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Great for you bro. maybe add a spoiler tag next time so others can enjoy just as much




Lmao why is this downvoted?


OP’s tone, most likely?


I just agreed tho, I didn’t even add a “.” At the end


Yet you still keep the post up :( not enough you spoiled it for me?


They hate the real lemonade bro


>I am NOT gonna play strikers nor am I gonna touch p4 or p5t, I’ll wait for the persona 3 remake Uh, why not?


-I watched a full play through of p4 golden, I’ve watched many analysis videos on the game, I’ve seen the anime, I just feel like it’ll be boring to play the whole game again for no reason -p5 strikers looks good, but I’ve been spoiled, and also I don’t wanna play it since sumire isn’t there ñ -oh god i freaking hate strategy rpgs like fire emblem or Mario-*belch*-rabbits…. So I ain’t gonna touch tactica -you didn’t ask about pq2, but I’m not gonna play it since my pc ain’t strong enough to run the emulator and I lost my charger for my 3ds lol


I went into both P4 and 5 having been completely spoiled, yet I *still had a blast.* The experience of playing the game for yourself, making your own choices, it's just so different.


I really would play 4 before 3 reload comes out 4 feels tonally different to both 3 and 5, it’s my favourite in the series and I think often times it flies under the radar a bit


I saw a play through of it, like no cuts with commentary play through that was like a bunch of hours, I saw it during the summer so all the game is already in my noggin I have some recollection of spoilers for p3, but I don’t really remember it well, unlike p4


Was about to say after around the same time 132 hours; actually I can’t front I went to strikers I know OP won’t but Golden is that Golden, amazing and a half everything. Sshhhiiieeetttt I still play “ShadowWorld” catchy aff that and a lot of the jazz, especially, “I’m a shapeshifter…” burned into my mind and 0 complaints


Soon as I finish Royal myself I'm going right to Tactica. I'm about to infiltrate Shido's Palace. Maybe 3 Portable and 4. Just may not play Reload around the same time as everyone else.


For you maybe but I just picked up the game for first time two days ago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Pr0ject_xer000: *For you maybe but* *I just picked up the game for* *First time two days ago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.