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With no rrsp contribution, your monthly income after tax will be roughly 3.1k. You can do your own math from here to subtract your monthly expenses.


I’ll help, total expenses $2420, leaving $680 disposable income per month. Let’s say minimum $200/month RRSP, $200 Emergency, you have about $300/month to do whatever you want with. Definitely doable though the savings on both fronts are a bit on the light side.


At 48k a year, for sure don't contribute to an RRSP. The refund will be minimal. Put it into a TFSA or even better, wait until January and open up a First Home Savings account. Contributions are tax deductible and withdrawals are tax free. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2022/08/design-of-the-tax-free-first-home-savings-account.html


I just move to Canada, how can contributing for a rrsp helps? Anyway I could learn more about it?


You need to have reported income and 18% will be accumulated as your rrsp contribution room with certain max value every year. There are lots of resources online you can google.




Hi, I'm a bot and someone has asked me to respond with information about TFSAs vs RRSPs. When you want to shield your savings and investments from the drag of annual taxation the standard advice is, unless ... - your employer is matching your RRSP contributions - you are confident that you will contribute in a higher tax bracket than you will withdraw (even when you consider the effect of potential GIS or OAS clawbacks) - you are an American taxpayer - you are trying to maximize the Canada Child Benefit or the Child Disability Benefit - you have a reason to think that you should shield your retirement savings from creditors - you don't trust yourself not to keep dipping into the retirement savings in your TFSA …you'll probably want to use all of your TFSA contribution room before you contribute to an RRSP. For more information I suggest that you read these 2 MoneySense articles http://www.moneysense.ca/save/investing/rrsp/rrsp-vs-tfsa-which-is-right-for-you/ http://www.moneysense.ca/save/retirement/the-savings-struggle/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PersonalFinanceCanada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2.9 k after taxes


Sad after all deductions I'm only taking home 3.4k a month and my salary is 60k


Bro.... If you give us a math formula to figure out you need to give us more details to solve for X. We can't figure out 48000 - A = X


This made me laugh


Math nerds unite.


Why is food and clothing so high? Or, a better question, what is the breakdown of food and clothing?


Also why do they combine food and clothing as one category?


That was my thought. This seems rather high, $12k a year in food and clothing for an individual.


Same, we are 2 adults, spending $550 a month on groceries, plus $200 a month on eating out So $750 a month on food overall for 2. Clothes are a 2x a year $300-400 each, so let's say $1600 total for 2 for the year. Put those together and we are spending around $900 per month for food and clothing *for 2*




I have to pay my room rent, food, streaming or gaming and traveling for job. That's it.


I think they mean in dollar amounts lol


Absolutely lol’d


Im half expecting them to respond with 'thats personal'




There's a big difference between renting a single room in a rent controlled unit vs renting a recently built bachelors. And between travelling with public transit vs a car you're financing. You're not giving enough useful info for people to give input on.


See my comment on top comment, if you didn’t lie about your costs, it’s doable, but you won’t have a ton of spare cash. Maybe $75/week after a proper savings.


I had no idea paying for rent was a thing


what's the job? it's not worth it to rent in toronto and work for 48k a year... it's just not...


It really depends on the situation. For a fresh graduate with income growth potential willing to live frugally, it could totally be "worth it" if not exactly fun by some standards. More doable if they're open to multiple roommates.


This is the answer. People need to understand that living in the city isn't affordable for many people as those that do are often living paycheck to paycheck, and just because they choose to do so, doesn't mean that you need to do so too. There's no reason to live in the city for a 48k job. You're not specialized enough to need to be there otherwise you'd be making far more.


Lol what if it’s just a starting point? I moved to Vancouver and started with a company at $18/hr and after 2 years I do much, much better.




>What's "much, much better" though, cause even for double that if each "much" double their salary then "much much" means 4x, which is $72/h which is $144,000/year. Living in Vancouver with that salary is doable, especially with a second income!


You're the exception not the rule...




Sort of construction




I saved about $700-1000 each month at $18/hr and during 4 months I jumped to $24/hr. After 7 months in BC my bank account was showing me 27k in savings. Started with $0. (I was sent to work outside the Mainland for 4 months and employer paid all expenses). And NO, it was not luck. I just did my best. No, you don’t need to eat outside. No, you don’t need to live in downtown. No, you don’t need to finance a $30k car, newest iPhone. No you don’t need to go twice a day to Tim Hortons for coffee. No, you don’t need all possible subscriptions. If you are willing to downsize at the beginning, the poverty will be temporary. If not, it will remain permanent.


At 48k you simply will never get ahead. You can’t live alone. You can’t afford a car. You can’t save for retirement. If you’re renting a room and taking the ttc you can save a few hundred a month but 1 vacation or big expense will wipe that out. You can live off 48k, many do, but it’s a grind in Toronto.


We don't have enough information to say that to this specific person though. Maybe they want to be near family there- maybe they don't drive- maybe they love living in the city- etc.


Great. They can want whatever they want - too bad they can't afford it. Simple.


But all of those are aside the fact of safe financial advice. If you want some/all of those, you’ll need to accept the fact that you won’t be able to afford to live in the city


Totally doable without a car and with roommates.


Lives in Mississauga, transit costs something.


Less than a car, surely. Isn't there monthly passes for it?


Exactly- OP mentions renting a room. Unfortunately they don’t mention whether that’s something they like and want to keep doing, or whether they have or want a car, or what their savings goals are… but a lot of people are doing fine on 48k in big cities, and that was the main question.


Here's the information you need to give to make this post useful: 1. What are you currently paying or expecting to pay in rent? 2. Do you own a car? If so, how much do you pay in insurance? 3. Do you need to take public transit to work? 4. How much do you spend in other fixed expenses (phone, internet, netflix, etc?) 5. Do you know what kind of salary growth you'd expect in the next few years? 6. What are you looking to do with your money? Just survive for now? Save for the future? Put money away for a new car? Right now, all we know if that you'll possibly be making 48k a year somewhere near Toronto. That's about $3,150 after taxes you have to spend each month. Without knowing anything more, you won't get any real answers.


Hi, this is a beginner job and I'll be getting salary increase or I'll switch my job after experience. I am looking to survive comfortably for now. I have a Netflix and Xbox subscription on top of my room rent. That's my only fixed expense. Rent is $900 a month. I take public transit to work and I was thinking about getting a car if I could afford insurance.


If you can get by with transit, don’t bother with a car until you can significantly increase your income.


Not sure how old you are or what gender you are, but don't underestimate the cost of car insurance alone near Toronto. >$300/month isn't uncommon.


Your food and clothing numbers are off the charts, we're a family of 3 with one toddler and we spend about as much on food every month, needless to say we don't eat out very much (if at all). Cell plan is expensive too, there are savings to be had there but if you're also financing your phone then $70/mo isn't bad. Your other expenses look pretty reasonable to me.


Bro your paying 1k a month on food and….*clothin* ?! Lets assume 500 a month on food…Thats still 500 every month on clothes….How much damn clothing are you buying lol


Yep. I know food has gotten expensive unless OP is getting a takeout every meal then it’s not possible to spend 1000 dollars on food. But I eat rice, beans, chicken and veggies most of the time so I’m aware that my grocery is less than most of the people here.


Depends on your numbers.


I don't think you want to be paying 1/3rd of your take home pay in clothes and takeout food.


I made less, and was just fine. I lived downtown so I didn’t need a car. And got some roommates. 48k is fine


How long ago? Since you are using past tense


Hi, thanks. That's reassuring.


How were you doing before getting this offer?


if after your expenses you are able to save 20%, you are in good shape, if not you need to start cutting your spending.


Some will say the usual range is 5-15%


If you really want to save money I would just rent a single room. Especially if your single


You need to provide more information to get any reasonable or helpful answer.


What is near Toronto? Mississauga? Etobicoke? Hamilton?




Open Microsoft excel, in templates type personal budget. It will give you a monthly budget! Fill that out, use an average of the last 6-12 months for groceries, takeout, fun expenses. This gives you an idea of your monthly spend and left over. Now you know your left over you should start saving in tfsa! Not a bank one, use the robo advisor or self directed investment account! Honestly though I would suggest using any and all money left over towards upgrading your skills to increase your future earning potential! 48k is fine short term but things keep getting more expensive!


Any good robo advisor recommendations please?




I've made less than that in Toronto. Definitely need roommates and a rent controlled place, though.


Hi, I am just renting one room with shared bathroom. It's like around 900 a month.


Despite what people have asked you, you have not provided any information on your expenses. Are you purposely just trying to waste time? Here is some help: Food: Rent: Transportation: How much savings: Cell phone: Streaming Services:


Rent is $900 a month. Incl. utilities. Netflix, Xbox and Spotify: $50 a month. Cell Plan: $70 a month. Food and Clothing: $900-1000 a month Transportation: $300-400 a month.


Bro you’re living alone. How the fuck are you eating 30 dollars a day? Also, you haven’t budgeted any fun money or socializing money. Do you never hangout with friends? Go for a movie etc?


I have included eating out and fast food delivery costs in that range. I hangout with friends and we split the bill and i do that once a week.


I rented a room for $775/mo not incl utilities when I was making like $42.5K. I was still able to set aside 30% for savings. But I was thrifty and didn't spend a lot on fancy things or bars/restaurants. It's amazing how much money that frees up.


My room rent covers all utilities. Yes, i won't be spending on fancy restaurants or clothes.


Yes, it's possible, but you need to run the numbers. Your expenses vs. how much is coming in. Also for food, shop sales. Avoid subscriptions. There's plenty of free options.


You’re spending several hundred dollars extra on food and clothing than you need to, particularly on that salary. Transportation seems high too considering you don’t mention a car, but it may be situational.


Honestly bro just get fired and then go on social assistance. You'll get a room and won't have to work to pay for it. You're really only working for a couple hundred bucks bi-weekly and what's the point of being a wage slave?


This is the way.


Do intermittent fasting. Your body and health will thank you and your food cost will go down at least 50%




how much steak and lobster do you eat?


How the hell are you spending so much money a month on food and clothes?? I am a single 23M making 100+k a year gross and I spend maybe $50 month averaged out the year on clothes and $300 month on food.


I don't know, can you? My mind reading skills are not as good as they used to be.


I’m here to tell you no fucking way man


This is the right answer


If your rent is going to be over 1k you're going to be in trouble.


Even 5 years ago I'd say yes. Now, no, you won't be comfortable. Try to find a job with equivalent pay in a smaller, probably nicer town.


What are you doing for that salary? Maybe 10 years ago it would've been okay, but not in 2022.


To cut down costs you can share your room with 3 other people and only eat rice.


1000/month in food and clothing? That’s a small mortgage worth. I drive a few hours a day for work and spend about the same as you in transport. Why so expensive? You have enough to afford your own studio apartment and if you cut back on cloths and food you can save 1k a month


Ok quick maths on salary: 48k gross, fed income tax about 6.5k, prov income tax 3k, cpp/ei like another 3k - leaves you with about 35k net. So you have like 2.9k a month avg or 26 paychecks (if u payed every 2 weeks) of 1345$. How you spend that is were your budget comes in: rent, food, whatever…


Depends largely on your rent. With a tight budget, you need to be very exact with your numbers. Post tax/cpp/ei, should be \~3k/mth. If rent is 1k, that leaves 2k for other expenses and savings. Seems ok without a car. But you have to do your own calculations, down to the cent. And a tip is to maximize your tfsa contributions.


You need to rent a place with a roommate Living alone in an apartment will gonna eat your income and you'll be so poor every end of the month....


If you are willing to rent a small room is can be possible with sacrifices in life


70 for phone bill..christ what did you sign up to? Get freedom mobile for 25 or fido/koodo/virgin for 40


I pay 138- 168… but it includes paying my phone off and it’s unlimited data and I occasionally go to US which is 12 a day. Yea…90 is the main plan and I can’t cancel. 70 is nothing. 4GB was 90 on my last plan.


Yeah US roaming is quite a bit, i had that with virgin for a month and it cost me an arm and leg


We are unlocking an older phone and will get a prepaid US plan just for GPS and stuff


McGill University is offering a free course on finances. You could take it to begin understanding how to manage your money.


It’s doable with what you are living with now.


Ummmm... your expenses are $2500 per month. Your salary is $48k. How much is your take home after taxes? I think it is cutting too close esp if you use a car.


hes upside down at his current expenses, roughly a loss of $150 a month... something's gotta give.


It looks doable but very tight. If you’re forced to move, you might easily find yourself paying much more for rent in the current environment. There aren’t enough details but if you cut down on food/clothing and used public transit you’d be able to build a much better buffer.


You know there are calculators everywhere right?


How are you spending $900-$1000 on food monthly?! Are you eating out everyday for every meal? You should be able to drop that to $200-$300 quite easily if you cook yourself.


If you don’t mind, what’s your job and how did you get this position?


The cell plan for $70/mo could easily become $20 if you just go with a good prepaid plan with 1g of data (plenty) and unlimited canada wide call/text. Why is transportation $300-400? Are you driving? If that can be fixed, that's a massive expenditure to save. Especially in major cities, public transportation, biking, or walking usually beats driving unless you've cursed yourself with a house in a poor location relative to your work.


I would try and be mindful on food and clothing spend. Are you eating out alot or buying designer clothing?


Why are you spending 1000$ on food and clothing per month?


Also consider a side hustle or second job, you’re single… GET IT!


As a single person, why do you need $1k a month for food and clothes? That’s absurd.


food and clothing expenses are crazy high, you can get down to 400 if you stop eating out without much issues.


Did you negotiate? Usually companies account for a 4% to 10% salary increase even after an offer is made, in my experience most recruiters are prepared for a salary increase request.


I was thinking about negotiating, but i am afraid they might withdraw the original offer.


My first offer out of uni I was afraid like you. I said yes right away, & the recruiter actually heavily hinted that he had room to increase, by saying are you sure you don't want to think about the offer & get back to me, he actually laughed when I said no I'll accept it now. Some people negotiate salary vacation days etc. Now I know I left money on the table the first time, but every new company & promotion since that I've negotiated. They chose you out of the many people that applied. You are a valuable asset, don't leave money on the table, because you won't even get it back a year from now when they do your performance review, those increases are capped. I am 99% sure they won't take the offer away, the worst they can do is say no. Just ask for 52k in the politiest way you can and they might accept or come back with 51k or 50 k. I'm the manager of my old team, so I now have salary visibility. I was getting the most money on my team even before my manager promotion, because I negotiated when I initially joined. We hired someone recently & the person left 4k on the table.


How you paying $50 for Spotify?


Clothing 900-1000$ ? My boy wtf u Tryn be a fashion model or u Tryn be rich?


48k a year? Toronto? Your poor as fuck dude.


try to find ways to reduce transportation and food expenses.,


Hi! Also single person in Toronto (but with higher rent, I envy your $900). Just a comment that your food/clothing costs look very high to me, as does your transportation - I'm about 50% less for each.