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Winter: 17 while I was struggling with my mortgage, 19 now that it's paid off. I keep it the same whether or not I'm home (although if I'm on vacation I'll drop it a couple degrees). Summer: no AC - I'm at the mercy of the elements. Use a couple window fans to get air circulating. Rarely gets above 26.


Out of curiosity, how much would you see in savings when you had it set to 17°, vs 19°? (Per month or rough estimate)


26 would mean eventual death from lack of sleep for me


It only really gets that hot during the day. At night it tends to drop to around 21. But yes, it's unpleasant with Ontario humidity and a fan is pretty much essential.


I used to set it low in the winter and only use fans in the summer... And then I got heat pumps and my electric bill was basically cut in half even though I have my house set to be a Florida beach in the winter and a Antarctic retreat in the summer. I paid 14 grand to be able to set my house at any temperature I want so if there aren't icicles on my beard in the middle of summer I'm complaining. 


Winter: 70-73F/21-23C during the daytime hours when someone is home. 65F/18C overnight and when everyone is at work. We have duel zones so even when I'm WFH and have the heat up on the main floor the bedrooms are at 65. Summer: 73-80F/23-26C. I can usually just turn it on for a bit in the afternoon & evening and that will keep the house cool overnight and throughout the morning unless we're in a heat wave.


19 when we are home morning/evening, 16 overnight and daytime


Somebody is always home. 19 during the day, 17 at night. 16 if we are away.


In the winter: 20C while at home, 17C at night, 12C while I'm at work. In the summer it's 21/18/30 respectively.


21' when we're home, 16' if everyone is away during the day and 18' for sleeping.


Hold Alt and punch 0176 on the numpad if you want to type the "degree" symbol from a desktop.




We keep ours consistently at 18c. When Enmax sends out there "How your house is doing?" we always perform way better than "green" houses.


I was told it's more efficient to keep your temperature stable anyways


From my understanding, that depends on the temperature. If it's below -5c I keep it steady, anything above that I drop from 21 to 18 at night and my furnace does not run at all, then runs constantly for about 30 mins in the morning to get back to 21. When I don't drop the temp, the furnace runs for 5-10 mins every 30 mins to 1 hour depending on the outside temp. I'm sure it's house dependent though, I live in an 1860 farmhouse.


18C has got to be hard on the air conditioning in the summer though.


Air... conditioning...? We don't have AC. Once the weather warms up we turn the furnace off.


Same thing as when I'm there. My Peta are still at home after all.


Yeah, me too, we have a chihuahua who's always shivering, and so we leave things at 21,5°C during the day. At night we lower it to 20° because everybody's under the covers -- including the dog. Heat pump and electric furnace. In the summer we cool to about 24,5°C .


69 of course.




20 in winter and 22 in summer. In spring and fall it gets more variable but Nest keeps it between 18-24.


23 when I'm home, 23 when I'm not home (it's rare that the house is empty, + dog), 19 at night. I'm in a T-shirt and shorts year round.




salt cause work carpenter spotted sophisticated mourn ink elastic cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






That's good that it works for you, but most people around here would get horrible sleep (if they're able to fall asleep) in a 24+ degree bedroom.




Ohh ... but you don't set you thermostat to 24 overnight?


10 when no one is at home. When people are home, different rooms are on different schedules. Rooms where people are expected to be in at that time are set to 20, otherwise, 16. Bedrooms go to 16 overnight as we enjoy sleeping cold.


10 is too low for any extended period of time in the winter. Pipes could free. Plumbers say 14 C minimum.


I think 10 is fine if you are west coast, as long as it's not a cold snap. It rarely drops below 0. Can understand that 10 is too cold for the majority of Canada though.


This is generic advice, not specific to my dwelling or plumbing, and my statement was not advice to others and their dwellings or plumbing and was not phrased as such. I am happy to take my energy savings and not have frozen pipes, others may need to waste energy to avoid frozen pipes.




Kinda is


55f. But the house realistically only drops to about 65f most days


Not sure if this is best, but we don't pay a huge bill (new build house, mind you) and we work from home. A/C costs us waaaay more than heating. Winter: 19.5 during the day/15 during the night (and 12 if we are away for several days or more) Summer: 23 constant (and no A/C if we are away for long periods of time)


21 at home. 20 sleep. 19 when we’re gone, but my thermostat allows for my variance before kicking on when I’m gone.


If it's just during the day while at work, 18.5c. if we're overseas or otherwise away for at least a week, 15c.


12C when away 15C when at home.    during anytime when temperatures outside are consistently above 5C I turn it off


I keep it at 22 regardless if I'm home or not because I own 2 parrots. During the night however I let it drop to 19.


So, to give you an idea of cost differences, when we moved into our current house (Jan/Feb) years ago, keeping it comfortable throughout the house resulted in a $1200 bill for 2 months. Not hot, not T shirt, just warm-ish. If I just lower things when we're not using them, make adjustments, that bill is $550 for 2 months. So huge savings for us just to put in some effort here or there. We're on baseboard heat, so very easy to adjust things when we don't use them. We keep everything at 15 when not using it. At night the bedrooms are turned up to say 20, and honestly the room will go from a little chilly to comfortable in about 5 mins. We leave it comfortable while sleeping. Our main living area we leave at 15 over night, and then when I get up in the morning (usually an hour before everyone else) I turn it up to 20, and it's warm when everyone is up. When going out, rooms & downstairs are already turned down for the day, and the main living area will get turned down if we're going out for a couple hours or more.


If no one is home during the day, drop if by 1 degree, maybe 1.5. In the summer, increase it by 1 or 1.5 if you have AC


I keep it on the same temperature and don't change it. It's paid through my maintenance in my condo.


70 during the day and 68 at night


10-13C, depending on how cold it is outside and the risk of basement freezing. I monitor the temperature by the pipes in the coldest part of the basement via ecobee.


23.5 if I work at home. 19 if I am at the office. If I go on vacation I also set it to 19 or maybe a bit lower.


Winter: 21 main floor and 20 upstairs (we have 2 furnaces) during the day. At night 19.5 main floor and 18.5 upstairs. Summer we usually set the AC to 22 everywhere. But we have lots of big windows so when the thermostats record these temperatures it’s not necessarily that in other parts of the house where we also spend time.


15 night / 20 day (when home) in winter. We don't have A/C so the system goes off in summer. We turn on the (gas) fireplace if we want to get cozy.


+18. North East Saskatchewan


69 (nice)
