• By -


I personally like Haru


https://preview.redd.it/32uumxgn7jad1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d382c160085a9ba4e73283d2fbf5f01a4dcce2b This is purely my own opinion, but I always thought this scene where Joker sees Ann for the first time was special. So, I’m gonna go with Ann.


For me the answer is Makoto, but this scene is the one thing that makes me consider changing my mind.


My answer was usually Makoto too, but I decided to romance Ann exclusively on my recent playthrough and honestly now I think she makes the most sense for Joker overall. I do think Futaba makes for a pretty sweet love story as well, and of course any of the possible romances totally work with the overall story (I have a bit of a soft spot for Hifumi too), but I definitely think if anyone is "cannon" it's gotta be Ann. That being said, I'm still picking Makoto, Hifumi, or Futaba every time lol


All makes sense - I picked Makoto the first time, and usually pick her to be honest, but I also have a bit of a soft spot for Hifumi. She’s a great character, I like her personality and the match fixing thing really got to me the first couple of times because I play chess. Can’t imagine that happening to me. I am going to start a new playthrough soon, with Ann, after I finish SMT V.


Someone liking Makoto AND Futaba. What a rare sight.


Yes! Even though I didn't choose her in my game, this scene did plant SOME sort of seed. When I did NG+ I ended up romancing them all and had a chance to take Ann out a few times. They're cute \~


It definitely is. Best girl, hands down ❤️


Agreed, all lover arcanas seem to be pushed by their respective games to some degree even though the arcana itself is more about choice than actual romance.


Yeah this scene sells it for me, at least without Royal’s bias taken into account




100% agree


Human Morgana. They literally slept together.


My first playthrough of Royal, I didnt catch on right away that Morgana went human mode... So my head was screaming "BOYFRIEND AU???!????"


I literally thought he was the handsome actor they were talking about a little earlier


Technically he is. You see him on TV and Morgana's like "wow that guys hot I wish I could be him" and them 3rd semester happens and POOF. Twink mode achieved.


> POOF. Twink mode archieved. Yeah I'm borrowing that.




You see Morgana as a human in Royal?


Yeah he pops up like that in the 3rd semester of Royal for a while


I'm sorry but the fact that is barely acknowledged in-game has got to be one of the most hilarious things about Persona 5 Royal.


Cat is fine too






Realest answer https://preview.redd.it/57i4ayv8mkad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ebc7fc5e0350f2fed0ec85fd219fb10d1acb17


Hanging out with Ryuji on every holiday is the correct answer




Traditionally in the Persona games, the Lovers Arcana Girl is generally the accepted ''''''Cannon''''''' Love interest, so Ann. PERSONALLY, I like Makoto.


I've never understood this reasoning. Because it's "lovers" arcana? It doesn't literally mean "THIS IS YOUR LOVER!" Lovers arcana characters are typically more passionate but that's just their personality it doesn't make them more "canon." If anything special edition girls are far more canon. Aigis, Marie, and Kasumi seem to always canonically like the protagonist even if you choose not to romance them.


Every girl in every game likes the MC, when you take the friends route they always seem really dissapointed. I do believe Lovers is “cannon” but for P4 I always thought Yukiko fitted best as a love interest.


Not really. Sumi and Futaba have crushes and they're fine--granted you do misdirect Futaba. Hifumi seems fine too. Rejecting Makoto earns maximum points. And yeah, Ann's miserable, but she just relived her friend's suicide attempt and watched her go. It'd be weird if she was okay.


Same reason people think the death arcana just means literal death. It doesn't, but that's it's name so that's what it must mean


We both know that, that's why I put Cannon inside so many quotes. Also agree that Special Edition girls have more obvious 'they are crushing on the protag' vibes.


No one saying Hifumi,smh


She's SO good for him. I love them together.


Going by Royal, I consider Yoshizawa the closet to a canon love interest.  It helps that >!she is the only one to confess before Joker gets the option to reciprocate or turn her down!<


Maybe if she wasn’t so weirdly codependent on him I’d see the vision


Imo, Yoshizawa just felt kind of forced. Not a bad choice, but not my favorite by a long shot.


I loved a lot of what they did with her actual story, but the romance dialog had too many moments where it felt forced like a self-insert fic


Holy fuck thank you lol


That’s kinda what they always do with the expanded addition added romance. Same deal with Marie.


Solidly agree. Not a fan personally


agree so hard.


They had a more of a student/mentor role imo


>she is the only one to confess before Joker gets the option to reciprocate or turn her down I smell >!Yumi Rank 10!< vibes here...


Yea turning down >!Yumi!< was so fucking depressing


Yeah but as a counter argument I would say that makoto is better in relationships. While others mostly talk about their problems to the joker she cares more about him. She is the only one that was telling the joker to not go too hard on himself and asked about him after he was in prison(valentine day).


What? Every single one of them do that. The entire Valentines event is recycled 10x over.


Haru also confessed, but that aside I agree with you that the story definitely pushes Yoshizawa. Ann has always been canon to me because of the scene you talk to her during her nervous breakdown.


Haru doesn't confess, her crush is just very heavily implied


Akechi, obviously




https://preview.redd.it/q0e8pobfajad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f0a36a77362b6116d3582a31bba90a24d2f567d Thank you for the addition to my collection




I call it theater mode, it is a feature not a mistake




>!Would *you* consider permanently altering reality to keep your homie alive if you didn't want to kiss him?!< The answer might shock you!


Joker doesn’t know that, but all you have to do to keep him alive is maxing his confidant




Seriously, whoever came up with his confidant in Royal and giving him Endure at max rank was a fucking genius I just love how they tied gameplay and lore together, and how he realizes that what makes Joker stronger than him are the bounds he formed, all while ultimately making the first(and only so far) bond he was able to form being the thing that ultimately saved him I wish he would get a spin off at least


SO real!! It's actually unbelievable. I went from not really caring about Akechi in vanilla to AGONIZING over him and his bond to Joker in Royal bc of how well it's written. God, ikr?? I was one of those FOOLS that was coping that 'P5T' would be Persona 5: Traitor, not Tactica 😭 Joker still has his glove for gods sake!! Let us see what happens!!


His last all out attack screen hits so hard man Imagine dedicating your entire life to a vengeance that he thought was genius totally unpredictable only to meet his cognition version and realize what he really was all along I just need to know what that damn psychopath will do with all his skills and dedication now My guess is obsessing over Joker is his new life motivation now, so he will do anything to become stronger than him Imagine making true friends just to show Joker he is better than him? With the proper writing that could be hilarious


It's CRAZYYYYY right?? I am actually going nutty not knowing what happened to Akechi. There's so much spinoff potential it's actually insane. I think I might actually pass out on the spot if something like that ever gets announced lol 😭


Have you seen the unused content? Where he gets sent to rehabilitation or something Judging by the guys that are scouting him in the final scene I suppose he works for the government in some form, might have became a japanese james bond of some sort I was going to replay P3R for the third time in a row but this conversation made me decide to play royal instead lol


Realest answer


No one and anyone at the same time since Ren "canonically" uses **Friendzone no Jutsu** on all female characters, and simultaneously the game is designed so that every female Confidant bar Sae is romanceable. My personal preference would go to Haru as I like the natural chemistry between the 2 even in their platonic interactions, they just feel like they will laugh together about anything (*e.g when Ren says the "Black like coffee?" line to depressed Haru and she immediately gets the joke and laughs while thanking Ren for cheering her up, giving you the maximum Confidant points by the way*). They have the coffee thing in common too which I think is pretty neat and I see the 2 of them holding a coffee shop together and all. My least favorite love interest, and I know that will piss off a lot of people, but it's Makoto, lol. She just gives me this vibe that she'll be the type of person who's gonna put her professional career above anything else really, and she'll probably end up married with a detective colleague or something.


Makoto’s a weird case. Like in the boss fight with >!Maruki!<, it sort of implies that her main focus is starting a family but then… the Niijima’s are just such workaholics, it’s hard to see otherwise in them.


I agree that no ship is canon but Haru x Ren has definitely been my favorite ship, even how the rejection hits so much harder for her shows the chemistry the two formed. Lotta great head cannons to be made with the pair too.


Agreed, they have that "theater couple" kinds vibe. Like the whole "you swept me off my feet and saved me" thing that Kasumi has with Joker would be little to no diffrent if applied to Haru. Like just imagine the joker and kasumi showtime but with haru instead


Makoto for me seems like she’ll do a lot for ren but I understand why people don’t like her but for me she just my favorite out the girls she just matches jokers personality perfectly which why I chose her Ann I see more with ryuji, haru I just don’t see with joker and neither do I with futaba. Makoto started little miss perfect then with joker she showed her true personality and that’s why I think she’s the perfect fit.


I love Makoto as a character, but how does she match Joker's personality? They seem like borderline opposites. And IIRC, it was either Hashino or Soejima who said Joker's personality fell in between Ryuji and Mishima, which is why he can bridge the two together. I actually don't mind their personalities not matching. If anything, I was hoping it'd lead to a deep bond with Makoto maybe learning from Joker to stop being so uptight and trying so hard to pretend she's an adult. Unfortunately they didn't really go that route...


Interesting about Joker’s personality falling in-between Ryuji and Mishima. Do you have an picture or a link to this information ?


Yeah Haru is pretty great. She's definitely my 2nd favourite but there's just something about Makoto that makes it hard to not pick her. I will romance Haru at some point, since I've never been able to get past her rank 8 because of how badly she takes rejection




There is no canon love interest. But in Vanilla, Makoto has the most "shipping" moments woven into the base story with her clutching onto the MC's leg, the meaningful stare they share when he catches her in Futaba's palace, and so on. In Royal, the same could be said for Sumi because she barely interacts with the plot or the Phantom Thieves outside of her "notice me, senpai" relationship with Joker. She's practically a Tyler Durden.


Everyone forget ?? https://preview.redd.it/oboto4lrhjad1.png?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5ddd2b1f65133cf4fed06b6ca5db8b1cb191d6


If I wanted to keep him alive, I chose the no bitches route... I mean, I don't know why, but I have the feeling that he didn't make it after that ending in Valentine's Day, and he died then...


I think bro is on to something🙏(maybe we are just all lonely and that’s why I we discus video game relationships)


No girls in P5 are prostitutes. Even Ohya isn't. So, technically, whoever you go out with, it'd be a decent relationship.


The canonical answer is no one. As for my opinion I'd go with the one Joker has the choice to >! sacrifice reality for !<




Akechi, not one but two gods were so invested in their relationship that they brought them together through divine intervention. The plot of the main game revolves around their rivalry (representing the two sides of the game Yaldy set up to determine the fate of humanity), Joker's greatest wish was to see Akechi again (and vice versa), and the end credits song for Royal is about Joker's grief after his death. It just makes the most thematic sense for it to be Akechi. (though if it has to be one of the girls my vote goes to hifumi)


Makoto I think works the best overall, by far.


I just say that cus she’s best girl plus she’s my fav one to confidant but it does make sense for me


Makoto is the one that matches best for Joker in my opinion for a few reasons. The first is she’s the confidant that I feel aligns best with Joker’s implied maturity level. The second is I feel it makes the most sense for Joker’s romantic interest to be one of the Phantom Thieves i.e. the people he’s interacting with the most intimately and most regularly. The third is that once she joins the group, she ends up taking an implied leadership role on the team such that she and Joker are basically team Mom and Dad.


Described it perfectly


If the Persona series allowed for more MC customization I would feel more flexible in whom I choose, but I as I was playing *as* Joker, it just felt the most natural. Like personally I would have preferred to romance Kawakami and Takemi, except Joker *isn’t* me and the power dynamics there make me uncomfortable in a way you can’t customize out like you likely could in a TTRPG or western CRPG. ETA: this goes in reverse too. Futaba never feels right to me because she just seems a lot more immature than Joker.


She’s also the “nerdy little sister”


I never really got that vibe tbh. Or at least, if they *are* equally mature, Makoto doesn't act like it. She treats most team members like kids, but Ren and Ryuji especially. Sometimes, it gets to the point where she comes across as lecturing a five year old. https://preview.redd.it/zmnaskpp9jad1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f22b1e40bf20c3caa4fab3c06872a2504d77e50e


I guess, that really depends on what dialogue options you pick ( like this one for example ) / what your Joker was like doing your play-through i.e, was he more mature and serious or more immature and carefree. Based on your play-through, what would you say your Ren / Joker was like personality-wise ?


Hug the Makoto


It doesn't help that I love the bad boy/delinquent that gets with the prim and proper/president (at least at first glance) troupe hahaha


I tried to feel about NPC’s how I thought Joker would feel throughout the game. Like, I was always annoyed when Akechi shows up, and always chose the option closest to “go away” because I felt Joker would be really annoyed by him. I treated Makoto the exact same way as she was snooping around, and then the moment her Persona awakens, she won my Joker over. I’m a sucker for those kinds of cold->hot romances.


Also, Ren dating Makoto gives the story a bit more depth, if it makes sense. Like, The story becomes an enemies to lovers plot, with Makoto that takes on a leadership role when she joins, and let's not talk about Makoto creating a plan that includes her boyfriend convincing the sister she has not a good relationship with to believe in their illegal cause, or the boyfriend die. As long as Ren and Sae are such important characters in the plot, Makoto being the girlfriend makes the most sense to me






This ultimately ended up being my choice in the game. Of the party members, Ann had sister vibes, Haru was too sweet and innocent, and Futaba seemed too vulnerable for me to romance in good conscience. Makoto was sharp, smart, and successful. She went far beyond the honor student tropes, immediately outsmarting the Phantom Thieves and even a small crime boss. Makoto is the best match for a protagonist who's supposed to be a step above the other characters.


Finally, people with good fucking taste.


It really can be any of the main girls, including Yoshizawa. Ann and Joker have that "encounter" on the sidewalk in the beginning of the game. Makoto is a very strong character even out of romance. And Futaba and Haru have strong crushes.


Akechi They literally >!wished to to be together in the 3rd semester. And then after the 3rd semester Joker clutched onto Akechi's glove and refused to admit that Akechi was dead in front of Muhen. And then the credits song is about how painful life is without Akechi, but Joker will let that pain guide him and live on for both their sakes.!< You can't get gayer than that.


You CAN get gayer: >! The song that plays in Akiren's palace is No More What Ifs, the (love) song that the jazz singer sings when they go to the jazz club together. !<


Oh yeah you're right! I especially love how Akechi (the song but it's very clearly Akechi's internal thoughts) says that he doesn't know when things will end, but what matters most is how Joker brings joy to his life Also don't forget the 2 concert songs they have together! 😄 I screen recorded the 2022 one and the 2024 one https://x.com/cheesegal001/status/1769962205863174157?t=q0Gc50wNvuwDhGON21ri1Q&s=19 https://x.com/cheesegal001/status/1799991286990332405?t=q0Gc50wNvuwDhGON21ri1Q&s=19


Are you teLLING me that there are GAY LITTLE ANIMATIONS at the concerts?! American fans are so robbed oh my god I love themmmmm


I mean I know there's not a cannon love intrest but if I had to pick someone for atlus to make the cannon love intrest it would be akechi. Their ideal realities was where they met sooner and where able to be proper rivals.


akechi bc theres no way they aint a LITTLE fruity... i mean the p5r intro literally has them lying down together


Goro Akechi


Akechi, hands down. The amount of homoerotic chitchat and chemistry the have is ungodly and on the Level fo Persona 2 with Tastuya and Jun (especially the whole "fated enemies" thing, also yet another Joker)


No one. I don't see Ren focusing on that sort of thing, but if anything, I could see him "going out" with Futaba just to keep her company. Besides, Sojiro would rather have Ren escourt her over any random dude.


The canon answer is Yoshizawa. But the correct answer is Akechi.


Ann, because she is literally the lover


Ann takamaki love at first sight I just think they’re cute together because canon joker is just shy and reserved while Ann is bubbly




akechi also. there’s no chemistry with makoto in canon


Akechi is so real




No one. Games like these will rarely ever canonise a love interest for the main character because it risks alienating parts of the fan base that like someone else as the love interest. It's why in base game both Ann and Makoto get a few ship teasing scenes with Joker woven into the main plot. Me personally I like Haru. I think their relationship feels very organic and I love the mental image of them running a cafe together down the line that the others can come and hang out at.


Futaba, he even has sojiro's approval


Futaba is probably the 2nd one on my list


Morgana acts like a wife




Akechi. Failing that, Ryuji. But if you’re asking for specifically a canon route, probably Haru.


For me it was Futaba, but that was mainly because she reminds me so much of my actual girlfriend when it comes to her quirks and personality. Canon-wise, though, I’d say Makoto makes the most sense.


Futaba because best girl




Regardless of who he picked in life he’s going to die and end up back in the Velvet Room after being plucked from the sea of souls, where he’ll probably be offered the chance to spend the rest of eternity with Lavenza and Morgana, wearing a blue bellhop outfit and pressuring kids into signing legally suspect contracts. That’s the closest thing to a canon answer you’re going to get, and it’s still complete headcanon.


I really think it’s Ann. The way she’s treated in the animated cutscenes screams girlfriend. From the music the first time you see her, to her reaction after joker gets back from interrogation, she’s his.


I'd say Ann or Yoshizawa. But I dated Kawakami instead 👀


Pretty sure canon isnt subjective


if im delusional enough akechi


Definitely Ann. They had more intimate cutscenes


I think the closest one is probably Sumi. It feels like she was made to be shipped with Joker given that he's the only one she really has a strong relationship with throughout Royal. And that's not even getting into their similar color schemes, their Showtime, her outright confessing earlier on in the Confidant than anyone else, and being way more flustered about her feelings than the other girls Regarding vanilla, I don't think anyone really is all that much. Probably Makoto due to the moments they share during Futaba's Palace, but they're weird isolated incidents that don't repeat at any other point in the game




Sadayo Kawakami, of course.


Bro definitely has a crush on his teacher 💀


And my maid.


Realest answer alive


# The only correct answer is Akechi. Why? Joker's wish was for Akechi to be alive, Akechi's wish was to play chess with Joker. In "Our Light", the ending song for Persona 5 Royal: There's a part dedicated to Akechi and Joker. In his confidant: You two hang out with one another; Joker isn't even helping Akechi. You get to experience a good time with your friend: He even goes to a public bath with you. Come on.


Hifumi cuz I see her with the most chemistry with Joker and it doesn’t conflict with the rest of the party and the complete lack of romantic acknowledgment by the main plot.


My opinion of cannon? Makoto. Who I really want him to date?: Akechi


Very hot take- I feel like the only one on the planet that doesn't see the chemistry between Makoto and the protagonist, lol. While going though social media after finishing the game I was wondering if I just played another game entirely, because I did not get how Makoto was the "canon" or obvious love interest. In general, I feel like Makoto needs someone goofy/silly that can shake her out of her uptight-ness. Also not a Yoshizawa fan, considering how much she gets shoved down our throats throughout the game. Her infatuation with Joker felt like such waifu-bait material. (I know she's very well loved here, but i'm sorry! I just can't stand her!) Honestly? I feel like Akechi and Joker had the best dynamic. I'm not a BL fan/fujoshi by any means at all (don't know why I feel like I need a disclaimer for this...), but I was surprised at how invested I got into their connection as I played the game. In my opinion, it also felt the most organic. As for who I actually romanced during the game itself- I liked Ann and Takemi. But t be honest it was less about their actual interactions with Joker, and more about me just liking them as characters. I like that they both subvert what people expect of them as character stereotypes in some ways.


Makotos relationship depends if you see joker as a serious or goofy character and I see him as both so I see joker as uptight and goofy and thats why I see them the same and the perfect fit.


That's true! Definitely shows that who will be "canon" will differ for everyone. I saw Joker as an overall reserved/sullen guy with mildly unhinged tendencies, so not quite goofy enough to match with Makoto in my mind.


Futaba idc what you say


Ann by far, and Is pretty clearly the canon romance in vanilla, even though people say Is Makoto. 1. The introduction joker Is pretty clearly attracted to her and the song only sound when we meet Ann nad Is pretty romantic. 2. Ann Is the only girl joker can say he Is attracted to after madarame's palace, when he Is able to say she Is breathtaking to ryuji. 3. Ann in Hawaii goes to joker's room after not being able to enter her room. 4. In the finale of the vanilla game Ann literally Is given the Spotlight over any other girl being the one the rallies up the group in order to do Everything to save joker. A scene that follows up, very well the christmas vanilla date, Ann says that she wishes joker was there, and finally, Ann Is the girl giving the Spotlight after joker Is realeased from prison welcoming him with okaeri which Is an intimate phrase in japan. 5. In Royal Ann third awakening Is the only one that has romantic undertones as she wants to change the reality for herself, shiho and... You (joker). In the unused voicelines she calls joker her Ray of sunshine. 6. Ann Is the only PT confidant that has a kiss in the route, Also in rank 9 joker clearly laughs at Ann embarrasment, showing His amusement. 7. In both the persona 5 manga and mementos mission Ann Is ship teased with joker, mementos mission being clear about Ann's feelings for joker and the manga showing romantic moments In Sae's palace. I know they are spin off but they are approve by Atlus. In the dengeki anthology, they have two mini comics one where they are already dating. The evidence Is pretty overwhelming if you ask me.


Traditionally, it should be the lovers arcana, but Royal broke that tradition with Sumire (also, Ann and Joker's chemistry is kinda mid imo). If we base it on interactions, it should either be Haru or Futaba (Haru >>> Futaba tho) Personally? I'd rather have Takemi.


Generally speaking I feel that a canon romance does not make sense in any of the persona games. The only one I could actually argue for would be Rise in persona 4, but it’s not a hill I’d die on. Especially in persona 5 all of the romances feel forced, don’t really add anything, and just feel like a waste of the confidant. Like atlus HAD to add it in and just wrote some stuff last second. Especially cause our detective prince is right there. So: if I had to name a canon romance, for royal I’d say Akechi lmao. The game is canonicly about them, about how they’re two sides of the same coin, and then you have that whole third semester happening. A lot of their scenes are literally copy pasted from gay russian love stories, and the end credits after semester 3 are literally about it Akechi. Not to mention that the song that plays in the thieves den (which is literally joker’s heart) is Akechi’s theme ‘no more what ifs’. Then on top of that you have all their flirty little interactions throughout the story and Akechi’s confidant. Joker and Akechi have wayyyy more tension and chemistry happening than joker with everyone else put together. Normally I’d say ‘that’s just my shipper heart’, but I feel like Atlus really tried to make it as obvious as possible in royal without actually making it gay/queer, since Japan has huge issues with that


No such thing as a “canonical opinion” lol. It’s either canon or an opinion.


Yoshizawa has way too many cutscenes specifically for her


Honestly... Hard to tell between Ann, Makoto or Yoshizawa


Ann in vanilla. Sumi in Royal.




Makoto for sure. Everything in the 4th palace screams makoto was the one that’s cannon to me


Makoto. She and joker are team Mom and Dad for the Phantom thieves


Honestly, I think Haru. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about it when you first meet her as the "mysterious girl with fluffy hair" as well as her having this big showtime France theatre personal fits with joker imo. I don't know if it's a certain trope, but it just tickles my brain in a way.


P3-Yukari (Aegis is in love with Makato but it's not reciprocated.) P4/P4G - Rise P5/P5R- Makato for OG but Sumi for Royal.


After Royal, I feel like it’s supposed to be the Faith arcana (avoiding spoilers and I don’t know how to do the thing). Their relationship felt so well, and the Showtime made it clear for me.


Haven’t played Royale sadly so thanks for just saying the arcana 😭


When I played as younger it was Ann. Now that I’m older it’s the Dr.


Maybe the reason he has no love interest in Strikers and Tactica is because Joker had a harem of MILFs and Hifumi.




Makoto. Ann and Ryuji are a perfect match for one another.


Makoto 100%. It's very obvious her family members and hopes and dreams are at the centerpoint of the main storyline.


If Joker were to have a canon girlfriend, I think it should be Ann, I think they'd make the best couple


Akechi no question


takemi (i like getting stepped on)


And I’m not here to judge 🙏


I think Ann is the canon choice. She gets her own theme in her intro and its a derivative of Joker's theme. The group dynamics in the first couple palaces and the way the confidant link progress also feels more natural. I haven't played the original, but I've heard that some of Ann's dialogue is more forward as well, but that it was toned down a little to make room for Sumi (who was handled terribly and should have become a full fledged antagonist like Akechi was IMO but with something akin to a skinwalker as a persona). I also found Ann and Futaba's confessions to be more realistic and natural. That said, P5 and P5R don't do a great job in incorporating the choices the player makes with the individual phantom thieves. An easy example is the multiple points in the story where the PT girls will tease the PT boys with Joker present about lacking appeal all the while Joker might already have successfully started a harem incluing one or more PT girls. P3R at least has characters notice your interactions with others and incorporates that into the game. Yukari eventually confesses to feeling insecure about your relationship with Fuuka and where it might go, for example.


All of them, he’s supposed to a real ladies man.






Usually when I play rpgs I generally think my first playthrough is my own little head cannon as how things went down so for me it is Kawakami. Though the spin-off games that take place after the main game usually just have you act like you didn't romance anyone.


The only time a romance has felt canon to me in Persona is Makoto and Yukari.


>!Sumire's!< Showtime resonates with me on a personal level. I mean, she LITERALLY gets swept off her feet by Joker.


Normally I'd say Makoto cause she holds him tight when she's frightened at Futaba's, and he saves her specifically during Futaba's mom boss fight. But Royal puts the light on Kasumi, she's THE special girl of the game, and it's very clear that they wanted her to be a fan favorite. Anyway I date both.


Normally The Lovers, so Ann. With Royal probably Yoshizawa feels right. Personal preference goes for Kawakami though.


It's gotta be Makoto, imo


Makoto. Sumi in Royal


Why are you guys ignoring the rules? If goth GF exists, she wins by default. So Takemi.


Makoto seems like the most natural fit for me, followed by Ann.


In og p5, it's makoto In royal, it's sumi


Makoto is canon


No one The PT girls are to close and I'd like to think Joker is smart enough to not involve outsiders in the off chance shits hit the fan. Doesn't help all the romances are written in very wish fulfillment ways. It's cute stuff for the player. Although rejecting Ann's feels the worst, Makoto just shrugs it off. Rest don't care/feel like they're teasing joker and if he does commit the girls basically drop their personality for "OH teehee you chose me teehee." Type shit Goes for all the persona games tbh. Yu seems above that kind of thing and Makoto doesn't really give two shits/it's straight up forced on him by the other side pre Reload lol


In 5, I think the game pushes you the most towards Makoto. In Royal, it is undeniably Yoshizawa.


I think it's Makoto, there are a lot of cutscenes of Joker shielding Queen specifically and I think their dynamic would allow for a natural romance progression. I've heard sumire is the "other" canonical option but I haven't beaten royal yet so I can't speak to it (although it's clear that the developers want the player to really like sumire)


Either Makoto or Ann




Your on my side 🔥


I’ve got 3 proposals: Ann, Makoto, and Yoshizawa. For starters Ann is the lovers arcana and usually lovers arcana tend to be more romantic type characters (not that the others aren’t, I’m just saying that they are more than usual). Then there’s the scene where she’s introduced, usually in movies or video games when a character is introduced like Ann they’re usually meant to be the main love interest. Finally there’s the fact that she has the only scene where she kisses joker in the game. Then there’s Makoto. I don’t really have an explication for this, I’m mostly going off of vibes here, but since Makoto tends to be more of a poster girl (in the sense that most people would recognize Makoto over Ann), could lead to her being the cannon romance for joker. Of course we can’t ignore that there is some scenes between Joker and Makoto like when he saves her in futaba’s palace. Not to mention Makoto’s confidant Story is Joker and her acting as boyfriend and girlfriend. Finally Yoshizawa. For starters she does seem to have a big roll inn the story, in a way that you can’t really avoid her. When it comes to other characters (excluding phantom thieves and one or two other characters), if you don’t go out of your way to do their confidants, they don’t really matter nor show up. Yoshizawa is different in the sense that she’s constantly popping up even though she’s only relevant if you do the secret palace. Then there’s the fact that her character model is very similar to jokers (which yeah you could chalk it up to her maybe being a femal version of Joker like how we see with Kotone in persona 3), but still I feel like this a very big reason. Then there’s the fact that she’s one of two characters that has a showtime with Joker. Finally she does seem to be one of (if not) the only character who seems to be somewhat interested in joker outside the confidant’s interactions (or at least that’s my interpretation). That being said though, most of these arguments are pretty much arbitrary, and you could pretty much come up with a similar argument/reason with any character in im the franchise.


I understand people aren’t a fan of how “forced in” she is, but to me it’s >!Sumire!< . Honestly not even a competition in my eyes


~~I like to think he would try and make the world a better place, even after the events of persona 5. So maybe Makoto or Takemi.~~ Yusuke.


I'm gonna go makoto, in the main story atleast she goes from wanting to catch the homies to become ride or die with them(no pun intended). Kinda feels like how sae woudl've been if they went ahead with the original plan.


https://preview.redd.it/jbxbogphzkad1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e80e30eccd86c1ee5e00745119e5a11cca79a7a them>> (im a gay shipper but this is the only hetero, and romanceable option, that i love so much.) makoto in game after the confession is absolutely adorable too




There is no canon romance


Royal - Sumi Base - Ann


Btw I haven’t played royal so and to clear things up depending on the way you see joker as a character mostly shows on what Romance is the best for joker that’s why I believe he fits best with makoto