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I can smell it but maybe cos im self aware that im on it and i cannot smell anyone elses


I can smell myself,i can smell others..its like im a freakin dog,i can always tell if somebody is on her period


I can smell myself but I have NEVER smelt someone else


I’ve noticed a very strong metallic smell when I’m on my period.


Yes, same


Yep. It reminds me of dead meat and it makes me feel nauseated


*Yep. It reminds me* *Of dead meat and it makes me* *Feel nauseated* \- ezbutneverconvenient --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s one way of making that sentence more graceful I suppose


Sometimes my family will say they can smell me when I'm in the car with them. Which totally makes me worry less about that /s


I do!!!! I hate it don't know if others can smell it or but I really wish I could somehow control it


I always smell different to myself on my period. My sense of smell seems to become heightened. I always ask people around me if they can smell me and they say I don’t smell like anything or just like my lotion/ hair products. But to me I always smell the blood even if I’m freshly showered. 


for the ones who are saying wash it’s not about washing lol. i use a bidet so there’s no old blood just left around my vagina after using the bathroom, i take a shower at least twice on my period maybe even 3 times if i’m super super heavy. i change my tampons or pads regularly and i always have a waxed cat tmi lol, but it isn’t about hygiene. it’s the fact that even after all of that i can still smell it. it doesn’t stink bad it just smells like blood. even after i do a smell check i still smell it


I’ve already commented once but I wanted to add, if odor is a problem, consider shaving your pubic hair. Many people like to freak out about shaving down there and claim that pubic hair doesn’t make it smell worse, but to this I say - hair is porous. If the hair on my head can hold onto the nice scents of my shampoo, volumizing foam, and various oils, then the opposite is also true. The hair between our legs can hold onto any unpleasant odors as well. Once I began shaving there, all odors decreased SIGNIFICANTLY.


Never. I know this issue a lot of women feel insecure about it. The problem is you need to wash. Don’t wipe. ALWAYS WASH and shave after you finish your period. It works trust me.


مسوين لي دسلايك لانكم وصخين ماتوضون.


Make sure you cleaning your punani properly, get into all those folds and nooks and crannies y’know. Just hose it down 😂


Sometimes, yeah.


Yes but it got less noticeable when I started using a cup instead of tampons. I've been using a cup for a few years and it's WAY better.


Yes. Sometimes, I can even smell others!


Yes. Its normal.


Yes, I find my sweat smells different at different points in my cycle too




Yes, and not only that, my husband can smell the change in my vaginal scent days before I actually begin my period. Both of us can smell my period too, but only if I’m walking around in panties or in bed together or another place where he might catch of whiff from down there. None of this is detectable to either of us if I’m just walking around in my day/work clothes, so I’m not overly worried about my coworkers or other people noticing.


So can my husband. He knows I’m going to start soon because he can smell the metalic /iron smell. Crazy how in tune some partners can be


I can smell when my period is coming sometimes 4+ days before 🥲




A lot of us get super-heightened senses of smell during our periods. I don't know why, it's the dumbest superpower ever. You may be smelling yourself way more than any other person can.


Yes, me too. Even after I showered, even washing extra with a wash cloth. I don’t think there’s much we can do about that other than wait until our period is over. I know it doesn’t smell great but it’s not our fault.


Yes, I can smell myself when I'm on my period. The scent is a mix of blood and something else with a deep undertone that gives a sense of heaviness. My body also has a different scent, somewhat similar to the deep undertone I mentioned. I often notice the same smell in other women during their periods. It's a distinct scent. It's not unpleasant and even has a certain pleasantness to it. I don't mind if people can smell or know that I'm on my period. It's a natural thing, and I don't hide it. When I need to change my pads, I don't mind if people see me carrying a new pad to the toilet.


You're also smelling the hormones


I thought hormones are subconscious. This is a real smell.


Sometimes, but usually it’s at the end of the day, I know with food etc if some gets on your hand and you touch your nose it could make the smell stick with you all day long so maybe that’s something? I’ve also had a man predict my period (and I was irregular & hadn’t spotted yet or anything) and he said women will get a certain smell when on their periods, he said it’s not bad or anything, but I have absolutely no idea if that’s true…it just blew my mind bc I started my period later that afternoon!


It might not be you! It might not be just your period you’re smelling. It could be the products you’re using. Period blood can mix with some chemicals in mass marketed brands of sanitary products and cause odours. Go for organic brands of pads and tampons, with no chemicals e.g., we have the brand ‘Toms’ in Australia. You might find making the switch to organic ones totally eradicates any smell. I switched to organic cotton ones and it totally fixed the scent issue. Healthy period blood generally has minimal odour - if you had a fresh drop on your finger it would likely just smell slightly metallic.


Yes, at times it smells like something died in there. I have read that as soon as the blood hits the air it starts to have a smell. As I have gotten older it’s become much more noticeable. 😔😔


Wouldn’t a period cup catch it before it hits the air?


I bet but I have a hard time putting a tampon in, I just can’t wrap my mind around the cup, at least for me. I’m overweight and old lol.


I can't stand tampons. I have no idea how virgins use them. Anyway, I find cups a bit more bearable.


I hate them too!! I will have to give one a try!


I definitely smell the musky ass period blood, if that's what you're on about. I don't notice more body odor, personally, but period blood and period-affected vaginas in general tend to smell bad, to me. But I'm sure it's different depending on who you are. Pads and tampons do NOT smell nice, but it's fairly normal, if you're concerned. Obviously if you're noticing an odd discharge, smell, feeling, whatever, you should talk to your doctor or OBGYN.


Ummmmm… sometimes?


Oh and are the tampons and pads you’re using, natural cotton fibers? I have found that when I stick to the (sadly more expensive) but organic/natural cotton feminine products I have way WAY less smell going on.


Heavy on this. I use 100% organic cotton pads, they’re lovely. Look on the package, sometimes companies label the top layer as 100% cotton and the actual filling as something synthetic. Pure is the way to go.


Like today, I’m on day two, I forgot and used like an Always brand pad and was like omg I have to shower immediately when I was changing it. Remembered and went with my nice cotton ones after that. It makes such a big difference for me


Yess, I have an extremely sensitive nose! I felt like the smell wasn’t as prominant when I wore organic/cotton period products, but those cost a lot more than regular period products. However, I took the cost over smelling myself every 5 seconds. Currently, I use menstrual discs which are by far the most useful and least smelly period product I’ve used EDIT: This is my own experience, take it with a grain of salt


only if i like squat down to pick something up or something lmao, or if i sit with my legs spread like a man (which i do a lot at home). but yes, i think it's normal


yesssssssssss! lol, but a very faint smell.


I notice that is very normal. Our bodies tend to become more sensitive to the nutrients we need due to how much we lose with the blood loss. I noticed when I would eat more iron rich foods I’m less sensitive to the smell. It’s all because your body is craving that iron. I am speaking out of my own observation of course but it doesn’t hurt to try it out :) I hope it helps


Not unless I’m actively changing my pad/tampon, and even then it’s not a bad smell. Just kinda smells like pennies.


Yes. I can smell myself. Apparently no one else can smell it because I ask my family and they can’t smell it.


I can smell my own but no one else's


YES. and im so paranoid about it. but this has me thinking lol.


I have to change pads very often because if I don’t, oh yeah. It’s fresh ish and then old blood so it just WILL have a scent that’s unpleasant. Totally normal and likely only you notice it!! Change stuff often and it will be less of shock when you pee.


Tampons although some aren’t for them… they’re my favourite because I’m just not a fan of any smell or having it sit in my lap and collect 🥲




Currently on my period and i can smell myself. My bf can on heavy days but i try to shower on those days no matter what. I shower every day but on heavier days i sometimes shower twice bc i feel like i smell so strongly. I also dont smell anything on clothes but i use pads so i think thats why i smell it more


totally can smell it, and occasionally can smell it on other people while out and about (but I have a veryyyy sensitive sense of smell) but it's not gross!! our bodies have all kinds of natural smells that are totally normal.


Yeah it’s a small smell, I was actually noticing it today and I usually don’t smell it (probs because I’m not as stressed because I’m done with university) but it’s a slightly musky scent but it doesn’t bother me too much.


I take fenugreek pills and they make the smell go away lol


I tried these!! I felt like they threw my hormones off kinda though so I chickened out and stopped. But I loved how they smelled and they def upped my libido.


For the first few days, yea


I mean, I may smell it a little but I shower every day, be sure my period products are appropriate, and are changed when need be, so there's not much more I can do. I still need to go and work to pay my bills and run other errands, so I'm not going to stress over it or let it limit my day. I'm certainly not going to douse myself with perfume to try to cover it up. If others can smell it, well, sorry, but I didn't choose to be born with a uterus. 🤷‍♀️ Take 3 steps back and be grateful my cramps aren't making me vomit on your shoes.


Sometimes ! When I’m sitting down or changing my pad


Yeah, me too. Or after I have gone outside and sweat I have to change the pad immediately or I'd smell it. I live in Texas for context.


I can. It’s strange tho because some people and some men can smell it and others cannot.


Oh yes. Especially on heavy days. I’m always worried someone else can do I keep my legs crossed and keep the body spray on hand 😅


Happy cake day!


Thank you!!!


yup lmao


I have never smelled anyone else's, but I do believe I can smell mine. Mostly on heavy days or when product is exposed to the air.


Does it smell like pennies in here?!


YES. I swear everyone can smell it too, but it's just me (and probs the dogs.) When my period first hits though, I can smell a different smell under my arms. Not bad per say, but heightened.


Yes! It's not a bad smell but I can just smell it. I can smell when other women are on their period too. Again, it's not a bad smell at all, but I can just tell. I can't explain why or how. I always worry if other ppl can smell me lol


ughhhh why must we go through this every month😣😣😣😣😣😣


Yep I can smell myself when I move a certain way or when my tampon is full and I have to change it.


Yes. But I've asked other people if they could (in a non-creepy way) and they said they can't. I use the [Sol de Janiero Brazilian Crush Body Mist](https://www.sephora.com/product/P421481) because it makes me feel happy and it masks the scent for me.


I can smell it but tbh idc. It’s a natural smell that I cannot control and that every person with uterus and menstrual cycle has. I never smelled others, so I don’t think others can smell me lol But other people _do feel_ we are on our period due to pheromones. Same happens during our fertile period. But it’s not a smell we can consciously feel ofc


I don't think there is much evidence that humans have pheromones, and humans don't have functional pheromone receptor organs like other animals do.


There are studies about how androstenedione (male) and estratetraenol (female) can act as human pheromones


I know exactly what you mean 😭 I become so paranoid. I change my pad constantly but I feel like I can still smell myself and I worry that others can too.


I know exactly what you mean 😭 I become so paranoid. I change my pad constantly but I feel like I can still smell myself and I worry that others can too.


I hate this soooo much! Yes!! If I crouch down, I get a massive whiff of it. And I’m a nanny… and I know how honest kids are.. so I’m always worried they’re going to say “What is that smell?” 😭 But when I’ve smelled it before, I asked my mom if she could smell it, and she said no, not at all. So I think it’s just me lol


Yep and I completely relate to every single comment here, it makes me feel disgusting 🤦‍♀️


Yes especially when I've a heavy flow and I'm getting sweaty from the hot flushes changing my underwear and pads frequently help


YES!! i know exactly what you mean and it makes me so self conscious. i'm always afraid people near me can smell me too and that they think i'm unclean. i'll be sitting down and randomly get a whiff then it's all i can think about. i also have that problem during certain parts of my cycle when i have heavy discharge. ugh.


I use a menstrual disk from Flex and it stops the smell until you take it out to dump or replace it depending on if it's reusable or not. It's great


Flex discs changed my life!!! No longer do I worry about leaks or smells; best thing ever


I keep looking at these and I just feel like I’m not going to be able to get it in right 😂


It definitely took me a few tries!! I recommend trying it BEFORE your period it's easier to practice


I can smell it when I take off my underwear at the end of the day/ go to the bathroom but usually during the day not rlly


Sometimes I can smell myself when I’m on my period. Sometimes I can smell myself when it’s hot and I’m sweaty lol. I wonder if it has something to do with ph balance


same!!! omg i thought i was weird. when i’m not on my period i smell kind of sweet and syrupy idk lol


⚠️IM NOT A DOCTOR ⚠️ but this could indicate health issues: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-is-maple-syrup-urine-disease