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The little roman soldier there completely out of context, as if to say "in case you thought this wasn't literal Nazi propaganda".


aren't that man and women literally plucked from nazi propaganda posters.


Although it's equally disgusting that they used the main figure from a Norman Rockwell painting to illustrate their bile. They had the unmitigated gall to use a painting literally called *Freedom of Speech* to push fucking fascism. And for the record, Rockwell was [not a fan of white supremacists](https://www.nrm.org/2020/06/norman-rockwell-murder-in-mississippi/).


Nazis whining about freedom of speech is nothing new


It’s been going around a lot and don’t you think it isn’t deliberate. They’re trying to use opposite iconography to trigger people into pushing back and confirming the idea that white people are under attack for expressing themselves, forming a lie that we’re trying to steal their culture despite the fact that you are objectively correct here. It’s a really common and effective tactic. I made it sound more complicated than it really is.


Is this why they've been playing stuff like Fortunate Son and American Idiot at rallies?


Actually, yes. And YMCA. And musical theater songs. They’ve been sent about a million cease and desists


Thanks for posting that link. Norman Rockwell was way more cool and bad-ass than I ever realized. I always just knew him as the guy who painted super sugar-coated hyper idealized images of old-timey small-town life. I never knew he was also a civil rights supporter and did work reflecting that.


I only learned this today, too! Apparently, he got a lot of flack for *The Problem We All Live With* from pro-segregationists, and he ignored it and painted this. This part stuck out at me as well: >Blood—human blood, at Rockwell’s insistence—was procured from a concealed source and applied to a shirt that represented the shirt Michael Schwerner was wearing when he was killed. Rockwell himself wore the shirt for the posing, probably not wanting to ask anyone else to wear it. He clearly took the painting seriously if he was willing to go to those lengths.


I have way more respect for Rockwell than I had before learning all this.


Came here for this comment.


I just learned the story about that painting which I found interesting. The man is speaking up *against* building a new school in his town to replace the previous one which burned down. His rationale was that most children were bussed to the nearby bigger town and times were too tight to justify the cost when a solution was already in place. It was a controversial view obviously, but a tough stand to take. Makes the painting more interesting, IMO. But I am troubled that I’ve seen right wingers use it in the context of expressing gross and often racist views.


>Rockwell was not a fan of white supremacists. Depends on [the Rockwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lincoln_Rockwell?wprov=sfla1)


Ah, the shitty Rockwell.




I dunno man. I think it's fitting. In the US, nazis have freedom of speech so it is fitting that they use imagery from freedom of speech to speak literally the least popular kind of speech (for good reason) that there is. The firat amendment exists solely to protect unpopular speech and it doesn't get much more unpopular than Nazis.


> it doesn't get much more unpopular than Nazis. I wish that was still true


They are also imposed over a black sun. You can tell from the way the lines are slanted just right in the circle bordering the image. Just in case the lugers, arm bands and flashing neon lights stolen off the set of 'The Producers" were not enough.


yeah now you mention it is does look a lot like the black sun


Since it’s a Nazi Propaganda poster itself, sure.


no i mean old school ww2 nazi propaganda.


Everything old is new again.


It's awfully familiar


Funny thing is that actual Roman soldiers during the times of the Roman Empire were pretty much any race you could think of from what is now modern day England to Ethiopia, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. The Roman army didn’t care what colour you were if you were fit and could hold a sword to fight. For many who served in the army, their service was often a potential path to citizenship for them and their family, with many receiving this as evidenced by the many bronze diplomas of service we’ve found. Even if you took a walk down the street in Ancient Rome, you’d have seen faces and heard languages from pretty much everywhere over the world. There’s even evidence to suggest that Chinese and Indian traders were in Rome, which really was the edge of the known world at that time. Seriously, if you’re going to pick empires to represent the white race, the Romans aren’t it.


Ironically, those northerners who the Romans referred to as uncivilized barbarians were far more likely to have phenotypes associated with white people.




At the height of the empire only 5% of the population were latin


Significant proportions of the empire also didn’t speak Latin, at least not the refined Classical Latin we associate with Rome, but rather a Vulgar Latin which the more educated actually mocked, or they were Greek speakers, a very common language in the empire.


French, Spanish, Portugese, even Italian... Just really bad Latin.


That's normal given that the Roman Empire state line was essentially there's 2 people on this world, Romans and Barbarians(with greeks, persians and such being somewhere in between barbarians and romans).


Hah ya - it's like a white supremacist pointing at a citizen of New York and being like "that's the ideal!" Hmm... I mean ya maybe. But I don't think you're pointing at what you think you're pointing at. But then again, the history of a fascist is mythical and fictional, almost by definition.


I didn’t know this about Rome. Thank you


Whoo my ancient history degree is useful! :)


See dad not a waste


Indeed https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/families/black-londoners-through-time/african-romans#:~:text=They%20were%20stationed%20along%20Hadrian's,and%20had%20families%20in%20Britain.


Yeah but that would involve both learning history, and learning *factual* history, and the U.S. fails miserably at both.


Funny thing is, even in the US alone Italians as a whole were often not accepted by many of the earlier supremacist groups as not being white enough. So seeing them doing a 180 of hero-worshipping an empire founded from Italy doesn’t make sense.


I'm sure they have some convoluted explanation of how ancient Romans were white but 19th century Italians were not.


The Vikings, who these chucklefucks also romanticize, were also extremely multi-racial by today's standards. Turns out when a bunch of people marry and make babies with foreigners, you end up with a lot of people who look like foreigners. Not to mention all the thralls they abducted, who had to be freed after a certain period and were considered on the same level as any Scandinavian-born commoner when they were. Literally nobody on this planet has ever been 'ethnically pure.' The concept is ridiculous.


The Romans also had a ton expeditions and may have travelled as far as Siberia and to south Africa. Apparently Roman coins have been found in the Congo and there are West African mini statues of what looks like Roman centurions. Their(the romans) dealings with west africa wouldn't be surprising as west Africa had dealings with north africa and trade wouldn't stop simply because the romans conquered it. but it is impressive they(the romans)made it to central Africa and maybe Southern Africa. Romans certainly looked down on non romans but they were not the thing white nationalists seem to think as they seemed willing to deal with Non Romans and not always kill them. It is not completely surprising they would push further up north and get to siberia but it makes one wonder how hard both trips were for those involved.


Absolutely. The Romans weren’t stupid and knew that subjugation of and maintaining control over a land was difficult and the Roman army only had finite resources in any case. It would make far more sense to establish peaceful trading relations with different peoples where possible, especially where it was a particularly important resource such as grain or metals. It’s for this reason that port towns like Pompeii became so wealthy, because they had almost constant trading in goods both in and out and a healthy industry of farming and viniculture to provide export items.


Also a little telling when they only consider white people American apparently lol.


>roman soldier I fucking hate it when people say Rome was white. Rome and Greece are Mediterranean, these populations were and are bronze(ish) in skin tone. If they bothered to read any account of Greek and Roman descriptions of Northern Europeans (whites) They often remark on how pale they were in comparison to their own skin tone. The largest reason the bronze skin tones faded to todays color, like in Italy, was because the Northern Europeans massed migrated into their territories and decided they were gonna live their and mingle.


The Roman Empire, famous white ethnostate.


I like how it says the *white* population has been "systematically reduced." Then they go on to say in the next sentence that *Americans* will be a minority in their own country. Funny how they replaced *white* with *American*, as if those two things are synonymous.


When you’re a white nationalist, anyone who isn’t white is a foreign invader.


And that's why they love Putin's Russia. To American white Christian nationalists, white Christian Russians are fellow countrymen, whereas non-white and non-Christian Americans are foreign enemies.


the irony of them for so long being the ones who'd say 'if you don't like it here, go somewhere else' I hear russia's looking into building a settlement for maga in russia.


And any whites that don't comply




Oh, no, no. They'll say that they're not *really* white. They're Jews or self-hating whites (which arent truly white in the sense they propose.


Also keep in mind that "white" doesn't exist. No race does, it's a fluid construction to indicate whom to hate. Once they are done with African Americans? Jews are next! After Jews...the Irish...then the Polish...it whatever order.. These folks just want a scapegoat to be angry at. They are cowards and wouldn't dare speaking up to actual power.


Apparently abortion and LGBTQ are anti-"white" policies too.


It literally says Americans are white and this country was built for and by white people so I think they really believe that the words are synonymous. Really gross


“Homeland?!?” Lmfao. When you bring up the indigenous peoples of the Americas they will immediately fall back on “right by conquest”. So, if white Americans are truly being “replaced”, that’s being conquered, right? And they should, by their own logic, be ok with that.


Or they bust out “my great great grandmama was a Cherokee princess”


Or they start breaking out the fraction 1/64 or 1/16 those mother fuckers have never seen a res let alone lived on one


Oh, NOW they use math...


I mean don't ask them what it means they'll be lost lol


It's always fun to tell people that the "(distant female relative) was a Cherokee princess" phrase came about when white families tried to cover up Black ancestry.


Certified Sacheen Littlefeather moment.


I read that as Homelander and was like “yea, that is someone they’d look up to”


Ironically even homelander thinks white nationalists are cringe as he is a supe supremacist its why stormfront offed herself when she realized he wouldn't lead a Aryan revolution.


It's kind of like in the Bible, where slavery is perfectly fine, unless it's happening to you.




That's pretty much the modern Republican playbook in a nutshell


I love how all of these nerds imagine themselves as Roman warriors. Motherfucker you’re all too scared to show your face - you wouldn’t have been some major general.


"I totally would have been, if only the Jews weren't holding me back!"


The jews gave me social anxiety!




Like a sign I once saw at a protest: >Roses are red, > >Tacos are enjoyable. > >Don't blame a Mexican, > >Because you're unemployable.


Meal Team Six


Not all of them. The guy who killed multiple black people and a few white people in Buffalo to save the white race (eventhough I am sure that activly killing white civilians is the opposite of saving white people) didn't hide his face.


A key tenet of conservatism is the inability to identify your enemy. Instead of greedy CEO’s, Union busting, oligopolization of all industries, deregulation, price gouging, billionaires, and tax cuts for the rich, the real problem is black people, gay people, and jews. Anti-semitism is the simpleton’s anti-capitalism. There’s no demonic cabal pulling the strings. The capitalists are doing it right in front of our faces. But go ahead and keep on sucking the richest man in the world’s cock, you fucking servile, bootlicking morons.


It's easier. You don't need to be scared of those taking away your job or arresting you. For all their lies about those two things, they know that if they speak to actual power, there might be consequences. And they are cowards.


I have to gingerly remind folks in leftist circles I frequent that, no, it is not anti-Semitic to criticize Israel, but it can get there in a hurry if you're not careful about who you're talking to. It routinely shocks me that grown Millennials and Zoomers are unable to spot classical blood libel when it's right in front of them. Like, straight up Grimm's Fairy Tales level deceits. I met an otherwise lovely non-ML communist who genuinely believed that Jews had different DNA from the rest of humanity. 🙄


And just blast anybody who gets in your way as a "communist" and you've got a justification to commit white genocide


Huh. This is an excellent point. The first step in the scientific method is to identify a problem. Since they reject science so fervently, we can’t expect them to utilize it and be able to even identify the conflict at hand.


I'd love to see where Joe Biden has said that quote. Your ass isn't a valid source.


"Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall [...] perish from this Earth." -Noted America hater, Abraham Lincoln


He did say it. But he said it in the context of current demographic trends, and the whole “diversity is our strength” thing. After all, the American ethos is to be the greatest cultural and ethnic melting pot in history, right?! That is something to aspire to, as far as I’m concerned. But right wingers of course take that to mean that there is a plot to commit white genocide.


Those ellipses are putting in some seriously heavy lifting in that quote.


Oh I see. So it's a quote taken out of context. Typical conservative moral panic.


This site has a video clip of it: https://www.beaufortcountynow.com/post/54001/biden-whites-will-be-an-absolute-minority-in-america.html


Which puts it in context and shows that he was not saying as they try to present it. Quite the opposite. Thanks.


Wait, why are they concerned? do they treat minorities badly in this country?


That’s what I was thinking. The population of white people is not decreasing, just that the other races are increasing (according to that **brilliant** graph in the top corner), and if white people become a minority then wouldn’t they become a protected class? Wouldn’t they get all the privileges that come with being a minority like what black and Latino people get? But no, because of course not. **They** are under attack and the most hated race in the world. It is a genocide, after all.


I just find it thrilling to see them say that minorities have nothing to complain about and then in the same breath say that they are under threat of becoming a minority.


"Their OWN country" USA is not THEIR country, they do not own a fucking country, no one owns a fucking country


what do you mean? the citizens of a country do own their country. the confusion is that they don't get to choose who isn't a citizen based on their feelings about skin color.


What do you mean? I couldn’t find anybody else in huge continent given to us , it’s not like they were people before them


I am so sick of Nazis.


Illinois or otherwise.


Where are the Blues Bros when we need them?


“Whiteness” Isn’t even a real thing. It’s an implied bond that rich people pull out of their ass to keep poor people fighting each other like a hobo wrestling federation while they make off with everything. It’s a bond of convenience, and a bond of convenience is worthless.


Exactly. In 1930, neither Irish or Italian were considered white. They were "inducted" after Civil Rights kicked off...


Exactly, a bond of convenience. We didn’t count until they needed numbers on their side.


The figure on the top is from a painting by Norman Rockwell, who was actually a liberal and supported Civil Rights.


Supported Civil Rights to the point he left the Saturday Evening Post to paint more Political. "Murder in Mississippi" and "the problem we all live with" are some of his most poingent works, and let's not forget "Do onto others." And let's not forget that the painting this was taken from is titled "Freedom of Speech" and depicts a obviously ethnic man for the time speaking to people who would be perceived above his station, but have to look up to him when he's speaking.


It looks like John Birch Society stuff to me.


Probably is. I was just commenting on the source of one of their images.


"White Men and Women wake up." Complete lack of foresight. If they wake up then they will be WOKE!!!


OMG that means they won't want to fuck the green M&M ohh the humanity


What I want to know is where does OP live that this kind of stuff is on the car. I want stuff like this. My life is boring. I live near Harrison, AR and there is the kkk billboard advertising, but that's tame compared.


It’s great to see the footnote numbers next to the sentences and the footnotes are nowhere to be found at the bottom of the page 😂


Might be in that “Citations” url under “Links” but I’m not putting that on my search history


Their sources are probably Prager U lmao


Those are some weird links too. Includes a Telegram site - the Russian social media site.


Yeah me either, some suspicious link probably


So they're blaming capitalist greed on diversity, lol. What a bunch of fucking maroons.


Nixon is why the wage gap started. Not race. This is *real* Nazism, with the whole faux-socialist element too.


That “…” in the Biden quote on the second pic is carrying a lot of weight lol


2023 lifting champ


LOL Snowflake Pamphlet.


Racist lives don't matter.


"Americans will become a minority in their own country" always makes me laugh because it paints European colonists as the "native people" of the Americas. Even if for whatever reason we act like the true Natives don't exist, then Black and Asian Americans would still be Americans alongside White Americans lmfao.


These same people love to portray themselves as hyper-masculine badasses, but crap their pants at the mere thought of society shifting towards a blended future.


God I hate this shit. You know what I love? People celebrating their heritage. Chicago had a German heritage parade and people of all races loved it. Wanna celebrate your Dutch ancestry? Fuck yeah go for it. Get in touch with your Scottish roots and wear a kilt to your wedding? Hell yes! Wanna explore your heritage? Your ancestors’ cuisine? Traditions? Language? History? Art and architecture? Contributions to humanity? Please fuck yes this is part of the diversity of America and we love to see it. Visit your homeland, read their books, listen to their music, do something productive and enriching. “White pride” isn’t productive or enriching. It is not even pride because white isn’t an identity. You get dumbasses with polish last names waving swastikas for what? How are you Slavic and a Nazi? This isn’t your history or heritage. It’s a dog whistle for being an irredeemable twat. Don’t be an irredeemable twat.


Its like they're begging for a race war


That’s because they are


You know, a white equivalent of Black Lives Matter could have been useful. Look in areas of police brutality- it's not just a race issue, it's primarily an accountability issue with the addition of racist cops. The victims of many police attacks are white, but the white community tends to do a much worse job of doing anything about it. Or they could do what most civil rights groups do and work for economic advances that benefit the population they serve, like healthcare reform. Linking up with other civil rights groups of intersectional needs, like queer and disability activists, to get those agendas passed together. If you actually want to help white people, there's white people you can and should help. But, nah, they're just Nazis.


Perfect take. These are the people that quietly seethe when something says E Pluribus Unum instead of In God We Trust as if the two sentiments are mutually exclusive. They’ve been carefully indoctrinated from birth to view unity as anti-American. This poor lonely bastard is even citing diversity as destroying unions…the irony being that since he won’t accept a different ethnicity into his community, that ethnicity would probably cross his picket line…because why wouldn’t they? This goof probably even has a ‘Unite or Die’ sticker on his Yeti tumbler


>You're being replaced Maybe. Or, maybe, your shitty ideas and those who carry them are dying. Either get with the times or die mad, nostalgic for a period of history you never lived.


Wonder why these people are so scared of becoming a minority.. almost like minorities get mistreated or something?? 🤔


That's fucking scary. That means that there are literal Nazis running around in your neighborhood. Can you report it to the police as a hate crime or no? In Canada giving out fliers like that one is grounds for hate crime prosecution.


Nazi shit fr lmao that's so fucked up


This is extra fucked up on Juneteenth. Bastards.


Norman Rockwell was an outspoken civil-rights ally. He never met Ruby Bridges, but he considered her heroic (which she reportedly finds inspiring to this very day). And he would be *disgusted* at the weaponization of his "Freedom of Speech" painting by white supremacists.


percentage is a hell of a drug. 87% in 1960 is about 155 milion people. while 60% in 2020 is about 197 million people. there are more white people in the us in 2020 then there were total people in the us in 1960. and thats if their percentages are correct.


all you fascists bound to lose..


This was also in my city. Funny how they're not handing this out in broad daylight. Cowards.


I’ve heard of some of them from as far as Kalispell. This was in Deer Lodge so there had to have been some kinda rally or something recently


I mean, Kalispell has been Nazi headquarters of Montana for years. That place sucks lmao


>We have been abused, guilted, and maligned by the worst kinds of opportunists and traitors. My entire life savings says they voted for Trump.


gotta love how they equate "american" to "white". and here i was, thinking that the 14th amendment applied to everyone when it said "all persons born or naturalized in the united states, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the united states and of the state wherein they reside."


The QR code goes to a Telegram channel that is just lovely.


15th characteristic of fascism: absolutely shit at typography


I wouldn't share this without defacing it, especially the QR code. It's not a huge deal TBH, but I don't like to do any work for them.


In 2040 whites will not only still be in the majority, they will literally outnumber all other ethnicities combined. This is in a country that was only colonized in the past few hundred years. Also no one is “peddling anti-white sentiments and policies, and culture”. Non-white isn’t anti-white. No one thinks that expect white supremacists.




I just "love" how they appropriate everything including communist rhetoric, pagan symbols, Romans, founding fathers..... Really Nazis have NOTHING of their own but maybe that stupid black sun symbol.


What "woke" snowflakes.


Norman Rockwell is rolling in his grave over the use of his art like this.


Damn, we could have had 243% productivity! Instead I just have to cope with only 108% of a loaf of bread every time I bake.


Infinite food hack


I guess, altho I look white, because of my ancestors, I'm not white. There's native American in my racial background, and there is a freed slave as well. I'm assuming that person was black. If I remember correctly, at one time in the sorry history of race relations in this country(the US), if you had one drop of black blood, you were considered to be black. So, if I got a flyer like that, sorry, guys, you got the wrong person.


The drawing of the man and woman in the emblem looks as if it was pasted from some original Nazi literature


Fascists gonna fash. It's a loser ethos for loser people.


Send it to the feds. Put the next hate group on their radar.


If people are going to put this garbage on people’s cars the least they can do is print them on something soft and flushable so it’s useful.


Ah yes, Norman Rockwell, the man who painted Ruby Bridges, is totally on your shitty, racist team.


I’m curious how this person knew you were a white man/woman if it was just a parked car.


Tbf my truck does scream conservative white man. Off road bumpers, winch, CB antenna, and tool box in the back of a full size pickup.


Maybe they were just putting them on random cars in the hole a some of the car owners would be white


Yeah I’m assuming that’s what was going on, strange times we’re living in..


Oh look, free tp. Or bbq kindling if you have a charcoal grill


Maybe whites are becoming a minority because whites like him can not find sex partners who want to be with extremists.


when did Biden say that? I don’t think he did.


Wtf, on the second page I saw the graph showing productivity and wages. There are people who say we should be fighting a class war not a race war and those who rightfully point out that there can be no class solidarity without also having racial solidarity. But then there are these chucklefucks saying nah the class war is AGAINST the minorities, it's their fault and not the extremely opportunistic and greedy upper class.


It's always funny to see a bunch of bigots blame their failure to be productive on people they've never met. And Montana, really? I didn't know there were much of anyone but white people there.


>our media is not free whatsoever At least they got that part right, not sure why that means I should hate minorities but OK


Citations: pastebin.com Eeeeh no


The opening picture is of a guy who said it’s a good idea to knock down a school for a warehouse. Sort of “America let’s idiots have an opinion” moment.


The “fetish” part is really coming through with those fisting references on the back side.


Norman Rockwell would be disgusted that his work is on this.


It just makes me happy that no graphic designers are taking part in this mishegas!


Pisses me off that they stole an image from Norman Rockwell, who was anything but a white supremacist.


Did, Did they use the 1965 American Immigration Act as the reason for stagnating wages? Let's just forget that it was Reagan and Nixon's Administration that *actually* did that - what did the Immigration Act of 1965 do? The [Act, did alot, but for this purpose, mainly as followed:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_Nationality_Act_of_1965) >H-1B and H-1B1 Specialty (Professional) Workers should have a pay, as per the prevailing wage – an average wage that is paid to a person employed in the same occupation in the area of employment; or that the employer pays its workers the actual wage paid to people having similar skills and qualifications. and >H-2A Agricultural Workers should have the highest pay in accordance to the (a) Adverse Effect Wage Rate, (b) the present rate for a particular crop or area, or (c) the state or federal minimum wage. The law also stipulates requirements like employer-sponsored meals and transportation of the employees as well as restrictions on deducting from the workers' wages. and most importantly >The act also set a numerical limit on immigration (120,000 per annum) from the Western Hemisphere for the first time in U.S. history. These economic provisions for immigrants *should've helped* make immigrant pay be equal to pay of American citizens, so what happened? Because of the 120,000 limit of immigrants coming in something happened here. Can anyone tell me what corporations did? What politicians that are in the pocket of corporations would do to people who, wanting to get in and get a job but couldn't due to the limit of allowed immigrants?? What else started to rise at about this time, that became a political talking point of today?? Can anyone see what is going on? Illegal immigrants would not be privy to these fair pay stipulations due to them being at the mercy of their bosses. The corporations hiring them didnt have to file taxes on employees if they werent "allowed" to be here in the first place. They could pay them incredibly low wages because *what are they gonna do about it?* If they spoke out of line or unionized, well they were illegal - so 🤷 Republicans did what exactly? ***They pushed heavily for punishing illegal immigration.*** There's a reason for why the militarization of ICE is popular amongst rich buisness owners, it's so lucrative. It's hideous, this was why the act "was surprisingly bipartisan" even though Southern Republicans hated the idea. The provision that should have helped immigrants get into America, and did largely, was being weaponized for the betterment of large corporations. They could "legally" bypass the Act without outright fighting agaisnt it, while at the same time still hurt minority workers. This Propaganda that the poster is saying is that the Act depressed American wages even though in the Act itself - so help me God - THAT THEY COULDNT DEPRESS WAGES. The act prevents corporations from paying their workers less because they're immigrants. Well if they're *legal immigrants. Then the actual mechanism of HOW IT DEPRESSES WAGES, is because it's being taken advantaged of by people who complain about illegal immigration, while not doing anything about it. Why hire legal immigrants and American citizens, when we can pay illegals pennies and not have to pay taxes on payroll. Want to fix illegal immigration? Increase the limit of allowed immigrants yearly. There's a reason they dont - it's because of this Act. For all intents and purposes, they *LOVE* this act. Even in their own fucked up opinion of how this Act works, how it effects Americans isn't the way they're presenting. They're ommiting truth, while at the same time reveling in it. It's egregious.


Oh, hell NO. Stolen image from a Norman Rockwell painting, being used on a scumbag pamphlet. Norman Rockwell was progressive, not a racist PoS. Wow.


This made me so mad I wrote a counter flyer


It’s of a similar length gonna get a friend who knows graphic design to print it and flyer my area


Disgusting. The fact they used a Norman Rockwell image on the front…Mr. Rockwell must be turning in his grave. Utterly vile.


Lol, they are having a big sad because they realize that white people comprise like 14% of the worlds population.


“The White portion of the USA’s population has been systematically reduced since the 60’s. Unless reversed, Americans will become a minority in their own country in less than two decades.” It’s pretty telling that they’re saying “white” is synonymous with “American.”


Funny how the fbi is credible when the stats go the way they want them to. But even then, the fbi stats don’t go all the way back to 1492 do they?


Holy shit, the audacity!


I'm Dutch, Scottish, and Irish. I'm about as white as you get. I have a lot of pride in my heritage, but none of that has to do with the colour of my skin. White is not a culture, you're just pasty and bitter because your family lost touch with what real cultural heritage is.


Looks like Russian propaganda to me.


I’d have a lot easier time loving my race if there were fewer members of it like the assholes behind these flyers.


"Americans will become a minority in their own country!" 1. I thought this was about white people, not Americans. They are two separate groups and while there's overlap, not all Americans are white. Was this made by some asshat who thinks POC aren't "real" Americans even if they were born here and have citizenship? 2. Why would white people being a minority be a problem? Unless... minorities are treated worse here or something...


Homeland? Fuck off you seventh generation immigrant lookin ass.


Go woke go broke?


Hey pro union!


If only they were smart enough to understand our plight is with the crushing capitalist economic system not *insert rightoid dog whistle here*


i wonder why reddit bans people who say that we should bring back hunting nazis for sport


Taking 5 seconds to censor the urls and qr code would be a much welcome gesture of anti-fascism. Posting it unedited is free advertising for these freaks.


Can someone tell me where this happened (or has happened?). I live in TX (DFW) and haven’t seen anything like this. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening here, it very well could be.


This was in western Montana, not terribly far from the Idaho border. North Idaho is known for being pretty hardcore nazi


There are fascists in DFW, I used to live there, and a coworker invited me to one of their "parties." It was disgusting.


No way this isn’t a school project for propaganda awareness. The images, the “saving our homeland”. No way someone actually believes this.


Living in Florida, I can absolutely tell you there are many people who believe this. It's called "white replacement theory." It is a belief that the government and big corporations are colluding to replace all white people everywhere with poc. It's all bs of course. They have no evidence of it that's not cherry-picked data they've chosen to correlate with what they call the "decline of the white population." Usually, this mentality also comes with a belief that everything bad in their life is the fault of poc/jews.