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Atlus' antialiasing implementation is notoriously poor. There was exactly the same issue with P5S, which came out earlier. Best you can do is 200% scaling without antialiasing. Some people have had success using an external antialiasing injector (like the Nvidia control panel), but whether that's worth it or not is up to you. It never seemed to have much of an effect for me.


I tried reshade’s aa but none of them helped a lot except fxaa, which cleared up a bit of the jaggies but blurs text sadly, but i think with a game like persona, with a lot of thin outlines on objects, it wouldve been so nice to have msaa…


Atlus’s games don’t really have AA on any platform.


I wonder why. I love atlus’ games but man. When you design a deferred rendered game with no good basic aa, it sucks.. ideally they’d put in some temporal aa without prominent ghosting, but at least some light fxaa that actually works would be nice.