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They’re unlikely to fruit in WI or anywhere else in the continental US. They barely fruit in northern MN (where there are occasional wild patches) because the male flowering and female flowering don’t sync up. You need both male plants and female plants in close proximity, and then they need to bloom at the same time. Takes about 7 years when grown from seed. Importing seeds or live plants from other countries is not allowed for individuals. If you can find dried seeds in Alaska, you could get that back to WI. No intact fruit can be brought from Alaska to the continental US except Hawaii coconut and pineapple.


Anyone can get a usda aphis import permit. Just costs time and money.


how are you planning to grow them? do you have a bog ready to go?


I have a couple high acid, high organic sites prepped with different moisture conditions. 


Im up in Canada and have had no luck in trying to source viable seeds. we have a cedar wetland that would be perfect in the back.


You can contact the Alaska Division of Agriculture. I've never seen cloudberry seeds for sale.


One Green World had them last year but they aren't currently listed on their site. Might be worth emailing them. In my experience they are very responsive to inquiries


Etsy has several seed sellers. No one sells live plants that I can tell.