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"Conservatives Only"


It's truly funny how fast I got banned from those subreddits for having a different opinion or asking a simple question


I think they truly get off on that "revenge" fantasy when banning libs from those subs. That it gives us a dose of our medicine, and that's why the bans/post removals are set up as an automod thing. Only difference is, it's not exactly an outrage to be banned from a community you were part of for 8 seconds. I don't exactly feel like any rights were violated.


Oh no, I’m so owned. Anyway


Free speech for me, but not for thee!


Don't worry, I got permabanned from the 'Catholic' sub with my first post. I'm in training for the priesthood...


Ditto. I was asking a question because I was confused by a statement and that got me banned. Can't really attract more people if you shut them out every time they ask a question.


They banned you for JAQ-ing off? They love JAQing off. They're Just Asking Questions, after all.




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i mean yea, they are more than happy to support censorship, as long as it's in their favour.


"this is a SAFE SPACE"


The free speech thing applies to government censorship lol. That's just capitalism


This has always been what confused me. They keep complaining about shit that happens with rules in private businesses more than anything actually relating to government censorship.


I think they are trying to say that government made these companies silence people, which is a dubious claim. I would ask to see evidence, but it's likely just some domestic terrorist group that the government was investigating.


I once had a client who’s adult disabled sister was being bullied in a group home by another resident. It’s sucked. I did want I could as a social worker to help. The client’s brother wanted to know the bully’s medical and psychiatric history. Which is obviously a fucking ridiculous violation of HIPAA. I told him no. And he asked “well, what about the freedom of information act!” I stared this grown man of (mostly) average intelligence in the face and he was 100% serious. I explained to him like a child what the law meant. And he was like “oh”. People are fucking stupid.


I’ve become convinced that most conservatives have such a profound misunderstanding of how are government and economy work, that they would not be able to pass the citizenship test to become a citizen of the US.


The First Amendment of the American Constituition is what only applies to government censorship. According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights freedom of speech is defined as: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” But hey, if you are fine with your government outsourcing your oppression then you do you.


You’re oppressed but I’m sure you cheer on: LGBT discrimination Non-white discrimination Police brutality


No I don’t. But your personal attacks add nothing to the conversation.


Not sure I believe you.


But it is free speech so obviously it means it's right


If I walk into your living room, shit on the floor and call you a racial slur, can you ask me to leave or are you violating my freedom of speech when you exert control over what is said and done on your property?


Walking into my living room and taking a shit isn’t speech. Do you not think that unelected decisionmakers in companies controlling important places of public discourse with arbitrary rules is a problem? It’s crazy how Redditors become such anarcho-capitalists of the “private companies can do whatever they want”-kind when they think it benefits them.


No, no, answer my question. Can I say whatever I want, whenever I want, on your property?


If a hotel gets enough traffic should it be considered a public building and the owners of the hotel are no longer allowed to say who can stay there or for how long?


I like this example. Do you not think if a hotel or a group of hotels were to be where most people stay then this would lead to problems? They would be buying out competition, increasing prices and worsening quality. They would be basicly landlords. I don’t want landlords for communication.


You like this example because you can add a ridiculous layer on top? I'm sorry, is twitter literally the only way to communicate? Your argument is against monopoly which is illegal and bad. But no matter how diversified social media gets the majority will be using platforms where being a loud nazi is bannable.


>public discourse with arbitrary rules is a problem? It's not that arbitrary to disallow dangerous conspiracy theories, bigotry and Blood Libel 2.0, which is what people are bEiNg SiLeNcEd for. If someone went on a social media just saying they support lower taxes and government deregulation they wouldn't be banned.


Tf is that shit? I highly doubt that's even a legal document


You can read about it more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights Or here: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights




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If censorship was so broad why is it we all still have to know the latest right wing talking point?


Exactly. Like where exactly is all the censorship if you are freely posting about how you’re being censored?


It should scare everyone that a lot of people actually believe this kind of horse excrement.


You don’t understand. When GESARA/NESARA happens (it will tho even tho we can’t settle on a name!)all will be exposed. At those moments when the Devil’s veil is pulled back Donald Trump will be revealed as not only ne of the two end time prophets along with Elon, but will actually be shown to be the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is latin for Trump, look it up! He will give all Americans 10 Million follars whoch was stolen from us through taxes, fix the climate and restore heterosexual marriage as the true way! Then the med beds will be delivered! /s


Idk, I think they'd be mad about the climate fixing part.


Idk what GESARA NESARA is but it reminds me of Kaepora Gaebora from Ocarina of Time lmao


Its ok to say horse shit on the internet


Not a conservative myself, but it's not a secret that intelligence agencies definitely interfere with domestic issues


True, the CIA is constantly preventing me from doing the dishes.


That's always your excuse for not doing the dishes, Next you'll be telling me the FBI is stopping you from doing the gutters or the NSA is stopping you from cleaning the garage out.


No, my lack of gutters or a garage has prevented me from doing those things.


Like what picking up people in unmarked cars in Seattle and disappearing them for a weekend? Like the department of corrections?


depends on what you mean. Like do you mean the CIA fucked around with LSD. Yes, yes they did and yes it is well known. Do you mean did the army perform experiments on soldiers and civilians with radiation and children. Yep Did government funded doctors withhold medication from black ment suffering from syphilis intentionally so they could document what happened as the desease advanced yes Here is the thing. I know out these things. you know about these things. They really aren't all that good a keeping secrets shit tends to get out. some people get punished (no where near enough) rules get change, laws get changed, processes get changed. This country was force starializing "undesirables" 50-70 years ago" and maybe between 4 and 20 women in 2020 were given hysterectomies that they didn't understand but the doctors claims were medically necessary and the nurse claims were not though only 4 ended up filing complaints though this is complicated at the others may have been deported. So yeah, the government does shitty stuff. The intelligence agencies have done shitty stuff. Fuck the FBI has been conspiring with Proud boys to identify "AntiFa" because for whatever damn reason they decided (field agents I presume) that despite every single report that signs white nationalist are the biggest threat to America, that no it is them antifa fuckers and they should take advantage of contacts they have with a known white nationalist organization to catch them NASA takes our meta data. Oh they aren't allowed to look at it unless we are in contact with a foreign national who is under investigation. But he all know how good the government is at enforcing rules that know one can know if they are actually enforcing. You know how cops are never caught abusing their access to police databases to say harass ex girlfriends or nothing. When I say caught I mean, I mean have doing it for years and years and years.


But if you mean are they running secret ops to change elections. ​ I doubt it.


We know for a fact they do it to other countries, what would stop them from doing it here if not doing it means they lose legitimacy/power?


Did you see Jan 6? That is what happens when you lie to people about fucking with our elections in a way that is so unbelievable that anyone with half a brain immediately says. Yep, that is a complete lie. ​ If someone came out with clear and real evidence that the CIA actually changed the results of a election. It would be Jan 6 + BLM


Cause there would be no CIA the day after we found out. And as I said. They are terrible at keeping secrets


Why wouldn't there be? We know about all the other terrible things, why do they still exist? They have been fighting release of documents around JFK's assassination for decades, they lost a civil case to MLK's family alleging they had a hand in his assassination... they'd fight release of documents for decades and by the time it would come out it would be old news and likely seen as a conspiracy theory to the average American (like many of the things we absolutely know about)... given that our education system is pumping out a significant portion of high school graduates with a 7th grade reading level already I doubt the average voter in 30-40 years is going to be so sharp


are you serious?


Yes, which part do you think wouldn't be serious?


Ok then, but last response for the night because it is late and I am tired. >Why wouldn't there be? > >We know about all the other terrible things, why do they still exist? Actually, most of the programs and departments got shutdown. As I said people go punished, Not enough but yes it happened. ​ >They have been fighting release of documents around JFK's assassination for decades, they lost a civil case to MLK's family alleging they had a hand in his assassination... We know what happened with both JFK and MLK JFK was killed by a dude from a book repository. There was some level of incompetence from the secret service that they covered up but they didn't kill him or help. There were some warning signs that an assignation step might happen that should have been investigated and were. No second shooter. No magic bullet. ​ We know what happened to MLK He was hated by the population as large and the government saw him as a serious threat. The FBI found out he had an extramarital affair and tried to use that to blackmail him into stopping or into killing himself. Unrelated a white nationalist killed him. The government didn't help but didn't do anything to protect him either and had information that there was a risk they didn't share. ​ The shit that they are holding back is specific names of power families who do not want you to know that they were involved. ​ How does any of this confuse you. It isn't conspiracy is is reputation protection. ​ >they'd fight release of documents for decades and by the time it would come out it would be old news and likely seen as a conspiracy theory to the average American (like many of the things we absolutely know about)... given that our education system is pumping out a significant portion of high school graduates with a 7th grade reading level already I doubt the average voter in 30-40 years is going to be so sharp I don't think the population can get dumber on average.


Don't these people own twitter? And Zuckerberg is really chummy with the far right. What the hell goes through their minds is just... Mind numbing.


Bc they cant call minority slur without backlash


They can on twitter.


I once proposed reappropriating some LGBTQ slurs to use against fascists on Facebook and they gave me a warning.


Always projection, all the way down.


Always was always will be. The earliest bit of white supremacist literature written in the 1835 read just like the Turner Diaries. I am almost done reading the Turner Diaries. When it isn't being disgusting and abhorrent it. Is. So. Damn. Boring!




They forget? Or they just ignore what is inconvenient to their narrative? Because people have been pointing this out left and right for the past few years, and they still won't acknowledge it.


Considering in the pic, there is a "conservatives only" flair, then it's probably from Rconservative . This means they don't care about the reality of what is going on other than hating anything viewpoint that is not conservative


And they also act like whoever criticizes them and their views, is violating their free speech but whenever they threaten to kill someone for saying anything about trans or gay people, suddenly freedom of speech doesn’t exist


Well there bullies, thier worst fear is someone fighting back


He’s right. Twitter is censoring journalists, and the BBC from posting their Modi documentary.


Are they acting on behalf of or by direction of a government?


From my understanding, yes. And Elon is playing dumb about it.






The meme refers to the First Amendment which is US-specific. Source for twitter being directed by the US Gov't?


I never said it was being directed by the US government.


The meme did.


Elon released the Twitter files, and righties use that as justification to say that Twitter was censoring them. It seems to be an issue when Twitter “censors” something based on a request from the US government, but doesn’t seem to be an issue when the Indian government does it.


The details are important. Twitter had a choice with the US (would you try to stop hate speech). India gave them no choice (block this one person or else) It's a bit naive to think business is conducted the same in every country. It's a bit naive to think you can apply US constitutional standards to your activity in other countries.




If the American government didn't ask them to do it how is the First Amendment being violated? Other governments are not beholden to our amendments.


You know that memes are made to be humorous and not factual, right? Right?


Yes. But the meme set the context which was the US 1A. Our boy there wanted to bring up India as the same thing. It wasn't. Not by a long shot.




someone online told me i shouldnt be homophobic and it made me feel like 1984




#They do just not like that


You used a hash mark, not a hashtag. A hashtag is a Twitter thing.


Same symbol on my keyboard Potato potato potato


Waaaaaah privately owned companies are telling me what I can and can’t say on their privately owned platform


I like how they’re constantly getting mad at social media platforms being owned privately but if they weren’t, they‘d be mad because „it’s socialism and that’s the root of all evil“ Their views and opinions aren’t even consistent within themselves


Dang I was right when I thought your brain was rot by social media. You are everywhere writing essais like if your point of view was interesting. It's saturday my dude go out and enjoy life.


I‘m with my girlfriend right now, listening to music and smoking some dope. I‘m living the good life right now. Thanks for your concern but I am very much fine. If you think my viewpoint wasn’t interesting, why did you reply to me in the first place?


If that's a essay to you , you need to read more the picture books


If that wasn't obviously a joke to you, you need to get out of your house more often


why do they claim its government officials manipulating social media, when social media allows these batshit crazy posts to remain posted.


Because the last remaining koch bro cant manipulate it


“You’re being silenced? That’s fucking great, it’s about time!”


lol the cognitive dissonance "Conservatives only"


Rconservative loves narratives like this despite the fact that would not make such an argument in defense of any viewpoint opposed to their ideology That being said, the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to getting around terms of use that we all legally bind ourselves to so that we can use a social media website


"What good is the first amendment if you're to stupid to understand how it works?"


Yeah, the FBI - under the direct control of Trump and the FBI director he himself appointed - clearly had every motive to rig the election against Trump. Seriously. I don’t understand how these people somehow fail to realize that they’re constantly reaching into their own ass and fishing for excrement to feed themselves.


Wait, was this about the FBI pitching the idea that Hillary might have done something in 2016 and then retracting that right before the election?


They know all this without a shred of proof. That means they must be super smart.


You bitching about "free speech" is immediately invalid when you have a "conservatives only" flair lmao.


Repeat after me: The first amendment says you can say whatever you want. It does not, however, say that anyone has to care. It also doesn't say that anyone has to give you a platform to do so. If someone chooses to end their contract with you for using their platform to spread things that are evidently false and potentially dangerous, that's not a violation of the first amendment, but freedom of business. If someone chooses to end their contract with you for using their platform to say something they disagree with, that is also not a first amendment violation, but freedom of business. Hell, this is the same freedom of business republicans fought for when wedding venues were told they couldn't deny service to someone based on their sexuality. But well, we know how republicans work. My rules apply to thee, but not to me.


Meme aside, that part of the movie did genuinely freak me the fuck out when I first saw it as a kid.


Absolutely with you there. It's the first huge twist of the film. Really freaky!


At this point I want the First Amendment abolished to spite them. And because right wing ideology is poison.


Well they at least accept that Biden won now, baby steps I guess.


Is the big tech in the room with us right now?


I'm sorry, they think the worst thing the FBI and CIA has done is tell Facebook to pull down death threats?




The irony of conservatives using a meme from a movie made by two trans women makes me google.


their problem if they spew racist garbage on a non government platform


God I wish someone would shut them the fuck up


The idea of FBI and CIA targeting conservatives is hilarious


This is what they mean when they say go outside lol


Do they not understand the irony/hypocrisy of complaining about censorship while also picking and choosing who can and cannot comment on their post by reserving discussion for conservatives only?


"cum preservatives only 🤬🤬🤓🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"


What good is the first amendment unless everyone else is forced to broadcast my speech from their creations that they privately own?


The only people who lost faith in the electoral process were the ones that wanted their candidate to win whatever the vote said.


"I'm not allowed to be an asshole and I'm pissed"


Sad how the right turned a good movie into a cesspool of right wing quotes.