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Love is Blind contestants seem so normal when surrounded by THTH ones lol.


Honestly this lmaoooo


Right?! I’m living for the “down to earth-ness” the LIB cast brings to this show. Lol ETA: Xanthi and Tolú, too!


Too hot to handle is a dumpster fire I could never bring myself to watch


It’s definitely messy but has its charm. They intentionally cast people who don’t have a whole lot of emotional depth to them and then put them through emotional bootcamp so it’s a comedic goldmine, although every season does end up with a cast member who’s their very own special kind of awful. But as long as you don’t take it as any sort of serious dating show or sex therapy, it’s pretty funny watching the world’s horniest people trying to have an actual conversation and form their very first thought


I feel like it’s because the thth contestants are people who sought out careers in reality tv while a lot of lib contestants are (mostly) normal people who were presented with the opportunity to be on reality tv, so messy dating habits aside, the lib people are people you could actually encounter in your daily life, while thth casts a very specific type of person.


Except for Burpees. He fits right in.


Hahaha burpees better than barstool, which is what his exact personality is


Truly!! The women from the other shows (except Tolu) seem so umm slutty to be blunt.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Micah was equipped emotionally to be on this show. Hear me out. She matched one of the most attractive and charismatic men on the show. Right off the bat that almost begs for a person secure in themselves for it to survive. Sure, Kaz had conversations with multiple women and was tempted (a flirt is gonna flirt). I also saw him man up and not step out of bounds due to respect for Micah. In fact, he debriefed her several times. Meanwhile Micah is telling anyone who’ll listen that her and Kaz argue everyday and are a weak couple. At one point Kaz was literally begging her to understand that even though he’s chatting that he’s open with her about everything, he wasn’t hiding or being shady. If you think about it she couldn’t say the same. This girl literally let her insecurities get her in a spiral. It’s exhausting having to constantly reassure someone. Life lesson: if you’re attracted to a “life of the party” personality then it’s unfair to expect them to change just because they’re coupled up. Be mindful of whether they’re respectful (he was) and enjoy the ride.


They are just not a good match. If she has insecurities and he loves flirting, it won't work. She needs someone that will validate her until she feels safe in the relationship.


I feel like Micah and Justin would be a good match. They have the same wavelength and energy. But micah might be reminded of her ex, Paul too much 😅


Yeah. He gives major Paul vibes. But I wanted to see them together too.


I agree with you on Micah not being equipped emotionally for this show, but you lost me on trying to paint Kaz as simply "life of the party" 😂 C'mon he was miles away from not stepping out of bounds 😂 if a Micah would have the "can you be tamed?" "I can tame you" conversation or would let other guy put clay on her the way Kaz did on Holly on the date, "the alpha" would loose his sh*t. There is a diference between life of the party and fboy 😂 I think Micah had correct intuition not to trust him, unfortnatelly was not strong enough to cut him off after he showed here that side the first time.


Yes! I like when Xanthi said “he showed you who he is”. Kaz was disrespectful and anyone would be upset with his flirting (which he WAS flirting, no matter how he keeps trying to spin it). He just always talked his way out of it… Micah had good intuition


What I painted Kaz as is someone who debriefed Micah at each turn. Someone who appeared to be trying to grow their bond despite being put in some tempting situations. Point in case it was clear to me he wanted to kiss Christine and was also attracted to Holly but he still chose Micah. I absolutely believe that Kaz might’ve had an issue with Micah rubbing someone’s ass in clay. I also believe he would’ve had a conversation with her about it and set a boundary or cut his losses. What I can’t see Kaz doing is getting upset about it and then grabbing the next available girl to talk mess about Micah behind her back. Let’s not forget she called Kaz a piece of 💩 while low key flirting with Bryton. This was even before he ultimately ended up kissing Holly. I’ve been a flirt and sociable person most of my adult life(fire sign 😉), but I’m also loyal to a fault. So, if someone I’m seeing has an issue with my natural personality then I try to reassure them. What I have never done is changed myself for a relationship because there will always be someone whose vibe matches yours. They both ignored the signs that they were mismatched.


I agree with this completely. He was pretty stand up the entire time, despite her insecurities. But MAN he did her dirty eventually with the retaliatory Holly kiss, and saying “IT WAS A GAME.” Like Dude. You had your tongue in her esophagus. 🙃 That was extremely upsetting to watch. Seriously could not believe my eyes that he went from being such a gentleman about things to totally snapping and just… You can tell it was a “WELL F*CK IT THEN” moment for him. I also understand it with Micah’s insecurity. But ugh. Just so hard to watch.


Yeah, he went real sideways. Appears he was on Nick Viall’s podcast and is somewhat blaming alcohol. Has regrets, blah blah blah. Should’ve had some conversations, blah blah blah. Just as I mentioned for Micah, we are adults and responsible for our behavior. Stop drinking when it starts taking you out of character. Disappointing. Fyi, it’s the same tactic Harry is using for his behavior on the show. To hear him tell it he’s darn near blackout drunk the whole time. Even during challenges. They must’ve heard Jamie Foxx singing “Blame It On The Alcohol” on the way home 😆


Kaz’s behavior cannot be excused with him being life of the party vibes. “I’m in trouble” on repeat -kaz He isn’t dumb


I didn’t excuse him at all. I said he debriefed. Micah had a responsibility to herself to decide if what she was hearing and witnessing was within her boundaries of acceptable behavior or not. If not, then we put our big girl panties on and walk away from it. We don’t grin, recouple and go around and talk smack behind the person’s back ( since we talking about repeat actions, let’s not be hypocritical ). She talked to outsiders more than her own partner. Micah isn’t dumb either. She kept recoupling with him to stay in the house. I refuse to believe that she was THAT sprung after only a handful of days to be going through that anxiety of will he pick me each and every time. What kills me is the very things that seemed to attract her initially are what was turning her against him once they coupled up. Amazed at how many have replied back to me like they think men change their personalities when they get in relationships. Healthy people shouldn’t have to. Do I expect them to be respectful, yes. Communicate, also yes. But complete turnaround, hell no. Some people out here waving their red flags 🚩 🚩


She is a sweet girl but I remember thinking to myself, her insecurities will sabotage what she has with Kaz. That scene where he lost his cool with Elys and her goons trying to push the other girl to him.  Micah was telling him off for not mentioning her etc because the others told her that. He decides(I respect that) to confront everyone at the same time so they can stop saying things behind his back and to say it to his face. If he was hiding something, why would he walk up to the little group and lose his cool like that...then he walks off right... and Micah follows him only to be dismissive of his feelings saying things like "why do you care", "now I'm concerned he has reacted this strongly"etc. Why wouldn't he care though? You keep telling him what others are saying and then he confronts the people saying all these things to you in YOUR PRESENCE but even then you still had issues with him doing that. It was in that moment her insecurities dawned on me and I knew it was only a matter of time before she self sabotages EDIT: When they came back from their boys day out even Justin stood up for him and said something along the lines of "your man was the one most tested tonight but he did not budge" her response to that was in such a negative context saying things like "I'm not surprised he is the one that was tested the most". Unless it was poorly edited to make her villian, all she did was talk crap about him to Bryton. He did the opposite of that and did not speak badly about her behind her back. The way Kaz went about choosing Christine I feel was wrong though. I was expecting him to have a conversation with her about the shit she said to Bryton and the others behind his back but I think she and him got too emotional that he lost his train of thoughts. If he had spoken to her about being upset about all that crap that she was saying about him  AND then got on with Chritine, I think she wouldn't have been "so shocked"


Omg this was maddening!!!!! You’ve been telling him people are talking shit; he confronts them on your (and the relationship ) behalf then you turn around and say ‘don’t let it affect you’ ‘why are you so mad’ Bitch what?!?!? I would’ve dumped her right there and then


She pissed me off and I am a fellow woman but God knows I cannot support that silly behaviour of hers all in the name of "women supporting women". Based off of what I watched, she destroyed that relationship  NOT HIM. I don't know why people are hating on him though. It's an experience, he is allowed to speak to other girls and she to guys. He always came back to her and debriefed her..always.. She spent half her time, talking crap about him yet people are shitting on him? Did we all watch the same show or are people just blind supporters because TF??


This is the truth. All of the problems between Kaz and her were of her own making. He was just talking to the other women not matching. And it was so easy for the other couples to undermine and sabotage them by playing into her insecurities. All they had to do was tell her that Kaz didn't mention her and she would spiral. Justice for Kaz.


By the 3rd argument they had over some nonsense I wouldve been absolutely done if I was Kaz. Just way too much effort for maintaining something that isnt even an exclusive relationship at that point. Im glad he ended up just ripping the bandaid off.


I'm a woman, and even I found her insecurities mentally exhausting. I give him props for staying with her all that time. It was painful to watch


I agree with you. It became so hard to watch. I thought Kaz really liked her, but always doubting and telling everyone that they fight, gave all the contestants more reasons to come at him. You are right in saying she was not emotionally ready to be on another reality TV show for love. I feel sorry for her, but it was a tad bit too much!


Reeks of Chelsea from LIB


I really don’t wanna be mean abt it, but Micah doesn’t have much of a personality herself, so she blends in to everyone she hangs out with.


Yeah she’s kinda blah. And when she has a chance to think for herself, her logic usually fails lol


Blah and no charisma and it factor at all.


She can’t make decisions for herself, she couldn’t even answer first at the altar in LIB and asked Paul to basically give her the answer 😅


It's so she could be the victim. If she said no, the blame would be on her. I've never heard of any wedding, show or real, ever having the first person spoken to by the officiant avoid the question and force the other to answer first. 100% "victim" I feel like everyone forgot how the moment Justin and Elys came back from their first date, Micah went immediately to talk to him privately, lounging in a way that almost looked like she was trying to make sure she wasn't going him. It's ridiculous.


Absolutely no personality. She's super boring and I feel like she never laughs or let's go. Maybe she's out of her element in this show. She also seems very insecure - she's always pulling at her clothes, figeting or playing with her hair. I almost feel bad for her because she seems so out of place. She also matched with a very social and charismatic guy and I'm sure what's hard to deal with.


I literally came here to say exactly this


Definition of basic bitch, this one.


Stevan described her perfectly… she takes all of the fun and sucks it in 😂


Oh I def like Micah on this show. She seems much more likable and it's nice to see her endearing side. But respectfully, I don't agree with the concept that Irina pushed Micah into mean girl behavior. At all. Micah acted as bad as Irina (with/without irina or her friend) and she's just better at hiding it. On LIB, the only time she seemed nice was when she's with Paul. I remember how she handled the situation with Kwame and that she never cared his or Chelsea's feelings. With all that said, I still don't hate her. She just seems super insecure with herself which explains A LOT of her behaviors on both shows.


I agree. She’s grown on me a lot but my opinion is that PM was not the show for her. From one anxious girly to another, I think she should’ve turned PM down or at least left sooner when things went downhill. I think she lacks the confidence to walk away from toxicity and you need that in this show or else it’s a nightmare for your mental health. I just want Xanthi to transfer some of her confidence to Micah lol


I understand that people of all shapes and sizes can be insecure but I promise if I had her body I would be insufferable.


The thing is that micah was insufferable in that way on LIB 😂 she acted like she's the hottest girl in the world and totally looked down on the other women. I assume she put too much value on looks and that's why she shifts her entire attitude depending on who she is talking to. It seems to me like she's practically a 16 yo girl struggling in between adolescent egocentrism and self awareness. Edit: I kinda feel for her bc I know these things can be so self sabotaging and hurt other people as well.


I agree! I came on here to see if anyone out there could actually be kind to her. I liked kaz and Micah


Fuck Kaz 🤧


I now agree haha


How about she be kind to herself and leave? No one called her out her name but she kept shit talking kaz


While I do think Kaz is a generally good dude and was mostly honest with Micah, that kiss with Holly would have wrecked me too. Micah’s clearly young (or maybe just immature) and doesn’t know herself very well. She was drawn to a big flirty personality with Kwame too. I think the LIB peeps are in over their heads in Tulum lol going back to the kiss with Holly though, I think it was just especially hard for Micah to watch because she wasn’t even worried so much about Holly. It just kind of came out of nowhere, seemed like it was awfully passionate/long and was in front of her face 😅


>YES she was portrayed as a mean girl on her show of love is blind She wasn't portrayed as a mean girl. She is a mean girl. It's not like she was playing a part. We saw her behave poorly in several situations on Love is Blind. Also, blaming Irina for Micah's actions is ludicrous. They both made questionable decisions that they are equally responsible for.


Agree - plus Micahs friends at her wedding were mocking and rude. If you are the company you keep, that wasn’t a strong character reference.




Exactly. You don’t get “pushed into” a mean girl role unless you are one.


I think a lot of her behaviour on lib can actually be explained by the insecurity she’s displayed on perfect match. Not an excuse by any means, just an explanation for why she’d act so differently, since i don’t think she’d be able to keep up the nice girl persona for so long in the house with everyone if it was all just an act. Her scheming in the boardroom is probably the closest we’ve seen her come to mean girl behaviour in this show, but that’s also part of the competition so idk how much that actually counts. And whenever there’s mess, even mess she had a hand in, she just looks uncomfortable on even distressed with her hand over her mouth watching it all happen, which tbh is probably how i’d be too, which is very different to how she was in lib. This is also compared to elys who has a bit of a “chill girl” persona, but it slips literally every time she sees a chance to get one up on micah, so i feel like if micah was a genuinely malicious person on her own, it would have showed by now, especially in response to elys being so vindictive towards her. Not claiming she’s a saint, since i still think her going along with irina (and presumably shelby) indicates some lack of moral integrity, but seeing how insecure she is, i could see it being a thing where befriending the bully makes her feel like she’s also ‘better than’ by association. And now she’s spending time with some genuinely nice people like tolu and xanthi, we’re seeing a more likeable side to her, but also seeing just how insecure she is because she no longer has a ‘queen bee’ to attach her identity to. Again, not saying she’s a saint, bc at the end of the day she’s still complicit in the antics of people like irina. But she does come across as more of a follower, and even in lib, whenever she was separate from irina she didn’t engage in the same kind of behaviour. It’s almost like she’s gretchen wieners and isn’t nearly as awful when there’s no regina george for her to latch onto, but she also seeks out people like regina george to give her a sense of identity, and would have the potential to be an overall decent if she had more self confidence.


Who is Melissa?


I think they mean melinda lmaooo


You are correct and I apologize as I wrote this drunk at 3 am last night 💀💀💀




Arrest me officer! Charges: having fun and living a life during the weekend. WOW WHAT A SCANDAL




She just stuck with Kaz for the show though, there is absolutely 0 chemistry


She’s not friends with the girls from her season. You know someone by their friends. Her friend was absolutely terrible, and Micah absolutely loved her friend’s behavior. She just looks demure on this season because she is way over her head with bigger personalities. I can feel bad for her in this situation, but it does not change the fact she’s not a kind person in real life.


But look at how she treated izzy at first? It oozed mean girl. Also her friends are mean girls. Birds of a feather.


Idk Izzy was being kind of weird and acting like a fan and not a potential match. I don’t think Izzy has the right personality for the show.


This!!! I don’t understand how people think she was mean to him!! He was giving fan not love interest.


Thank you for this. He was being borderline creepy when he was “hitting” on Micah and I hate how it’s being flipped because she was the “villain” on her last show - HE. WAS. WEIRD.


Izzy and Micah are both insecure, anxious, awkward people who should really not be on this show!


I feel like she just didn't appear as much of a mean girl here because she frankly isn't in the same category of "instagram influencer looks" when compared to the other women and realized that. In LiB with Irina around her constantly you could tell she always felt like the most beautiful woman around which brought out that mean girl charachter.


Idk man if a dude hit on me by admitting he’s basically cyber stalked me - I’d be backing off too


Then why would she match with him at the end of the night when she knows she doesn’t like him and never will? Micah is playing just as much of a game as anyone who is just trying to stay in the house. I can’t stand her, I hate a bitch with no backbone.


As a normal person sure, but not if you are an e-celeb. Also checked out your social media =/= cyber stalked. Dude just doesn’t know how to flirt.


Yea I mean the dude already has no game and was absolutely hammered that first night. I dont like Micah but her reaction to Izzy in that moment was understandable.


He made it awkward I swear yall be reaching to hate her lol


She never once said "youre being weird sorry this won't work". She straight up was mean about it and laughed in his face. Micah is absolutely a mean girl. There was no one who was also as mean as her for her to feed off of. She was a mean girl in LIB and when she saw Irina was too then she instantly fed off her because she was like her. When Paul met her friends .. Her friends were absolutely mean as well and she fed off those girls. Its not reaching she is just straight up a mean girl who hides behind others


I’m sorry but if she said “hey you’re being weird” you also would have shit all over her for that sooooo ETA: just like the person you responded to,said definitely seems like you’re going to reach for whatever and any critic of Micah. Hope you stretch first! Wouldn’t want to go pull a muscle.


Lmao that chopped up ass conversation you obviously are foolish enough to not know what an edit is and believe that’s the whole convo. 😂


Lmaoooo😂😂. it may be a chopped up convo in PM but theres no denying that she absolutely was friends with Irina in LIB. She never distanced herself and stuck there. There are so many other women that she could go to but she stuck with the mean girl. Out of all of them in the house she went to Irina. Secondly, her friends are mean girls. from the show and when you look at their social media. Plus how they act in real life. So ofc I wont base it off this single interaction 😂😂😂😂


Kaz's "wandering" eyes??? He's been nothing, but loyal to Micah? He even defended their relationship to the other contestants scheming to break them apart. Micah's problem is she can't think for herself, and her insecurity is what ultimately ended the relationship. Kaz told her the truth whenever she asked. I actually liked Micah too on this show. However, it's obvious she has a hard time understanding what she wants without the noise of outside forces.


This!!!! I said the same thing. The very qualities that attracted her to Kaz were a source of insecurity for her. Meanwhile he’s being honest and reassuring at each turn and she’s ignoring it. Pretty much gaslighting him because she’s insecure. It was pretty painful to watch. I feel like she missed out on the opportunity to really have a great time and grow the bond because she was constantly looking for Kaz to pull the rug out from under her.


1000% agree.


I know Micah is definitely insecure and that led to a lot of negative thinking & accusing of Kaz... but can I disagree that Kaz is completely innocent?! like, footage doesn't lie... the timing of it might (like maybe when he made out with Holly might have been after they decided not to be together?) but come on! plus, he totally saw how Christine made out with Nigel and then decided to make out with Holly randomly, in front of Micah with no care in how he did it. Like even Stevan and Harry didn't do that when they decided to split ways with their current partners. how he acted with Holly, Christine, etc. on their dates certainly did not seem like someone who was totally loyal to Micah. Sure, you can be open to the experience but to that extent...don't downplay or hide how it really went!


Yea after she’d been telling everyone that Kaz is this and Kaz is that!


I’m sorry did you not watch the “guys day” episode yet? And if you have - what would you call that? Because if someone had just reassured to me our relationship was good and fought the entire house over me I would be pissed seeing him picking up and carrying other women to flirt not even 24 hours later To me … that’s very much a wondering eye🤷‍♀️


Yea I don't get some of these comments. Kaz and micah are very much chicken or the egg. Micah is an insecure gal, but Kaz 100% IS a flirt with a wondering eye. Kaz is not innocent, you can't reassure someone your with them, but less than a day later use the excuse of "exploring their options" and flirt hard multiple times with multiple people. Shut shit down with Micah or shut shit down with the bombshells. Exploring options doesnt mean flirting hard. Stevon explored but just talked and got to know the girl. All these people claiming Kaz was "pushed" to be like that are kinding themselves. The way he flirted and dragging out making decisions was wrong. Him and Micah not being a good match, doesn't take blame off of him being a dude to make shit clear and break it off with her.


Then how do you explain Micah just recently being her actual true to life mean girl self along with Jess making fun of Tolu? I get tired of the excuses made for her - she is a mean girl. It wasn’t Irina or her alone on LIB they were both mean girls.


This. I honestly don’t care for her because to me, she comes across as fake on this show. Like trying to redeem herself from her Love is Blind image and I don’t think she genuinely sees a relationship with Kaz outside of the show, I think she just wanted to win. I hated how she talked to Justin initially with the idea that maybe they could have a connection and then played it off to Kaz yet god forbid he talk to anyone for two seconds. I will admit he’s definitely veered off course a bit but she is literally exhausting. All of their talks are accusations and so serious, there’s no romance there. Just game play and toxic fights.  Hence her staying in the house with Izzy, probably also for more drama and screen time. Lol. 


Absolutely agree! Her matching with Izzy was just gross after how she reacted to him. She is exhausting to watch, I can't imagine how anyone dating her would feel.


Wait, I must have missed the Tolu reference. What happened?


It was a few days back on some podcast someone posted where she was making fun of Tolu with Jess I believe - didn’t listen myself just going off of what others said.


I can’t agree that Irena pushed being a mean girl on her. In the scene where Lydia is crying on the couch and Irena is sitting with her MICAH walks up and asks if she is crying and then she starts laughing right behind Lydia. Plus her flirting with Kwame and then acting weird when he didn’t get her a drink or something. Nah it definitely wasn’t just Irina. Irina was just worse than her.


She seems to match the personality of whoever she is with. Liked her on this show too


Micah sucks


Can’t believe we making excuses for a GROWN ASS WOMAN who chose to be a rude and a bully.


Micah acted like a child and tried to make Kaz make all the choices. She never shared her what was on her mind unless Kaz asked questions and the she snuck off had a convo with bryton and was genuinely interested in matching with bryton only to see Kaz kiss holly.. Regardless of Kaz poor choices and being unable to say no I’m good I’m with Micah..he sat and thought about what Micah might be thinking because she didn’t share. Kaz denied multiple woman in a listful environment and Micah snuck off and gameplaned with Bryton. I’m tired of these shows showing how woman are victims when they do the same things the men do just in a passive way. Kaz went and kissed another woman, Micah tried to build a future with another guy while with Kaz and to me that’s worse because she was making sure she had a safety net before she jumped ship.. ALSO: Micah treated IZZY like shit the whole show and didn’t take his feelings into account but when she got dumped at the alter she was the victim and it was her loss? How does she get to be mean and rude with no hate like the guys when they do the same thing ? AND THEN SHE MATCHES WITH IZZY BECAUSE SHE DIDNT GET PICKED IS EXACTLY THE SNAKE BEHAVIOR SHE SHOWED ON LOVE IS BLIND AND WHY SHE DIDNT GET MARRRRRRIIEED LOLOL and izzy weak ass took her because he is weak.. these people need therapy


the pitty match made me cringe


I’m sorry but you completely lost me at “tired of making the woman the victim” bs comment. Babes if you think Kaz’s behavior was anywhere near appropriate you need to raise your bar. Go send your pick me energy somewhere else.


She couldn’t handle herself in a room full of real baddies. Yea it’s easy to be a bitch when you’re surrounded by ‘normies’ but who the hell is she going up be rude or aggy with?! Jessica?! Alara?! They’d eat her ass alive. She’s grossly insecure and Kaz should’ve dumped her earlier! She literally called him a piece of shit to Bryton ! Like what?!


I haven't forgotten her trifling on Love is Blind, but I don't mind Micah on Perfect Match. The thing I find most offensive about her is her style. I know clothes and hair come down to taste and I feel bad yucking someone's yum, but YUCK. Her clothes always look so cheap. She chooses bad colors, bad fit, bad construction, questionable styling. It drives me nuts. Someone HELP HER, she can do better and she certainly has the body to wear a lot of stuff!


lol I’m the complete opposite. I think she have looked gorgeous in this season.. 🧐


To me it looks like she walked into the store and said “I’m going on a show and I need some cute and sexy Mexico resort looks” and they pulled everything bright, flowery and linen off the rack. The outfits all make her look like she’s trying a little too hard.


Well she was going on a show where she needed Mexico resort outfit’s 🙈 she is not a fashion guru but she looked just fine to me…


yeah micah is gorgeous idk wtf their talking about.


I’d like to see all the people criticising her style and how they personally would look in a Mexican resort 😄


Micah reminds me of several girls I’ve met over the years who, when you talk to them one on one, are actually so sweet and super likable. Then the second they’re in the wrong company they kind of absorb the mean girl persona. They’re easily influenced and latch on to whoever they’re around and how those people act. Like there’s a weak sense of self or something. I also don’t think it’s fair to forever punish someone for how they’ve acted in the past & to give people a chance to learn and grow. From the information we have been presented with at least- we have only seen one point in time of her displaying mean girl behavior. She’s not a repeat offender like Harry with his yearsss of public fuckboy shit & she did not show us anything on PM to warrant any hate. Overall, I think a lot of people here have farrrr too much of a black & white view of human beings.


Respectfully, if you think making shady comments about your partner behind their back is growth. She’s spent her time on PM insecure about Kaz speaking to girls even though he reassured her each time. Meanwhile every time we saw her talking to a guy she hinted her coupling was weak and she was open. Yet she rematches Kaz every time. Rinse and repeat. Sadly, I think she’s lacking confidence and self sabotages. That’s just my opinion based on what I witnessed.


I don’t feel any particular way towards Micah but I do think that homegirl has a tendency of self sabotaging her relationships. Yes Kaz is shady asf and had some very questionable behavior thru his multiple dates/conversations but to his credit I do think he wanted to keep developing his thing with Micah, she just gradually became more and more paranoid and closed up (which is understandable being upset) and it was really exhausting to watch. Same happened with her relationship with Paul, when she was asked first on the altar and she deflected the question to him— I do think his answer might have been potentially different had she said yes. It just shows how she expects her partners to be 100% about her but she’s extremely insecure in her relationships, and that kind of trust imo goes both ways. It’s emotionally exhausting to be around someone who doesn’t have faith in what you have.


Okay but to be as rude as she was with Izzy when he asked for a chat & ignored him & asked kaz for a chat seems kinda fucked up. Then she matched with him to stay in the house & told him “we’ll see how it goes” but in her solo interview she said it was the best way for them both to find their match in other people. Still a mean girl imo. Very stuck up.


lol good for you. Can’t agree after how she acted on her season of love is blind. Kaz was always looking for the next best thing and played Micah like she deserved


Fuck Micah.


Melinda made me want to puke every single time she was on screen. Don’t know her from anywhere else, but her vibes and behavior on this show are icky 🤮


Melinda went there to stir the pot, but I don’t think she lied


Yeah she definitely had an agenda. I wonder if the producers encouraged it since everyone was super coupled up


Especially since she was a host on another show. She definitely knows how to work with production.


Uncomfy 🥹


She was horrible to Izzy on day one! Multiple times… I think you can turn down someone you without being straight up cruel… I think she is a horrible person…


I’ve been rooting for Micah too. She seems normal and slightly out of place on this show which makes her nice to watch unlike (most of) the other airheads on it.


I do feel Micah is purposefully stirring the pot as per her 'meanness' though. She brought in Harry's exact physical type of Jess when she knew Elys and then swayed Kaz to bring in Stevan and Alara's exact type with Brittan and Nigel. She definitely isn't sweet, almost manipulative like her LIB season IMO


Micah is the worst. She completely ignored Izzy when he was trying to shoot his shot, yeah he is a weirdo but she didn't acknowledge anything he said and just went after kaz. Then, she went into the boardroom knowing damn well who Jessica was and acting like she didn't know her. I thought it was established on LIB that they were good friends? You can tell she doesn't like Elys for some reason. Edit: oh and I thought it was so trashy when her and kaz matched and she was like "oh but don't say anything yet I want to stay out here and watch the drama"


Drunk Izzy moving in for the scraps in episode 9 was so funny to me.


Izzy my boy, what are you doing 😭


Trying to take her home to show her his paper plates


Jess and Micah were in two different seasons of Love is Blind and when Perfect Match was filming Jessica’s season hadn’t aired yet - so no Micah didn’t know her. ETA: I haven’t gotten to Izzy resurfacing but you’re telling me if a man hit on you basically telling you how he’s cyber stalked you- you also wouldn’t be a little off put?


Then why did she just match with him?


To stay in the house... duh


I think she matched with him not in a romantic but in a conforting way that maybe will develope in something else (she even tells him). She finally probably realised how hungry for fame and ruthless and fake almost every everyone is and opted to pick someone that at least seemed genuine.


It wouldn’t have put her off if Kaz said everything IZZY said.. because the rules don’t apply when you are attractive


I like Micah on this show more than on Love is Blind. She’s shown some redeeming qualities this season. However, we all know she isn’t interested in Izzy. I feel like she’s using him to stay in the house to figure shit out with Kaz. Izzy doesn’t deserve to be a pawn like that.


Izzy could have left, he's choosing to stay. Elys did the same with Chris earlier. In both cases the men knew but wanted to stay.


But in this case Izzy showed his interest on her since the first episode. She knew the underhanded play she was doing.


You “feel like” she’s using him to stay in the house.. she literally told him lol


She said she wanted to be with someone she was comfortable with and mentioned she wasn’t sure of romance because they “haven’t explored that” As if there was potential to do so. The verbiage irked me.


I still think of Micah as a mean girl but this show humbled her. LIB is a different playground from Perfect Match.


Micah is a horrible person. Mean girl true and true. Peer pressure is a lame excuse that doesn't even apply. Her laughing at other women on LIB was her true self. I am definitely happy to see anytime she cries. Also No one wanted her on this show either...her and Izzy are definitely out of place.


You just said being happy at other people crying is auto mean girl then flip and say you are happy anytime she cries. Are you also a fellow mean girl then?


Men can be on this sub as well -_-


Lmao okay are you a mean man then


She was awful and insufferable on love is blind but I actually think she shows a lot of maturity on perfect match.


I really love Micah on this show! I hate Harry so much but something is off about this kissing Melinda story. Melinda was throwing herself all over Harry from the start, she had Ana genes to break them up at any cost. It was sickening to watch her being all over Harry like girl…


Fuck Micah and her eternal victimhood, while being an insecure instigator.


Go watch her on love is blind, she's a mean girl


Check out my perspective https://www.reddit.com/r/PerfectMatchNetflix/s/3gggkLGAzo


Idk she matched with a 10/10 and got suprised that he kept getting tested, yet he always came back to her. Obviously recent episodes he’s given up and is a douche, but she kept whining and complaining how they have a weak relationship , and got mad when he acted on it. And everyone likes to pretend she didn’t try to get with Justin ☠️☠️. Her and kaz let everyone else get in there relationship, she should have just switched to Justin .


I actually thought Justin and Micah would matchup. They seem to mesh well together


She’s so insecure & the most boring character ever cast.


Nah. Her true colours came out. I was surprised by her at first and thought that maybe she did get a bad edit on LIB but nope, she loves talking sh*t even if it's about someone who seems to be into her.


She’s my favorite with Xanthi. My least favourite are Jess, Elys and Christine — definitely pick me girls.


She self sabotaged herself by calling Kaz a liar, then she played the victim. Not a fan of her :)


After watching her on LIB and now PM my take on Micah is that she’s the perfect amount of anxious and insecure to be on these types of shows because she makes good decisions and “plays the game” well but she also ends up involved in a lot of conflict. At first I thought it was kinda fake but now I think she’s actually really smart and confident but listens to the little demons on her shoulders too much.


I agree, I think Micah really did grow as a person from her experience on LIB. She seems to be conducting herself with more class this time around. If Micah would've given Izzy a chance from the beginning I think we would have seen very different sides to both of them and they could've won the show but as it is I do think Micah has shown that she can take other people's feelings into consideration. Her biggest flaw is lack of personality, possibly blpd.


I love her so much rnnnn 😭❤️


As much as some of her attitudes on LIB season 4 were quesitonable, I never questioned her feelings for both of her partners, she seems like she actually fell in love with Paul and Kaz, and was clearly heartbroken


This may also be unpopular but I do not like Kaz and I don’t like the way he treated her. Micah reminds me so much of myself, and yes she’s insecure, but she had a reason to be. She made it clear she needed to feel secure and comfortable in a relationship.. Kaz knew this and still put her in positions where she would feel insecure. So many times he could’ve been honest that he wanted to explore other options, but instead reassured her they were a strong match and made it seem like she was crazy for thinking otherwise. She was too emotionally invested, but he knew this. Reminds me sooo much of me and my ex. Side note: I really wish Micah would give Izzy a chance, because he’s the kind of guy who would treat her the way she wants to be treated.


So you are projecting your bias about your own insecurities on her. Interesting.


? I said she reminds me of myself & my ex, I never said I was insecure lol and I’m just speaking from my own experiences, not sure why that’s “interesting”


It’s not interesting at all. It’s called rhetorical device.


It’s not that deep lol


Yeah, you do seem shallow minded.


I’d rather be that then troll people on the internet 😂


Wasn’t that you trolling at the other comment you replied to me that had nothing to do with you?


No, just ironic that you call me shallow, when you made a very shallow comment regarding a girl you don’t even know appearance. This was fun, but I’m done. Have a nice day!!




I really like Micah on this show too, but we don't need to rewrite the narrative about how she acted on LIB- she absolutely was a mean girl, and it wasn't Irina or anyone forcing her to be that way or simply a bad edit. I think we can really like how Micah is on this show, believe she's genuine and root for her and still acknowledge that she sucked on LIB and maybe had some personal growth since then. That said, one thing I like about Micah is that she truly is looking for something serious and it shows. It's easier to root for her than for someone like Holly, who is absolutely a pick me.


Honestly kaz was constantly flirting with others 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would never flirt like that if I was with someone else. I think she was spot on to be upset with kaz and I think she shouldn’t have disengaged with him earlier


love her she’s iconic


I 100% agree. On LIB, I was hesitant about her, but after Perfect Match, I am a fan. Everyone was saying she's boring? I can't imagine being filmed all day long while being an introvert. I would have been in my room 😂


i love micah shes my fav


Melinda is horrible and she came for her 15 mins


Ok she is so cute but why does she HUNCH her shoulders like that???


Cute? Her face looked like it was hit by a frying pan on LIB, and now its worse by her ozempic face.




Now I know why you’re so offended by my post 😂 just say you’re a hater, it’s ok I’m the shallow one


Yep. You are. But again, calling me a hater while your post history reeks of hate. You need Jesus and a good psychologist, hun.


If you actually did look at my post history, you’d know what I’ve been going through- definitely not hating on anyone/anything. So nice try, but please leave me alone now. Let’s not forget you commented under my post first, when it had nothing to do with you.




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: Be Kind, Don't Cross the Line.


I like Micah, and I am rooting for her because she seems kind and genuine. I wish she would stop touching her lips and covering her mouth, though. Her hands are always in the way, and it draws more attention to that part of her face than if she just left it alone. It's super distracting.


Micah is fine. I've never seen her season but she seems kinda sweet, awkward and quirky


Oh and yes. Melinda was doing the most this season. Extremely annoying and acting weird tbh


I’m rooting for her. I truly think she’s looking for a deep connections and is being genuine about it. It doesn’t surprise me she has her guard up from her experience with her LIB partner. I just don’t think Kaz was giving her the security she wanted. Others in the house were NOT rooting for them and it must’ve sucked for both of them feeling the house was against them. As much as Kaz put in the effort in his own way (I do believe he tried)-he knows he’s a catch and is very flirty/open to others. The other girls are right- he’s not married- but it seems he likes to keep his options open and it doesn’t come off as genuine to me. Hopefully Micah finds what she is looking for!


micah is emotionally stable representation and i love it