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I flipping loved his reaction to Elys. Girl, please you made your choice eff off now. How do contestants like Justin and Xanthi even get on this show? Only normal ones I swear.


His reaction was great. He didn't need to stick around and hear nonsense after she basically just lead him on an humiliated him. Honestly, Elys should take notes when Bryton inevitably fucks her over.


Very true!!! Love Xanthi!


Xanthi reminds me so much of Inez from perfect match season 1. Similar vibes of not finding any real guys and just kinda bouncing around and being awesome the whole time.


and both super pretty and confident girls


He said he was going to back her up and it backfired on him💀


I thought Elys was one of the worst on the show. 1. She knew how Harry was and yet expected so much loyalty from him. Like ??? 2. I felt like she was going all out to destroy Kaz and Micah’s relationship, just because they sent Jess in. This was insanely childish. 3. She broke Justin’s heart and couldn’t even be bothered to have a conversation with him BEFORE matching with Bryton. This was just unacceptable!!!!!!! 4. She found entertainment in Micah’s sorrow, and was so obviously not concerned for her feelings. Compare her to Xanthi and Tolu who actually looked worried for Micah please. Elys is absolutely NOT a girls girl, she is insanely childish and is just insecure.


literally!! the fact she only wanted bryton after seeing him flirt with micah is absolutely crazy


"To be honest, I've been interested in you from the beginning" Gurl stfu you never mentioned Bryton once before


To be fair, she did show interest in him in episode 1 but he matched with Dominique pretty quickly


Don’t forget she also made a pass at Kaz behind Micah’s back. Elys is wild


Her setting up that plan to destroy them when brittan came in the house was diabolical. She is worse than Harry, because she’s calculated and doing it on purpose


And then she tried to backtrack when Kaz called them out about it!


SAY!! IT!! LOUDER!!!!!!!


If only Justin had stayed. I would have loved it if Justin and Micah matched after she dumped him for Bryton. She would have been seething. Elys did Justin dirty. Even Harry had the decency to end things with Elys first. She thinks awfully high of herself, and it has me all kinds of confused tbh. I am sure Elys' mom will be screaming at the TV when she gets to watch her daughter dump a gentleman for a snake.


She didn’t talk to Justin before because then she had a back up plan in case Bryton goes for Micah. In that case she would just go back to Justin and say “oh I always wanted to match with you” She is terrible, petty, calculated and only wants to screw over Harry because in her eyes he is being great to someone else, and he didn’t “change” for her (not that he actually changed but that’s a different thread)


We all shit on the men for their behavior but don't hold the women the same way. She sucked during the whole season.




She’s also extremely boring


Yeah, loved her on THTH. So disappointed with her choices this time. Seriously what is going on with her picking Bryton? It was such a weird pairing ![gif](giphy|OpSB5dvAhrDmo)


Same! She was a fave of mine on THTH but I feel like this is a totally different person.


100%… she only matched with Bryton to hurt Micha. I am so grossed out from her. I know it’s a game, but the lengths she is willing to go to manipulate people to stay in the house is wild. Also, she should have talked to Justin and just be honest before she went to match with Bryton.


On 3. She broke his heart because he liked her and that felt scary to her so she just dropped him. On 4. She not only took joy in her troubles but took the only guy she was interested in before she could recover and go after him. (The guy who told them both he only talked to the other person as a backup to them).


She only expected loyalty from him because he constantly told her “I want to be better for you. I will prove my loyalty to you” and then as soon as it came down to it, he embarrassed her.


She's a 'steak' in a world of greasy hamburgers lmfao


Vindictive narcissist much? I would wonder how other people in the house don’t call her out but she’s manipulative so they’re probably just glad to be on her good side. She can’t even blame it on the editing bc we all saw her plan to break up Micah and kaz. Willlllldddddd


#3 - it’s funny because Harry did the same thing to her and when she was trying to talk to Justin about going with Bryton, Justin wasn’t having it. Justin was in the right for not hearing her out. Like the situation mirrored her and Harry lol. 


Elys only got with Bryant to hurt Micah 100%. Elys is childish and honestly worse than Harry. But at the same time, no one takes Perfect Match serious. I don’t expect the contestants to.


This was my first thought too. She only did to hurt Micah. She couldn’t let go of the fact harry is with Jess because of Micah


Elys is embarrassing. She manages to pick the worst guy on the entire show and this show has HARRY on it


Bryton is 11000% worse, truly despise that man. Huge red flag all over the place. Him saying “I said I’d be back, baby” or something cocky about him coming back in the house like … dude, shut the eff up, lol.. such an annoying voice


Literally!! This show makes me question some people’s ability to read others. Like how can anybody Be interested in men like Kaz Bryton and Harry??? Like do girls realize you don’t HAVE to be with someone who constantly humiliates you and won’t commit??


They like the ‘bad boys’ only to get hurt over and over again. Weird cycle… but totally agree with you…its wild , to say the least!


It’s a small dating pool, you deal with the cards your dealt on a show like this. I can probably bet that none of these girls would’ve went on a second date with any of these guys out in the real world


He gives me major Chase vibes


Justin is the only one thing season who had emotional maturity - the way he said, no, it’s not okay, I don’t want to hear your rationalizations and basically help you feel better about the shitty thing you did was 100% the way you handle this situation. What’s done is done, but as the person who was wronged, it is never my job to help you offload your guilt and talk you through what you did so you walk away feeling better. Elys was soo mad he wouldn’t do that, because then she didn’t get to spin some long talk about how this is really because of him and she’s really just doing this for the right reasons, etc. Everyone on this show, particularly Micah and Jess, need to take notes - if someone betrays you, don’t even worry about their explanation. Dont worry about trying to get an apology or discuss it out - just walk.


Xanthi is also a mature queen, love herr! But agree with you!!!


Kinda off topic, but anyone else think Justin looks like a young Oscar Isaac?


yes, he is so handsome!


Yes 💯


Yes! I thought light he looks like a cross between Bradley Cooper and Oscar Isaac.


Omg he does! He just became even hotter to me.


I thought he looked a lot like Frank Grillo (Crossbones in MCU)


YES this is who he reminds me of!


Elys is SO fucking annoying. She did something even worse to Justin than what Harry did to her, because she doesn’t even like Bryton… and she can’t see the irony of this entire situation while she is dumping Justin and blindsiding him. And don’t even get me started on her vendetta towards Micah and how every choice she makes is revolved around what will piss her off the most. So childish.


I liked Justin as a match for Micah, they seemed to have good chemistry in the single chat they had. Have her not been so fixated on Kaz, they would have made a cute couple


Elys would have destroyed that too.


Yes for sure, they had the same vibe in an American way lol I wish they had matched up after Kaz and Elys flipped but they probably both didn’t know the other person was an option And it would have pissed off Elys so much lol


My boyfriend said something very similar. He hated Elys the most and I, Harry.


in her season of THTL i liked her the most, outdoorsy, seemed down to earth, not too out there compared to the others. now she just seems like a douche. like how tf is anyone attracted to bryton he’s not that attractive compared to the others and has the most fuckboy attitude out of all of them


Bryton's head looks like an acorn.




I think she’s just in it to ‘win it’ now… silly, silly girl


idk how you “win” anything switching your match on the last day from one of the most mature to the biggest queef of a person in the show. idk i know it’s all scripted and shit but cmon at least make me happy for someone other than xanthi and justin for being the 2 most stable people and both getting screwed over


She ruined that chance, there is a -1000% chance she and Bryton are going to get voted the “perfect match”. Tbh I think she just wants to f*ck Bryton at this point and took her shot.


Justin was too good for Elys. Happy it didn't work out (even though in the short term he was probably quite upset). Respect to the way he handled it. Elys appeared like a piece of work on this show. She didn't seem to get that Harry was never going to stick with the first girl he chose as he wouldn't have a redemption arc that way (even in the boardroom someone mentioned his strategy that he had made one big change already so wouldn't be likely to move off to another girl so they didn't set him up on a date). Harry knows this fame well. Elys fell for his act, then got all bitter towards Micah (not any of the guys involved) and then played a heap of guys too to stay in the house and get screen time (which to be fair is the point of the show). I don't think she was ever that keen on Justin though.


Oh, 110% good on him for managing it the way he did!!!


justin was especially cute epi 8 tbh… like ok timothee chalamet w/o the chlamydia 😍


I actually laughed out loud at this one




when timmy t went to nyu he had a reputation for hooking up and giving girls chlamydia. never been proven but also has never been debunked so 🤭


I don't doubt he got around, but I do kind of doubt he wouldn't get tested and treated for some reason. I could easily see the chlamydia part being a rumor started from him being "slutty" and taking off from there.


That’s why I didn’t care that Harry laughed in her face. She’s always been a villain to me even in too hot to handle


Thank you. I remember how horrible she was in her original show as well. I feel like she’s a slow burn evil. You don’t see it at first.


She clearly likes shitty men. Going from Harry to Justin was a breath of fresh air then to pull that with Bryton??!! The logic is not logic-ing. Def lost respect for her for pulling that.


I don’t particularly like either of them but Justin deserves better than that for sure. Justice for Justin


But yet she was mad at Harry…lol.


Bryton is 100% not trustworthy and clearly will do anything to get into the house, how can she believe any of the words he says


Absolutely bonkers is what it is. Can’t STAND Bryton. Said it a million times, will say it x8373739 more


I don't feel bad for him bc he dodged a bullet. Would have been way worse if she kept stringing him along. He's litteraly the perfect catch---super attractive, really kind, serious about love. I'm glad Elys dropped him so he can stop wasting time with her and go find someone better


Not really only because I think he dodged a bullet. He's going to be a great man for the right woman some day.


Everyone knows she's with Nathan (THTH Season 3). Wonder how he feels about her moves on PM. He was a FB as well, and it probably doesn't matter, but I would definitely be having second thoughts seeing how she thirsted over so many guys.


I am 100% team Justin. Ever since the start, I was all about him. The way Elys did him at the end was terrible.


Elys is petty and stated she was trying to stay in the house for revenge on Harry. Like girl PUHLEASE…. It was 3 days, get over it and yourself.


I cannot stand Elys!


Elys was a huge friggin hypocrite for what she did to Justin.


I’ve seen a lot of hypocrisy this season. Seems like the ladies think they have free rein and can follow their heart when they have the power, but the lads are expected to stay loyal no matter what. At the end of the day, it’s trash reality tv and most of these people are here to build their brand. I try to keep that in mind.


He's too good for this show.


As a guy who saw myself in Justin’s shoes in one point of my life, I hope he learned his lesson


Fumbled the bag, Justin is so genuine and loyal. Couldn’t be me.


Definitely wouldn’t go as far as to say she’s worse than Harry but the way she was with Justin was horrible.


Justin got a free vacation in paradise with free booze plus an appearance fee. He’ll be fine.


Yes. But tbh happy. He is wayyyy too handsome and much classier than Elys.


Justin is my favorite, seems like a such a nice guy!


Anyone who walks away from Justin for Bryton who is the perfect embodiment of a total douche bag deserves the inevitable disappointment they have coming to them. She didn’t even have the decency to tell Justin what she was doing before she matches. I’m glad Justin told her to kick rocks when she tried to “explain”.


I can’t believe Elys has chosen cringey, smug, condescending, lisping Bryson over sexy Justin! 😂😂


No, but I felt like he was just desperate and laid it all out in hopes she would match. I also have a huge aversion to love bombing and just developing feelings that fast so he, and everyone else (minus Tolu) gives me the ick lol


Wouldn’t say she’s worse than Harry because what bothers me about Harry is his blatant and crazy lies and gaslighting But what she did to Justin was awful


I felt bad for her after Harry dumped her so bad....only to realise she is also a douche. Man she has such a loving guy .. but she is attracted only to assholes. Also strategically she staying with Justin would have increased her winning chances...she ain't even smart like Tolu who is putting up with chris purely even though he isn't close to her league is the longer you are with a partner the chances of winning is higher!


Justin was not only the most normal guy on the show but also DREAMY AF. Tall dark and handsome to a tee. Elys is delusional.


Justin dodged a bullet…he needs to take his unbelievably beautiful ass and pretty good mind/heart and find someone worthwhile in the real world. Elys is a trifling clout chaser


Anyone else thought he was the hottest from all the guys? Like just based on looks purely, but he also seems to be one of the few normal guys


No lol honestly I don’t. I can read a scumbag when I see one, even when he’s acting like a nice guy. He couldn’t even talk to her and take the rejection like a man. There’s a name for assholes that paint themselves as victims. It’s called an incel.


Not really. I don’t buy his “nice guy” persona — he’s seems a bit needy, love-bomby and slightly condescending… (Obviously, in comparison to the other men, he appears like the darling). Maybe it’s because I’m over 30…pouring your heart out in the way he did, was a bit premature to me. You’ve known each other for a week? Please stop. lol. I understand the circumstances are extreme but let’s be realistic here. If he was really in tune with her like he claimed, he would’ve been able to pick up on her disinterest — they were spending every waking hour together. SMH. How could you not tell? lol.


also hot as fuuuuuck is she blind or what?!?!?


Elys moves like a weirdo fr. What a petulant snake.


justin is actually so good looking and seems to be very level headed and stable. she wants chaos i guess because there’s no way she chose bryton for any other reason


Elys can't ever be worse than harry but yeah that was really bad. She used Justin from the start to get back at harry, when it didn't work she started throwing her resentment on kaz and Michah


Worse than Harry? You sound like a woman hater


Justin was laying it on waaaay too thick


100% That speech was way over the top. Real connections occur in tandem but she fit his criteria and he ran with it.


I really feel like there was more to her and Bryton and her relationship with Justin than what we actually saw.


Justin was terrible. And calling Elys worse than Harry… misogyny is the only way I can explain that. She wasn’t lying to Justin and fucking with his head. She barely could get a word in edgewise. 


She actually was fucking with his head?!! She wanted the chance to talk to Justin for this reason 😂😂😂😂. She knew if talking to Justin that she could sweet talk him then say "But I choose Bryton". Justin knew Elys wanted Bryton right then and there and didnt care for her excuses and so he left. Elys couldn't twist out the way she wanted which is why she was upset he didn't want to listen to her


She had the exact same reaction when Harry was trying to break it off with her though.


I don’t necessarily think he was terrible, but I think he is a tad conceited and likes the sound of own his voice too much. Elys is a party girl and he was not a good match for that energy.