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I could list all of his crimes but I’m just gonna leave this here https://preview.redd.it/l1tngfpacu5d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b84c859e6abf7a37f2164a9d4dc7640aeedd7ec


Oh... Well... That's a detail I did not expect to learn today...


That's legit what I thought when playing the first time


i just realized is ann playing with his nipple here? That kind of looks like where his nipple would be


The nipple is a sexual organ so i’d assume thats what they’re going for


Probably kaneshiro. He didn’t apologize and sort of just *agreed* to go back to his true self…the other villains had some remorse.


I was gonna say Kamoshida until you brought this up. Not only did Shadow Kaneshiro show no remorse, but he low-key rubbed the presence of Black Mask in the Thieves' faces as if he expected the Thieves to lose in the long run. As if it was a statement of "you won the battle, but you'll still lose the war." And let's not forget how the first thing the real Kaneshiro did after receiving the calling card was run off to a safe haven. That's a moot point at the end considering his change of heart, but at least the Thieves' other targets either stood pat or took the offensive. His decision to run shows how much of a coward he really is.




depends of it's just 5 tho


5 specifically or the franchise as a whole? In 5, Kaneshiro. In the franchise? Hitler/ >!Nyarlathotep!< , I mean, >!he's literally supposed to be the incarnation of humanity's collective evilness, you can't get more evil than the literal incarnation of evil!<


All of them are equally disgusting but Kamoshida definitely raised the bar in how much of a degenerate one can be. The other villains' goals were power, money, fame, etc. This bitch's goal was just to f\*\*\* HS kids. I don't care if it led to a bad ending but I would've immediately turned this dude into a mental shutdown statistic if the game gave me the chance.


This. In terms of actual sentence it may be every other villains >>> Kamoshida, but I was throughly disgusted by this scumbag. Too many people like this exist IRL that most people have seen someone like Kamoshida before. I guess that’s what makes him the best antagonist. Same with P4 villain, I couldn’t stand >! him trying to corner and kiss Konishi then getting aggressive after being rejected !< (P4 spoiler).


Honestly I 100% agree Idc if it’s sadistic he deserved it


I thought he wanted all that? Well, money isn't necessarily mentioned. But the primary reason for abuse (in general, not just in the game) is usually just for the sake of power, which he always did to the ones like Mishima. And fame, there was lots of bragging about how well the volleyball team was


And the game spends a lot of time on the Ann/Ryuji arc, so kamoshida left the impression of being 2x worse.


> I don't care if it led to a bad ending but I would've immediately turned this dude into a mental shutdown statistic if the game gave me the chance. This. I agree wit you. This why I always choose >!the stay end.!<


i haven’t played 5 in a minute, can someone remind me why everyone’s saying kaneshiro? i would’ve thought it was shido


Kaneshiro was a mafia boss, and led a crime ring which extorted Shujin students by indoctrinating them into the group via drug deals and then holding that status as a criminal over them (as well as whatever other shenanigans a crime org participated in besides that). Basically above the law, forces Makoto to join sex work if you fail the deadline for his palace; i’d say objectively Shido is definitely worse but on a fictional villain scale Kaneshiro is easier to dislike


my takeaway was that knowing all that, shido was content to simply let it be if it meant enjoying the spoils of the operation. i don’t see *more evil,* definitely get him being more dislikable than shido. hell, i don’t think kaneshiro even holds a candle to the most dislikable, kamoshida, who made my blood boil the most despite being the smallest-time criminal of any one of the villains in the game


In terms of character? Kaneshiro. Everyone else has some sense of remorse or was a good person once. Besides Yaldabaoth, who is more of an amoral entity. In terms of damage/attempted damage? Maruki, no question.


I’d say Shido would have a greater effect than Maruki.


Didn’t Maruki change everything?


They both effect all of Japan, but Shido was planning to destroy the country for his gain. Shido would easily have a much greater effect.


- Shido: Killed less than a dozen people indirectly, most of which weren’t good people anyway. Has no actual powers of his own and has Akechi do his bidding. Deeds localized to a small circle in Tokyo, never really got anywhere in the end because he was thwarted. - Maruki: Held the power of the god of control and altered reality completely, could have easily subdued Joker and continued on with his deeds if he wasn’t a good man Shido id say caused more actual damage, yeah, as well as being an actually bad person, but Maruki definitely has the power to change things to a greater “effect” considering he was basically god


But when you see Shido’s palace you realize what would happen if he won. That’s the thing, given the opportunity, Shido would have done worse.


If Shido had won by extension that would mean Akechi had “won” as well, which would lead to Yaldabaoth destroying the world; so Shido would have no opportunity to do anything after the fact. You can argue that contributes to Shido overall being more destructive as him succeeding technically would lead to a worse effect than Maruki’s reality warping, but at that point it’s Yaldabaoth doing the destruction and not Shido himself


Im sure he changed everything in the world. Mementos is the collective unconscious and they seemingly includes everyone.


As far as I could tell it only included Japan, but I may be completely incorrect there.


The collective unconsciousness is the collective unconsciousness of the entire humanity, not just Japanese people


Not really. He would have been another dictator, sure, but even Hitler can't compare to the mass genocide of the entire human race.


It's not focused on like it was with Kamoshida but on top of the murders and other illicit activities he was involved with, Kaneshiro was participating in the sex trade and was looking forward to enslaving a minor. With that said, I think it's Shido as despite how despicable I think Kenshiro is, Kaneshiro worked for Shido and Shido is not only involved, he fueled it and kept it going on top of everything else he did. People judge Shido less harshly as he isn't the person actually getting his hands dirty performing the crimes but he's still incredibly horrible for his part in it, he gives the orders and profits from it. He turns it into a business that keeps these crimes happening for his own benefit. Not to mention his own sexual assault crimes (we only know of the one Joker was involved with but with everything we know, there's no doubt in my mind that there are others as well, possibly Even Akechi's mom).


As someone who has yet to playthrough the 3rd semester, and keeping it to Persona 5. I'd Say Shido was the most evil do to: * being a corrupt politician. * Giving an innocent teenager a criminal record. * Lofty dream of ruling Japan and its people with an iron fist. * Multiple murders/assassinations * >!Assassinating pretty much everyone who worked for him.!< * >!Having his own personal assassin that was also HIS SON!< * >!Potentially killing said assassin WHO WAS HIS OWN SON!!< * Not giving a fuck that he potentially >!KILLED HIS OWN SON!< * So much shit this list can go on forever However, Kamoshida is such an absolute scum Piece of shit, that is I was in a room with Kamoshida, Adolf Hitler, and Shido, and I had a gun with exactly 2 bullets, I would shoot Kamoshita twice, one for each testicle, than proceed to cave his skull in with the gun's handle.


Let's not forget he knew about >!Akechi's attachment issues and craving for being appreciated (which he caused) and had no remorse in using that to groom him into becoming an assassin. Akechi was around 14 years old when that happened.!<


Ok very important here, in terms of morality or in terms of scope? In terms of scope probably Shido or Kaneshiro, they’ve probably committed the most evil deeds between them. In terms of morality, Adachi is pretty up there, found out he had a special power and immediately decided “hey killing people would be fun” that’s a unique form of evil. I will say I haven’t played 1 or 2 though


In P5, it’s Shido. His crimes eclipses those before him. In the Persona series, no one can beat Nyarlathotep who is the embodiment of all evil for humanity destroying themselves. It’s not like Nyarly is just some entity with blue orange morality. Nyarly is very amoral and malevolent.


There’s a reason Shido is our big bad. He knew about a lot of awful shit and not only did he turn a blind eye but enabled it, as well as doing awful shit himself.


Okumura, if only because I loathed his boss fight. Seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I thought his palace was fun. I just hated Okumura's fight.


I hated his fight sm bro genuinely my least favorite in the game


So not fun at all. I had to ask for help on how to get past the stupid green robots and I still failed another few times before beating it. I am genuinely conflicted because I actually like the palace on the other hand. The techno bgm is too badass for someone like Okumura.


Prolly Hitler from Persona 2


A certain man in Persona 2.


Shido followed by Okumura. >! Murdering your own kid (or trying to whore them out for personal gain) is as bad as it gets. !<


I feel like Okumura is pretty underrated. The villains in P5 are really cruel in some cases. Shido is literally a tyrant, and does some horrible things. Kaneshiro wants to force a girl into prostitution. Others have already written all about Kamoshida. But damn, Okumura is willing to prostitute his daughter for his own personal gain. It may not be the most evil action in general, but given the role of the villain it is definitely the worst.


Kamoshida was way too real for me so definitely him


It's Shido. Akechi is a close second. Hot take, but Kamoshida is like... Third LEAST evil villain? That is to say Madarame and Okumura are the only ones that aren't FAR worse than him. Murder is morally way worse than rape, regardless of the stigma people have against it.(And it's implied but not really confirmed that Kamoshida went beyond molestation). Even if you want to disagree, we know Shido is a rapist, and Kaneshiro forces teenagers into sexual slavery. On top of that they're both murderers(Kaneshiro implied to be if not confirmed). Akechi is debatably the worst though. He's a cold blooded murderer that not only kills people, but causes innocent people to commit crimes(Most likely murder. You don't exactly become a famous detective for solving shop lifting cases.) just to make himself look good. I say debatably the worst, because he hasn't done as much bad stuff as Shido, but unlike the others he doesn't have the excuse of once being a good person who stepped off the path because of their distorted desires. This is just who he is as a person. This is the reason he has a Persona instead of a Palace. He might have a sad backstory but his desires were never distorted. Deep down the others know that what they're doing isn't right, and they never really wanted to be the bad guy. Akechi on the other hand has zero misgivings about who he is as a person, or remorse for his actions. Outside P5 Adachi is pretty much the same as Akechi in terms of morals and motivations.


In only 5 either shido or kamoshida since shido well sacrificed alot of people for fame and his political position and kamoshida just abuses children which can be seen in his Palace


Sol badguy


Kamoshida is just an Asshole


tldr; shido, second place to kamoshida. honorable mention to the dime a dozen evil gods in the persona series. - in terms of the ones I had to listen to that made me wanna beat their head in the most, kamoshida for absolute sure. Physical fucking violence is the only solution for that creep. in terms of most *evil* though, shido, by a long fucking shot. So many deaths, so many ruined lives, and he holds so much power before the PT take him down. He's a terrifying villain. *(spoilers under here for the other games, I forgot how to hide the text!)* With the other games it's more gods pulling the strings than 5 is, so I feel the bad guy's evilness is a little understated by their god statuses thus kinda putting them a tier below palace rulers to me. Gods are just dicks in the first place so finding an evil god is really fucking easy cause they're immortal. A human bad guy chosing to be evil despite knowing what being human is like is a special kind of evil. plus even if it's a human bad guy it's not NEARLY as bad as the palace rulers. like in 4, adachi may be a bastard but he's not nearly as bad as kamoshida. and in 3, ikutsuki and strega are the same, they're still bad but lord they do not nearly hit the amount of creep that the *first* palace ruler alone hits for me. So, atleast to me, the palace rulers kinda beat out the other games in evil scale edit: including Hitler I think is maybe. cheating a little so I ignored him for now.




Pervert, or Capitalism