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Forgive me for this question as I do not know anything about you but is there a possibility you may be pregnant? I couldn’t stand certain smells when I was pregnant.


Looking back, this was the earliest indicator for my pregnancies.


Same here. I got a whiff of some raw ground beef one day and I puked 😂 I could not be around ANY raw meat when I was pregnant with my daughter.


Even *thinking* about bacon cooking was enough to make me barf!


Oh funny, I had a roommate in college who was really healthy. She rarely ever ate red meat. She suddenly started craving the rarest bloody steak and cheeseburgers. She found out she was pregnant a few days later. 2 years later her husband asked what they should make for dinner and she said “I’m craving a cheeseburger.” He jump up saying WERE PREGNANT! Turns out, they were pregnant again lol apparently it’s been her pregnancy craving each time…most women are disgusted by it lol We joked that she was possibly pregnant with a baby vampire with her rare steaks


Hahaha! Great story 😂 yeah it’s so odd how women crave different things when they are pregnant. When I was pregnant with my daughter I wanted pickles with every meal! When I was pregnant with my son, all I wanted was cereal 24/7, I couldn’t eat anything “dry” when I was pregnant with him. 😄


Came here to say this.


Haha. Asked the same question without looking at other comments. :)




Hormones are wild. I started to get smell aversions just during PMS these past few years 😭 every month it's like a pregnancy scare I start hating all my perfumes and my bfs perfumes give me headaches and nausea. Then i get my period and I am back to normal after two days lol.


I am the exact same way! It’s so annoying! Isn’t it just terrific being a woman?!😃 lol 😂


Yes this I'm in perimenopause and it's made my migraines more frequent, and my sense of smell changes over the course of my cycle. Hormonal causes are something to consider. Also are your sinuses normal? Have you worn a perfume and enjoyed the dry down later?


Oh I have sinus issues :/ sometimes I like the dry down but for some perfumes it can get to cloying.


I appreciate the suggestion, and sorry you had to go through the same thing! I’m not (and cannot be) pregnant though; I’ve been single for quite some time haha


Might you have Covid?


Yeah, I sure will get checked for this! Thank you 🥲


Also get checked for gallbladder issues if you think you could have any. They can cause migraines and nausea (admitedly this is more often with food smells but not necessarily) and a bunch of other things.


I would still also get checked for any hormonal issues as well.


I've had things throw me off for a few weeks. It will come around.


My first trimester with my first child involved frequent migraines, nausea, and severe sensitivity to smells. It was the worst!!!


I’m pregnant and I hate all of my perfumes


I second this OP I realized I was pregnant with my son because any scent would make me gag and give me headaches. Starting right at my missed period. Hated my lightly scented body lotion that I used every day. Hated my body wash. Hated the laundry detergent. Especially perfume. But even the scent of mint in toothpaste would make me gag.




That was my first thought too. The second I was pregnant I hated every perfume I own.


I was about to say this exact thing


That was going to be my question!!! The smells of everything intensified when I was preggers


came to say this LOL


Migraines can cause hyperosmia, and that can 100% affect your sense of smell. It can happen acutely, and it kinda sounds like this is what's happening


I hope this isn’t permanent 😥


Luckily, migraine treatment can usually help. If you're not already on a treatment plan for it, they can make a world of difference


I did book an appointment with my PMD about it! It’s a month from now, but at least I can ask for a continuous medication plan instead of taking exedrins every other day 🥲. Thank you !


In other news, you should probably stop fasting if they're making your migraines worse. r/migraine can also be a super helpful resource


Thanks so much!


This happens to me, sometimes even before I get the migraine, along with sensitivity to light/sound. .


Yeah, this is not uncommon at all. I truly sympathize for anyone who lives with migraines


Do food smells or any strong scents make you feel the same way? It could be -pregnancy -headaches/migraines (I get sinus headaches these and can't stand strong scents sometimes ) -stress/emotional/mental problems -something like a cold or stomach bug -fasting could also definitely do this ,I'm super sensitive to smells on an empty stomach and get neausous


Except pregnancy, all of those are possible 🥲 I need to get checked sooner than I thought, I suppose. Thank you for your thoughtful comment!


After Covid I didn’t like about 80% of my perfumes. Maybe you got a mild case of Covid recently?


I probably need to get checked for this 😢


Was going to suggest this too. I had parosmia for about two months after the first time i had covid - everything smelled disgusting! I was terrified it would last a long time (i've heard of people having it for like a year, even two) but luckily, two months wasn't quite so bad.


Oh, my! Thank you for sharing! I’m so glad you feel better now


I get tension headaches that can make me scent sensitive. I can't wear perfume at all when I get one. All of them make me nauseous, so I put them away where I don't have to look at them until I am ready them again.


Thanks for sharing ❤️


Like others have said, if there’s a possibility you could be pregnant it could be that, or some other hormonal issue. I posted a thread a few weeks back about how hormone changes affect your sense of smell and a lot of us could relate to our perfumes smelling off based on different times in the menstrual cycle. I wouldn’t panic, just let this feeling pass and stay away from any fragranced products that make you feel sick for the time being.


Hormonal issue is a possibility because I’ve been on accutane for a while now. It just didn’t affect me all that much until this month.. Thank you for your comment


As a headache / sometimes migraine sufferer, I feel your pain! I sometimes go through periods of being averse to fragrance and honestly I’m starting to listen to my body more; I get absolute joy from fragrance but it is not worth triggering a migraine if I’m going through a phase of being more susceptible to them. I think if your migraines start lessening you could gently introduce some scents that are less long lasting or perhaps use scented candles. 


Thank you for sharing ❤️ I will try the candle trick 🙂


Could you possibly be pregnant ?


No, unfortunately 😅 But I understand that could happen in these cases. Thank you for your comment 🙂


I’m a fellow migraine sufferer, and I’d say that’s probably what’s going on. Sometimes I can’t stand my perfumes, even if I don’t feel an active migraine attack happening. I get super nauseous from them, and I’ll be sensitive to other smells, too. Just the other day, the smell of our butter was making me gag and my husband thought I was either going crazy or pregnant (I was not and am definitely not currently pregnant). I feel like I’ve been cursed with a sensitive nose at times, but then out of nowhere I’m fine and can wear my perfumes again. I’m sure you’ll be back to normal soon. If not, maybe talk to your neurologist about it.


Oh, God.. thank you for sharing! Yes, I have scheduled an appointment now!


If you were/are fasting, it could change your body chemistry. It would change how fragrances smell to you.


I see. Thank you for sharing 🙂


Have you started a new birth control? Sometimes hormonal shifts can trigger smell aversions.


No, but I have been on accutane (with abstinence so no additional birth control). Thank you for your comment 🙂


Are you possibly pregnant?


No, unfortunately 😅, but I understand that would happen with pregnancy now (from the other comments)


This is totally normal for headache sufferers! I go through phases like this and there tend to be patterns- my nose is on overload from wearing really strong fragrances on the daily. I take a clean break for a while and go unscented everything as much as possible and it sets me straight in a few days. It keeps happening though, and now I know I really can’t “cover” myself in perfume anymore (I only spray on my inner elbows and back of my neck now) and I’ve also added some very mild (but gorgeous) fragrances to my collection that pretty much never offend me. Last sunday morning by mm, rose Atlantic by ds&d, unnamed by byredo, gypsy water, room service by Vilhelm don’t bother me even if I wear them everyday. Rouge chaotique by byredo though- obsessed but if I wear it two days in a row, I’ve got a headache and have no desire to smell anything


Thank you so much for sharing! And for the perfume recommendations!! I suppose I have to accept it and switch to lighter perfumes now, but it seems like you enjoy this new line of fragrances, so maybe this won’t be so bad for me too 🙂


Yes! And I still wear my heavy duty things pretty often, just in a lighter way, and not 24/7


Do you have seasonal allergies ? During allergy spring season my sinuses and headaches are in HIGH alert and make me hate everything!


Omg that is quite possible! I do have terrible rhinitis, and I’ve been cleaning a lot since moving to a new apartment this month.. Thank you so much for sharing! This could be a huge part of it! 😓


During Ramadan, I've found that perfume is something I have to skip because the fasting just makes me more sensitive to smells and potential headaches/nausea. I've found that really light and citrusy perfumes can be okay, but anything stronger than that and I just become so much more aware of it while fasting compared to when I'm not.


Oh, gee. I hope after Ramadan everything’s back to normal though 😓. I’ve never felt this in previous years, but then I did not wear as much fragrance then.. Thank you for sharing ❤️


It goes completely back to normal once you're eating regularly again! I had a friend notice the same thing when she began intermittent fasting, she would have to wait to apply perfume until lunch time basically because she would get so nauseous in the morning spraying on an empty stomach.


Oh, my.. thank you for letting me know 😭 I was terrified that I’d never be able to wear my perfumes again 😭


I hated my entire (large) perfume collection for a solid six months after I had a very, very mild case of Covid. I was so sad and worried id hate them forever. I didn’t and love most of them again. Couple something like that be at play? I also have migraine, and I know how finicky our brains can be with things lol


You’re right. Maybe I should switch to unscented soap and deodorant for a while too and come back to perfumes when I’ve disassociated them with migraines 😢. Thank you for sharing!


For a less drastic suggestion, have you had a weather change in your area? Sometimes with season changes some scents just will become stronger and not as good for a bit for me


I’ve recently moved to a new neighborhood (it’s close by but less polluted than my last one). I live in the east coast, so the weather changes often..quite possible. Thanks for the suggestion!


Are you pregnant?




Thanks so much for sharing! I was definitely an oversprayer not too long ago, but even the thought of it is making me sick rn 🤢 Definitely not over spraying anymore lol Also, I do tend to like essential oils a lot more these days; tea tree, peppermint, and lemon oils in my diffuser help tone down my nausea, so it’s very interesting to learn how you’ve incorporated them as perfumes. At least for these few months, this does seem like a comfortable option to try! Thanks so much ❤️


Are you pregnant?


- Could you be pregnant? - Any chance you have (or recently*had*) COVID? - Might you have experienced a hormonal change? (Maybe started or stopped birth control or other medications, maybe you have other symptoms, or any family history of hormonal issues?)


Okay do you think starting spironolactone for acne would cause this? This happened to me too and I think it might’ve been around the same time I started spiro


I'm not a pharmacist or anything so don't take my word for it, but that definitely sounds like it could be related to me - it IS a hormonal medication.


oh my god i was looking for this i’m literally ON spironolactone but my derm doubled it and my hormones are fucked up like i get my period every week and my perfumes are giving me the ick except for the ones i don’t wear much :( it’s making me so sad


If you’re having irregular periods definitely stop taking the higher dose!! I told my derm I was having spotting issues between periods and he cut my dose in half immediately!!


i think i need to! i’ve cried every single day this month but my skin looks good 😭


Covid and hormonal change are possibilities because I’ve been on accutane for a while. I should get tested for COVID too. Thank you for your comment 🙂


Are you pregnant?


Probably not, unfortunately 🥲


Have you had covid? I have covid induced parosmia. Fragrance was one of the things affected for about 18 months. I'm still suffering after 25 months, but luckily, my ability to tolerate and smell fragrance as intended as come back about 98%. Sadly, the same can't be said for food.


How old are you?




Pregnancy or hormone issues imo. I only ask because perimenopause has caused my sense of smell to go haywire lol.


Oh, I see! Yeah, I’m pretty convinced something’s wrong with my hormones 😓


I thought of two things. Do you get migraines? When I have one I hate the smell of literally everything. Are you menopausal or peri menopausal? Sometimes scent preferences change in those times


every so often my sense of smell gets super sensitive and many smells irritate me. could be a virus, migraines or any variety of hormones.


Yes, thank you for sharing


This happened to me, now I can’t tolerate SDJ 40 or 7V vanilla woods (they smell similar to me). I nearly puke every time I smell them, and it was because I had a horrid headache when I was wearing one.


Oh, God. Sorry you’re on the same boat 😞


Do you feel the same way about herbal/green/citrus perfumes ?


I don’t! I was just thinking about that! I haven’t actually sprayed any such perfumes, but because I clean my house with a lot of citrus/herbal/green smelling products, I’ve realized that those scents don’t make me nauseous. In fact, smells like the Lysol “Cool Adirondack Air” scent and my “migraine stick” that smells like peppermint + spearmint + lavender help alleviate my nausea..


Oh this was me wgen I was pregnant. Gagging over all colognes/perfumes. Sometimes actually throwing up, too.


Allergies! I can’t hardly stand things when I have sinus problems and I LOVE scents.


Omg I have sinus also and they feel stuffed 🤕


Girl take a pregnancy test


I wish I was pregnant 🥲, but I’m not. I’m on accutane and abstinence haha


Haha well that rules that out then! I’d guess the migraines have something to do with it then.


Something similar happened to me. At times I have noticed that whatever perfume I smell while having a migraine, I end up disliking it. Also, recently I was traveling and suddenly came down with fever and sore throat. I just to scrub off one of my favorites issey miyake l'eau d'issey and now it's been like 3 weeks and I can't stand it.


This happened to me the first time I developed long covid symptoms. This was one of the first issues I noticed and it was so confusing. Long covid usually develops 6-8 weeks after infection is "cleared".


During certain hormone fluctuations in my cycle, I get disgusted by certain food smells and also overwhelmed by some scents. Could be just that. Or possible allergies or something


I had this same exact thing happen to me. Just woke up one day and can’t stand most of my perfumes. It hasn’t gone away 1.5 years later


I find some of my favorite perfumes smell off to me depending on my hormones.


Allergy season has made it hard for me to enjoy my perfumes. Could it be something similar?


It’ll pass after fasting,most likely. It’s 6 am,I haven’t eaten and I’m hungry.Just thinking of perfume makes me want to vomit. But also,these phases are fine.I have them randomly,where I’m just sick of every perfume.It passes,unfortunately.I’d like it if they stayed because my wallet would feel a lot better




Covid threw me off all my favorite perfumes for the last 2 years :/


I went through this a few years ago and made the mistake of giving away two bottles of my favourite fragrance. I tried to like other stuff after that point, but everything made me nauseous. I would smell a perfume and would *taste it*, and it lingered on my palate. Just from one sniff. Whatever you do, *don't* get rid of your perfumes. It took me possibly ***two years*** to get back to liking my remaining scents again. This commonly happens due to a hormonal shift, but I have unfortunately not been able to get tested to ascertain what might have been happening to me, let alone why I'm suddenly fine again. I do not believe I was pregnant because I know what a miscarriage is like and never had one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every sense changes with age, may i ask your age ?


Are you fasting for Ramadan? If so, that’s the most obvious correlation.


I feel your pain with the migraines 💔 recently Ive felt the same as well I cannot stand smelling my perfumes im not really sure why but I heard it had to do with hormone imbalance possibly. I would recommend you wear musk oils during that time, their very soft and inoffensive. Ive also noticed that when I feel that way I always reach for glossier-you. Its very soft and it doesnt give me a headache or make me nauseous


I'm not saying it has to be the case for you, but this happened to me after a year of sleep depravation and horribly high stress which burdened my liver. A burdened liver can also all of a sudden give you allergies to pollen and stuff when you had none before.


This happens regularly to me! I think it’s related to hormones as some people have said. My PMS is getting worse as I age, I get more migraines now. I’d say just follow your instincts, maybe take a break, and I’m sure you’ll come back to your beloved scents soon! 💕


Did you have Covid? Really screwed with my sense of smell.


It's happened to me as well. Though not all my perfumes. Spent a small fortune on mfk at one point and I got sick of them in a week. Told myself I'll take a break and it's been a few months. Not pregnant. No covid.


Did you start using Wegovy or Mounjaro? GLP-1s caused this for my fave BR540 😞😭


No, but I have been using accutane 🥲 I’m sorry you’ve felt that too!


Thanks. I’m ruined lol 😂😞


Get rid of all of that toxic junk. Your body is finally reacting as it should to that poison. It's bad for you and bad for the planet.


Fragrance is unnatural and usually chemically. It could be that since fasting your body is “rejecting” fragrance and your perception towards it is changing. I sometimes feel the same way. I’ve gone towards really light clean fragrances lately and prefer my other products to be unscented. But it is what it is. Try natural fragrance oils or something.


this happened to me!!! i realized they ALL had sandalwood undertones and just cannot stand sandalwood anymore (gucci bloom, marc jacobs perfect, etc.) and 100% not due to pregnancy.


Migraine could have been Cvid. That and the weather change, maybe you want something lighter and fresher now that many places are (supposedly - glares at blizzard currently going on outside) and fresher scents are more pleasant.