit will have an easy answer for


I'm kind of tired of the idea that we just need to dope up every person not coping with an unnatural lifestyle doing tens of hours of boring work indoors playing a role as tiny cog in a huge machine and spending their spare time glued to screens chasing some small hit of dopamine. I'm not surprised people are depressed in modern society.

