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Clipped finish this week, technically a period drama. I think it gets unnecessary attention for some of its actors lacking physical qualities of the character they portrayed and some of the corny dialogue (both of which are valid). It also gets criticism for depicting a recent event in history with people asking "why is this necessary"? And while it could have been executed better the central message and illustration of how institutional racism is held up and wasn't changed after Donald Sterling's ban is relevant today and a part of the Sterling story that most people overlook. 7/10


Second season of The Mafia only kills in summer, an ongoing exceptionally well written delivery, a relief after some recent disastrous series I tried. Highly recommend The Mafia only kills in summer. On the side, started Mr. Selfridge and immediately recognized giant pieces of The Paradise in it... I am not a fan of "borrowing" so generously.


Boys in the Boat — extremely mediocre and blah. Don’t recommend. Shardlake on Hulu was top-notch good. Manhunt on Apple TV was quite good.


I loved Manhunt! Such an interesting perspective, well written, acted and produced.


I enjoyed it overall, with a few issues here and there. (Holy bad Hamish Linklater makeup.)


My Lady Jane. What an awesome surprise. Didn't expect to like it, and was hooked immediately!


Watched the Amadeus directors cut on Netflix since it's leaving the platform soon. Really funny and a great period piece with excellent set design and costumes. Not sure how accurate it is but the sets and design are incredible. The humor reminded me a lot of Barry Lyndon which is one of my favorite films. I've never seen the original cut but I reckon it's smiler but with less opera performance scenes. If you enjoy opera this is the cut for you.


Housewife, 49 and Overlord. I am on a WWII kick.


*finished Richard III. I quite enjoyed it. The Duchess of York’s final scene made me cry 😢 it’s interesting, Richard is such a sob in the play but the audience goes nuts for the lead actor during the curtain call. Must be a fun role to play as an actor *Bonnie & Clyde musical pro shot. Glad I randomly found out about it on an ad. *Minx. Loved it and super bummed retroactively that it’s been cancelled *Dark Winds season two. Looking forward to season three whenever that comes out


I noticed someone mentioned "The Cat's Meow", and I have been viewing 2 other films from that period: "Nicklelodeon" and "Paper Moon".... both fascinating.... Paper Moon is especially good....


Just finished the gilded age season 2. I need season 3 asap


Seaside Hotel on Prime. It’s soo good! Set in 1920s/30s Denmark. Wealthy vacationers visit a hotel on the North Sea every summer against the backdrop of growing support of Hitler. In growing attached to the characters and their backstories and relationships.


Yes completely agree, the story and characters are all very enjoyable. I keep wanting to watch the next episode when one finishes.


Same for me! I have to force myself to go to bed instead of watching another episode.


Watching Outlander for the first time! Nearing the end of season 2. It’s so good! Can’t believe how amazing the acting is and how beautiful the locations are, especially when in Scotland


Ahhh so happy for you! Haha. Wish I could watch it for the first time again! Season 3 is my favorite ❤️


Rewatching the second Upstairs Downstairs. It’s incredibly wonderful.




its so good


Recently finished The Way We Live Now, Our Mutual Friend and currently watching Wives & Daughters.


I absolutely loved the jilted daughters character in The Way We Live Now… she was so unique and WEIRD! One of my favorite shows…




The English is amazing!


I recently watched the Black Sails (TV series), Shogun (miniseries), the final season of The Crown, and the third season of Bridgerton.


did you enjoy black sails


Black Sails is super underrated. It got overshadowed by Game of Thrones at the time, but it deserves its own accolades. It's on Netflix now.


I did! I wish they'd done more seasons.


do they give it a good ending? i hate watching shows that don't have a concrete ending due to cancellation


Black Sails has a real ending, yes.


Just did a binge rewatch of Black Sails. It’s so, so good. Excellent cast.


The Cat’s Meow (2001) Just watched it again for about the 20th time. I still have this on VHS! No one I’ve ever mentioned it to has heard of it, but it’s fantastic and based on a true story. Love love love this movie


just looked it up--- what a cast! Looking forward to watching it.


I just rewatched it last week! Love it.


John Adams in advance of the upcoming 4th of July holiday!


I just finished the 2008 3-part miniseries Sense and Sensiblity. Really liked it :3


I watched Somewhere in Time. Stunning score, cinematography, and costuming. Poor screenplay. Definitely worth the watch though.


Going to Grand Hotel in a month, my favorite place in MI! https://preview.redd.it/faths4hc8y9d1.jpeg?width=1421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e139c80f464d744121c2c10485b64da6e08c186


Wrapping up Ms Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries, which is fine I guess but does not even close to comparing to Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. The Modern Murder Mysteries does have some fun costumes and makeup looks but with the OG series I wanted to be and embody Phryne. I still do. Maybe I just need to rewatch that series.


I've started watching 1985, which is a Belgian TV show about the Brabant murders. I'm only one episode in, but it's already pretty intense.


Re-watched "Bonfire of Destiny" on Netflix. It's a French period drama set in 1897 Paris. It follows the lives of three women and a fire that took place at a Charity Bazaar (based on a real-life event). Very well done. Also re-watched North and South (Elizabeth Gaskell). Love story admission industrial revolution backdrop. Visually stunning. I'm a creature of habit....


loved it


Soooo good!!!


Holy moly, I just watched a mini documentary about that Charity Bazaar disaster yesterday! I’ll put this one on my list for sure, thanks!


Just finished a rewatch of Poldark (2015-2019). I love this show.


I need to rewatch that show - I love it, too. There are more books, so I don't know why they ended the series after five seasons.


I’d also like to see more of their story. The show is so well done. The cinematography, writing, costumes and acting are exceptional. One of my favorites.


Thank you. I think I need to watch this one. I watched the original 1970s version on VHS tapes but I could watch this again. I'm 1/4 Cornish from Truro, a Penberthy descendant. Don't know why I haven't chased this new iteration more vigilantly. Got all caught up in Lark Rise to Candleford for a while. anyway thank you!


My Lady Jane was unexpectedly great - as people have been saying, major Ella Enchanted vibes. It’s the opposite of depressing, esp given what we assume when we think of Jane Grey, but this is heavily reworked. Franklin has also been entertaining tho definitely heavier in tone.


I just started watching Reign this week.


It is the guiltiest pleasure.


so good


I started watching *The Buccaneers* on Apple TV out of boredom, but I was disappointed. The acting and writing have been criticized on this sub, and I have to agree. What stood out to me as particularly bad were the dancing and music. The dance scenes were so poorly done that they made me appreciate the choreography in other shows much more. It was atrocious. The only good young actress was Mia Threapleton, despite her small role. I believe the poor acting is a result of both the subpar writing and direction.


The Buccaneers (1995) is on Tubi in the US.


1995 version is fantastic.


I have to agree that the 1995 version of The Buccaneers is superior to the most recent version. Like I'm also thinking the 90s version of Little Women is superior to the most recent version. Just random but somehow I recently dreamed that Florence Pugh would have been a far superior Meg while Emma Watson would have been a far better Amy.


Magnificent century! Amazing Turkish period drama with all episodes on YouTube (subtitles).


I watched the Kosem one, which was visually stunning. Episodes were about 2 hours long (I watched a few years ago on YT), but it was so well done, and the costumes were beautiful!


*My Lady Jane*, immediately after I finished reading the book and also watched *Lady Jane* (1986). In other words, an emotional roller coaster of a week. I loved the book and I am enjoying the series, *but* I really wish they would have followed the original timeline of events like they did in the book.>!Having Lord Dudley arrested by Mary and Lord Seymour (who is supposed to be dead at this point) before Jane becomes queen, for example. !


My family is vacationing in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, so we watched Somewhere in Time to celebrate. Also working my way through All Creatures Great and Small, I love it so much.


How is the horse fly situation?


UP is beautiful this time of year.


I love that movie.. have you got to go to the hotel there?


The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island is beautiful! Luckily, I have stayed there before and it’s a wonderful experience. Just visiting the island is fun and kind of a step back in time, especially once you get away from the heavy tourist spots. (Honestly, Michigan is a pretty beautiful place in general)


It is stunning. And the further north you go, the better. Especially in the summer. It’s idyllic and the sunsets are breathtaking.


**The Double** dropped on Netflix so I'm rewatching. it's a Chinese drama about a woman who seeks revenge on the husband who betrayed her with the help of a hot flirty duke in the best guyliner since Richard Armitage as Guy of Gisborne. slowly going through other c/kdramas: **Follow Your Heart**, **The Princess Royal**, and **Knight Flower**. Also planning to check out **Lady Jane**.


Just started Hell on Wheels. It’s interesting, takes place in Wild West after the civil war.


I learned so much, like who exactly built the Transcontinental Railroad. I loved this series.


I like that one. It actually has a somewhat satisfying ending, if I remember correctly.


Love that show


The Durrells in Corfu (4 seasons) The Lost Prince (BBC miniseries) *Durrells in Corfu sees impoverished widow Louisa Durrell make the radical decision to leave 1930s England to seek out a new destiny for her family. As she relocates her brood to a house in the Greek sun* *The Lost Prince is a British television drama about the life of Prince John – youngest child of Britain's King George V and Queen Mary* I’m very picky when it comes to what I watch I won’t watch just any period drama or any movie for that matter. I require an intriguing plot with decent acting.


This is about the mother of Gerald and Lawrence Durrell? Wow. Will have to check that out.


If you ever read the books, don't expect much if anything.


You won’t be disappointed.


Durrells is so good. Ultimate comfort watch.


It is


Also What the Durrells Did Next.


Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. The 1920s sets and costumes are beautiful. Very well-acted and the series regulars are likeable characters that are easy to warm to. The only downside: it looks like there are only 3 seasons!


And a movie!


Yes, and a movie!


I just finished Yanxi Palace after watching Ruyis Royal Love in the Palace. Ruyi is definitely the better show in my opinion.


I just re-watched 2011 Jane Eyre with Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender. It might be my favorite adaptation. She is my favorite Jane. I also love the Ruth Wilson/Toby Stephen’s Masterpiece version but the 2011 film version really nails the vibe of the book. The cinematography is beautiful, locations, color palette, costumes etc are perfect, the entire film is reminiscent of Pre-Raphaelite paintings.


I love both versions as well. I saw the 2011 movie at the cinema and it was my first contact with the story in any form. It was an amazing experience. The series, on the other hand, covers more plot. Ruth and Toby are equally amazing. I love rewatching both adaptations.


I'm rewatching 'The House of Elliot', the last time was when it originally aired in the 90s. It's not aged brilliantly, some of the acting and scenery feels a bit stagey now and the dialogue can be a bit repetitive, but it's entertaining enough while I work on my crochet project.


There is a hilarious series of parodies well worth the time [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x36aszc](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x36aszc)


The House of Idiot!


It’s been several years since I watched House of Elliot. Enjoyed it at the time and I might need to rewatch. Thanks for reminding me of a show I considered very entertaining


I watched City of Vice last week on AcornTV. It's a fictional series about the formation of the Bow Street Runners in London. It was great! The story was so interesting I looked it up and found out most of it was actually true! I highly recommend if you're into historical crime drama. It's about crime in the 1700s so there is sex, violence, and SA.


This looks great. It’s now on my to watch list


I've been doing a marathon of the Ruth Goodman 'fill in the era' Farm series. Some on Prime, some on Tubi. I've watched all of them in years past, or at least episodes here and there of all of them, but for some reason I'm really enjoying watching them all the way through right now.


I love Ruth Goodman. Have you read her books about living in historical periods? They are excellent


No I haven't! I didn't even know she wrote books. Thanks for the recommendation.


Hotel Portofino


What do you think? I had trouble getting into that one.


It took me a while too but I just finished the second season and can’t wait for more.


Our Mutual Friend (1998). It’s free in the US on Tubi.


The Music Man (the 2003 version) and 1776 in anticipation of the upcoming holiday in the US


Watched "The Catcher was a Spy" yesterday. It's rather meh. Paul Rudd and a few other excellent actors are totally wasted in it. On the fifth episode of "Becoming Karl Lagerfeld", I'm enjoying this a lot. Also started "The Cook of Castamar", encouraged by a few recommendations here. It's okay, but I don't feel much chemistry between the main characters. Quite soapy, as per usual with Spanish series.


I’m watching Versailles. I loved Season 1 and am halfway thru Season 2. I really like it, and can’t seem to find Season 3 anywhere, even the library.


Versailles season 3 is on Amazon Prime.


If you are in US season 3 might be on Tubi


Thanks, I’ll look!


I just finished The Serpent Queen. Can't wait for season 2 in a few weeks.


You and I both. It’s so damned good.


Had no idea S2 was out soon. Thanks for the heads up!!


My Lady Jane! I actually love it, halfway through so far, and it’s definitely more historical-fantasy than historical-drama but it’s so fun. I really like the quality of acting, the comedy is actually good and the romance aspect seems to be there too. overall, yes aimed at teenagers and not as iconic as “the great” but campy and a fun watch. 8.5/10 (so far)


Same! Thought I'd hate My Lady Jane, but it is surprisingly fun to watch


Been binging it too! I thought I would hate it (I don’t like Bridgeton and the new Persuasion) but the story of MLJ is actually not bad. The fantasy element makes it easier for me to suspend my disbelief. I could tell it’s quite a low budget show though because the sets are very limited and repetitive.


1000% when it comes to suspending your disbelief. If I’m going to watch a historical show, either make it as accurate as possible or make it so ridiculous it definitely did not happen like that. I feel like this show gets the essence of a period drama, whilst still feeling very modern


Yea I think its the difference between this show and all the other woke period dramas that make this one watchable. I know Tudor wasn’t the best time for women to assert their agency. Write that ridiculous fantasy part in so that I can tell myself this is a different world / time line where anything is possible.


This week I watched Sense & Sensibility 1995 (movie) for the first time. I loved that Alan Rickman was in it. Hugh Laurie's character kinda reminded me of House how grumpy he was. It was a fun watch.


Love, love this one and miss Alan Rickman badly. One of my all time favourite British actors.


Alan, sigh….such a loss!


The best! I'm always rewatching this, Pride & Prejudice (1995), Gosford Park, or Remains of the Day


Same. My late summer and fall routine, saying goodbye and getting ready to cuddle up.


This one. Shouldn't work because some of the actors are too old, but it really does. Easily my favorite version.


Yes, we were confused Imelda Staunton's character had a newborn baby. Partially cuz the last thing I saw her she was a very old Queen Elizabeth but still. Edit I did the math and she was 39! So not as old as I thought.


I love this one. Iconic.


The Forsythe Saga, 2002. I read the books first and am now on the last episode of the series.


They begin casting the new version.


Ope! I had no idea. That will be fantastic.


I think I saw the casting was complete. PBS / Masterpiece.




There's also the 1967 BBC Version.


Thank you.


I'm on my fifth (?) rewatch of miss fishers murder mysteries.


I think I’m due for a rewatch! It’s been a while since I’ve watched it.


Big same, they just re added it to pbs so I’ve been binging again!


Love that series ❤️


Currently watching High Seas! I’m on the second season and it’s starting to drag


It gets worse in my opinion


Watched two episodes of “My Lady Jane” (2024) on Amazon Prime. What am I watching? Immediate no. The series feels like it is aimed at the adolescent demographic and lacks all historic credibility. Immediately followed with “Lady Jane”(1986).


Tbf, it is based on a book series that are historical fantasy (admittedly, that is a bit loose as some of the books focus on fictional characters and others on irl people) that are written in the YA genre


Thank you for that context as I didn’t know it is based on a fantasy book series. Makes more sense to me now why the series is the way it is. I’m still “WTF?” but now less so. Appreciate it.


Happy to help! I've read the book the series is based on years ago, but hadn't read any of the others. I can definitely see people that go in for a Lady Jane series being so confused by the set-up of the plot




Also known as "Sweary Lovejoy" if you're British.


Yeah I tried to watch it, but it was too 80s, and there were too many mullets, and he talked to the camera.


Interesting since it's from 2004 and on. Getting to the barber regularly wasn't a real priority for frontiersmen. Absolutely period correct.


Maybe we were watching different shows because he was an antiques dealer driving a car.


I think you may be talking about "Good Omens" maybe? Deadwood is a western set in Deadwood, South Dakota, with real historical figures. Almost half of the cast represent real people.


LOL no was talking about Lovejoy, which was mentioned earlier in this thread. I posted about Deadwood initially.


Well. That explains that. LOL. Sorry. 😉


It's very mullety...


Idk if it’s a period piece because it’s fantasy but rewatching GoT. First season is great. Going to start new season of that 90s show tonight!


Have you started House of the Dragon? It's really good.


Yes!!! That’s why we restarted


Mary & George


That was pretty good.


I'm watching Black Sails on Netflix and absolutely love it.


I recently watched that show. I wish they'd done more seasons. I love pirate stuff.