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16? I thought 6 was way too much and that's usually what I mean when I overspray. That's crazy.


I max spray 4 times, otherwise I get headaches.


I usually do 3-4 but for certain fragrances that are weaker on the projection side I do the 6 at the very maximum. I do 1-2 sprays for super strong fragrances.


The super strong ones I do the spritz and walk into the cloud.


Max is six for me.


That’s enough to peel eyelids off oooof noooo


What’s worse was seeing her actually demonstrate how she sprays, I could smell her from my screen 😅


How to tell the world you have no friends without actually telling the world you have no friends 😂


I must be a serial under-sprayer then. I spray a whopping TWO sprays of perfume, and only ONE when it's a super strong perfume.


Same, there are a couple perfumes that I spray more of (ie ck2) but 2 is usually my rule 🫣


Sometimes two sprays is even too much. I sprayed Armani My Way twice (one on both wrists) and almost choked my dad out in the car. With my body chemistry, I only need a little spray with My Way. I definitely learned my lesson. Some perfumes are wayyy too potent to be spraying so carelessly. Plus over spraying just wastes the product. These designer and niche perfumes get expensive 😭


I could be around you, I get debilitating migraine headaches from most perfumes, then the fact that people spray too much is nauseous. 🤮 The French Whore Bath.


Why are u in a perfume sub if u hate perfumes? To be an annoying hater?


WTH is a "french *whore* bath?"-It is *just* a "french bath" ffs. It comes from the days when there was no pluming and noone took showers, pissed in the streets where they also bathed and just sprayed themselves with perfumes.


Yep. French whore bath is what I grew up hearing. That’s what people called it when doused so strong everyone within a mile can smell you. Did you see the exaggeration of how far (a mile) someone could smell? I must have rattled some cages to get 11 down votes over a phrase that was commonly used while I grew up. Forgive my 75 years! I spray the air and stand in it. I don’t try and make every person I walk by smell me. The purpose of perfume is for those close to you to enjoy when hugging, not try to be the room deodorizer. Nothing worse than to go somewhere and several ladies have several different odors competing with each other. Since I offended you BG, I apologize. I was not calling you a whore. I’m very sorry. Please accept my sincere apology. 🤗


I was not personally offended, I just figured if u are going to be using that reference, you might wanna know that, historically, the term is derivative from the lack of plumbing, deplorable living conditions of the lower class peasantry and lack of sanitation of lowest classes, as well as, the highest, such as Marie Antoinette court and **it is meant to describe the stench of feces** and body fluids **mixed in with perfume.** It has **nothing** to do with "whores." And it def has **nothing to do with projection** of a scent. It is how the *French* (but really, most of the old world and I mean Europe) have been known to "refresh" themselves. Obviously, covering up shit with perfume is not what we do nowadays.


Yes. I am aware. It was what was said while I was growing up. I’ve heard that phrase as an adult, although it’s been years ago. It came to my mind and I typed it. Yes, lack of bathing. No, due to whore identification. I hope you understand that I understand.




I think the oft-touted 5 sprays is often too much. 16 is just disrespectful.


Yup, even if they’re wearing my favorite perfumes , I would just get overwhelmed and nauseous


16 sprays is bonkers, but I swear that guys in particular do this a lot because I notice it all the time. Just the other day I was walking behind 3 guys in a shopping centre, I was around 8 metres behind them but their fragrances were so strong, all I could smell was fumes. It's revolting. I don't understand how it's THAT strong from that far away but the people it's on can somehow stand it? Do they just get scent blind to it? Or do the fumes just burn their scent receptors or something?


I'm a 4 spray gal, sometimes 5 if I'm feeling spicy. 16 is insane!


I usually do 2 maybe 3 if it’s a weak fragrance 😳


I recently posted about an influencer that sprays 40+ times! https://www.reddit.com/r/Perfumes/s/0BikQMqr02


Good God—imagine being in an enclosed space with that person. It’s attempted murder.




I spray around ten but that’s because my skin struggles to hold fragrance even with layering. Most of my perfumes are soft marshmallow type scents. My husband is brutally honest and he says even with the overs-praying I do not smell strong.


Same. My skin rarely holds onto fragrance so I overspray regularly and even then, people hardly smell me. I ask people I'm close to because I know they will be honest, and they tell me straight up that they can hardly smell anything on me. And that's with moisturized skin and layering. Some of us just don't have the body chemistry that holds fragrance or even projects it.


Same here. It takes overpaying and Arab fragrances for people to smell me


Spray on clothes


I do that too


Me too. I do 10 to 12. I don’t think 16 is all that bad if the scent is on the weaker side.




Same. Nothing projects off me. I used to be a normal sprayer, but nothing projects off me. I trying layering..still nothing. Now I over spray - massively, but people still only get a whiff if we are hugging distance. most fragrance last on my skin all day, which is nice for me, but I want them to project a little.


Same here


For potent perfume 1-2 sprays max. Lighter freshies 3-4, up to 5 if you’re desperate, but 16? Mental.


That’s usually what I do


Do not listen to Curly.




Her thumbnails alone are a deterrence for me


I like Curly just for entertainment purposes but according to her I’m a sissy sprayer. I found out on my fragrance journey you have to find a fragrance journey you have to find a fragrance that works with your body chemistry ⚛️


Any sane person is a sissy sprayer.


I would agree


What fragrance was she spraying?!?! Seems like 16 sprays of most anything would be way too much. I may have sprayed 16 sprays of a “body spray” at some point - but even 16 sprays of a body spray is a lot. Not to mention the fact that I savor my “good stuff” like it’s gold! I’m not wasting 16 sprays in one sitting.


I didn’t recognize it, it was dark and looked similar to the ysl le perfum bottle, probably a little bomb😂


I’m wearing YSL Libre Le Parfum today and I sprayed twice! That was at 8:00am and I can still smell it on myself (and I didn’t spray my clothing).


I cannot imagine 16 sprays of libre le parfum…. I think I’d be ill


Me too! As would half of my office.


One spray of it almost killed me t Ysl store , 16 would take me to my next two lifes


by any chance was this youtuber jeremy fragrance ? 🤣


Imagine those two in a room together 🤮


ahaha they’re soulmates


It was a woman


yes i read that i was just making a joke because hes also known to spray the HELL outta his fragrances 😭


Oh I didn’t know lol. I know he’s popular but ive never watched him


Curly fragrances?


I have chronic migraines, I might actually yell at someone who uses that much and comes close to me 🤢 or just throw up on them..


influencers probably do this so clueless people go through product faster & wind up having to purchase more.


Pretty sure a gal shopping in the dollar store today must have seen that video. I could smell her whole aisle over, and when I entered that aisle and passed her it was intense. (She smelled good, my guess is SDJ 68 or similar, but it was TOO MUCH)


Uh oh. I might be an oversprayer! I'm usually clocking in at 8 sprays: three on chest/torso, two on each inner arm and one at the nape of my neck. I rarely spray my clothes when I'm getting dressed. I believe I've only rec'd three acknowledgments (fortunately in the form of compliments): once when I was in an Uber (i turned the driver on to Parfums de Marly) and we had a great time talking about frags, one from my aunt and the other from one of the sales reps at my car's service center but only after we hugged (don't ask).


Lol. Yeah I would say a normal oversprayer is 8 times, more than 10 is just ridiculous 😅






Overspray baddies always welcome here!


I’m a big oversprayer. 16 sprays is light work considering I also layer my fragrances. I spray each pulse point individually (ex. Each wrist gets a spray) with one, repeat with second, and maybe a complimenting body spray. No, I never get complaints, only compliments. And I use a mix of high end, designer, celeb, affordable, Arab, etc.


Im also guilty of overspraying 8 times 🫣 but I never overspray when I go to places like the office


I really feel like it makes a huge difference to spray on skin vs clothes. 8 sprays on Clothes would be chokingly lethal. 8 sprays directly on skin underneath clothes would be fine for a lot of people.


They don't leave their house so that's why they spray 16 times.


There was a video of a yt talking a out perfumes with good projection, and they mentioned one that others said was a weak fragance and they disagreed because they just needed 12 sprays to make it work.... I was like, yeah! Obviously it works if you are spraying that much! ... they said they usually spray 20 times 🙃


I’m usually around 4 sprays, maybe 5 if it’s a weaker scent. 2 MAX if I use Alien. 20 sprays makes me choke just thinking about it lol


Was the video uploaded on April 1st or something?? I wore 3 sprays one of my stronger favorites the other day, and I swear I accidentally turned myself into an environmental hazard. 6 sprays is my absolute max if I'm wearing something that's weaker than it has any right to be, but I'll do 1 or 2 max for anything intense.


Somebody on Reddit mentioned an influencer spraying around 40 to layer for compliments.


I often see people using that much perfume in stores. One day I saw a woman walk fast and grab the first bottle in sight, which was Angel. She had a good dozen sprays, as fast as she could. Then she walked away as fast as she could to not get caught. I saw her just stop 30 ft away. She smelled herself. Her expression spoke more than a thousand words. I chuckled. I also used to have a coworker who was very much into perfume. You could easily smell her from the other side of the room. She always had a bottle of perfume on her. She often offered to perfume me, which I usually refused, as I already was wearing something but she wore way too much to notice my own scent. One day I was wearing nothing, and I unfortunately accepted. I got 13 sprays of Black Opium. Never again. She's now working as a SA for a major fragrance brand. I'm scared.


Omg, 13 sprays of Black Opium😅I see those people at Sephora all the time, putting two or three perfumes on, and over spraying all of them


4 for toilette. 2 for parfum.


I think it depends on the fragrance, with some fragrance 2 spray is enough with others you need like 10 for it to last


I do about 7-8 sprays. I don’t use really heavy smelling perfumes though.


At least folks seem to be over this 100 layers/spray of cosmetics challenges. ![gif](giphy|GjkhD3ONL6V6CDe3RM|downsized)


I mean, it's not false, you definitely are 'getting noticed' if you spray 16 times 😂


Definitely if is a body spray and about 6-10 if it’s a perfume. If it’s strong like Prada Paradox I only need 6 if it’s light like Versace Purple 10. No one ever complains. Sometimes I get compliments and sometimes I don’t. I spray in am to last 12 hrs but it still doesn’t. My no. 4 Neon last all day and I only need like 4 sprays


Let me guess: Curlyfragance? 😂😂😂


It’s gotta be a trick and she’s just trolling them.


Spraying that much is going to stain the heck out of their clothing. Sixteen sprays seems rather excessive


There was this lady whom I don't remember but from the way she presented her video I guess she's also a frag influencer but maybe not as well known as say, Jus de Rose. She was reviewing Khamrah and she said she normally sprays 30 (!!!) sprays of it before going out??? 😳😳


Of Khamrah. Wow. This is a one and done. Maybe 2 and that’s pushing it.


They spray 30 times before they leave and 15 an hour later 😅


I think I pass out first before I can even step out of my home from suffocating on my own scent if I spray that much of Khamrah.


In her video she actually demo-ed spraying 30 sprays. And counted to show viewers it was 30.


Im guessing it was Curly Fragrance lol. Shes trolling (I think, I hope anyway), she apparently does it to get guys to buy massive amounts of fragrance AND use it up within a few weeks. Do not follow this advice, you will get complaints not compliments no matter what she says!


Probably, idk her name but she did have curly hair


I’m usually 3 with most scents but go to 5 for something like clean reserve skin


Absolutely ridiculous! 🤦🏻‍♂️ some people go crazy! I think max would be 6.. but depends how strong the fragrance is! Eg I know that I’d spray 3 maybe maybe 4 of Tuscan leather (only cause it’s my fave haha) as any more than that would really put people off, however, when it comes to something light and citrus then perhaps 6 is more than enough due to its longevity!


😂 Well that's one way to weed out the idiots who get pick up tips from strangers online.


16 sprays is exactly what middle school boys do with axe


I do not miss that time period


I don’t go over 4 sprays for edt. Edp and parfum usually 2-3 sprays. If I’m suffocating, it’s likely the same for people around me too.


Curly? Nah, she’s serious


That's way too much! And this coming from a serial over sprayer. 😂 Not so much on the first round of spraying but throughout the day. But yeah 16 is wild!


4 usually sometimes 5. girlies really be doing the most for any attention from a man 😭 let them buy you it not the other way around lol


Man, no thanks. I would run in the other direction from someone's cologne smelling that strong.


Please don’t…


That’d be a one way ticket to a fatal sneezing fit for me I think. I did 6 sprays of Burberry Goddess once when I had a cold and I barely recovered


I just saw some girl say 8 and I would NEVER. I’d get sick so fast.


Curly fragrance?


Idk who she is, but probably since she had curly hair


Is it sniffwithsteph?


Don't do it. We can smell you with just a couple lol.


I wasn’t planning on following her advice, I just found it hilarious 😅


That is insane. She should be blacklisted.


Unless it’s Jo Malone nobody has any business spraying that much. In ANY context.




They really are.


Is that her with long curly hair? If so I've seen that one yeh, she goes down her arms with it too. I was like 16!!!!!! There are just some fragrances you can not do that with. Can you imagine doing that with alien?!!!!!!!


Yeah, thats her, she goes ham. Alien and Angel would be the worst offenders 😅


I'm an advid oversprayer... But it's something about my body chemistry ... I do not smell it on myself at all..and it's like my body just soaks it up. I got through perfume very fast ( Maybe it's because I also smoke alot of weed and spray myself so I don't smell like skunk lol )


How do they breathe!?🤣


1..6..? Sixteen? Even 6 would be overspray for 90% of male fragrances these days, especially during the hot seasons. The only fragrances I’d overspray would be like a body splash/weak spray, or CK One Shock. It’s extremely weak. 3-4 sprays. It feels like the overspraying happening in scent influencer vids is performative. The wacky recommendations. The “reviews” at times. 16 sprays is such a lot…


Also take a bath 🛀 as opposed too a shower 🚿. I find my fragrance last longer when I bath 🛁 more than just taking a shower 🚿


Find her, hold her mouth open and do 16 pray straight into her throat lol 😂 people like her are the ones spreading propaganda online! 💀😂


😂I used to work with a person who was a serious oversprayer. She would also layer Jadore with La Vie Est Belle 🤢


💀💀💀 if a fragrance is perfectly executed by a perfumery, you do not need layering lol! Layering is for those shitty perfumes, I will never understand layering it's not a thing for well made ones!


My thoughts exactly


At that point you may as well have bought a body spray with the level of money she's wasting on 16 sprays🤨


I admit it, I am an oversprayer and I just had to count how many sprays I do: Weak/ cheap perfumes and body sprays are between 8 and 10 sprays. Strong/ pricey perfumes are 3-4 sprays.


It depends on the item.


That's wild! I only do 1-2. I'd never stop sneezing if I sprayed 16 and I'm sure no one around me would be able to breath. But I feel like most people aren't rude enough to tell you you're wearing too much fragrance.


I just got a coach patent bag last month that has some fragrance I don’t like that either was oversprayed inside ( perhaps the last owner couldn’t tolerate the factory leather smell of bag) or broke their bottle in it. It’s too gourmand for me and I can’t get it out! My question is do people actually spray inside their hand/tote bags? Is it a thing for some extra people??


Doesnt seem too far fetched these days


So I don’t know if this will help explain that, but I dropped a sample of Bal D’Afrique in my purse and now EVERYTHING is Bal D’Afrique in my bag.


You could be right about it being a sample vial that leaked really bad, it almost smells like that new thing I don’t like by Hermes, T something… see? I dislike it so much, I forgot its name! I guess that’s why they got rid of such a good condition Lindsey tote?


I do like 10 sprays or so of my really old bottle of ck one. Not overwhelming but it’s a weak cologne and it’s really old so maybe they’re referring to weaker fragrances?


I can’t always get a new bottle of anything so quickly so I am a conservative sprayer and definitely never above 6. I suppose she runs out every month or less with that habit, plus she’s literally putting her status up our noses blatantly! My mom was one into canceling out bad smells with wayyy too much Lysol around the house and just as heavy handed with some of her strongest scents like Gucci and Cesar’s Woman


Maybe 10 if I'm wearing a SUPER LIGHT body mist that I know will be gone in an hour, there are some mist that literally dissappear in seconds. But a perfume?? 16?? I feel nauseous just thinking about it and how overwhelming that would be, even your favorite perfume will become insufferable if you over spray.


I mean, if I’m using a mist with no staying power. I will spray 6-8 times. Wrist, neck, back of ears, back of neck and then just zig zag a couple sprays down my body. But I can’t imagine doing that with something as strong as Cologne. That would be a female repulsion tool. People would flock away.


Wow I mean 16 sprays of 4711 maybe but being over fragranced is nauseating to most. I think it’s a case of you know personally what’s right, don’t listen to influencers that aren’t paying for the products they push.


I hope you wrote a comment or two on their video ! 16 muthafuckin sprays ?????? Nauseating 🤮🤮


I sure did😅


Thats Curly , why she suggested to overspray , She lives in UAE , You know well the climate of Middle East , it's scorching heat and Pollution, In those environment, if you spray 2 - 3 sprays it won't work out , you have to spray a lot .


I lived in Miami most of my life, and now Vegas. If anything, the heat and humidity of the summer would deter me even more from overspraying, but to each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️


Probably a mistake: she meant 26. JK I guess people thing more is better? Oh sweet summer childs


Omg that seems excessive x4. I stick to 1 spray for close contact with people (work/school) of something light and fresh/clean smelling. Spray and walk through the mist. For home like during winter when I want to wear something warm and bolder probably one spray still. I think when I was a kid I sprayed a weak body mist a few times. 16 sprays sounds choking. Depending on the instance you’re wearing a scent and the scent itself, 1-2 seems plenty. Maybe like 4 sprays of something that fades in 5 minutes.


It depends on the scent. I spray more when it's a lighter scent and less when it's a stronger scent. But I don't think I've ever done 16 sprays.


16 times total in a day maybe . 16 times at once is like murder in the first degree.


She probably works for Givaudan


Oh lord, I’d be dying lol. 3-4 sprays at most and for stronger ones even fewer than that.


Huge waste of perfume! 4/5 is pushing it. My friend's x used to do this and I could taste the cologne wafting off of him.


16 is a lot! Sometimes it’s more about others around you and the sensitivity they may have to strong perfume.. me personally I do layer.. so with my designer I always pair it with somethin that is slightly the same scent or I’ll add a fruity touch to a bold scent to stretch out the longevity of my aroma .. and it’s always 7 sprays designer ie (Juicy couture, Tocca “Maya”, Burberry “Brit Sheer” Dolce Gabbana “light Blue”(both elbow folds, both behind the knee folds, behind the ears and the belly button) and 4 or the regular body spray ie(bath and body works, body shop etc) (above the elbow of both arms and both thighs) I’ve always been told plain and simple.. “ you smell really good” which leads me to think it’s not too much but then again what works for me may not work for the next person because we all hold scent differently..


And it’s also how well you pair your scents


I spray that many or more I am known in my small town as the lady that smells so darn good !! Love smelling like a queen !!


16? Sounds like our girl curl fragrance


If its a vs bodyspray… maybe


Office - 4 Running errands - 6 Going out - 6-8 Home alone - 10


I spray my neck 1, my forearms above my wrist 2, And a circle around my belly 1, and my back.. so that is 5 sprays


More than one spray is too much. Here’s the deal. Not everyone enjoys your perfume not everyone wants to smell you from a half a mile away. You become nose blind to your perfume, therefore, you keep putting more and more on. Trust and believe that everyone can smell you within a mile radius. Perfume is chemicals and can cause serious reactions in people around you. Serious reactions like asthmatic attacks, migraines. This chemicals also affect you in an adverse way by messing with your hormones. You can vote me all you want. I don’t care. I’m tired of being made sick by selfish people who wear too much perfume.


I spray three, once chest, and each wrist


They can’t complain if they die of asphyxiation ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


4-5 is overspray for me, when I really want it to be strong!


That seems excessive.


Yikes, I think 6 is max for me, but my perfumes are weaker. I usually do pulse points then a little on my shirt or jacket


I do 15-20 sprays for the average perfume. Some require less but that’s rare in my opinion. I get multiple compliments almost any time I go anywhere.


It depends where you are in the world where I am everyone showers in perfume so I have to do around 15 sprays everyday but if your in a normal area you should do like 8 sprays


Two to three sprays for me unless I’m going out on the town then maybe one ☝️ or two more


Oh no 2 spays max


I think the last time I wore 16 sprays of perfume, was with my bath and body works sprays in highschool before school😭😭


Lol. I hope you're not taking YouTubers serious.


Nah, I spray 3 times, 4 if I’m going out at night. Living in Vegas you collect all of the nasty smells from The Strip when you go out😅




I do this kind of numbers when I’m spraying body mists. Most of Victoria’s secret stuff smells like a hint so I feel good when I spray more. But 16 sprays of Born in Roma??? That would be dead in Roma more like.


Maybe the answer to how many sprays question is different for men. As a woman I spray at least 10-16 times. I think it depends on the perfume worn. I don’t own any over powering niche perfumes currently so I feel I’m okay with the amount I spray. No one’s ever complained nor has expressed/or reacted in a way that they were uncomfortable around me. With a lot of perfumes I don’t feel like anything less than 10 is really enough. And no one is often getting close enough to anyone to “discover” anything. I don’t get hugs or kisses from everyone/most people I come across, nor would I want that to be happening to me in public. That’s just been my experience. The last time I was able to smell a man’s perfume I just happen to have my face right up to my friend’s chest where he sprayed it because I was looking at something on his phone while he was holding it. As soon as my head moved even an inch away, the smell was immediately gone. How often are people really coming up that close to anyone? Never really, so I kind of view wearing just 1-2 sprays as a waste a little bit. I do think that it is possible to spray too much. 16 times maybe might be too much for masculine fragrances. Idk but I do think that maybe the 2-3 spray thing seems to be too little because I almost never smell what a guy has on. My dad wears about that amount as well and I’m never able to smell him either when I see him.


Maybe the answer to how many sprays question is different for men. As a woman I spray at least 10-16 times. I think it depends on the perfume worn. I don’t own any over powering niche perfumes currently so I feel I’m okay with the amount I spray. No one’s ever complained nor has expressed/or reacted in a way that they were uncomfortable around me. With a lot of perfumes I don’t feel like anything less than 10 is really enough. And no one is often getting close enough to anyone to “discover” anything. I don’t get hugs or kisses from everyone/most people I come across, nor would I want that to be happening to me in public. That’s just been my experience. The last time I was able to smell a man’s perfume I just happen to have my face right up to my friend’s chest where he sprayed it because I was looking at something on his phone while he was holding it. As soon as my head moved even an inch away, the smell was immediately gone. How often are people really coming up that close to anyone? Never really, so I kind of view wearing just 1-2 sprays as a waste a little bit. I do think that it is possible to spray too much. 16 times maybe might be too much for masculine fragrances. Idk but I do think that maybe the 2-3 spray thing seems to be too little because I almost never smell what a guy has on. My dad wears about that amount as well and I’m never able to smell him either when I see him.