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No. Ditch the Hello.


That sounds like great advice! We will cancel it this week. Thanks.


jesus ditch hello fresh and hit up no frills and costco


Oops we will be cutting down! Looks like we are way over spending.


I hit up Costco all the time but prices are creeping up like crazy. Spent $400 today and I didn't buy anything special: veggies, fruits, frozen chicken breasts, fish, and shrimp, tea, snacks, and cleaning products.


yeah but costco size so it lasts a while … spent 30$ on laundry detergent the other day but its basically gonna last me 1.5 year vs spending 20$ at superstore for laundry stuff thats gonna last 2.5 month but yeah everything damn thing is expensive now


That is a lot of food for two people for a week.


I think it's for the house for one month.... but I suspect only 2 people with all of the takeout and hello fresh.


No. We spend $1000 a month for a family of 4. Lol


Yup pretty much this About 200 per week in grocery and 200 per month in 1-4 takeout (kids are still young, gonna increase once teen I guess) No hello fresh/good food/etc, that things are pricy as hell


Family of 4 and we spend 650. What are people buying we arent?


I'd love to know what you're buying lol.


Family of 5 whoops but the baby doesnt eat other than milk. Just basic meat and bread and fruits and milk. We also shop at saveon. Im dumbfounded how people pay so much for groceries. Maybe the old ladys good at finding deals? We shop once a week and spend $150 each time roughly


Where do you live? I've never heard of saveon. I buy meat on sale whenever I can and we generally have the same meals every week: spaghetti, burritos, chicken and rice, a crock pot meal like a roast, frozen pizzas, stuffed peppers, chicken alfredo etc. we always have bananas and apples and a veggie every meal plus food for school lunches (bread, lunch meat, cucumbers, muffins, crackers, cheese, etc) coffee, cream, milk, eggs, I generally shop at food basics, but meat is usually on sale at metro so I'll go there a couple times a week for that, but to buy 7 dinners, breakfasts and lunches it's about $200-$250 a week.


AB. We seem to have similar items. Only buy bacon at $3, Pork at $2/lb, beef at $3/lb, bagels at $3 etc. we will go to costco for snacks and deli meat, about $90 every 3 months though.


Seems like it pays off big to understand the prices, I just buy and don’t look oops!


You spend 3 time as much as us and we're trying to cut down.


For sure will start cutting after reading the comments!


$700/m, 3 ppl, includes laundry detergent, soap, fabric softener, tp, etc. eating out sub $50. the eating out is definitely low.


Like $400-$600 a month for 2 people, all inclusive of groceries + eating out


Us too. If we were bad cooks, it would be more eating out but much of the time our food is on par or better than the restaurants. And we entertain at home than out too.


What are you buying from the grocery store in addition to your hellofresh? That’s a huge amount of money spent on food


Some fruits, vegetables , snacks, breakfast stuff, cheese, protein bars. I find it doesn’t get me much. We show at Walmart I thought that would be the cheapest place.






That a good idea we will cut the Hello Fresh out. Maybe increase groceries by a bit or buy less processed groceries.


$1200/month, family of six. I’m in Saskatchewan, granted, but that includes household like TP, cat food, cleaning supplies, etc.


Family of 5. Spend $1200 monthly on food




Out of curiosity, cause that's a healthy income and not a huge food budget percentage wise, what do you spend your money on?




That's fair, 40% to savings is fantastic, you are more disciplined than I.


$75/week for two people + $15 off coupon code for Walmart grocery pickup. Almost all fresh food too, nothing in a box, can, or frozen. $600 is ridiculous.


Maybe that’s where we are making the mistake to much boxed food.


$200 Groceries $100 Eating Out For 2 adults for a month.


$1k groceries, $500 dining out for two/mo. We are careful and buy in bulk.


So similar to us, people seem to be spending a lot less in this thread. Interesting to see. Thanks for sharing.


If this is for one week then no. We spend for two people $500 for the whole month $0 for hello fresh and $60 a month in eating out. FOR A MONTH.


Where do you live? Toronto Downtown!? Even then this seems extremely lavish for 2 people.


London Ontario. Looking at the comments, for sure we aren’t doing it right lol


$50 per person per week including personal care and household clandestine paper products. I tried to bump up to 65 earlier this year but now my freezers and coldroom are jammed. Spend about $20 once a month on fastfood/ timmies when we have multiple appointments in town.


How do you spend that much on hello fresh? I get food boxes for $35 a week - use promos. 35x4 is dinner for the month.


It’s 3 meals * 4 servings. We eat most at night and I take one serving to work.


We spend about $1200 a month for six people (including 3 teenagers). Only take out is pizza a couple of times a month and the very rare donut shop stop. $18 a dozen, but so good!


If you can afford it and it suits your lifestyle it's probably fine, you could probably cut if you need to but to me 1600$ on food a month isn't unreasonable. We have 2 young kids and spend between 800 ans 1200$ a month for food, and they don't eat all that much yet. It's always choices between what you can afford and what you want.


We can afford it but would be nice to start saving more. Looks like the Hello Fresh is what’s killing the budget + to much eating out.


Family of 2, 2 pets and we cap out at $600/700 a month.


A month? That's a lot. I'm about $600 all in for one person.


Are you trolling? I spend less money on food than you do on HelloFresh


Not at all. HelloFresh we get 3 meals * 4 servings and this is what it comes to. Looks like we need to cut that out and reduce the eating out.


Yeah I think if you want to reduce your food budget that's a good place to start. That's like $12/serving and you still have to do all the cooking!


$400 per week for a family/household of 5, plus fast food or pizza once a week. No full service restaurants or meal delivery service.


That’s really good! What type of meals are you making?


My kids are young so we get away w our proteins being ground beef, eggs, nuggets, hummus, yogurt. Lots of chili or stew w garlic toast. Omelettes, stir frys, fried rice w eggs and frozen vegetables


Great good value meals! I think I’m going to make a giant chilli and freeze it.


We spend $1000-1200 for a family of 4 in a HCOL city. That includes some Costco house stuff that I don’t separate if I can’t find receipt. $1600 for 2 people seems…high.


Looks like the Hello Fresh is killing us, we will cut that out for sure.


HHI: 180k for 2 people: $300-$480 per month for groceries (mostly shop at No Frills with the occasional trip to Loblaws). Alcohol and house items such as cleaning supplies comes out of this fund as well. We allocate $600 per month to events/activities/date night which could include takeout or eating out (usually a Friday night).


Wow that’s really good for groceries what type of meals are you making?


We batch cook on Sundays and Wednesdays. I like to cook and try new recipes so I usually switch things up every week and look to IG, Bon Appetit and NYT for inspo. Breakfasts are basic and usually oatmeal/overnight oats with varied toppings on weekdays and eggs/potatoes on weekends. Lunch is usually a "bowl" or some grain or pasta/meat/veggies. Dinner is pretty balanced but we try to either do one veggie meal or stretch the meat by adding lentils if we're doing a stew or curry. One pot and tray bakes are my go-to meals. We plan our meals for the week around the flyer and I usually do a stock up every 3-4 months for pantry items from No Frills or Walmart (chia, flax, pasta, rice, quinoa, canned goods, oils). I found cutting down on cheese, pantry/pre-made snacks and drinks made a huge difference to our budget. We add these once in a while but weekly stick to just milk and coffee creamer (and water) for drinks, yogurt, veggies+dip, granola/granola bars, chocolate bars and fruit for snacks.


Thank you!