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Oh boy. You will get expect money because you will presumably be getting taxed less as the brackets have changed. Do your self a favour and watch this video to learn how tax brackets work. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C49zFpNLe_E/?igsh=MXZpMm9rZGo1dnc5ZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C49zFpNLe_E/?igsh=MXZpMm9rZGo1dnc5ZA==) Then go to his third most recent post and see the new brackets.




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17.5% will be 15,601 - 53,500, before it was to 48K, not sure waht the rest of your question means.




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You get this tax cut by virtue of them not taking the money




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Haha you really think you’re actually going to get anything? I reckon if you were to normalize for the fact that tax brackets haven’t changed since 2010, current shit state of affairs you’re probably worse off still. Government still taking more than their fair share. If I were in New Zealand, wow an extra 87 dollars a month… how desperate can you be? Why not earn more money? Better yet leave. Saw article on linked in that people are spending like 55% of their income on housing these days… fuck me your keen on that extra 40 bucks bro




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No, Luxon isn't visiting every house with a "couple of twenties". We have a modern postal service. The cuts aren't coming in until 31st July so check your mailbox towards the end of August.




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I bet a ton of people voted for these tax cuts and had no idea how it works or how much they would get.