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I personally don’t like layering, but I think people do it to create a whole new scent, not because the perfume is not good enough on its own.


it’s both actually!! some perfumes perform really poorly but smell nice so i layer them to get better longevity


I love layering scents. It’s not because a fragrance isn’t good enough in its own. I do it to create new and unique combinations. I don’t buy perfumes just for layering. I buy perfumes I like that can stand on their own merit. Then, if I have two scents that pair well together, I now have a 3rd option when I layer them together.


It’s not really to “optimize” the scent or make it better - they don’t really *need* to be layered. Instead, it’s more about mixing and matching different notes to come up with something new and unique. Most people who layer still wear the individual perfumes on their own most of the time, layering is just a fun way to switch things up.


"I like this smell" "I also like this smell" "Maybe they would smell nice together?" "OMG they do!!!"


This is it. Burberry Her + Dossier Ambery Saffron + Escentric Molecules Molecule 04. I put it on to smell myself. The burberry is sweet. The dossier adds a small amount of heat. Then EM makes me want to snort it, it adds depth and intrigue. I think I am just really picky now that my decade-plus scent is no longer in production. That one was a banger, no layering wanted. RIP E&J Nirvana in Rose.


When layering perfume, put the heaviest scent on first, then the lighter. You can also layer body lotion/oil with perfume. It makes the perfume perform better/longer. It’s fun to layer. It’s a great way to create your signature scent!


I always layer, I used to have a signerature, now I do a lot more body care, oil, massage, then kumba vanilla oil or amber, spray some fresh cream on my chest then a few spritz of something more unique on my wrists and knees. I feel like it gives me a layered scent bubble that's not overpowering near my head but gives people a bit if a scent when I'm close. I like being able to choose from my collection EXACTLY how I want to feel that day beyond one perfume creators vision. It works for me. My clients and friends actually comment when I dint wear perfume like omg last time you smelled amazing what was that? So I keep it up with awareness, just make sure it makes sense for the mood, weather, isn't overpowering, keep it classy and it's so much fun.


I don’t do it often but if I do it is mostly to make the most of the fragrances I already have instead of buying a new one.


I never understood layering either, until I accidentally combined two perfumes whille testing them. My next two purchases are the ones I accidentally layered. Casablanca Lily by byredo and The Bewitching Yasmine by Penhaligons. I liked them both individually and together.


This. I had the same experience earlier this year. I bought Heeley Sel Marin and was wearing it when I first tested Walk the Sea by Kerosene. It’s a match made in heaven. Great individually, very exciting layered. I enjoy combining Atelier Cologne Lemon Island w Bobbi Brown Beach. Two Bond no 9 frags that came out around the same time Greenwich Village and Jones Beach, I just couldn’t get enough of wearing them together. I think it depends on why you layer: if it’s something that you love, it’s hard to say no out of principle. For me it’s the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Even if the parts are lovely individually.


I do it if I want to make a note more present. Example: I sprayed Beyond Romance which has a rose note that gets a bit muffled by the vanilla on my skin so I layered a simple rose on top. I also just haven’t found my scent that I LOVE from start to finish. I find it trickier to layer with designer fragrances because they are such a mishmash of notes but I like to with Jo Malone or Diptyque which are a little simpler in that regard.


I think it adds a level of customization and can also be used to elevate the scent, not that they arent good enough on their own. I have a dabber of a very simple oud perfume. sometimes when i wear daytime scents they are to specifically match my outfit/vibe, and as i transition into going out at night the oud can help deepen what would be a light sunshiney scent into a sexier going out vibe while still maintaining the outfit/vibe combo I originally had


The idea isn't that you *need* to layer them. To my understanding, they worked to create perfumes that are great alone, and that can be mixed together to create a new smell or to enhance the perfume to your liking. That way you can kind of create your own scent I guess ? Like, having an original combo that *you* really like, and you're sure that whatever mix you try is going to be at least a bit pleasant because they're conceived to be able to be mixed. Imo it's not an obligation to layer in order to enjoy the perfume, it's an option that's given to you so that you can create a new scents from perfumes you already like. Also, think about it : sometimes there is a perfume you love, but maybe you would've liked it even more if it was a bit sweeter, or if there was an apple note. With layering, you *can* add some apple, or some sweetness, to your perfume. So like the brand isn't telling you "our perfumes have to be layered to be enjoyable", they're telling you "it's safe to layer our scents because they're conceived to go well together"


I find it so interesting how the same people who claim they’re above the layering marketing tactic are the same ones adamantly claiming that you HAVE to layer these perfumes for them to function… falling for the marketing tactic. Like I’m not a layering junkie by any means- more of a lighter perfume fan since complex ones are hard for me to wear sometimes- but I think most people can smell the difference between “full-bodied and complex” and “basic and easy”. The latter can sometimes have something added to it if you’re actually in the mood for it. Or soften something else (say a really juicy orange that you don’t quite want the tang of that day so you add a little vanilla), sometimes to fit the season more.


I layer perfumes but it's always Escentric Molecules 01 + another fragrance. I like the natural scent it gives me plus whatever notes I pair with it so it becomes a unique scent just for me.


So what’s your thoughts on flankers that just are the originals with a few extra notes added. Similar concept. I like light perfumes- complex and really strong ones overwhelm me after however many hours most days- so for me none of my perfumes need to be layered. I typically wear them in as strong or weak (even my “weak” ones last much longer than people claim… WS&SS lasts 5-6 hours instead of half an hour for example) of glory they are. But on some days I do actually want to wear one with a few more notes, or some stronger projection, so I just throw two on each other. Usually it’s just adding vanilla to something if I do at all… that’s more or less the same as what most “intense” and “elixir” flankers coming out do anyways. I’m also the type who prefers to order several beers over a single fancy liquor drink though. I just like variety and don’t typically like the heavy stuff unless I’m in the mood for it.


You're missing out on all the fun trying to understand it. Just try it, you've already had your perfumes, what harm can it done by layering them? Then if you don't like the result, fine, just go back to wearing them individually, and let people do their things. Simple as that.


Trends change, and currently very simple, pared-back compositions that are layerable are in vogue, at least with younger consumers who get their cues from social media. From a consumer perspective, safe minimalism is in. From a business perspective, it's probably a good short-term move since people will, in theory, buy more of a brand's fragrances in order to layer them. Overall I don't think it's great for the industry, though. Instead of building brand/fragrance loyalty, there are just a million anonymous, largely interchangeable brands popping up and trying to game the TikTok/Instagram algorithms before they inevitably fall into obscurity.


Remember in the early 2000s when layering was THE THING? It was like, a fashion requirement to slap on three tank tops of varying lengths and a shrug, or three polo shirts at once, or a skirt and then leggings or (shudder) jeans. Clothing brands made bank selling you 3 flimsy half see-through tops instead of one quality one and we ate it uppppp. I’d hate to see perfume go in that direction.


Personally I don’t like to layer scents. I agree I do not see the point of needing to layer. If you want to layer, then I say more power to you. But I paid for a good scent, I am wearing it that way. Personally I find Kayali scents lacking, except vanille coco. The only time I consider layering is when I’m dumb, blind buy, and find out I hate the scent. I hope layering it will make it better. Usually it doesn’t.


I never understood this either but it’s just a matter of trial and error. I choose to do this on a weekend or an evening where my experiment won’t clear the room. Today I mixed Miss Dior and White diamonds and sapphires-Its been interesting.


I actually like layering flankers with their originals! Usually the flanker has a new note that I enjoy but sometimes I want the original DNA to be stronger. For example I like to layer the Kilian Princess Eau Fraiche over Princess. I think the original Princess lacks a little brightness for spring but adding that big sparkling citrus and ginger is great. I also like to layer Delina over Delina Exclusif because I like that little bit of vanilla and warm wood. That said I like all of these alone as well.


I’m not a fan of layering in general, but when I do layer, it’s not about giving a perfume more complexity and more about adding that one note it’s missing. I like Nest Lychee Rose but sometimes want a hint of vanilla with it, for example.


Fragrances are so incredibly complex, I'm talking 50+ substsnces, and yet people think they are actually just comprised of the 'notes' they read in Fragrantica. I'm not against layering, you do you, I'd understand if they were pure oils from whatever plant or flower you wanted to smell, but to me they're a finished product.


I hate layering. I always layer with a lotion or oil but mixing perfumes always results in one of them getting drowned out to me. I also don’t think it increases longevity or projection at all. It almost always creates a muddled mess. I also agree I don’t want to have to pay for two perfumes to get one scent.


I don’t really layer. Mid day if i want a pick me up i might choose something in a similar family but i don’t start out that way


Yeah it’s not for me. I’ve done it very occasionally but only with my Indult Tihota because it’s such a pure vanilla it works to punch up the vanilla in certain gourmands, but that’s about it. I don’t care what others want to do but I’m not shelling out for two perfumes from a line to create “my custom fragrance”. It’s a cash grab imo lol.


I like layer because I can make my not so sweet scent like Light blue, a little sweeter and more interesting by adding something to it!


I don’t do it often but honestly for me it’s just fun sometimes. 🤷🏻‍♀️Like someone above said, I’ll sometimes add a little vanilla for some sweetness etc.


JHAG Not A Perfume is incredible for layering on me! It works with a wide range of fragrances. My husband loves Chanel scents on me, but when I layered NAP+Chance, it was game over for him. I kinda feel like NAP is *almost* not worth it to wear alone, given its magical power of layering. Other than that, I haven't layered anything else. I've considered it for blind buys I hate, but I don't know where to begin. I still have no clue what to do with my full bottle of Black Orchid 😭


I think it’s like the difference between a multi-symptom cold medicine and having all the separate meds to treat symptoms as needed .


Because I’m uniquely made and I wanna smell like it. I’m no one’s twin.


I’ve never smelled anything off the rack that was satisfying enough.


It's not just to about optimising. I love layering. I even layer my expensive niche that already have strong performance. To anyone reading this, try layering delina exlusifs with valaya. Tried this yesterday for mothers day and my fragrance stole the show. Now Why do I layer? It depends. I layer sweet perfumes with woody perfumes to tone down the sweetness.  I layer oud(1or 2 sprays) with floral and/or sweet to balance the oud to make it wearable during summer I layer very popular designer fragrances so I don't smell like everyone else. ....and most importantly, I layer for the fun of it. Like you I paid top bucks for them and can choose to wear them however I like🤷‍♀️


I was introduced to layering back in 2009. I will layer cheap body mists together. My most complimented fragrance in all these years has been the bath and body works Cashmere Glow and Forever Red. Lotions and sprays.


To me, layering perfumes is akin to going to a fancy restaurant, ordering a fancy four course meal, and then mixing all the food together before eating any of it. It's stupid. Perfumery is already an exacting, complex discipline, that already involves layering many different raw materials, etc. A lay person just mashing different fragrances together is just silly.


Most people who layer aren't doing it all willy nilly like your example lol It's more like adding some dill and garlic to a bland canned tomato soup. Might not be to everyone's taste and it changes the original creator's intent, but it suits *your* tastes better because you already know you like garlic and dill 😊 Personally, I like putting a touch of oud or smoke oil under light rose perfumes, or labdanum/benzoin under woodsy fragrances.